Trapped in a Diaper

By Sam Jackson

Published on Feb 22, 2012


I was taken off the sex swing, exhausted, by Daddy. The other men had long gone by now. He carried me over to a bath and plonked me inside. I still couldn't move my own muscles so he set about scrubbing my now hairless body. I got a stiffy straight away but he ignored it, mostly.

"Awww lil baby has a hard one. Well we won't be able to do anything about that for the moment, but maybe later. You've had a long night and now it's time to go beddy-byes. I've made up your cot, and I've made a nice bottle of warm milk for you to guzzle down before bed"

I was taken out, placed on the floor whilst he got out a diaper. He put some lotion around my still stiff cock and then lifted me up. He put the diaper under me, put me down and then sealed the diaper around my cock.

"We dont want baby making a mess at night now do we? This diaper will make sure any wittle mistakes stay in there"

He carried me to the large adult cot and place me gently inside. A bottle full of warm milk was then placed in my mouth. I was told to drink it all - and I did because I was thirsty, and still feelign a little woozey from all of the alcohol. The warm milk made me sleepy and when I was finished Daddy lay be down properly and said goodnight. He turned the light off and I was left alone in a diaper. I was now a proper adult baby - is this what I really wanted?

Something happened in the night, but I can't remember what...

The next day I was woken by Daddy.

"Oh I see someone has wet their diaper in the night. We'll have to get that changed before we go out today"

"Goo goo gaa gaa potty" I said. I was trying to speak but only baby talk came out - why?

"Good to see my little hypnosis trick in the night worked. You might try to talk but your mind knows now that all you can actually say is baby sounds - and a few words that a baby might've learnt by now"

"Dadda goo ga goo goo" I tried to ask what words but thats all that came out. How has he managed that? I was impressed but not a little more scared.

"A real baby can't talk, so why should you? We're going out today for some fresh air. I fancy a walk in the park or perhaps to the shops - but we'll see where the day takes us yeah?" Daddy said.

I was going outside? I'm hoping that I can use my arms and legs by then so I can walk around properly.

"I got a lovely pram for you to sit in, and a gorgeous little onesie for you to go in - you'll love it." Daddy said as he went over to the cupboard. My eyes followed him to the storage area. When he opened it up I could see a shelf of diapers, and next to that hungup was a load of adult sized baby clothes. He picked out a purple onesie - the type with no legs. "This one will do - I think it'll really suit you little on" he said.

I was lifted out of the cot onto a changing table. He took my soaking diaper off, cleaned me up and put a fresh new diaper on. I noticed that he stuffed it with a few other smaller baby diapers. This made the bulge between my legs really big and I couldn't close them. If I was to walk I would just waddle - how was I going to conceal this when I was out? My arms and legs still didn't do anything so I just layed there on the table. He got the purple onesie and put my arms and legs in it and did it up. My diapers were just about showing on the sides, but apart form that they were hidden. Was he going to put my real clothes over this?

"Right I think baby needs some formula to keep his strength up today" Daddy said as he warmed up a bottle of ths stuff in the microwave in the corner of the room, "I think about 4 bottles should do it". Four bottles? I was going to burst with that much liquid in me!

He fed me the bottled formula and I was forced to drink it all. The first bottle was ok - if a little odd tasting, and the second one wasn't too bad either. The third and fourth I struggled with but he made me drink it all. I was going to have one wet diaper when we got back later on.

"Right. now you're ready to go out we better get your pram" Daddy said. This was all I was going to wear? Now I was even more worried. He picked me up and placed me in the overly big baby's pushchair. He locked me in and I just sat there. In a purple onesie with a massive diaper on underneath. I was okish with being an adult baby in someones house, but not going outside - and especially looking like this. Oh and now I needed to go for a piss.

"Goo ga ga potty" I said.

"You need to go already? Well you're wearing enough protection so if baby wants to go baby can go." Daddy replied. He walked over to the cupboard, got out a big bag and put in a load of diapers - "Just in case we need to change you when we're out".

Change me when we're out? How is that going to happen? I knew now that I must not soak this diaper or else I'm going to be changed in public.

Part 4 when they go out will be written and posted soon. As before, if you like my new story and have any suggestions then please email me at - I look forward to reading them.

Next: Chapter 5

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