Touring with Nsync

By moc.loa@211enobD

Published on Mar 2, 1999


This is my first attempt at righting a story. I first want to say that in no way am I implying about any of the guys of N sync or the Backstreet Boys are gay. Even though I wish along with every other gay guy in the world wish they were. It is pure fantasy. I also want to say that in now way did I write any song in this story. They were written by someone else for Brandy, Dru Hill and any other group or act that I may use as my own. I don't mean to take credit for any of them. Enjoy the story.

Touring with N'sync

This was it. I was at N'sync/Backstreet Boys concert, and I was nervous. I was nervous not because I was going to be with stars but because I was going on stage. Not to mention I was around my biggest crush, Justin Timberlake. See I am gay but the only people that know are my best friend Joe who sings with me. The other guys in the group know also, but Joe new how I felt cause he was also gay. He had a big thing for Nick Carter.

I am 18 years old, 6 ft tall with curly light brown hair and hazel eyes. I have been told that I was very good looking and I get a lot of attention from the ladies but I always thought it was because I was a singer. Joe was also a good-looking guy. He was 21 with brown hair and brown eyes. We had meet on the Internet and found out that we both wanted the same thing, and that is to sing. We both wanted to be able to sing in front of other people then the schools we sang for. Then we met Keith and Tom. Tom is 24 and Keith is 28. We all got together Dogg House talent show. (The Dogg House is a radio show in the San Francisco area.) We and started a group called flavva. We had heard about this contest which the winners would go to LA and compete in a final talent competition, and the winner would go on to record an album and go on the world tour with N'sync and the Backstreet Boys. We had won the talent show in San Francisco and were now in LA.

We were back stage waiting for the show to start when some of the other groups and stars began to show up. We met the other talents that were on the tour, Brittney Spears, Aaron Carter, Tatiana Ali, and Innocence. And we met the other that we were competing against. We were standing around talking when Kevin and Howie walked in. The seemed to really nice and introduced there selves to everyone. They then walked over to us and began to talk to us.

"We have heard a lot about you guy" said Kevin shaking our hands,

"Not as much as we hear about you guys." Tom said.

"No really! We hear you guys are the ones to beat. With the lead singer you guys have, you may just win." Howie said.

"You guys know him?" I asked.

"No, but we heard him on the tape we got of the talent show. He has a powerful voice and a nice range." Kevin said with a serious look on his face.

"So which one of you are we talking about?" asked Kevin looking at me.

"You're looking at him." Joe said with a big grin on his face.

"Its you the others have to watch out for huh?" Howie said jokingly said.

"No. We are a group and they have to look out for us. I maybe up front but we are all in this thing together." I said looking back at the others.

"Well no matter what, we want to wish you luck." Said Kevin.

"Thank!" We all said in unison. They then walked off and went to there dressing room. Just then, JC, Lance and Nick walked in. JC and Nick were laughing and Lance was walking behind them all wet. They said Hi to everyone, and went in to there dressing room. Then A.J. walked in and talks to everyone and then went to a table with some food on it. While he was eating he began to talk to Keith. Joey and Chris came running in and ran straight to A.J. They whispered something to him and he excused him self and went into the dressing room with the others. Just as the door closed in walked in Justin and Brian. They seemed to in the middle of a deep conversation and didn't say anything to anyone but each other. They then went in the room with the others and close the door. I was standing by the door and could hear some yelling and then about 5 minutes later Brain came out in a hurry.

"Fine then!" Justin said with anger and hurt out of the room.

I looked into the room and could see that he was upset. He looked up at me and started to cry. Kevin then came out of the door and closed it. He said, "Sorry but this is personal and we need some privacy."

I looked at him and move away from the door and apologized. I then went back to where Joe was and began to talk to him but I couldn't keep my eye off the door and my mind on our conversation.

About a half an hour before the show was about to start Justin came out of the room and spoke to everyone. He then came up to me and shook my hand and said "Hi!"

In shock and star struck all I did was stand there with my mouth open shaking his hand. I was holding the hand of the finest guy on earth and looking into his eyes. I was as close to heaven at that moment that I thought I could get. To feel the warmth of his had and to hear his voice talking to me made me almost faint.

"Is there something wrong?"

When he said that it brought me back to reality and I finally said something. "No, nothings wrong. Sorry. Hi!"

"So you're the guy Kevin told me about?"

"What did he tell you?" I said starting to blush a little.

"He said that you and your group were really good. He also said that you had a really strong voice."

"Thank you but we have to win here tonight. That's what we really would like."

"Well, I can't say much about it cause I am one of the Judges for tonight but if you are as good as He says then you just maybe touring with me pretty soon." He said with a big smile on his face. " Well good luck."

"Thank you! And see you later."

"There is just one more thing." He said.


"Can I have my hand back. I kinda need it later and you seem to have it." When I looked I saw that I hadn't let go of his hand and was still shaking it.

"I am so, sorry." I said letting go of his hand.

"No problem! I know your nerves."

He then walked off going over to one of the managers talking to him. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Then I heard a voice say, "You seem to like him."

When I turned around it was Nick Carter. I was kinda embarrassed because he was right but I didn't want everyone to know. "What do you mean?" I asked

"I have been watching you and I think you like Justin." Nick said with a big smile on his face.

"Yeah! He seems to be real nice so why wouldn't I like him." I said defensively.

"That's not what I meant. I mean you seem to be attracted to him."

Because he caught me off guard I didn't know what to say. He then laughed and said, "Don't trip. If you win then you will know that its ok if you do like him. But know that he is seeing someone." He said kinda low.

I looked at him kind of strange and he patted me on my shoulder and said, "Good luck dude." And walked off.

The show has started, and the first three talents had gone on and did they're thing. The first act was a group of girls that were pretty good but didn't have very good harmony but the were good looking. The second act was a girl with a nice voice but you could tell she didn't have any training. The third was a guy that looked good and could dance he butt off but he didn't have the worlds greatest voice. That just left us and an other group of guys.

"And the next group is a very talented group of guys. They are from the San Francisco Bay Area, and are going to try and win this thing and go on the N'sync Backstreet Boy's tour." Said the announcer.

"And here they are, Flavva!" This was it. We had to go out and do this to win.

We stepped out on the stage with one of the managers and stood next to him. "So where are you guys from?" He asked.

"I am from Hayward, Joe here is from LA and Tom and Keith are from Oakland." I answered.

"Well, you told us everyone's name but your own?"

"Me?" I asked nervously. " My name is Donny."

"Well, Donny. What are you guys going to sing for us tonight?"

"We are going to sing one of our favorite groups songs."

"And what group would that be?"

"We have many people we look up to like Dru Hill, Brian Mcknight, Michael Jackson, and many others, but we are going to go back and sing something that brought the groups back. Boys II Men." Joe explained.

" What will you be singing tonight?"

"End of the Road." Tom answered.

"That's not an easy song to sing. Boys II Men are really talented and are hard to copy." The manager explained, looking at the judges.

I hadn't looked anywhere but at the audience and at the manager. When he looked at them so did I. That's when I saw them. At a long table sat 6 people. Two were older guy from the record company and the management. As I looked down the table there was Kevin and Brian from the B.S.B. along with Brittney Spears. Then at the end of the table with a big sexy smile on his face was Justin Timberlake. Seeing them made me even more nervous. This is something I always wanted. This was my big chance. I could become a recording artist and tour with two of the hottest bands out today.

"Good luck fellas." Said the manager as he walked of stage, leaving us to get started. The light went down and the music started to play. I looked over at the panel of judges and they all had a serious look on their face but Justin. He was smiling and seemed eager to hear us sing. He really seems to be looking at me but maybe I was just hoping that was what he was doing. I turned my attention to the audience as Keith began to sing. As we sang the song I would look over at the judges and would look Justin in the eye and he would give me a big smile. I would also see that Brian would look over at him and then at me and he didn't look happy.

When we were done everyone was on they're feet clapping, yelling and jumping up and down. We took a bow and ran off the stage.

In the back we began to hug each other and get patted on our back but some of the others in the back. As we were celebrating our performance the next group went out and started theirs. Nick walked up to us and said, "You guys are great! I had heard that you were good but you guys sounded better the Boyz II Men. You just may win. Even though Justin wanted you guys to win anyway."

"What do you mean he wanted us to win?" asked Tom

"Forget I said that." Nick said trying to change the subject.

"No what did you mean by that?" I asked.

"Nothing!" Nick said as he was walking off.

"D, what do you think he meant by that?" asked Joe.

"I don't have clue. Maybe Justin really like what he heard on the tape and thought we would be a good choice to go the tour. I don't know."

Then the other group came off stage just as happy as we were when we came off stage. " Now it is all up to the judges. They will decide who will be going to the recording studio and on tour with N'sync and the B.S.B. Will all of the act please come out here so we can read off the winners? We all went out and stood around the announcer as a girl from the audience brought him a piece of paper. He opened it and read it. "And the winner is--" We all stood there with our fingers cross and eyes closed hoping he was going to say our names. It was only a few seconds but it seemed like and eternity. Just as I thought I was going to go insane I heard his voice. "And the winner of the World Tour with N'sync and the Backstreet Boys are... Flavva!"

When we heard the winner we went crazy. We jumped up and down and hugged each other. I even hugged the guy who made the announcement. At that point the management guys came out along with the others and started to shake our hands and tell us what we were going to be doing. "Now as the winners, you will be going to Orlando to record your first album and in three months you will be going on promotional events and then on tour with the others." We were trying to pay attention but we were a little too happy at the time. We were talking and still hugging any and everyone that came our way. The girls from Innocence came over and congratulated us and so did Brittney Spear. Then JC, Lance, Chris, AJ, and Kevin came over.

"You guys were great." Said JC

"Yeah! I think we better watch out cause you guys may take over the tour if you guys come with the album the way you did tonight." Kevin said playfully.

"All I have to say is, Awesome!" Said Lance.

While we were talking with them, Nick walked up behind me and whispered to me, "Told you that you would win."

I turned around and he started to walk off with a big smile on his face. As he was walking off I could see in a corner that Justin and Brian was talking. As I looked on I could see that Brian was upset and that Justin seemed to be trying to calm him down but Brian didn't want to even talk. He started to walk off and Justin grabbed his arm. Brian snatched away and took off. Justin began to cry so I walked over to him. He had his back to me so when I got to him I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Justin are you ok?" He turned around and tried to stop crying but he couldn't. Finally he said, "I'll be alright. I just need to be alone."

"Ok but sense we are going to be spending a lot of time together I thought I would start off by helping you. You seem to be upset and I can't have one of the big stars that I am touring with upset." He looked up and smiled. It wasn't that smile that I am use to seeing when I saw him on TV or in pictures, but I still almost fainted. He looked so cute. I wanted to take him and hold him until he was happy again. I wanted to take away all the pain he was feeling and through it all away. But I couldn't. All I could do ask if he was ok. I couldn't let him know that I was gay. He could have me kicked off the tour and I couldn't take that. I would rather be around him and be a friend then not to be with him at all.

"Just you asking helps. It shows that you really want to help, but it is something I have to do on my own." Justin said with a sad look on his face. Just as I was about to say something else Kevin came over and said, "Hey, Donnie. You need to go to the dressing room cause you soon to be manager needs to speak to you and the others."

"Ok!" I responded. Looking back at Justin I asked, "Are you going to ok?"

"Sure, and that's for asking."

"No problem. That's just how I am." I said as I was walking off.

"Ok Justin, what's going on?" Kevin asked as he saw me go into the dressing room.


"Then why are you over here crying? And where is Brian?"

" I don't know. He was pissed cause I wanted Flavva to win and he said that I want to be with Donny and not him. That the only reason I liked Flavva was because of Donny." Well is he right? Is that why you asked us all to help them win? Not that they needed our help."

"NO! I had a feeling that they would do really good, and they would really be an asset to the tour. Not to mention they would make it big."

"Did you tell B that?"

"Of course but he still thinks I am attracted to Donny."

"Are you?"

"I love Brian and that all!" Justin said starting to get angry.

"Hey Justin. I don't mean to make you anymore upset then you already are, I just wanted to know. Cause if you are then you need to brake it off with my cousin. At least it wouldn't be as hard then." Justin looked at Kevin with pure anger and said, "I love Brian and I would never hurt him." Justin then walked off and went in the direction Brian did when he left him.

"Ok guys. This is it. You made it and it's just going to go up from here." Said one of the managers. From here, you have to go home and do what you need to do because you maybe gone for a year or more depending on how the tour goes. You have 3 days to go home get packed and handle any lose ends. Then you have to come back to LA for a few interviews. The others are going to the Grammy's and if you like you can also attend. But if you don't then you can go fly to Orlando and begin your album. You have 3 months before the tour starts so you want to get it done as soon as possible. We have a few songs written already that will be perfect for you, if you want them. JC and some of the others are willing to help you."

He went on and on about the tour and our contracts. "We are also asking that you sign a waver that says if anything that goes on personally behind stage that it stays behind stage. If at anytime you talk to the press about anything that goes on without management knowing then you contract will be null and void. Which means we will no longer provide you with any legal help. And you will be dismissed from the tour."

As he was talking Tom leans over to me and says, "What the hell what that all about?"

"I don't have a clue. But what ever they ask us to do then we better do it cause this is our big chance and I don't want to blow it."

After we all went home and got what we needed and said bye to our families, we went to LA and went to the Grammy's. It was great. We got to see some of the biggest names like Maddona, Janet Jackson, Babyface, Brian Mcknight, and many others. At the same time I was also becoming good friends with Justin, Lance and Nick. Nick and Lance seemed to be kinda close. Justin was close to everyone but he seemed to be more so with Brian. I was becoming a good friends with everyone but Brian. Every time I came around he would say Hi and walk off. He was cool with Joe, Tom and Keith but when it came to me he was real cold.

We were boarding a plane to Orlando and Justin and I were talking. We talked about sports and how it was to travel to other countries and all over the US. We also talked about God and what we believed. We seemed to believe is the same thing. "So I hear that you are seeing someone. May I ask who and how do you find the time to be with her?"

Justin looked at me as if he didn't know what to say. "Well, I have to tell you that I am seeing someone and I am in love. We get to spend more time with each other then you think."

"How do you find the time."

"We are together almost all the time now."

"Is she going on the tour with us?" I asked digging to find out who was with the guy I was falling in love with.


"Is it someone already on the tour?"

"Yeah!" Justin said laughing and looking around.

"Then it was true? You and Brittney are dating?" I said as my heart dropped.

Justin smiled and said "No. It's not Brittney."

"Then who is it?"

"Well, I feel like I can trust you so I guess I can tell you."

"Who am I going to tell. If I do I could loose my chance to go on this tour and I don't want to do that."

Justin leaned over to me and whispered, "Its Brian."

My jaw dropped open and fell in my lap. I did just hear him say Brian did I? No, I misunderstood him. It couldn't be that Justin and Brian were a couple. "Who?"

"Brian and I are together and in love." I did hear him right. Justin Timberlake, the finest guy in the world was gay. Not only was he gay but he had a boyfriend. That's when it hit me. He has a boyfriend.

"I hope it doesn't bother you that I am gay, does it?" I sat there looking at him. On one hand I was happy cause the guy I lusted over and started to fall in love with, after spending time with him. But I was also hurt cause he was in love with someone else.

"Donny? Are you ok? Are you angry? Do you not like the fact the I am gay?"

"No. It doesn't bother me." I finally said.

"Good! Cause I was starting to like having someone else around my age other than Nick. And I really do like you."

"Justin I have to tell you something."

"What?" I sat there looking at the one person I wanted to be with and he had someone else. I wanted to tell him how I felt and kiss him so bad but I knew I couldn't.

"What is it? You can tell me. I mean I just told you I was gay so you can tell me anything."

Just then a voice came over the intercom and said, "Flight 318 to Orlando Florida is now boarding. All first class and people with children please board first."

Justin then grabbed his bag and said, "Well that's us. Come on before all the good seats are taken." He grabbed my hand and helped me up and dragged me to the plane. When we got on Nick and Lance were in the first 2 sits and Howie and Brittney were on the other side of them. Kevin sat behind Howie and next to Kevin was Tom. Behind them sat Joe and Keith who were laughing and having a good time knowing we were on our way. Behind Nick and Lance was AJ and Chris. They were already going to sleep. JC sat behind Joe and Keith all my himself and Brian sat across from him. Joey sat by himself in front of Brian. Justin had let go of my hand and plopped down next to Brian and said, "Sit here next to JC so we can talk."

JC smile at me, patted on the sit and said, "Yeah, sit here so I can get to know you like Justin does."

I smiled and sat down next to him. I looked over at Justin who was snuggled up with Brian. Justin kissed him on the neck and laid his head on Brian's shoulder. As the plane took off, I couldn't keep my eyes off of Justin. Finally after about a half an hour JC said, "Nick was right."

When he said that I turned around and said, "What do you mean?"

"Nick told me that you had a thing for Curly, but I told him he was wrong."

"He is!"

"Come on. We have been on this plane for almost an hour and you haven't taken your eyes off of him yet." Because he was right I couldn't say anything I just turned around and tried to go to sleep. He then said, "Don't worry about it. You're not the only one that is gay. Justin, Brian, Nick, Lance, and myself are all gay."

"Is that why they told us that we had to sign that thing saying we wouldn't talk about what was going on behind the senses."

"Yeah. It is for our protection, and now yours."

"JC, why does Justin stay with Brian?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I have been around you guys a month and I have seen Justin crying. At the time I wasn't sure why but now I am. It's because of him. The first 2 times were at the contest and another time before the Grammy's. So why does he stay with him?"

"I can't tell you?"

"Do you not know or you just can't tell me?"

"I can't tell you." He looked at me as if to say 'Don't ask me cause I may tell you' so I didn't.

"We have been in Orlando for a 3 month now and we have recorded are album. The single has been release. And they have asked that you write a song as a solo." Tom told me. "Maybe you can get your friend Justin to help you with a song."

"Yeah! You guys have been spending a lot of time together." Joe said jokingly.

"Mostly after he and Brian broke up." Keith said.

"First off, Justin and I are just friends. Second, he and Brian are trying to work things out."

"Why did they brake up in the first place?" Joe asked.

"They were always fighting and Justin told him that he had feelings for someone but he didn't love them the way he loved Brian, and Brian go pissed and broke it off."

"Who does Justin have feelings for?" Tom asked with a devilish grin.

"How would I know?"

"You are his best friend aren't you"

"Look, I don't want to talk about this anymore. I have a game to go to tonight and I don't want to be late. So if we are done, can I go?"

"You need to start on that song. The record company asked that you make a solo and they want it before the end of next week." Keith said seriously.

"You know I really don't want to do this? I feel that we are a group and that we shouldn't make it seem like I am the only one singing."

"You know that's not what's going on. After the release of our first single and our first video, the response for you was big so they thought it would be a good idea to have you do a solo and we ALL agreed." Joe said trying to keep me calm. "Besides, isn't Justin suppose to help you with the song anyway?"

"Yeah, but we are going to a basketball game tonight. Besides I think I have written it already I just need to let someone here it first."

"We're here. Play it for us." Keith said as he stood up.

"I can't. I need for the person I wrote if for to hear first." I said in hopes they would leave me alone.

"Well I hope Justin really likes it." Joe whispers to me. I push him away in a playful way and told him to shut-up. Just then Justin walks in. "Hey guys! I hear you guys single is blowing up the charts. When is the album going to released?"

"As soon as Donny finishes his song." Keith says in an aggravated voice.

"I'll get on him about it." Justin says smiling. "Are you ready to go?"

Looking at Keith for permission to go I say yeah. "Well let's go. My car is outside."


I say bye to everyone and Keith says he last about the song and I promise to have it in 2 days. Justin and I walk out to his car and get in. We begin to drive and I reach over and turn on the radio. "Don't you ever get tired of listening to the radio?" Justin asks jokingly.

"Yeah, when you get sick of singing." I respond playfully.

We talk as he drives to the stadium. We almost get there and he yells" Damn it!"

Startled, I look and say, "What's Wrong?"

" You will never believe what I forgot?"


"I forgot the tickets. Now I have to go back to the house to get them." As he turns to get off the freeway.

As we were going back to his house to get the tickets I teased him all the way there. Trying to make me forget his mistake, he asks me, "So what's up with you and JC?"

"Nothing. We talked but because we both kinda had feelings for someone else we didn't want to take the chance of hurting each other. As a matter of fact he was going out with the guy tonight."

"Do you know if its Lance?' Justin asked with some concern.

"He said that he was totally over Lance but this was someone else. He was kind of secretive about how it was."

"Who ever it is I hope it turns out a better then it did when he and Lance were together."

"What happen between the two of them? I hear that Lance was with Nick but was having sex with JC."

"Yeah that's about it. Nick caught them in the act and Lance chose to be with Nick." We talked about that and other things that happened between him and Brain. A few minutes later we pulled into his driveway. When we pulled up we saw JC's jeep. "I thought you said that JC was going out?"

"That's what he said he was doing. Maybe he hasn't left yet."

Justin got out of the car and asked me to wait in the car cause he just had to run in and get the tickets. I agreed and as he walked in I looked though his CD's and found TLC and popped into the CD player. As the third song came on Justin came running out. He jumped in and started up the car. Something seemed wrong but I didn't know what. "What's up Justin?" I asked with concern.

He didn't say anything but backup the car kind of fast. He then put the car in drive and began to pull off and I looked up at the house and saw Brian running out of the house with his shirt off. I looked as we peeled off. I turned to Justin and started to ask what was going on, and when I turned to him his face was red and I could tell he wanted to cry. "What's going on Justin? Why was Brian there? Didn't he know you were going to the game tonight?" I asked wondering what was going on.

Justin didn't say anything at first. He sat there trying not to cry but couldn't hold it in. A tear ran down his face. He looked at me and finally saying, "Well I know who JC was going to meet with tonight."

Looking confused I said, "What do you mean?"

"When I went in to get the tickets from my room, I stopped by JC's room to check and see if he was still going out. When I looked in I saw him and Brian going at it. They were kissing and sucking each other." As he talked tears began run down his face harder and faster. He was driving fast cause he was angry and hurt. "I thought JC was my friend. He knew I was working on trying to get things right between me and Brian, and he does this?"

I was in shock. All I could do was sit there and look at him. I could see the hurt in his face and hear it in his voice. We road for an hour and we stopped only because we had to get gas. When we stopped I said, "Justin, where are we going? We passed the arena miles back."

"I don't know. I need to be away from JC and Brian right now. I hope you don't mind me bringing you along."

"Of course not."

We drove back to Orlando not saying much. When we got to Justin's house he stopped at the driveway and sat there. I looked at him as he looked up at the house. He looked so sexy as the street light shined in on his face. I wanted to just lean over and kiss him until everything that was hurting him went away. "I can't go in there." He finally said after sitting there for about 5 minutes.

"Why not?"

"I can't be around JC. He was suppose to be my friend and he betrayed me."

"But you and Brian weren't together."

"But we were trying to work things out. And JC knew that."

"Well where are you going to go?"

"I don't know. I was going to drop you off and maybe I will go and stay with Lance."

"With Nick being there Brian may find you."

"I didn't think of that. Well at least you know where you're going to be tonight." He said starting to cry again.

"Yep, I sure do. I'm going to be where ever you are." He looked up at me with a smile and said, "I can't let you do this. You need to stay here and sleep in you bed."

"You and you mom have been nice enough to let me stay here, the least I can do is be there when you need somebody."

"Ok then where are we going to go?'

"We could go to a hotel and stay there"

"No cause then the press will find out and say that the band is having problems." I sat and thought for a while and said, "We could always go to the studio. It has a couple of beds and I could work on my song while we're there."

"Perfect! Nobody will think of looking there."

When we got there we went in and Justin called the studio manager and told him we were going to be working on a song. Justin also told him that we didn't want to be bothered so not to tell anyone where we were. The guy agreed and then Justin called his mom who was out of town dealing with a new group she was trying to get started. He told her what happened and where he was and that he didn't want anyone else to know where he was. Being his mother she tried to talk him into talking to JC and Brian but he said no. He hung up the phone and we went into the studio.

I sat down at the piano and looked up at Justin. He smiled and sat down next to me. "So do you have a song yet?"


"Let me hear it"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Cause when I wrote it, I wrote it for someone I love."

"Who?" Justin asked teasingly.

I look at him. He was sitting there looking so cute and waiting for my answer. "I can't tell you that either."

"Why not? I thought we were friends? I won't tell anyone."

At this time I was scared. I wanted to tell him that it was him but it wasn't the time not to mention he still love Brian even though he was mad at him right now. Justin kept on asking and I finally broke. "It's you ok!" I yelled and looked down.

Justin sat there looking at me and I was looking at the floor. When I looked up he was smiling. "Let me hear it."

"Are you sure? I mean you just found you best friend and boyfriend in bed together and now I am telling you I love you and I wrote a song saying it."

"I need it right now. At least I will know how you feel." I agreed and went to set up the music to start when I began to play the piano. I sat back down and began to play:

Look into my eyes You will see, what you mean to me Search your heart, search your soul When you find me, then you'll search no more

Don't tell me it's not worth trying for You can't tell me it's not worth dying for You know it's true everything I do I do it for you

Look into your heart, you will find There is nothing there to hide Take me as I am, take my life I would give it all I would sacrifice

Don't tell me it's not worth fighting for I can't help it, there nothing I want more You know it's true, everything I do I do it for you

There is no love, like your love And no other could give me more love There's nowhere unless your there All the time, all the way

You can't tell me it's not worth trying for I just can't help it, there nothing in the world I want more I would fight for you, I'd lie for you Walk the wire for you, yeah I'd die for you

You know it's true Everything I do I do it for you

When I finished I looked up at Justin and smiled. "So what do you think?"

"I think it was great. You wrote that for me?"

"Yeah. It's how I feel. I would do anything for you cause I love you." I said looking into his eyes.

He didn't say anything. We sat there looking at each other. I then leaned over and softly kissed him on the lips. And when I looked at him his smile was gone but he wasn't angry. So I leaned in again and kissed him again but longer. He returned the kiss this time. He put his hand behind my head and kissed me harder. My hand went to his back and began to rub his back. Justin then put his other hand under my shirt and began to rub on my smooth stomach and up to my hard nipples. He then took his other hand and began to remove my shirt. I then put my hand under his shirt and began to pull it up. I could feel his smooth back. He was breathing hard, as was I. We broke the kiss and looked at each other. He pulled my shirt off and the he pulled his shirt off. We began to kiss again. I then stood up not braking the kiss, and sat on his lap, facing him. We began to grind into each other and explore each other's body. He put his has on my ass and squeezed it. I broke the kiss long enough to let out a moan of passion. I then began to kiss his neck. I went farther down his body until I got to his erect nipples. I played with each one of his nipples with my tongue. I then licked my way down his tight stomach to his jeans. I began to unbutton them, and as I did I could tell that he was as excited as I was. I pulled his jeans to he ankles and as I came up, I rubbed my face against his smooth legs. I then made my way back to his wait hard cock that was trapped in his boxers. I kissed his cock though the cotton of his Tommy Hill boxers and he moaned. I then ran my hand up the leg of his shorts and grabbed the base of his cock. He then trough his head back in pleasure. Then using my free hand grabbed the band of his shorts and pulled them down, letting his 8" cock free. I then took him in to my mouth and he said, "I love you." When he said that I went all out to make him feel good. I took him all the way in my mouth. I went up and down slow at first but then began to go faster as he grabbed the back of my head. I suck him until he shot a load in my mouth and down my throat. He shot six big loads and he tasted great. When he was finished he pulled me up and began to kiss me hard again. He then took me by the hand and began to walk out the room. I said, "Where are we going?" He turned to me and smiled and said, "To the bed." I didn't argue and went with him. When we got to the bed he kissed me again and then pushed me down on the bed. He then kneeled down in front of me and began to undo my jeans. He pulled them totally off along with my boxers and through them to the side. He then grabbed my cock and licked the head. I laid back as he licked it from the head to my balls. Then he made his way back to the head and took it in his mouth. We were about the same size. He took me in his mouth and suck like there was no tomorrow. I was coming close to climaxing but then Justin stopped. I looked down at him and was about to ask him why he stopped and he kissed me again. He then straddled me and began to grind again. He said to me, "I want you to fuck me, now." Without an answer he grabbed my cock and aimed it at his ass. He sat on it and began to moan in pain and pleasure. When the pain left he began to move up and down on my cock. As he went up and down we kiss and moaned in pleasure. I licked his nipples and sucked on his neck. He tasted better then I had dreamed he did. I then began to tense up and I shot my load into him one after the other.

We collapsed on the bed and laid next to each other and fell asleep. I was awakened by Justin rubbing on my face. "Good morning!" He said as I opened my eyes.

"Hi! So I wasn't dreaming?"


"Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be. You didn't force me to make love to you last night."

"But you are in love with Brian."

"First off, I was in love with Brian. After I saw him and JC together, everything I felt for him was gone. That meant I could love the guy that I was falling for."

"And now I have messed that up too." He then kissed me and said, "No cause you were the one I was falling in love with. I just didn't want to say anything cause we were such good friends. I didn't want to mess that up and loose you."

"No matter what you would never loose me." We then kissed again. "We better get up before someone comes in and see us" Justin said getting up.

"I don't care who sees me with the man I love." I said as I grabbed his hand pulling him back into a kiss.

"We can't let people see us. We maybe in love but we are both are stars and we can't let it get out." What he said made since. So I got up and put my clothes on and so did Justin. We walked out to his car and got in. We began to drive to his house. As we drove I held his hand and kissed him on the cheek. We pulled up in his driveway and I said, "Are you sure you want to go in here?"

"Yes I'm sure. I have you now and if JC love Brian he can have him" Justin said then he kissed me.

To be continued... You can send any comments to please put story as the subject

Next: Chapter 2

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