Trapped in a Diaper

By Sam Jackson

Published on Jul 23, 2012


Authors note - sorry for the delay, hopefully I'll be adding more to this story as the weeks go on.

Part 11

When he left the room I immediately scrambled towards to the door. I managed to crawly downstairs and get to the front door. As I did Daddy came and swooped me up.

"Trying to get away eh baby boy? That's a naughty boy and you will have to be punished for that won't you?" Daddy said.

I looked at him, attempted to speak but "goo goo ga gah" just came out - I was still under the hypnosis which stopped me from speaking normally.

Daddy scooped me up, flung me over his shoulder, patted me on my heavily padded bum and took me back inside. He laid me down in the cot and went away. My arms were starting to work again, but they were weak and so I couldn't do much with them - yet. I could hear Daddy in the kitchen, heating something up in the microwave and then lots of stirring and shaking.

He returned with four bottles of formula for me to drink down. He picked me up, sat on the rocking chair in the corner of the room with me on his lap. He then held my head up and shoved a bottle into my mouth. The formula tasted extra funny this time and I didn't like it but I couldn't protest as I couldn't move my body. One by one he fed me all four bottles which were starting to make me feel bloated.

After I was full of formula he lifted me of his lap, took me over to the changing table and took off my wet diaper. He cleaned me up with a baby wipe, put some talcum powder on me and then put another diaper on, and another, and another. I was very diapered up now! Nothing was going to escape when I needed to go for a piss. He picked out a baby blue onesie and put it over my head and then pushed the poppers together under my now heavily padded and slightly crushed crotch. I tried to use my arms but I then realised that whatever was in that formula had once again made my body completely limp.

Daddy picked me up and put me in the cot, whereupon because I couldn't control my body I just collapsed in a heap. He spread me out and then turned the lights off and left the room.

I was now in complete darkness. The amount of formula had made me drowsy so I started to dose and I was nearly completely asleep when my tummy started to rumble. Then I started to get sharp pains which I tried to ignore. I could feel my insides turning around and around, performing acrobatic movements within my bowels. Then suddenly I realised that I needed to go for a shit baddly, but the moment I thought that my ass gave way and I felt a soft, squidgy goo come out of me and into the diaper. I tried to stop it, to contain it but that just made it feel worse. It just came in spurts and dribbles. I convulsed sometimes it was so powerful. But the shit had nowhere to go so it just filled up my diaper. Then I needed to piss and I couldn't contain that so I just went, mixing the piss with the shit inside my diaper. This went on for about 10-15 minutes, almost non stop. My diaper was bulging and the stink was horrendous, but I couldn't stop! It was so warm around my crotch now that I started to sweat in my onesie.

Eventually my bowels stopped moving and my sphincter could relax. I just laid there in the cot, absolutely exhausted. I was stinking, sweaty and now sleepy. The smell was disgusting but because I was tired I just drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next day with that still warm, squishy sensation in my diaper. Daddy came in and was immediately taken aback from the stench. He walked straight past me, opened all the windows and then walked over to the cot.

"Who's a stinky boy then? That'll teach you to try and escape, and if not then I have a little more instore."

He lifted me up and the diaper wanted to sag down with the weight of shit in it but the onesie wouldn't let it. He took me straight to the changing table and proceeded to take off the shitty diaper. But he didn't clean me up, just left the diaper on the table and picked me up again. He held me at arms length as he took me downstairs to the basement. He put me in the sex swing and attached my arms and legs to the chains holding it up. There was one single light above me and I managed to look down and see my crotch - it was covered in light brown shit, but was mixed in with the piss too. Daddy went back up stairs only to return a few moments later with the inner diaper I had been wearing all night.

He walked over to me, "So you think you could get away eh? Well this is part two of your punishment", and he then laid the shit covered inner diaper on my face, forcing me to inhale the stench that I could get a small whiff of last night.

The smell was intense - so strong and discussing that it made me want to be sick, but I knew that if I opened my mouth then the shit would go in so I tried my best just to breathe calmly through my nose. This was absolutely disgusting.

I could then feel Daddy start to lube up my ass and put his finger in. "God I'm horny, and I aint gonna last long" he said as I then felt his stiff prick slide up and down my ass, eventually finding my hole. He plunged his cock in me, making me scream - and of course the shitty nappy fell in my mouth a bit. I wanted to wretch but couldn't because I was too busy trying to ensure that my ass was nice and open for him to brutally fuck.

He was right, he didn't last long. When he was about to cum I felt his hand lift and then push down the diaper onto my face, making me smell the diaper intensely - this was horrible!

He pulled out, pissed all over me and then left me there in the swing. Fucked. Stinking of shit. Covered in piss...and I was hard.

Authors note: I hope you liked it, although I probably won't be doing much scat play story in the future as it doesn't really turn me on - this was just a punishment scene from Daddy. If you like this story then please email me at to let me know (any to suggest any ideas)

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Next: Chapter 12

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