Travis and Lily Take a Cruise

By brad rent

Published on Mar 30, 2020


This is a story I wrote so I could more fully explore the depths of love for my own penis. It's roughly based on stories that young coworkers would tell every Monday morning describing their libidinous adventures over the prior weekend. I embellished their tales and provided them back for their reading enjoyment. They encouraged me to publish, so here they are. Selfishly, I got to cum about twice per chapter while writing it! The pages are probably still a little sticky--sorry. Please write; I love feedback:

Oh yeah... and please make a contribution to to make sure these and other stories keep being published—and I get to keep cumming!

Chapter 15- Lily Goes Ashore; I Check Out the Oasis

Lily had us signed up for a shopping excursion to the little town on Barbados where the ship was about to dock. I told her I had no desire to wander around this little village going in and out of non-air-conditioned shops looking at postcards, t-shirts and trinkets. I saw a small glimmer in her eye when I said I didn't want to go- - that told me she really didn't want me along, either, but was too nice to say so. Having a day apart was fine with both of us, I guess.

We watched the ship slide up to the dock later that morning- - always a spectacle. At the appointed time after lunch, Lily headed off to meet her shopping tour. I wandered around the deck of the ship for a while and thought- - mostly on a whim- - that I'd try to sleuth around a little and see if I could find a place for some later `hanky-panky,' as Anna called it. I remembered Lily's online search prior to the cruise mentioning the Oasis as a place for late-night romps. Anna also mentioned that the crew occasionally took it over for after-hour fuck sessions. From our initial on-board tour, I knew it closed at 5:30, so I needed to take a look in the daytime while it was open.

After a little searching, I found it again, atop the spa in the farthest-forward deck. I gave the guard my room key/cruise credit card and paid the entrance fee. It was touted as an open-air, adults-only exclusive area that totally lived up to its billing. It was lavishly appointed- - upscale finishes, furniture and positively `jungly' with plantings galore. As I wandered around, I was struck with how clever the designers had been to make the area feel open and inviting, while providing alcoves where guests could feel they had some privacy from others nearby. Since it was on the very top deck, no one would be eavesdropping from above. In all, only about a dozen passengers and six or so crew were scattered around the large, opulent space.

I got a drink from the fancy Polynesian-themed bar and wandered further forward; I found a small alcove with five or six lounge chairs overlooking the dock. Across the way, a Carnival ship was also parked; guests were filing off to catch their shore excursions or walk into town to explore the sights. It was an awesome sight- - this giant, white ship only yards away. It was like being in a high-rise hotel just across an alley from another hotel. It was close enough to throw an olive and hit the other ship.

Sipping my drink and watching the Carnival cruisers let my mind wander back to the spectacular experience on the nude beach yesterday; my over-used cock thickened a bit; I wondered if I should've gone back to the room to strap on a speed-o before I embarrassed myself. Well, I thought, there's no one here to see me fidgeting with my boner, so I guess I'll just lay back, enjoy the sights and enjoy `a stiffy' as the Brits say... and I doubt if anyone on the Carnival ship is paying close enough attention to see me get hard. If someone wanders by, I'll just...

"Can I get you another drink," said a cocktail waitress who snuck up behind me.

I nearly spilled my drink; scrambling to adjust myself and sit up straighter in the chair, I stuttered, "no thanks... I'm still working on this one."

I looked up and saw a smiling Anna, dressed in her cute little cocktail waitress outfit and very much enjoying my embarrassment. Her outfit did little to hide her shapely body; I could clearly picture her standing there naked- - just like yesterday at the beach!

"I saw you come in and I sort of hid, wondering where you'd settle," she admitted sheepishly." I intended to come over sooner, but got busy; by the time I got free... well, I see you had time to think about yesterday," she added, nodding toward my barely hidden and growing erection.

I relaxed; after our last couple of days of seeing each other naked and fucking and such, I didn't care that she was staring at my boner. I gently stroked it through my thin board shorts while we talked.

"So, this is the Oasis," I said. "I thought I'd come by while Lily's ashore shopping and see where you guys have your after-hours romps... I didn't expect to see anyone else I knew, but I'm glad you stopped by... can you stay long?"

"Just let me do the rounds... there aren't many people in here today- - most went ashore. I'll be back in a few minutes and will have a little more time- - Alex is due to swing by in a bit and Sheila, our boss, almost never comes up here... we should have time to mess around a little if you're game."

Two things struck me- - and caused my prick to stiffen even more: Alex swinging by' and Anna's reference to messing around.'

She left; I took a minute to check out the surrounding area in anticipation of having a little `hanky-panky' with Anna and Alex.

I couldn't see any of the other guests through the furniture, foliage and screening strategically placed around the part of the lounge area I'd chosen- - a good choice, as it ends up. The alcove I'd picked was well shielded from everywhere else on the ship, the only down-side was that we were fairly exposed to view from the ship docked just across the way. A few people over there were coming and going, generally getting ready to disembark for their shore excursions; no one was paying any attention. There were a few exceptions- - a couple of middle-aged women were sunning on one of the balconies three or four decks below with drinks in their hands; evidently they had no plans to go ashore today. Just above them, but still a level or two below mine, a few people were also lounging around the pool area- - maybe too much alcohol last night and they were just soaking up the sun and getting ready for another round tonight.

Looking straight across, I saw the ship's spa area, luxuriously appointed, complete with massage tables and tanning booths. I could even see through the room on the far side at the entrance. While I was watching and lazily stroking my dick through my shorts, I noticed a spa attendant help a woman sit up from one of the massage tables. The male attendant was holding up a sheet, shielding her from view from the rest of the spa area, but she was in full view from my side standing there with only a towel wrapped around her hair. I caught only a glimpse of a sweet little ass; I noticed her pronounced tan lines, revealing her preference for a one-piece swim suit. As she moved out of the alcove across the spa, she exited through a door into a corridor, which I surmised was also the entry to the sauna/shower area. Sure enough, as she pulled open another door some distance down the corridor, steam escaped from the room and billowed against the ceiling.

The attendant saw her into the steam room and returned to the alcove to finish tidying up the recently vacated massage table, gathering up used towels, throwing them in a hamper nearby and then wiping off the table with a spray disinfectant. Then he sat down in a chair near the table and picked up the phone at his side, apparently finished with his last appointment and was `just chillin'. I wondered who he was calling.

I stripped off my shirt and sat back in my reclining chair. Returning my gaze to the two women drinking over on their balcony, it was apparent they were having an animated conversation with someone across the way on my ship. They raised their glasses in a mock toast, giggled a bit, then returned to their own conversation. They looked a little embarrassed; while I couldn't see down our side, it was pretty apparent they were being serenaded (heckled? courted?) by a couple of guys on our ship. After a while, they tried to ignore their admirers, but to my surprise, after a conspiratorial exchange of looks, both slipped off their bikini tops in unison! My cock gave a lurch as I was treated with a nice look at two beautiful topless women- - no strangers to topless sunning, as I could tell from their beautiful, brown tits now fully exposed to my view- - no tan lines here. The accompanying hoots and catcalls echoing from our side of the dock indicated the guys- - probably drunk- - were also enjoying the show. I wondered what they were showing off just now.

My hand never left my dick; while I still had my board shorts on, my other hand was busy squeezing my balls, wondering when Anna and Alex might return and I could take it out and `share.' My gaze returned to the spa area directly across; to my wonderment, the spa attendant- - now alone in the room- - had unzipped his white shorts, unbuttoned his shirt and was unabashedly jacking off and staring right straight across at me! I was stunned. Evidently he'd seen me stroking myself through my shorts and, while he couldn't see the topless beauties on his own ship, he evidently didn't care and was focused just on me. His ripped, tan torso was that of a fit bodybuilder that liked the sun. His penis was fairly impressive and the heavy nut-sack that rose and fell with each stroke fit the rest of the image.

It reminded me of a time I was on a business trip to Washington about a year ago. I thought my hotel had `done me dirt' by giving me a room where the view out my window was just another hotel straight across a narrow alley- - they wouldn't move me and I was sort of pissed off. The first thing I do when I enter a hotel room is throw open the curtains, strip down to nothing- - if you haven't figured it out yet, I love to be naked- - and unpack my bags. I thought nothing about it since my hotel I was a mirrored glass tower where all the rooms had reflective film on them; no one could see into my room- - during the day, at least. With all the curtains across the way drawn tight, no one was in any of those rooms anyway. I got naked, finished unpacking and laid back on my bed, checking out the TV. Flipping through the channels, I was pleased to see that this hotel had an adult movie channel and I decided to watch a few previews and relax.

Mesmerized by the wide array of fuck flicks this hotel had available, I was soon sporting a pretty hard boner and enjoying jacking off to the wide-screen view of people fucking in just about every conceivable combination and position, although just for a few minutes each. I was careful to switch to the next preview when the pop-up announced that if I kept watching, I'd be charged $12.98, plus tax. Highway robbery!

Imagine my shock when, glancing back out my window, I saw a guy straight across from me with his curtains wide open, standing there naked below the waist, shirt open and jacking off while staring straight at me- - I guess the mirrored film was only on the front of my hotel; not back here! My immediate instinct was to cover up and draw my drapes; I stupidly put one hand down across my cock and the other shielding my balls- - like that concealed the fact that I was masturbating over here. A quick check told me his room was the only one with the curtains open. Then it came to me- - I don't know this guy... I've never seen him before... I'll never see him again... let's just go with this! I stopped covering up and returned to jacking my now-raging boner, my strokes matching his. I'd never seen another naked guy with a boner before; this was exciting!

Much to my surprise, I'd missed the pop-up window on my TV announcing the free preview was over- - and had just purchased an hour-long `fuck-fest.' I decided to just enjoy the next hour. Looking back across the alley, the guy removed his shirt and was now completely naked, just like me. He appeared to be about my age and height, but was much better muscled and browner. His tan lines betrayed a preference for a square-cut swim suit; I made a mental note to explore that style next time I bought swim gear. His lines made him look particularly sexy and masculine!

Moving away from the curtain, he soon returned with a high-backed armchair- - he was staying in a much nicer hotel than I was- - I only had a stinking straight-backed desk chair in my room.

Moving over to the edge of the desk, I leaned my ass against the edge where I could still see the people fucking on TV and look sideways at him while I masturbated. While some stud fucked the shit out of the plastic-titted bimbo on-screen, the stud across the way jacked his rather large, cut dick and cradled his low-hanging balls for my viewing pleasure. My cock started leaking pre-cum; after two or three more strokes, I deliberately smeared the pearly fluid around the tip of my cock, triggering the tingly sensation I get just before I shoot my load. I didn't want to come yet, though, and wanted to see where this went, so I stopped stimulating the head and just let the pre-cum lube my stroking along the shaft as it oozed out and ran down the underbelly... besides, I'd paid $12.98 plus tax for this movie and I wasn't gonna shoot during the very first fuck scene! Try to last for a while at least!

Another glance over and he'd brought one leg up and over the arm of his chair, allowing him access to his puckered hole as well. Evidently he'd begun leaking also, as he occasionally swiped his index finger across his piss-hole and brought it up to his lips. Releasing his cock, he raised his balls up with his other hand and started probing his ass with the middle finger of his formerly jacking hand. Bringing that finger up to his mouth, he wet it and returned it to his tight butthole. After the third wetting, in it went; he began a slow in-and-out motion that had his now-free cock swaying with each insertion of his finger. I think I saw the thick cockhead swell slightly just as a white jet of sperm flew out the tip up onto his hairy chest. Another and another shot out, splattering up onto his muscled torso. I even think I saw a rope fly up over the top of the chair, but it was gone in an instant, so I wasn't sure. It was amazing to watch him cum without even touching his dick; just tightly squeezing his ample balls while finger fucking himself.

I was mesmerized and stopped stroking as I watched him pleasure himself. Wiping a bit of his come off his meaty chest, he brought it to his lips and sucked the white gob from his finger. Next, he started slowly stroking his dick again and nodded to me, indicating it was my turn to cum for him. I couldn't wait. Turning around to face the desk in front of the window, I put down the remote control; with two hands, I stroked my smeary cock. Thrusting out my hips and squishing my balls down against the desk top, I started cumming in about three strokes. I let go with one hand, pinched a nipple hard and launched a barrage of white gobs across the top of the desk, not stopping until I'd shot about eight ropes and started shaking.

Looking back across at him, I was stunned to see him launch another four or five spurts onto the window, where it ran down in slimy streaks! I'd heard about guys that could come twice in a short amount of time- - this was more than just hot! Another first for me- - a rare `double cummer'!

Returning to the present, a quick check across at the Carnival ship showed the two topless women on the balcony still coyly engaged in conversation with the dudes on our ship that I couldn't see. Still topless; still teasing. They were giggling and showing off unmercifully, pinching their own nipples and rubbing their tits to some audience I couldn't see. Evidently the dude in the spa wasn't in view of them or didn't care about the drunks on my ship maybe seeing him. He was still leisurely stroking his large, burgeoning cock while his balls swayed freely below. I felt safe in joining him as I did with the guy in the hotel last year. Undoing the Velcro strip of my shorts, I peeled the sides down, releasing my own stiff prick to throb and leak against my bare belly. I reached down and pulled out my ball-sack, then pushed the waistband down under my chod so it would stay put and push my nuts up and out in a nice display of manly testicles for his viewing pleasure.

After a quick look around the Oasis, I was sure I couldn't be observed; grabbing my meat, I jacked with him stroke for stroke.

"I see you've met Chris," said a voice from behind me. Again, Anna had snuck up on me at the exact moment of maximum embarrassment- - it was as if she had been spying on me and was able to pick her moment. She sat down on the lounge chair next to mine and waved at the spa attendant across the way. He waved back. They both stared at my throbbing penis.

"That's Chris- - he used to work on our ship, but took a job with Carnival just last year. Needless to say, he was in our adventure group and no doubt would have been on the beach with us yesterday... he's got the nicest smile and, as you can see, a very large penis... he was very popular in our group," she added. "We keep in touch and get together when we can on various shore excursions- - the cruise lines are pretty particular about who gets to board their ships, so there's no way we can visit each other `at work.' The last time we were in Antigua- - maybe two weeks ago- - he and his girlfriend, Carla, joined us at the nude beach. It was quite a reunion; I think he fucked every girl from the old group as well as all the new ones- - there's Carla now," she said, pointing across the way.

Sure enough, a very pretty blonde with her hair in a ponytail and wearing white shorts and a blouse emerged from the hallway with the steam room, entered Chris's alcove; she walked right up behind him. He seemed to be expecting her; barely looking around when she entered, he didn't miss a stroke. It was probably Carla he was calling when he finished his last massage. Carla also seemed to be expecting this and just waved like seeing him jack off in the spa with some dude on a neighboring ship was a regular occurrence- - maybe it was! Looking around outside the alcove to see if anyone else was around, Carla returned to stand right behind Chris's chair, bent over and took over stroking his cock for him. He took the opportunity to reach over his shoulders and caress Carla's breasts through her white blouse while leaning his head back to meet her kiss.

When Anna startled me, I'd hastily covered my dick with the open sides of my board shorts, but they hadn't done a very good job of hiding my still-thick cock, now peeking over the waistband and starting to leak.

"Let's not waste this beautiful boner," said Anna, reaching over to uncover and put her small hand around my pulsing meat. "Ooh, that's nice... here, stand up and we'll get you out of these shorts and give Chris and Carla a little show... that's it, kick those shorts off and turn sideways so they get a good look at your big, hard dick, Travis."

Sensing my reluctance at nuding up in this fairly public place, Anna added, "don't worry... I cordoned off this section with `closed for cleaning' signs; I also told the bartender and hostess to not let anyone over on this side... we're perfectly alone," she added, while releasing her grasp on my dick, rising and removing her island shirt and bra. I really liked Anna's medium-to-large tits; I know Lily would love to be here sucking on a nipple. We both sat back down on the lounge chairs, Anna bent over and took my cock in her mouth and my balls in her hand while I squeezed the nearest titty.

"Oh, that's so good," I moaned. I could feel my nuts thicken and rise toward the base of my dick, getting into their `pre-shoot' configuration.

"Don't you come yet," Anna said, momentarily pulling off my dick to take a breath but keeping a firm grip on the base. "I've got a treat for you... and here he is now," she said, nodding in the direction of the bar... up walked Alex.

"Hey, you two... started without me, did you?"

Unbuttoning his shirt and throwing it over the back of a chair, he moved forward to get the lay of the land, waving to Chris and Carla across the way, then unzipped and dropped his uniform shorts- - no underwear, as I suspected- - and kicked off his shoes. Naked now, he returned to where Anna had resumed blowing me and looked down at her head as it bobbed up and down on my dick.

"She gives a great blow job, eh, Trav? I can tell you're getting pretty close... let's slow you down, sweetie," he said, reaching down to help Anna stand, he helped her lose her shorts and underwear as my recently abandoned wet cock throbbed in the air. "Now you're just how we like you, Anna... let's have a look at that pretty, shaved pussy," he added, turning her for Chris and Carla's benefit. I noticed Anna had completely shaved her entire pubis, including the small patch just above the cunt- - she was completely slick now and her pussy lips had swelled and opened up nicely.

Alex stood to the side of my chair and moved Anna in front of him, facing Chris and Carla. This gave me an awesome up-close view of them both in profile- - he nestled his growing penis in her ass crack and ran it up and down her cleft. Bringing his hands up to caress and display her pretty tits, Alex worked her breasts for quite a while as Anna laid her head back on his shoulder, moaning. Releasing one tit, he dropped his hand down to her shaved pussy and rubbed back and forth in the moist crack, stimulating her clitoris and labia until she positively gushed pussy juice. It was clear he was showing her off to Chris and Carla, but I was also enjoying the view.

"Let's get a taste of this sweet nectar," he said, licking his finger and sitting down at the foot of my lounge chair; he bent Anna over at the waist as she stood before him so we could both see her pussy and asshole from behind.

"Ain't that the prettiest thing you've ever seen, Travis," said Alex, pointing at Anna's parted ass cheeks, puckered butt-hole and glistening pussy lips. "I just love this view- - everything's right there for the taking," he added, moving his mouth forward to suck the juices from Anna's shaved cunt.

He was right- - it was quite a view as he slurped at her cunt right in front of me; her lovely breasts hung down swaying with each fresh push against her crotch. Adding to the erotic scene was Alex bringing his substantial cock to full stand by stroking it up and down as he sat on my chair. At the top of each stroke, he rotated his fist inward, causing extra friction across the large plum-head; I tried a few strokes like that on my own cock, but had to stop after two or three... it was bringing me too close to cumming. I released my dick to sway around freely while I watched Alex expertly suck Anna's pretty pussy. By now I was now putting out a fairly constant flow of clear, slimy pre-cum.

Across the way, Chris was mimicking Alex's attack on Anna. He'd bent Carla over at the waist sideways and was vigorously munching at her cunt- - I couldn't tell from this distance if she was shaved or not, but I have to assume that in this group, everyone shaved. He continued to stroke his own meat in time to Alex's jacking motions.

Alex's vigorous licking and sucking brought Anna to her first orgasm. While she was still shaking and quaking, he took advantage of her stupor and drove two fingers deep into her gaping cunt, running them in and out a number of times. When she started moaning again, he withdrew and attacked his main objective- - her puckered, brown asshole.

"We've got to get this little hole ready for some fucking," he said as he buried his slick fingers deep in her butt. She reacted by rearing up slightly; I'm sure the invasion of her tight asshole was startling, but I could tell she was enjoying it as she kept her ass pushed back for more.

Almost reading my mind, Alex said, "you can tell she likes me poking her like this by how she pushes back against my hand... that's only two fingers, sweetie; ready to try three?" She replied by moaning and pushing even harder back on his pistoning hand.

There was plenty of juice flowing and Alex had no trouble putting three, then four fingers up her luscious asshole while I watched and jacked. When she leaned back forward and put her hands back on her knees, she started moaning again. Alex brought his other hand up to her juicy cunt and plunged his thumb all the way in. His tickling of her clitoris with his forefinger brought her to yet another quivering orgasm that lasted longer than the first. It was amazing how she could come so quietly- - Lily would be screaming by now. Maybe it's all the practice these people get, I thought... or maybe just the fear of getting caught in this semi-public place.

"What do you think, Travis, do you think she's ready to fuck yet?"

Before I could conjure up an answer, Alex stood and raised a limp, panting Anna to stand as well. Then he turned her around to face me, moved her legs apart on either side of my lounge chair and had her waddle to a position right over my burgeoning dick.

"Let's let Chris and Carla see you get double teamed," Alex said. "That's a girl... straddle Travis and let him put that big, hard cock in your sweet, little pussy... there you go, bring the big nut up to your cunt... now slip it in.. that's it... deeper... deeper... there you go. Is it all the way in?

Now to me. "This is your first time fucking Anna, isn't it Travis? I think you'll notice how wet she gets- - she's the juiciest chick in our group... now lean forward, sweetie... put your pretty tits in Travis's face and let him suck your nipples til they're as hard as rocks... there you go... that's it... Travis, reach up and squeeze those beauties and suck em hard... she loves it almost as much as Maria does."

Alex's running commentary was adding to the sensation as my dick slid into Anna's tight, hot pussy. Sure enough, the only time I've been in a juicier cunt was after I've come in one and got a stroke or two afterwards before I went soft. I'd never had sloppy seconds from another guy's sperm, but I imagine this was probably what that felt like.

Anyway, once I was ball deep in Anna, I felt Alex's hand slip between her legs to prod my ball sack to see if I was all the way in. He then wrapped his hand around the root of my cock, taking some of the juice oozing out of Anna and spreading it all around my shaft and shaved balls.

"Raise up a little, Anna- - I want to get some more juice... that's it, feel that, Trav? See how wet she gets? Man... you're so big and hard I can barely get my hand around you."

When Anna raised halfway off my dick, I felt Alex jacking the base and moving the slick wetness down and all over my ball-sack and chod; I was now drenched. When he approached my puckered hole, I jumped a little.

"Don't worry, Travis- - I'm not gonna go in your ass... I just wanted to make sure you're all juiced up down here... we're gonna do something kinky in a few minutes that I think you'll like. Get back down on that big dick, sweetie- - give Travis a fuck he'll never forget... there you go; take it all."

I wondered what surprise Alex had in store for me; I also wondered if Pat had told Alex about her fucking me in the ass yesterday. She did say she was going to talk with him about having him fuck me sometime- - I wondered if this was to be the day. In the shower earlier, I prodded my overused hole with a finger or two and decided I wasn't quite ready yet; if he tried today, I would have to put him off somehow- - besides, things were coming pretty fast on this cruise; I wasn't sure I was ready for that just yet. Anna's guttural moan brought me back to the present.

"Here I go... I'm gonna join you in there for a little bit, Travis... let's see if I can get in beside you for a couple of strokes- - double fucks are the best if you can find a girl that enjoys `em... just stop moving a little and let me squeeze in there... that's it. Oh yeah... feel that, Trav... we're cock to cock in sweet Anna's little pussy, man... doesn't that feel great? Here, you stay still and I'll stroke in and out a little... oh yeah... oh yeah... that's so hot, man... now I'll stay still and you stroke a few times... feel how tight and wet and slimy that gets in there with two big cocks in her sopping wet pussy?"

Anna was just about senseless by now- - she'd come a couple more times while Alex was orchestrating this double pussy fuck- - and the sensation was unlike anything I'd ever felt; I didn't know how much longer I could let him slide the belly of his dick against mine in her tight sheath before I let my load loose to add to her already-sopping wetness. Just when I thought I was going over the edge, Alex pulled out and left me soaking in that juicy heaven all alone. I felt his wet, hot cock fall against my balls as he brought his hand back around the base of my dick to get some more of Anna's juice. Spreading it all around my sack again as well as his own junk, he brought some up and into her exposed, winking asshole, then re-gripped his own penis and brought the nose up to that tight orifice. With little fanfare, he forced his way into her ass. Two or three pushes and he was all the way in. Her only reaction was a higher pitched moan and a slight raise of her head off my shoulder. Her orgasms were all running together now and I'd lost count.

"Now that's a proper fuck, people," Alex added, pausing once ball-deep and just feeling the pulsing heart beats of three people through his dick. "Here, Trav, I want you to feel something cool- - this is your first DP, isn't it?"

I mumbled something about it being the best if not the first; before I knew it, he was out of Anna's ass and crouching down between our legs.

"I'm just gonna collect a little more juice here and get three or four fingers back in Anna's ass... there, almost in... there, now I'm gonna use my hand and jack you off through that thin little membrane between her ass and cunt... feel my fingers against you, Trav?"

Sure enough, this was another new sensation for me- - it felt like Lily's hand around my cock, but on the other side of a thick, soapy rubber, all the time I was firmly lodged in her scalding pussy.

"That's awesome, man, but you've got to quit that or I'm gonna shoot," I answered, feeling his fingers probing and stroking my throbbing meat.

"OK, I'll quit... but that's just as nice on my end as it is on yours... I love feeling another guy's dick through that membrane... here's another cool thing, dude... let me come back inside with you, then when I tell you, pull all the way out- - don't come yet- - I'll tell you what to do next when we get that far."

I was worked up to a pretty high pitch by now and could barely remember my name; I could almost not wait for his next surprise... but I'm very glad I did!

Alex again gathered all the juice he could squeegie from around the base of my dick and smeared it around my balls and down my chod till it ran down to my asshole. Then he took his drenched hand and jacked his own cock and smeared the rest of Anna's juice all around his own balls, now pulled up tight against the base of his cock and ready to shoot his load.

"Move over- - here I come, dude." And with that, he brought his cock up and slipped it in again belly to belly with my own dick. It wasn't long before his vigorous fucking motions were bringing me to a crisis once more.

"OK, Travis... now I want you to pull out; when I raise Anna up a bit, let your cock fall down on your own stomach and I'll put her back down on top of your cock... ready?... now."

And with that, I pulled out; as he raised her near comatose body up slightly, I let my dick slap down against my abs. Before he let her back down, however, he pulled out himself, brought his own dick underneath and plopped it down on top of mine- - slab to slab. Then down she came, her slimy shaved pubic bone compressing our cocks together against my abs in a tight, slick, warm heaven.

"Move around a little, man... see what you think of this."

It was an absolutely marvelous sensation, sliding around in the very tight space squeezed between her smooth pubis and my own stomach, with Alex's hard, wet cock jabbing and sliding around next to mine and at times sliding against my abs. Feeling our balls squeeze and rub together, covered with Anna's cunt juice and my free-slowing pre-cum brought me to the very edge of shooting.

Alex bore down at an angle that pressed his nuts hard against mine and caused his cock to bend forward more and more with each thrust. "Here I cum, man... cum with me!" cried Alex. He grunted and wailed; I felt his thick dick swell and lurch with each ejection of scalding sperm. My own orgasm followed immediately; after what felt like a dozen gushes of goo, the sticky, swimming, hot area between Anna and I was completely inundated with pussy juice, sperm and sweat running down my sides and onto the lounge chair; some even dripped down to stain the teak deck.

I'd barely caught my breath when Alex said, rather forcefully, "Travis- - quick; back into her cunt before you start to go down. Here's another first for you, man."

Groggily, I felt him pull her weight off our squished cocks; when I couldn't get a hand down there to get my dick up and back into Anna's cunt, Alex grabbed it and pushed the nose against her entrance. It was still hard enough to slide right in, having been lubed up with our mingled juices. With a slight lunge, he was also back inside with me, lazily fucking his hot tool in and out alongside mine, bringing my boner back bit by bit.

"This is gonna be the hardest cum you've ever had, I promise," he said, "match me stroke for stroke, man... this is gonna be awesome," he added, increasing his strokes. Dutifully, I tried to match him stroke for stroke in and out of Anna's hot cunt- - the sensations were heightened beyond belief. We settled into a rhythm where his instroke was my outstroke, maximizing our combined friction. My God!

I've cum twice in succession before, but usually the buildup is much longer the second time. Somehow, coming off the awesome mutual cum and sliding back into Anna's cunt in quick succession made it seem like I'd never shot the first time. Before I knew it, I was bone-hard and close again; the feelings traveling from my overused dick had me at a fever pitch.

"You call it this time, man... I'll wait for you before I shoot if I can last," said Alex.

As I worked toward my second squirt in as many minutes, I felt it odd that we were using Anna's body as a sort of sex toy, using her pussy and asshole for our own purposes whenever we felt like it with almost no input from her, aside from her near-continuous moaning orgasm, that is.

Alex changed to short, fast strokes, I guess in order to forestall his next orgasm; it had the opposite effect on me. Before I knew it, semen was flowing out of my balls and coursing its way through my body, headed for the deep recesses of Anna's belly.

"I'm cumming!" I groaned, barely understandable; I nearly lost consciousness as blast after blast of hot sperm erupted from my dick. It was impossible that I had any left but there it was, squirting with such force! The heightened sensations enabled me to feel each and every one of his shots as well, confined as we both were in her tight, convulsing pussy that somehow had come to life as we fucked her furiously together.

I don't know how long I'd been insensible, but as I became more aware of my surroundings, Anna was lying face up on the lounge chair next to me with Alex down between her legs. Anna's hands were on each side of Alex's head, guiding him as he sucked our combined sperm and her own pussy juice from that overheated cunt. With a guttural moan and quiver, she came for the umpteenth time as his sucking motions changed to gentle laps, getting the last few drops of our combined juices as it flowed from her swollen labia.

Looking down at my belly, my still-thick cock lay against my abs in a veritable puddle of sauce, now running down my sides. One last drop of pearly-white goo blooped out of the piss slit of my overused penis and I reached for a towel.

After I dried off as best I could, I watched Alex finish lovingly cleaning Anna's pussy off and reach for a towel himself.

"That was quite a show," he said. Glancing over at the Carnival ship, he asked, "Did they keep up with us?"

Sure enough, Chris and Carla were in about the same positions across from us, obviously coming down from their own sexual encounter in about the same condition as us. I hadn't even noticed her get naked, but there she was spread wide while Chris sucked his freshly delivered sperm from her cunt.

After cleaning up as best we could, throwing the chair cushions in the towel laundry and getting our clothes back on, we walked together out of the alcove we'd been occupying for the last half hour. As we walked by the bar, the bartender gave us a wink and a thumbs up. "Nice show, guys... the rest of the group will sure enjoy watching that tonight."

I froze and looked from the bartender to Alex to Anna- - now staring down at the deck - - and asked, "... watching what? Watching how?"

Before Alex could stop him, the bartender looked at Alex and blurted out, "he knows we taped all that, doesn't he?"

"Um... er... not exactly," replied Alex. The glaring stare he shot back at the bartender shut him up- - pronto!

Turning to me, he said, "Look, Travis, one of the reasons we like using the Oasis for our after-hours play sessions is that it's wired with high-definition and low-light cameras so we can tape our sessions and watch `em later- - another one of our traditions that you just sort of stumbled on today. We've loaded dozens of hours of fuck footage online... you may have even seen some of us at xtube or wherever... we're pretty proud of our work and share it among ourselves. Look, you can have the DVD and no one will ever see it if you want, but I hope you'll let us keep it and load it for all to enjoy- - that was probably the hottest 3-some we've ever had... what do you say?"

I was stunned. What would Lily think about me being filmed? What would she think if she knew she could go to youtube or wherever and watch me and Alex fuck away at Anna? As I thought it through, I think she would've thought it was pretty cool, especially since I didn't know it was being taped. Maybe she'd have a tee shirt printed up. My boyfriend the porn star!

"I tell you what," I said, "let me have the DVD and show it to Lily tonight. I'll explain it all to her; if she says it's ok, I'll give it back and you can show it some other night and even load it onto your web collection... how's that?"

"You got it, Travis... here," he said, handing me the shiny disc as it ejected from the machine. "Just let me know what you and Lily think- - you can be the feature attraction at our next night party; it might actually make you the star of the show at our next event."

And with that, I sauntered back to the cabin while Alex and Anna went back to work serving drinks. I wonder if the other customers knew just how much sperm Alex and I had produced in the last hour or how much of our combined cum was injected into Anna's snatch- - and then eaten from that very snatch by Alex! I'll bet they'd sell more drinks if people only knew...

Next: Chapter 16

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