Training to Be a Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 17, 2021


Well, being a couple with tim was challenging because of our living situation. If you're outside of NYC, you may look at the island and think "OH, it's so small. So easy to get anywhere." Come live here a while. I was living in Manhattan, where getting around IS a breeze and having a car is grounds for being committed. tim lived in a very far off section of Queens, with absolutely no real public transportation , and getting to Manhattan was challenging, especially given what he did. He told me that it never failed: he would be getting set to quit for the day (his hours were 8:30-4:30), and someone would ride in with an emergency. Motorcycle repair was (to me), a surprisingly competitive field, so he wound up staying late a lot, and we didn't even get a chance to chat at night. But we did, and we had the weekends.

I took advantage of the time we were apart, by studying up. My learning curve was steep, and while tim may have been the most patient man I have ever met, He was very soft spoken too. I once told him that, if I left a room, I couldn't be sure I had gagged him or not, because he was so quiet. His response? "I guess you'll just have to get into the habit of gagging me every time you leave a room I'm in."

But that came later. We were still getting to know each other. There were those wicked sweet phone calls. We didn't have caller ID yet, and my phone would ring, I'd answer and I'd hear "hi." on the other end of the phone. Then silence. If I answered with "tim?" I'd get a "yes" and then more silence. (Later, one of tim's friends told me that he had grown up in a Greek home, he spoke only Greek until he was about ten, and he was woefully insecure about his English). So I'd carry the talking. "So, am I gonna get to see you on Friday night tim?" "Do you want to see me Johnny?" "Uh, yeah. I wanna see you the whole weekend." "Ok. I'll drive by after work." Traffic was what it was, and tim was also what I'd call "time challenged." So I didn't make any dinner reservations or anything like that: he could show up any time from 5 or so, to 8. He'd smile, he'd usually have a big bouquet of flowers for me, and it usually took a good half hour to get him out of the hallway in my apartment, because I was so hot for him, I'd just maul him. And when I got him into the living room, I'd have the bed opened, and ready. I learned about him, little by little. For example, one time, when we were necking with him underneath me, my mouth inadvertently grazed his chin. I saw his lips open in bliss. "Oh.. someone's got a glass chin huh?" "NO. NO. Don't do anything there." He tried to squirm out from under me and it was too late. I had him pinned by his wrists, and then I just started running my teeth over that sweet spot, the way a cat or dog might "tooth" you. It drove him nuts. If I REALLY wanted to drive him nuts, I'd chew on that spot. I didn't do it too often, because he would get so excited, it would get ME excited and then... well.

The first time we fucked was... awkward. tim, patient as a nun, led me through each step. "Not so fast." "Not so slow." "Lower." "Higher." It was frustrating, and, well... I told you he'd get me very excited. Second time was much better. "Why don't you let ME get on top of you Johnny? Let me just sit on it. Little by little." Now, I had NOT seen anything like this in the studying I did, but we gave it a try. It worked. I was so nervous: I thought I was gonna hurt him and me, so I wasn't too excited. That is, I wasn't too excited until he sat all the way down on me, smiled and said. "FUCK ME STUD. FUCK MY BLUE COLLAR BUTT." I was still trying to wrap my arms around how I had a boyfriend, who was older than me, and on whom I had had a crush for years. As he bounced, up and down, threw his head back in pleasure, and talked about how he couldn't wait until I was doing that to him every day... I blew my first load in a man. He smiled. "You're a quick study Johnny. And a good one. RAAAAAAAAAAAAH." He smiled. I laughed. "What was THAT about?" "You're an animal Johnny. A first class animal. And I love it. " He laid down next to me, and cuddled. Then he kissed me and asked. "You at all interested in tying me up?" Now, I hadn't brought it up with him, because it was just... it wasn't as "standard" as it is now. I had wanted to tie him up from the first day I saw him at the gas station. I had had the same masturbation fantasy three times that week: tim was tied up and gagged in my closet, and I would just play with his ears, his chest, kiss him every day. Was I interested in tying him up? Ha ha. ' "Tomorrow tim? It's late. I'm tired. " "I wore you out young man? You gotta get in shape." I rolled on top of him and went for that glass chin. "We'll see who's gonna need to get in shape you hot assed bottom." I didn't just do his chin that night: I attacked his ears, and his neck. And then I went after his belly, tickling it until I saw that he was about to piss.

It was the next day that our relationship went "to the next level" as they say. tim must have had this all planned, because he had brought the hottest outfit to wear on Sunday: this older, tight fitting, canary yellow polo shirt, and jeans that looked like they were painted on him. The shirt hugged his arms and his nipples. He insisted we weren't going to do anything until after we had brunch. We found a Mexican place in the neighborhood and filled up on guacamole and tacos, before we got back to my place. That's when he pulled out the sward of rope he had brought with him. "You have a knife to cut it Sir Johnny?" In fact I did: a big cutting knife my grandmother had passed down to me. "Ok, I'm gonna tell you nothing. I see you've been spending your money on books. Go to it. Tie me up any way you like. That day I learned that if you're not sure you have a long enough piece of rope to do what you want, you don't. But tim had brought enough. I had his wrists tied behind his back. He smiled when I tightened them, and walked around, and pressed my crotch into his face. "Yeah , stud. You're gonna chow down." Then I tied his big meaty biceps to the chair, and roped his chest. Four or five loops like I remembered in the comics I hoarded as a kid. "Nice job," he said and I answered "SHUT UP BOTTOM" and I heard him whisper "OOOOOOOOOOOOO" as I took a clean napking and gagged him. Then I surprised him, (I think), by knocking off his sneakers, and pulling his ankles back and tying them to the back rungs of the chair. "DAMN you look good!" I said. We didn't have cell phones, so I picked up a REAL camera and took a few pictures. "I'll share them with you. But now, timmy boy. Let's have some fun." Tied up, he could just squirm as I nibbled his ears. I hadn't shaved that morning, and I rubbed my scruff against his neck. I rubbed it too hard because, as he told me, he had to explain the hickey at work the next week, which made me feel very proud. And of course, his chin was now fair game. He was all mine. I dropped my zipper and my cock came out. "I'll take the gag off if you blow me. Deal?" tim sweated and his hair was beginning to show that dampness. He shook his head for a deal. Soon, my boyfriend was blowing me real good. OH was he a good cocksucker. (Later, when I caught up with Earl again, he told me that tim really didn't like getting fucked by him, but he loved sucking his cock). At some point, tim started shaking his head like something was wrong. I stopped fucking his face. He took a deep breath. "Listen Johnny. You're in charge, but I want you inside of me so bad, and you're getting so hard. You're gonna blow without me feeling you fuck me. Can we? " He paused. He looked at me with big brown eyes. "PLEASE SIR?" When he used those eyes on me, I could never say no. If it was going out dancing, if it were using the cat o'nine on him, or if it were just taking a day trip somewhere, he always got his way when he used them on me. "We bottoms have to know how to subdue our tops," he once joked before I fucked him. And I fucked him good that afternoon. When I was done, I didn't let him roll away, and I tied his hands behind him, and covered his mouth with my hand. "I hope you like that timmy, because you're gonna get that every time. EVERY TIME. We clear?" He shook his head yes. I rolled him over and kissed him: tim loved to be kissed, and I loved kissing him. "Don't untie me Master Johnny. I like this." I smiled. tim was uncut, so there seemed to be a lot of loose flesh down there. Still, I found my way through it, and I began to edge him, with his hands tied behind his back. "OH SHIT. I didn't teach you how to do this." "No. I went to a movie after work one day." He laughed. "They should film you." "Really? You think I'm that good?" "Better. I just don't wanna make you cocky." I let go of his cock. "WAIT. You're not gonna finish me off?" "Nah, you don't want a cocky guy to do that." "FINE" he said and tried to roll over so he could get some friction and jerk. I rolled him on his back. "No you don't timmy. You're just gonna lay there, and I'm gonna flick this tool as if I were reading a book and turning a page. " I got to about page 75 before I let him shoot.

The thing that I never figured out with tim was, well, his view on monogamy. He told me "Listen Johnny. I wish we were together every night, But we're not. And a man has his needs. Especially a young guy like you. I want you to play. Go out with other guys. Show them how good a top you are. Share it." "What about you tim? Are you gonna play with other guys?" He laughed. "Johnny, one day you'll realize that there comes a point where your slutting days are over. I'd rather watch wrestling than go out with someone else." "So you wanna be faithful to me, but you want me to sleep around?" He smiled. "When I was your age... I had a different boy in my bed every night.. and sometimes a different one every morning. I believed him.

One week, I tried to call him, every night, and every call went to his answering machine. I tried to set up our weekend, and got no answer. Nothing. I had no idea what was happening. Then, late on Sunday night, I got a call, he was in tears. "Johnny.... it's me. " he began blubbering. "timmy. THANK GOD. I was so worried. Are you okay." "Johnny... I don't know. I'm in Colorado... My mom... My mom passed today." and he broke down again. "timmy! OH GOD, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should've asked." "No, no you shouldn't have. I wouldn't have told you the truth. Cause you'd insist on being with me." "Well, yeah." "No. This was better. She and I... we made our peace. I need to take care of some things and I'll be back near the end of the week." "Can you give me an address? I'll send flowers or something?" "No Johnny, no. The less I have to explain, the better. I'm heartbroken but... this ends a part of my life . I gotta go." Then the phone went dead. "WOW." I thought. I knew I'd never get an explanation of his relationship with his mom from him, but whoever understands their mom? Anyway, I at least sent flowers to arrive at his place on Friday. I thought about showing up there but, well, he was so careful about his privacy in, as he called it "Archie Bunker land," that I stayed. I didn't hear from him for the rest of the week. Then on Friday, as I was planning what I was going to do with myself (maybe a movie?), the doorman buzzed my intercom. "Hector... what's up?" "Mister tim is here." "Mister tim" must have gotten there a few minutes earlier, because no sooner did I put the intercom down, that my bell was ringing. I went to the door. There he was, looking absolutely stunning: blue button down shirt, loosened tie, wrinkled jacket, pants that I knew would accent his ass when he turned around. He was smiling. "Hi." he said. "Can I come in?" I took his hands. "Sure can. I may not let you leave . You good with that?" "Yes." He took off his jacket and loosened his tie. "I've been driving. You mind if I just close my eyes, Sir Johnny?" "Not at all, " I went to the kitchen to make coffee. I had never heard tim snore before. He was snoring when I came back. I smiled. Time to get the camera and more photos. I'm glad I did. Back then, real photos could be just about all we had to remember people.

Next: Chapter 3

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