Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 22, 2023



Before he gets to the cottage, Derek rings Toby and asks him to help bring things in from the car when he gets there. He pulls up, relishing the sight: Toby standing at the door, chinos, bare-foot and bare-chested, hair a mess, smiling that he's home. Actually, Derek is a little surprised that the boy's not naked—they certainly have enough privacy.

But he looks so adorable standing there like that.

Derek gets out of the car. "Stay there, pup. Don't get your feet dirty." He reaches into the car and pulls out two loaded bags from the bookstore, brings them up to the door where Toby takes them from him.

He brings the pizza to the kitchen, sees two plates there waiting and a jug of water. Toby comes in, still in pants, and snuggles himself against Derek who runs his hands down the boy's back while kissing him. "You look so sexy wearing nothing but those pants," he says.

"Better than naked?"

"Not better, but different in a nice way. Keep `em on, boy, till later."

"I intended to, Derek."

"and why was that, may I ask?"

"because right now I need to be just your boyfriend, please, Derek?"

"Boyfriend, huh? But boyfriends do things that their boyfriends ask them to do."

"You mean like ask me to keep these pants on because you think it looks hot?"

"Precisely, my boyfriend who is sometimes extremely smart."

"And your boyfriend who is so happy you're home because he was having a sad attack before."

"Oh toby. I wish I could do more to help you through this."

"You do, Master," he says, sticking out his tongue. "You like to be playful and that's so cool right now. Getting un-sad, baby." and he kisses Derek on the cheek.

They eat their pizza standing up together because neither one of them wants to decide about acting anything out right now. Toby is too fragile. After eating, Derek actually helps Toby clean up and then they go to sort out the books Derek bought but instead end up cuddling on the couch with a fake fire going in the flreplace. "you know what I decided after I realized I was wasting time feeling sorry for myself?"

"What was that, baby?"

"That I like your interpretation of my dream better: that the whole mess is slipping farther and farther away from me as the train pulls out of the station and he's there waving good-bye. That I'm gonna be able to let it go and move on. That I hope it all stays away while I get stronger."

"Wow! Impressive. But are all those things only in your head, or are they starting to become more a part of you? Are you finding ways to wave

goodbye to him?" "It's happening. After all, I dared to have pants on when you got home. . . " he looks coyly at Derek.

"Risking a thrashing, I might add . . " Derek is still thinking like a Dom sometimes.

"No, thank you. done enough crying already today. Just need warm spankies from my man."

"well then, please allow me the honor of warming up your cute behind." Derek tweaks a nipple-lightly.

Toby flips around and offers up his ass and Derek's hands get right at it, smoothing and pressing, doing a big of massaging and spanking while Toby purrs. Derek pulls apart the boy's cheeks and peeks at the hole.

"After I spank you, baby, I'm gonna fuck you."

"Then I'll need some time to clean up or there might be a mess."

"I'll risk it. Just go get lube and a towel. Please." Derek helps Toby up off his lap.

"yes, Sir," Toby answers as he goes to fetch what Derek asks for, and also gets a bottle of water—just one.

"Thirsty, boy?" Toby nods. With a slick look on his face, Derek opens the bottle and takes a big drink of it himself, swallows, then fills his mouth up again and leans towards Toby, who eagerly opens his mouth while Derek dribbles the water into his mouth. Three times, actually.

"Yum," says Toby once they're finished and Derek's put the top back on the bottle.

"I'd like you to kneel on the couch, put your head down and offer me your ass, Toby." Derek hesitates to call any names right now. Toby does what he was asked. Derek lubes his fingers then caresses the boy and toys with him getting interesting moans out of him. He takes his time making love before even penetrating this young man he loves so very much. Their entire time of coupling is gentle and slow and sweet. Derek's never done it like this with Toby before and it's a nice change, although he really does have to fight the impulse to just pull out and ram himself in hard the way he usually does. No. Now it's sweet. It's going to make up for what his lover lost. It's going to give the sub sometime special to fill up the empty place Harry ripped out of its heart. Yes.

As for Toby, he was wondering how he could ask Derek for them to just be ordinary vanilla guys for a while and ask for them to make love, but he didn't have to ask. Derek has become a mind-reader. Or is that soul-reader? Probably the latter. And they've been playing together ever since Derek got home and it's been so much fun and he loves Derek so much this way too, and Derek is helping him watch that train pull out of the station and almost out of sight. It will come. Derek will help it happen. Yes. Derek reads his soul. In a funny way, Toby can even understand Derek as a type of parent, to make up for the ones who were never there for him. Derek is always here. Derek is stroking himself deep inside, and it feels so good. So warm. So smooth, So much love. So safe. When at last Derek withdraws, they immediately become aware that there was a mess. Good thing Derek thought of having a towel nearby. He puts the towel to Toby's butt and wipes it and himself with the towel at the same time. "Showers," he says, urgently. Taking Toby by the hand (the other hand), Derek pulls him towards the shower, throws the soiled towel on the floor of the shower, fixes the water and helps Toby in. "We'll wash the towel with our feet," he says to Toby, who immediately says,

"EWWW! don't expect me to kneel down there, buster."

"Didn't even think of it," Derek replies, taking soap and using it to wash Toby from back to front (ahem!) and the two of them end up taking care of each other and it is true, the towel gets reasonably clean at the same time. Derek save his favorite thing for last: washing Toby's hair. He got a rich luxurious shampoo just for Toby and he works up a frothy lather, having such a good time. All through this, Toby always seems to end up feeling like a child of a nondescript age, just rejoicing in being taken care of. He closes his eyes tightly and just allows Derek to do anything he wants—nothing new about that—because Derek loves playing with his hair so much and it feels so good.

Everything feels so good. Especially when Derek unlocks Toby's cage and takes it off from him while they're still in the shower. Of course he gets hard while Derek is washing him. Derek smiles at him but doesn't do anything else, which, of course, drives Toby crazy. "Do I have to make you hold your arms out to make that go down?" he asks Toby.

"I can think of better ways to make it go down," he says.

"Is that so?" Derek replies. "You'll have to tell me what they are later. But I want you to know that I have no intention of letting you cum now. You'll be sucking cock soon. We need to get out of the shower now before all the hot water is used up." And so they do.

Derek takes a bath towel and hands it to Toby, raising his hands in the air as he usually does when he wants the slave to dry him before drying itself. He knows it's a gamble, but he decides to see if it'll be possible to coax Toby back into his usual submissive state, knowing that if the boy isn't ready yet that will be fine. But no. Toby takes the towel and lovingly dries Derek's head, torso and arms and then actually kneels down on the floor to dry its Master's lower body and feet, and when he lifts Derek's feet to dry them he kisses them before putting them back on the floor. "You are my good boy and I love you," he says to Toby and can tell by the boy's sigh that he broke through at least temporarily.

As is usually the case in these situations, the Dom observes carefully to pick up signals from the sub about what it's ready to handle and where its limits may lie and any given occasion. "Pierce will be here about 8 so you can service him the way I promised. I want to make sure you're willing to be a good slave and make him believe that you are totally turned on by his cock. I'll be watching. If it's necessary, this is your opportunity to ask me to call him and postpone things." Toby says nothing, but lowers his eyes and looks down at his dick and notices that it's no longer hard. Derek notices as well and takes the cage to lock up the slave's dick again. "I want you to show him energy, devotion, and how much of a faggot you are, that's why I denied you an orgasm. Save the horniness for Pierce and show him how well I've trained you. If you disappoint me you'll be whipped while Pierce watches, then you'll go back to sucking his cock better than you had been. do you understand what I'm telling you, slave? Toby actually smiles up at him and gently says "Yes, Master. Thank you for being so good to me. I promise I won't disappoint you, Master. I'll be the best faggot cocksucker the guy has ever experienced in his life." Derek nods and pats the re-awakened slave on the cheek before turning and leaving the bathroom, leaving the slave to dry itself with Derek's used and damp towel. Yes, indeed. Things are getting back to normal, and sooner than Derek expected. Obviously, he still doesn't realize just how effective a Master he is, just how he's able to play the slave's body and mind like a fine musical instrument. Nonetheless, he's very happy about the way Toby has slipped back into subspace and is looking forward to watching it give a blow job to another guy for the first time since it became his slave. He goes into the bedroom and gets dressed again, remaining barefoot so Toby can reacquaint himself with this humble task which Derek always insists on, usually more than once a day, and often for long periods of time. It will be interesting for him to feel the boy's mouth on his toes now; it will tell him a lot about the depth of the boy's submission, whether or not it is feeling its slavery as acutely and decisively as it used to. He promises himself that there will be time for a safe chat with the slave after Pierce has left and before he has the slave take care of his own cock before they go to sleep.

Without being ordered to, Toby is on its knees as it crawls out of the bathroom, still a little damp from using the Master's damp towel, and when the slave sees the Master sitting there looking at him with love and commanding obedience just by the way he holds his head, the slave sighs and as gracefully as possible approaches the Master and when it draws close, it drops its head and stares at the Master's bare feet, taking in the entire sight. It lowers its head to the Master's right foot and slowly sticks out its tongue and tries to clean between the Master's big toe and second one. Derek waits just a bit longer before reacting. Toby gently takes the Master's big toe into its mouth and scrubs it with its tongue while also salivating on it to make the task easier. As the slave moves to the next toe, the Master knows for sure that Toby has gotten free of the darkness that was hurting so much and was once again totally free to be the one it wants to be so much: Derek's boy lover slave property fully surrendered. And for an entire hour the slave cares for its Master's feet and the time goes by so quickly.

"Kneel up," Derek orders quietly, and then the command "open," as he works his mouth to get it full of saliva. He leans his head over the boy's (which makes them seem upside-down) and lets the juices fall from his mouth into the slave's mouth. Toby wants so badly to swallow it down but Derek puts up his hand, telling the boy to wait. Soon a new waterfall slips from between Derek's lips and lands in the slave's mouth, mixing itself with the spit that's already there. With a proud smile, Derek nods his head. "Swallow me, slave," he commands and quickly puts his hand to the slave's neck to feel it gulp him down.

His other hand also goes to the slave's neck. Derek begins to tighten his hands around Toby's neck, watching carefully for how it's breathing. Toby closes its eyes, determined to surrender, no matter what, as Derek subtly tightens his hands. Toby begins to struggle a bit but can still breathe. At that point, Derek decides to stop all the slave's breath, and as it struggles to breathe, says to Toby. I own you, slave. Everything you have comes from me. I control all of you. Even your right to breathe." He quickly lets go and massages Toby's shoulder while it's breathing slowly gets back to normal. "Eyes," Derek says and as he's able to lock the slave's eyes to his, he says, "whenever your breathe, it is because I have given you permission to breath. I control all of you, slave." Toby tries to screw its face to the left and kiss Derek's hand which is massaging its shoulder. Failing that, he smiles lovingly at Derek and says, "I am yours, Derek. You own me."

"I've invited Pierce to come here tonight so I can watch you suck his cock and swallow his load. Make it good for him. Make it so good that he'll say it was the best he's ever had. Actually that shouldn't take much, but you just make sure he knows that I've trained you to become one of the best faggot cocksuckers around but it's by invitation only. Suck his cock like you're his slave and he's your new Master." Toby is breathing more heavily as Derek speaks to him. Derek reaches both hands down for the slave's nipples, already a bit tender but about to be in a good amount of pain, pain that shoots right down to the slave's balls, pain which makes him more eager to obey than ever before. From the very beginning, probably while still in high school, Toby had begun exploring and the guy he was first shirtless with started toying with his nipples.

Toby inhaled sharply. "What?" the guy holding his nipples asked. "I want to be a good boy and obey you, whatever you want." So the guy asked him to kiss him while rubbing his hardon still in his pants at the same time. So that's what Toby did. It didn't take the guy long to realize that this fag's nipples make him want to be dirty. He decided to test his theory. One day when their parents were away he got Toby in bed. They were both in their underpants—still tighty whities probably. They were making out and the guy started on Toby's nipples and staring into his eyes. "Open my pants and take out my dick then play with the tip," he ordered and increased the tension in his fingers. Toby obeyed. So far, so good. "Now I want you to kneel and stare at my cock," he said while pulling the boy's nipples down "inspiring" the boy's desire to kneel. So far so good. Now for the final act. He started getting even more rough with Toby's nipples and he was squirming to get away. Finally, the guy says, "I'll stop when you put my cock in your mouth and start sucking it," waiting to see what would happen. The pain was driving Toby wild and he got on that cock right away and sucked it for the very first time in his life. And when he started slowing down, all the guy had to do was squeeze only one nipple a little and Toby starts sucking like a real slaveboy afraid of more punishment. Victory!

That was the first time. Many followed. Until now. Toby's learned to take a lot more pain, but when it comes to its nipples, that's like a booster switch the Master can use to increase the quality of its obedience and it always works. Derek, of course, knows this. In fact, Toby actually told him one night when they were talking before things got too heavy with them.

So Derek works the nipples more and Toby tries to suck in the pain to make him really serve Pierce like his slave. Finally, after all this was over, Derek's reading a textbook and Toby's naked and groveling on the floor. There's a knock on the door. Derek gets up to open it, having warned Toby not to move until ordered to. Pierce comes in, obviously ready for action. White socks, no shoes. Short bathing suit, black, and a red wife-beater shirt which shows off he's into exercise. Derek instantly gets the guy to relax then simply backs away from the two of them and leaves Pierce to do whatever he wants. Derek makes that clear: whatever he wants. The slave hears it too and now gets a little nervous.

Thanks for all the emails and the stories you share with me. Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

Other Stories of Mine: The Alex Chronicles Sweet Subjugation Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 37

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