Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 24, 2023



Shirts and shows are required in the campus dining room so Derek can't keep Toby naked there as well. He dressed his boyfriend in a worn t-shirt and a very flimsy pair of grey shorts. But instead of flip-flops (which they forgot to pack), he had the slave wear its usual pair of black boots.

As they went through the line, Derek would select what he wanted Toby to eat, usually yogurt, some fruit and once in a great while a donut. This morning Toby gets the bonanza buffet because it had just worked hard at the Frat House. Derek wants to hear all about the men the boy served there, so Toby fills him in on everything that happened. When he told Derek that Spike had slapped his ass, Derek told him that was fine; he'd let Spike know how far he could go if he was in the mood. He told Toby that he'd make sure they all knew they couldn't fuck him. Three of the guys were straight anyway, so it was no big deal. And Darius was a bottom like Toby.

A few guys they knew came by to say hi, including Pierce, Nick, Vic (horny for a bj) and Matt (Orson's roomy). They catch each other up. Derek gives the news about their cottage. Vic hints around about how much he needs a good bj. Derek tells him "soon, dude. But you guys have to treat the boy nice. No jock crap." Vic agrees and Toby blushes.

They still have a few minutes for their first classes, so Derek decides to take Toby up to Dr. Sullivan's office to say hello. She's happy to see him and makes it a point to tell him that just because he's not in one of her classes this semester, he could always stop by for a quick chat. About anything at all. Toby obviously gets the point. After they head off, he asks Derek, "Did you happen to talk to Dr. Sullivan about what happened to me?"

"Yes, I did," admits Derek. "I was really concerned. I needed someone safe to talk to."

Toby stops and kisses him on the cheek. "I love you so much," he says. "You're the most caring person I think I've ever met. Especially for a Dom." Derek reaches out to tickle him, but Toby gets away too quickly. Off they go in their separate ways. Toby has a class on "the Bible as Literature," which is a requirement for English majors. He's not too happy about it. He'd had enough of that as a kid. But maybe he'll end up liking it. Like Derek is always telling him, a slave like him doesn't have many choices; just has to accept what happens to it. He tries to apply that principle to this situation as well. As it turns out, the professor is pretty interesting, telling the class that they're going to put aside anything they believe in and just look at the Bible as a collection of myths. Hmmmm.. Might be something to it after all, he thinks.

Soon it's just about 3 pm. Toby's in the dorm room reading. Naked, of course. There's a knock on the door. It's Orson. "I've been looking forward to this," he tells Toby. "I keep cruising the bathrooms, but there aren't a lot of male cocksuckers around, I guess. I'm glad I got to know Derek." Toby notes, of course, that the reference is made to the Master, not to him. Orson must actually have a lot of Dom in him.

Orson is standing the middle of room. "come over here and kneel in front of me."

"yes, Sir." Toby gets right into position. There's something about Orson that really turns him on. Maybe it's because he just comes out with what he wants.

"Rub your face up against my crotch the way you did before. Get me hard that way. Show me how much you crave my dick. You never saw it hard before, faggot. It's a nice dick." While he's blabbering on, Toby can feel him harden in his pants and he presses his face more urgently against Orson's jeans. "That's right, faggot. You're making me feel good. We should make you do this to every guy in the dorm who wants it. I'll spread the word."

Finally, Orson orders the slave to open his pants, pull down the zipper then pull down the pants. He makes Toby do the same thing again while his dick is still in his boxers. "That's right, faggot. Rub my dick. Sniff my shorts. Didn't shower today so I'd have a nice smell for you. I bet you dig that shit."

"You're right, Sir. I do." and Toby gets some good sniffs in before Orson can't handle it any longer and makes toby pull the shorts down and watch his cock as it bops up into the air and something drips from the end of it and on to the floor. "Shit, got some precum on the floor," says Orson. "Be a good faggot and go lick that up for me. Then get the rest on the head of my dick. Hurry up, cause it's beginning to flow heavy. That's right, boy. Good to see you licking my stuff off the floor. Now get up here and clean off my dick again. Suck everything that leaks from it. Do I smell good?" Toby shakes his head. "Okay, boy. You get your reward. Put the head of my cock in your faggot mouth and tongue it good." It's obvious that this isn't Orson's first D/s scene. Toby's enjoying this a hell of a lot more than he did with Pierce. Quick-draw Pierce. "That's it, toby. Move down on my cock very slowly. Taste each tiny part of my length. Take it all, faggot. Toby gags a little but doesn't stop and keeps rubbing up against it. "That's right, cocksucker, let me hear you gag on my big meat. Good faggot. Keep pressing down on me." Toby keeps doing the same thing and tears start spilling out of his eyes. "You cryin' for me, baby? That's fucking hot. Cryin' because my cock's too big for your tight throat. But hey, enough of that. Start jerking me off with your fucking mouth, faggot, Quick. up and down up and down and a lot of tongue. Yeah! I jerked off an hour ago so I could last good and long with you, faggot, and help you get to know my cock very well. Every inch. Feel the veins with your tongue, Toby. Good boy." And after quite a long time, Orson yelps as he cums. As expected, there isn't much for the slave to swallow. and Toby's glad, because it's very bitter.

Like most guys, Orson can't handle the feeling of Toby's mouth on his cock after he cums, so he backs up quickly and then pats toby on the face. "Good, faggot. I'm gonna want more of that sweet mouth. Gotta talk to Derek about it. Ask him if I could use you every week at this time." Toby smiles up at him and nods his head. "Shit, kid, you like Orson's hard dick baby?" Toby nods. "Yeah? Beg your Master to let me use you more often. Okay?" Toby nods again. "Now, for the fun part. I want you to get me dressed again. Put everything up and away, and it's okay if you touch my dick while you're doing it, but don't get me hard, boy, or you'll be sucking dick until the sun goes down today."

Finally, Toby gets Orson all put back together. Orson helps him stand and then engulfs him in a big hug. "Thanks a lot, slaveboy. Hope to see you again real soon." He smacks the boy on the ass and kisses it quickly on the lips, then heads out of the room and shuts the door behind him. Toby throws himself down in a chair, a little out of breath, and really wishing he could jerk off after all that. But no. The slave stays locked. Finally, Toby is beginning to realize that what he's always heard is coming true: the slave must get all its pleasure by serving cocks and giving Masters their orgasms. Nonetheless, he's thinking that he might have to beg to get one himself, and even that thought turns him on.

Toby has to pee so he leaves the room to head for the toilets and he hears a voice behind him saying in a southern accent, "Shit! Do dudes walk around here bare-ass all the fucking time?" He stops and sees someone he's never seen before. "I think I'm the only one who does," Toby says to him. "I do so all the time. My name's Toby, by the way." He holds out his hand to shake

"Well I ain't fucking shaki'ng the hand of a naked dude, no way. And what the fuck is that chunk of medal around your johnson?"

"It's called a chastity cage. My roommate locks up my dick a lot so I don't jerk off too much." The guy shakes his head. "You have some strange ways about you, boy. Name's Ted here. But don't fucking touch me. You queer too?"

"Yes, I am, Ted. But don't worry. I won't bother you."

"Just your fucking existence bothers me, faggot. Stay the fuck away from me," he says, as he walks away talking to himself." Well, well, well, thinks Toby. That guy's in for a big awakening. He heads to the john to piss in the bowl through his cage. Just wait until he tells Derek about this guy.

Derek's not pleased to hear Toby's news about this new guy's attitude. He calls the RA to let him know about the situation, just so he can keep an eye on things. He explains to the RA that they paid for their dorm room for the semester so they have a place to hang out during the day when not in class.

. . . . .

Adrian decided it was time for Elliot to experience being imprisoned by its Master. He took it to Evander's, a well-established jewelers with a special private basement serving the needs of the leather crowd in the area. Before they get out of the car, he takes off the slave's collar and carries it in his own hand along with the leash. This was a clear signal what part of the establishment he wanted to visit. Evander himself (always called that) led the couple down the stairs and through a locked door which revealed a masterfully designed dungeon filled with everything a discerning kinkster could ever hope to find. Adrian sees that there are a few Doms looking around as well, and one M/s couple. The slave is naked and crawling. The floor is carpeted with a thick rug that makes it easy for slaves to crawl.

Adrian quickly notes the dress code. "Strip and crawl from here on in," Adrian instructs the slave. "Leave your clothing in the bucket provided. If I speak to anyone you may sit back but keep your eyes lowered and stop looking around. Now!" Elliot resents not being able to take everything in, but that's life. The slave accepts the restriction, pressing itself more deeply into submission. There always seems to be something to limit its freedom. This is what it was seeking, after all, even though sometimes it can be difficult.

"May I ask who told you about this special showroom?" Evander asked Adrian. "My friends Galvin and Mitchell. I saw the quality of a lot of your equipment at the NYE party and planned to come see for myself what you have to offer. May I just take a while to look around?"

"Ah yes. Galvin and Mitchell have brought me much fine business. Please do look around. Take your time. And if there is anything specific you need to examine, simply signal me." Evander hands him a little gadget. "This remote will signal me when you need assistance."

Adrian speaks up right away. "Actually, Evander, there is one specific item I want to acquire and will need help making a decision." "What, may I ask?" "A barred cage to lock the slave in when I don't need its services or want more privacy for myself." Elliot couldn't help hearing this and the usual frightful panic quickly sets in. Adrian knew this would happen so he lays his hand on the slave's head and does what he usually does to calm the boy down during difficult tests and times.

"Will this be the first time for this slave?" asks Evander.

"yes. Does that make a difference?"

"Actually, it does. You would be well advised to get a unit that has a panic button installed. It will make a big difference in the slave's ability to surrender itself to being imprisoned since it knows there is a safety mechanism. Later, if you wish, the feature can easily be disconnected. Some Masters never do, to tell the truth. One might not be able to predict when a panic attack might happen, even with the most experienced and well subjugated slaves. Another major concern is the size of the enclosure. I have the four most popular sizes with just basic designs, so you can decide how confined the slave will be. Would you like to try them out now or after you've looked around for a while?"

"Let's do it now." Evander leads him to another back room which contains a set of flimsy cages. "These are flimsy because they're only here for testing. I assure you that a completed unit is substantial and cannot be broken out of. Let me show you what I mean." He takes Adrian to view a completed product. It's attractive and solid. The base is a comfortable mattress.

"You have a choice about the base. Most Masters provide something soft and comfortable, but it can always be removed if you want the slave to have to deal with the metal bottom. Please note that there is a spigot for water or even piss if you prefer, a one-way urinal if needed, and the panic bar (it's actually more a bar than a button) is easy to locate and just needs a strong push to be activated."

"Why did you say there was a urinal if needed?" "It's your choice. Some slaves are forced to hold it or else end up sleeping in their own piss. Other Masters would rather avoid the mess."

"I see. Now, about size?"

"Would you have the slave stand?" Elliot is pulled up. "Excellent. All I need to know now is the degree of restriction you wish to impose."

"What is usually chosen by beginners?"

"Something less restricted, to be sure."

"Okay, then, let's assume that will be the case. Do you have something in its size?"

"Yes. Over here." Evander brings him to a model and opens the door. "Have the slave crawl in here," he says to Adrian. "You heard him," Adrian said. "In." Elliot sighs deeply and attempts to get himself into the cage and then shudders when he hears Evander close the door. "This might seem tight, but if you wait a bit you'll notice that the slave can actually turn itself all the way around without too much effort."

"Do it," orders Adrian, and Elliot awkwardly tries to figure out how to move around. After a while, he succeeds.

"Now what do you mean about restriction," Adrian asks. "It's a question of whether or not the slave will be allowed to sit up. This size accommodates that." "Elliot, sit!" Adrian quickly commands, and the slave obeys.

"Another advantage to this particular sizing is that it is possible for the slaves feet or hands to fit through the bars and then be bound outside the cage, providing further imprisonment."

"Stick your feet and your hands through this side," Adrian orders. Elliot does so and Evander quickly brings two simple sets of manacles to bind the hands and feet. "This would provide an impressionable punishment when needed," Evander explains.

"I see. Well, let's leave the slave like this while you and I talk business."

"Please note that in a situation such as this, the slave could still hit the panic bar with its head. That could be important, especially if we leave the boy here for a while. This is a new experience. You never know what the reaction might be."

"Good point, Evander. Thank you for mentioning it. I would prefer my slave simply surrender to how it's bound now, but at the same time, I realize that the slave has to continually assent to surrender since it always has the option to get free."

"Good way of thinking, Adrian," says Evander, delighted.

Adrian goes with Evander to make arrangements for the cage design. Delivery will be in two weeks. When he gets back to the cage with Elliot locked in it, he sees that the slave is resting peacefully in its bonds and he understands: the more this boy is restricted, the more it's at peace.

"What are you feeling, sweet slaveboy?"

"Freedom, Master, freedom."

Adrian kneels down by the side of the cage and holds Elliot's hands. "Open your mouth," he commands. He spits into the slave's mouth three times and it swallows his juices then smiles at Adrian in a way that causes him to fall more deeply in love with this precious young man, vowing to lead it more and more into the depths of its submission. "I own you, sweetheart," he says, and there is no menace at all in his voice. Rather, in saying that Adrian takes upon himself the tremendous responsibility that every good Master must accept. The slave is free. The Master is not. (Can you understand what this means?)

"Let's get you out of there for now. I want to bring you home use my whip on you."

Elliot looks at its Master with hope in its eyes.

Thanks for all the emails and the stories you share with me.

Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

Other Stories of Mine:

The Alex Chronicles

Sweet Subjugation

Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 41

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