Trapped Muscle Cop

By Reflex

Published on Jun 3, 2007


Disclaimer: If you are under 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read material of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between men. It is entirely a work of fictional entertainment.

Trapped Muscle-Cop, Part 25 By Reflex ( Copyright 2007

Part 25: Gym Bound

Tony and Jason walked through the glass door of "Pump" and saw an empty gym.

"Gees, this is where you work out? It's kinda run-down and dirty looking," complained Jason.

"Hey man, sorry if it's not up to your usual standards... over at the Colonel's, heh heh."

"Shut your face, Martino."

"Come'on, man. This place is great. It's a small local gym, none of that big franchise shit. It's got all the basics. The guys who come here are friendly. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen a woman in here. Must not be "fancy enough" for them. But hey, it means you can get down to work without any distractions. It's usually not too crowded."

"Not too crowded? Earth to Tony... look around. There's almost no one here. Just those two guys doing warm-up over there."

Tony shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, here's Matt," Tony said, pointing to a short and fit guy with short curly brown hair. He's the manager, well, and the owner. A good guy."

Matt Reynolds closed the door to his small glass-fronted office and came out into the foyer. "Martino! What are you doing here? It's 2:30 in the afternoon. Aren't you a bit early?"

"Hey Matt," Tony said shaking hands. "This is my buddy Jason. Don't ask me what we're doing here at this time of the day. We're just lettin' off a bit of steam with a good workout. Speaking of, where is everybody?"

Matt smiled broadly. "Tony, this is what it's always like at this time of the day. The lunch crowd left half an hour ago. The after-work crowd won't start rolling in until at about 4:30; and it's not like we get a lot of housewives coming in here during the afternoon."

"Matt, you don't ever get housewives in here," said Tony thinking that was somehow funny.

"Your damn straight, pal," Matt replied with a wink. "Just those two guys from the college football team. They're regulars. So, are you signing your buddy in?"

"Yeah, thanks Matt. As you can see we're ready to go."

"See? I can smell it too Tony. You've gotta do some laundry one of these days."

"Ha ha, very funny," Tony said as he and Jason headed over towards the aerobic equipment. "What are ya up for, Jase... treadmill, bicycle, stairmaster?"

"Treadmill. I need to do a bit of running, man," said Jason.

"Yeah, I'll join you."

After a bit of preliminary stretching, Tony and Jason hit the treadmill. As Tony ran, he became more conscious of the weight of the heavy chain tightly padlocked around his neck.

"Damn this fuckin' thing," he grumbled.

Jason looked over and said, "It could be worse, man..." He nodded down towards his left shoulder. "How come they fuckin' saw this, but didn't say a thing about that chain you're sportin'?"

"I don't know man. Mitch and Al kept starin' at it though and I swear I saw Clemens give me a funny look."

Forty-five minutes later, after a lot of sweating, the two guys headed over to the weight machines, smiles on their faces.

"This is so much better man, a good workout breaks the tension, you know?" said Jason.

Tony let out a long breath. "Heck yeah." He noticed that the sweat in the white shorts Jason was wearing highlighted his white briefs underneath. He looked up at the sweat circles in Jason's pits and then looked at himself in the mirror. He flexed the muscles in his arms as they hung down by his sides, then sat down at his favorite piece of equipment for working his upper chest. Jason was just a little ways down preparing to put his thighs and calves though their paces with a few legroll reps. They could see each other in the mirrored wall in front of them.

Between breaths Jason said quietly, "I can't believe the crap we had to put up with today, man. Those assholes. That totally sucks, what they did to us. Bunch of fuckin' bastards. I can't believe it. The fuckin' police of all things... to two of their own. Shitheads..."

"We're the best damn cops they ever had, man. They're just too stupid to know it. Sucks big-time, dude. The problem is, what the heck are we gonna do now? Bein' a cop is all I know."

"Ditto," said Jason.

"I mean, pffffuufff, what are we supposed to do? Go bag groceries? No fuckin' way am I doin' that, man. That's for high school kids or college guys like those two over there."

"Hey, lower your voice, man," said Jason. "They keep staring at us like maybe they can hear what we're saying."

Tony looked in the mirror at the reflection of the two well-built college footballers. "Those guys are in pretty good shape. What do you think they are? Three, maybe four years younger than us?"

"Yeah, they've gotta be about 21 or 22 years old. They have a ways to go before they catch up to us, though... musclewise," Jason said as he prepared to switch to another machine, keeping an eye on the two college guys.

About twenty minutes or so later, Tony and Jason had shifted over to the free-weights. Tony was doing squats. Jason was doing a military press to work his shoulders. After a few minutes, the college guys came over, gesturing for a handshake.

"We're busy guys," puffed Tony.

"Oh, sorry," said the shorter one with brown spikey hair. "Uh, I'm Aaron. This is Todd," he said gesturing with his thumb to his taller blond friend.

"Hey guys," said Todd, smiling and raising his eyebrows.

"Um, we were, well, wow, you guys are really fit, and, uh, we were wondering if we could, um, workout with you? You know, watch you in action and pick up some pointers, maybe. We come here a lot, and I think we do pretty well," said Aaron doing a quick double-biceps pose and smiling at Tony and Jason. "But, we really wanna be like you guys, you know, get our bodies perfect like yours. We don't really have anyone to show us the ropes though."

"You guys are awesome," said Todd. "Great pecs and abs... and your arms... so perfectly contoured. And those legs... powerhouses, guys. I'm glad to see you don't shave. I'm pretty smooth naturally, but I always thought it'd be hot to have a thick coating of all those soft little hairs like you guys. Real manly." By this point Tony and Jason had stopped what they were doing and were looking down at their own bodies.

"Hey, Tony, I don't see why we can't help these guys out. They're a couple of studs like us. Gotta stick together, ya know," said Jason.

"Yeah, sounds good, man. I mean, we didn't go to college like you guys," Tony said looking back at Aaron and Todd, "so we probably had a bit more time for the gym while you guys had to do all that studyin'."

Aaron smiled, "Oh man, this is great, guys. Thanks. We really appreciate this opportunity. We didn't get your names though."

"Jason," said Jason, holding out his sweaty right hand. Tony introduced himself likewise.

"So, uh, we left our gym bags over there," Aaron said, pointing to where they had come from on the other side of the room. "We'll go get 'em and be right back, okay?"

"Sure," said Tony. "Why don't you just put your bags in a locker?"

Todd replied, "Oh, we've got water and our own towels and stuff like that in there. Like to have it handy when were sweating on the machines out here, you know?"

"Oh, hey, makes sense," said Jason, smiling. "See, Tony, that's what college does for you. Okay, see you guys in a sec..."

As Todd and Aaron walked back across the room, Tony said to Jason, "Dude, those guys are gonna be great to help out. They're totally good-looking like us. Real nicely built... all that football practice, maybe.

"Yeah, man. What do you wanna bet they've had every cheerleader on the squad?" Tony chuckled. "Hey, maybe they can hook us up with some?"

"Heck, yeah. Did you hear those guys? They already worship us. We want cheerleader's, then those guys will definitely supply 'em, dude," laughed Jason.

"This could be perfect. I could really do with having some blond work my hot dick," said Tony.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm feeling kind'a itchy down there myself," Jason mused as he lightly scratched his plumped-up package.

Aaron and Todd were sipping a little bottled water and preparing to zip up their bags and head back over to Tony and Jason. Todd snickered under his breath, "we didn't go to college like you guys, hee hee hee."

Aaron laughed, "Yeah, they're the original Dumb and Dumber... just how I like 'em, cute but stupid. Man, this is gonna be a breeze. We're gonna have ourselves a couple' a gym-stud dick-likers in no time. Better go tell Matt. This'll make his day. I don't know anything about that Jason guy, but I've heard Matt talk about the other one. Apparently, he's a big prick-tease. Always boasting to Matt about some chick he banged. No one can figure out what he's doing at this gym."

After Aaron had spoken briefly to Matt, he rejoined Todd. "We pull this off and we've got free membership for the year," said Aaron gleefully.

"And we get our dicks wet and get to turn those two into cocksuckers in the process!" replied Todd, with excitement.

"Come'on, let's head over," said Aaron.

Jason and Tony were doing bicep curls and tricep extensions with shiny dumbbells in each hand, when they were joined by Todd and Aaron. As Jason pumped his left bicep, Aaron came to his side for a close look.

"Niiiice, dude. Man look at the perfect roundedness of the muscle, all pumped up like that!"

Jason lowered his left arm and curled up his right, then repeated on the left. Aaron looked on worshipfully as Jason went through his routine. "Oh man, from the side it looks so hot seeing your arm pumped up with your handsome face behind it."

"Thanks, man," purred Jason.

"And the sleeves of your tee-shirt... so tight, cutting off right there at the top of the bicep. They really emphasize the muscle, making it look all confined, like you are flexing against something soft and tight and constricting."

Jason felt his dick twitch. His sphincter seemed to be itching a bit. He instinctively clenched his butt cheeks. The smell of his own sweat mingling with Tony's in the dirty tee-shirt, wafted up to his flaring nostrils. On the next upswing of Jason's left arm, Aaron tentatively reached over and rested two fingers on the mounded bicep.

"Cool, dude. That feels so firm under your warm skin," Aaron said. He brushed his fingers back and forth over the muscle. Jason watched for a second, then lowered his left arm, pumped the right and then raised the left again.

"Go on, man, squeeze my bicep. Wrap your hand around it like a football. That's it. Feel that strength?"

"Oh yeah, dude," Aaron said as he gripped Jason's upper arm with his left hand. His palm was resting on the top of the biceps while his thumb softly traced back and forth across the edge of the triceps muscle. "Hey dude," he continued, "let me step behind ya here so I can get my hands on both arms."

Aaron stepped behind without letting go of Jason's left arm, while Jason raised his right arm so both were flexed at the same time.

"Beautiful, guy. Now, go through your routine while I keep my hands right here."

Each time Jason's arms were up, Aaron would squeeze the biceps, then release a bit as Jason lowered his arms.

Todd, meanwhile, was busy complimenting Tony on his arms. The young Italian cop had his left hand and knee on a padded bench as he pulled his right arm to his side and with the dumbbell in his hand, slowly extended his forearm back, tensing and stretching that mound of muscle on the backside of his upper arm.

"Lookin' so good, man. Keep it up. Don't stop until I tell you!" Todd said enthusiastically.

"My arms are great, huh..." breathed Tony in reply.

"Your whole body, man," said Todd. "Looking down at you from the side, here, I can see the way your back tapers into your waist real nicely." Todd lightly put his left hand on Tony's back. "And your butt, man! All those squats really pay off, don't they." He moved his hand down Tony's back and let it rest on his butt, patting it softly.

"You know it, man. I like my butt to get a good workout," said Tony.

"I bet ya do, buddy," said Todd, smirking. Keeping his left hand lightly feeling up Tony's butt, Todd moved his right hand to the mounded triceps. He squeezed the upper arm in synch with the back and forth movements of Tony's forearm.

"Dude, this muscle feels soooo good," Todd continued with his infectious enthusiasm. "Did you play football, man? With arms like these you would have been killer."

"Y...yeah, I played in high school and every now and then we'd rustle up a weekend game at the police academy. You know, just havin' fun. Nothin' too serious."

"Man, I'd have liked to see you play. Bet I could have learned something." Tony ate up the praise coming from the college football player. "Here, lemme switch sides so I can work on my left arm," Tony said.

Once Tony had repositioned himself, Todd moved around to his left and resumed his tactics. Tony didn't say a word when Todd's right hand began nonchalantly patting his butt, while his left hand now stroked Tony's left triceps.

"You've got lots of fine little brown hairs on the back of your upper arms, dude. So fucking masculine! Man, I wish I was like you," Todd said as he gently rubbed.

"Ya like my hairy arms?"

"Hell yeah, man...," Todd replied, stroking further up and down the arm, his fingers occasionally slipping under the tight sleeve of Tony's tee-shirt, drawing out Tony's bushy pit hair.

Anybody looking would have recognized that Aaron and Todd were rubbing their hands on Tony and Jason's muscles more than was necessary to study muscle development. Tony and Jason hardly seemed to notice, so wrapped up were they with having their muscles worshiped by the hunky college guys. Todd could see a fat bulge in Tony's gym shorts as he gradually worked the dark-haired stud to a slow sexual boil. He figured Tony's crotch had to be tingling. "Yeah, that ought to keep this muscle-stud off guard," he thought to himself.

Jason seemed in even more of a daze. He was no longer lifting the weights, just holding them in his fists and letting his arms hang by his side as Aaron possessively slid his hands from hairy wrists to mounded shoulders. Aaron reached around and patted Jason on the stomach, fluffing the dense hair on his abs. "Hey, what do you guys say we do a bit of heavy lifting on the benches over there?" Aaron chirped as though the idea had just entered his mind.

"Uh, yeah, okay," Jason said absentmindedly.

Todd lifted Tony up from his slightly bent position and kind of pushed him towards the benches with his hand in the small of Tony's back. Aaron pulled up the rear of the train with his and Todd's gym bags.

Jason took a position at the head of a bench signaling for Aaron to lay down. Todd had another idea. "Hey, why don't you guys go first so we can see what we're up against. You know, give us something to aim for. I wonder which one of you can lift the most?" Tony and Jason grinned at each other before Tony quipped, "No competition. That's gonna be me!"

"Yeah, right," grinned Jason competitively.

Our two cops lay down on the benches, side by side as Todd and Aaron loaded on the weights to the bar above each head.

"Whoa!" said Jason to Aaron, "You've got wll over a hundred pounds on there. Don't you think that's a bit much? I mean, we haven't even warmed up yet."

"Tony laughed. "See, I told ya!"

When Aaron and Todd had the bars fully loaded they stood at the head of each bench, ready to spot. Each guy carefully straddled the top of the bench, further along than was necessary. They waited to see if Tony and Jason would complain, but the only sound they thought they heard was a faint sniffing. Aaron looked over at Todd. He smiled and gestured with his eyes toward the crotches of the benched hunks. Todd waived his index fingers back and forth in imitation of two twitching dicks. Both young guys stifled the urge to laugh. Aaron cleared his throat and said, "Okay, you guys ready down there?" A sort of breathy 'yeah' came from Tony and Jason as the two cops shook the tension out of their hands and placed them on the bars.

"Okay, then, on the count of three," said Aaron. "One... two... three!"

Tony and Jason lifted the heavy weights off the supports. They straightened their arms and then brought the weights down slowly to their chest. After a couple of seconds, they raised the weights back up, held them in their outstretched arms and then slowly lowered them to their chests again. After the third press, Tony and Jason set the weights in the handles of the supports again. Todd and Aaron whistled.

"Man, you guys are spectacular! That's a lot of weight, dudes," said Todd. Tony and Jason breathed deeply, inhaling the odors emanating from Todd and Aaron's crotches.

"Alright, ready for the second rep?" asked Aaron.

Tony and Jason breathed out, "yeah."

After two more reps, Aaron told Jason and Tony to take a breather. The two guys lay there, their noses tucked under the tented crotches of the college boys. Neither paid any attention to the sound of gym bags being unzipped or the very slight shuffling of Aaron and Todd's bodies above them.

Todd leaned down and picked up Tony's wrists, which were lying folded on his abs. He brought Tony's hands to the upright metal bars on either side of Tony's head supporting the weight bar. He waited until Tony's hands instinctively gripped the bars, unable to see what was going on since his face was largely under Todd's crotch. Aaron followed suit with Jason. Both young guys took a strand of soft white cotton rope and carefully looped it around Tony and Jason's right wrists. After a couple of quick loops and tying the long strands off in a knot, they twined the remaining lengths of rope around the steel support, tied another knot, and then looped the rope back around both wrist and support, securing the wrists tightly to the bars.

"H-hey, what's goin' on?" Tony asked kind of quietly.

Todd replied, "Just hang on a minute guys. We want to show you something we learned a while back. You guys breathing alright?"

"Huh, oh, yeah," said Jason exhaling softly. Tony faintly nodded his head.

"That's good," said Aaron, "real good. Bet you're really picking up our ripe college-boy crotch scents down there, huh? Well, you just relax and enjoy. That's it Jason, breathe in deeply, fill your lungs with all that nice musky-scented air. All that oxygen is good for the brain and my nice stud-boy smells will get imprinted on your memory. Just how I want it..." Aaron contined as he roped Jason's left wrist to the steel weight support on that side.

Jason just grunted and inhaled.

As Aaron and Todd were nearly finished tying Tony and Jason's wrists to the weight supports they signaled to Matt. He nodded, set the telephone to go directly to voice mail and headed over. Todd tossed him a length of rope. Matt leaned down and picked up Tony's white-socked ankles, gently holding them together and laying Tony's legs out straight on the weightbench. As Matt started wrapping the rope around and around Tony's ankles, the hunky Italian tried to lift his head to see what was going on down at his feet. Todd felt the change of position under his crotch and squatted down a bit, basically sitting on Tony's face.

"Hey... what the...? Tony instinctively tried to move his hands. "HEY!"

"Shhhhhhhh... Settle down there, dude. We're just getting you nice and secure," chuckled Todd.

"What do you mean 'secure'? You... you're tyin' me up!"

"No we're not. We're tying you down... hee hee. Down to this weightbench, where you are going to stay for a while."

"Wait a minute. What the fuck? Jason? Jason! Watch out, man. These punks are tyin' us down to the weightbenches. Right here in my own gym! We're gonna be immobilized, dude. Oh fuck! What are you guys plannin' for us? You can't do this. Matt won't allow it. MATT!"

"Right here, Martino. I've got your ankles all roped up and now I'm just securing them to the crossbar on the legs of the bench. I wanna make sure you can't lift 'em, see."

Jason snapped out of his sniffing trance and jerked at his wrists. "Shit, Tony! The fuckers have tied my wrists too! You assholes, what are you doing with us?" Jason began to kick with his legs, but there was nothing to kick at until Aaron stepped away from his head and tried to get a hold of his legs. Jason kicked fiercely, but when Todd ran over to help, he soon found his big hairy legs in the grips of the college footballers.

"Let go of my legs, dammit!" Jason said, trying to wriggle his legs free from the two pairs of strong sweaty fingers. He looked over towards Tony and saw Matt finishing up. Tony was wiggling and pulling and straining against the ropes around his wrists and ankles.

Matt leapt over to help Aaron and Todd. He straddled Jason's body and dug his fingers into Jason's ribs.

"Aaaiiieeee! NO! Cut that shit owwwwttttt! HA!" Jason wailed. The fierce and rapid ticikling on his sides and his abs caused him to lose focus. Before two minutes had passed, Todd was sitting on Jason's calves, keeping them together and pressed down on the bench as Aaron began tying the ankles.

"Nohooooo!" Jason laughed. "Stop t-tickling me!"

Tony looked over anxiously without stopping his struggles against his snug rope bondage. "Oh man! Jase! Shit. They got us both tied up now... Fuck. You bastards tricked us! Matt, I can't believe you are goin' along with this, man. What gives, huh?"

"Ha! Tony, baby, I've been wanting to do this for ages. You're just too hot for your own good, buddy boy. All those muscles, that cute smile, your dumbass macho swagger as you boasted about how every woman in this city wants to bed you... Did you ever notice there are no women in this gym, Tony? Now why might that be? Huh, genius? Nah, don't worry about it. I know all that testosterone makes it hard for you to think."

"Hey, don't be makin' fun of that! No, I mean... hey testosterone is a good thing. That's what makes us men, you dipshit."

"Ohhhh. Thanks for the explanation, Tony-boy."

Jason's ankles were now secured like Tony's. Aaron and Todd grabbed a little more rope and set to tying the guys' legs just below their knees, then tying the strands into knots on the underside of the bench. The two college boys stood up looking satisfied with themselves. "Okay guys, try moving your legs," said Aaron.

Tony and Jason raised their heads and looked down their bodies. They could lift their hips a litttle and wiggle their feet, but that was about it.

"Lookin' good guys," said Matt.

"You said it!" said Todd.

Jason grunted. "Shit, Tony, they've made all our big muscles useless!"

"I know, man. We're really puttin' on a hairy muscle-stud show for 'em. Damn, you guys like our muscles and now you've got 'em all laid out for whatever you're fixin' to do to us!" said Tony. He tugged on the ropes at his wrists. His big muscular arms flapped and strained, but he couldn't get free.

Todd had a devilish glint in his eye. "Got any more rope Aaron?"

"Yeah, hang on," Aaron said, retrieving two more lengths for Todd.

"Here, Aaron, you do Jason just like I'm gonna do Tony, here."

Everybody watched as Todd tied the rope around Tony's left arm, just between the elbow and the biceps. After knotting it off, he passed one of the lengths under the bench and looped it around Tony's right arm. Before knotting, he started cinching the slack in the rope, pulling Tony's elbows down and outwards. The dangling strand on each arm was then pulled taut and tied off to a leg of the bench. Tony now had very limited movement in his arms and his armpits were completely exposed.

"Cool, dude," said Aaron as he started tying Jason's arms in the same way. Jason struggled uselessly, while everyone laughed.

When Aaron was finished, Matt leaned down for a close look, first at Tony, then Jason. The way their arms were restrained, almost straight out from their shoulders, cause the sleeves of their tight tee-shirts to ride up a bit, just covering their delts and exposing a bit of their pits. "Nice. Look at the way the rope hugs those big upper arms, really highlighting the biceps and triceps. You can really see it constricting the muscle." Squatting between the two guys, Matt let his fingers trace the lines of the rope before lightly dancing his fingertips on the insides of the two upper arms in his possession. Jason and Tony gulped as they saw the fingers move closer and closer to the bushy tufts of armpit hair poking out from under their short sleeves.

Matt lifted his fingers and stood up. "I think I need to get me a chair, boys! Might as well make myself comfortable while I tickle-tease these arms and pits... very aromatic pits, I should say!"

Tony and Jason barely had time to take in what Matt had just said. Their attention was now down on their thick hairy lower legs, where Todd and Aaron were slowly rubbing their hands back and forth, caressing and squeezing the muscle and fluffing the dense leg hair. Tony and Jason had their heads up and their eyes and mouths open wide as they watched the teasing ministrations to their calves and shins. Their feet were wiggling slightly like they were pushing pedals as they slowly flexed their calf muscles unintentionally.

"Heh heh heh," Todd laughed. "That's a good look for you guys, especially with the mouths open. That's gonna come in real handy, so just stay that way, okay."

"Hey, I think we can help them out with that," said Aaron, getting up. He quickly dashed to the gym bags and pulled out his and Todd's towels. Folding them up, Aaron placed one under the head of each of the trussed-up guys. "There, a nice pillow that will keep you guys looking down at your kick-ass bodies while we work you up into a nice helplessly horny lather."

"Fuck," whispered Jason. "Last time I come to your fuckin' gym, Martino. Shit, I can't believe this day! Fucking tied up in the cruiser this morning, tied in the cell in the early afternoon, and now tied up in a gym. And to top it all, we lost our jobs. Damn!"

"Geez, when you put it that way..." Tony said with a bit of a smile.

Aaron spoke up. "Hey, did you hear that Todd... Matt? These two studs lost their jobs today. Matt said you were cops. I guess you are unemployed cops now. Dudes, sucks to be you!"

Matt put down a chair between Jason and Tony, about even with their heads. In a soft voice, he asked, "Is that right, boys? How the heck did you get fired from the police? That's serious shit. You two dimwits must of really fucked up, big time. Come'on tell us...."

"None of your fuckin' business," grunted Jason!

"Fuck that," said Todd. "What's this stuff about the cruiser and the cell?" "You big mouth!" said Tony.

Matt grinned. "We'll have you boys talking in no time. Just you wait and see. Meanwhile, seeing as you are unemployed, I have a couple of jobs for you here. It's only part-time. Mostly you'd just be on... display. We'll talk about it later."

"Like fuck am I working in this dump," snarled Jason. "Hey, Aaron, fucker, get your hands off my knees! NO! Not on my thighs, damnit! Awww damn, stop squeezin' my leg muscles..."

The two college jocks were now sitting on the lower legs of each bound cop. They were working their hands possessively over and around the two pairs of trussed-up thighs, rubbing, squeezing, and tickling. Jason and Tony watched spellbound as their hunky bodies were groped right up to and even beyond the edge of their gym shorts. Slowly, they saw Aaron and Todd lower their heads. Slurp!

"Unngh!" grunted Jason.

"Ooohhhh, maaan... big sloppy tongues s-spit-coating my legs," whimpered Tony.

Todd smiled and said between lashings of his wet tongue, "Aw, dude, your legs are so big and firm and hairy. I could lick 'em all day." Slurp. "Hmmmm, maybe I will. Ha ha ha..."

"Aw geeze," Tony moaned. "That's, oh man, that's kinda weird feelin'." He looked over at Jason who was gently writhing on the bench.

"Ooohhhhh fuck. Man, we're cops, you can't do this to us," Jason whined. "Former cops," said Matt with a grin.

"Once a cop, always a cop," said Jason breathily. "Fuck, Tony, he's getting' my legs all slimed with his spit, runnin' his hands all over 'em and making me all squirmy and shit... damn..."

Tony could hardly think straight. "Me too, buddy. They got us all tied up in our gym shorts and tees and now they're, ooohhhhh, they're turning us into their muscle toys... uuunnhhhh... what're we gonna dooooo...ooohhhh?"

"Nothin' we can do, man... we're trapped muscle-cops... awww ffuuukkk..."

Matt was rubbing his stiff cock through his own gym shorts as he looked down at Tony and Jason. "Oh yeah, I see you two suckers are coming along nicely. That's some real good tenting you've got in your shorts."

"Sheesh!" Tony said. "I-I'm stiff as a board."

"Me too," said Jason. "They're workin' us, buddy, getting' us all stirred up."

"Aww, bastards. They're gonna get our hot steamy nuts all excited so we start producing our cop cream at super capacity. Aaaahhhh you fiends... we're gettin' taken down by college jocks. It's... it's like proof that they're smarter than us, Jason. Shit..."

Aaron and Todd laughed. "You don't have to go to college to be smarter than you two muscleheads," Aaron snorted. "I mean look, you guys think you are such straight studs, but you let yourselves get tied up because you were so focused on us worshipping your muscles and your fat dickhead egos... and, you couldn't take your noses out from under our shorts. Ha ha. You dudes liked snuffling between our legs... no problem, we liked it too. We'll let ya do some more of it real soon."

"Oh no, don't make us sniff your shorts, guys," whimpered Jason. "Ooohhhhh... hey, hey, no... don't... uuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Tony, he's ticklin' my nuts with his fingertips."

Todd and Tony looked over to see Aaron licking the insides of Jason's thighs, while using his hands to rub hisbulging crotch and tickle his nuts through the tight cotton shorts. Aaron himself, was sporting a massive boner. He looked up and smiled, "These balls of yours are hummin', dude!"

"Great idea, bro!" said Todd as his fingertips began a devilish torment of Tony's plump balls.

"Good work guys!" said Matt. "You got our two hairy-chested chumps, here, leaking in their gym shorts."

"Oh no..." moaned Tony as he flexed the muscles in his thighs. He saw the wet spot soaking through his jock pouch and spreading across the front of his shorts, highlighting his fat juicy dickhead.

"Now," said Matt, "let's hear the story of your day and how you got fired..." Matt's hands began slowly running down Tony's right forearm and Jason's left, inching closer and closer to the sensitive insides of their biceps... and their manly hairy armpits...

"You can't make us you... heh heh... oohhh don't... please...," Tony moaned as his upper arm was tickled with feathery touches.

Suddenly, Matt stood up and went over to Todd and Aaron, whispering in their ears. The college jocks smiled and seconds later everyone was changing positions. Aaron and Todd pulled over a couple more chairs and sat themselves down behind Jason and Tony's heads. They ran their hands down the musclebound arms of the two tied-up studs and started snaking their fingers under the sleeves of their tee-shirts, tugging, fluffing and petting the ripe busy pit hair. Tony and Jason yelped and squirmed.

"NOOOO! Not our pits," Tony yelled. "Oohhhh, man, you guys are gonna work our pits until we talk aren't ya? Aw Jason, fuck, these guys have talented fingers from gripping and throwing all those damn footballs. They are totally gonna use our sexy pits against us!"

Jason grimaced at his stupid loudmouth partner. "Would you shut the fuck up, Tony! Damnmit, man! Don't help 'em out!"

"Don't you worry big guy," Aaron said to Jason. "I'll have you talking just as much as your buddy, here... My what sexy hairy pits you've got... and that smell comin' out of your tee... man, don't you ever wash that thing?"

"It's his," Jason grumbled. "The shorts and sneakers too..."

"Whoa! You're wearin' your buddy's dirty gym clothes, getting' his scent all over you? That's kinky, dude. You like it though, don't ya?" Aaron said as he went to work on Jason's pits, leaning down to give his biceps a few licks.

"Ooohh man, don't lick my biceps... I can't help it... it's... it's hot havin' my muscley hairy body all tightly packaged in Tony's smelly gym gear. I-I don't fuckin' know why, but it makes me feel so damn sexy looking at my upper arms straining against these tight short sleeves, smelling his stink commin from my pits. The way it outlines my pecs right down to where it's been cut off, showin' my hot hairy six-pack abs and... and his shorts, oh man, getting' my bubble-butt and big package all stuffed into there... feels like the seams are gonna burst or something... fuck it makes me hot and itchy... they really show off my big hairy thighs nicely, don't they. Damnnnnn... you're makin' my pits feel all funky... oh shit... please don't spit-polish my muscles..."

"That's part of the plan, buddy. Now, start talkin'," said Aaron.

"Awwww, no...," Jason whimpered. He looked over at Tony and could tell that Todd's dextrous fingerwork was turning the Italian cop's brain to mush. Tony's big tanned arms with all that dark brown hair were gently tugging in their snug bondage. The struggling wasn't going to get him free, but it sure did heighten his sense of the erotic constriction of his muscles. Tony's tongue was practically hanging out of his mouth and he grunted and sighed as his hot body became the instrument of his undoing.

Matt spoke up. "Well, guys, it's four-o-clock. The after-work crowd will start arriving in about half an hour. If you haven't told us everything by then, we will just have to keep working you while our other members look on. Hey, maybe they will want to join us. I'm sure they would delight in hearing the story of your troublesome day..."

"You, you bastard!" said Tony. "You wouldn't! Damn you, Matt, you probably would! Fuck! I'll get you for this... ooohhhhhh."

Jason tried to use all the muscles in his arms to wrench himself free, but found it hard to muster the effort as his pits were used against him, making him as helpless as a puppy.

"Wha-ha-ha? Guys, check it out!" shouted Aaron. "This guy's got a tattoo! The way his arms are tied, I'm gonna have to squat down to get a look... HA! Holy shit!"

"What is it?" said Todd and Matt in unison.

"It's a picture of a squirting dick!"

Jason groaned.

"Hang on," Aaron said. "There's more." He pushed the sleeve up a bit further, looked down and burst into laughter.

"WHAT, DUDE?" shouted Todd.

"It says... it says 'Dicklicker'! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Matt stepped over to have a look. "I knew it! You guys really are dickbrains!" "Hey! It's not on my arm," Tony said defensively.

Todd looked down to check.

"Yeah, but you've got that chain around your neck, buddy," said Matt. "Now, maybe you thought that was the only men's jewelery macho enough to match your self-image, or maybe it means you're somebody's BOY."

Tony grit his teeth and frowned. "Bastard," he muttered.

Matt picked up the chair he'd been sitting in before and placed it between the two hunks. "Now, dickbrains, about that story of your day, how about I give you a little incentive?" Grinning from ear to ear, Matt reached out with each hand to fondle Tony and Jason's surfboard-stiff cocks.

"Let's just rearrange these a bit... make 'em more comfortable," Matt said as he lifted the front of Tony's shorts and jockstrap and with his other hand reached down inside and pulled Tony's dick so the tip was pointing up his chest like an arrow. "Well, at least you weren't lying about your equipment. You are quite the stud, Tony-boy," Matt said as he let the elastic bands of Tony's jock and shorts snap back into place about halfway up Tony's thick wood. SNAP!


Jason gulped when he saw Matt turn towards him. He felt the sticky wetness in his briefs under Tony's dirty shorts. He watched Matt lift the waistbands slowly and teasingly...

With their plum-sized knobs drooling nut sap on their taut stomachs, the beefy cops watched in fear and anticipation as Matt lowered his hands. Using just his thumbs and index fingers, he started stroking the sides of the big cocks... back and forth... from the base covered by their shorts to the exposed throbbing shaft.

"I thought we'd do a nice slow milking... not too slow though since you now have less than half an hour to entertain us with tales of your delightful day of suffering.

"Oh no... ooohhhhhh.... Aaawwwww... you guys are gettin' me horned up beyond belief," said Tony in heat. "You got my balls workin' overtime whipping up big batches of my stud-sauce... aww heck.... It... I... we, we were on patrol..."

Tony started talking. Soon a whimpering and grunting Jason was helping fill in the details. Aaron, Todd and Matt were laughing and teasing. Their own tight gym shorts were fully tented and wet where their dicks were dripping. Todd and Aaron stood up to seek a bit of relief rubbing the boners in their gooey tented shorts on the top of Tony and Jason's heads, giving each guy's hair a nice light shellacking with their pre-cum.

Tony and Jason were damp with sweat as they told their tale. They were forced to include what had just happened at the gym. As they got closer and closer to the present, Matt stroked their dicks faster and faster.

"And then, and huh, then, you-you guys were stroking our d-dicks and p-pits and makin' us humiliate ourselves for your p-pleasure..." continued Tony.

"And m-m-makin' us soooo fuckin' hor-horny..." whined Jason.

"Oh no... we're gonna shoot our l-loads... any damn s-second now, oooohhhhhh...," groaned Tony.

Todd and Aaron saw that their two tied-up toys were about to blast their creamy juices. Quickly, they pulled their hands from Tony and Jason's pits and shucked their own shorts. While Jason and Tony whimpered and gasped, their mouths hanging open, Todd and Aaron pulled the towels from under their heads. In a flash, the college jocks' popped their own hefty sap-coated dicks into the two cops' unsuspecting mouths.





Slowly but steadily the thick vibrating shafts slid further and further into Tony and Jason's helplessly sucking mouths. Matt watched Aaron and Todd's eyes roll back in their heads as their dicks got vacuumed. He prepared to take everyone over the edge.

Tony and Jason tried to dislodge the pokers in their mouths by shaking their heads. They were quickly made to see that this wasn't going to work as Todd and Aaron trapped their heads between their sturdy thighs.

"No such luck for you guys," exhaled Aaron. He leaned over and cupped Jason's bulging pecs in his hands, tweaking the stiff jutting nipples through the damp cotton tee-shirt.

Todd looked down at Tony and smiled. "This makes you a cocksucker, pal. No more mister straight stud for you. You'll be one macho muscle-boy dick-licker, though, unngghh!" Todd reached down and scratched the tips of his fingers across Tony's sensitive nips. "Oh yeah, cocksucker! Eat my meat good!"


"Here we go boys. They're about to blast!" Matt hollered.

Whooossshh... whooossshh... whooossshh... whooossshh... whooossshh...

Tony and Jason grunted as their stiff cocks shot thick soupy ropes of their cop cream all over their tee-shirts and up their necks to their chins. Tony could feel it dripping down his muscular neck, slicking up the pad-locked chain and soaking into the tight collar of his tee-shirt.

"AAAAARRRRRRHHHHH" bellowed Todd and Aaron.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, dudes... OOOHHHH Y-YEEAAAAHHH... blastin' our jock jizz in your mouths... ooohhh that feels so good, oh yeah, oh yeah... so good!" shouted Todd.

Phsssssttttt... Phsssssttttt... Phsssssttttt... Phsssssttttt... Phsssssttttt... Phsssssttttt...

Blast after blast of college-boy cream was unloaded into Tony and Jason's mouths as their own hard dicks continued spraying their loads all over their chests.

"Swallow, muscle-boys," Aaron grunted with a malicious tone in his voice.

"Make-'em do it," said Todd. "Like this..." and he began messaging Tony's throat gently up and down. Tony whimpered as his reflexes kicked in and he began swallowing.

"Way to go, Todd," grunted Aaron and he did the same to Jason. "Enjoy our stinkin' ball juice! Drink it all down! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Todd and Aaron finally withdrew their wet dicks from the sweet full lips of the cocksucking cops. Matt finished up milking the last few drops of man juice from Tony and Jason's tingling cocks as the two bound hunks gasped for breath. He then stood up revealing a large wet bulge at the front of his shorts. Sliding his hand under the waistband, he pulled his dick out and stated, "My turn!" It only took a few quick caresses on the shaft and a little torquing with his fingers on his cockhead before Matt was firing off his load. He swung his hips back and forth, drizzling his jizz the way Jackson Pollock drizzled paint until Tony, Jason, and the carpet between them were randomly criss-crossed with lashings of cum.

"Wheeewwweeeeeee!" Matt shouted as he shook the last drops from his dick. "Now that was satisfying! You can bet we'll being doing this again..."

"Fucker..." Jason grunted.

"Yeah, I am, buddy, and I'd like to make you the fuckee, but we are out of time for that. Maybe on another occasion, when I have you strapped down on your chest to one of the weight machines over there... yeah, you doing leg curls, while I pork ya! Tony, here, he can do his squats over my lap... with some nice heavy weights on his shoulders."

"Holy shit, that would really give my butt a workout you bastard!"

"When you got a butt like yours, Tony-boy, you gotta train it up right! Anyway, after what you just told us about your day, you're lucky I don't just have a go at your fine ass right now."

Tony gulped. He could feel his butt clenching.

Matt laughed. "You two just can't stay out of trouble today can you? Ha ha... Man... duped by a bunch of kids, sexually worked over by two petty criminals... AND you got your asses fired! Heh heh, you guys are definitely going down in this town. Don't worry though. If I have anything to do with it, it'll be a nice slow ride to total degradation... Sweeeeet!"

Matt looked over at Todd and Aaron. "You guys are looking ready to go again, but you'll have to wait a bit. The late afternoon members will be starting to show up any minute now, so let's get these chairs back to where they belong and tidy up a bit here."

As Matt, Aaron, and Todd did a quick clean-up, Tony and Jason shouted, "Hey, what about us?"

"Untie us now dammit, before somebody walks in here!" Jason said crossly. Matt grinned and held up a finger. "Just a minute, guys. Be right with ya." A minute later he reappeared with a wooden tripod and set it up behind Tony and Jason. The two cops looked at each other with knit brows as Matt headed back to his office.

"What the..." Tony whispered.

When Matt, Aaron and Todd returned, Matt was carrying a largish piece of cardboard. Todd and Aaron stepped over to Tony and Jason and pulled down the waistband of their shorts, latching it under their big hairy balls. "HEY! What are you doin'?" Tony shouted.

Matt turned the piece of cardboard around so they could see what he had written. "I used a wide black felt-tip pen. Whattaya think?"

Tony and Jason read in big black capital letters:

"FRESH PROTEIN SHAKES!" (On the House) "Management"

"Huh?" said Tony, looking confused.

As Matt clipped the sign to the top of the tripod, Jason started loudly protesting. "NO WAY! NO! DO YOU HEAR ME? NO F-U-C-K-I-N-G WAY!" He struggled in his bonds and grunted fiercely. The pieces finally locked together in Tony's brain and he began shouting as well. "OF ALL THE DIRTY, DOUBLE-DEALING TRICKS! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! YOU GOT THAT? NO WAY, NO HOW ARE YOU LEAVING US HERE TO BE SUCKED DRY OF OUR STUD SAUCE! That's ours, man. We can't just have guys in here comin' over and takin' our juice from us, slurpin' up all our protein and nutrients and all that stuff to help them in their workouts while we lay here all roped up and helpless like a couple'a dumb muscle-stud bulls. That'd be totally fucking humiliating. NO WAY!"

As Tony and Jason continued to make a ruckus, Matt gleefully signaled to Todd and Aaron. The two college footballers stripped off their gym shorts and peeled down their cum- and sweat-soaked jockstraps. The two muscle-packed boys with big hands approached the two shouting and struggling cops. Tony and Jason's eyes went wide and their mouths clenched shut when they saw what was approaching.

"Sorry boys," Matt said, "but we can't have you makin' a lot of noise and disturbing our other members when they are trying to workout before heading out on the town tonight... unlike you two.... Well, actually, I'm not sorry at all. You two are gonna look even hotter all gagged with those gooey jockstraps... only able to make muffled grunts and groans while the other guys in the gym drain your big balls dry. Man, now this is why I opened a gym," laughed Matt as he ruffled Tony and Jason's hair.

The two cops were not cooperating, however, so Matt started vigorously tickling Jason's armpits. Within seconds Jason was howling, giving Aaron easy access to his mouth. "MMMMPPPHHHNNNGGFFF!!!" Jason grunted as Aaron shoved the strap in. Matt leaned down with a piece of silver duct tape and sealed the deal.

"That's one down," Aaron said.

All eyes turned to Tony. He had watched Aaron force that jockstrap into Jason's mouth and had felt his hefty cock start to tingle. As he saw Todd and Matt approach him, he looked down and watched his cock go from tingly to rock hard. "Oh no," he complained. "You guys are gonna shove that slimy strap in my mouth and, fuck if it hasn't got me all horned up. What is that about? Awwwww, sheeeiiiittt..." Those were his last words as Todd slowly pushed the slimy cotton jock into his mouth. Matt didn't have to do a thing except lean over and seal the gag with more tape.

"I'm gonna go get my camera," he said jogging off towards his office.

After a few choice shots, Matt mused, "I wonder if I can put these on the gym website or if that counts as pornography? Or maybe I could get good blow-ups and we can have competitions - the guy who gets you to shoot in the least time wins a big picture... or maybe a framed photograph for the guy who comes up with the most inventive milking set-up? Hell, there's gotta be tons of ways we can drain you in a gym. Ah, the possibilities here at 'Pump" - the gentlemen's gym with a difference!"

Aaron cleared his throat and pointed towards the doors.

"Ah, here's Greg and Zach," Matt said cheerfully as he looked towards the front of the gym, way off in the distance. "I guess Pete's shut down work early today seein' as it's a Friday and all." He got up to go say hello. Todd and Aaron put their shorts back on and decided to stick around and see the "show".

"Mmmmmmmmppphhh," Tony whimpered behind his gag at the mention of Pete's name. He raised his head and looked down over his beautifully rounded pecs, noting his stiff nipples poking through the tightly stretched cotton of his tee-shirt. He looked left and right at his muscular arms with their thick coating of dark blackish-brown hair, all tightly secured. He could feel his stiff rod twitching. When he looked down, he saw that it had again begun a slow tortuous drip. He looked to his right and saw that Jason was in the same situation, his muscular hairy body squirming on the weightbench, causing the vinyl to creaky rubbing noises.

The gym started filling up with guys. It took a while before anyone got back to where Tony and Jason were stationed, but when they did, their whoops and laughs brought a whole lot of attention.

Some big burly guy in his fifties, with a loose tank top and hair on his shoulders said, "Awww, look at them struggling all tied up... roped muscleboys! Man, that's a pretty picture." He called over to Matt, "Hey, manager, is this for real?"

Matt shouted back across the room, "Sure is! First come, first serve!"

The big guy looked down at Tony. "I've seen you workin' out here. Ya like to check yourself out in the mirrors a lot. Yeaaahhh, you'll do fine for me. I'm just gonna take you down a few pegs, stud. Nice collar, by-the-way."

Tony swallowed, accentuating the feel of the chain permanently fastened around his neck.

The big hairy-shouldered guy straddled Tony's legs and leaned down to the cop's thick twitching cock. He rubbed his finger on the bulbous cockhead, scooping up a bit of pre-cum and tasting it. "Emmm, good..." he said as he leaned down and began licking the sharft up and down. Tony writhed in frustration as he watched the guy's big wet tongue slobber all over his handsome sticky dick.

A lot of guys were too reticent to participate, although they enjoyed watching as they went through their workout routines. All the same, Tony and Jason were well attended to. No part of their hunky bodies was left ungroped as their balls, and macho attitudes, were steadily drained. A lot of guys told Matt that this made working out a lot more fun. He promised to see what he could do. Jason finally had a breather. His dick was aching from being kept stiff near constantly. He looked over at Tony as some fit guy with Wall Street hair seemed to be see-sawing a handkerchief back and forth across the hunks sensitive cock-tip. Tony's muscles were flexing and his eyes seemed to be rolled back in his head. Puffs of air were coming out of his flaring nostrils.

Jason felt a tap on his chest and looked up. He squinted at the guy standing above him and then his eyes popped open wide. "Umfeee! Mow fffkkkk!"

The guy squatted down. "Yeah, Bill, well, Billy back in high school. I see you remember me, O'Reilly. My, my, my, haven't you got yourself in a tight spot. I thought you had joined the police force, at least that's what somebody told me. But here you are, trussed up like a turkey, your dick hard, waiting to get sucked off in a gay gym... how the mighty have fallen! Just wait till I tell everyone!"

"Nnnnmmmpphhhh! Fffffkkkkk!" said Jason, struggling like a madman to get out of the ropes.

Bill ran his strong hand up and down Jason's hairy solid abs. "Hard as a rock and soft and furry at the same time. Just what I fantasized it would feel like back in high school. If only I'd known this is what you needed, I could have kept you tied up in that old school gym every weekend. Man, I wanted to take you down. There just wasn't room enough for both of us alpha-jocks in that little school. I kind'a liked the competition though. Always jostling for first place. I'll admit, you got more chicks than I did. You always were a handsome bastard. You know, I kind of wondered sometimes, though. You were so in love with yourself, always flexing your muscles in front of the mirror for everyone to admire. I see you've kept in shape. Man, you are a fine piece of work. I bet the ladies still crawl all over you... and all for nothing, huh, Jason. This is what you need... it's what you needed back then. Another guy to take control of you, put you in your place, take you down in front of all your jock buddies. Hey, do they know about this? Ryan Carter? Eddie Wilson? I'll have to send 'em an e-mail...."

"Nnnnnuuuggghh..." Jason mumbled, shaking his handsome head back and forth.

"I haven't seen those guys in a few years. Man, will they get a laugh out of this! Gee, hunky school athlete to studly local cop, and finally to cocksucking musclehead... just what you really were all along."


"What, me? Oh I went off to college. Found some great guys I could really hang with. I dropped that girl I was seeing in senior year at high school. She was just to make sure you knew you weren't gettin' it all. I'll have to introduce you to my buddies. We play a lot of pick-up sports at the weekend. You'll fit in fine. We'll get you back to my place, get you all nice and secured and then mess with ya a bit. I'm really into edging and control. We'll get you all heated up on a Saturday afternoon, but you won't be allowed to cum until Sunday night... Sound's fun, huh? Of course, long before Sunday we'll have dicked your butt repeatedly, making sure you know your place as our pussy-boy. Man, you used to have pussy on demand, and now you are gonna be a pussy yourself. Maybe, I'll send some pics to your old girlfriends. Given your problems with fidelity back in school, I bet they will be thrilled and delighted to see you get what you have long had coming."


"Yeah, I thought you'd like that. Sooo, a cop, huh? I've done pretty well myself. I've got my own company. It's a small start-up but it's doing really well already. I've got this headhunter after me. Wants me to move to Chicago. I'll be on the fast-track in a big company. How about you? Guess you are gonna stay put in this little burg, huh? Such a hot guy and you're goin' nowhere. Man, that makes me happy. I'll see what I can do to minimize your options. Heh heh heh... Hey, do your pals down on the force know about this? I'm not sure they'd approve, out here in public and all. Maybe I'll stop by. I'm sure they'd love to hear how I caught up with you again. Anyone else from high school on the force?"


"Ha ha... same old tough guy. Well, I'll give you a hand with that. You just lay back and let ol' Billy siphon off a bit of your juice. That'll calm you right down."

Bill reached over and ran his fingers along Jason's shaft. "A healthy guy like you has gotta be chock-full of protein. I'll just drain it out of ya, and use if for myself. It'll come in real helpful during my workout. Meanwhile, you can squirm in these nice tight ropes and think about how I am gonna make some adjustments to your reputation in this town. Jason O'Reilly, gay muscle-boy. Let's get started with me polishing that big juicy knob of yours. They say good things come to those who wait. I guess it's true for me, just not for you. Heh heh heh."


Jason fought against the ropes as he watched his old high school rival begin a torturous process of emptying out his nuts, starting with a frustratingly slow job of spit-polishing his fat knob.


It was a little past 5:30 in the evening. Tony and Jason had been shooting blanks for the past twenty minutes. The sexual tension was agonizing as other guys in the gym would tease them and get them all worked-up, but then, with their nuts totally emptied, there was no real relief. The two cops had been sweetly taken down and now they lay on the weightbenches with empty-headed expressions on their faces. Todd and Aaron high-fived and looked down at their captives laughing. They turned around to see a muscular handsome guy with neatly-parted short brown hair and a thick moustache.

"Sorry, dude, I think these two are done for the day," laughed Aaron.

"I see. I suppose Matt got these two set up like this?" said the guy.

"Well, he helped, but it was really us," said Todd with an air of accomplishment.

"You two... uh huh...."

Todd and Aaron watched as the guy headed off to talk to Matt and a couple other guys. He then came back over with his small posse. Matt was smiling.

Tony and Jason looked up at the little crowd gathered around them. The tape was pealed off Tony's lips and the soppy jockstrap pulled from his mouth. The big guy with the moustache looked down at him, grinning. "I see you've had a busy day, guy. I got a phone call from a friend of ol' Jason's, here. We'll talk about that later. Guys, untie 'em," he said to Matt and the other two men gathered around."

"Fuck, Pete, thanks," spluttered Tony. "These bastards really took advantage of us!"

"Yeah, I don't imagine it wall all that difficult, Tony," Pete replied with a chuckle. "Accordin' to Matt, here, you guys were quite a hit. Seein' as you two currently have a, um, flexible schedule, I agreed you could help Matt out by becomin' a regular feature on Fridays between 5:00 to 6:00pm. He's thinkin' of callin' it the 'Juice Pump' hour! Ha ha... a little play on the name of the gym... get it?"

"WHAT?" spat Jason. "In your dreams, man! No way am I comin' to this crappy place to work out and get all tied-up and put on display and DRAINED. Yeah, fuckin' drained! That's what the assholes in this place did to me. Robbed me of my own stud milk for their benefit! No way. That is NOT happening again and you can't make me. Got it!"

"Huh, I guess I'll just have to tell the Colonel to fold up shop and put his BIG photo collection up for sale on E-bay..."

Jason gulped.

"Like I said, we'll talk later tonight," said Pete.

Once Tony and Jason were untied, they stood up and stretched their aching limbs. They glared at Todd and Aaron. Pete could see Tony's hands clenching into fists. He whistled at Tony, getting his attention and waved his index finger back and forth in a sign of 'no'.

"Listen guys," Pete said, "you've got to have a bit more community spirit. Matt's put this nice gym together, so the way I see it, this is the least you can do to help him make this place a success," Pete said barely stifling a laugh.

"Like hell! I don't even work-out here!" retorted Jason.

"You will from now on," said Pete calmly.

Jason slammed his fist into the palm of his other hand. "Dammit! Forced to work-out in a sweaty gay gym!" He couldn't help looking down at his muscular hairy forearms. His attention quickly moved to the slow stiffening in his shorts. "H-how can that be happening?" he wondered.

"Don't worry boys, you won't be alone in your chores..."

Pete's two friends were standing behind Aaron and Todd. In a flash, the two college jocks found their gym-toned arms pulled behind their backs.

"Huh? Hey, what the fuck's going on here?" demanded the two football players as Greg and Zach started roughly pushing them towards the weightbenches.

"You two punks need to be taught a lesson. Maybe that's why you're still in school... still got lots of learnin' to do! HA!" laughed Pete.

Devilish smiles suddenly appeared on Tony and Jason's faces.

"Now, today's lesson is don't mess with other people's property. We'll come up with a new lesson for next week, and the week after that, and every week for the rest of the school year until Matt and I think you two muscle-jock dunces have earned your degree and are ready to graduate. Heh heh heh heh heh.... Zach, Greg... Tony, Jason... get these boys on the benches."

Todd and Aaron started to shout. "NOOOOHHHMMMPPPHHH." Zach and Greg clapped big construction worker hands over the mouths of the two fresh-faced jocks. Pete looked at Tony and Jason. "You guys got anything you'd like to use to help quiet these two down?"

Jason wasn't about to take off his gym shorts. Tony didn't want to part with his jockstrap. Both guys looked down at their feet and grinned. Todd and Aaron watched, struggling in Greg and Zach's grips as Tony and Jason peeled off their stinking sweaty grimy white gym socks. Matt started stripping off two pieces of duct tape.

"Mnooo uuu ffkkkrrrss... NOOOOO" shouted Todd into Greg's fingers.

Tony walked up to the built blond jock and pressed one of his socks against his nose.

"Mmmgggfff... nooom phat sticks duuutttph!"

Greg pulled his hand away from Todd's mouth, securing his grip on his arms.

"Dude, no... come'on, we were just having some fun, okay? Dude... gulummmpphh!"

Tony shoved the first sock in quickly. He took his time with the second one, enjoying the grimace on Todd's face. "Yeah, suck on these socks... Man, they are packed full of my nice tasty foot sweat."


"You don't look so smart now, college boy."

Matt stood at the ready with the duct tape.

Aaron looked horrified at Jason. "It's gonna be worse for you. These are Tony's socks. They haven't been washed in a while. And now they've got the stinkin' sweat from my feet added to them..."

Aaron clenched his mouth shut. Jason put a sock up to his lips and pinched his nose shut. "I can wait, heh heh, but it's going in... dude."

Aaron held his breath for as long as he could, but when his lips parted, Jason moved quickly.


Jason gripped Aaron by his strong jaw and tucked more and more of the dirty sock into his mouth. "Now for sock two... Man, with the smelly mouth you are gonna have after this, it will be a while before you can get a girl to kiss you!"

Aaron struggled mightily trying to get free of Zach's grip. His hands were balled into fists. His tanned muscular arms strained in Zach's hands. His quadriceps and gastronemius muscles bunched tightly in his hairy legs as he tried to thrust himself free. All too soon, Matt was sealing the gag in his mouth with the duct tape.

"All right guys, get 'em onto the benches," directed Pete.

Tony and Jason leaned down and grabbed the two twenty-one-year-old college students by the ankles, hoisting them up in the air.

"MMMMMFFFFF... NNNNGGGGHHHFFF," grunted Todd and Aaron as they were laid out on the benches.

Pete and Matt helped Greg and Zach tie their wrists to the weight supports as Todd and Aaron struggled. The two jocks looked down their sexy buff bodies to see Tony and Jason smiling as they slowly tied their ankles together and then roped up their legs just below their knees, knotting the ropes on the underside of the benches.

Matt got his felt-tip pen and turned the cardboard sign over. When he was done, he showed the new sign to Aaron and Todd:

"COLLEGE JOCK MILK" (It does the body good) "Until 10:00 pm OR As long as supplies last!"

Todd and Aaron squirmed their sports-trained bodies. Matt looked down at the bulge already appearing in Todd's navy-blue gym shorts. "Huh, maybe blonds really do have more fun!"

Todd whimpered in erotic humiliation as Greg ran his hand down his chest. He looked at his trapped torso in his tight white college tee with the blue trim at the collar and ends of the short sleeves. "Damn, with that logo covering my left pec, everyone can see which college team I play for!" he thought to himself.

The two college jocks watched as Greg and Zach teased their dicks to full bonerdom in their shorts.

Pete squatted down between Todd and Aaron and spoke quietly to them. "You boys are in for a long evening. I suggest you keep your Friday nights free from now on or I'll have to come lookin' for ya. Matt, here, is gonna take a few pictures... you know, just to make sure you comply with your, uh, contractual obligations.... Otherwise, it's bye-bye to your athletic scholarships. It'd be a real shame if you guys had to leave college with only a year to go, but if it happens, I've always got work for ya with my construction crew - nice physical labor... keep those tight bodies of yours in shape."

Aaron and Todd writhed and struggled on the benches.

Matt leaned down. "By the way, dudes, you still get that free membership for the year! Be back in a minute with the camera. Your task, while you wait, is to see if you can get your stiffies to go down, otherwise the pictures I take are gonna look real embarrassing for two supposed college pussy-hounds like yourselves. Har har har.... I'm guessin' that none of your teammates know that you probably jerk off thinkin' about them instead of the cheerleaders! Whether or not it stays that way is up to you."

"Take my advice," Pete said. "Make sure you eat well and take a lot of vitamins and protein supplements. That'll help keep production levels high in your big-boy nuts. Okay, time for me to hit the weights. You two jocks have fun getting jacked!"

"MMMMMMNNNGGG... NNNNNFFFFFF" groaned Todd and Aaron as they took in their unexpected fate and saw the hungry look on the faces of a lot of guys at the gym.

Pete went over to Tony and Jason. "You two head on home. I'll be over after my workout, Tony," he said, gently fingering the chaing around Tony's neck. "And guys, I think the Colonel has a surprise for you."

"Fuck..." Jason grumbled.

"Man, what dastardly plans have they got for us now?" whispered Tony.

Next: Chapter 26

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