Training School

By steve wood

Published on Jan 11, 2023


Training School -- Part 2

So here I am on my way to a new boarding school, Dad says it's great academically but will also care for my other needs which have been developing rapidly recently.

Lots of boys arrive for the early September start date. The boys are then separated into two groups of 16. My group is taken to a dormitory that seems to have what seems girlie colours and the other 16 Boys taken to a totally different dormitory.

The first year passes quickly and its really odd as the boys in blue dormitory are doing what I would call more manly things including physical sports and subjects like metalwork, we are only doing swimming, netball and subjects including cooking and needlework which is not my idea of fun, maybe it will reverse in the second year.

My dad decides I best stay in school for summer as they arrange a camp for the younger boys. I'm really missing my former friends at school and the sexy fun we had. I wish I was back home and in school with them.

Year 2 starts with a bang, school gets much harder and then some strange new classes. In year 2 every night between 6 and 7pm we are to have sex education with boys from blue dormitory who are all year 4 boys. Having just had a very boring year I'm intrigued and feeling horny and my dick has lot control. We have to meet the year 4 boys in our dormitory, then we are told that the year 4 boys will be taking one of us under their wing and help us develop our knowledge of sex and in particular being subservient to the year 4 boy who is 2 years older at 14. We are then informed that we were selected into the school as submissive boys and blue dormitory boys selected as dominant sexually. The school treats both quite differently developing each side to make the boy sexually happy growing up. The year 4 will draw lots with the year 4 boy drawn first having first pick of the younger boys. We are made to get naked stand in a line with legs apart and hands on our head so each boy can select one that he likes or fancies, once chosen you will work the full term together. The first year 4 boys picks one of the other boys, we are 4 in when a muscular boy with short blond hair and about 5ft 8inches comes towards me, starts to touch my body which gets me really hard and sends a shiver down my spine and I feel his fingers touching first my bottom then he flicks at my dick. He looks into my eyes and says I pick this boy. I look at him and he is so sexy, good looking, solid build and I see that he is definitely getting hard. I'm so excited. All year 4 boys now have a boy standing naked by them many are hard and red in the face with embarrassment. The year 4 boys then get a chair and sit down. Right all you Year 2 boys now have s dominant boy to teach you the art of submission and to learn how to pleasure a dominant. Each night we will be running lessons between 6 and 7pm and you will be taught everything you need to know. Each we we start the week with a nee topic and the next 6 nights you will practice the lesson.The first lesson requires you all to kneel in front of your dominant boy and look up into his eyes and thank him for selecting you and what can I do to pleasure you? You will remove my shoes and socks and for the rest of the hour and the next 7 days you will worship your dominants feet and toes. The dominant boys have been trained to be very demanding and they expect the submissive to really work hard at their feet. To be honest I have never licked anybody's feet. The thought is pretty disgusting but a slap around my head reminds me this older boy is in charge now. So I quickly remove his shoes and socks and bend down to start licking. All the other year 2 boys are doing the same.Then our teacher walks along our line and tells us to work harder at sucking and licking the feet needing our attention. He explains that all the submissive year 2 boys were carefully selected from reported behaviour at junior school then psychology tests on arrival. We all recorded submissive more feminine results and the dominant boys likewise. That's why we are where we are now with year 2 boys worshipping our dominants feet. From this day forward submissive do t use names only Sir or master and the dominants call submissives boys.

Every evening now between 6 and 7pm boys will be naked in line and await's normal and acceptable to be erect but anybody who cums will be punished severely. During training boys will not be allowed such pleasure, dominants only at certain times when instructed. We want all you boys ready and horny during the training.

So here I am licking and sucking this boys feet and strangely I'm finding it exciting and intoxicating pampering him naked and with absolutely rock hard cock. I look up at him and really find him good looking and he smiles at me as he strokes my cock with his spare foot. I think I see a glint in his eye as he knows he is turning me on. The trainer shouts for us to put more energy into our work and tells our dominants to be more demanding g. The boys need to learn how to please you and know there place.

I hold his foot and lick and suck him as much as I can until the lesson ends. The dominants return to their dormitory and we are sent to shower. I see most of the boys are erect until we hit the cold shower and then we are back to being boys with small shrunk dicks.

We have 6 more days of this treatment and after the week is finished my tongue is pretty sore but for some reason I really enjoyed sucking his feet and toes and yes it turned me on. I decided I also liked being naked for my Sir. Week 2 starts and we go to the dominants dormitory and find then on their bed naked except underwear. Right boys this week your job is to lick your master all over his body including his arm pits which seems pretty disgusting. You may not touch any part of his underwear only sniff him in this area. The only time you may stop is off your master wants to try kissing you otherwise you lick or sniff him. My god his body is fantastic, lovely skin, almost hairless with nice muscles. As soon as I start my dick is like a rock and I so enjoy working on his body. His dick looks huge as it gets hard as I lick him. I so want to touch him but know it's not allowed. I run my nose over his bulge and sniff deeply and smell that so nice smell of young hard dick its so intoxicating I so want to lick it but resist. My dominant sexy boy encourages me to lick and sniff much more and I do want to please him. I sniff again and he smiles at me at he holds my face and kisses me and drives his tongue into my mouth. I melt into him and feel so wonderful, I love what he is doing to me. I so want him to want me and kiss me again. The lesson finishes and I can't wait for tomorrow, a cold shower works again. All the boys in year 2 have to work really hard and after a tough day I can't wait to go to my master at 6pm to lick his sexy body again. As I get to work I see he is really excited and I'm the same. I feel his hands stroking my naked bottom and then so lightly teases my dick. Very soon the lesson is over and I go back to my dormitory frustrated and ready for a cold shower.

Another week ends and we start another week of training, we are all naked and kneeling waiting a new task.the door opens and our sexy dominants arrive, oh my god they are now naked. The trainer has instructed them that it's cock sucking week and they must learn to instruct and demand pleasure from us.Tell them what feels good and to work hard at your these areas. Kneeling we are told to reach back and keep our hands on the floor. My dominant walks towards me, I see his naked cock for the first time, it's hard, long, not too thick. He lets his dick end run slowly run across my face and lips, I smell him he is gorgeous. Wait for it boy as he sees me staring at his dick with glassy eyes. He holds my head and tells me to open my mouth and cover my teeth. He tells me no teeth or you get punished you hear me boy. Yes Sir, I open my mouth wide to accommodate his size and then I'm in heaven as his clock slides into my mouth. I love it and I look up to see him smiling with those white teeth all I want to do is please him. Don't move boy, as holding my head he slides his wonderful dick in and out of my mouth. As he slides in I gag a bit as its really filling my mouth and he hits my throat. That's it boy, take my dick and give me pleasure. Now use your tongue on my cock and suck gently. I try to do what I'm told, it's hard with a mouth full of cock, my own dick is starting to drip like some liquid. I god don't let me cum as that cock slides deep in my mouth again. Now he is deep in me he tells me to open wider and use my tongue to lick and pleasure his balls. My eyes are watering as I do my best to lick with a rock hard dick deep in my mouth and throat. The lesson ends, the dominants are not allowed to cum on the first days of this lesson and they pull out still rock hard and I taste precum, i savour the taste as he smiles again and I'm melting for him. He is so hot, I want more but we are sent for our cold shower and later in bed dream of this beautiful man and his wonderful dick. I cant wait for more as my dick hardens again.

In chapter 3 we finish the lessons which gets more exciting. Only if your enjoying the stories.

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Next: Chapter 3

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