Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Jun 3, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Fifteen

This story is completely fictitious, I have used characters from the mythological past. I intend no disrespect to any nation's heroes or religions. Interspecies relationships have been implied by many Ancient Alien hunters, none in the way I have imagined humans accepted inter-planetary beings. This story is set in 2055 IGE the Inter-galactic Era which follows the CE in which we are living. Many of our problems have been solved whether by the intervention of aliens or on our own, I don't intend to answer, 'how?'.

Humans have progressed in some ways but in others we are exactly like humans have been since first developing our civilizations. Travel into space is still only possible because of the knowledge shared with us by other beings from other planets.

In the era we live the internet site where you are reading this still needs your assistance to stay active. Please donate what you can when you are able.

"Major, thank you for the load of your cum. I didn't know that I was still feeling odd from mating with the Great Sphinx. It may be that I am carrying their kit that my body has been feeling extra adrenaline pulsing through my body. It must have been the huge amount of cum that you flooded me with that settled it down.

"Do you know if there is a prescribed amount of cum that I will be needing to ingest daily to feel this well?"

"Neither Khynm nor Horus gave an indication of an exact amount you will be needing daily, Khynm made it sound like you will be needing much more than either humans or Enlil will be able to give you even if you were to drain them again and again during the day. He suggested that you may want to find a Griffin that would accompany you to Earth but Horus did not like that idea.

"They both agreed that you will need to swallow enough cum to bathe the kit every day. I have no idea of another species that would give you that much in one load. I imagine the Centaurs can flood your mouth with enough if you are able to swallow it all without spilling cum down your chest. You probably know more about the Ganeshus than I do, like you said you know about the Canods. There may be other species from the other arms of the galaxy that we have not met that will be able to satisfy the kits' need."

"Intergalipol has me assigned to the Perseus arm of the galaxy for the first three years of service. I suppose the options you set forth are the best ones unless I allow myself to reach out to animal life on Earth. Dogs and horses would be able to provide the sperm the kit need daily but that is not a sexual practice that is accepted on most of the planet. I suppose after the Interspecies sex I have already experienced that dogs or horses wouldn't be that strange or forbidden.

"I'll need to ask Chiron XX and his fellow Centaurs but I think men stopped mating with the beasts of Earth while they were visiting our planet. What I know now is that man began to develop his own set of morals that claimed the rest of the animal world was not able to say no, so sex with them was a type of rape even if the animal was penetrating the human. The horror of that was expressed to us in the image of the Minotaur."

"And the Satyrs or Fauns. Humans are so intent on being moral that of all the possibilities the galaxy presents you refuse most of them. Of course not you, I mean the population of Earth. There are many of your kind that would be healthier and happier if they admitted to themselves that they want a non-human to dominate them sexually, the way you enjoyed having the Sphinx mate with you." Tristan was not sure how the Major was aware that he had enjoyed having the two Great Golden Sphinx dominating him when they took his ass in front of all the Major's guests.

"I thought the Satyrs went to Earth with the Titans, Giants and Greek gods. I didn't think humans were willing to have the Satyrs dominate them unless they were under the influence of Bacchus or another god that drove them to a frenzy of sexual excess." Saying that he knew that should he have encountered one of the half human half goat beings he would have been willing to allow them to take him. He wondered what was wrong with him that he was so willing to have different species mate with him. Then he remembered that he too was willing to attempt to dominate a species that he had not previously known.

"Major, did Khynm say what the minimum amount of sperm I would be needing to swallow everyday?"

"No. He did say that you might not be able to suck enough cocks to fulfill your need, when I asked what you would need to do in that case he suggested that you have the prisoners on Equality fill a cup with their sperm for you."

Tristan was not pleased with anything the Major had been saying. He hoped Chiron XX had better advice for him than Khynm. He had gladly had the Centaur fill his ass with cum, he wondered what it would taste like? Would it be satisfactory for the kit? Would he be able to swallow that cum? He'd have to ask Alex what the taste was, the man had licked some out of his ass.

"Tristan, I never thought this is what would happen to you when I ask Admiral Brough-ton to have you take this mission. Yes, I knew the Sphinx had been plotting a way to return to Earth but I thought they had given up the plan of having their kit be the ones that would be the first there."

"Do you know what the kit will be like when they are born? Images of their Fathers or of me?" Until then Tristan hadn't thought about the idea that they would be different than everyone around them. For the rest of the evening the Major, Tristan and Alex talked about the restrictions that Tristan would have to live with for the next fifteen months and how he was going to have his balls drained often enough. Tristan couldn't believe that Alex would be able to get him hard enough to shoot that many times a day, hopefully Pierre was not going to leave him because of the kit and then although he didn't say it in front of the Major and Alex there was the chance his Brother would be willing to help, after all he had been wanting to suck his Twins' cock since they were in their teens.

"When are you planning on going to your ship?"

"I promised you and the Admiral a full report on my mission, here. I will need a couple hours tomorrow morning to finish that. If Alex is prepared we will leave as soon as we have finished our midday meal." The Major was going to miss having the human living in the compound, he had always thought of himself as a loner but having Tristan there had made him realize how much he had been missing by not having a mate.

When Alex asked him how often he would need to drain his balls to keep him empty he let the Enlil know that as far as he knew his balls had never been emptied even those days when they ached from fucking almost continuously. The Major found Khynm, the god told them that every four hours should be often enough to drain the surrogate's balls. Six times a day? Tristan was sure he would need to find someone to alternate with Alex or he would soon get bored even with that huge tongue wrapping around his balls. That night the Major offered to help out; right, he wanted to get as much of the human's cum to remember the taste once he was gone.

Tristan hoped the Major or one of the Sphinx would feed him the cum he would need the next day so he didn't need to find strangers' cocks to suck on the Equality. The idea of having the prisoners milked for the cum the kit would need was disgusting but he knew if that was what he needed to do, he would. He had determined that he would bring the kit to life by any means necessary.

It wasn't long after dinner that Alex knelt before Tristan, first taking his toes in his mouth then slowly working his tongue up his legs until he had it wrapped around both of the man's balls. Maybe Alex would be able to give him an erection for the next fifteen months. Tristan sat back enjoying Alex's mouth, the kit hadn't started to affect his body again so it was the best he had felt all day. Soon after he swallowed Tristan's cum Alex left for his home to get the items he hadn't brought with him earlier.

Tristan and the Major sat in the courtyard looking out at the Milky Way talking about the short time they had known each other and the hope that they might have a chance to work together again. The Major was less rigid when they got around to talking about sex than he had been when they first met. Tristan had known the Griffin experienced acts that he had never tried in his long life until Tristan had introduced him to doing more than just fucking. When he told Tristan that he was glad that he had taught him about sucking cock and receiving a cock in his ass, the human smiled. He admitted that watching Tristan piss in Alex's mouth had interested him, he thought that the day would come when he sought out a Griffin or Enlil to do the same for him that Alex did for Tristan. He didn't mention that he had lost a load of cum watching Alex run his tongue into his asshole.

It was time for bed when the Major reminded Tristan that he was to help out in draining his balls. The Major's mouth was not really built for a cock although he could take it all the way back to his throat. He had been trying but he still was fairly new at sucking cock and if Tristan hadn't kept warning him would have left it raw from rubbing on his teeth.

Well satisfied Tristan stretched out across the bed, before Alex returned he had fallen asleep happy that he didn't need to have sheets or clothes due to the warm Grinix air. If he had been waiting for Pierre he would have gasped at the feel of the man's general approach with his tongue poking into his asshole but Alex knew he wasn't supposed to be running his tongue into Tristan so the perfect ass just called him to lick it. He had taken time getting back to the Major's compound, he didn't want to fall to sleep and miss his first mid-sleep blow job. He didn't know what would happen if Tristan's balls weren't drained regularly and didn't want to learn.

"Major, I thought it would be Alex's turn."

"It is, but I asked him to let me have a last chance to suck your cock."

"Is that all you want?"

"I would honestly prefer to fuck you. If you would like, I am willing to have you turn over and spread your legs so I can try to lick your hole." The little the Major had been licking at his morning wood was enough to have Tristan desiring a tongue on his ass, he was also thinking how much he would like to be fucked before the day started. He was going to have more trouble resisting cocks that wanted his ass than he had thought he would, he had been getting fucked and fucking more regularly since he started at the clinic than he had any time in his life. He tried hard not to allow the Major to get his butt too active, it was a struggle, he loved the wide tongue the Griffin and Sphinx have. He forced the Major to allow him to flip over and raise his cock straight out from his body so the Griffin was able to force his head down all the way, taking the head of Tristan's cock into his throat.

The night before Tristan had found how enjoyable it is to grab the shaggy mane and fuck his cock into the Griffin's throat. He was careful not to get too physical but he did fuck the Major's throat that morning not giving him the chance to drag his teeth over his cock. Soon after he coated the Major's tongue and throat with cum they went for a morning coffee then headed to the Law Enforcement building where Tristan entered a stall that could read his thoughts when a specific plan was entered into a keypad on the exterior. The stall was able to take the information needed for the report in minutes, what would take him time was the editing to be sure that the amount of sex demanded of him during the mission was eliminated so Admiral Broughton would not need to read about what he had done.

Tristan was gradually editing the report when a young, dark Sphinx entered the room where he was working to tell him that Horus wanted him to report to his headquarters as soon as he had sent the report to the Admiral and Major. He also wanted Tristan to send a copy of the report to his office. Tristan thought he was being called to the Sphinx's headquarters for final instructions on caring for the kit in his belly so he went up the ramp without any worries. Entering Horus' office he saw that Horus was talking with Tashkent, both Sphinx were in their god shapes waiting for Tristan.

After only a few minutes Tashkent said his farewells and Tristan was left alone in the room with the Great Golden Sphinx that was quietly closing the gap between them. The order to drop his skirt was unexpected but Tristan had no trouble baring his body for Horus, he didn't know what to expect from the Father of the kit in his belly so when the rough head pushed against his crotch he jumped. Moments later Horus told him he would miss watching his kit growing in his stomach, he wanted to make certain that Tristan would follow all of the instructions he had been given. First he wanted to once more suck the man's cock to help him keep his balls drained. Surprisingly Tristan was able to give him his second load of the morning in mere minutes.

Tristan wanted to ask Horus if there was a prescribed amount of cum that he was expected to ingest daily. He didn't get the chance.

"Those six cups by the door are filled with cum from Tatuhkep and myself. They will keep our sperm fresh as long as you drink one each day. Any longer and they will no longer be able to fill the kits need. Our scientists have not been able to develop a way to keep our sperm fresh any longer than the six days. I thought about sending a young Sphinx along with you to provide what the kit will be needing but the Major talked me out of it, he is sure that you will be able to find enough men willing to provide their cum.

"From the amount of cum you have given me each time I sucked your cock I would suggest that you get another load of cum to swallow every time the Enlil drains your balls. Of course you may swallow cum from as many different species as you wish. I heard that the Major and you discussed what species might give you nearly as much as Tatuhikep and I were able to give you. There will be a Griffin at the clinic on Earth that I am certain will be willing to give you what the gods have demanded. I asked the Major to contact him with an order to give you what you need."

That was the first time that Tristan had heard Horus refer to himself as a god. Finished speaking he lay his head on Tristan's stomach to listen for any sign of the kit stirring in the man. He didn't say it but Horus would miss having his children growing up in his home. He promised Tristan that he would visit Earth when the kit were born. He had Tristan take one of the cups and empty it in his mouth.

Tristan wasn't that pleased with the taste of the cum. He didn't know why but he thought it might be that the only way he would enjoy cum is if he had actually had to work to have it shot into his mouth.

"Tristan, you made a face as if you did not like drinking Tatuhkep's sperm. I hope you enjoy mine more, even if you don't I think the demand by Khynm that you swallow the father's sperm for the first week will help the kit develop strong and healthy."


"Stop, Alex. If we are going to be together for at least the next fifteen months you are going to need to call me by my name. I think calling me Sir is too formal for the way I live my life. Now try it." He knew that the Enlil stumbled over his name but hoped with practice he would soon be comfortable and saying the word properly. Anyway, having Alex calling him 'sir' made Tristan think he was either acting as a slave or was still a part of the law enforcement structure of Grinix.

"The ferry to Equality is waiting for us by the temple where the slave market was held. The pilot contacted Major Mangrel saying that Equality will be overhead in less than an hour so we should get over there as soon as possible." They found a chariot waiting outside of the building and rushed it first to the Major's compound to pick up the little they would be taking with them and then off to the ferry.

"Although it has only been a couple days I am overly happy to see you again. The Flovian says we should be free of Grinix's gravity field within a few hours and on our way to see the Centaurs. Unless you have changed your mind and are ready to head home." Reynod hoped that his twin would rather head home than stopping to visit with the Centaurs although he had nothing against Chiron XX.

The ferry ride had once more upset Tristan's stomach. He thought about drinking another cup of Sphinx sperm even though he didn't now what that might do. He hugged his Brother for a minute before letting him know that he should lay down. The short trip from being with the Griffin and Sphinx to where the Centaurs lived didn't need Tristan to man the station he had been trained to operate. The three hour trip didn't give him time to sleep but at least the kit settled down to let him rest.

"Tristan, the Centaurs have given the Equality permission to land outside of their main city. The Flovian was glad to hear that the crew would have a chance at rest and relaxation, there were a couple of them that were complaining about orbiting Grinix without a break. We will be landing in approximately thirty minutes, you should find a seat where you can be strapped in, gravity on the planet will be slightly stronger than Earth." Tristan hadn't been told much about his planet by Chiron XX but he knew that there would be cities that were accustomed to having alien species from other planets visiting. He didn't think to don a uniform, his skirt was beside the bed so he put it on and grabbed the neck piece that required a second set of hands to fasten. That he would be wearing proper attire for an Egyptian didn't cross his mind, what the Centaurs might think he didn't know.

"Do you know where Alex is?"

"He's in the next space sleeping. He said something about not sleeping last night, did you know about that?"

"I had a good idea. Unless he is willing to allow someone else to drain my balls, Pierre? He may not be getting much sleep for a while." He hadn't let his twin know any of the restrictions he would be living with for the next fifteen months. He was sure his Twin would be happy to help Alex and Pierre but he didn't know who would be skipping their sleep just to suck his cock.

"Reynod, before we leave the Equality I need to have a talk with you and Alex. Don't worry, it won't be bad." Unless his Brother no longer wanted to suck his cock, he was sure that wouldn't bother Alex but he knew he needed variety to be satisfied. Even Pierre accepted that.

The landing was rougher than Tristan had thought it would be. Usually the Flovian was able to set whatever craft he was piloting on the planet with a minimum of jolting the passengers, that afternoon the yacht shook like it was sitting at the epicenter of an Earthquake. Alex rushed to where he was sitting as soon as the shaking stopped worried about what it had done to the man he was to care for.

"Are you well, Sir, Tristan?"

"Not really. I thinking I need to have some cum to settle the kit down. And it is time to get my balls drained." Just looking at the shine Alex still showed had Tristan's cock starting to stand. He didn't care if he got to swallow the woody cum from the Enlil first or Alex wanted to wait until he had taken his.

"You and Reynod can decide who gets my next load." His twins had just walked up to them in time for Tristan to kid him about battling with Alex about sucking his cock, it had only been a week since his Brother had begged Tristan to let him.

"Well since you are both here I guess we can talk about the restrictions on my life since I became pregnant."

"Do you care that you are carrying the Sphinx's kit? I'm sure we can find a doctor that would be willing to remove them."

"Reynod, I thought about that. These will be the first Sphinx born on Earth since the Eleventh Dynasty in Egypt. I tried to figure out how long ago that was, I'm not certain but it is somewhere around six or seven thousand years.

"There haven't been any Sphinx defending the nation since well before Alexander conquered Egypt. I only mention that so that you understand that the restrictions that I have been told to follow may or may or may not be adequate to assure healthy kit. Khynm, the Sphinx, who pronounced the restrictions has not lived among men for even longer. That is one of the reasons I want to visit Chiron XX, his grasp of human anatomy and health is much more extensive than Khynm's. If he is willing to examine me and the kit, what I may do and need to do will be updated."

"Tristan, who is Chiron XX?"

"Aled, he is the latest in the long line of Centaur doctors who have been giving humans the knowledge to treat illnesses and their bodies. He is the Centaur that gave me the extra strength and reasoning faculties."

"You won't disobey what Khynm has said must be done, will you?"

"We shall see. If Chiron XX agrees that I need to do what Khynm said I will continue having my balls drained every four hours and drink as much cum as the gods said was necessary to calm the kit.

"Reynod, this is going to be surprising to you. One of the restrictions I need to live by is that I need to swallow a certain amount of sperm everyday, don't you dare tease me about being a cocksucker. I can't fuck or be fucked for at least three months, you know how much I'm going to hate that." He hated admitting to his twin what he would need to be doing but he thought it best if he told him before Reynod caught him with a cock in his mouth.

"If nothing comes along better, remember there are a dozen Neanines locked in cages on the top floor. They have nothing else to do so they are always ready to have their cocks sucked." He didn't tell Tristan anything about how much he had been sucking them, the shape of their cocks or that he believed they shot more cum than anyone he had ever sucked before they left on this mission.

Most of the crew had left the Equality by the time Tristan was finished talking to his Brother and Alex. Reynod and a few of the crew were assigned the duty of taking care of the prisoners but that only meant that they would need to return to the Equality for a particular meal. Even the cook was going to be allowed time on the planet so for long stretches there would be no one aboard the yacht except for the prisoners. There was no worry about them escaping since the only way to unlock the cages was a set of switches located behind the pilot's seat two floors down from the newly created jail.

"Its about time you came out of the ship. Is there anything you need to bring with you? I have planned on having you stay in the cabin beside my home." Tristan was pleased to see that Chiron XX had come to greet him. He was so glad that he uncharacteristically hugged the thick human torso of the Great Centaur. It was so different than being among Griffin and Sphinx that he held onto Chiron XX longer than he had ever done before, the fact that the Centaur had given him Extra strength was enough to make him want to hold on much longer than Chiron wished.

"Why don't you and your twin transition into Centaurs so we can trot to my home?" It only took the twins a minute to agree and for Tristan to take Alex by the hand so he would also be transitioned. While he concentrated on transitioning Tristan forget that Alex was naturally green, he was definitely a horse of a different color. Tristan let Chiron know about the restriction that Khynm had pronounced about not shifting into another being that much larger or much smaller being the reason that he had chosen to use the body of a pony not a horse. By the time they arrived at the open plain where Chiron XX had his home they had started to discuss his pregnancy.

"You should have said something about being pregnant before shifting. I don't think it will be a problem but don't shift back too quickly. We can go in here while Reynod and Aex find a way to be at home in the cabin."

Hidden behind the clay brick wall Chiron XX dropped the facade of friendship for his old occupation of being a doctor. For the first few minutes the pair discussed Tristan's general health then what he had been feeling inside as the powerful sperm and unnatural egg formed into fetuses. Though he and Chiron XX had fucked it was the first time that the Centaur used his hands to examine his body. Tristan was pleased at the pleasant sensation of the Centaur's hands moving smoothly around his belly and over his flanks. They didn't talk much while he examined Tristan other than occasionally to ask if something hurt or to answer the question.

After about ten minutes Chiron XX rested his hands under Tristan where he was able to hold the kit in his hands. "Are you sure that Khynm said you will be pregnant for fifteen months not fifteen weeks? After one week they are developing rapidly, I already differentiate their heads from the rest of their body."

"I'm certain he said fifteen months. Horus repeated it and promised that he would visit Earth when I give birth." Tristan hoped that Chiron was right, fifteen weeks sounded so much more like something he could survive. Chiron XX promised to study up on the maturation of the kit but he was fairly sure that a human only carried a Sphinx for four months not fifteen. He told Tristan to shift back into a human but to do it slowly. They both wished that they were able to fuck, Chiron agreed with Khynm that it was not safe for the kit until at least ten weeks if at all while he was carrying them, since a man wasn't really built for that purpose.

They took a walk around the plain with Chiron XX telling Tristan what the different plants they saw were until they saw what Tristan took as a colt playing at the edge of the woods that circled the plain. When he made a comment about how good looking the animal was Chiron chuckled, gave out a loud whistle and waited until the young Centaur approached them before letting Tristan know that Aioles was his youngest son.

Aioles bowed at being introduced like all well bred Centaurs would. He remained silent until asked if he would be willing to help Tristan survive his pregnancy. The young Centaur was happy to do what ever his Father asked. When he learned that he was to nurse the human's cock he pushed his head under the royal skirt and took the head of Tristan's growing cock between his lips and ran his tongue down the cock to the man's balls and gently licked them both. Aioles had not been weaned from his Mother's teat long before so getting to take the cock in his mouth was satisfying for the young Centaur, it was definitely different for Tristan than any other blow job but he still enjoyed the boy's mouth.

Tristan had never has sex with anyone that young before but with his Father standing beside them approving of what his son did he had no trouble getting hard and giving the boy a full load of sperm that Aioles swallowed easily. He wanted to take the colt in his arms and hug him but as soon as soon as he finished swallowing the colt backed away and ran off to play again.

For a few minutes Tristan practiced the whistle that Chiron XX tried to teach him, finally they went back to where he had been examined where Chiron found a metal whistle that he had Aioles learn to recognize. He was to go to Tristan any time he called to him. Tristan had been having a lot of emotionless sex but knew that it would not take him long to fall completely for the colt even though he didn't think there was going to be a chance for him to return the favor of emptying balls. He would wait until later to ask the Father if he was willing to allow his son to learn what that felt like, if the boy was old enough to give him a load.

Tristan went into the cabin only to find that his twin and Alex were heading into town to see what there was to do. He wasn't sure that he wanted to see the city since there would only be aliens from the other known planets, the Centaurs generally avoided the city unless they need particular goods. They had opened up the job market to any species that was able to use their hands.

When the Pakabans arrived with the chariot, much like the ones on Grinix, he went with the others. He hoped there would be a restaurant that served food that he was used to eating, he knew that Chiron XX would not have anything other than what he ate being served. Tristan didn't know when he had grown picky about what he ate but he had no desire to eat Greek food, the smell of lamb made his stomach turn.

Chiron XX warned them that there had been recent reports of second generation aliens forming gangs that would harass or rob visitors. Tristan wasn't too worried, with the extra strength he had been given he could easily defend them.

"Tristan, will you be living as a Centaur while we stay with Chiron XX?" It was the first time that Alex had been shifted into a species he didn't know about. He wasn't sure but he thought he might like to remain a Centaur while they visited with Chiron XX. He had felt healthier and stronger, although he hadn't had a chance to do more than piss he was glad to have an enormous cock hanging under him. He didn't think he would get to fuck Tristan but if Reynod would stay a Centaur perhaps he would let him mount him.

Tristan hadn't had time to put on the uniform of the Intergalipol, he rode into the city only wearing the skirt the Griffin had given him. The uncomfortable headdress and necklace had been left on Equality, he was so used to wearing the armbands after one day that he hadn't even thought to remove them. It wasn't until they were off the chariot and walking on the sidewalk that he realized that everyone they passed took a second look at him, they were almost all dressed in simple short togas.

"Brother, I think you are causing everyone to wonder if the Egyptians have invaded. They all seem to be more attuned to living life like ancient Greeks." As if to prove the point, when they turned the next corner there was a man standing on a low platform trying to educate a group that had gathered around him in the finer points of the Socratic method. There weren't many children in the street or any of the store they entered.

They had walked a few blocks when they encountered Atep and Aoul, the boys were already bored with the city. They had hoped to find someone their own age to talk, play or do anything with but so far there had only been one boy, he was deaf and dumb so that wasn't too enjoyable. Aoul would have loved to fuck Tristan but he had been told that it wasn't to happen for a couple more months while the man carried the Sphinx's kit. Aoul wondered what his Brother was going to do when Tristan went home to him beginning to show the fact he was pregnant, if they were living with their Mother he knew that Pierre would have to force Tristan out of the house.

"What is that?" Atep had seen a rather plain storefront where only men seemed to be entering. The few men they saw exiting the red door looked much more refreshed and relaxed than those entering. It didn't take the twins long to decide they were looking at the front of a public bath or sex house. Reynod grabbed Atep, they walked across the street and opened the door to be blasted with steam and the smell of strong masculine sweat. Reynod called his Brother over, within a minute he had convinced the entire group to enter since they could all use a real bath rather than the air baths they had been taking on the Equality. When the Neanine at the door saw that they were all strangers to the city he allowed them to enter without having them pay.

Aoul had been trying to have a conversation with Tristan about Pierre but the excitement at entering an establishment that he and Atep had only heard rumors about shut him down until they went through a double pair of doors and saw every species of being that was on the planet other than the native Centaurs. The Ganeshus were the only beings with any covering. Tristan thought that was odd, if he had a cock that hung below his knees he would have to be forced to cover it with anything in this place.

After they found where they could safely leave their clothes they separated except that Alex did not leave Tristan go off alone. With what they had already seen he knew he was going to have to remind the human that there were things that he was not to be doing. After a few minutes Alex and Tristan realized the sex was even more varied than it had been at the Major's orgy. What attracted Tristan the most was a slim young man that swam from one end of the pool to the other, leaned over the side enough that his scale covered butt was exposed to everyone, then dove underwater to swim back to the other end again. He had been watching the young man for at least five minutes before he realized that he was not human, the young man had a vibrantly colored tail that he was using to propel himself through the water when he swam completely covered.

"Tristan, you look like a tourist, gawking at the merman." He hadn't noticed his twin walking up to his side. Hearing him he was shaken from the trance he had been in since first seeing the merman.

"That is really what he is, isn't it? You don't think he is in some type of costume to attract attention?"

"If its a costume it was made just for him." Reynod was just as entranced as his twin just the idea of a live merman was exciting.

"I'm going in the pool to get closer to him." Reynod laughed at hearing his Brother sound nervous about getting close to the merman, he had never been that way at the clinic when confronting a new alien species. He wondered if Tristan would touch the merman so that he could then shift his own body into the sleek one he was admiring.

"Let's have a seat." Reynod lowered himself to the side of the pool dropping his feet into the clear, blue, fragrant water. Tristan lowered himself beside his twin watching the merman the entire time, if this is what the legends had been about on Earth he understood how so many boats were grounded on rocks while their crews were watching the mermaids and merman playing along shore.

"I always thought the tales about mer-people were fictitious. I could imagine watching them in the ocean and forgetting about the job I was supposed to be doing. What do you think about him?"

"You pretty much said it all. I just hope the tales I've read about them having the teeth of a predator are false. He could easily tear up anyone in the pool." They were both pleased that other people using spa were not afraid to get in the pool with the merman although they all seemed to be avoiding him.

They had been sitting side by side only differentiated by their hair and the fact that Tristan had slightly tanned his skin when at the Major's. The merman slowly glided up in front of them and raising his head out of the water greeted them.

After saying hello the merman said, "we don't often get human visitors here.

"I don't suppose you have been here long enough to hear the stories about an evil wizard hiding in the dark maze on the lower third floor. Or perhaps you did and that is why you are still sitting here by the pool." The unbelievable beautiful man had a hand on each of the twins, sliding it closer to their balls as he talked. The hand didn't look or feel human most likely due to having been in the water for a long time.

"We haven't heard anything. We have only been here long enough to put our clothes in the office. Would you like to tell us about this evil wizard?"

"I'd rather I didn't have to be the one to tell you but since you were so forward as to ask I will. This business is owned by a group of Huitzil that work as maids in the best of the cabins that are owned by the Centaurs. Since the Centaurs are generous the Huitzil were able to gather together enough money to create this space so that the visiting males did not bother them when not in heat. One of the Huitzil was selected to run the spa, she was the oldest and the least interested in having sex with a man.

"After the spa had been opened for a few years the old female had seen enough males to make her never want to see another cock in her life. She went to the group that owned the business asking them to find someone else to manage it. After searching through the workers on the planet they decided they would need to have someone brought from another planet that knew something about places like this. They searched for a few months during which the spa was not being properly cared for.

"They finally decided on a Heran that had been to Earth and when he had found a lover co-operated a men's spa. The lover was a human which you aware live less than a third the time of the occupants of most other planets. When he died the Heran wanted to leave Earth. At that time there were other Herans here working as managers in some of the larger stores and restaurants. I think one of them was supposed to be related to the Heran on Earth, when offered the position Willanoma accepted and in another month was trying to bring this place back to is original condition or better.

"He was starting to bring back the customers that had been avoiding the place while there wasn't a manager.

"You are aware that any position of authority on Pagaroma is held by a woman, if a Heran that wanted to pass as a man wants to do more than hard labor they need to leave the planet. Willanoma had come here passing as a man and had intended to hold the manager's spot as a man.

"What I heard is that after he was here about a year he slipped and let a potential employee know that he was dual-sexed living and working as a man. The man was not hired by Willanoma and became enraged that his ability to do the job was being judged by he/she, a month later the man came to the spa as a customer. We don't often get dark-skinned customers so there was a lot of attention being paid to him. Two of our regular afternoon clients began harassing him, I wasn't there so I don't know what they were saying. He asked the new manager to step in and stop the harassment. He/she didn't think there was enough happening to require her attention so she/he ignored the request.

"Finally in a hope to avoid those bothering him he went down the back stairs to the third floor down. When he stepped out of the stairway he couldn't see anything so he ran into one of the Anubi from upstairs that had been bothering him. The teasing quickly grew, every corner he turned in the maze there was another client that did something to anger him, whether it was as simple as a pinch or as severe as trying to run a hand in his asshole he couldn't get away from being a target. Unusual for this place none of the hands reached for his erection that led him through the maze.

"The story is that he tried to find his way through the maze but he was constantly being turned around so in a very few minutes he was completely lost. Other men may have found the situation arousing but he did not like the fact that he couldn't see who was trying to force his head down to suck their cock or playing with his asshole. There is no agreement on how long that went on but it couldn't have been too long since the first two clients I mentioned usually leave the spa after being here less than an hour.

"It was an odd day, there were four Pakaban in the spa. They don't often come here except to soak in the steam room but they were downstairs for some reason. The man that had been wandering around lost ran into one of the Pakaban. When he was pushed away he ran into another, on and on until the Pakaban were disgusted from having his hands landing everywhere on their bodies.

"I don't know how true this part of the story is. You of course know that Xibab is called the land of fright, normally the Pakaban are very gentle and easy going but push them one step over a line and they retaliate in the worst possible ways. The story goes that one of the Pakabans was injured during the scuffle, their blood is florescent so the others saw the injury immediately. Supposedly they gathered around the man and chanted something. When they were done the man that had once been fairly good looking with a decent cock was covered in scabs and his cock had shrunk to even less than a Pakaban has.

"They didn't know that the man had been coming to the spa to get even with the manager and was able to pull just enough magic out of the spell they cast on him to allow him to inflict pain or disfigurement on anyone he wished. For the last two years he has been wandering the maze breaking toes and legs, biting into parts of the body you would rather not have bitten, changing the appearance of men or boys he hears other people saying are exceptionally good looking.

"I was not one of the ones being called good looking. When I first came here there were no men that wanted to have sex with me, I am a cross-breed. Both the Neanine and the Anubi halves were evident. You could say he took pity on me when he heard a Ganeshus telling me to get away from his cock.

"Now, I'm like you see, I am unable to leave the pool." By that time the Merman had a hand on each of their cocks unable to decide which of them he wanted to suck first

Next: Chapter 16

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