
By Slave Bear

Published on Jan 17, 2023


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 33: Anniversary Gift

Rays of light were streaming into the office where Richard kept the bookkeeping and handled the day-to-day business of the farm. He had set up a desk opposite his for George, who had increasingly been taking over so Richard could eventually retire and enjoy the income that had rolled in. Pig's bed was still in the corner, and the boy was always on call to service the older dominant whenever he wished.

Richard lit a cigar in his mouth and puffed on it twice while the slave bobbed up and down on his semi-hard cock. He had already loaded the porker's ass up once but enjoyed having the remnants of his load sucked away while he relaxed. As he put his hands behind his head and blew a cloud of vapor toward the ceiling, a knock on the door startled him. He looked over to see Lucas standing at attention with his head bowed.

"You called for me, Sir?" Lucas asked.

"Oh, yes," Richard said as he used his foot to push Pig away and pull the waistband of his boxers over his large cock and balls. "Come in, boy. You can kneel in front of the desk."

Pig winked at Lucas as he crawled over to his padded mat in the corner, and Lucas knelt on the rug in the middle of the room as Richard smiled at him.

"How is production coming along?" Richard asked.

"Very well, Sir," Lucas replied. "We are exceeding our targets just about every day now. Having Sir Jeff here has helped me and Sub focus all our efforts on our duties with the bulls and the product."

"Excellent," Richard said. "But be honest with me, boy. Do you need another slave to help you?"

Lucas paused before answering.

"I said be honest with me, boy," Richard prodded.

"Sir, Sub and I are dedicated to your service, and we are trying to exceed your goals consistently, but it is taking longer and longer days to accomplish those tasks. We are both happy to work as long as we need to, even if that means sacrificing our sleep time, but yes, extra help would help a lot."

Richard smiled as he smoked. His hands roamed around the hair on his chest as he scratched it.

"I appreciate your candor," Richard said. "It is something I have been giving thought to for some time. I initially brought Jeff in with the plan to assist you in the production room, but he has adapted here much quicker than I expected and spent most of his time with Chad and the horses in the fields. I am fine with this as the agricultural aspect of the farm is doing well as a result, but I don't want to see the Lightning Boost production suffer."

"Yes, Sir," Lucas replied. "I agree, Sir."

"Pig?" Richard boomed.

Pig immediately stood and walked over to kneel next to Lucas.

"Yes, Master?"

"When I am not using your ass or mouth, I want you in the production room with Sub and Slave," Richard said. "Slave will be your manager, and you will do everything he tells you to do."

"Yes, Sir!" Pig replied.

"This will be a temporary arrangement as I don't want my sex toy to be out of my house for long. I will start finding a new boy for the farm today and update you, Slave, on my progress."

"Thank you, Sir," Lucas replied as he bowed his head. "We live to serve you."

"We live to serve," Pig repeated as he bowed.

"On another matter," Richard said as the two looked up at him again, "the ceremony I have planned for your third anniversary will be tonight."

"I am honored, Sir," Lucas replied.

"Gimp will coordinate the details, so get with him before you return to the barn," Richard continued. "However, I want you to think about something today as you work."

"Yes, Sir?" Lucas asked.

"You have been a dedicated and obedient servant to me and my household since you came under my roof," Richard said. "I haven't had to worry about you running away or disrespecting me, and this has not gone unnoticed by myself or the rest of the farm. I will grant you one request tonight during your ceremony as a reward. Whatever you ask of me, I will honor that, within reason. Don't go crazy, boy."

"Oh, wow," Lucas replied. "Thank you so much, Sir."

"I have only held an event like this once before," Richard said as he turned the cigar in his mouth and bit the end. "And that was for Gimp. Since then, no other slave here has honored me with service like you."

"Thank you, Sir," Lucas said as he bowed his head again. "I will give it serious thought and thank you again for the privilege of servicing you. I am the slave I am today because of your firm hand."

"Good, boy," Richard said with a smile. "Now, you two get along, and Pig, I want you back in here after lunch for another breeding."

"Yes, Sir!" Pig replied as the two of them stood and left.

"That is quite an honor!" Pig said to Lucas as they walked down the hall to the kitchen. "What will you ask for?"

"I have no idea," Lucas said.

The two reached the kitchen and found Gimp rolling dough while preparing the lunchtime meal.

"Hey, Gimp," Lucas called out.

"Hello, boys," Gimp replied. "I am assuming, since Pig is with you, that Master has informed you of his new duties for the next few weeks."

"Yeah," Pig replied. "At least till he can find a new slave."

"Hopefully, that will not take long," Gimp said as he threw flour on the table and began to roll dough with a pin.

"Master told me to get with you on the schedule for tonight's ceremony," Lucas said.

"The event will start precisely at 9 pm," Gimp replied. "Have the bulls milked, groomed, and brought down to the dungeon before that time."

"Will do," Lucas replied.

"Everyone will be in attendance, so be on your best behavior," Gimp said. "This is quite an honor."

"I heard you had a ceremony like this, too," Pig said.

"Yes," Gimp said as he paused to wipe his head with a towel. "It was an honor I felt unworthy of but grateful to receive."

"Were you granted a favor of Master, too?" Lucas asked.

"I was, Slave," Gimp replied. "I gave it a lot of thought, and I asked if we could bring in another boy to do the more menial and hard tasks around here so I could focus more of my efforts on the household and tending to Master's daily needs."

"Was that Slave that was brought in?" Pig asked.

"No," Gimp said. "It was the piece of shit that was brought in before Slave."

"Oh," Pig said as he let his voice trail off.

"That one did not work out, obviously," Gimp said. "But Master did not blame me for that, and he did bring in Slave as a replacement, so in the end, I still got my request granted. Do you have any ideas what you will ask for, Slave?"

"I am still in shock, to be honest," Lucas replied.

Gimp smiled.

"Think about something meaningful for you but still within the bounds of Master's rules, and you will be fine."

"Too bad you can't ask for your cock back," Pig said with a smile.

Lucas laughed.

"Well, it is downstairs if I want to visit it at any point. It is not like it is very far away from me."

Pig chuckled.

"Right next to mine."

"Yeah, but yours is a lot bigger," Lucas said.

Gimp rolled his eyes.

"Get serious, boys."

"I'll have to think about it," Lucas replied.

"Well, you two get out to the barn and get to work," Gimp said. "I'll bring lunch out to you when it is ready."

"Thanks, Gimp," the two replied as they waved and left.

A cold front had brought in some of the coolest weather of the season so far, and the two naked boys ran across to the barn as quickly as they could. As they entered the production room, they saw Sub busily mixing the bulls semen into a vat with other ingredients.

"What are you doing out here, Pig?" Sub asked.

"I'm the new temporary help for the time being," Pig said.

"Master is going to find us a permanent assistant, but Pig is going to assist for the time being," Lucas said.

"Thank heavens!" Sub exclaimed. "I am so happy to hear that. We've been pushing ourselves to keep up the orders and it is getting crazy."

"Yeah, I know," Lucas replied.

"What do I do, boss?" Pig asked Lucas.

"Boss?" Sub asked.

Lucas laughed.

"Master put me in charge of you two for the time being."

"Well, aren't you coming up in the world!" Sub said with a smile.

"I'm just a slave like the rest of you," Lucas replied. "Pig, go grab an apron from the back closet and put on some gloves. We keep things as sterile as we can in here since this is a food preparation area."

"Yes, Sir!" Pig said as he saluted and walked to the back room.

"Slave will do, Pig," Lucas said as he shook his head.

"Ralph will be back in about an hour," Sub said. "He is making another local delivery with Gunny."

"Sounds good," Lucas said as he picked up his apron from the table and put on his gloves. "Oh, and Master told us that my reward ceremony will be tonight. We have to be in the dungeon at 9 pm sharp. He wants the bulls milked and groomed before then."

"Not a problem," Sub said. "Are you excited?"

"Yeah, I am," Lucas replied. "I'm anxious to see what Master has in store."

"Nice!", Sub said. "Sir Jeff stuck his head in earlier, by the way. He said to please come out and get them when it is lunch time. He and Chad have the horses out on the far field today."

"They are making progress, then," Lucas said as he worked on mixing a batch of Lightning Boost next to Sub.

"Yeah," Sub said. "Sir wants me to help drain his balls after his meal."

Slave smiled and playfully punched Sub's arm.

"You are getting to be a regular plaything for him."

"Somewhat," Sub said with a smile. "At least when he needs to get his rocks off during the day. I have seen Chad sneaking up to his loft at night."

"I figured those two were getting close," Lucas replied.

"I'm ready!" Pig interrupted them.

Lucas turned around and pointed to the back of the room.

"Start packing those energy bars up. Six to a container and be sure to seal them up good. You know where the labels go."

"You got it!" Pig said as he walked off.

"I just wish I could actually feel something other than pressure and the occasional pain of being fucked," Sub continued. "I mean, I am grateful to Sir Jeff for letting me please him and he almost always makes my tiny nub squirt. But I miss my orgasms."

"I know you do, Sub," Lucas said. "How long has it been now?"

"Seven months," Sub said. "I've almost forgotten what a real orgasm feels like."

"You know I was like that for a year before they were able to figure out what was in our testicle growth serum that was doing that," Lucas said. "That numb feeling is maddening but I was able to adapt. I mean, it was frustrating, but I learned to do without."

"You must just be stronger than me," Sub said. "I am sorry to complain. I need to stop."

"I'm your friend, Sub," Lucas said. "Don't worry. It stays between us."

"I know you and Pig have given up a lot, too," Sub said. "Your body hair and even your cocks!"

"Well, it looks like you are just like us in that regard," Lucas said with a smile. "Yours just wasted away instead of being pickled!"

Sub grinned.

"Just remember that out life is about service to our Master now," Lucas continued. "What he says goes. We just have to adapt. But don't give up hope. We know now that it is reversable so there is always the chance you might earn the right to have an orgasm again."

"Ugh, I hope so," Sub groaned.

The dungeon was dark and the smell of incense permeated the room. On the altar in the center, three small candles flickered. The bulls were all in a line in the back of the room sitting cross-legged on the floor with their massive sacks and udders resting in front of them. It had taken Lucas, Sub, and Pig over an hour to wash and groom them to get them presentable. To their left, on the far side of the room, Buck and Tex sat on the floor next to Chad. The young man had spent time braiding Buck's long brown hair and combing out his bushy beard so it would lay straight. Tex's blond fur was likewise combed and de-knotted for the first time since they were purchased.

Sub could see Chad's naked body eventually once his eyes had acclimated. George's exercise regimen had made a massive difference in just over seven months. Chad's chest was now built, and his thick, furry arms gave him quite the imposing frame in the shadows.

Gimp was placing the colored jars that contained the sacrifices the slaves had made to their master on the altar of service as the door to the dungeon opened and Jeff and Ralph came in with Pup crawling after them. The older man was shivering and rubbing his arms. He and Chad were both naked, though the large cock and balls of Jeff put Ralph's equipment to shame. As they continued toward the center of the room, Pup came over and sat next to Pig.

"Now, this is an interesting sight!" Jeff exclaimed as he walked across toward the altar. "Are these the preserved cocks and testicles I have heard so much about?"

"They are, Sir," Gimp replied. "Along with the scalpel that severed Pup's dorsal nerves, the key to Sub's chastity cage, and the branding iron used on the bulls and horses."

"Impressive," Jeff said as he picked up the green-tinted jar.

Inside floated a pale white mass. Even after three years floating in formaldehyde, it was still perfectly preserved and every vein was still visible in the shaft of Lucas's cock. The head was frozen in its engorged state and it looked like it was ready to unload cum at any moment.

"Fuck, is this yours, Slave?"

"Yes, Sir," Lucas replied.

"Damn! This thing is massive!"

"Master injected it with some drugs to engorge it to the state it is in before removing it," Gimp said. "But it is an impressive specimen."

Jeff smiled and moved to hold the jar next to his cock and balls to compare it.

"Well, I am impressed, Slave. That was a worthy sacrifice for your master."

"Thank you, Sir," Lucas replied.

Jeff chuckled and put the jar back on the altar and noticed the cock floating in the jar next to it was even larger.

"And this is yours, right, Pig?"

"Yes, Sir," Pig replied.

"Damn, big boy!" Jeff said. "Y'all used to put us doms to shame!"

"No, Sir," Pig replied. "Besides, we were born to be only temporary caretakers for those organs. They always belonged to Master, and we were glad to give them over to him. Our true role as slaves does not require having them attached to us."

"Good answer, Pig," Jeff said as he placed the jar back.

"We are about to begin if you want to take your places, Sirs," Gimp said.

"Yeah, let's get going," Jeff said to Ralph.

"Come on over here and stand next to me, guys," Chad said from the side of the room.

Ralph and Jeff smiled and complied as Gimp retreated into the darkness to stand next to Lucas.

The room was quiet for about five minutes before the door to the dungeon opened again and a heavy sound could be heard coming down the steps. Lucas turned to see that Richard was wearing his horned headgear, but he had added a dark, fur-covered armbands and heavy, dark, fur-lined boots to his costume. In his mouth was a large, lit cigar and as he walked by, the boy could see that he was wearing an impressive engraved, silver cock ring and his shaft was engorged and bouncing in front of him while his heavy balls swayed back and forth.

"So glad to see my menagerie joined together tonight," Richard boomed as he took his place directly behind the altar.

The door closed, and George entered last. The former military man struck an imposing form and his cock was nearly as engorged as Richard's. They had apparently taken an enhancing drug to ensure they put on a good show. As George took his place next to their master, the slaves in the room took a deep breath and waited.

"We are here tonight to honor one of our own," Richard said with a loud, gravelly voice. "Slave, come stand in front of the altar of service!"

Lucas swallowed some spit and walked until he faced the two men and assumed the position. Richard smiled as he admired the boy. Hairless from head to foot and decorated with the tattoo of his name across his chest, his groin was perfectly smooth and barely showed a scar from the removal of his manhood. His balls were the size of a baseball and the scrotal piercings that ran in a line down the enhanced sack shined in the candlelight.

"Three years ago, you came to me as a worthless boy," Richard continued. "But you proved worthy of the sacrifices you made to serve me. You have suffered, but you have endured as any good slave should; for that, we have gathered. I want everyone in this room to look upon Slave not as someone who should be honored but as someone who should stand as a model of behavior. Like Gimp before him, Slave has obeyed me and earned the right to be in my presence as serve me."

"It is truly an honor to be your slave, Sir," Lucas replied.

"Yes," Richard replied. "An honor indeed."

The large, horned man took several drags off his cigar and blew smoke around him before continuing.

"In recognition of your service, we will honor you tonight by giving you the fucking of your life," Richard said. "Each of the real men in this room will mount and breed your ass till it is overflowing and wrecked and I expect to hear you thanking each of them for that gift."

"Absolutely, Sir!" Lucas replied. "As a Slave it is a true honor to take a real man's seed."

"Before we begin," Richard continued. "I have agreed to grant one request of Slave in honor of his service. Have you decided what this request will be?"

"Yes, Sir, I have," Lucas replied.

"Then name it in front of your master and the assembled men and beasts," Richard said.

"If it is possible, Sir," Lucas replied. "I would like to give the gift of orgasms back to Sub."

Sub gasped as the words came out of Lucas's mouth, but Richard made no movement or gesture.

"He is my brother slave and is a hard worker," Lucas continued. "I would not have kept up the production quotas without his efforts. I know he wronged you, and you intended to keep him numb and deprived for the rest of his life, but I would ask if it would be possible to change this sentence."

There was silence in the room as Richard stared at Lucas. When he finally spoke, it was firm and loud.

"And this is your formal request of me tonight? Mercy for a slave that disobeyed me?"

"Yes, Sir," Lucas said as he bowed his head.

Richard smoked for a while and eyed Lucas quietly. When he finally spoke, he leaned on the altar, and his face was lit ominously by the candles.

"The sentence was proper for the violation that occured and will not be reversed. However, I will consider granting a transfer. You will be permitted to take his punishment instead."

"Take the drug instead of him?" Lucas asked.

"Yes," Richard replied. "If you want him to orgasm again, you must take his punishment and permanently give up your orgasms."

"Slave...," Sub said out loud.

"Silence!" Richard boomed. "Did I say anyone else but Slave could speak?"

"I agree to that," Lucas said. "I will take his punishment."

"Very well," Richard said as he looked back at Lucas. "As of this moment, the sentence is transferred. Gimp, you are to discontinue the drug treatments on Sub and start them on Slave instead."

"Understood, Master," came the voice of Gimp from the edge of the darkness.

Sub sat stunned, and Pig reached over to rub his shoulder.

"I can't believe..." Sub whispered.

"Shh..." Pig said.

"Now that the matter of Slave's request is settled, let's get this party started," Richard shouted. "After taking that shot of Trimix in my dick, I'm ready to fuck!"

"Same here!" George said with a grin. "We should stay hard for at least three hours."

Sub watched in stunned silence as Gimp guided Lucas to the sling in the corner of the room. His legs and arms were bound, a leather blindfold was placed over his eyes, and a ball gag was inserted in his mouth.

Lucas's mind was swirling at this point. He knew that tonight might be the last time he would experience an orgasm now that he had taken the punishment away from Sub, and as he felt his ass being fingered by Richard's large finger, precum spurted from his reroute and dripped down.

"Lube on demand," Richard said as he chewed on the cigar in his mouth and used the oozing fluids to coat his thick, pulsing cock. "Just how I like my slaves."

Richard grabbed Lucas's large balls and squeezed them, and the young man groaned into his gag.

"I love how large your balls have gotten, Slave," Richard said. "I can almost feel the cum stored in them. Since you gave up your pathetic nub, let's see if I can pound some of it out for you as part of your reward."

Richard grabbed the chains that held up Lucas's legs and pointed the head of his cock at the slave's hole, and pushed forward. Lucas's breath was taken away as his master split him in two with one movement. His head twisted, and he screamed into his gag as the shaft went deeper inside him.

"Fuck yeah," Richard growled. "I do love this ass. Not as warm and enveloping as my Pig's, but it still feels great. Open up for your Master, Slave!"

Lucas grunted again as Richard pushed till his large, heavy balls hit the slave's ass. The large man then groaned.

"Take this hat off me, Gimp!"

"Yes, Master!" Gimp said as he walked over and removed the horned headgear.

"Perfect!" Richard growled as he blew out some smoke and began to fuck hard.

The chains holding Lucas up rattled immediately as the sling moved back and forth. The slave's body was rocked by the energy of his master's thrusts. Richard was holding nothing back. His cock swelled to its fullest extent and ripped Lucas apart with every thrust.

"Fuck!" Pig whispered. "He's in the zone tonight!"

Richard lifted his head, and smoke began to pool above him.

"Lights, Gimp!"

Gimp turned and switched on a small red light in the ceiling that cast its glow over the scene before placing the headgear on a small table to the right. George was standing next to Richard, stroking his cock as he watched.

Sub looked away and scanned the room to see where Chad, Ralph, and Jeff were at. He finally located them near the horses. Ralph seemed mesmerized by the scene with a semi-hard erection, and Chad was stroking his fully-engorged cock beside him.

"I wonder if they will participate," Pup whispered.

"I guess we will find out," Pig replied.

The fucking that Lucas was receiving could only be described as brutal. Richard was pounding so hard that his body was quickly covered in a sweat that glistened in his fur. His muscles were bulging and moving, and even his boots sometimes slipped from the force of his thrusts. Lucas's head was bouncing around, and muffled grunts and screams could be heard all around the room.

"Fuck, yeah!" Richard growled as he pulled out unexpectedly, leaving Lucas to gasp.

"Get in there, Gunny!" Richard said. "Open him up some more for me."

George grinned and took Lucas's place. As his cock slid inside, the man reached down and squeezed the boy's balls hard.

"Yup, you were right," George said. "Definitely full to the brim. It is too bad he doesn't have a nub to use to empty them anymore."

Lucas was screaming at this point as he felt the pain in his balls and the pummeling of his ass.

"And you better really enjoy the fucking you get tonight, boy," George said with a sly grin. "Cause it might be your last orgasm. I hope the trade was worth it."

Lucas bit down hard on the gag in his mouth and cried out again. The pain was intense, but suddenly he felt a warmth through his groin and a shiver that began in his spine and shot up his back. Soon after, cum poured from his reroute and dribbled down over George's cock as it slid in and out. The orgasm that flooded Lucas's brain was intense, and he nearly blacked out.

"Fuck!" George exclaimed. "That fucker came almost immediately after I squeezed those balls!"

"That's my little pain slave," Richard said as he blew out some smoke over Lucas. "He loves to be used by real men. Don't you?"

Lucas nodded and groaned as the last of his load slipped over George's cock and was pushed inside his ass.

"Fuck!" George groaned. "This feels so damn good."

"Well, don't go cumming anytime soon yourself, Gunny!" Richard replied.

"Oh, I got a ways to go before that," George replied. "You want to go again?"

"Let me in there," Richard said as the two men swapped places, and Richard quickly churned up Lucas's cum in his hole.

"Fuck, this is hot," Chad groaned as is felt precum covering his hand and shaft.

Jeff looked over and smiled.

"You might want to hold your nut, boy. You might get a turn after."

"You think?" Chad asked.

Ralph chuckled next to him.

"You never know."

Chad stopped stroking and licked his hands, and smiled.

"A little self-control is in store, then."

Richard and George swapped back and forth for over twenty minutes. The primal sexual scene was amazing Sub, Pig, and Pup. They had never seen either of the men in such a state. It was as if they were trying to fuck a hole straight through Lucas's body. Both men were now covered in sweat, and their musk began to permeate the room and stimulate the three slaves. Sub reached down, rubbed his balls, and felt fluids pouring out of the flat cage covering his tiny nub.

"God, I am a mess down here," he said quietly.

Pig looked over, smiled, and whispered back.

"You should feel my ass. I can feel the precum dripping out of my reroute, over the back of my balls, and onto the floor. If I still had a cock, it would be about to burst right now."

Lucas felt his body shoving back and forth even harder now. He clenched his feet and hands and cried out louder into the gag as his ass slowly went numb. He had cum again at some point during the ongoing assault, and his ass was now a frothy white mess that covered both Richard and George's shafts as they took turns. His master was now deep in him, and he could feel the large man's cock expanding even more.

"I think it is time for the night's first breeding," Richard growled.

"Give it to him!" George said. "Mark your property first!"

"Fuck!" Richard cried out as he pushed forward, and cum erupted from his shaft.

His orgasm was so intense that his cigar fell forward and bounced onto the floor as his head dropped and he screamed. His body shook, and beads of sweat flew in all directions as his legs trembled. His balls lifted, and his prostate pulsed as it delivered load after load of thick cum deep inside his slave.

Lucas briefly passed out. When he regained a sense of what was happening, he could smell a foul scent. Gimp had put something under his nose to wake him up.

"He's back," Gimp said.

"Good," George replied. "Cause it is my turn now."

Lucas barely had time to think before his flooded hole was split open again, and the pounding continued. George pummeled him hard for nearly four minutes before the man felt a stirring in his own testicles.

"Ok, I think it is time to add to this injection," George said.

"That's it, Gunny!" Richard said as he patted the hairy, sweaty back of his friend.

George's ass clenched as the orgasm rocked his body. He grunted and growled as his cock opened up and spewed forth more warm, virile seed into Lucas's bowels. He was in so deep that Lucas was sure that he would be shitting cum for a week.

"That's it, my friend," Richard said with pride. "Breed that slave good."

Lucas bit down hard on the gag in his mouth. Spit flowed out the sides, and his head was covered in sticky fluids mixed with his sweat. When George pulled out, cum dripped from his gaping ass and made audible sounds on the floor.

"Ok, time for round two!" Richard said as he retrieved his cigar and put his still hard and dripping cock back in Lucas's sloppy hole.

"Fucking hell," Pig groaned as he felt an orgasm rock his body.

The boy had been rubbing the front of his groin above his balls, and the small amount of erectile tissues that remained had been stimulated just enough to release his seed. It poured out of his reroute and down the back of his balls as he tried to keep quiet and mask what had happened.

"Did you just cum?" Pup asked.

"Fuck," Pig groaned quietly as he closed his eyes. "If they find out, I'll be whipped. I could not help it."

Sub turned and looked behind Pig and stealthfully scooped up the fluids and brought them to his mouth.

"What are you doing?" Pig asked.

"Hiding the evidence," Sub said as he scooped up some more. "Get your hands back there and help me."

Pig grunted and reached back to rub his hand over his balls, collected what was dribbling out, and brought it around to swallow it as Pup collected some on the floor and licked it clean. Everyone else in the room was so focused on the fucking of Lucas that no one seemed to notice.

"Fuck," Ralph said as he reached down and felt his small erection. "Even Little Ralphie here is at attention."

"Little Ralphie?" Jeff replied with a chuckle.

"Oh, hush," Ralph said. "It was something a girl I was seeing named it a few months ago. It might be slightly below average, but she was still satisfied."

"I am sure," Jeff said with a wink.

Richard took another twenty minutes to cum again, and when George took over, Lucas briefly passed out again before the man delivered his second load of semen. Cum was now flowing from the slave's ass, and out of his reroute, where a third orgasm had rocked Lucas's body just before George had gone over the edge. Both men were still hard from the drug they had taken but needed a break.

"Jeff!" Richard said. "You are up!"

"Fuck yeah!" Jeff replied as he quickly moved across the room to take over.

As the young man slid in, the sound of more cum hitting the floor could be heard.

"Damn, this is like fucking a cream-filled donut!" Jeff exclaimed.

"Don't know," George said. "Never done that before!"

The men laughed as Jeff gripped the chains and went to town. Chad watched every movement and moved his hand to rub his shaft again.

"Fuck, Jeff is so hot," Chad said softly.

"I hear you two are getting along well," Ralph said with a smile.

"Yeah," Chad said as his face blushed. "I like him, but we are taking things slow. It is nothing formal or anything. He likes to play the dominant, and I am more than willing to let him. I just don't want to ruin any friendship we have."

"Oh, I think you are fine," Ralph said. "My nephew has been talking about you a lot. He finds you very attractive."

"Really?" Chad replied.

Ralph laughed.

"I've seen that huge bulge of his move when he is around you."

Chad grinned and felt a spurt of precum fly into his hand. He brought it up to his lips and tasted it, and moaned.

"Fuck, this is so hot."

Jeff moved close and put his arms under the slave's legs to lift him slightly as he fucked hard into the boys' used hole. Slapping sounds mixed with the liquid sounds of the cum being churned and flowing down the young man's shaft and balls to land on the floor. The puddles there were now getting larger. Jeff slipped and spread his legs farther to avoid the mess, and Richard smiled.


Pup immediately moved over and sat next to his master.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Crawl under there and start licking the floor clean," Richard said. "I don't want the men here to slip and fall on all this extra nut. Besides, that is prized seed that should not go to waste!"

"Yes, Master!" Pup exclaimed as he moved over.

He positioned his body under Lucas and put the snout of his pup mask on the floor, and lapped at the loads of the men as Jeff continued to fuck.

"That's a good boy!" Jeff growled when he saw what Pup was doing.

Chad was now stroking himself again. He looked down to collect more precum from the tip of his cock and noticed that the horses on the floor beside him had erect phalluses. Each of their foot-lock horse dicks was firm and pointing skyward.

"Damn, you two!" Chad exclaimed. "You just bred my ass a couple of hours ago!"

"Can't blame biology, son," Ralph said with a chuckle. "Between the scent in the air, the heat, and the view, it is hard not to get a reaction. They may have been transformed into horses, but they started out as virile men."

"Oh, they are still virile," Chad replied with a grin. "I'm always leaking cum after they fuck me."

"Take it, Slave!" Jeff screamed as he fucked fast and quickly.

The young man didn't have the stamina that Richard and George had, but he had a lot of energy. As he quickly pounded, he felt the orgasm building in his balls, and he leaned back to ensure he got in deep.

"Here it comes, boy! Take that dominant seed!"

Lucas grunted as cum poured from his reroute while his ass was loaded up for the fifth time. His head spun from the intense orgasm, which was almost painful as his prostate had been hammered into oblivion.

"Damn, you made him squirt again!" George exclaimed.

"I knew that young man had some good skills," Richard said proudly. "Well, done!"

"Fuck!" Jeff said as he held on to the chains and leaned back to let his head fall.

Heat was pouring off his sweaty frame as he gasped for air and adjusted his legs to keep from falling. As his cock slid from Lucas's hole, cum flooded the floor below, and Pup was there to consume it quickly.

"Shit, Jeff!" George exclaimed. "How much did you nut?"

"He's young," Ralph called out. "Don't forget that."

George laughed and turned to smile at Ralph.

"You want a turn at the slave, buddy?"

"I'll pass this time," Ralph said. "I'm afraid poor Slave is so loose my small thing would not get much friction in there."

George and Richard laughed back.

"However, you think you could give Chad a go?" Ralph said as he patted the young man's back.

"Get over here, Nephew!" Richard replied. "You might as well take a go, too."

"Thanks, Sir!" Chad said as he winked at Ralph and walked over to Lucas.

Lucas was panting and covered in sweat. His ass was a mixture of clear and white fluids and froth. Pup had cleaned most of the floor up and had moved away as Chad took his place behind the slave.

"You ready for another one, Slave?" Chad asked.

Lucas groaned in his gag and nodded briefly before his head fell again. Chad smiled and slapped his cock twice on the abused hole, and pushed inside with little effort.

"Damn, you are sloppy!" Chad replied.

"Churn that alpha nut up some more, son," Richard said as he scratched his chest. "Letting it permeate your skin might do you some good, too."

Chad held on to the chains and fucked slowly. He was not interested in abusing Lucas, only enjoying the chance to fuck the boy for the first time in quite a while. Lucas could tell the rhythm had changed, and he relaxed to enjoy the movement of Chad's swollen head as it rubbed his prostate. Behind them, Jeff was watching. His cock had recovered and was hard again, and as he watched Chad's tattoo undulate on his back and his furry ass squeeze and relax, he licked his lips.

"Now, come on, boy," Richard said. "This ain't no love fuck. Pound the bitch!"

"I think I can help, Sir," Jeff said as he moved behind Chad.

Chad felt a hand move between his ass cheeks and a finger push inside his ass. As his hole dilated, the young man pushed forward deep into Lucas, and some fluids leaked out.

"Damn, the mare still has horse cum in him," Jeff said. "Only one thing that is good for."

Jeff spat on his hand and rubbed it over his cock before shoving it inside Chad.

"Fuck!" Chad exclaimed as he paused his fucking and let Jeff get in deep.

"Oh hush, boy!" Chad replied. "I'm nowhere near as big as your horse mates!"

Chad grunted and bit his lip as he felt Jeff move back and forth inside him.

"Now, listen, boy," Jeff said. "I already nutted once. It is time for you to do some work around here. Fuck that slave and yourself, and do it hard!"

"Yes, Sir!" Chad said with a grin as he adjusted his grip and stance and then moved back and forth.

As his cock went deep into Lucas, Jeff slid nearly out of his ass, and when he backed onto Jeff to the young man's root, he pulled out of Lucas. It took about a minute to get the motion right, but before long, he was pounding the slave and himself furiously.

"That's a boy," George said with a smile.

"You feel so good, Jeff," Chad groaned as he fucked.

"Excuse me, boy?" Jeff asked.

"Sorry, Sir!" Chad corrected himself. "You feel so good, Sir! This mare's ass loves that big alpha cock!"

Ralph smiled from the side of the room and stroked his cock as he watched.

"That's a boy," he said softly.

"Fuck!" Chad screamed as he felt his prostate being hit.

"Getting close, boy?" Jeff asked.

"Yes, Sir," Chad replied.

"Hold it until I say," Jeff said. "I want you to cum at the same time I do."

"Oh fuck, Sir!" Chad groaned as he closed his eyes hard. "I'm so close!"

"Hold it, I said!" Jeff growled in Chad's ear.

"Fuck!" Chad replied as he felt the orgasm building.

His balls were on fire, and he clenched down hard to stop the inevitable. His ass squeezed around Jeff's cock, and the extra pressure was just what the young man needed.

"Here comes my load, boy!" Jeff screamed as he began to fill Chad's ass.

"Can I cum now, Sir?" Chad screamed.

"Breed that slave, boy!" Jeff replied.

Chad relaxed his muscles and immediately began shooting his load up Lucas's ass. The young man's head was flooded with endorphins, and his eyesight went blurry from the intensity of the orgasm. Jeff saw Chad swoon and bear-hugged him.

"Hold on there, Chad!" Jeff said with a laugh. "That must have been some load!"

"Fuck!" Chad replied as his head fell back on Jeff's shoulder.

The two young men sat for a moment, letting their loads finish deep before Jeff pulled back and Chad did the same.

"Good job," Jeff said as he kissed Chad's neck. "Excellent work."

"Ok, you two," Richard said. "My turn again."

Chad and Jeff moved back to catch their breath, and the older man slid in Lucas's ass with a plop to continue the marathon fucking session.

Another hour passed before Richard and George had shot their third loads and decided that they had their fill of Lucas's hole. The slave was a wreck and barely conscious at the end. He finally returned to reality when the lights were turned on, and he felt hands removing the restraints on his arms and legs. When the gag was removed, and the blindfold was released, he saw that the room had cleared, and Sub and Pig were assisting him out of the sling.

"Is it over?" Lucas asked, softly.

"It is all over," Pig said. "Go slow and lean forward till you feel the floor. I won't let you fall."

Lucas moved till he felt a cold wetness beneath him. The floor was still slick with the loads of the men that had leaked out of his ass. However, he could not stand and put his weight on Pig as Sub moved behind him to steady his back.

"I can't walk, guys," Lucas exclaimed. "I'm sorry."

"You take one arm, and I'll take the other, Pig," Sub said. "Don't worry, Slave. We will carry you to your room."

"Shouldn't he at least shower off first?" Pig asked.

"I don't think he will be able to stand for a long time," Sub replied. "He can clean up in the morning."

The two slaves balanced Lucas between them and stumbled as they went upstairs and into the back of the house where Sub and Lucas slept. As they reached Lucas's bed, they laid him down, and Sub grabbed a towel to put under his ass to catch the oozing cum still coming out.

"I need to get back to my crate," Pig said. "You think he is ok?"

"I've got him," Sub replied. "Thanks, Pig."

Pig smiled, waved, and closed the door as he left the room, and Sub sat on the edge of the bed. Lucas cracked his eyes open and groaned.

"Do you need anything?" Sub asked.

"I just need to sleep," Lucas replied.

"Lucas," Sub said softly. "Thank you. You didn't have to take my punishment from me. I don't know what to say."

"It's ok, Brian," Lucas replied. "I've got your back, remember?"

Sub smiled when he heard his real name for the first time in so long. A tear fell from his eye, and he patted Lucas's chest.

"Sleep tight, buddy."

"Well, I won't be sleeping exactly tight, but yeah, you too," Lucas replied with a smile.

Sub laughed and turned out the light.

Next: Chapter 34

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