Trapped Muscle Cop

By Reflex

Published on Jul 4, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are under 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read material of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between men. It is entirely a work of fictional entertainment.

Trapped Muscle-Cop By Reflex ( Copyright 2005

Part 1

Tony Martino was 25 years old. He had been on the city police force for 3 years after a couple years in Junior College and then the Police Academy for his training. He loved his job. It gave him a feeling of authority that matched his macho pride. His uniform made him feel superior, especially the way it hugged his buff body. Standing at 6', with black hair and deep brown eyes, the young Italian-American caught the attention of a lot of the women around town. His 210 pounds of muscle with big thighs, bulging biceps and plump pectoral mounds added to the package. He had a dense coating of hair across his pecs, tapering into a thick trunk that ran down his firm stomach filling out again at his lush pubes. Tony loved the way the hair on his chest made his large firm nipples stand out. He likewise admired his hairy muscle-bound arms and legs. In fact, looking at himself made his dick tingle and twitch. He was sure his body was having a related effect on the chicks, especially when it was tightly wrapped in his uniform. His tight police blues stirred the imagination. The trousers seemed painted onto his bubble butt; the cotton shirt outlined his studly torso, the tight short sleeves ending at the top of his biceps. Tony had initially thought to ask for a shirt with longer sleeves since whenever he raised his arms in his short sleeves, thick tufts of his bushy armpit hair pushed out. After a couple days, however, he decided "fuck it," the sight of his pit hair only added to his masculine appearance. For Tony, that manly appearance was heightened by the smell that came wafting out from his pits. For some reason, he found that really intoxicating. When nobody was looking, he would lift his arms and sniff his pits, maybe give them a little lick, which strangely, he thought, made his cock plump up a bit.

Life on the police force was pretty smooth sailing. Not a lot happened in this small city. Most of what did happen was petty crime: teenagers shoplifting, a bit of mischievous vandalism here and there, the occasional car theft, a drunken brawl outside a bar every once in a while. Mostly, it was a decent town with a range of communities in which everyone went about their business. The men on the police force were respected and looked upon as nice guys, even if some, like Tony, were a bit cocky.

Tony's typical day involved cruising the streets in the cop car, sometimes with his partner, sometimes without. In the afternoons, he would walk the beat downtown. That provided a bit of fresh air, exercise, and a chance to show off. Standing at the corner with his hands on his hips, he'd wink at the girls passing by. They usually giggled to each other and looked back over their shoulders, giving their hair a toss, before scurrying on with their legs pressed tightly together.

On this particular summer's day, just such a scene had transpired. Tony chuckled to himself: "ha, yeah, they want it."

It was a Thursday, and Tony's shift schedule for this month meant that he had a three-day weekend ahead of him. That didn't happen too often. He was planning to enjoy it. His minded drifted to what he would do with his time.

'Let's see... when the shift is over, I think I will head to the gym for a bit. Get in a good workout; shower and change at home, then see if any of the guys are up for a night out."

Meanwhile, at the Bouncing Balls Arcade across the street, a couple of guys around Tony's age were hanging out and shooting the breeze. Although Rick and Tom were in decent shape physically from their work in construction, they tended to be on the lazy side. Each generally took odd jobs rather than work full-time for a company. The two shared an apartment on the seedier side of town, but were able to make ends meet with a bit left over. Rick, who was 5'11" with short brown hair, and Tom, who was 5'10" with buzz-cut dirty blond hair, loved playing pranks. Sitting around drinking and scheming up jokes to play on someone who annoyed them was how they spent a lot of their spare time. The manager of the Bouncing Balls Arcade was an occasional victim. Their pranks on him usually entailing his getting ripped off by Rick and Tom, or having his time wasted by the two in some kind of scam where one distracted him and the other peed in his office trash bin, or some such juvenile thing. Really, Rick and Tom just liked to take down a few notches anyone who represented authority. They had each lost more than one job pissing off a worksite boss in some way. The two friends could not have cared less, however. The pleasure of inconveniencing, embarrassing, humiliating, or degrading some dude who thought he was tougher than they were, was just too great. Not only did humiliating some other guy make them laugh for days, it made them hard. And Rick and Tom liked that... a lot!

Lately, their behavior was beginning to catch up with them. Word had got around the local building trade that these two could be a pain in the neck to any employer. Rick and Tom were having a harder time finding jobs, and consequently, were beginning to worry about their fragile finances. The two guys were also, frankly, a bit bored. The chicks they met on a night out at the bars didn't seem too interested. And then there were the ones who either by direct (and regrettable) experience or word of mouth, had no time for the duo's obnoxious manners. Rick and Tom were not all that sure that they were really interested in screwing chicks anyway. It never seemed to get them quite as hard and horny as they thought it should. It certainly didn't compare with turning some butch guy into an evening's entertainment. Problem was, a guy they could really mess with was hard to find, and even harder to get into a situation where Rick and Tom could really go all out. In fact, they had never really been able to try out some of their biggest fantasies. And so the two found themselves discontent and blowing their loose change on pinball machines and computer games at the Arcade.

"Man, this sucks. I am fed up," Tom sighed.

"Yeah, know what'cha mean, dude. This blows... let's get out of here," Rick replied.

The two made their way to the exit, kicking the door open. "Hey, watch it," the manager yelled. Rick gave him the finger as the two left.

"Well, what now Tom?"


"Fuck, it is hot.... Hey, look over there."

"Where," Tom asked.

"Across the street, bozo... on the far corner. The cop. See him?"

"Oh, yeah, that guy," Tom mumbled. "Seen him around a lot. He's always struttin' his shit down here. Real macho dickhead."

"No shit, Tom. That is one hot-lookin' dude. Look at that pretty face and those muscles, 'bout to pop the seams of his shirt. Bet he'd be a blast to get under control. Look at that bulge in his pants. Bet he thinks he is chief cocksman in this town. Hummmph! Look at those hands on his hips. Fuckin' show-off. Yeah, there's a cop dick that needs managing."

"Uh huh... hmmmmm."

The two were silent for a minute. Then Tom spoke up. "Well, why don't we..."

"What," Rick gasped, turning towards his friend! "A cop! Whoa, man. That is serious."

Tom had a broad grin on his face. "Yep, sure would be. But damn it would be hot to take that fucker down, put him in his place. Isn't servicing, oops, service to... the public, what the police are all about? Ha ha!"

"Yeah, I hear ya man, but I don't know," Rick replied.

"No, come on dude. This can be done. It just requires a little thinking. You remember how to do that, right? HA!"

"Ha, yourself," Rick said.

"No, really," Tom responded. "Remember that warehouse on Breach Street, that big abandoned brick and concrete dump?"

"Oh yeah, you mean where we used to go to have a smoke and concoct a few fantasies?"

"Bingo," Tom said. "That's the one. Unless, someone has been there lately, I bet it still has lots of the crap we collected and shoved into that basement. Could come in real handy."

"Man-o-mighty, Tom, that could be a blast. But aren't you forgetting something? When we have had our fun, this guy is still a cop and not only could he give us a run for our money strength-wise, but he could hound us out of town, or worse."

"You are right Rick. He could. But... I have a plan - a plan that might provide more than just tonight's entertainment... hehehe, hmmmm."

Officer Martino checked his watch. "Damn it is hot," he mumbled to himself. "Thirty more minutes and I can call into the department. Then, my boy, the weekend begins," he said to no one in particular as his eyes followed a buxom blond across the street. Tony thought he might stroll in her wake. Just make a few more quick tours around the neighborhood. Checking that nothing was amiss. As he strolled past shop windows, Tony kept one eye on the streets and one on himself. "Oh yeah, man, you are one hot stud! Yahoo... dude. Yeah, these muscles are going to get me some action toooonight." Tony was right. His muscle-bod would get him some action, just not quite the action he had envisioned. "Look at those biceps, yeah," he said to himself as he flexed his left arm in the reflecting shop window. He stopped for a minute, kept his bicep flexed and turned his head this way and that admiring his arm. "Good forearm too.... Damn, but that hair is sexy. Yeah, nice coating from the top of my hand, right on up past my elbow... hey, there you are," he said, looking at the tufts of armpit hair sticking out from under his sleeve. Tony, couldn't help himself. He stuck his head into his pit and took a quick whiff, and on the way back out gave his bicep a little lick. "Unnngh, whoa boy, down, you will get your pleasure tonight," he said to his hardening dick. "Man this uniform is tight in this heat. Fuckin' rubbin' every part of my kick-ass body." Time, of course, flies when you are having fun and Tony was so immersed in himself that more than half an hour had passed. He sprung back to the here and now and checked his big metal watch on his left wrist. "Time!" He quickly radioed in to the department, gave them the all clear from his location and said so long until Monday. "Three days of rest and relaxation, bud!"

While Officer Martino had been doing his rounds, Tom followed him at a careful distance. Rick had gone off to the warehouse, to do any needed setting up and get ready for Tom's arrival. When Tom saw Tony make the last check on the time, contact the department, rub his hands together and smile, he figured the cop had just signed off for the day. This was a little earlier than he had expected, so he hoped Rick would be ready and waiting.

Tom followed Officer Martino for a couple blocks and then closed the distance. He came running up, and tapped Tony on the shoulder. "Excuse me sir, I need your help. I work over at the old motor oil warehouse on Breach Street," he said breathlessly, as if he was conveying urgent information. "I thought that place had closed down long ago," Tony stated curiously. "Yes, sir, well, officially, it had, at any rate. But it was still used as a storage space. I was due to oversee the removal of the last of the oil supplies just a few minutes ago, but when I got to the warehouse, I heard suspicious activity downstairs. I went in as far as I dared and could see some guy. I don't know what he was doing, maybe drugs. I didn't want to go in any further. Man I am glad I saw you! Please help, sir. Maybe this guy just needs to see a man of authority. A big guy like you ought to persuade him to get out of there."

"Damnit," Tony whined! He looked at Tom, taking in that he was maybe a year older than himself. "Uh, I am actually off duty, now. This should probably re radioed in to the department so they can deal with it."

"Oh," Tom said. "Okay, but won't that take a while? I've got to lock the place up and I don't really want to go back there while that creep is lurking around. Couldn't you just scare him out? I mean, with all those muscles and all... jeez you got a nice pair of arms on ya. You workout a lot sir?"

"Yeah, I try to get to the gym a few times a week," Tony responded, brightening up as the conversation turned to his body. "Pretty impressive are they? Look at my biceps." Tony put his arms straight out and tensed his muscles, then curled the right arm up.

Tom whistled, "Holy shit, that is ace man." Tom continued to stare. Tony thought it was in admiration. Tom was actually looking in lust and thinking about how sexy those arms would look nicely bound with soft strong rope.

"Awww shit, alright, Officer Martino stated, putting his arm down. 'Come on, let's get over to the warehouse and sort this out quickly."

"Tom's eyes lit up. "Thanks, sir. It's right this way."

Off they walked, Tony talking about his muscles. "You should see my pecs, nice and full and round."

"I should workout more," Tom said. "I'd like to get as big as you." Tony smiled, his handsome face lighting up. He took off his cap and wiped his brow. His short, thick black hair was shiny with sweat.

"Sir, are those your, uh... nipples... sir," Tom asked.

"Heck yeah. Beauts ain't they? Bigger than a pencil eraser. They stick right out, capping my hairy pecs. Only drawback is this tight shirt, which keeps rubbing them all day, especially in this heat. Makes'em itch. Gets me kind of horny, ya know?"

"Yeah, I bet it does. Looks good though," Tom continued with his flattery.

Twenty minutes later they had reached the warehouse.

"Doesn't look like anyone is here," Tony said, furrowing his brow.

"He might be in the basement, Officer. That is where I spotted him. You have to go through this door, down the long hall on the left, in through the last door on the right, and across that room to the far door. That is the door down the stairs. We should be careful. It is a heavy steel door and the hinges creak a bit."

"Alright. Maybe you should stay out here, where you are safe."

"No officer. I'm not letting you go down there by yourself. I'll follow just in case you need back up, another pair of arms or something."

Tony chuckled to himself. "Okay, but be careful and don't do anything I don't tell you to. Got it?"

"Got it," Tom responded.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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