
By William Steps

Published on Jan 13, 2009


TRADE PART II: Looking for Answers

I realised I had fallen sleep when I heard Kurt in the shower. I pretended not to be awake untill I heard him get dressed and leave for work, thankfull that he hadn't tried to wake me or prompt more sex. When he was gone I got out of bed and looked around for something to put on. I found a robe of Lori's and covered my nakedness with it. Any hope I had of waking up and finding it was a weird dream was dead as I felt my curves bounce around under the thin fabric. I found her phone near the bed next to her purse and dialed my own mobile number.

There was a few tense moments when I was afraid nobody would answer, or that whoever did answer wouldn't be Lori. Then I heard my own voice say "Hello?" tensly I asked, "Is that you, Lori?" I could hear the relief in her voice as she answered. "Steve? Oh god so it is true. I take it you suddenly woke up in my body last night too then?" As confused as I was it was so reassuring that someone else knew what had happened. "Yeah, how did this happen?" I asked. "I might have an idea, but I dont know for sure." She replied. "An idea? people dont just swap bodies with their friends at random, one of us must have done something." I said. "Look," she continued, "We should meet up, should I come there or do you want to come here?"

We decided that she should come to me, which would take about half an hour. I hung up the phone after telling her to hurry. Sitting alone in the bedroom, I started to remember all the eventsw of the night before. It wasn't the cleanest feeling I had ever encountered. I decided to take a shower while I waited. Plodding my way to the bathroom, I turned on the hot water and threw off the robe. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my reflection in the mirror as I got into the shower, womanly curves and all. Stepping under the water I tried to clear my head and get ready to figgure things out.

While I Was running soapy hands over my loaned body I started to get distratced. I became very aware of how good my slippery hands felt on my breasts and nipples. I began absent-mindedly fondling myself. One hand drifted lower and found the top of my snatch, feeling for the clit. It wasn't long before I was rubbing myself whole-heartedly and groping my tits. I felt a surge of energy running through all my sensitive areas, and my knees trembled as a modest climax overtook me. It wasn't anything earth shattering, but it felt way better than jacking off as a guy. I whipered and bit my lip as several convulsions of pleasure ran thier course.

I could have gone on like that for a while, but I remembered that Lori was on her way over and there were more important things to do. Feeling a little ashamed of getting carried away, i cleaned myself off and stepped out of the shower. I was thankful for Lori's short hair as I toweled off and went back into the bedroom. Even though I had becme Lori and the two of us had no surprises for each other, it still didn't seem right to be wearing just a robe when she arrived, so I begrudgingly went to look for some clothes.

Shying away from Lori's more girly items, I tried to find a more unisex outfit I could live with. I settled on a pair of simple black panties, snug jeans, and a black t-shirt. I pulled up the underwear, noticing how different it was to feel material cup my mound, then tugged on the jeans. It wasn't untill after I started walking around that I realised breasts as big as mine really required a bra under the shirt to keep them from boucing all over the place. Disliking the notion, I pulled off the shirt and found a plain black bra. It took some fidling, but eventually I got it on and felt it holding my bosom more or less in place. I replaced the t-shirt over my head.

Thusly clad I went into the living room and sat down on the couch, waiting for Lori to arrive. I hoped her arrival would bring some explaination of what had happened the night before. My showering and dressing had taken so long that I didn't have long to wait. About ten minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I got up and quickly moved to let Lori in. When I opened the door there she was, or rather there I was. She walked in with my body, similarly dressed in plain clothes - jeans, t-shirt and leather jacket.

"So," I began, "Please tell me you can explain this?" I closed the door behind her as she moved to lean against the couch. "Yes and no." she replied, "I THINK I know what happened, but I'm not sure what happened yet." I sighed and slumped on the couch, seeing my tits squash over my stomach. "Great..." I said. "The best I have is that a friend of mine who is into magic and all that offered to try and help 'fix' my marriage." Lori explained, "I havn't been able to get her on the phone, probably because she doesnt know who you are and thats who keeps calling her. Where is my phone?"

I tossed her her mobile and she began pressing buttons. "It would be too hard trying to explain to her over the phone, I sent her a mesage asking her to come over right away." She said. While we were waiting she went into the kitchen and made some coffee. It wasn't long before she get a reply message saying her friend was on her way. We bided our time untill there was another knock on the door, and this time Lori opened it herself. A woman who looked about thirty-years-old walked in. She had thick, curly black hair and a somewhat boney figgure. Her name, I was told, was Laura She looked confused when she saw Lori standing there in my body.

Laura turned to me and said, "Who's your friend?" I looked at her coldly and replied, "That, is Lori." Suspicion came over her face. "You woud'nt happen to know why I suddenly found myself with a penis, would you Laura?" Lori asked. Laura's suspicion turned to surprise with a trace of guilt. It didnt take all that long to convince her of what had happened, and her reaction told us that she did have something to do with it. "This wasn't what I meant to happen!" She said. It seemed like a feeble thing to say under the circumstances.

She explained that she had dabbled in some kind of spell or somesuch, she thought it would be amusing to swap Lori and her husband durring sex and let them live as each other for a while. She figgured being a woman would learn Kurt a little, make him more understanding. Something had gone wrong though, obviously, and it had been me instead of Kurt that was suddenly getting fucked. There was a great deal of appologizing to both of us. She said it would take a little while to figgure out what went wrong and how to fix it.

"How long is a little while?" I asked. "It's hard to say," she answered, "I had intended to reverse the spell when Lori asked me to, but this might make things more difficult." She said she would do everything she could to fix things as quickly as possible. "Look," Lori said, "I think this might be hard to explain to our signifigant others, especially since we already had sex with them as each other." I started to protest but I realised she had a point. Nobody was going to belive us, and this would most likley ruin both our relationships if we let it.

"So you're saying I should stay here and pretend to be you while you pretend to be me?" I clarified. Lori agreed. "Wont your husband figgure something is wrong? I mean, I wont know how to asct like you 24/7." Lori thought a moment and then replied, "Well these days work makes it so we dont spend all that much time together, just at night for a couple hours before going to sleep. Our marriage isn't great anyway, he wont notice if you don't talk to him much." She smilled and added, "Just keep him mind off conversation when you're getting ready for bed." I frowned at her. "Did you just encourage me to have sex with your husband?" I asked. "Pretty much, as far as the world is concerned you're his wife."

I passed by her statment and told her things were'nt going ot be that easy with my girfiend Vanessa. She agreed that I would have to brief her on allot of backgroud details if she was going to play the part of me. Laura left to get working on fixing things while I began telling Lori all she needed to know. About half an hour later Lori had to leave, since she had to go work my job for me. I still had another day before I had to play Lori at her office - she had given me all the details on that while I told her about Vanessa.

So I found myself alone again in Lori's life. I wandered through the house poking around, not finding much that was interesting. I thought about having to be someone's wife for the next who-knows-how-long, remembering what I had ended up in the middle of the night before. I recalled how things were feeling really good for a minute untill Kurt came in me before I reached a climax myself. It seemed like I was not going to be able to avoid him forever, and it would probably be at least once a week that we would have to have sex if I wanted it to seem like nothing was wrong.

I pused in my thinking. I didn't like the idea of having sex with him (or any guy) but if I had to that didn't mean I couldn't get some enjoyment out of it. There was no reason I had to lay back and be a sperm bank for him, I could take some initiative and get myself of first whenever we were in bed. Something about the whole situation was both uncomfortable and exciting. Despite my concern about being stuck this way, I found myself reluctantly turned on my the idea of temporarilly living as a woman.

I found myself sitting on the sofy, gently playing with my tits as these thought went through my head. I slipped one hand up under my shirt and bra and started fondling myself earnestly. My other hand made its way down to my pants after a few moments, and I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. I slid my hand inside my panties and started exploring my pussy. I felt a jolt of pleasure as I rubbed my clit and tingles of excitment as I played with my slit. It wasn't long before I was masterbating adamantly, pinching my nibbles and fingering my cunt. Soon I felt a small orgasm build up inside me, and when it erupted I moaned and bucked my hips into ym hand, throwing my head back on the couch.

When I had finished pleasuring myself I had made a decision; I was going to get the most out of this unwanted situation. I'd do my best to play at being Lori, but at the same time I was going to change a few things about her marriage situation. I pulled my pants closed again and readjusted my breasts under my bra as I stood up. Who knows, I thought, this could even be fun in a way.

I wasted the rest of the day in the house, not doing much of anything besides trying to get used to my new body. When Kurt eventually got home that night I didn my best to reply to his noncommital talk before I changed the subject. As quickly as possible I enticed him into the bedroom, much to his confusion. "You know," said, "Last night just wasn't enough for me, I think I need a little more than that." I wasn't sure how convincing I was, but he seemed to accept it because his repense was "Sure thing, baby." I tried not to show my contemp towards him as I pushed him down ont he bed.

I undid my pants and pulled them off as quickly as I could, removing my panties as well. He was about to take control when I stopped him and climbed up on the matress, kneeling over his face. It didnt seem like he was used to this, but I didn't care. I lowered my snatch towards his mouth and told him to lick me.

If I was going to play this part I was going to get some satisfaction from it, not like the first night. I unclasped my bra as I sat on his face. He hesitated a moment, then started to lick my pussy. As my tits swung free he started to do a decent job eating me out, and was feeling really good. Electric tingles ran throughout my body as he licked my clit and teased my slit. I felt great all over, and I could feel the moisture building up in my pussy. I was tempted to keep him going like this and just cum that way, but I felt the need to experience more, plus I knew if he wouldn't rest untill he got off as well.

I removed myself from his face and slid down, straddling his waist. I felt his hark cock nestled between my asscheeks. I raised myself up and reached back to grab his tool. I slid his dick forword untill it was pressed against the openeing to my cunt. Teasingly, I rubbed it back and forth a few times across my slit before moving on. My crotch was soaking wet, and as I lowered my ass onto his pole I felt it slide inside with no resistance. My body spread and stretched as his flesh went deeper and deeper into my canal. Then I found myself resting on his hips, his cock burried all the way inside me.

I slowly started grinding myself into him, feeling the strange new sensation of having a dick moving around inside my pussy. I played with my tits as I rode him, occasionally pincing my nipples. He grabbed my ass tightly and shoved up to meet my pace, increasing my pleasure. I placed one hand on his chest and really put my weight into riding him, feeling a climax begining to swell inside me. My tits bounced so much it was almost painfull as my passion increased. Sweat was breaking out on my body and my breathing was ragged. I closed my eyes and concentrated on all the sensations I was feeling.

The tremors of my orgasm rippled through me, and my body began convulsing amid a bunch of moans and gasps. I quivered as a seemingly endless series of jolts, my climax seemed to attack every nerve in my body. I came hard, and I wasn't dissapointed. I was barly aware of Kurt's dick pumping in and out of me as my body bucked and rocked on top of him. Just as my extacy was begining to fade I felt him jerk and dig him nails into my skin. He came as well, emptying another deposit of jizz into me as I used muscles I didnt realise I had to clench my pussy around his cock. I let out one final loud moan as his last spurt of cum leaked into me and I collapsed forward.

Resting my head on the pillow next to Kurt I felt my tits mash into his chest, both of us breathing hard. I started to feel his dick shrink inside of me, letting the juices flow out. As his member popped limply out of my sex he muttered, "Wow, it hasn't been like that for a while." I mumbled some response. "That was the girl I married, all right." He added. I couldn't help it, I started laughing into the pillow. I told him it was nothing when he asked what I thought was so funny...

I rolled off him and we laid silently for a while. I still resented his presence in general, but the sex had felt great this time. I didn't even mind the cum dripping from my pussy as I layed in the afterglow of my fabulous orgasm. After about fiffteen minutes I realised that I still felt kind of edgy, I wanted more before I would be totally satisfied. I looked over at my apparent husband dozing next to me. The man was a tool, but if I played him right I could at least keep myself entertained. I didn't see any point stopping now that I had begun, and Lori emphasised her desire for us to just play along in order to keep Kurt from suspecting there was a man inside his wife.

Submitting to the desire for more sexual excitment, I decided to try and get Kurt ready to go again. I knew that the most surefire way was to go down on him. I cringed at that idea initially, not liking the implications of a)sucking a cock and b) performing such a submissive action on him. It did seem the fastest way to get what I wanted though, and I had already had a man cum in me twice since becoming Lori so there was no point shying away now. Shrugging, I moved over to him and reached for his junk.

I started stroking his meat, feeling the weight of it in my hand. I started slowly but firmly as I edged my face closer to groin. I moved my head down and licked the tip of his tool. I tasted our mixed juices on it, but decided it didn't taste as bad as it could. I took the tip of his dick in my mouth and started to suck on it, still manipulating his shaft with my fingers. I felt it grow slowly as I started to move my head up and down over the first few inches of his cock. I felt his flesh slide back and forth between my lips as I started to give him a proper blow job.

It took a few minutes, but he eventually got more or less fully erect. At this point I was bobbing my head up and down in earnest, letting about half of his length into my throat as i kept my hand stroking the rest. I had started really getting into the action, and enjoyed the amount of skill I was exerting. When I felt he was ready I pulled his penis out of my mouth and shifted my position. I laid on my back and spread my legs, grabbing his cock and pulling it towards me. He obliged and slid his meat into me again, and I felt the wonderfull fullness again. I grabbed him with my legs and rolled my hips into his thrusts.

It was easier to keep him going this time since he had already come before. Soon I began to feel another climax approaching...

Next: Chapter 3

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