Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 5, 2023



Toby woke up before Derek, and lay there gazing at the Master's face, this special friend who had come into its life and rearranged it as much as Toby had rearranged Derek's. They were in this together, very much together, and together they would continue to evolve.

And it the truth be told, Toby was so proud of Derek, so proud how he had taken his slave's sexuality, its heart, its mind and, oh damn ouch! its groin. It felt so strange lying there uncaged and obviously quite sore after the flogging it had received when Derek decided to let loose with the rawhide whip across the most tender and private part of his slave, proving his ownership, proving that no part of this slave's body would ever be free from its Master's desire to make sure the little painpig would always be satisfied, and grateful, and humble in the presence of this wonderful, creative, kinky and loving man.

Derek stirred. When he opened his eyes, Toby's were fixed on his. Derek winked and smiled and then planted kisses on the slave's cheeks. He reached down and cupped the slave's junk in his hand and Toby gasped because the touch was so painful. Derek knew he had to take care of the boy with medicinal and pain-relieving crème he had bought when he bought the dungeon equipment that was going to become their usual playroom.

Derek sat up. "I have to piss." Toby immediately got out of bed and went to retrieve the urinal from the bathroom. He came back and knelt at the side of the bed as Derek stood up, leaning his hands on Toby's shoulders. Toby held the urinal at its Master's cock. "Make sure you watch real careful, baby. Start wanting to taste me more," Derek said in his half-awake seductive voice as his piss began to flow into the urinal. Maybe it was because of the special flogging it had received the night before or maybe it was because of all the mind prompts Derek kept giving it, but for the very first time, as Toby watched its Master's piss flow from the slit, it was looking more and more attractive to him. So many times since they've become part of the D/s world, Toby has heard what is often repeated as a simply statement of fact: slaves drink piss. In its heart of hearts, Toby actually feels insufficient.

It remembers that night of the NYE party when Derek pissed into its mouth and it had freaked out and spit it all over. How the slave regretted fucking up that opportunity not only to surrender to what Derek wanted but also to make him so proud, as all the other Doms were looking on encouraging him to put his slave in its place. But no: he panicked and fled and wept from shock and shame and disappointment that he had refused Derek's desire to lay upon his slave the ultimate humiliation. Slaves drink piss. Toby was not a true slave.

What Toby failed to realize is that the motto was not really true. Many slaves did not drink. At least that's what one of the other subs at the party told Toby when they were chatting. The boy also learned that there are many Masters who are not interested in water sports as they're called. In fact, some Masters don't even care to piss on their slaves.

Nonetheless, Toby has known for some time now that Derek was keenly interested in finding out what it would be like to use his slave that way. Maybe if Toby gave in and simply surrendered to it, Derek would change his mind about the entire matter. But, he reasoned, Derek is very turned on by humiliating Toby, as much as Toby is turned on when Derek does something to enhance the meaning of what it meant for Toby to be his slave.

Damn! So much had happened so quickly. They only met at the end of August. Now it was January and Toby is already this subjugated. Last night Derek whipped Toby's balls and uncaged dick. How many boys its age, Toby wondered, would ever have allowed someone to treat them that way? Perhaps Toby was the only one.

Derek didn't shake his cock after he was finished pissing. "Put down the urinal. Take my cock in your mouth and suck out the last few drops. Taste me, slave. Then clean my slit." With its heart racing, Toby thought of how Derek had whipped its body last night and obeyed its Master's command, fearing what would happen but so desperate to obey, no matter what. And so, by its own actions, the slave drained its Master's cock of the remaining drops of piss and let it slide over its tongue and down its throat. It was very strong and a little fetid, this first piss of the day. Toby knew this would be the worst. Toby realized that this day was off the a real degrading start. It cleaned Derek's slit, then stood up to carry the urinal filled with its Master's piss to the bathroom. "Lay it on the ground on the side of the tub. Don't flush it. I'm not done with it yet. I'm not done with you yet, slave."

Derek came into the bathroom while Toby was laying the urinal on the floor. He messed up the boy's hair, a constant gesture of affectionate ownership. "Get into the tub and lie flat on your back, boy." Toby obeyed and squealed a bit, because the bottom of the tub was cold. Derek chuckled. "Don't worry, slave. Your Master is going to warm you up. But first, take your morning piss. Just like that." It took Toby a while to get started, but it piss covered its legs and a bit of its groin. As soon as it was finished, Derek picked up the urinal he had pissed in and slowly poured it all over the front of Toby's body, from its groin up its chest and over both nipples and finally over the lower half of the slave's face. Toby kept its lips firmly closed, but Derek didn't get angry at him.

Once Derek had emptied out the urinal he ordered the slave to get up and squat. He adjusted the temperature of the water and got into the tub himself to begin his own shower. As usual, the slave knew it had to use the soapy water spilling off Derek's body to wash itself. Finally, Derek stood directly over the slave to make sure it was covered with the dirty water spilling off his body. Then something surprising happened, something which had never happened before.

"Stand up, sweetheart," said Derek, who reached down to help the slave stand. And then Derek proceeded to take the soap and clean every inch of the slave's body, making sure all the piss would be washed away. Once he finished, he just stood there and wrapped Toby into his arms, and Toby was transported to another dimension of reality by the hypnotic intense experience of being hugged not by its Master, but by its lover.

And then Derek washed the boy's hair. They both got out of the shower and Derek took a towel and dried of Toby's body carefully, then gave a clean towel to Toby so Toby could dry off its Master as well. "Sit on the toilet with your legs spread so I can take a look at the results of your flogging last night." Toby did so and moaned several times as its Master took its junk in hand to inspect the little welts and stripes he could see. "Still hurts, I guess. What number?" "6," said Toby, grunting. Derek took the flask of some kind of oil and poured some into his hand so he could spread it all over the places he had whipped. Toby's groans turned into moans as the magic ointment did its work. (Too bad we don't have that stuff in the real world!)

Once Derek was finished, he gave the slave more commands. "Go put on a white jock so you won't touch yourself and get oil anywhere else. Then make coffee and start our breakfast. Scrambled for me. No meat. SubsGruel© in your bowl. (A special form of oatmeal-like breakfast fortified with certain vitamins and mood-enhancing ingredients formulated by a Danish company and sold in most places where sexual products were sold or used. The taste wasn't bad. Derek allows the slave to add sugar when preparing it.)

Toby finished the preparations and set the table for its Master and the bowl on the floor. As soon as Derek sat at the table, Toby got under the table to suck and lick the Master's toes and feet which had just recently been washed clean. Once the Master was adequately satisfied he gently pushed the slave's head away, which was his signal that the slave could crawl to its bowl and have its own breakfast. They had spoken about this breakfast routine some time before they actually were able to move into the house. This, in fact, is the first morning it happened, and Toby knew that this would be the norm not only when they were alone but also, Derek let it be known, when friends of the Master were present who would enjoy seeing a slaveboy suitably humbled in this manner.

Galvin had told Toby all about the way his slave had breakfast and Derek decided to give it a try for a while to see how he felt about it and how it affected the slave's demeanor and general mood. That was important as well. If it made the slave sullen or resentful rather than peaceful and grateful, then he wasn't going to keep doing it. But so far at least, it seemed to be working and Derek sprang a hardon watching the slave finish licking its bowl clean.

"Follow me inside and blow me," Derek orders the slave and he goes to the living room, turns on the morning news and sits on the couch with his pants open and his legs spread. Toby races after him, crawling, and the climbs up to further open Derek's pants. Derek makes him run his mouth over his hard dick still in its boxer briefs and to begin to get him feeling good that way. Toby is also feeling pretty good, worshipping the Master's hard cock this way and eager to have it in his mouth. Derek reaches down to set it free and Toby licks it from its base to his crown and tip, sucking off the pre-cum that formed (Derek doesn't produce a lot) and then eagerly making love to the Master's dick as he gets his mouth around it.

"That's it, cocksucker, stay on the crown. Oh yeah . . . . . and Toby does whatever the Master commands. "Ok, down on it now but don't gag. Just work it with your faggot mouth until you get to drink what it shoots in your mouth, cocksucker. Hot for your Master's cock. Soon you'll be sucking a lot of cock, but you'll always want your Master's the most." And this is the way he lets the slave know that he's decided to make it service other men as well. Toby sighs as he sucks in Derek's hard cock. Derek reaches down and starts slapping the sides of Toby's cheeks.

"That's it, faggot. Get me wetter. Suck tightly." The coaching continues until at last Derek yells out, "here it cums, drink me down, cocksucker. Be my cumdump." And Toby savors his reward, looking up at Derek with love in his eyes. Once the slave has licked its Master's cock clean and put it away, Derek invites it up into his arms and they have a cuddle session on the couch for a while before Derek smacks Toby hard on the ass and tells it to go play houseboy for a while. (That's his nice way of ordering the slave to clean the house.)

The word "houseboy" hits Toby pretty hard. He never realized that was going to be his role as Derek's slave. Naked houseboy. Damn. Toby has never been fond of having to keep things clean and neat, but now all that activity takes on a new meaning. Toby, the naked slave (except that right now it's still wearing the jock). Toby, the naked houseboy. He once saw a channel on SeeIt© for "gay houseboys," and he discovered that most of them were naked, some were collared or even chained, and quite a few of them had obviously been spanked before this photoshoot took place. He thought of that as he was cleaning the kitchen from breakfast and also thinking about the naked houseboy site. He wondered if Derek would ever post his picture there. He also wondered whether any of the boys in those pictures were actual naked gay houseboys. Hm . . . .

While Toby is doing his chores, Galvin calls Derek to make plans for the evening. He's also promised to show Derek how to use the new flogger he had him buy.

"What should we do about supper? I'm gonna order out. Any preferences?"

"First, tell me," says Galvin, "how you eat with Toby. At the table? Do you feed it? You know what I mean?"

"Sure, Galvin. Sometimes I have it kneel and I'll put food into its mouth. Other times it eats from a bowl on the floor. Hardly ever at the table."

"Great. Same here. Then I suggest you get Chinese food. Stuff the boys can eat from their bowls with maybe pieces of meat or vegetable we make them take from our fingers."

"Perfect! That's a great idea. How spicy?"

"Whatever you want."

"I have another idea too. From time to time the slaves should take a break from eating and suck our feet. I really like it when I `ve got the faggot under the table working my toes."

"You can do that as much as you want. I'm prone to nail fungus, so we don't do any of that. Bummer, but that's just the way things are right now."

"Oh that's too bad. Well then I won't make Toby do it either."

"Thanks. That's considerate of you, but you always could have gone ahead with it. So how do you like having your own place to live now away from the dorm?"

"It's really nice, and wait till you see the results of my dungeon shopping. The only thing is that I miss the idea of Toby roaming around the dorm naked."

"You could still do that, you know . . . maybe putting it to work making beds for some of the guys . . . I've been selling my boy cleaning houses and apartments for a long time now. Not full time. Just when I get the urge to . . . "

" . . .to reinforce it's sense that it's a true slave?"

"Precisely. It's important to have things like that for them to do. So you could always talk to the RA and maybe get some friends to sign of up maid service once or twice a week."

"Damn, you're good, Galvin. Fuck, you've gotten me hard again. And the faggot just sucked me off a little while ago." (Author's note: it appears that in this crowd only the slaves are referred to as "faggots.")

They chat for a good long while throwing ideas back and forth and also Galvin telling him more about this flogger they both bought before bringing the conversation to an end. Eventually, Toby finished the kitchen and the bathroom and remade their bed. He fixes two cups of coffee and brings them to Derek, kneeling back on his heels to drink his own.

Derek smiles at him and winks. "I think it's about time to get you out of that jock and back into your cage. Go get it for me. It's on the counter in the bathroom."

"Yes, Master," says Toby, wondering what it will be like to be caged with an oily cock.

Thanks for all the emails and the stories you share with me. Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

Other Stories of Mine: The Alex Chronicles Sweet Subjugation Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 31

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