Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Oct 26, 2023



"Do you understand that I love you?" asks Derek. "Really love you. Not because you are becoming my sub, not because now you suck my cock and swallow my cum, not because you walk around the dorm naked just because I want you to. I love you because you are adorable and smart and because it feels so wonderful to hold you in my arms and kiss you, and because it somehow gives me a deeper purpose in life to make sure you are safe.

"I'm beginning to dominate your life and control what you do because that is what you need. I've begun to punish you for your faults, and that will continue because you so easily surrender to my discipline. I've collared you because it makes you beautiful and gives you a strange kind of joy. I keep your little dick locked up so you can learn that you find your pleasure by giving me pleasure. It was so intense today when you sucked my cock and got your satisfaction from drinking my cum while your dick remained caged up and unable even to get hard. I've learned that this is best way for subs to be because it helps you place all your energy and purpose into obeying everything I ask or command you to do."

"I am dead serious about giving you to your Uncle Harry from time to time because he has the first right to your body now that you've crossed the age limit he had set for you. If I kept you to myself and didn't give him access to your flesh, you would always end up feeling guilty of depriving him of the sexual satisfaction he had been grooming you for. Who knows, baby, there may be others I will have you serve and maybe others who will have a chance to see how much of slave you are becoming. All of that is up to me, my love; you know that and what's more important, I know that is what you need to feel complete."

"May I ask a couple questions, Derek?"

"Of course, since you asked so nicely. What's on your mind, boy?"

"I know you're not completely straight because you hold me and kiss me and like to see me naked, but I have to wonder if you are completely gay or are you bi?

"I can't answer that right now because like you, I'm going through some kind of metamorphosis. Right now you are the only person who interests me sexually, mainly because I am learning what it means to be a your Dom or Master. I don't have any interest in anyone else. To be honest, I get a kick out of seeing girls staring at your nakedness when they're in our dorm, but the thought of letting them touch you or have a go with you is repulsive to me. You have nothing to worry about concerning that whole issue. Actually, though, it shouldn't matter to you that I feed you my cum but have no interest in even allowing you to cum. That's just the way things are, and the Doms I've met all say the same thing—subs and slaveboys should be denied selfish sexual pleasure as much as possible so things don't get confusing."

"When you give me to Uncle Harry, will you be there to watch?"

"Most likely. At least at the beginning. As far as he is concerned, I'm calling the shots, and he respects that. He's an incredibly nice man and is apparently very happy that you are not a free agent right now but have found someone to direct your behavior. My hunch is that he would have to give up too much of his own lifestyle in order to devote all his attention to you. I think you will become a special pet for him—an obedient pet—and that is all he wants. I could be wrong and if I am we will reevaluate things."

"Do I have the right to negotiate things, especially things which I've never done before or things which make me uncomfortable?"

"Perhaps. As I take your freedom from you, you will not always be free to resist or refused my issues. That would warrant severe punishment. In come cases, certainly, you and I will have a discussion, but, of course, all decisions are mine to make and yours to obey. At the same time, a lot of our "negotiation," as you call it, will be non-verbal. I can read you well, boy; that's why I'm taking possession of you almost effortlessly. Your obsession to be subjugated inspires me to take control one step at a time. If you were meant to be an ordinary guy, none of this would be happening. But to make it clear to you, please know that as far as I am concerned, you and I are in a homosexual relationship but not as equals. We are moving towards what experienced BDSM folk refer to as a "Total Power Exchange"—TPE. I doubt that will change. Anything else now?" Toby slurps up the remaining bits of his milkshake. "Coffee?"

"I will never deprive you of that."

Toby looks relieved. Derek calls the waitress over and asks her to bring them both cups of coffee. When she goes to get it, Derek tells Toby that he will have to drink it black from now on. "It will take you some time to get used to it, I know. That's too bad. You will do so." Toby grimaces. "Yes, Sir."

"Always lower your eyes when you speak those words and keep them lowered until I release you."

"Yes, Sir."

They get their coffee. Toby finds it difficult at first to drink it black, but it gets easier more quickly than he had imagined.

"Look up. Do you have your wallet with you?"

"No, Sir."

"that's fine. When we get back you'll turn over all your cash to me except for ten dollars. You will always have ten dollars with you in case of emergency, but that's all you can carry. As far as other financial arrangements go, we'll work that out later. You can expect that eventually you will own nothing and everything about you, including your finances, will belong to me. In the meantime, I forbid you to spend any money except for emergencies from here on in."

Toby feels a tug of resistance. Isn't it typical, that a sub will surrender so many things, but money is the most difficult of all. Besides that, Toby's parents regularly put money into his accounts. Like it was mentioned before, money is his parents' love language towards him; they have plenty; they give him plenty. At the beginning of the semester they put $5,000 into his account. They've made it clear that they do not want him to have to hold down a job in the midst of his studies. At one point before the vacation Derek said he was thinking of making him take a menial job—like dishwasher or bathroom custodian—two or three nights a week just to help him understand how humble he was, but keep the earnings for himself, so Toby could experience doing "slave labor." This was an occasion when Toby humbly reminded Derek that his parent were adamant about him not having a job. Derek understood but let Toby know he was going to find a way for others to use him as a naked houseboy without getting paid for it.

Toby fought with himself over the financial issue but it began to really upset him, not the issue itself, but the way he was resisting it all. Finally, he realized that he had to confess it to Derek. "Sir, may I mention an issue I am struggling with?" Derek pulls the car over to the side of the road. "I don't want to have to drive and concentrate on you at the same time." He turns towards Toby, sticks his hand up Toby's shirt and starts to toy with the boy's nipples a little more roughly than usual. "So what is it, Toby?"

"Sir, I tensed up when you said the word `finances.' I'm not sure if I'll be able to let go so much. I want to. It just scares me a lot."

"That's because we modern people are so fixated on money that it gets mixed up with our sense of identity, so I'm not surprised. That's why I mentioned it, to be honest. So you could have time to react before it becomes time for you to surrender all that to me. I want your entire life, Toby. Every little shred of it. My weekend with my new Dom friends made me realize that. If you're not willing to come with me on this, even while being scared at times, then we'd better part company now and you can finish getting trained by your uncle unless you want to give up the whole thing and just be an ordinary faggot."

Toby remained silent for a while, breathing deeply with his eyes closed. "Please help me so I can surrender my entire life to you, Derek."

Derek pats him on the face a couple times. "Very well. As you know now, Toby, one of the best ways I can help you surrender is by making sure you are punished for resistant actions or attitudes." Toby lowers his head. "Yes, Master."

"Dang!" Derek squeezes the hell out of Toby's right nipple and makes him cry out. "The magic word emerges from your gut: 'Master.' That is what I intend to become. That is how I want to own you. That is how I want to protect and love, and yes, punish you so that you can become what it is you need to become. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master. Toby sighs heavily.

"And it this what you think you want, faggot? To be ruled by a Dom who owns you and runs your life and punishes you whenever he thinks you deserve it?"

"If it's you, Master," Toby replies as a tear drops down his face.

"And will you still be able to love me if I become your Master in every sense of the word?"

"I want you to be my Master because I love you, Derek. Please train me, Master."

"Bit by bit, boy. Don't get impatient. I'm already doing it, aren't I? Bit by bit."

"Yes, Master, this boy can see it now. This boy is already being trained."

"Notice, Toby, that you stopped saying I' when referring to yourself. There should be no I" in your thinking. It will take time but start working on it now. And if I catch you using the word `I' you will be punished. Do you understand me, faggot?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good." Derek pulls back into traffic and they stop in a small mall that has a shoemaker's shop. Derek stops the car and hands Toby a credit card.

"Go into that shop and ask to buy three pair of long rawhide shoelaces."

"Yes, Sir," and Toby takes the card and heads into the shop. A few minutes later he comes back holding a small package. "These are rawhide, Sir."

"That's good. Your uncle gave me this idea. These laces can make an excellent whip and they won't make much noise. I can play music and whip you at the same time and on one will know that's going on. And your uncle says that the marks won't last for long."

Toby's eyes grow wide, which indicates to Derek that he made a good move. He's looking forward to trying them out. His cousin's Dom friends gave him a whole collection of bdsm video clips of different kinds of scenes and they're a rich source of inspiration. He's planning on showing them a bit at a time to Toby in order to get his thinking started in the right direction. "My, my, my, I'm really becoming a Dom. Master even. And none of it would be happening if I hadn't met this sweet faggot when school started. We were put together because we belong together. Me holding the whip and him groveling before me kissing my feet." And now he's hard as a rock, so we know what Toby will be doing as soon as they get home.

Thanks for all the emails. Some have asked me what they should call me. My name is rob and I think of myself as a slave without a Master. So call me whatever you enjoy. If you are a Dom or Master, please humiliate me. I deserve it and don't get enough of it irl.

Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

Other Stories of Mine: The Alex Chronicles Sweet Subjugation Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 11

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