Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 6, 2023



The following Friday afternoon, when Toby was using the bathroom stall in the nearly empty humanities building, he heard sounds outside the stall he was in that seemed strange. He heard a couple guys with heavy footsteps enter the bathroom and there was some kind of a click and the lights were turned off. Uh-oh.

"Where's out little faggot?" –the voice is Hunter's for sure. Now he knows he's in for a rough time. "Come out of that stall, bitch, or things are going be even worse for you." That's Vito. He flushes the toilet and without even wiping down his cage he opens the door. Immediately Vito, the bigger of the two, grabs him by his hair, pulls him out of the stall, and tosses him to the ground.

"Gonna leave a message for your boyfriend," says Hunter, "but aren't you supposed to be naked all the time?" "oooonly in the ddddorm," he answers. "New fucking rule, cocksucker. Whereever we are, you get naked. So strip or we'll fucking rip your clothes off!" "O come on, guys, please? Do you really want to get Derek pissed? Is it worth it? You know there will be consequences." "Vito pulls his belt out of his pants and lashes Toby until finally he shouts "OKAY I'LL STRIP" and starts to pull his shirt off. Hunter grabs him by the leg and pulls off his shoe and sock while Vito goes after the other one. "Open your fucking pants, queerboy!" Vito and Hunter pull off the pants, each taking a leg. Once that's off Hunter gets down and actually rips off the boy's boxer briefs.

"You're lucky we made you get naked, slut, cause we've got some presents to give you, says Vito, pulling down his fly and pulling out his cock. Then he begins to piss on Toby, moving his dick around to get him in as many places as possible. Hunter soon joins in, and Toby gets completely covered. As scared as he was, much to his horror, he felt his little dick stirring in its cage. Dammit! He was getting turned on by being stripped and pissed on in a public bathroom? Fuck that. He started crying for help. Vito hits him with the belt now, not caring where it would land. "I'll keep hitting you until you shut the fuck up." So other than crying out from the blows of the belt, he stops calling for help but starts crying and begging the guys to leave him alone.

Next thing he knows, the pair are stroking their hard dicks. Hunter does the talking. "Give your faggot boyfriend a message from us. Let him know that we'll be expecting a lot more cooperation from you, no matter what he says or thinks. You take care of us, we won't do this to you again. But if we find out you've been blabbing about this to anyone, you're gonna get used to writhing around in our piss again, and maybe even we'll get a few more of our buddies to join in. The thought of a faggot like you touching my dick makes me want to puke, otherwise it would already be down your throat." Vito starts grunting, apparently almost gonna cum. "but you're still gonna get my cum!" he shouts as he leans over and cums all over Toby's face, followed quickly by Hunter, who shoots out a huge load. "So tell your boy there that we'll be contacting him about some, um, business matters for next semester and he'd better respond because there are a lot of bathrooms on this campus and he'll never know where to find you unless he can follow the trail of the piss."

They both zip up and, as they're unlocking the door they flip on the lights again, leaving Toby naked and marked up with Vito's belt, crying and laying there in cold disgusting piss. Not too long after that, someone comes into the bathroom and lets out a shout in shock at what he sees. "Holy shit! What happened? Who did this to you? Who are you?" He's confused and trying to make sense of things. "I'll, I'll go get a safety officer as quick as I can!" and he rushes out. Toby manages to stand up and begins to clean his face with warm water and paper towels and then do what he can to get some of the piss off himself, and there are about five wicked marks from the belt, one of which looks like it might bleed, landing right across his right nipple and up under his arm. Finally he stops and leans on the sink, throwing up and sobbing all at the same time.

Two hours later he was in the campus infirmary, bathed and bandaged, and was starting to doze off from the medication they had given him for pain and to calm him down. Two regular policemen were waiting to speak with him. This was being dealt with as a hate crime since they kept calling him `faggot' and other names and making threats. Stupid damn jocks. They didn't seem to realize that he knew who they were, thinking they had frightened the little fairy so much that it wouldn't tell anyone who did this to him. Guess again.

He'd told his story once already to the campus safety director who then notified the police. When they arrived, they brought a videographer with them provided by the college. As far as the college was concerned, it had all the information it needed to expel the two who did this to him. If it went to court, they told Toby that this might be enough and he wouldn't have to testify in person. By this point, Toby would have agreed to anything. Derek was at some soiree with his theater group and Toby didn't know where it was being held. He had lost his phone in all the scuffle, and, of course, he never had had reason to memorize Derek's number once he had entered it into his phone. The Dean of Students tried to call Derek but his phonemail box was full and they couldn't even leave a message. They sent Derek a text and an email, but Derek rarely ever checked his phone. If it weren't for the medication they'd given Toby, he would have been frantic. Right now, however, it just seems like he's a little stoned, or even in shock as he spoke in a monotone voice and told the policemen everything that had happened and all the things they had said to him.

Derek, frantic himself, had arrived just as they were beginning the deposition and. He stood somewhere that Toby couldn't see him so he wouldn't be distracted, but he heard the entire story himself by listening to Toby's voice, very surprised that Toby was speaking so calmly. Tears were flowing from Derek's eyes by the time he finished answering the questions the police had for him.

Once the lights from the videographer were off, Derek rushed to the side of Toby's bed and, as soon as Toby saw him, he finally broke down In hysterics. Derek was afraid to hold him because he didn't know where he'd been wounded but Toby grabbed on to him and almost pulled him into the bed. Everyone left and gave the two of the privacy while Toby blubbered into Derek's neck while Derek kept telling him "I heard it all" because

Toby started telling him what happened. Derek kept apologizing that he got there so late and promised he'd check his phone all the time from now on. It would make touching cinema. The both of them were blurting out the things that wanted to say but neither one of the could really pay attention to the other. Finally, realizing what was happening, Derek started chuckling and put his hand gently over Toby's mouth, saying, "We have to go one at a time. I'll go first. I heard everything you told the police and it was awful." It all continued from there but I'm not going to write any of it here because we're all probably tired of hearing about it at this point.

What does matter, and will move the story along better, is that they discharged Toby, they got a lot of help getting him back to the dorm, left some meds with Derek, and told Toby they'd contact his teachers so he could take a couple days to recover (Toby was acing all his classes anyway). Derek decided to move their beds together so Toby would not be alone in his own bed otherwise. As instructed, Derek gave Toby a pill once they got settled, and Toby quickly fell asleep. Derek called his parents and very quietly told them what happened. HIs mother was very upset and offered to come to see them, but the semester was over in two weeks so she'd see them soon. He did ask his mother to replace his bed in his room with a kingsized one so Toby could sleep with him and not be afraid. Wow! This was actually the first time Derek had ever indicated to them that he and Toby were a lot more than best friends at this point. It wasn't because he was afraid to come out to them; it was just because they've all be so open about LGBT+ issues so it wasn't really a big deal. They would see the way things were and they would be perfectly happy for the both of them. (Remember, reader, that this is a fairytale; one could wish things were really that way now.)

Toby's parents weren't notified. He didn't want them to know and since he was over 18, he had no legal obligation to inform them and, hopefully, this won't be widespread by the media. He got a brief "Merry Christmas" email from them telling him to check his bank account to see their gift. $20,000. Guilt money. Toby was happy, not because of the size of the gift, but because he know that it would all be turned over to Derek eventually since Derek has already indicated that he will control all financial matters after the first of the year.

The College's Public Relations Office handled matters as discretely as possible. Hunter's father demanded to meet with the Dean and when he did, the Dean played an aural recording of Toby's deposition and that was that. What happened to the two jock bullies concerning the hate crime issue is a subject for someone else's attempt at fan fiction, but won't be discussed any further here. We're done with them now. They served their dramatic purpose.

17 days later, the boys were sitting in the kitchen at Derek's home. Cindy couldn't fuss enough over Toby, trying to fill the hole inside him where his parents should have been. At first, the affection unnerved him, but it didn't take him long to realize that this is why Derek is so affectionate with him, and where he learned about the magic of hugging. Derek's father Mack was angry at what had happened and the guys who did it, and at one point actually said to Toby, "Son, you are now under the protection of this entire family. You are one of us. We love you and want to keep you safe."

There was more healing taking place at that kitchen table the afternoon Derek and Toby "got home" than sometimes years of therapy are needed to deal with the resultant PTSD that will plague Toby in the aftermath of the assault. Toby's "inner little boy" arose a bit; Toby continually "nursed" on Derek's mouth and dick as well as hugs from all of them. It really helped Toby to get infected with their excitement and enthusiasm for Christmas, and by the time December 24 came around, it didn't take any coaxing for Toby to join in on the little family traditions they had; Toby had never drunk so much hot chocolate in his life.

When Toby heard Cindy talk about going to Midnight Mass, he felt guilty that it has been so long since he stopped thinking about anything like that. To some extent, he had accepted the notion that the Church was the Enemy, which so many gay people thought. He and Derek had never talked about religion; Toby decided that they needed to now. "Do you go to Midnight Mass with the family?" he asked Derek. "Definitely. Every year." For Derek, it seemed simple: it was the family tradition. "But we never go and the Church teaches . . . " Derek abruptly cut him off by putting his fingers to Toby's lips. Toby, of course, couldn't resist licking them until Derek pulled them away and patted the boy's face. "Come sit," he says. They sit on the couch facing each other; Derek holds both Toby's hands in his.

"Sweetheart, you know a lot more about Church teaching than I do, but I'm gonna tell you the way I see it and you can argue with me if you want. So here's the thing: First of all, it's a family tradition and it means a lot to my parents. That's why I go more than anything else. Second, I know that the Church has a problem with gays. So what? It's their problem, not mine. I just don't think that God has a problem with us at all. Look at how many gifts he's given to gay people—in music, and in the arts especially."

"Wow! You think so clearly about it and don't let your head start spinning when you think of it."

"That's because I was never indoctrinated the way you were. So please let me know when you get that old Catholic guilt so I can help you find a way out of it."

"So are you going to communion, too? If you are, I will. If you aren't, then I won't either."

"Of course I'm going to communion. And before you say "BUT," all I want to say is that no one has the right to keep me away from it. Jesus belongs to all of us and it's his birthday. I'm definitely getting my birthday cake!"

Toby bursts out laughing. "do you really think of it as birthday cake?"

"Of course not. It's Jesus. I was just being silly, kid."

Toby chuckles again. "Sometimes you make things seem so easy. I'm glad I asked you about this. Now I'm gonna look forward to going."

And so they all went to Midnight Mass, and Toby found himself recalling some of the good things he had learned in school despite all the bad things. He wasn't sure what he believed in any more, other than Derek; nonetheless, there was something comfortable about the familiar liturgy, especially since he was experiencing it in the company of his new family and when he got to give Derek a hug right there in the Church at the "kiss of peace."

When they got back home, Mack asked for a quick meeting with the boys as they were drinking their hot chocolate, so they went to his office and sat on the couch he had in there while he wheeled over a chair and faced them. In just a minute or so Cindy also came in. Mack got up to give her the chair and he stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders and one of her hands on his. "Toby, when you first arrived with Derek a week ago, I told you that you were now under my protection, and I meant it most seriously. I also understand that what happened to you is not uncommon for gay people since there is so much ignorant hate in this country right now, and we have already seen that I can't always protect you. Anyway, my dear sons, that as our Christmas gift to, Cindy found a nice little cottage for sale not far from campus. She bought it on the spot, and we are giving it to you as our Christmas gift. It will be ready for you to inhabit by January 10. I know this doesn't solve all your problems up there, but with you out of the dorm you will be less visible and much less vulnerable. You should also know that as part of a negotiated settlement with the College for their negligence they are offering the both of you a full scholarship for the rest of your time there in addition to a substantial financial reward which will be held in trust for the day you graduate. We'll open the ordinary gifts tomorrow, but I wanted you to know about this now. Merry Christmas, Toby and Derek! We love you."

Tears and hugs all around, and when they got ready for bed, Toby spent a long time in the bathroom which caused Derek to worry a bit. At one point he knocked on the door to make sure Toby was okay; Toby told him he'd need a little bit more time to "get ready," whatever that meant. When he came out, he handed Derek a small gift-wrapped box from his carrying case. "this is my Christmas gift to you, Derek, so you can take further possession of me."

Derek, looking confused, quickly tore off the paper and he opened the box to find a large tube of "Lubinall." He looked up at Toby. "Are you sure?" "Yes, Master. Been sure for a long time." "Have you ever . . . " "No, Sir, but I've been practicing a little to get ready." "Well then, shazzzzzam Baby. Your Master's gonna claim your ass for good!"

Toby solemnly gets on the bed and lies on a pile of pillows with his ass raised and his legs spread. Derek has never done this before, but he's seen plenty of clips about making it comfortable for a virgin the first time. He gets on the bed, leans forward and kisses Toby saying, "You know how much I love you, Toby. Now I'm gonna consummate that love."

He takes some of the lube on his finger and gently plays around Toby's hole and slips in as toby cries "Yesssss! Two fingers please." Derek gives him what he asked for and his two fingers do a good job of spreading him open, and it becomes clear to Derek that Toby has been preparing for this. He slips in a third and Toby makes a guttural and slutty groan which makes Derek's cock jump. He pulls out his fingers and lubes up his dick and gets up on his knees so he can aim it at the entrance to Toby's inner body and ever so slowly enters his lover for the first time while Toby groans and whimpers incoherently as Derek begins pistoning, a little bit deeper each time, until he is seated all the way inside his slaveboy who is chanting "thank you thank you thank you thank you take me take me" and it is music to Derek's ears. Toby flexes his inner muscles and Derek is shocked to find out how Toby can give him even more pleasure on top of the paradise he's currently experiencing. "Fuck me, baby, fuck your slave!" Toby cries out, and Derek decides to give him what he's asking for and it is perhaps the most pleasurable moment of his entire life. Toby eagerly meets his thrusts and Derek can't help thinking to himself that some boys are natural subs and are somehow anatomically built in such a way to enjoy what most men would fear and hate. And so, Derek plunges on, thinking of how much he truly possesses the beautiful boy whom he met when he first set foot in their college dorm. Yes. Toby is his. He is Toby's. They each have a different function in this partnership while their talents and needs and desires also complement each other. Together they are complete.

Thanks for all the emails. Some have asked me what they should call me. My name is rob and I think of myself as a slave without a Master. So call me whatever you want.

Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

PICTURES, ANYONE? I am searching for just the right pictures to present representing how I think Derek and Toby should look like. Uncle Harry as well. If you'd like to offer any suggestions, be my guest. I'll announce it when the final selection is made. This might take some time.

Other Stories of Mine: The Alex Chronicles Sweet Subjugation Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 16

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