Traditional Values

By Randall Austin

Published on Dec 14, 2022


Traditional Values

By Randall Austin


This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to

Randall Austin's Archive Group:

When Bradley entered the back yard after having completed washing the dishes, he was greeted with whooping shouts and applause. He saw everyone gathered at the far end of the yard, clapping and waving their hands at him. His father shouted out. "There's our man of the hour!" and told him to join them. Uncle Steven shouted out an upbeat, "He's looking good, looking good!" As Bradley made his way towards the group he could see that Quince and Alban had slightly amused smiles on their faces as they watched him hobble over with legs spread wide, so as to avoid having the training paddles attached to his ankle cuffs cause him to trip.

Uncle Steven and his son, Jason, however, looked at him with genuine interest in seeing how he was doing and the fact that ankle hobbles didn't seem foreign to them only attested to their experience in dealing with social servants. The fact that they weren't laughing at him in fact comforted Bradley somewhat; here were some guys who, at least, were not going to be making fun of the way he was outfitted and looked.

Martin and Barbara were pleased to see that Bradley was no longer a basket case. His eyes were no longer reddened with tears. And Flora was just happy to see her brother outside again, and not chained to his bed.

When Bradley reached the group, Jason came over and hugged him tightly. "Brad, god it's good to see you again. I think it's been four years. Once you started college, we just lost all regular contact. But that's the way things happen." Jason stood back and looked Bradley over. He nodded approvingly.

Jason was six years older than Bradley, and the two of them were good friends for most of their younger lives up until Bradley entered college. Now 28 years of age, and already a seasoned trainer of social servants, Jason conveyed a calmness about the whole business of social servitude that comforted everyone gathered in the back yard. Jason was dressed in khaki's, boots, and a dress shirt. Bradley noticed the large German Shepherd, Hubert, that stayed by Jason's side. The dog looked calm and intelligent.

Jason patted Bradley on the shoulder. "So, here we are to sort of celebrate your first full day as a `servant of society'. I don't know if any of you know it, but that is the Vermont honorific form of social servant. Kind of snazzy, huh?" Everyone smiled.

Jason smiled and continued, genuine in his pleasure at the moment. "I have to tell you Bradley, and you too Martin, since this was your decision, that this is a very nearly perfect match; Bradley and social servitude."

Bradley knew that Jason was genuine and asked Jason why he said that. Jason touched the side of Bradley's arm in affection. "Because you have always been the most considerate and helpful person in the world and you are that way to everyone; because you are always sweet and genuine and because your disposition is one of honor and integrity, the fit is obvious; you were born to serve! You love to serve, you are just a naturally considerate person who wants to help and please others, so what better position could you be in than that of social servant?"

Martin and Steven nodded approvingly at Jason's wisdom. Steven said. "That does make sense. We shall see. Maybe once Bradley has some experience under his belt, he'll seek a lifetime position. It happens, you know."

Jason responded. "Some of you look surprised to hear that that happens. But it does. And the reason it is happening with more and more frequency is because society is beginning to understand that the calling to serve others is the noblest of all professions. And as society evolves and begins to treat social servants with the respect they deserve, more and more social servants are finding true fulfillment in their roles as servants."

He had everyone's interest, and continued. "When dad called me last night to tell me how things went here yesterday, I knew I had to come here today and help you folks out. Dad told me that he wanted to come out here today to help increase the comfort level of Bradley being a social servant, and your comfort level in handling and controlling Bradley. When he said that, every warning signal there is suddenly started alerting me to a code red danger situation over here!"

Everyone looked at each other, curious and very interested. Jason looked at his father. "Dad, I mean you no disrespect, and I know you have done some successful brokering of social servants in your day, but I have to tell you that that kind of talk about `increasing comfort levels' of social servants and owners is something out of the dark ages. It comes from just plain wrong, unenlightened, thinking!"

Steven threw up his arms with a smile, as if to say, "Look at stupid me everyone. What in the heck do I know?" Everyone laughed and then looked back to Jason to explain.

"There should have to be no awkward and painful adjustment periods for either, social servants, their families, or their owners. Why? Because if serving others truly is the noblest of all professions, should we not all be taking joy and delight in that fact. Especially since someone we know and love has been placed in that honorable station. We should be celebrating it, not all downcast and gloomy over it!"

Everyone was listening rapt, as if much weight had been lifted. Even the face of Bradley showed more relaxed than it had been since he was collared, ringed, and hobbled.

Jason continued. "Martin, you and your family are blessed! You are celebrating and supporting the noblest of our values, service to others, by having Bradley indentured. What you have done is a beautiful thing, as sacred as the sacrament of marriage, and these first few days of Bradley's service should be a special time for everyone, just like a wedding ceremony. Indenturement is a traditional thing that celebrates our values. Our beautiful values! Our traditional values!"

Bradley's entire family was hearing what they needed to hear. The smiles on their faces were almost as big as the smile on Hubert.

Jason continued in his role as cheerleader. "So everyone smile. This is a happy day. This is a happy event!" Jason then went and stood in front of Bradley. "And you, Bradley, should have the biggest smile of all, since you are the one chosen for such an honored position."

On the spot, and caught off guard by the awkward moment, Bradley said. "Thanks Jason." To Bradley's mother that 'thank you' sounded like Bradley had just said he was the happiest person in the world.

Martin arranged lawn chairs about the area of the landscaped yard where they were gathered, and invited everyone to sit down. Barbara had left at one point earlier on, and when she came back with a tray of coffee and tea, Steven asked her why she didn't have Bradley do that chore. Barbara answered that she wanted Bradley in on the discussion, since the conversation was about helping to make the adjustment easy on everyone.

Jason heard that comment and jumped on it. "There you go again! Talking about this whole thing like it is some horrible thing to endure and get accustomed to, to get adjusted to, when in fact it is one of the most beautiful, traditional, arrangements available to us. Why can you not accept that it is a noble and beautiful calling, all of you? What are you all afraid of? I don't see the problem?"

Steven lowered his voice a little. "Well, Jason, I think it has to do with the fact that it is seen as somewhat of an involuntary arrangement, and maybe..."

Jason stopped him. "Hold on here! You mean this was done against Bradley's will. Bradley, is this true?"

Bradley, again caught off guard, stumbled. "Well, no, but I didn't really know how I'd be treated. I was just kind of trying to be helpful to dad, I didn't think much about it."

Jason questioned the social servant. "What do you mean about how you would be treated? Have you been mistreated?"

Bradley collected himself. "I think so. I was forced to wear these hobbles, I was infibulated, I was given a strapping by Uncle Steven, I had to go to bed early last night for no reason, I was chained down to my bed, I was made to sleep in a piss soaked diaper, and I had no say in any of it. I would call that mistreatment!" Barbara whispered something in Flora's ear, and she was heard to say. "I wanna stay, Mom."

Jason was calm, paused a bit, and answered. "I understand what you are saying. First of all, let's get over the temporary bits. The hobbles, the infibulation bar, the chaining down, the diapers, and even the strapping, are all, most likely, temporary. That stuff really can cloud a new servant's view of his noble position. But all of these things are traditional here in Vermont for new social servants." Jason asked Bradley if he had read the materials provided by Social Services, and Bradley answered that he read some of them in bed last night. "If you had read all of the material your dad has for you from Social Service, you would then have had a clearer understanding of all of these things. Actually, you have let yourself down by not being up to speed on these issues. All of these things are actually very much part of something like a fraternity initiation, and they should be enjoyed for being the special moments that they are. They are all parts of a rite of passage, a rite that establishes a beautiful bond between yourself and free men."

Jason then addressed everyone. "What is absolutely necessary for achieving a successful arrangement between social servants and free persons is for social servants to be treated with the respect they deserve. If yesterday was a difficult day for Bradley, I would suggest that it was perhaps due to some mistakes made by your overseers and I intend no disrespect towards my father and my dear Uncle Martin and his family."

Alban was entranced by his charming cousin. He had an honest boy look, a look that mothers' like to see in their sons. His slightly smaller than average ears made his head look larger than ordinary, thus giving him an intelligent look along with an alluring physical appeal. Jason's brown hair was spotted with soft curls, highlighted with sand-blond streaks, and shone in the sun. Alban admired Jason's khaki's and thought they looked cool on a guy like Jason. Maybe he would get himself a pair. Alban moved his chair closer to Jason's so he could smell the alluring gentle, mysterious, smell he gave off.

Quince, looking always like a football player, though he didn't play football very well, envied his cousin Jason, who was a natural leader and took the spotlight well. Jason was not quite as intelligent as Bradley, but he was a leader of men, and that was a trait Quince admired. Quince thought the thought he always thought when he was around charismatic guys. `I bet he can get any woman he wants'.

Martin was open. "I'm sure we made mistakes in handling Bradley. So I would be happy for any suggestions and tips you could give us."

Jason was eager to help. "I think what happened yesterday was probably more a failing of attitude rather than any action you took. The important thing to know is; if you are going to do something, then do it with conviction. That is so important; sort of stating and living by 'this is the way things are now and I'm proud to be a part of it'. That is the attitude you have got to have, all of you, and that includes Bradley."

"In other words, to put this whole training thing in a nutshell, what needs to be done is from now on you simply and plainly tell Bradley what you want him to do. Don't make a big deal out of it, because it isn't a big deal. You are simply asking him to serve you. And that is an okay, non-evil, totally cool thing to do!"

"And you Bradley, when you are told to do something, just do it. But as you do it you need to have the attitude that it is a privilege to do whatever you have been asked to do. You need to identify with the whole culture and community of social servants throughout this state, country, and even the world. It is a culture that realizes that to serve others is an honor, and one of the noblest acts a human being can perform. You need to raise your head with a smile, be proud, and realize that you are one of the honored many! In this city alone right now there are hundreds of boys just like you, hobbled, cock-locked, and in training. And that is to say nothing of the thousands of boys throughout this city who are already fully-trained, actively serving, social servants, proud to be wearing their collars, and happily doing whatever they are told to do."

As Jason spoke his words of enlightenment, everyone except Bradley kept getting happier and happier. Jason made it all sound not only easy, but a wonderful thing to be a part of. Having a family member who was a social servant was a blessed event. The family now realized it needed to be happy, as if there were a wedding in the family.

Steven was learning too. "Well, that was easy enough! Does everyone sort of understand what Jason is trying to say?" Everyone, except Bradley, shook their heads.

Jason looked around. "You're back yard is totally enclosed and private because all of the trees and shrubbery about your place. This is a perfect training area for servants!"

Steven asked. "Well then, Jason, how about giving us a little demo here. See if you can get Bradley to do something."

Jason smiled, patted the empty lawn chair to the left of him, and said. "Bradley, cousin, come and sit here, next to me." Bradley did so, and smiled as he sat next to his cousin. Jason smiled at everyone, "See, everyone, mission accomplished!"

Everyone laughed. Bradley only smiled, and through his smile he tried to understand what was going on. He had already resigned himself to doing whatever his family asked him to do. Last night as he lay chained to his bed he flipped through the materials provided by Social Services out of boredom. What Jason had just told everyone was what was in the material he read. It actually seemed a bearable, even livable situation if only he could have gotten over his humiliation. Sitting in the lawn chair he looked at Jason, who still seemed like a nice guy. And sitting on the other side of Jason was his brother, Alban. He worried about Alban, who was too quiet these days. He was humiliated being seen dressed in slave fatigues and hobbled in front of his family, especially his brothers.

Martin asked. "But seriously Jason, is there any way to ensure that we all maintain those level-headed attitudes. The material I have read warned about some dangers; resentment building up in social servants, and unfair treatment of social servants from overseers. How do we guard against such things?"

"That's precisely what training is about. Good training, of the kind I give." Jason stretched and ran both of his hands through his hair. Alban was fascinated by Jason's tousled hair. "Okay Martin, here are your options; you either let me take over here for the rest of the day, no interference at all with anything I do, and come this evening you will have a trained, helpful, pliant, social servant or you can pay Social Services big bucks for their three week training course for Bradley. Which is it going to be?"

Martin was overjoyed. "Oh Jason, that sure is swell of you to give your time like this!"

Steven beamed. "That's my boy!" Jason said. "How could I refuse? Bradley is my favorite cousin!"

"It'll be great to see you two spending time together again. Let me know if there's anything you need or if we can do to help you."

"Thanks Martin. The only thing I really need is for you, as well as Quince and Alban, to be present for most of the day. There will be some one-on-one training later in the day, when I will need to be alone with Bradley, but for most of the day I need members of the immediate family around. It helps form an impression. Since this is really a family matter. Having family around helps."

"That sounds great, Jason. When you need to be alone with Bradley you can use either his bedroom or my study."

"Okay, thank you Uncle Martin." Jason stood up, and stretched calmly. He had been looking forward to this day ever since his father told him that his cousin Bradley was put into social service. He walked over to Barbara. "Aunt Barbara, I would just like to alert you that it's standard for newly enlisted social servants to be kept naked during training. I don't know what your family's comfort level is with this kind of thing, so you and Flora may want to take your leave." Bradley overheard the request and his gut sank.

"Yes, Jason. Thanks for letting us know. Come along Flora, we should let the men be alone."

"But Mommy, I want to stay and watch. Why can't I?" "Because, dearie, it might embarrass Bradley."

"But Mommy, I've already seen everything there is to see of Bradley on the website. Why can't I stay?" Martin settled the matter. "Flora, please go with your mother. It just is not appropriate for you to be out here."

As mom walked away with her daughter in hand, Jason walked over to the picnic table where he had set a training whip and a long, three inch wide, black strap with a choke-buckle on one end. He picked them up and walked over to the seated Bradley and said. "Okay Bradley, it's time for you to get naked!"

Bradley was taken aback by the sudden change in Jason's attitude. Confused and speechless, he fumbled.

Jason tapped the training whip against his leg. "Come on. Get up and strip! I don't give social servants an order more than once!" Bradley was shocked and confused. Was his family going to let this treatment of him go on? He looked at his father. His father bit his lip and was silent.

Jason tried to ease Bradley into an acceptance of his status. "All throughout the city right now there are hundreds of boys and girls, just like yourself, entering into this beautiful mode of service. And all of these boys and girls are naked as they learn how to serve and please their overseers. Nudity is traditional in training. Like a fraternity initiation. No big deal!"

Bradley stood, nervous. Jason coaxed. "Come on, Brad, I'm a nice guy. I'm not going to hurt you. Not if you just do what you're told."

Bradley slowly started unbuttoning his fatigues along the sides. Jason prompted him along. "There you go! It's all about helping one another; trainers helping new servants learn what they need to learn, and servants helping trainers have a hassle-free day."

Jason smiled at Bradley's family watching Bradley slowly unbutton his fatigues. "See, Bradley's learning to behave!"

Bradley was sweating as he stooped down to undo the buttons along the side of his leg. So were Quince and Alban. Jason continued. "All throughout this city on this very day servants in training are getting spanked and paddled as they learn the ropes. You, Bradley, are in that grand fraternity. You should be proud!"

Jason stretched, and gave a couple of swishes through the air of his long, slender, and taut training whip. It whistled.

As Bradley removed his servant fatigues, Jason approached him. "That's my boy! I need those buttocks bare and available for any smacking I may have to do!" Alban swallowed and erected, and then turned an almost green color, worried that someone might know what had just happened to his little pecker.

Jason snapped his fingers at his dog, who got up from lounging in the grass and came over and stood in front of him. The dog looked up at Jason, smiling with his tongue hanging out. Jason began the introductions. "Okay everyone; it's time for you to meet Hubert!"

Next: Chapter 7

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