Training Session with My Dad

By moc.liamtoh@skcashguh

Published on Aug 20, 2023


Ninety percent of this scenario is based upon my true life experiences and is told for the personal pleasure of similarly inclined adults. Be forewarned, it covers W/S, Teen sex--not incest--, scat, etc.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. Author: Hugh Sacks or Scatty


Well, that's not exactly true...

Weeeeellllllll that isn't exactly true. The next day on the job was Friday and much easier and dad had a new found energy and interest in our training sessions and had laid out a deliberate schedule which I knew nothing about. (Mom's weekend was Friday afternoon though Sunday afternoon.)

Because there was so little time for the family to be together during the week, we all spent as much time together as we could on weekends. I especially enjoyed preparing meals with mom, mostly bread and deserts/cookies, for the up coming week. Mom was a good baker and a wonderful teacher. She was very interested in experimental cooking and came up with several `special family' receipts. Today we were baking chocolate chip bars, some with mints and some with nuts.

But dad also got into the action. There always seemed to be something that needed fixing or improving. Mom always had a weekend list for him. This time it was the outside spigot for watering her flower boxes. Right after breakfast, while mom was sorting out cloths, dad and I were going into town to the hardware store. Dad was already in his truck when I got there but as I opened my door and stepped up into the cab I was pleasantly surprised to see that he was nude. His cut offs were down to his ankles with his white socks and work shoes on. His shirt was on the bench behind him. He had the most inviting smile on his face and said,

"Well, don't just stand there, get in and enjoy the ride. Told you there'd be times when you'd be able to have a quickie" as he said with a chuckle and while pulling on his cock and balls.

I closed the door quickly as he backed out and I too slipped off my t shirt and shorts. Then I slid closer to him and he pushed my head down to his crotch. He'd moved the seat all the way back so there was plenty of room for me to maneuver my head and hands. The first taste of his meat was delightfully sweet, fresh as a morning shower, with out a hint of sweat or urine. A totally new taste for me and one that I learned to enjoy very much. I had thought that raunchy was the only thing I was interested in but actually it turned out to be his meaty cock regardless of what state it was in.

He knew exactly how long this ride was suppose to take and he took advantage of every one of those minutes but I was surprised when I looked up, to take a breath, to see that we were on the express way and that wasn't the shortest route to the hardware store. I was about to ask why when an 18 wheeler passed us on my side and there was a loud blast of his horn. Then he slowed down to watch the action: a very young nude boy with his face in an older man's crotch---doing what, he could only imagine---until dad held up a bottle with yellow fluid in it. Then there was another blast of his horn. WHAT an exhibitionist dad was; I so enjoyed all those unexpected acts.

I drank all he had to offer, at least I thought I had, and then sat up licking my lips and saying, "That was fun and very tasty. Only wish I could reciprocate."

"OOOHH you can; Got anything to, fill up this water bottle." I hadn't taken my morning piss in the hopes that something might happen so I had plenty and just as I filled the bottle another semi came along side and I was able to confirm his suspicions by holding up the bottle with the golden liquid in it and brought it to my mouth.

"Hold it out the window and offer it to him and see what he does."

I did and he almost slammed on his brakes, trying to reach for it but dad just kept on driving. I handed him the bottle with the widest grin on my face because I was now in the act of teasing a trucker.

Dad screwed on a cap that had a rubber nipple on it and was able to pinch and suck my piss out as thought it was a cock. It took him several gulps but by the time we got to the store, the bottle was empty. "Would really like to leave these off but social etiquette says we should cover up in public but there will be a day and time when we'll be able to walk into a public space, like this, `al natural'. he said as he, we, pulled up our pants.

"Gonna point out something to ya as we go through the store. When I wave or point my thumb, you'll see another guy who is as natural as we are---ones that aren't wearing underpants and maybe just maybe, even find someone with a special interest."

Kind of knew what he was referring to but wasn't sure about the last part. I had my eyes glued to dad's hands. We seemed to wonder around a bit. I thought I knew were the plumbing aisle was but we were no where near it. Then dad's hands were working overtime. First to the right, where a guy was squatting down, getting something from the bottom shelf and ya could see the crack in his jeans and it was obvious the didn't have underwear on and then on the other side a guy had one foot up on a pallet and ya could see his tight pants highlighting a very full crotch and maybe even the caress of a long cock.

Dad said, "Excuse me," to that man and put his foot on the same pallet and reached in front of the man, to get what ever and the man noticed dad's condition, also without any shorts and he brushed his fist against dad's crotch as he stepped back.

"OH excuse me. I didn't mean to be in your way," the young man said.

"NOOO, I was in your way but I enjoyed the contact.'

"Gotta take a leak," he said.

"Well I could too but I've got my son with me and we've got to get on with our shopping. And we walked off before he could say anything else, but I felt him looking at us as we walked away. My dad put the product that he'd just taken from the shelf, in an empty shopping cart.

We got what we needed plus large, cold, drinks and left the store. In the cab I wanted to ask what that was all about but before I could, dad said,

"Well.....what did you see?"

"I saw three guys that weren't wearing underpants, just as you said. I've never noticed that before but when ya know what you're looking for, it's obvious. But why all that talk with the other guy? "

"Describe the other guy?" "He was tall, in his 20's, very good looking. He had longer shorts on and a full bulge"

"It's called a basket or nut sack---not a bulge. Describe his cloths, their colors?"

"Guess blue plaid Bermuda shorts and a loose, light blue shirt. Oh....and I guess he had a handkerchief in his back pocket."

"What did you see dad...?"

"Just what you saw and described, except that the handkerchief is called a bandana and was yellow. That's another man's way of saying or signaling that he's into or wants piss. It's called `Water sports.' and he would like to be pissed upon as the bandana was in his right pocket. I'll show you more about those signals in another training session."

Oh this learning thing is exciting; almost as much fun as my geography classes in school.

We had to wait until we got into the cab before dropping our shorts but then dad saw the last guy getting into his truck right behind us and with his door open, blocking the view from the front, dad dropped his shorts and stepped out of them, tossing them into the front seat and then slowly stepped up and then in to the cab and slowly closed his door.

By then the other man had pulled up beside us with his window rolled down and said,

"Dammed wasted opportunity. Hope we meet again, maybe next weekend."

"Yea, maybe."

"Just love fuckin' around with guys heads like that," he said starting the truck.

"But that brings up the learning exercise of the day. Never, absolutely NEVER, fall for that kind of trap. First, there's the basic health, sanitary, issue. Never mess around with anyone you don't know personally and I mean very personally. To get what they want, especially a friend, they'll say almost anything and not usually the truth and before you can snap your fingers, you've come down with a case of syphilis or gonorrhea which are social diseases your mom has to deal with all the time. They may not be life treating but they sure to make a mess of your sexual experiences.

"Secondly; there are public officials out there trying to make a name for them selves or to justify their sense of morality, and would like to entrap you into a scene that would put you, and me, in jail-----especially since you are under age. If you don't know them, their family, or the honesty of their relationship, stay complete-ly away from them.

"As I said early on, there are people out there who would love to prove their own point by saying we shouldn't be doing what we are doing; that a father should not be teaching, training, his own son; that sex education should be left to the schools to do it. BULL SHIT.

"What's said or done in our house, stays in our house. Ya don't tell every one at school how much money or bills we have; or how we vote in elections; it's simply none of their business.

"Enough of the lecture. Get over here and finish what you started an hour ago. I've got a little more piss to get rid of and there's all your piss in the bottle that I haven't even tasted." We both gulped away, on the shorter route home. We got there and outta the truck, bare assed. Wonder if either of the neighbors across the street ever see us like this? In the garage, we did put our shorts back on so mom wouldn't ask any questions. Mom had gotten out the fixings for the cookies and told me to wash my hands if I was going to help her. Dad fixed the spigot and I helped make three dozen cookies.

That night, after watching T.V. together, I went up to take a bath but actually laid out some flower pots and practiced my aim at pissing in them. I was progressing nicely and would be ready soon to show dad. While soaking in the tub, I drank from the pots that had piss in them. It was tasty, but very weak, almost clear. Just as I was about to get out, there was a scrap against the door, not a knock, and a whisper, "Can I come in?"

"Of course." knowing that it was dad. He stepped in and turned the lock behind him.

He stepped to the side of the tub, zipped open his shorts and offered me his cock. I eagerly reached for it as he began to spray a wide load of much richer, more flavorful piss all over me. When I saw how rich and dark it looked I brought his hose to my mouth and just gulped away. It was full of caffeine coffee and full powered beer. It was delicious.

"Now clean that off so your mom will not suspect anything when she comes up to kiss you good night."

I did and she didn't.

  • + +

Next: Chapter 5: Training Sessions with My Dad 5

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