Trapped in a Diaper

By Sam Jackson

Published on Mar 18, 2012


Sorry for the delay but I have been busy. Here is the final part and hopefully next time it won't be so long between parts.

That night before being put to bed Daddy gave me 4 bottles of formula, but as he did he said "It might taste a little different from before as I've left something out of it this time, for your benefit and enjoyment".

"What and odd thing to say" I thought to myself, but I just drank all of the formula anyway. After our adventurous day our Daddy had taken me home, put me in a bath and thoroughly washed me, then rubbed baby lotion all over me, put on a few diapers and then attached a rather strange device to me. I don't know what he called it but it went over my shoulders, around my crotch and held me legs open. He said "This is especially made for adult babies - it will mean that like a baby you won't be able to close your legs properly - they're forced open so you will sit like a baby at all times. He put me in this whilst I was drinking my formula and it hurt. It was stretching my crotch right open, exposing my rock hard cock that was hidden by my thick layer of diapers. "Don't worry little man, I'll take it before you go beddy-byes" Daddy said. That was a relief!

It got to around 9 o'clock and he took off the harness-type device and then carried me upstairs. As he did my stomach rumbled. Loudly. And then I realised that I'd been here for a few days now and I hadn't one done a number 2. I had been fucked, forced to drink various strangers piss and covered in cum, but I hadn't once done a shit. I could feel my stomach cramping up as I was taken upstairs.

"Ah, the drugs are beginning to wear off I hear - but don't worry because you're wearing plenty of diapers to contain whatever you have to release" Daddy said as he layed me in the adult-sized cot. I couldn't move my limbs still so I just layed there as Daddy put on the carousel, kissed me goodnight and closed the door.

My stomach started to rumble more, and then suddenly I really needed to go for a shit. I hadn't done for many days now, but I had been drinking lots of formula - so whatever came out I'm sure it'd be runny. I tried my best to hold it in but I just couldn't. It was building up inside of me - I could feel it now. All those days of Daddy giving me drugs so I wouldn't go were now not working. Then, suddenly it happened. I lots all control of my bowel movement and I could feel the rush of liquidy shit coming out of my ass. It came thick and fast and the relief was immense. I could feel it as it spread all around my diaper filling it up. Because it was liquid and I lying down I could feel it make its way towards my cock. The warm feeling was nice around my still stiff cock. Just as I was getting used to the warm liquid around my cock I realised a more solid shit needed to come out so I pushed and pushed and it eventually forced its way out. I could feel it hit the tight diaper and spread out. I was gonna be messy in the morning when Daddy opened me up. I was finally empty, but what I had emptied was swishing and slodgy around my crotch. It was still warm from my body heat as I lay there. I couldn't do anything so I eventually fell asleep.

I was woken next morning - when Daddy opened the curtains. "Wow, it smells like baby has done a poo poo - we better get you cleaned up little man" he said as he took down a few diapers and some changing stuff. He picked me up, and admired my diaper. It looked very very heavy and was soaked from my night time piss too. It was still warm, but I could feel the stickyness around my cock. I was placed on the changing table with a towel underneath me. I was given a bottle of formula to drink whilst I was being changed. Daddy undid the diaper and the smell was immense straight away. It was so strong that Daddy recoiled - "Wow that is a stinker! Let's get rid of this quickly, shall we?". He got a baby wipe and cleaned all the excess shit off my crotch and put it onto the diaper. He then took it out from underneath me, put it in a small bag then took it downstairs.

When Daddy returned he had the harness that would open baby's legs open all day. He lifted baby into a bath of warm water in the bathroom and then washed him down again. He took him out, put four diapers on and then put the harness on. "Today we're going for another outing so we better get you dressed up. I'm thinking perhaps pink today - that should suit you" and Daddy took out a pair of pink tights and a pink onesie. He took my feet and put my tights on. They actually felt really nice - I'd never worn them before. He pulled the tights right over the diaper then put the onesie over my head, secured the buttons tight (the diapers created a large bulge). "There you go, all ready for another day out."

Suddenly the phone went. Daddy stopped and went downstairs and answered it. I couldn't hear all that was said, but I could tell that he was agreeing to something.

He came back up stairs, "Oh no, Daddy needs to go to work for a bit as there's been a problem, but don't worry I'll find you a baby sitter." He took out his mobile and called them in front of me...

"Hi, could you please do me a big favour and come and look after my little baby today? (Pause) Yeh he is (Pause) Errr about 4, plus the onesie (Pause) Very secure (Pause) Won't put up a fight (Pause) Hahaha, yeh you can do anything you want (Pause) I'll leave the key under the mat, bye" and Daddy put the mobile down.

Daddy started to pack a bag, "I've called my friend and he has agreed to come round and look after you today whilst I go into work ok. He has looked after babies before so don't worry because he knows how to look after you and make sure you're changed and fed. You'll have lots of fun with him, I'm sure".

And with that Daddy picked me up, put me in the cot and left. I was sat in their wearing 4 diapers, tights and a onesie. I was a little scared as to what the babysitter would do...

As usual, if you like the story please let me know and also if you have any ideas email me at

Next: Chapter 8

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