Trevor and Haley

Published on Feb 6, 2004


Once again, here is the Disclaimer at the beginning of every story and chapter. I hope that up to now you have enjoyed this series and I hope to continue it for at least a couple more chapters. Now the usual warnings: If you do not like sex between young boys, then don't read this. If you are underage or not allowed to read stuff like this, then don't. If you do, don't get caught because, I won't be held responsible. I have my own problems to deal with and I am not forcing you to read this. If you haven't figured it out by now, I am Alex. I am 15 and I do not know Haley, Billy, Trevor, or any of the other characters in the story. This is purely a work of fiction and it is all my imagination. I would also like to thank a very special friend, without whom these last few chapters probably would have never been written. Thanks for everything. With all that said...Enjoy!


Chapter Seventeen: The Confession

Haley was becoming quite perturbed.

"Get out of bed now, Alexander!"

Alex grumbled. He didn't like it when Haley called him Alexander cause it usually meant that he was mad.

"My tummy hurts," Alex groaned. "I just want to sleep." Haley sat down on the bed and gently rubbed Alex's stomach with his hand. He heard the boy sigh as he stroked the smooth skin.

"Does that feel better?"

Alex nodded, "A little bit."

"You have to get up buddy. You know dad and Billy are expecting us for breakfast," Haley said softly letting his hand massage Alex's tummy. "Besides, today is your birthday party."

"I know," Alex replied.

Alex got up and went into the bathroom. Haley could hear him pee in the toilet, then he heard the shower start up. Haley went to the dresser and picked out Alex some clothes to wear that day. He then sat down at his computer to read some emails. He was worried about his boy. He was acting weird and it was bothering Haley. After about ten minutes, Alex turned off the water and dried off. He pulled on his clean underwear and walked into the other room. He noticed the clothes laying on the bed for him and pulled them on. Haley smiled at him. He loved the way Alex looked just after a shower, his soft hair wet and messy as well as the beads of water on his forehead and smooth skin. He especially loved the way Alex smelled after his shower. Haley turned off his computer and walked with Alex down to the lobby where they met Mr. Osment and Billy. They all walked together out to the Hummer that Mr. Osment had rented for the next two days and headed off to the restaurant.

"Are you ok," Mr. Osment asked looking at Alex in the rear view mirror.

"He's feeling a little sick," Haley explained. "He'll be ok once he eats something, I think."

Alex closed his eyes and lay his head back on the seat until they reached the restaurant. Mr. Osment reached into his bag and handed Alex a packet of Alka-Seltzer. He led the boys into the restaurant and found a booth in the corner, fairly out of the way. Alex didn't eat much, just what Haley and Mr. Osment forced him to. He did take the medicine that was given to him and his tummy stopped hurting so much. Back in the car, he leaned over and lay his head on Haley's shoulder and closed his eyes once again. Mr. Osment drove to the airport to pick up a couple guests that were invited to Alex's birthday party. They pulled into the airport and all walked through the terminal to the gates. Alex was feeling slightly better by now. They reached the gate and found one of their guests had already arrived and was waiting for them.

Alex's mom ran to her son and pulled him into a tight hug.

"You have grown," she smiled at him.

Alex hugged her back. Haley just smiled as Ms. Kent gave him a hug.

"Thanks for taking care of my little boy," she smiled.

"Oh believe me, it has been my pleasure," Haley laughed.

"I think this movie has been more fun for Haley since he has had a friend here with him," Mr. Osment replied.

Mr. Osment set about introducing Billy to Ms. Kent before they turned and saw Trevor Morgan walk out of the gate from his plane. He greeted his friends and was introduced to Billy, before everyone helped Alex's mom get her bags to the Hummer. Everyone went back to the hotel to prepare for the party. Mr. Osment and Ms. Kent went to the conference room where the party was to take place to help set up while the boys all went up to Haley and Alex's room to watch a movie.

Trevor noticed something was up with Alex. As they all walked through the hallway, he slowed his pace and held Alex back a little bit.

"Hey little man, is everything ok with you and Haley," he asked.

Alex nodded, "you think I can talk to you in a little bit?"

"Sure bud," Trevor said. "You know you are like a little brother to me."

Alex smiled and followed everyone into the room. They all played Mortal Kombat for about two matches before Trevor stood up and stretched.

"I think I am gonna go down and get some drinks," he stated. "Wanna come with me Alex?"

Alex nodded and got up. He and Trevor walked out and down the hall before either of them said anything. Trevor let Alex begin the conversation, sensing that it was a hard subject for him to deal with.

"Trev," Alex said softly, "thanks."

"What for?"

"Letting me talk to you, you know about Haley and stuff," Alex said, "and for coming today. It really means a lot." "I told you anytime," Trevor smiled, "and I meant it. As for me being here, where else would I have went on my little brother's birthday?"

Alex smiled. It made him happy to know that Trevor thought of him like a younger brother. His eyes wandered to the floor as they walked down the hallway. He took a deep breathe.

"I'm scared Trev," Alex said quietly.

The boys stopped in an empty hallway and Trevor turned to face Alex. He could see the tears forming in the young boy's eyes just wanted to give him a hug and make the fear go away.

"What are you afraid of," Trevor asked putting his hand on Alex's shoulder.

Alex took another deep breathe, trying to keep from crying. He wiped away the tears from his eyes with his sleeve and slowly looked up at Trevor, the tears still forming.

"Losing Haley," he said in a whisper as if saying the words would make it happen, the fear evident in his voice.

Trevor knew that the situation had to be worse in Alex's head than it really was. He knew the fear was making Alex hurt. He also knew that Alex loved Haley more than he loved himself and losing him would destroy the young boy. He knew that Haley returned that love with his whole being. Whatever it was, he was sure that it didn't mean that Alex was going to lose Haley, but he was going to help make sure that didn't happen.

"What makes you think that?" Trevor asked.

"Because I did something bad," Alex said softly, the tears running down his face now. "Yesterday, Haley had to work on some scenes so me and Billy came back to the hotel to watch movies until he was done. Me and Billy were talking and then he kissed me. And then..."

Alex couldn't hold back anymore and he tried to finish through the sobs.

"I knew it was wrong," he wept as he backed to the wall and slid down it until he was sitting on the floor. He wrapped his arms around his knees and began to rock back and forth, crying. "I should have stopped him. I knew it was wrong. I shouldn't have let it happen. I betrayed Haley. I shouldn't have done it, but I wanted to Trev. I wanted to..."

With that last statement, Alex looked up to Trevor for reassurance and comfort. Trevor nodded his head and sat down beside Alex.

"Haley doesn't know, does he?"

"I don't know what to do Trev," Alex wept still rocking back and forth. "I love him so much. I am too scared to tell him. I don't want him to be mad at me and I don't want to hurt him."

Alex face was red and hot from the tears and the anger that he was feeling at himself again. Trevor looked at Alex's tear stained, swollen face and his trembling hands.

"Alex, I want you to listen to me," Trevor said. "You have to tell him."


Trevor put his finger against Alex's lips.

"You have to tell him," Trevor said looking directly into the boys eyes, "because you know that it is the right thing to do. He might get mad, but you love him and he loves you. You guys will get through it."

"You promise," Alex looked at Trevor hopefully.

"No," Trevor smiled warmly, "but I know Haley and I know he will forgive you. He loves you too much not to."

Alex rubbed his eyes and stood up. He didn't like that answer very much, but decided Trevor was right. He trusted the older boy and decided he would tell Haley that night. He tried to make his red face normal again. Trevor stood up as well and looked at his watch.

"It's been forty-five minutes," he said. "We should get back before they send out a search party."

Alex laughed slightly before him and Trevor ran the rest of the way to get the drinks. They ran all the way back to the room as well and walking in the room, handed Haley and Billy their drinks.

"What took you guys so long?" Haley asked.

"We kinda got sidetracked," Trevor replied.

Haley looked at Alex, "why is your face so red?"

"We ran," Alex said quickly.

"For forty-five minutes," Billy questioned.

Trevor winked at Alex, "we found the game room and I challenged Alex to a game of pool. We just lost track of time, that's all."

Alex smiled at Trevor. Trevor knew how much it meant to Alex that he covered for him. The phone rang and Haley jumped up to answer it. It was Ms. Kent calling to tell the boys to come down for the party. Billy and Haley walked quickly down the hallway toward the conference room, with Trevor and Alex behind them. They walked into the conference room and Alex's eyes lit up and his mood quickly lightened. There was a big cake and streamers and balloons and presents. There were lots of presents. Alex smiled widely which caused Haley to smile as well. It was the first time Haley had seen Alex smile like that in a whole week and it made him feel good to see his boy happy. He gave his boy a big hug.

"Happy birthday buddy," Haley smiled.

Alex smiled back, "thanks."

The other boys quickly hugged Alex and then let everyone else in the room say their happy birthdays.

"Alex," Mr. Osment said loudly so everyone could hear him, "we are very happy that you got to come with us to Texas to film the movie. You have spent many hours helping us with the movie and were always willing to do anything that was asked of you. In the past three months, you have become part of my family as well as part of crew. You are a great kid and we are all proud to have you here with us to celebrate your fifteenth birthday."

Mr. Osment started to sing and was soon joined by everyone in the room. When they had finished, Ms. Kent began cutting the cake giving the first piece to Alex. Robert Duvall walked over and smiled at Alex and ruffled his hair, followed by Michael Caine and the rest of the crew. They all stood around and ate cake, smiling and talking and nodding at Alex when they glanced over at him. Alex felt happy for the first time in three days. After everyone had their fill of cake and ice cream, it was time to open presents. Alex was led over to table and sat down. Haley and Trevor sat on either side of him and Billy sat down beside Trevor. Mr. Osment and Ms. Kent began handing Alex his gifts one at a time. He opened them with relish, enjoying getting new stuff. His first gift was a photo album with stills from the movie and pictures and letters from the cast and crew. All the stills had been signed by the cast. He opened Michael and Robert's gift next.

"We weren't sure of what to get you," Michael said.

"Haley helped," Robert said handing Alex a new backpack.

"Cool," Alex said as he took the bag from Robert. "I like the bag, it's really cool and I did need a new one."

He almost dropped it from the weight inside.

"Open it up," Michael smiled.

Alex unzipped the bag and found a pile of dvds and cds that he had on a list to get. He hugged Michael and Robert tightly and thanked them for their present.

Trevor handed Alex his gift next. It was a mailing envelope with a bow on it. Alex opened it and pulled out two pictures. One was of Christopher Reeves in his Superman costume and it was autographed. The other was a signed picture of the cast of Smallville, his favorite show. He looked up and smiled brightly at Trevor who nodded.

"I met them while I was in New York for an audition. I heard they would be filming an episode of Smallville there so Chris could be a guest star so I went and bought the pictures and went to the set," Trevor explained. "I figured you would like them."

"I do," Alex grinned.

Alex received mostly clothes from his mom. He thanked her and held them up so everyone could see them. Billy had gotten him the Superman DVD boxed set. Alex thanked him before moving on to Haley and his dad's gift, a custom painted skateboard with Alex's favorite picture of Superman on the bottom and his name on the top.

"I know you like skateboarding and wanted to learn," Haley explained.

Alex thanked everyone once again for coming and watched left. As they left they all expressed their gratefulness to have been able to get to know Alex and most of them ruffled his hair. Alex just thanked them and smiled. He didn't usually like it when anyone but Haley did that to his hair, but this was different and he was happy. He was glad that he could meet such wonderful people and not only get to know and work with them everyday, but also to be able to call them his friends. After everyone had left, the boys helped Mr. Osment and Ms. Kent clean up most of the party favors and the leftover cups, spoons, napkins and other stuff that was lying around. Ms. Kent suggested that they just get pizzas for the boys so they could go back up to their room and play video games and watch dvds. Mr. Osment agreed that that was the best idea and used his cell phone to call the pizza place.

"We'll be in the room," Haley said.

He quickly ran up to the room followed by the other boys, carrying Alex's gifts. They deposited the gifts on one of the beds. Trevor and Billy started a game of Mortal Kombat and Alex lay down on the bed to watch. Haley lay down beside him and put his arm around his shoulder. He gently began running his fingers though Alex's soft hair and Alex just leaned his head on Haley's chest to watch the game. He felt safe again in Haley's arms. He knew he needed to enjoy this time he could spend with Haley because in his heart, he knew it could be the last time he could do this. He was going to have to tell Haley soon and even though he was scared to death, he still trusted that Trevor knew what he was talking about. There was a quick knock on the door and Haley and Alex quickly separated before Trevor let Ms. Kent in. She carried in two pizzas and set them on the table and Mr. Osment deposited a couple two liters of Mountain Dew beside the pizzas.

"You boys get in bed at a reasonable hour," Mr. Osment smiled. He leaned down and kissed Haley and Alex both on the forehead. Ms. Kent did the same, and wished them all a good night before walking out to her room. The grown-ups walked out and shut the door. Haley resumed his position, gently stroking Alex's hair. Alex lay there watching the game, rubbing his hand over Haley's stomach.

"You wanna play," Billy asked looking at the boys on the bed.

Haley and Alex both shook their heads.

"I just want to watch," Alex said.

"Ok," Billy said taking some pizza and eating between matches.

Trevor smiled at Haley and Alex before taking some pizza for himself.

Haley pulled Alex up and kissed him.

"Does your tummy still hurt," he asked.

Alex nodded his head, "just a little bit now though."

"That's good," Haley whispered kissing Alex again.

Alex closed his eyes and let Haley's lips caress his. He sighed and pulled away, laying his head on Haley's chest again. He cuddled into Haley's warmth and put his arm around Haley's waste. Trevor got up to get something to drink, handing Haley a plate with a few slices of pizza on it. Haley took a slice and began eating it and Alex sat up to eat some as well. He was pretty hungry now that he was feeling better. The boys continued to play games and chat until about 10 o'clock before Billy decided it was time for him to get some sleep. He hugged Haley and Alex and said his goodbyes to the group. His plane was leaving in the morning and this was the last he would see of his friends. He left and Trevor stood up and stretched. He winked at Alex before turning towards the door.

"I think I am going to get some sleep as well," he said. "I am in room 512 if you guys need anything."

"See ya tomorrow," Haley said.

Trevor smiled and walked out towards his room. Haley smiled at Alex and kissed him on the forehead.

"It's a good thing we are off tomorrow," Haley said. "I'm starting to get tired. Are you sure you are feeling better?"

Alex sat up and looked at Haley. He had went over this in his mind already and told himself that he wouldn't cry.

"Haley, I need to tell you something," Alex said with a deep breathe.

"Alex, you can tell me anything." Haley said genuinely.

"You remember yesterday when me and Billy came back here to watch a movie," Alex said, "and you were still working?"

Haley nodded his head, giving Alex a worried, yet confused look.

"Does this have anything to do with why you have been tired and sick the last couple of days?"

Alex nodded, a tear running down his cheek. Haley sat quietly thinking as Alex proceeded to tell him everything that happened between himself and Billy. With every word Alex spoke, the fear...the guilt...the tears came rushing back. He looked away from Haley, not wanting to see the hurt or anger or hatred that he feared would be there. As Alex continued to recall the events of the previous day, Haley stood up and walked to the window, gazing out over the pool. Alex stood up and walked up behind Haley. He was still crying but he managed to finish what he needed to say.

"Haley I am so sorry," Alex whispered between sobs. "I know that I don't deserve it but I need you to forgive me."

Haley turned around and Alex saw what he hoped wouldn't be, hurt and anger made Haley's bright blue eyes look a slightly grey color.

"You didn't do anything to stop him," Haley said: half statement, half question.

Alex looked down at the floor and shook his head.

"Alex," Haley's voice was cold and distant, "it's over."

Alex stared up at Haley with disbelief. Tears filled his eyes and started to pour down his face. Haley was hurt and he wasn't about to let Alex hurt him worse. He fought back the tears. Alex couldn't blink, he couldn't move.


"It's over," Haley repeated himself, so calm and cold that it sent a shudder through Alex's soul. "You cheated on me. You act all innocent and helpless but when the first opportunity arose, you went and had sex with someone else. I thought what we had was special."

Haley turned towards the door. Alex took a few steps toward him.

"I didn't mean to..."

Haley turned around cutting Alex's sentence short. He pushed Alex against the wall.

"I'm tired of always having to protect you. I'm tired of always having to make you happy. You are too needy Alexander Kent and I am tired of it. It's over."

"Haley please..." Alex cried.

Haley pointed his finger at Alex, "don't talk to me anymore. I think you should go home with your mom when she leaves. You are nothing but a boy slut and I don't want to have to take care of you anymore."

With that, Haley turned and walked out the door.

Alex sat down against the wall and began to weep. After ten minutes, he walked over to the phone and dialed Trevor's room. After several rings, Trevor answered.

"Hello," he said sleepily.

"Trev," was all Alex could get out before the tears rushed back again.

"Alex?" Trevor said. "Are you ok little man?"

Trevor could only hear the soft sobs of the boy on the other end of the line.

"I'm coming over ok," Trevor said as he hung up the phone.

Trevor walked down the hall to Alex's room. The door was slightly ajar and Trevor quickly walked in. Alex was in the corner and the lights were off except for a lamp by the bed. Alex was sitting like he was earlier in the hallway, his knees pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped around them. He was rocking back and forth, crying more than he was before. Trevor turned the light on and got on his knees in front of Alex. He pulled him up close and hugged him tight.

"Shhh..." Trevor said trying to comfort Alex. "It's ok, I won't let anything happen. Tell me what happened."

Trevor's voice was soft and soothing. Alex told Trevor what Haley had said. Trevor winced when he heard what Haley had called Alex.

"It's not true," Trevor said. "He was just mad. I know he didn't mean anything he said."

"Yes he did Trev," Alex cried. "You didn't see his eyes when he said it."

"Come on," Trevor said. "You need to stay with me tonight. I don't want you trying to do something stupid."

"I'm not going to try to kill myself," Alex cried. "I deserve to be dead, but I'm too chicken to try it."

"That's good to hear," Trevor smiled, "and Alex, never say that again. You don't deserve to die. You are the best person I know. One mistake doesn't mean you deserve that."

Alex nodded his head. He didn't feel any better about the situation and he still wanted to die. He didn't want to live if he couldn't live the rest of his life with Haley. It just wasn't worth it in his mind. Not at that moment. He let Trevor help him up and lead him to his room. Trevor tucked Alex into the covers and sat with him until he fell asleep. He gently rubbed the stray hair from Alex's face and leaned down and kissed him on the forehead.

"You sleep now," he whispered, "everything will be different in the morning."

He watched the boy sleep for a few more minutes before walking out of the room and heading for the one place he knew Haley would go.

Trevor walked out onto the roof of the hotel. He could feel the gravel under his shoes. The air was rigid and his breathe left clouds of steam as he breathed out. He walked around, looking over the edge as he walked. He then heard something move behind him. He slowly turned towards a wall that was near the center of the roof.

"What are you doing here?" Haley asked coldly.

"I came to see you," Trevor replied.

"It's not gonna work," Haley said. "I know he came crying to you."

"It's not like that," Trevor said.

"Did he have sex with you too," Haley asked nonchalantly.

"Do you honestly believe that," Trevor asked.

Haley shrugged and slowly walked towards Trevor.

"He's just a punk kid," Haley said. "Don't matter what I believe. He still did it."

"Are you even listening to yourself," Trevor asked getting mad.

"Listen Trev, you don't know what it's like," Haley replied a little louder.

Trevor grabbed Haley by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall. He put his face within an inch of Haley's and looked him square in the eye.

"As a matter of fact, I do," he said with obvious anger. "You seem to forget all the times that you went off with Jesse or Billy or anyone else you thought was cute and had sex with them, you forget that I didn't say anything cause I knew that you loved me. When I discovered that you had fallen in love with Alex, it hurt Haley. You don't know how much. I knew you needed Alex and he needed you and I didn't stop you. The difference is Alex didn't ask Billy to do what they did."

"Get off me," Haley glared at Trevor.

"Not until I say what I have to say," Trevor pushed his hand deeper into Haley's chest. "What you did was wrong Haley. You know that. You took the heart of the boy that loves you more than anything and ripped it out of his chest. What he did was wrong...sure. But that was nothing compared to what you did to him. You don't deserve to be forgiven. In fact, you don't deserve to have that kid at all, but he forgave you. You are the only thing that he cares about. He loves you Haley and I know you still love him. If he hadn't called me, he would still be in the floor in your room, crying."

Haley's eyes had changed slightly. The hurt and anger had disappeared.

"Where is he now?"

"He's safe," Trevor replied. "Haley, I love you. You are like a little brother to me, but if you ever do anything like that again..."

"I'm sorry Trev," Haley said, his eyes becoming blurry.

"It's not me you need to apologize to," Trevor said releasing his grip on Haley's shirt.

"I know," Haley said, a tear rolling down his cheek. "Trev, I said some awful stuff. I guess I just didn't want to get hurt so I tried to hurt him before he had the chance to hurt me."

Trevor opened his arms and hugged Haley tightly. Haley softly cried. He was ashamed of what he had done. He knew that he didn't deserve Alex's forgiveness. With what he had said, he would be lucky if Alex even wanted to be friends.

"Can I go see him," Haley whispered.

Trevor nodded, "of course."

"Trev," Haley looked at his friend, "thanks. If it wasn't for you, I would have been in big trouble."

"I have to protect my two brothers now don't I?"

Haley smiled and the boys headed back to Trevor's room. Trevor picked Alex's sleeping body up and carried him back to his own room. He lay him in the bed and tucked him in. Haley walked with Trevor out into the hallway.

"Trevor, I can't thank you enough for your help," he said again.

"It's ok," Trevor replied. "Don't wake him up just yet. Let him sleep for a while."

Haley nodded, "night Trev."

"See you in the morning," he said as he walked back to his room.

Haley walked back into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. He ran his fingers over the soft, blonde hair on the sleeping boys head. He watched as Alex's chest gently rose and fell with each breath he took. He sat there on the edge of the bed for four more hours, just watching the boy sleep. He thought over and over in his head how to apologize to Alex. He hoped against hope that Alex would forgive him for everything he said and they could still be friends at least. He took Alex's hand in his and sat there, watching the love of his life sleep.

Alex slowly opened his eyes. Everything was blurry from the sleep and tears. He used a hand to wipe away his eyes, opening them again to look onto the face of the boy he loved. He sat up and started to say something, but Haley put a finger over his lips.

"Don't say anything," Haley said. "I have some things that I need to say to you."

Alex looked confused, but he lay back against the headboard of the bed and listened as Haley spoke.

"I know I said some awful stuff," Haley began, "and I know that I hurt you badly. I know that I don't deserve for you to forgive me and I wouldn't blame you if you don't, but Alex, I want to ask for it anyways. I am truly sorry for everything I said and did last night. What I did was unacceptable and I am very ashamed of it. Everything I said wasn't true. I love you more than anything in the world and there is nothing that I wouldn't do to make you happy. I love being able to take care of you and nothing on Earth would make me happier than for you to stay until we are finished with the movie."

Alex thought about it for a minute. "I forgive you."

Haley smiled and hugged Alex. He kissed him on the lips with such passion that Alex pulled away.

"What's wrong," Haley asked.

"I don't think I am ready for that right now," Alex replied. "Let's just go slow."

"Anything you want," Haley said.

He lay down beside Alex and put his arm around his shoulder as he had done so many times before. Alex laid his head on Haley's chest and his hand automatically started rubbing Haley's stomach. Haley played with Alex's hair. The two boys lay like that for over an hour, neither saying a word.

"I still owe you a birthday present," Haley said.

"It has to be big now," Alex smiled.

"Don't worry," Haley said, "I intend it to be."

The phone rang and Haley answered it. It was Trevor on the other end. Haley asked him to come over for a little bit before his plane left. Trevor was happy to comply, knowing that things would be better now. It took him five minutes to get there. He knocked on the door and Alex opened it. He reached out and hugged Trevor tighter than he meant to.

Trevor laughed, "too tight."

Alex pulled off and smiled. "Sorry."

"I take it things are good," Trevor laughed.

Alex nodded. "Thanks Trev, for everything you did for me last night."

"...and yesterday too," he added quickly.

"I'm happy I was here when all this happened," Trevor replied. "You two wouldn't have known what to do if it happened some other time."

He ruffled Alex's hair, which was already so messy that it didn't really matter. Alex smiled and hugged Trevor again. Trevor, Haley and Alex had more fun in the next hour than they had all the previous day. Haley asked Trevor if he had any prospects for boyfriend.

"Actually, I am seeing someone," Trevor said.

"Really," Alex said.

"That's awesome," Haley replied, "who?"

"It's just someone I met," Trevor said.

"Who," Alex asked.

"His name is Ryan," Trevor said. "I met him in LA last summer. Actually he was out near here a while back filming a movie."

"What's his last name," Alex asked.

"Pinkston," Trevor replied.

"He was in Spy Kids 3-D," Alex replied. "He's cute. He was in that movie with Bobby Edner."

"Yeah," Trevor smiled. "You really do know your movies."

Alex smiled and Haley laughed. Alex knew more about movies and music than Haley did, and Haley enjoyed that about his boyfriend. He liked how Alex seemed to quote movies without thinking about it in his normal conversations.

"Maybe when we get back we can all go do something together," he suggested.

"That would be great," Trevor smiled. "My new boy can meet my two favorite boys."

He looked down at his watch, "it's almost time for me to get going."

Alex hugged him when he stood up and Haley hugged him as well.

"Do you mind if me and Alex stay here," Haley asked.

Trevor smiled and shook his head, "it's ok, I know you have some stuff to take care of. It was good to see you guys again."

Alex walked with Trevor out into the hall.

"He didn't tell me," he said, "but I know you talked to Haley last night."

Trevor nodded his head, "I had to. You know, for my little brother."

Alex smiled again, "thanks, if it wasn't for you, I think I would have lost Haley forever."

"You still have my number right," Trevor asked.

Alex nodded.

"Use it," Trevor smiled. "Anytime you want to talk or cry or anything."

"I will," Alex promised, "oh yeah thanks for the pictures too. I love them."

"You're welcome," Trevor said.

He hugged Alex one more time before jogging off to his room to pick up his bags.

Haley called his dad and told him that he and Alex were just gonna hang out in their room for the rest of the day while he showed Ms. Kent around. His dad reminded him to call him if they needed anything. He told Haley to be ready for work in the morning, he was giving Alex one more day off from school to spend with his mom. Haley thanked his dad and hung up the phone.

"We are free until tomorrow," Haley said as Alex walked back into the room.

Alex smiled, "do you wanna cuddle some more?"

"If it's what you want," Haley replied.

Alex nodded his head and lay down on the bed beside Haley. He laid his head on Haley's chest again and closed his eyes. Haley hugged him tight against his body and began stroking his soft hair once again.

"I love when we do this," Alex whispered.

"Me too," Haley replied.

The boys lay there for several hours, holding each other and cherishing the moments they had together. Haley continued to stroke Alex's hair, confirming to the boy that he would never hurt him again.

"Haley," Alex said.

"Yeah buddy," Haley replied lazily.

"I want you to make love to me," Alex asked.

Haley smiled. He gently slid down until his face was level with Alex's. He gently lay his forehead against Alex's forehead and looked into his eyes, as if he was searching for something. Alex noticed a twinkle in his eyes. Alex parted his lips and the corner of his mouth twitched with a slight smile. He pushed his lips against Haley's mouth and closed his eyes. He let Haley's tongue slip into his mouth as Haley's hands caressed Alex's back and head. Alex's hands roamed up and down as far as he could reach on Haley's body. His tongue caressed Haley's as they held the kiss longer. Haley gently used his weight to roll Alex over on his back, his lips never leaving the lips of his love. He slowly pulled his head back and gazed into Alex's deep blue eyes. Haley could see the love that they shared reflecting in Alex's eyes. Alex's soft, warm smile melted Haley's heart. He gently lowered his head again and kissed Alex. He slowly kissed and caressed Alex's skin, moving down towards his chest. He kissed down his neck, eliciting small, soft sighs from Alex. Alex's hands ran through the short, soft hair on the back of Haley's head. Haley ran his hand down to Alex's waist and gently pushed up his shirt. He caressed Alex's tummy and chest, soft and slow, full of love. Alex's fingers slid down the back of Haley's head and down his neck and then back up through his hair.

Haley gently raised Alex up and pulled his shirt over his messy hair. He smiled and pulled Alex closer, kissing him and hugging him. Alex's warm body caused Haley to pull him tighter.

"I love you more than anything," Haley whispered.

Alex reached down and pulled Haley's shirt off, caressing his skin as the fabric slid up and over Haley's head. Alex's hands followed Haley's arms back down to his sides. The look of lust, love, and purpose filled both of the boys' eyes as they slowly explored each other's bodies. Alex remembered the times he and Haley had had sex before...this was different. This was as special as the first time. Haley pressed his lips against Alex's once more, slowly lowering him back to the bed. His lips never left Alex's as he unbuttoned and unzipped the cargos that still covered Alex's young body. As Haley gently tugged at the material, he pulled away from Alex's lips and moved down lower on the bed. Alex gently raised his hips, letting the cargos and boxer-briefs slide over the soft skin of his butt and thighs. Haley pulled the clothes down and off of his young friend, sliding his hands back up to Alex's stomach. He lovingly kissed around the hard nipples on Alex's tanned chest and journeyed down to his belly button. He hands led the way down to Alex's waist as Haley slowly kissed above the hard boy cock that rested there. Haley's lips gently kissed the loose flesh holding Alex's balls. He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of his boyfriend. He let it fill his lungs, relishing the aroma. Haley's tongue ventured from his mouth to explore the hot shaft resting between Alex's thighs. He licked up slowly and back down the length of Alex's cock, causing it to jump towards his mouth. Alex moaned silently and pushed his hips towards Haley. Haley glanced up and smiled, his lover's eyes were closed and his head was pressed back into the pillow. The sounds of pleasure and ecstasy filled Alex's heart and head. Haley gently took hold of Alex's penis and held it up. He placed his lips at the head of Alex's cock and slid his tongue around the top. Alex moaned and pushed his hips forward again. Haley smiled again. He parted his lips and let Alex enter his mouth. He slid his tongue around the shaft as he slid his lips down the length of the shaft. Alex's hands moved back to Haley's head, running his fingers through the soft, blonde hair once more. Haley softly increased the pressure his lips and tongue had around Alex's penis. Alex pushed his head back into the pillow, closing his eyes tight. The feelings rushing inside him were overwhelming. Haley's hands were working magic on Alex's young body, caressing his balls and thighs. Haley didn't rush things, he just let them happen. Alex gently thrust his hips upwards into Haley's warm, hot mouth. Haley just moved his head with Alex's body, causing Alex to whimper. Alex's cock was throbbing with passion. Haley sensed Alex's eminent climax and pulled off.

"Not yet," he whispered.

Haley moved up the bed and pulled Alex close again. He hugged him tighter than he had the last time. He kissed his forehead and then his lips.

"Haley," Alex whispered.

"Yeah buddy," Haley answered.

"I think it's time," Alex said, his voice raspy and heavy.

Haley smiled at his boyfriend, "Are you sure?"

Alex nodded, his eyes glazing over with passion. Haley kissed him again and picked up a jar of Vaseline that was in the nightstand. Alex turned over and got on his hands and knees. Haley ran his hand over Alex's back and through his hair. Alex looked back at Haley and Haley shook his head with a warm smile.

"I don't want to do it like that anymore," Haley whispered in Alex's ear. "I want to look into your beautiful eyes while we do this."

He gently rolled Alex back over on his back and laid on top of him, kissing him deeply again. Pulling away he sat up on his knees and applied the lubrication to his hard dick. Alex watched as Haley pushed a finger into the jar and then slowly caressed his pucker with it. Alex's hole twitched as Haley's slick finger slid up and down his backside. He pulled his legs up to his chest and Haley placed his cock at the opening. Instead of pushing in, Haley rubbed the area with his cock, making Alex sigh with pleasure. Haley asked Alex if he was ready, making sure he really wanted this. Alex nodded. He felt Haley's penis slide down his crack and stop at the opening of his body. Haley paused for a moment and took a deep breath. He looked directly into Alex's eyes before pushing forward. Alex winced as the head of Haley's penis popped through his sphincter. A tear slowly rolled down Alex's red cheek. Haley stopped, worried that he had hurt his boy.

"Want me to stop," he asked concerned.

Alex shook his head, "no, I really want to do this with you just go slow."

Haley nodded lovingly and waited for Alex to relax again. He felt Alex's hole open and he gently pushed. His penis slowly slid into his love, joining them with their passion. Alex relaxed and glanced at Haley. Haley was smiling at Alex with such affection it made Alex blush, his whole body turning red. Haley pushed further in and soon his penis was buried deep inside the boy that he loved. He leaned down and hugged Alex tight, and gently rocked both of their bodies. He went slow and gentle, making love with Alex, not just having sex with him. Alex cooed as his hands roamed over Haley's back and neck. Haley's forehead was dripping with sweat, his hair was sticking up. Haley kissed Alex's chest, tasting the salty sweat that was forming there. Haley's forehead leaned down and rested on Alex's chest and Alex hugged him as their bodies rocked back and forth on the bed. Haley looked up into Alex's face, the love and passion radiating from his eyes. Alex's balls pulled tight as he felt Haley's penis grow slightly within his body. Alex stared into Haley's eyes and as if they were one body, one mind, one person, they released together. Alex sprayed Haley's stomach and chest which covered his own body. Haley's cum filled Alex's insides, causing Alex to push his head back into the pillow.

Both boys lay, still joined by Haley's softening penis inside Alex's body. Haley kissed Alex's chest as he lay on top of him, too tired to move. Alex wrapped his arms around Haley's back and shoulders. Haley gently pulled himself free of Alex's tightening hole and slid up to see his boy's face. He leaned down and kissed him on the lips one last time before collapsing beside him. He wrapped his arms around Alex and pulled him as close as he could get him.

"I will never let you go again," he whispered.

Alex couldn't say anything, his breath still rapid and heavy. Haley kissed him on the cheek and closed his eyes. Both boys breath returned to normal as they fell asleep in each other's arms. Both boys slept through the night, not letting go of the other.

Haley was the first to wake up the next morning. He watched as Alex slept for five more minutes, the sun from the window highlighting the messy, blonde hair and the slight tan on his cheeks. He smiled and thought to himself, `I'm never going to take you for granted again.'

Alex yawned as his eyes slowly opened. He awoke to the bright blue of his best friend's eyes. He smiled sleepily.

"I love you," he whispered, hugging Haley tightly.

Haley hugged him back tighter.

"We need to get up," Haley whispered.

"Do we have to," Alex asked.

Haley nodded, "You have a long day ahead of you with your mom."

"Yeah," Alex sighed. "I guess I'll go take a shower."

Haley hugged his love before he got up. Alex walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. After he heard Alex get into the shower, he picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hey bro," the voice on the other end answered.

"Don't," Haley said sternly, "I know what you did and I am not happy."

"Listen man," Billy replied, "I am really sorry. I didn't mean to cause that much trouble. I thought it might be fun and he would like it. I really didn't think you would mind, given that me and you have done that before."

"I do mind," Haley replied. "I forgive you for it and we can still be friends, but I do have one thing to say..."

"What's that?"

"If you ever touch Alex again, so help me..." Haley said in a tone so commanding Billy shuddered. "I will not be responsible for what happens!"

"I promise," Billy replied, fear in his voice. "I really am sorry, Haley. I didn't mean to hurt either one of you guys. Please tell Alex for me."

"I will," Haley said. "Goodbye."

This concludes chapter seventeen. If you enjoyed it, I would like to know about it. Drop me a line at If you didn't like it, so's not important that you didn't cause there are those that did and this was for them, well and myself. Look for the next chapter coming soon...

Next: Chapter 18: Another Side Another Story

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