Trevor and Haley

Published on Jan 20, 2003


Trevor and Haley 6

Disclaimer: You probably have read it before. Don't read this story if you are offended or dislike sexual behavior of any kind between young boys. This story is a work of fiction, which means it is NOT real. If you don't like this story, so what! I am not writing it for you. I am writing it for me.

Furthermore I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in the stories. Again -- This is purely a work of fiction and although I am attracted to the boys mentioned, I know nothing of their sexual orientation. With that said, I hope you enjoy this story.


From Chapter 5: On the Set


Walking into the room, Trevor sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Haley lay down and put his head on Trevor's lap. Trevor ran his fingers through Haley's soft blonde hair as they talked. Trevor looked down and noticed Haley was dozing off.


"Yeah buddy," Haley replied.

"I love you."

"I love you too," Haley yawned as he dozed off.

Trevor smiled and watched his lover sleep. He finally fell asleep himself about two hours later.


Chapter 6: Down on Dreamstreet


Haley closed the folder marked `SS' and stared at the screen.

"What are you looking for?" Trevor asked as his fingers slowly roamed over Haley's bare back.

"Where is the pictures that you took at the Dreamstreet concert?" Haley inquired.

"In the folder marked `DSC'," Trevor replied, adjusting Haley just over his hard-on. Haley spotted the folder and opened it. Trevor kissed the back of Haley's neck.

"We had fun that night, remember?" he said, more of a statement than a question.


Trevor liked Dreamstreet from the time he saw them on TV. He went to the store the next day and bought there CD. It was no surprise when he found out they would be performing in his area, that he got online and got tickets to the concert. He introduced the CD to Haley, who instantly fell in love with the group. Trevor and Haley had discussed what it would be like to meet the boys and maybe even fool around with them.

"I wonder if we are going to get to meet them!" Haley said excitedly as they arrived at the auditorium where the group was to perform.

"If we do, we can invite them back to the hotel to hang out," Trevor said with equal excitement. They had to get a hotel room because the concert was an hour away and they decided to stay the night so they wouldn't get back so late.

The taxi pulled up and Trevor paid the fare. The boys got out and headed to the door.

"Sorry, can't come in yet," said the woman taking the tickets.

"Why not," asked Haley.

"Because you are 1 1/2 hours early," replied the woman.

Trevor piped in, "We are here early cause if we stand in line we could get hurt. You see we are actors."

"Really," replied the woman, "aren't we all."

"Really!" exclaimed Haley, "Have you seen `The Sixth Sense'?"

"Oh yeah, I thought I recognized you," the woman said, "Let me check with my supervisor, but I don't think it will be a problem to let you in before the crowd gets here."

"Thanks," Trevor said.

The woman came back five minutes later and escorted the boys to their seats. Trevor got seats a little to the right of the stage knowing that the bulk of the girl fans would be crowded around the center. As they took their seats, Dreamstreet came out on stage for the sound check and to practice starts and stops. Jesse noticed the two boys in the audience right away and motioned Matt in their direction. Trevor and Haley watched as the group danced and sang parts of the entire concert.

"Thanks guys, you can go get ready. You are on in one hour," said the groups manager over the speaker. Jesse jumped off the stage and headed toward the two boys in the audience.

"Hi," he said.

"Hello," Trevor and Haley replied in unison.

"You are Haley Joel Osment. I am such a big fan. You are a great actor. I loved `The Sixth Sense', it's one of my favorite movies. And you were in that movie, too. Trevor Morgan, right?" Jesse stated.

"Excuse him," Matt said walking up behind Jesse. "He gets a little excited."

"Thanks," Haley said to Jesse. "We are fans of yours as well."

"It's nice to meet both of you," Trevor offered.

"Hey, do you two want to come backstage and watch the concert and then hang out afterwards?" asked Jesse.

"You know what the man said about that," Matt looked sternly at Jesse.

"Yeah, but he didn't say anything about movie stars," Jesse retorted.

"Well, just go get permission first," Matt said.

"Be right back," Jesse said as he turned and ran towards the stage.

When Jesse disappeared Matt turned to the boys, "Sorry, he's a great guy but sometimes he can just be so gay."

Haley raised an eyebrow quizzically. Matt didn't mean to use that exact word.

"You think he is?" inquired Trevor.

"If I tell you what I think, do you promise it would only be between us?"

"Promise," Trevor and Haley replied in unison holding their hands up mockingly.

"I don't think he is...I know he is. And so am I. We discovered that on the tour. They put me and Jesse in the same room and one thing lead to another. Now we are `going out'. Don't say anything cause the other guys don't know. It would ruin our careers if anyone found out." Matt said.

"Don't worry," Haley put his hand on Matt's shoulder.

"Yeah, we know how you feel," Trevor offered.

"You mean...You two are..."

"Yeah," laughed Trevor, "pretty much the same with us."

"Cool!" exclaimed Matt, "Don't say anything to Jesse. We can have some fun with him."

Just about that time Jesse bounded off of the stage. He ran up to the group and from behind his back, he brandished two backstage passes. They all walked towards the back as girls began to fill the room. Jesse and Matt lead the boys to their seats and told them that they would meet them after the performance. Haley looked over at Trevor with a huge grin on his face, "This is almost to much."

"Yeah, this is cool," replied Trevor.

Five minutes later the guys went out on stage. The music started and the girls roared. Jesse, Matt, Frankie, Chris, and Greg sang the first song and the girls went crazy. After the fifth song, Haley and Trevor could see the sweat running down the foreheads of the boys on stage. Finally, the show ended and Jesse met Trevor and Haley and walked them back to the dressing room. He introduced the other guys in the group and they all chatted for a few minutes. Trevor and Haley were asked to sign autographs for the guys and in return they all signed the backstage passes that were hanging around the boys necks. Finally it was time to go back to the hotel. Trevor found out from Matt that the group was staying in the same hotel as Haley and himself.

"You and Jesse wanna come down to our room and hang out?" asked Trevor.

"Sure, but we have to get permission first." Matt said.

Trevor gave them the room number and he and Haley said good bye to the other boys. Matt whispered his plan to Jesse and they both went to their manager's office to get permission to stay in Trevor and Haley's room for the night. The manager warned them about staying up to late and let them go to their new friend's room.

Matt dialed the number to Trevor's room.

"Hello," Trevor answered.

"It's me," Matt said. "Let us get some clothes for tomorrow and we'll be right down."

Trevor hung up the phone and went to the mini bar. He pulled out the ice cream and toppings and stuff to make a peanut butter sandwich. He was getting out the knife when he heard a knock on the door. Jesse let out a little gasp when Trevor opened the door. He was standing there in just his pants. Trevor gave Jesse a grin and let the boys in.

"I was just making a sandwich," Trevor said walking back over to the table. "Haley's in the shower, he'll be out in a minute."

Haley walked out of the bathroom a minute later in nothing but a towel. Trevor watched his lover drop his towel and pull on his underwear and shorts. He couldn't help but notice how Jesse was also watching.

Haley grinned, "I want some ice cream."

Trevor grabbed a bowl and handed Haley the ice cream. Matt reached over and accidentally on purpose knocked Trevor's peanut butter covered bread onto his lap.

"Sorry," he said jumping up and getting a wet towel. He started wiping up the mess from Trevor's lap. Trevor just sat there. Jesse's mouth dropped open.

"What's wrong Jess?" Haley asked.

"Nothing," Jesse stuttered.

"You want some peanut butter?" Haley grinned at Jesse.

"yeah," Jesse replied. Haley picked up the jar of peanut butter and dipped his finger in it. He brought it up to his mouth and licked it clean. Trevor stood up and took off his pants. He sat back down, now only clad in his boxer's. Jesse could see a definite tent in the front. Matt looked at Trevor and grinned.

"You know, we are gay," Matt said.

Jesse just looked at Matt with a `what are you doing' look on his face.

"And..." Trevor replied.

"Just thought you should know," said Matt. Jesse looked nervous. He looked over at Haley and blushed.

"I thought you were," Haley said pointing at Jesse. "I saw you watching me change. I don`t know if I like that or not."

"I...I'm...Sorry." Jesse stuttered unable to annunciate for his embarrassment.

He looked like he was fixing to cry. He stood up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Haley demanded. "I didn't say you could leave."

A tear rolled down Jesse's cheek as he sat back down. He didn't look up for about five minutes, but when he did he discovered that everyone in the room was staring at him.

Haley put his hand on Jesse's shoulder. "Don't worry. We were just having some fun with you. Matt told us earlier about you two. Me and Trev are the same way."

Jesse relaxed and soon the boys were chatting and cutting up like old friends. About an hour later, Haley looked over at Jesse.

"You want to have some fun?" he asked.

"What do you think?" Jesse replied sarcastically.

"One thing," Haley said.


"You agree to let Trev take pictures."

"I guess," replied Jesse.

Trevor got out his camera. Jesse laid on the bed and Haley began rubbing his hands up and down his body. He pulled Jesse's shirt over his head. Kissing Jesse on the lips, Haley gently massaged each nipple until it was as hard as his dick. Haley then scooted down and kissed Jesse on each nipple caressing the smooth, firm muscles of Jesse's chest and stomach. Haley worked his way down and stuck his tongue into the indention of Jesse's belly button. He stood up and pulled off his shorts and underwear in one motion and walked over to the table. He picked up the jar of peanut butter and walked back to the bed. Jesse had pulled off his own pants and underwear and was now completely nude on the bed. Haley sat down next to Jesse and rubbed a little peanut butter on each of his own nipples. Jesse grinned and licked the boy's nipple's clean.

Matt was having a hard time just watching. He stripped down, as Trevor took pictures of the action on the bed and Matt. Matt lead Trevor to the bed and sat him down on the edge. He then knelt between Trevor's legs and began to run his finger's across his crotch. Trevor snapped a few pictures of Matt and turned his attention back to Haley and Jesse.

Haley had smeared a trail of peanut butter from his chest down to his dick, which he put a thick coat all the way around. Jesse was hungrily lapping up all the peanut butter, cleaning off Haley's stomach.

Trevor tossed the camera over to Haley and leaned back on one arm and putting his other hand on the back of Matt's head, pumped his dick in and out of his willing mouth. Haley took a few pictures and tossed the camera back.

Jesse had gotten to Haley's penis. He licked the tip off and wrapped his lips around the base of the shaft. He slowly pulled up while applying a slight suction, getting most of the peanut butter the first time. He went back down and get more. Haley laid back on the bed and closed his eyes. Jesse continued to suck harder. He pumped Haley's dick with his lips a few more times and then pulled off. Haley let out a small whimper as the warmth of Jesse's mouth left his rod. Jesse leaned down and sucked Haley's balls into his mouth. He rolled them around and let them pop back out. Then he went back down on Haley's prick.

Trevor was getting off watching his lover have a good time at the same time his dick was being serviced. He took more picture's of Matt and pulled him off of his dick. He set up his camera on automatic and grabbed a bottle of lotion out of the bathroom. He handed it to Matt and then laid down on the bed. Matt greased up his pole and positioned it at Trevor's sphincter.

Haley and Jesse both watched as Matt pushed and buried his hot prick in Trevor's tight hole. Jesse looked up at Haley and grabbed the lotion. He poured some lotion onto Haley's dick and rubbed it all around. Then he straddled Haley's legs and impaled himself on Haley's rod. He gently rocked back and forth. Haley thought he would explode from the pleasure, but he was determined to hold off as long as he could. Jesse leaned down and kissed Haley, letting his tongue slip into his new friend's mouth.

Matt slipped in and out of Trevor's butt as he kissed his legs and anything else that he cold reach with his mouth. With a few more pumps, Matt felt his dick get harder and his balls pull up. He pulled out and jammed his cock into Trevor one last time, spraying his spunk all over the inside of Trevor's butt. He stayed planted in Trevor until every last drop was out of his deflating penis. As he pulled out a small stream of cum ran out of Trevor's hole and down his thigh. Matt kissed Trevor and watched the other boys go at it.

Haley was moaning loudly as Jesse rocked back and forth. Finally, he couldn't take anymore. Shot after shot, he filled Jesse with his sweet boy juice. Jesse pulled off and moved up to where he was sitting on Haley's chest, one leg on each side, penis standing straight out barley touching Haley's lips. Haley parted his lips and let Jesse slide in. Jesse moaned as Haley worked his tongue, wrapping it around Jesse's shaft and then running it across the head.

Trevor and Matt switched places and Trevor greased his own pole. Matt bent over and Trevor pushed his dick inside Matt's hole. He groaned as his dick entered the warmth and then pulled back out. After the intense blow job by Matt earlier it didn't take much for Trevor to finish. He blew his load inside Matt and they both laid down, Trevor still inside Matt.

Jesse groaned and Haley reached a hand around and pulled on his sack. He continued to play with Jesse's balls as Jesse pumped in and out of his mouth. Finally, after five more minutes, Jesse shouted and filled Haley's mouth with the warm juices of love. He pulled out and lay beside Haley caressing his chest.

"We should meet more often," he said with a grin.

"Anytime you are in town," Trevor said. "Just give us a call."

Trevor and Matt got up and laid beside their lover's. Trevor hugged Haley as they drifted off to sleep beside Jesse and Matt. - any suggestions.

Next: Chapter 7: Teaching Billy

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