Townie Lad's Shit

By Namab Mas

Published on Sep 14, 2019


This is a story involving light to moderate scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

Townie Lad's Shit

Chapter Two

Jamie usually got the bus to college with some of his mates who lived locally, but one or two mornings a week he had no classes first thing, and he went in a bit later. On those days he usually went for a shit before he left home.

'Me dad and me sister are out by then, and sometimes me mum too,' he said. 'So I got a bit of privacy and no-one needing to come in for a piss! I usually really need a dump by then too, so I can't hold it til I get to college.'

He'd told me all of this over that joint after our first meeting, and his eyes had lit up as I pointed out that my place was nearly on his way to the bus stop. On days when I didn't have to go in to work early he could always drop by for his morning dump on his way in. He texted me only a couple of mornings later, when he was about to leave home, but I was already at work. Either he or I was always busy in the afternoons as well. But then one morning the following week I was getting ready to go out when my phone bleeped, and my stomach plummeted as I saw who it was.

'What kept you?!' I asked half an hour later. 'Thought you were coming straight round. I've really got to go out in a minute.'

'Yeah, sorry, me mate rang me about something. Um ... I really need a dump! Can I still...?'

'Yeah, of course you can, but I really haven't got long. Do you just wanna sit on the toilet?'

He nodded hastily. He was wearing quite tight sports pants this morning and through them I could see he was already starting to get hard. I turned and led the way through to the bathroom, where I'd done a bit of cleaning earlier as I waited for him. The toilet was spotless white, all ready for him, and he hesitated for a moment as he stood in front of it. The bulge in his pants was even more visible now. He looked uneasy for a moment, as if it was the first time again and he was shy about doing it front of me, but then shrugged. His hands went to his waistband, and he pulled his tight pants down, nudging them right down past his knees. His boxer shorts came with them, and his long cock sprang out. Much as I was in a hurry, I couldn't resist it. As he smiled encouragingly I undid my belt and let my trousers and pants fall, and stepped round so that I was right next to him, studying his pert white arse as he sat down.

I love the sight of a guy on the toilet, all private and vulnerable, sitting bare-bottomed with with his pants around his legs and his top riding up, showing off his back and thighs. Jamie settled himself down, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped lightly in front of him; the classic position for a lad taking a shit. He drew his legs in a bit. For a second or so he sat stock still, as if he was psyching himself up, but then he relaxed and leaned forward a little more, and let out a long, satisfied breath. From underneath him came that awesome slimy crackle.

'Plop ... Plomp! Ploop, ploop ... plop!'

I wanked as the filthy sound echoed in the room, and harder as the smell rose up from him. It was stronger than when he'd gone in the afternoon; still a warm, pleasant sort of aroma, but thicker and more cloying, and really fucking nice!

'Uh,' he grunted. 'Oh, I needed that!'

His arse hissed and clicked slimily, and he plop-plopped again. My head was rushing as if I was on speed or something, and my dick was rock hard as I watched and listened and sniffed, and this gorgeous boy had a big smelly shit right in front of me. He shuffled and his pale, shapely arse moved sexily on the seat. Then his face stiffened, and he leaned slightly forward again. His arse crackled softly, with a couple of little gassy farts. From under him there came another muffled 'ploop' and the soft, slimy sound of turds landing on top of turds. He went as if to look round, but then looked ahead again and pushed. Another little 'plip' came from below him.

'I'm done,' he grunted. 'Wanna see it?'

He half-stood and shuffled forwards a bit, showing off his brown little bumhole as he did so, so I could lean in and look down into the toilet. His shit was big and smooth and chunky. The bowl was filled with his broken curls, and one long log lay across the top, sticking out of the water like a dam. It was still that beautiful russet brown colour, and his gloriously dirty smell rose up from it like smoke.


'Like it?' he asked huskily.

'Ooh, yes, really nice big one! Fuck it smells so good too...'

'Wanna wipe me arse for me...?'

So I did, wanking clumsily with my left hand. It took a lot more paper than it had the first time, and he started to grunt and sigh with pleasure as I rubbed at his flaring little hole, with his dick in his hand. Suddenly he straightened up and spun round, just as I was reaching out to give him a last rub. He squealed and screwed up his cute face, and his spunk spattered all over my arm.

One morning the following week he got round earlier and did it squatting naked. He hadn't been since the previous morning, he grinned, and he really needed the toilet. The light fell across his lithe young body as he squatted and made the thick, rusty-brown log he curled out glisten. His shit was firm at first, but then it got smoother and mushier, and he ended with a little wet fart as he dropped a ragged little curl onto the hefty pile he'd made.

'Mmm! Oh wow, Jamie! That's massive. Where do you keep it all?!'

He turned and grinned, and pushed out another soft curl. The smell assailed my nostrils and made my dick twitch still harder. When he was done we shot all over it, and off he went to college. I watched him walk off down the road. He looked very self-conscious, and on my way to work I felt that way too; as if everyone on the bus could read me like a book, and see that only half an hour earlier I'd been wanking off madly with a gorgeous lad, and we'd both squealed and shot our cum all over his big morning shit.

More often I saw him in the afternoon, and he'd come round to take his second dump of the day when I got in from work. His shit was never as big and it didn't smell as strong, but at that time of day he did nicely formed logs, and he looked so cute as he squatted and pushed them out for me. Either that or he did it on the toilet, and then I sometimes got him to wipe his bottom for me. I love the sight of a lad wiping, and his technique fascinated me. He did it standing up straight, just sticking his bum out a little to make the job easier, with his shirt hitched up a bit to keep it clear. He did it slowly at first, lifting each scrunched piece of paper away and bringing it round to look at the stain on it before he dropped it into the toilet. But then as he got cleaner he wiped more energetically, rubbing away at his hole with his semi bouncing up and down. As soon as he was done we used to wank off into the toilet together and cum all over his dump. Then he came round when he'd finished college in the afternoon, on one of those days when he hadn't needed to go at all in the morning. He was desperate for a shit and touching cloth by the time he arrived, and he hastily pulled down his pants and hitched up his T-shirt, and squatted down on the bathroom floor. As his cheeks parted I could see brown stains around his hole and a little turd squashed up in it that came out dangling from the end of his thick log as he grunted with relief. His turds were cracked and solid at first, making hefty thuds as the first couple hit the floor. The smell enveloped us, all rich and thick and filthily exciting. Then his shit became smoothers, and a long, long succession of slimmer turds curled sinuously from his flaring lips and dropped on top of his logs. It seemed to go on for ages, his grunts and relieved sighs and little gassy farts, until he was squatting over a huge ragged pile. Every so often he strained and pushed out another slim turd. When he'd finally finished he rocked forward onto his knees and parted his cheeks. My throbbing dick dribbled pre-cum all over his pile as I wiped his dirty bottom for him, and then he turned round with his hard-on in his hand, and yelped and cried out loud as he spunked all over his beautiful big shit.

A couple of times he watched me shit too. Now I realised why he got so excited when he did it for me, because the feeling of doing it for him was amazing. I love having a shit anyway, but with him watching the sensation seemed ten times as intense. My logs plopped loudly into the toilet. He stood next to me, wrinkled up his cutely prominent nose as the smell hit him, and then began to stroke his cock harder and harder, until he motioned me to get up off the toilet quickly, leaned in and spunked all over my shit. Sometimes when we couldn't meet in person we video-called each other from the toilet, and wanked off together and traded fantasies and talked about what we might do in future. He sat on the toilet and talked in a low, breathy voice, pausing every so often as his face stiffened and his lips pursed, and then another log plopped into the water below him. Sometimes when I thought about it I couldn't believe what was happening. I'd never had much luck finding guys into scat and I'd been close to giving up on ever doing so, and now a gorgeous eighteen-year-old let me watch him shit and wanked off as I wiped his bottom. It was horny beyond belief, and the prospect of more was just awesome!

A few weeks later he rang me at lunchtime.

'Hiya, how you doing?' he said hastily. 'You free later? I didn't go for a dump this morning so I ain't been yet today, and I'm finishing classes at half 2. You in?'

I was working, but in the city centre quite near where he went to college, and I didn't have so much on that I couldn't leave early. I met him in town a couple of hours later. It was a sunny late summer afternoon but it was midweek and fairly quiet, and there was no-one near enough to overhear as we sat on a bench and talked in low voices.

'Do you need to go now?' I asked him.

'Kind of. When I don't go in the morning it comes on slow, and normally I can control it. I do feel like I need a shit but I ain't desperate. It's weird, though, cos when I get home or somewhere I can go to the toilet it comes on real quick and I 'ave to go.'

'Will that happen now?'

'Yeah, probably, if we go back to yours.' He looked round and shot me an edgy grin. 'Dunno why I didn't go earlier. I ate loads yesterday and me mum did pizzas for dinner last night, but I just didn't need it. Feel like I got a brick up me arse!'

I looked him up and down, noting his slim form and imagining what he was going to have to do, and my dick stiffened against my jeans as a thought came to me. Last time I'd seen him we'd got talking about how he still liked to shit himself. He liked doing it bending over the end of his bed, feeling all naughty as he filled his pants and the smell thickened around him. When he was done he was rock hard, and he walked around and wiggled his bum, squatted and humped with his shit pushing about on his bottom, and then as he was edging madly he turned around and sat in it. The big squish made him cum straight away, but then as he'd lowered his pants and admired his messy bottom in the mirror he'd started to get hard all over again. He loved the feeling of sitting in his own shit and getting his bottom covered in it. The craving to sit in it again had overpowered him, and he'd sat and squished and shot another load before he cleaned himself up. He hadn't had an opportunity for ages, he'd complained, and now that his mum was working fewer hours and was at home more of the time he had no idea when the next chance might come round, but he was fantasising about it endlessly. I shuffled a little closer, and he looked around as a couple walked past. I waited until they'd passed out of earshot.

'You know what we were talking about last time you were at mine...?'

'What?!' He looked round sharply, eyes widening. 'You mean...?!'


'Nah.' He shook his head. 'Can't do that...'

'Well, why not? You said yourself you've not got anything more to do today, and your family are all out until later. If you wanna do it together, now's as good a chance as we're gonna get...'

'Yeah, but ... I'd ruin me pants. Anyway, I'm wearing boxers and I don't like doing it in them. Don't like it going down me leg.'

'Well, we'll buy some on the way back to mine, then. Serious, you said you love doing it in your pants, and I'd fucking love to be there when you do.' I dropped my voice and moved in closer still. 'I wanna make you hold it til you're desperate and you can't hold it any more, and then you give in and shit yourself. I wanna see you with a big messy bum, make you sit in it, and...'

'Fucking hell!' He looked around sharply. 'Stop it, you're giving me a hard-on! You really wanna...?'

'Mm, yes! And I wanna cum all over your stinky arse.'

He shuffled uncomfortably on the bench; maybe just out of nerves, or perhaps because he needed a shit. I could tell he was thinking about it. He was frowning intently, and he glanced down at his crotch.

'And ... can I clean up at yours?' he asked softly. 'You don't mind me makin' a mess?'

'No, it'll be worth it! You gonna do it then...?'

He thought again for a few seconds, then swallowed nervously and nodded. Momentarily his hand went to his dick, until he remembered where we were and drew it sharply away. When he went to stand up I noticed the slight bulge in the front of his tracksuit. We set off through the streets, excited and slightly furtive, as if it was obvious to all the world that we were up to something kinky. As we went he walked closer and told me that the need to shit was starting to get stronger, and he was horny and fighting down an erection. It felt naughtier still in the shop as we selected some suitable pants; white boxer briefs that promised to hug his figure tightly, and show off his bottom and what came out of it. He was trying to look nonchalant again in that amusingly ineffective way of his, and he looked fixedly away as I paid. Then we were back out in the street and heading for the bus station. We waited there for a few minutes, feeling even naughtier and more self-conscious amid the crowd. He had that intense, excited look on this face again.

'Feel like I'm gonna fart!' he said softly.

Thankfully the bus wasn't too busy and we sat downstairs near the back, shooting one another tense, edgy glances. He winced as the bus bumped over a pothole, and leaned in close.

'Really startin' to need the toilet now. I've got such a stiffie as well!'

'Yeah, so've I. Just think, in a bit I'm gonna be cumming all over your dirty arse...'

'Ooh, don't!' He glanced down. 'We've gotta get off in a bit, and it shows...'

Eventually the bus reached my stop. I was wearing jeans, but he had to hold the shopping bag with the pants in front of him as we pushed down the aisle to hide his bulging crotch, and then we walked quickly up the street. He shuffled his feet and fizzed with impatience as I unlocked the door, and then we tumbled inside.

'Wanna joint?' I asked him, trying to delay things a bit and let the anticipation build up still further. 'I just got some nice new stuff in...'

'Er ... yeah. Lemme put them pants on though, just in case. I don't wanna skidmark me boxers.'

I watched him surreptitiously as I skinned up the joint. He was just gorgeous as he pulled down his tracksuit, showing off his pale, slim arse and his shapely thighs, and when he turned a little his big cock was sticking out like a ramrod. Then he pulled on the briefs. They suited him well, much better than the looser cotton boxers he normally wore, and they emphasised the subtle curves of his cheeks nicely. In my mind's eye they were bulging out already as he relieved himself, and my cock pressed painfully against my jeans. As he turned I saw the front of his pants was a big marquee, and he was breathing hard. He pulled his tracksuit back on again and sat down next to me.


'Yeah.' He caught my eye and grinned as I passed him the joint. 'I really need a shit!'

We sat and smoked quietly for a bit, tense and madly turned on by what was about to happen. He was frowning again, looking very serious with his eyes narrowed and his lips set firmly together. His cock had gone down a bit, yet it still made a visible lump in the front of his tracksuit. He often came in his pants when he shat himself, he said. When he'd started he used to be so horned he'd cum even before he'd finished his shit. Now he liked to walk around and feel what he'd done, and then as he was right on the edge of cumming he'd sit down. He stroked himself through his pants as he spoke; pure filth about how he loved taking a big shit in his pants and feeling it spread across his bottom, and how he could shoot two or three loads before he cleaned up. In turn I told him how I'd love to see him shit himself and sit in it and cover his bottom in his own turds. Then he twisted round and handed me the joint, and sat on the edge of the sofa, breathing hard. My heart began racing in anticipation, and I was dry-mouthed.

'I'm gonna do it,' he breathed. 'I wanna do it now. I need a big fuckin' shit!'

He stood up slowly and took a hesitant step forward. For a moment I was struck by how tall and slim he was as he stood silhouetted in the light coming through the window. All of a sudden I couldn't resist it, and I tore off my T-shirt and undid my jeans. He turned and watched as I took them off and sat back down, naked and massively hard. Then he reached up with fumbling fingers, pulled down his tracksuit pants and hitched up his boxer briefs so that they hugged his bottom tight. He pulled his T-shirt up too, exposing him from his thin, hairy legs to his smooth tummy. He was breathing hard again and trembling slightly. Our eyes met once more and he turned slightly, facing away from me at an angle, and he bent forward slightly and rested his hands on his knees so that his bottom stuck out slightly. He stood dead still, in total silence apart from our heavy, lustful breathing.

'Uh,' he grunted softly. 'Uh ... oh fuck!'

A lump appeared between his cheeks, and he clenched up and wriggled his hips painfully. Then he lost control of it and his big turd surged out and pushed the back of his pants out into into a tent. Another push and it curved out and down between his legs, squelching and crackling, until he had a lump nearly the size of a cricket ball pressed against his bottom. The smell rolled out from him like smoke; like his warm, rich afternoon smell, but stronger.

'Mmm! Jamie!'

He twisted round to look at me as the filthy sound tailed off, his eyes almost closed and his mouth hanging slightly open. As he straightened up I actually watched his cock rising, making a tent in the front of his pants that dwarfed the one he'd made behind. Our eyes met and he smiled and wriggled his hips slowly.

'Ooh!' he breathed. 'Shit meself...'

'Mm, yeah you have, big time! Have you finished?'

He shook his head, grinned momentarily, then his face stiffened and his eyes widened.

'Ooh! I'm gonna fart!'

He bent forward again hastily and stuck his bottom out, emphasising his bulge. He farted into his shit, all muffled and wet, and another long turd pushed irresistibly out. He grunted and sighed as he emptied his chute and his warm, slimy shit spread across his bottom, making deliciously nasty sounds and filling the air with his hot, sultry smell. Eventually it stopped, and he let out a long sigh of relief, reached round behind him and fingered the great lumpy mound on his bottom.

'Oh wow, Jamie! That's huge! Mmm, and it smells so fucking nice! Can I see it? I wanna see it!'

I moved in to pull his waistband out and take a look, but he got there first. He cupped his left hand under his pile and pulled down the back of his pants to show me the pile pressed again his cheeks. It was firm and solid-looking and lumpy, rising up to a smooth peak where it had been squeezed between his cheeks. He was breathing hard, and when he pulled his pants back up and turned around I saw he was edging like mad.

I got him to walk around a bit, with the smell following us around the house as I got him to bend over in the hallway, wriggle his bum, and then in the living room kneel down and hump the sofa until the sensation of his shit pushing about on his arse made him edge and whimper. He twisted round to look at me, all wide-eyed and horny, grinning proudly as he wiggled his bum and showed off his big shit. His hand went round to his front, and he massaged his cock through his pants.

'Yer like it then?' he hissed. 'Like seeing me take a big shit in me pants?'

'Oh yes! You've done such a big one. Go on, wiggle your arse at me again, like that ... mmm! Now, you gonna sit in it for me? I wanna see you sit in it!'

'Oh fucking hell ... yeah!'

He wanked harder, and then I grabbed his hand and half-dragged him through to the bathroom, sweating and shaking and whimpering in his throat, threw down the toilet lid and stood back. He turned around, closed his eyes, and plonked himself down in his brown pile.

'Oh! Oh fucking hell ... Oh!'

He came straight away, and cried out loud as his dick exploded and soaked the front of his pants in thick, sticky cum, then relaxed with a great sigh. For a brief second I thought he'd want to clean up there and then, but then he grinned and rocked gently to and fro, and told me he wanted to play a bit longer. I went and got my tin, leaving him sitting there in his own shit. When I came back he was rocking to and fro gently, sighing. I rolled a joint for us, and then as we smoked it he began to get excited again. I looked him up and down as I handed him the spliff, marvelling at his mad teenage sex drive, and how his dick was rock hard for the second time in a quarter of an hour. He fumbled it out of his sticky pants and stroked it for a long time, sniffing poppers from the bottle I handed to him, and rocking gently as he did it with his shit massaging all of the most sensitive bits of his taut body. Once we'd finished the joint I got him to rock harder and slide to and fro, leaving a big brown smear on the seat. His face contorted and he moaned as he squished.

'Yeah! That's right ... now, side to side ... look at you with your arse covered in your shit!'

He moaned again in reply, screwed his face up and edged once more, and trickled thick spunk down over his fingers as he wanked. Our eyes met.

'Gonna cum again?' I asked softly. 'Last time? Shall I cum all over your messy bum?'

He nodded and stood up, unsteady on his feet, turned away and pulled down his pants. They hung around his knees, ruined and dripping spunk, with a big squashed block of shit still in them. His bottom was plastered in it, like a brown explosion from his hole, and there were big smears down the backs of his thighs. He bent over to show the mess off, and reached in underneath. I moved in closer, cock in hand, and we wanked off together. We grunted and moaned and started to gasp, and then we came almost at the same time. I fired a big load all over his arse, and he yelped out loud and held his dick down, and spunked all over his own shit.

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Next: Chapter 3

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