Trevor and Kyle

By ude.oiho@901392ha

Published on May 2, 2011


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and the characters are not meant to represent any person in real life. This story is copyrighted by the author, and also if you are not old enough, not allowed, or don't know what gay erotic stories are just leave now please. Thanks and enjoy.

So here I am writing another story... Its been quite a long time over 4 years since I have written a story. In those four years I have been letting my juices stew so to speak. The story that you are about to read is not going to be my best work, but I hope that you like it.

Trevor and Kyle

Chapter 1

Trevor woke up to the start of a beautiful January day in central Ohio. The night before last there had been a front move through which had dumped a couple of inches of snow. Trevor was a handsome guy, but wasn't the popular kid in high school. He had short light brown hair that he always liked to faux-hawk, and the most beautiful icy blue eyes. He was neither tall, but neither was he short. Trevor stood at about 5'11", and was skinny as a rail. He had some muscle but not a whole lot of it.

Trevor dressed like a normal guy, for the first day of his last semester in high school he put on a plaid dress shirt with a grey tight shirt underneath. Well both shirts were form fitting just making him look even skinnier than he already was. To continue he put on a pair of destroy wash denim jeans and a pair of nice tennis shoes. To finish his ensemble it was decided necessary to wear a hemp shell necklace.

He looked at the clock and saw he had 10 minutes to get to his first period class. "woo another boring day!" he exclaimed. He didn't live far from his high school but he still didn't like to go, like every other high school aged guy, he did anyhow though.

Trevor had a nice car, a brand new Honda civic, and he enjoyed driving it very much. See Trevor's father had died a year ago, but before he had he had taught his son how to invest money. See Trevor's dad had been sick, but had hidden it from his son. Trevor's mother had died when he was young from a car accident. Luckily he had turned 18 before his dad had passed.

His father had left him everything including the house and his investments. His dad had been an investment broker, and had been very smart. Trevor had a college fund that would take care of any college expense ever plus some, and had a trust fund that had started to pay out when he turned 18, and also still had the investment fund his father had started when he was young and had left it to his son. Trevor was now worth close to 200 million dollars! He kept it quiet though his friends knew that his dad had left some money but didn't know how much.

When Trevor got to school he went into his first period class AP American Government. He sat in his usual seat next to his best friend Amanda, and on the other side no one.

"hey what's up? How was your weekend?" he asked her

"oh you know jake and I just hung out and chilled. Watched a few movies, and made out." She replied

"so the usual for you then!" he looked at her. They both laughed and turned their attention to the teacher.

Trevor had gone into a daydream about making out with a hot guy when he noticed that the hottest guy he had ever seen had just walked in.

"class, this is Kyle, he is a transfer student from Columbus." Said the teacher.

Kyle stood at 6'2" probably 220 of pure muscle. He looked like a roman god with dirty blond hair, and awesome hazel eyes. He was wearing a baby blue polo with dark wash denim jeans and white tennis shoes. Trevor thought to himself "he's beautiful, and most likely straight."

Kyle came and sat next to Trevor in class and said "hey what's up?" looking at Trevor. "n.n.not I mean not much how about you" as he started coming to his senses, and smiled at Kyle. Kyle just smiled back and gave a wink. Trevor's heart skipped a beat. His face turned bright red, and he tried to hide it from Kyle, but Kyle noticed.

Trevor's next class was pre-calc, which he thought was easy, and again in class he started daydreaming. "Mr. Nelson, excuse me Mr. Nelson!"

"Huh, oh sorry sir" said Trevor. "would you like to solve this problem or do you need to continue your nap?" asked the teacher "no sir, x=1 twice" answered Trevor. "good maybe there is hope for you yet." Replied his teacher amused. There was a knock of the door to the room. The teacher Mr. Robinson waved the person in. Trevor had gone back to his homework he was doing. That was until Mr. Robinson said "class I want you all to meet Kyle Scott. He is a transfer student from Columbus." Trevor looked up immediately. Both of the boys looked at each other and then Trevor smiled and his face turned red again. "Mr. Scott you will sit next to Mr. Nelson" said the teacher pointing towards Trevor. Kyle just walked over and sat down then took a gaze at Trevor when he wasn't looking. "Damn this kid is hot... I'm pretty sure he's gay, but I dunno. Fuck what am I thinking we just had to move cause I started thinking this shit. I thought it was done. "

the rest of the morning went smoothly for Trevor he hadn't seen Kyle since second period, and kinda missed seeing the beautiful guy. Oh well he told himself, but then again he did wink at me. Could that have been a Ôhey I like you wink' or a Ôsup' wink. "hmm I dunno." He said outloud to himself.

"you don't know what?" asked Amanda sitting down at the lunch table next to him. "oh nothing just thinking about things." He replied as he looked around the room. "spill mister you know you can't keep things from me." Retorted Amanda knowing that she could get him to spill anything. "well you remember the new guy right?" he asked her. "yeah I remember him tall built like a god..." she said in a day dreamy voice. "he winked at me!" said Trevor. "and!" she said. "I like him but I don't know if he likes me" Trevor said putting his head down. "I don't want to mess anything up. You're the only person that knows that I'm gay. I don't want to accidentally out myself." He said in a whisper so that no one could hear. In fact Amanda wasn't the only person who knew that he was gay. His late father had known, and had told him "son I don't care who you love as long as you love with your whole heart, and are happy with that person." It still didn't change that he lived alone and that his only real support was his closest friend.

"oh don't worry about it. Just if he flirts first then its ok to flirt back." Said Amanda. "ok if you say so." He said doubtfully.

The next few periods went un eventfully then in tenth period during band practice as Trevor is putting his clarinet together he sees Kyle walk in and talk to the director Mr. Anderson. As Kyle was walking with the director to go and pick out a drum to play Trevor walked past and took his seat. "did you see who just came in" piped up Amanda who he sat next to. "no, not a clue" he replied sarcastically. "do I need to challenge you and put you in your rightful place as second chair?" she replied antagonizing. "oh really. Do you really need me to beat you a fourth time?" he replied with the same tone. "shut up you little fuck." She replied annoyed. "yes dear" he said just to hit one last button before the rehearsal started.

Amanda was a senior as well as Trevor and they had been friends since before they had started school seeing as they were neighbors. She was a little taller than he, and had long brown hair. She was also skinny with about a c-cup chest size. They both played the clarinet and had always had a rivalry. To Trevor the instrument came easily, and to Amanda they had sat and first and second chairs since their freshman year, and because of their rivalry they both kept challenging for first chair.

"Alright guys listen up we have a new student, Kyle Scott he's gonna be playing snare on front line, and I want you guys to make him at home. Now on to other business lets start the warm up and go from there." Said Mr. Anderson.

The rest of the rehearsal went smoothly but little did Trevor know Kyle had been staring at him the whole time when they weren't playing.

Kyle caught up to Trevor as he was putting his clarinet away. "hey your Trevor right?" Kyle asked. "yeah whats up?" Trevor replied. "I hate to ask, but could you help me with pre-calc you guys are a little ahead of what I remember." Kyle said a little embarrassed to ask for the help. "oh yeah that's no problem at all do you want to come to my place after school and then I can help you or do you have other plans?" asked Trevor. "no plans where do you live I will walk over when I get home." He replied to which Trevor said "hell skip the walk I'll drive you to my place."

"oh thanks that would be great seeing as I have no clue how to get around here yet. Its not as big as Columbus but I think I might like Marion." Said Kyle.

The two boys walked to the student parking lot and Trevor unlocked the civic. "wow nice car man" said Kyle "thanks" replied Trevor. The whole time that the boys were waiting for the traffic in the lot to ease up Trevor kept thinking about the wink he had gotten. They finally got out of the lot and turned to go into the city down center St. Trevor turned left and then pulled into the driveway of his house.

It was a big yellow house with a great big pine tree in the front that was taller than the two story house. "nice place" said Kyle "thanks"

The boys walked into the house through the garage entrance into the kitchen. "would you like anything to drink. I think I have coke water and lemonade." Asked Trevor. "no thanks im good." Said Kyle politely turning down the offer. "what I really want is to be fucking this gorgeous boy right now. NO!!! I can't think like that. Girls, girls, girls.... Pussy im supposed to wanna fuck pussy. Oh god the thought of doing that makes me sick. Gah what am I thinking." Kyle said to himself. They went into the dinning room and Trevor started getting his books and things out and so did Kyle. They played about two hours of catch up before Kyle was up to speed.

After they had packed everything away they sat in the living room and watched tv for a little while on the couch. When they both fell asleep.

When Kyle woke up he was holding Trevor in his arms and they were almost face to face. "how the hell did this happen. I need to go now." He got up... "hey where are you..." was all Trevor could say before Kyle was out the door....

To be continued in chapter two.

Well I hope you all like the first chapter. What's going to happen between Trevor and Kyle? Please don't hurt me... lol As you can tell I am in desperate need of an editor. If anyone out there is so inclined to help it would be a big help. If you have any comments of concerns just email me

I know that there wasn't any sex in this chapter but at the moment there isn't going to be. i don't want the boys to turn into whores lol. But seriously any comments and or requests just email me. Bye guys see ya in the next chapter.

Next: Chapter 2

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