Training Session with My Dad

By moc.liamtoh@skcashguh

Published on Aug 27, 2023


Ninety percent of this scenario is based upon my true life experiences and is told for the personal pleasure of similarly inclined adults. Be forewarned, it covers W/S, Teen sex--not incest--, scat, etc.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. Author: Hugh Sacks

Training Session 14 First trip to the lodge.

Talk about hideaways? The men had been working on this `fishing' lodge for over ten years with each of them supplying their own particular expertise or talent.

It all started out when long-John (he was 6'8" and had a proportionately long prick) bought a franchise from a new motel chain that was determined to equal or beat the then most popular Holiday Inn. It was in the mid 1980s and no expense was spared in lying out and furnishing this new state of the art motel. It had larger rooms and baths some with whirlpools. There was a well lounge with a stone fireplace and high timber ceiling, which is now their play area, and a kitchen to prepare buffet breakfasts. It also had a large heated swimming pool with changing rooms.

Long John was doing quite well and while he was still over his head in debt, keeping up with the franchise payments, he and his wife-partner Jane were able to make a go of it, that is until news broke that the interstate highway was entering our state and planned to build the inter state expressway two miles east of the state highway that the motel was on. The chain fought a good fight but in the end lost out. They dissolved the franchise and rather than pay back any of the money, they gave John the motel with all the amenities. He was able to make a few bucks selling off some of the furnishings but that was it.

About this time he and his wife had gotten into sun bathing and nudist camping and decided to give their now, very isolated, location a shot at nude weekending. It was also listed or advertised as `not appropriate for children', meaning it was an open sex nudist colony. It was only open on holiday weekends and in the summer; from what I heard it was very popular. Those who just wanted to look could look; those who wanted have sex, either in open, for all to enjoy, or in the privacy of their room, could do just that. TVs had close circuit channels that covered every perversion known.

But that too came to a halt when his wife found that John could not satisfy her insatiable lust for men, especially young black men. It was said that she took on a whole football team one weekend and even they couldn't satisfy her. She'd been fucked, front and rear, over 50 times in three days; much to the enjoyment and cheering of the other guests and team members. In the divorce he had to give her half of what remained of the motel; it wasn't much but it was all he had.

He then went into partnership with Dick whose auto dealership was expanding into auto repairs. He was more interested in rebuilding cars for stock car racing than he was in selling new cars, however well that paid in this small, country area. His used car lot was much more profitable than the new cars `cause he was able to pick up insurance covered damaged cars at a very low price, put them back into excellent condition and sell them as almost new.

The motel for all intent and purposes was left to dry rot and it did, that is until dad's special friends increased to a size that no private home or location could hold them. They had also grown in their perverted quests and really wanted a place they could leave set up. As it was now, when they found an isolated place to play they spent days assembling all the kinky equipment they used and then another few days, cleaning up their mess. They really wanted a private place, to call their own.

Dad had taken to hiring only guys who he knew were into such filth or that he and the others thought they could bring along--as he was brining me and as Darrell was bringing along his nephew Kevin.

Dick had picked up on the hiring success dad had and followed suite and now he too has several very talented, interested men. The one thing that all the guys insisted on was cleanliness and drug freeness and it took several years for several of these young studs to realize that if they wanted to play, dirty, with the big boys, that they'd have to clean up their acts. In a couple of cases it, in the strangest way possible, helped their marriages.

The three who were married had strong unions; those who weren't got everything they needed through our `buddy' system. A little bit like Alcoholics Anonymous: every time you found yourself in need of a drink or fix, you'd call an A.A. buddy and he'd talk you out of it. The only difference is that in our buddy system, the buddy was there to supply your every, perverted, need to both of the buddy's satisfaction.

While I, to this point, had never had the need of a buddy, as my dad and I supply all the sex either of us could ever need, there would be a time when I might need help and I was glad such support, men, were there for me.

There was a large truck stop / gas station that was also affected by the interstate highway move and while it too had survived a few years as a repair station, it folded also. Dick was looking for a more isolated area that would allow him to make all the noise he wanted late into the night. Work-ing on his cars at the dealership, late at night, caused problems with the neighbors and the dust it spread over his new vehicles. Moving out to this remote location would be perfect and he picked it up for a song. It too, came with lifts and other equipment that he did not have in the dealership.

He was afraid he's loose his best men when they realized that it was a long drive to the `SHED' but none did; they seemed to like being isolated and alone. They soon filled every bay with cars being brought back to saleable condition.

There was a wire link fence around the property and the wild ivy had over taken it so that you couldn't tell that there was any road behind the shed that had led to the motel when it was used as a nudist camp. They were also able to dispose of the metal trash out in those fields behind this fence.

The `lodge idea' came from such an observation; that of reopening the motel as a private lodge for the guys. It was going to take a few bucks to do it but when it was proposed to the group of 12 men, it met with over whelming agreement. In fact, by the time they got into the project, every one had contributed materials, labor and knowledge that none of them new they had.

Things like: The company that had leased a chain link fence around another commercial project had gone `belly-up' and didn't want it back. There was more than enough to surround the rest of the twelve acres the motel stood on with a high security-privacy fence. Signs were added to every post that there was high voltage danger due to the power line tower that was in sight of the property. There was a fake 800 number to call if there was any thing wrong. That number ran in the shed of the car rebuild-ing company. That phone never rang.

The motel clubhouse was left in a rundown condition on the outside so that it wouldn't attract any attention; however the inside was brought back to tip top condition so the guys could play around in perfect comfort. All the carpeting was removed and the cement flooring was sealed against water and all other moistures. It could be hosed down in a matter of minutes. They could cook and barbeque with large freezers storing seasonal foods; there was commercial laundry equipment should they need to clean up-----that, however, was never used to my knowledge. The closed circuit TV system was reconnected and the guys could see themselves play around and maybe even catch some of the action they'd not been part of. Again, as a security protection, they all witness the destruction of those videotapes each time they shut down.

How to get there:

For security protection, new comers like Kevin, and me had to go through the ritual or initiation of being presented to the `club'. You've read about our trip, dad and I on his Harley, and as we got to the edge of the property, opposite the Shed, we had to disrobe and make the last mile completely naked. No one was to wear any clothing for the duration of their stay. While I did have the use of riding the last mile with my dad I was hooded securely with a wet suit type hood so that only my nose and mouth were visible or useful.

Dad had explained, while we rode, how other pledges, initiates, were similarly hooded but were lead around and around paths that went over unused rail road tracks, through water fill ducts, on their hands and knees, and then finally to the gravel path that led to the lodge. Thus, they would have no idea of where they were or how to escape from or return to the lodge.

It was there that I was handcuffed to the other initiate who was similarly hooded. Later the other men were talking about a former initiate who couldn't or wouldn't perform the simplest of tasks and so was re-hooded and taken back the same way, up to the express way, still naked. His hood was removed and he had to fend for him self. Even if he wanted to squeal on us or cause us problems, he'd never be able to tell or show anyone where it was. He was also reminded that we knew where he lived and worked. He didn't know that much about any of us and we were prepared to protect out hideout in every way necessary, even to eliminating him as an eyewitness. He was chicken, squeamish, enough to believe that TV drama scenario. Later that year he left town, never to be heard from again.

Another protection: As there might be a lot of cars parked around an abandoned motel, raising questions to anyone who happened to stumble upon the area, the guys took to parking their trucks, bikes, cars, in and around the Shed along with all the other vehicles parked there, waiting to be worked on. It was just a mile walk down the abandoned road to get to the lodge. The guys eagerly followed the rules of the club and left their cloths in the Shed and made the trek to the lodge naked. Horse playing was a given as they grabbed for swaying balls and smacked one another's asses as the walked.

If they needed to drive a truck there to drop off supplies, that over grown ivy covered chain-link fence gate would open up and the truck could pull in and then, when closed, it would look like a the long ivy covered wall, as it had looked for years.

In the 20 years that it existed, there was never a breach of this security system and the men, by then limited to 12, could have their fill of every perversion they could conceive of doing.

While I knew of its existence 5 years before I was allowed to participate, I did not know exactly of all the things that went on there. I was only able to attend twice before I went off to college. I did set a club record for being fucked, top and bottom, 38 times in a long weekend which is a long way from Jane's record but then I was much younger and less experienced.

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For the first day and a half we were kept hooded and cuffed to a similar guy and told to keep silent until spoken to and then it was just to perform an act on the another guy for their visual entertainment or to sexually satisfy their perverted urges. It was thus that I knew who my cuff mate was

There was only one guy I knew who had as delicious a cock as my partners and when told to suck him off, not using my hands, I knew the velvetiness' of that cock could only belong to a black man and the black man that I'd had sex with before was Kevin. We'd performed well, and the guys agreed that we would make valuable assets to the club, so our masks and cuffs were removed.

This is slightly out of order but if you can do this it will greatly enhance your reading of the following. By popular command, Carl had me I duplicate this scene 6 months later only it was with the addition of his expertise as a French horn musician. Get a recording of Beethoven's Fifty Symphony in C minor, especially the final movement, and listen to it as you read this scene. Punch after punch of cock into my ass is what was happening to me and then there was a long, slow, pause while I cleaned up a cock and then it would start all over again with another man, the deep pounding, dramatic repetition-----a pause----and then more fucking. It really does enhance the thrill, excitement, the awesomeness of this experience. Try it, you'll like it.

After a hardy lunch I was chosen to be the entertainment for the day. I was strapped in the leather sling; face down with my wrists pulled up and out being held in the fleece cuffs. I felt like I was playing airplane, running around in my back yard. My face was resting on the very edge of the sling, strategically placed at cock height.

My legs dangled freely over the end of the sling and my cock and balls hung free with full access to any hands that wanted to play with or torture then----and they did both---much to my pleasure. My ass was exposed with ready access to any and all for their pleasure.

My thought was that I would take all they could give me and thus make my dad, my sponsor, proud of his initiate. To that date, I had probably been fucked by JR, Darrell and Kevin 5 times over a long day `n night.

I had no idea I would get so hot and turned on by this. My body quivered with excitement and pride. I was the best they'd ever seen and I was being turned on by that until I'd lost count of how many cocks I'd taken or how long I'd been in the sling.

The general scene was that the men would line up behind me, waiting for their turn, making shouts of cheer and encouragement to both the fucker and the fuckee. They were all experience with this scene and knew not to shoot their cum the first few times around. They could and did, piss in my ass, which made a wonderful mess. They'd commanded me not to shit during the previous day and a half---so I was full of solid, rich, shit.

When the first three guys had fucked me long enough to get their cock and crotch good and dirty, they'd step around and shove their brown, smelly cocks into my mouth to lick, suck them clean. The waste was solid, rich and dark brown. I did, and do, so love eating my own shit. After the first piss had filled my ass to overflowing, their cocks, crotch and balls became much messier and it was much easier to suck and lick them clean.

Cock after cock after cock sank deeper and deeper into my young body. And, as you already know, some of the guys were extremely well endowed, thickness wise, and that forced more thin shit to escape my body. It was running down my balls and legs. A couple of the guys took to getting under me and eating my nuts and licking my shit covered legs. The sensation of three or four guys' working on my body at the same time made my mind spin in pleasure. I now knew how my dad felt when Darrell, Kevin and JR were servicing him at the same time.

Fuck after FUCK ____FUCK after fuck they kept pumping away and I had all I could do to keep up with the cleaning, drinking process. The high light came when they actually got into a swaying rhythm and my body seemed to be taking over control of the whole act. The guys seemed to be standing still while my sweaty, piss covered body; swung backwards to suck up the rock hard piston of a cock behind me as my mouth was being pulled off the shit covered cock that I'd been cleaning, suckin'

And then the reverse action: Without effort on any ones part, I was drawn to the cock in front of me and I had to swallow it to the hilt while feeling the shit drawn outta' me as the cock that was fucking me was released. It all seemed so bazaar and I loved it. It was as though we'd all lost control and I was just swinging on the rope swing from the tree in my backyard.

As though this wasn't enough pleasure for the three of us, I took to holding my ass as tight as I could and biting down on the cock in my mouth so that it gave much pleasure to the fucker as his tried to enter my shit channel and the other end guy was whaling in the ecstasy as my teeth scrapped the length of his rod, biting his foreskin to hang on to it.

I think this was what caused them to line up, two deep, to have go after go after go at my never tiring body.

When I did relax and let them take back their control, my rear end, cock and balls and my mouth and throat became hotter and hotter due to the friction that was building up in all of us.

After a round or two of thus fucking and sucking they would back off to catch their breaths and for me to savor all that was aching and burning in my body.

Then Darrell stepped forward and began to get his limp rod up and ready for the next act by whipping my brown colored face with it. It was long enough to hold it at its base and still have enough to smack the shit from my cheeks. When he felt it was ready he grabbed my head by my ears and hair and holding it firmly in place he began, slowly, to `piston' screw my mouth. I'd experienced his cock several times before a year ago and could never get even half of it in my hungry, eager, mouth. But with this slower, more patient, deliberate approach I had high hopes of taking every thing he had to offer.

Within a few strokes the girth of his satin, dark brown cock, had filled my mouth and still I could see his groin a few inches from my nose. It was on that penetration that I felt his cock head touching my tonsils and with that, shut off my swallowing channel. I was able to breath through my nose but in that degree of excitement, I needed to gasp through my mouths, and I couldn't. I was scared.

He knew exactly what he was doing as this must happen to everyone he's been able to fuck, full length. Immediately he with drew but then made thrust after thrust, gentle ones, until I felt and almost heard his cock head pass through my tonsils and head down my throat. That's when I got so scared that I pulled my head up and off his cock, even though he still had a firm grip on my head.

"Baby, just relax...It'll all fit; trust me." And while I felt a great sense of relief when he pulled back a few inches, but still did not pull out of my mouth, I was eager to have him try again. I was anxious to feel, know, what it would be like to be harpooned with a human javelin.

It did take a minute or two and two more thrusts but then it happened: the full width and length of his cock head penetrated my throat and as he continued to pull my head down and over his cock, as he would if he were pulling on a rubber, I completely relaxed and didn't attempt to breath.

I could feel it stretching my throat and I'm sure the guys who'd gathered around could see it pushing out my neck. The sensation was awesome but ended as quickly as it started.

Through the sighs and whistles of the rest of the guys he said in a sweet, soft voice,

"Ready to ride the shoots? (A water park ride) Ready to swallow my whole body? Not many have been able to do it but I'm betting you can. Take a very deep breath and hold it. Here goes!"

I did just that with such a degree of excite-ment and anticipation that I seemed to leave my own body and watch while floating in mid air. Thrust after thrust, jab after slow jab his 11 inch cock was easily penetrating my throat and my face was proudly being slammed into his silky smooth groin. There was a lot of shit and piss there from previous penetrations into my ass and I would love to have sniffed it all back but I was dutifully following his instruction to hold my breath.

As much as I remember every second of this encounter, I'm not sure if he had punctured my throat 3 or 5 times but I do remember not wanting it to stop, even if I had to pass out from loss of air.

"Now for the piece' de resistance ...for the grand finale.

"OOOHH this boy is sooo FUCKIN' HOT!!. He's taking everything I've got and askin' for mor' !

"I don' wan it to stop but I can't hold back any longer...

"OOOOOHHHH take it all baby... take my massive load of cum...

"SWALLOW it all down like the bitch you are. Make your daddy proud of you ! ! ! !"

The cheering and whistling was defining and he did just that. I could feel the supply vain in his cock enlarging as it carried stream after stream after stream of thick, creamy, cum into my throat. I was surprised to realize that there wasn't any taste, just the glorious sensation of burning liquid being powerfully injected into my body.

I couldn't swallow, so it all had to be forced deeper and deeper into my body by the onslaught of the next shots of cum. I'd seen Darrell shoot before and this was every bit as much as any of those----a good 10 full blown shots.

It was only when he finished and slightly withdrew his rod that I got the taste of the after shots in my mouth and on my tongue that I could actually taste his precious jism, his royal Jamaican cream.

I really didn't want to swallow, hoping that I could somehow suck it back but natural reactions took over and I had to take several very deep, long gasps of the foulest smelling air.

He released his grasp on my head and just let me bury my panting face in his crotch as he collapsed over my back and began to squeeze my ass.

Then there was a long pause and all the guys where smacking each other and makin' comments of having witnessed such an accomplishment. I just hung there with a grin of pride and accomplishment on my face.

Out-da respect for what had just been accomplished and not wanting to be made a wimp by not being able to equal the act of fucking my throat, they released their built up sexual energies by again attacking my ass.

Nothing could be better than what had just happened and as I wallowed in the remembrance of it, I completely relaxed and just let them fuck to their hearts content.

Dad seemed to be the judge or referee of who could go when and how many times each guy got to fuck my ass and mouth. I could see how much pleasure all of this was giving him. I was making him so proud of what I could do and take and I was giving his friends such pleasure that he was able to shoot his load several times during this even. Much of the shouting and encouragement was coming from him.


He later made the proclamation that 38 cocks had penetrated my ass and 30 guys had me lick or such their cocks clean in a space of about 12 hours. If I had the opportunity to do it again, I'd require all of them to come in my mouth. As always it's a pleasure to feel the penetrating fuck rods in my ass stiffen in that frozen moment when they shot their massive loads of cum into my ass. The only ones who really benefited from the cum were the guys that were under me, sucking up the shit, piss and cum as it was being forced out by the next guy who was fuckin' me.

I'm not complaining; I did get a lot of cum shot in my mouth and throat. Even with my eyes closed in the mystery of darkness, I was always able to tell Darrell and Kevin's satin black cocks and they were always able to shoot several loads of THE richest jism in one night. Those I do remember and would swish their cum around in my mouth before being forced to swallow it before the next cock presented itself for cleaning.

For those of you who are concerned about the incestuous nature of all this, my father never took part in any of this gang-bang fucking act. It was all for my training and experience and for the joy and pleasure I was able to give and receive from the other ten men.

It was my great pleasure to perform in such a manner and that it made my dad proud of the fact that I was the best cunt, whore, they'd ever had. That was the best part of all of this.

I was able to participate in three more `Lodge' trips before goin' off to college and while Kevin and I were the featured acts, we'd learned to be more demanding, selective, of who got to do what and when. They liked to watch us perform our newly developed skills of love making. I think we got through to them that love and respect has every thing to do with sex and it's not just the fulfillment of manly lust.

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Next: Chapter 15: Training Sessions with My Dad 15

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