Trapped in a Diaper

By Sam Jackson

Published on Feb 26, 2012


The oldest one, probably around 18, was wearing blue jogging bottoms and I have to admit a stunning torso. He obviously worked out and spent a lot of time in the sun because he was so brown.

"Oh I'm dying for a piss mate, can I use your mouth?" I tried to speak but again - baby talk

"Aww its an ickly baby. But he looks at least legal, and he looks thirsty" he said as he walked over to me. He pulled his floppy cock out and then without warning started to piss on me. He didn't have good aim as he was going all over my face and body. "Sorry mate, I was desperate and my aim aint that good at the best of times"

His buddies were laughing so much, and pointing at me. They were all grabbing their crotches, obvioulsy horny or they needed to go for a piss. When the older one had stopped pissing on my, one of the younger ones opened up my diaper and pissed inside. As he was doing this I noticed he started to get hard. He was a realy cutey - think Bieber. He had a great body that wasn't too muscley and a real nice baby-face. This didnt stop him pissing in my diaper though. He just pulled the front open a bit and went right inside making me instantly soaking. He then noticed my hardon.

"Oh the baby is all hard - I think he's enjoying this lads. Shall we make him really wet - see if he's still hard then?". All his mates jeered and they then pulled me away from the urinal and layed me down on the piss soaked floor, facing upwwards. The other boys then all took out their cocks and proceeded to piss all over me. My face, my diaper, my torso - I was getting drenched in their steaming piss. The first two that pissed on me, the older and younger, were playing with their cocks getting themselves hard - this didn't take long.

"I wonder if he wants some protein too?" the older one said.

"I reckon he does - if he likes our piss then he'll love our cum - come on boys get jerking" and the boys started to yank themselves off. The youngest one cum first, all over my face, which he then rubbed into my face with the bottom of his pissy bottomed trainers. Another cum, right onto my diaper, then another on my chest and the others just cum all over me. The older knelt down before he cum and then stuck his stiff prick into my mouth. I could then feel his body shudder and the waves of cum hit the back of my throat. He must've cum abour 5-6 times and I could feel it going down my body.

The boys all put their cocks away whilst laughing, then propped me back up against the urinal wall. One of them went away then came back with a pen. He added something to the sign. As they left I attempted to look down at the newly written words. They said 'fag loves piss and cum - fill me up till I burst'.

This was now the worst thing that had ever happened to me. But I was still hard. Because I'd been hard for the past 4 hours my cock was aching. Part of me was loving this - I just didn't know which part.

About 30 minutes later, with only one guy coming in a pissing in my mouth, Daddy returned.

"Oh no, look how messy you've got. Daddy better take you home for a nice warm bath and a bottle of warm milk" he said as he picked me up carefully and then put a towel in the pram seat and sat me on it. He strapped me in and off we went back home. I was covered in cum and piss and strapped into a pram and so I got some odd looks on the way back. But it was getting dark as night drew

(I know this part is short but I forgot to add it onto the last part - as always, if you enjoy then let me know at

Next: Chapter 7

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