Trapped in a Diaper

By Sam Jackson

Published on Feb 18, 2012


When I woke up I was still in a diaper -- but I was also wearing an adult sized onesie. It made the diaper really push into my groin -- and I realised then also that it was a fresh new diaper -- so Daddy had changed me whilst I was asleep. I still couldn't move my muscles and I was in an adult size rocking seat on the floor of (what I presumed) to be a living room.

Daddy came in, "Hey there sleep head. Sorry but I had to change you because you have a little accident in your diaper and you were all smelly. Also I needed to make sure you looked good for our guests who will be here any time soon. Make sure you're polite to these guests -- because if you're not they'll remember..."

That was kind of a threat I thought. The doorbell rang. Daddy left. He returned with 2 guys. They looked between the ages of 25-30. When they entered the room they all smiled then walked around me.

"See -- I told you I could do it. I have turned a teen boy into a baby. Thank you both for the drugs etc -- they have been most useful. He has no control over his movement, or when he goes to the toilet. He is wearing a cute diaper -- which he will always need from now on, and a cute blue onesie that fits him just perfect" said Daddy.

The blonde man said in reply, "Awwww he looks so cute, and helpless. He is just how I imagined he would be -- looking like a big baby. Is he shaved and smooth all over?"

"Of course he is -- not a hair on his body, and it'll remain that way now" Daddy replied.

The two guys sat down, took out their mobile phones and took a few pictures of me. I couldn't say anything because 1)I was a little scared and 2) I had a big dummy in my mouth that was taped in.

"Does he shoot?" said the brown haired guy.

"I dunno yet -- but he loves drinking piss, as I was lucky to find out last night" Daddy replied.

"Oh wow -- an adult baby AND a piss drinker? You've come up trumps here haven't you?"

"I sure have...and later I'll be treating you both to what he can do. Now it's time for baby to go to sleep now" Daddy took out a syringe and then planted into my thigh. He pumped some fluid into me and I suddenly felt drowsy. "That's it baby -- time to go sleepies. Don't worry, we won't do too much to you whilst you're asleep...promise" Daddy said with a big grin on his face.

I woke up a few hours later. I was not in a diaper. Well, my groin wasn't but it seems that a diaper I had wet was now strapped to my face -- so I all I could see and smell was a pissy soaked diaper. I was instantly hard. My arms and legs were hoisted up -- I think I was on a sex swing or something similar.

"Hey, I think the baby is awake" I heard someone say

"Oh now the real fun can begin" I heard another new voice.

I then realised that I had something attached to my dummy -- it was a tube I think leading into my mouth. This meant that whatever they poured down the tube I had to drink or else I'd choke. This was going to get interesting.

"Try this first -- it'll get the baby in the mood" I heard Daddy say.

I then felt the tube being grabbed and something was poured down it -- it was vodka. I was going to be very drunk if they continued like this. It felt like about 5 shots of vodka and my body reacted by shaking but I couldn't resist it -- I had to drink. I started to feel woozy straight away.

"That should loosen him up a little"

I started to feel very drunk and I could feel my body going even limper than it was. Then suddenly more fluid came down the tube -- this time it was piss, but sweeter than Daddy's last lot -- perhaps it was someone else's. My body was naked and I could feel the warm air around me -- but all I could breathe and smell was my pissy diaper. I felt a hand pull my balls upwards and then another one pressing my hole. I felt the cold feel of lube as he continued to push his finger into my ass. I was moaning at this point, and I was feeling very drunk. The guys took the moaning to mean one thing -- more liquid. This time it was more vodka. I didn't like this -- I was going to be very pissed, and strapped to a sex swing.

Next: Chapter 3

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