Trials and Tales of Law and Love

By Grant Watson

Published on Jan 31, 2015


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any of the characters or occurrences in this story is completely coincidence. If you are offended by anything relating to gay behavior please exit this page. This story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed consent of the author.

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Chapter 10 – Papers

I woke up the next morning to see Bryson laying back against my chest, while Mitch was spooned up behind me. I guess the little guy woke up afraid last night, so he came to find me. He always did that whenever he stayed with my parents overnight back in DC. Although I was physically at peace this morning, my mind had a different story to tell. I was thinking about all of the things that had occurred since my arrival here in South Carolina. I softly chuckled to myself at the thought of my life being like a bad TV Show at times. I slowly removed myself from Mitch's and Bryson's grasp, grabbed my robe, and then headed downstairs.

It was a little after 5 am, and I wanted to get a couple minutes of peace before everyone else woke up. I went into the kitchen, and started some coffee. I sat at the breakfast nook table, just continuing my thoughts from earlier. I was so thankful that Mitch had come into my life, and with his arrival I also gained two beautiful boys I could call sons. It was a miracle that both my parents, and Mitch's dad were supportive in our relationship. Most people aren't ever this fortunate to have supportive parents when it comes to a lifestyles like ours. The only thing that is really causing major issues right now is Rebecca.

I just can't understand how someone could be so hateful. The sad thing is, she's not upset about not being with Mitch or the boys: it's the fact that she now no longer can manipulate or control him and his money. Money has been the last thing on my mind whenever it comes to Mitch - I'm in love with him, not with what he can do for me financially. I'm in love with the little boys whom he wants us to raise together, not his money. I'm in love with the possibilities of the future we could share. Sure money is nice, but money can't buy happiness.

As I was sitting at the table drinking my morning coffee, Mitch came up behind the chair I was sitting him and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned my head back for my morning kiss, which Mitch obliged in giving me. He said "Good Morning baby, are you ok?" I replied, "Yes, baby. I just wanted some time to think before everyone woke up." He said, "I woke up when I didn't feel you in bed anymore. I guess Bryson woke up afraid last night. After you got out of bed, he snuggled up against me, because when I woke up he was backed up against my chest softly snoring." I laughed at that and said, "Sorry babe, I should have warned you about that. Bryson has always ended up sleeping with me whenever I'm around. He wakes up afraid and then comes to find me." Mitch said "It's cool babe. I'm just glad he's comfortable enough around me to not be afraid to sleep in the same bed as you and I." I smiled at him and said "Well he already calls you Uncle, so now it's set in stone. He's comfortable enough to nap on you now as well. You can't go anywhere now!" Mitch reached down to kiss me again and said "Try and make me."

Mitch made himself a cup of coffee, and then he came sat across from me at the table. He took a sip, and then said, "So tell me what's on your mind this morning that's got you up so early, tiger?" I took a sip of my coffee and relayed my thoughts to him. After I finished he said, "Listen babe, I don't want you to worry about Rebecca. I've always had a feeling that she might pull some type of stunt like this. She's a selfish individual, the sad thing is she wasn't always like this. When I first met her, I thought she was the love of my life. So I spoiled her, and constantly gave into her. Her parents were no better in doing the same thing I found out later after we were married. After they passed, they left her a huge sum of money. I'm not even sure how much, I never asked. I just know that it was pretty substantial. Her father was some type of real estate magnate here in the South. So, they were extremely well-off. I'm guessing she has already blown through that money. I'm not sure how. But, that's the only reason I can think of her wanting to come back here."

Around that time Bryson walked sleepily down the stairs, and climbed into Mitch's lap. He laid his head on Mitch's chest, and went right back to sleep. I looked at Mitch and quietly laughed. Mitch just looked at me and said, "Jealous!" I laughed and decided to get up and start breakfast for everyone. I had just finished breakfast for the adults and Bryson, and was starting on the twins'bottles when my mom and dad walked downstairs with them. My little guys were again quite animated this morning as they were talking up a storm. I gave my mom and dad a bottle for each of my sons, and I then sat about fixing breakfast for everyone else. Bryson had awakened enough and was eating some breakfast off Mitch's plate, since he was still in Mitch's lap.

After breakfast, Mitch and my dad took the three boys upstairs to get them ready for the day. My mom and I stayed behind to clean up the aftermath of breakfast. About half way through she asked, "How are you feeling about all of this, Papo?" I replied, "To be honest, I'm a little afraid. I don't want to lose Mitch nor my sons, Mom. They all mean so much to me. It would be hard at this point if I had to give them up." My mom put her towel down, and she then came up to hug me. She said, "I know, baby, but don't think like that. You won't have to give any of them up, unless you absolutely want to. To be honest I think they are in a worse position when it comes down to losing you. I see the way Mitchell looks at you whenever you two are in the same room as each's the same way your father looks at me. And don't get me started on my new grandsons. Whenever they see you, it's the same way a baby lights up when its mother walks into the room." She then walked over to me and put both hands on the side of my face and kissed me on my forehead. She then said, "They both love and need you just like we need you, Papo. You have a way of brightening peoples' lives with your presence. Never, ever forget that!"

I hugged my mom, and we went about finishing cleaning the kitchen. Not too long after that Mitch and the rest of my guys walked downstairs all dressed for the day. Mitch walked over to me and gave me Aiden so that he could go upstairs to get dressed and ready, while my dad did the same with Alex. My little guy automatically started cooing and smiling as soon as he saw me. My heart immediately started to warm as I laid eyes on him. My mom saw this little interaction between us and said, "I told you so, Papo. Look at you: You're practically glowing." I smiled at her and said, "I know, Mom: I just love these little guys so much." She walked over to me with Alex and kissed me on the cheek and said, "I know, Papo. I do too."

The rest of the morning consisted of us getting my mom ready to leave for DC. We had her ready to go by 10:30. When we were packing Mom's car, Bryson realized that he wasn't staying with Mitch and me. He ran to Mitch and hopped in his arms, and started crying saying "I don't wanna go, Unca Mitch. I wanna stay here with you and Unca Tony and my new cousins!" Mitch kissed Bryson's forehead and said, "I know little guy, but you have to go back home. I promise Uncle Tony and I will let you come back here to visit soon. Or, we will come visit you very soon ok?" Bryson sniffled and wiped his eyes and said, "You pwomise?" Mitch gave his forehead another kiss and said, "I promise, little man. Now give me a kiss so that we can finish getting Nana and Papa ready to go, ok?" Bryson gave Mitch a kiss on the lips and then hopped down to go over there to visit with his new cousins before he left. I looked at Mitch and he winked at me. I was so amazed by this beautiful man in how he just handled himself in every situation he was in.

My mom, dad, and Bryson hit the road not too long after that. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I went into the office for a bit while Mitch stayed home with the boys. After I got home, Mitch decided that he was going to go out for a run since he hadn't been on one since the boys were born last. I decided to get some things squared away in the house while he went for his run. I cleaned up, and cooked dinner for Mitch and me - nothing out of the ordinary, steak, shrimp, and loaded baked potatoes. Mitch was satisfied, and he gave me a nice long thank you kiss afterwards. We got our sons ready for bed and we got ourselves in bed not too long after. We didn't do anything overly sexual that night - just some heavy petting and kissing. Mitch held me extra close that night. I wasn't sure why but I didn't complain. I liked being so close to him, it was as if he was pulling me inside him, making me a part of his body.

The next morning I woke up to find Mitch not in bed with me. I put my robe on, and went downstairs to see Mitch cooking breakfast for our sons and us. The boys were already downstairs in their bassinet wide awake playing with each other. I walked over and gave my little guys each a big good morning kiss and tickle to both their delights. I repeated the same treatment with my big guy as well. He was little more appreciative of my kiss then the boys, because he pulled me into him and I felt his massive love tool growing between us. I reached into his robe and squeezed his massive meat, and he moaned into my mouth. He pulled away from my mouth, and said, "Good morning, Tiger...I see you want sausage instead of bacon." I laughed and gave his cock another squeeze and said, "I'm always up for some fresh Brown sausage..." Mitch laughed and squeezed both of my ass cheeks and reached in for another long passionate kiss.

After we ate breakfast Mitch left me with the boys to go get ready for the day. He wanted to go into the office this morning to get some things done, while I stayed home with the boys. He came downstairs dressed in a nice custom tailored suit. I instantly boned up at the sight of him. I walked over to him helped him adjust his tie. He reached his hand in my robe, and pulled my ass cheeks apart. He ran his fingers up and down my hole, tickling my rosebud. I moaned and said, "Mitch...if you don't stop I'm going to strip you naked right now...and..." He kissed me and continued stroking and teasing my hole. He finally stopped when he realized that I was making a wet spot on the front of his suit. He laughed and said, "That's just a preview of what I'm going to do to you when I get home from work. Now go get a shower and get dressed so I can get out of here and get home sooner to my three men." He kissed me again, and slapped my ass as I headed up the stairs.

I went upstairs to shower, and came back down about 20 minutes later. Mitch was over at the twins' bassinet talking to our sons. He was saying "Now you two be good for your Daddy Tony. Dad will be home soon to see you guys ok. I love you boys." He then kissed each one on the forehead. He realized that I was in the room, and he walked over to me and gave me my own goodbye kiss. He then grabbed his briefcase and headed out the door. I went over to the boys` bassinet, and rolled it down the hall to the office. I was going to work on some of the cases I brought home from work yesterday. The morning seemed to fly by and soon it was lunch time. I fed the boys and got them down for a nap. I then dove back into the case files so I could send them off to Lisa to get to their respective partners at the firm.

Meanwhile at the law firm, Mitch's day was just as busy as mine. He had a lot to go over since he'd been out of the office since the previous week. He was in and out of meeting with his dad throughout the bulk of the day since he had taken on the bulk of Mitch's cases while he was out. At about 2:00, Lisa came into Mitch's office and said, "Mitch, there's a gentlemen up here at the front who wants to speak with you." Mitch was confused because he hadn't informed anyone that he was coming in today, so he said "That's odd. Do you know who it is?" She replied, "I'm not sure, Sir, but he says that it's urgent." Mitch got up and headed downstairs to the main lobby of the firm. When he got there, he saw a tall male dressed in a suit. The man's face curled into a smile when he saw Mitch approaching him. Mitch walked up and extended his hand and said. "Mitchell Brown, how can I help you?" The man just plainly ignored Mitch's out-stretched hand and said, "I'm here to serve you divorce papers in connection with Rebecca Brown." He then gave Mitch the papers, and then walked off. Lisa, who was standing there, just stared at the man angrily as he walked off. She then looked at Mitch who hadn't really moved an inch since the man handed him the papers. She shook him and said, "Mitch I know you are in shock but you need to go upstairs to your office. I'll phone your father."

Mitch walked off to the elevator to his office in a daze. He got to his office, and just sat at his desk. He didn't even attempt to open the envelope containing the divorce paperwork. He knew the day would come when Rebecca would serve him papers but he didn't know it would be this soon. Mr. Brown walked in not too long after Mitch had got settled. He saw the state his son was in, and he walked over behind Mitch's desk and gave him a long hug. He then said, "Where are the papers, Son?" Mitch just looked toward the desk, and Mitch's father picked them up and said, "Let's get Francine down here to look these over."

Ten minutes later Francine walked into Mitch's office. She, too, hugged Mitch who looked defeated. She took the papers and read over them. She took a deep breath after scanning through them and said, "Mitch, I'm sorry, but Rebecca is not only seeking spousal support. She is also asking for her temporary removal of you from your home. She feels that she has been forcibly removed due to a new relationship. On top of this, she is also seeking full custody of your children, and child support payments for each. She is petitioning a family court judge to get temporary full custody of the boys until a proper court date is set. She is doing this on the basis of claims of an unsafe environment due to an unnatural relationship. Rebecca is really pulling out all of the stops in this. We all know how South Carolina feels about divorces and children. And even worse their stance on gay parents and children. This isn't going to be easy, Mitch. I'm going to be honest with you. We have to act fast." Mitch couldn't do or say anything. He just sat his desk as tears began rolling down his face. The only thing he could think of was Tony and their sons. He felt as if his life was crashing before his eyes.

Sorry about the delay in this chapter guys! I hope to get into a regular schedule of positing new chapters weekly. And also I would like to give a special thank you to my editor Tony, for all his helpful fixes and suggestions. I also want to thank you all for all your e-mails letting me know you are enjoying the story. Stay tuned there is more to come!


Next: Chapter 11

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