Trials and Tales of Law and Love

By Grant Watson

Published on Feb 7, 2015


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any of the characters or occurrences in this story is completely coincidence. If you are offended by anything relating to gay behavior please exit this page. This story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed consent of the author.

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Chapter 12 - The Visit

Mitch and I invited the social worker and police officer into our home. She looked around at all the details of house as if she were making mental notes. We led them into the family room, where I offered them a seat. After sitting I said, "Would either of you like anything to drink? Coffee? Water?" They both declined the beverage invitation, then Amy said, "I know you both are wondering why we are here this morning. Well it has come to our attention, being the Department of Social Services, that the children in this household are being exposed to an unwholesome and unsafe environment. Officer Howell and I are here to investigate those claims. If you would, gentlemen, I would like a tour of your house starting with the children's room."

For the next hour or so, Mitch and I gave the social worker a tour of home. The officer stayed behind in the family room. I figured he was just there for show, to say that what was happening was legal. Mitch and I thoroughly answered each of the social worker's questions. At times it seemed she was upset at how well we answered each of her questions. In her presence we changed and fed the boys - not for show, but out of necessity as we were in the process of getting the boys ready for the day before our unexpected guests arrived this morning anyway. The boys were more playful then normal between their diaper changes and feedings.

After the tour of our home, we walked into the family room and sat. After situating the boys in their bassinet, Mitch asked, "So Ms. Jones, do you have any more questions for either Tony or me?" The social worker looked from Mitch to me, then back at Mitch and said in a somewhat dismissive tone, "No, I have no more questions for you Mr. Brown. We will be in touch." She then got up, as did the police officer and then said, "We will see ourselves out, gentlemen. Thank you for your time." They got up and went out the front door, closing it behind them.

I looked at Mitch, who was looking at me, and said, "I really don't have a good feeling about this. Although we answered of all her questions to satisfaction and showed her every nook and cranny of our home, I still believe that this visit was not the beginning of something good." Mitch reached over and squeezed my hand said, "I know, baby. I'm getting the same vibe. The rest of the morning was pretty uneventful. Mitch and I took turns taking showers so that one of us could watch the boys. Then, we both started working on some papers from work. The boys stayed quiet for the better part of the morning as we worked, but something still felt off in the Brown household. I'm guessing it was the unexpected DSS visit that has everyone unnerved.

Mitch decided to call Dad Brown to let him know the events of the morning. I took that opportunity to call my mom, as she was due back this evening. I wanted to make sure that her trip down was going smoothly. She assured me that everything was going well and that she should see us by about 5:00 pm. I told her about the surprise visit from DSS this morning. She told me to keep our heads up, and that DSS had to do an investigation because of the gravity of the claims made. I agreed with what she said, but I hoped that the social worker that was sent out would be fair in her assessment. Mitch and I had nothing to hide, we were completely transparent in how we handled the twins and also in the tour of our home.

In the midst of me speaking with mom the doorbell rang. Mitch went to see who it was and came back with Dad Brown and Francine, the family law attorney at the firm. I told my mom that I would see her later on this afternoon, and stood up to greet our guests. I got up to hug dad, and I was going to shake Francine's hand but she pulled me into a nice hug. I was kind of taken back by her behavior as I had only met her twice during my time at the firm. She said, "It's good to see you again, Tony. I know the hug was sudden but I'll hug anyone who can make Mitch happy. He hasn't been happy for a long time being with that wench Rebecca, so I thank you for that. Now let me see those beautiful babies!" I smiled at her comment and thanked her, then I took Alex and Aiden out of their bassinet and walked them over to Francine who had seated herself on one of the overstuffed leather couches. I placed each of the boys in her arms, being sure to introduce which one of my sons she was holding.

Francine was a natural with the boys. They lit up with excitement as she bounced both of them around her arms and cooed in their cute little faces. I looked over at Mitch and Dad Brown, and both were smiling at the scene of Francine interacting with the boys. Dad especially had a big grin on his face with a hint of a sparkle in his eye. I caught Francine looking over at Dad as well with that same sparkle. I wasn't sure Mitch noticed it or not, but I think there was something more to that smile. I went over to sit beside Francine and took Aiden from her arm. He smiled and laughed as soon as he saw me. I placed him on my lap and sat him up so that he was facing his brother. Francine did the same thing. They immediately started having a conversation which none of us understood, but apparently they did. It was the cutest thing!

While the boys conversed, Mitch filled in Dad and Francine about the DSS visit we had this morning. After Mitch finished describing the visit, Francine inquired, "This May not be good. What was the social worker's name who came to visit?" I piped in and said, "Her name was Amy Jones." Francine had a worried look on her face and replied, "This might not be good. I've been on the receiving end of some of her testimonies when it came to where a child should be placed. She is very traditional when it comes to relationships believing that it should consist of one man and one woman. In marital disputes involving infidelity, involving one spouse choosing an alternative lifestyle, she has always recommended that the child or children be placed with the straight parent. It doesn't matter if the straight parent was male or female, whichever one was straight is the one she recommended had full custody." Mitch looked upset, as did the rest of us. He said, "Ok, so what can we do from here? I mean she's come and visited, so what's our next move?" Francine said, "Well, we now have to wait for a hearing in front of a family court judge. He will take DSS's recommendations into account, but it will ultimately be up to him. That's where we bring in the evidence we have against Rebecca. We can play on the fact that she abandoned her sons unexpectedly, leaving only a note saying that she no longer wanted anything to do with, Mitch, and these babies. Also, we have the accounts of the hospital saying that you and Tony picked the babies up, and Rebecca was nowhere to be found."

Everyone seemed to agree with what Francine had said. She then brought up something that Rebecca could use against us when it came down to the divorce. She said, "I think I already know the answer to this question, Mitch and Tony, but I have to ask: Were you two in a relationship together while Mitch was still with Rebecca?" Both Mitch and I answered at the same time saying, "No!" Rebecca replied, "I figured as much, but let's not be surprised if Rebecca and her attorney try to use your relationship against you, twisting it to fit their needs." We hadn't thought about that but Francine was right. Rebecca's as sure to use our relationship in that way to make it seem as the reason she left was because of Mitch having a gay affair. We would definitely have to be on our toes!

I handed Aiden to Dad, and told everyone I was going to go to prepare us a light lunch. It was 2:00 by that time, and I knew I would have to cook dinner soon, so I didn't want to make anything too heavy. I decided on club sandwiches and chips. I called everyone to the kitchen, and laid out the lunch. Everyone entered with Francine and dad still holding the boys. I made fresh bottles for my sons, and took one of the boys and fed him, while Mitch took the other to feed him. Not too much longer after burping, the boys they were down for the count. We discussed more of what we needed to do about the whole DSS/Rebecca situation for a little while longer and then dad and Francine left for the afternoon, after hugs and kisses to both boys and us.

After they left, I said to Mitch, "I don't want to put any ideas in your mind, but did you catch the little interaction between Francine and dad when we were in the office?" Mitch beamed and replied, "I did, but I didn't want to jinx it. I'm happy for dad, and I hope he makes his move. I worry about how lonely he is. Maybe something will come of it, plus the boys love Francine." We both agreed that the two coming together would be a good thing. Their visit actually calmed the unnerving air that was in the house. The only thing we could do now was wait for their next move.

The rest of the day seemed to go by pretty quickly. The boys slept for the bulk of the afternoon, so the house was pretty quiet. At one point Mitch caught me in the laundry room bending over to put the twins' jumpers in the front loading washer. I didn't realize he'd come in until his face was pushed into the back of my gym shorts. I grabbed onto the washer for leverage as he pushed his nose into the fabric that was pushed between my ass cheeks. He inhaled deeply and said "God I love your smell baby, and I can't wait to get you in bed tonight." He then grabbed his crotch which at this point was rock hard pushing against the fabric of his gym shorts. My mouth started to water as I imagined getting on my knees to give him the blowjob of his life. He saw my eyes fixated on his cock and laughed and said, "Later's all yours." Then he walked out of the laundry room leaving me in an extremely horny state. I'd have to pay him back later for it!

I set about preparing dinner for this evening. I was making a nice chicken piccata, which was one of my favorites. Mitch went out to meet my mom who had made it back to Columbia. Dinner was ready, and the boys woke up just as Mitch and my mom arrived back home. She came in and gave me a hello hug and kiss, and immediately went to dote on her grandsons. They were as excited to see her as she was them. The rest of the evening went by pretty quickly. Mama took over the bathing and feeding duties although she didn't have to, telling us that's what nana's are for and went about tending to her grandsons.

After getting the boys bathed and to sleep, mom kissed both Mitch and me goodnight and said she was going to turn in for the night. She took the baby monitor with her, heading up to her room. Mitch and I took the opportunity to finally relax in the family room. He was on the floor with his back against the couch, with me between his legs, my back against chest. Mitch pulled me close and kissed the back of my head saying, "I love you, Tiger. Today started out kind of rough with the DSS visit, but we found our way through it. Hopefully, we won't have too much of a battle on our hands with this." I took Mitch's hands into mine and brought them to my lips and I kissed them. I said, "I love you too, baby...I hope we don't have to fight too hard either. But, unfortunately, we both have to be battle-ready because I have a feeling that this Amy lady is going to cause us problems. Regardless of the outcome, I'll be here by your side. No matter how rough it gets."

Mitch pulled me tighter against his chest and said, "And that's why I love you. I know that you genuinely love and care for both me and my sons. And believe me when I say it, that we love you just as much babe." He then pulled my face back for a kiss. It started out innocently enough, but, as usual, our kisses became more urgent. I turned around to where I was straddling Mitch's lap. I moved my kisses further down to his neck, and licked and sucked on it where his 5 o'clock shadow tickled my tongue. Mitch moaned deeply, as he slid his hands down my back where he took an ass cheek one in each hand and began to squeeze them. I moaned just as deeply as he did earlier as I felt him spread my ass cheeks further apart.

I pulled his shirt over his head, following which Mitch, in turn, did the same to me. I attacked his collar bone with my tongue and then worked my way down to Mitch's perfect dime sized nipples. All the while, Mitch was pushing my head deeper into his body. He suddenly pulled my head up from his chest and kissed me deeply. Pulling my tongue into his mouth where he sucked on it, causing me to moan into his mouth. He pulled away, both of us breathing heavily, and said, "Let's finish this upstairs, Tiger..." He lifted me to my feet and followed suit. I took him by the hand and led him up the stairs. On the way up to our room, I made the decision that tonight was going to be the night that I finally gave all of myself to Mitch. We made our way to the bedroom where I pushed Mitch onto the bed.

I pulled off his shorts exposing his rock hard cock, and then did the same to myself. I crawled onto the bed between Mitch's legs, running my hands between them as I made my way up to my prize. Mitch's beautiful cock was oozing precum by this point, which made my mouth water even more than it had earlier in the laundry room. I took his cock in my hand and lightly stroked it which caused Mitch to make a low moan. I made sure I made eye contact with him as I lowered my mouth onto his cock. He ran his fingers through my hair as I teased his cock head with my tongue. I kept my mouth on his cock as I went to the side of it, running my tongue down the length of his massive meat. I made my way down to his balls, where I gave them a tongue bath. Taking each one individually and rolling them around in my mouth, and with great effort sucked both of his massive golf ball sized balls into my mouth. I spit in my hands and started stroking Mitch's cock while I continued to give his balls the special attention they deserved with my tongue. Mitch was on cloud nine with the pleasure I was giving him.

He suddenly pulled me up to give me a deep and passionate kiss, squeezing and smacking my ass loudly. I moaned deeply into his mouth as he pulled my cheeks apart, causing my rosebud to twitch. I pulled away from Mitch's mouth, biting his lips on my way up. As I looked down at him I'm sure our eyes looked the same, filled with love and lust for the other. I said to him in a husky voice, "Tonight baby I want you to make love to me...I need to feel all of you...inside of me...I need it..." Mitch looked back at me with love in his eyes and said, "Are you sure, baby? I'm not the smallest guy as you know. It's going to hurt a bit at first...I don't want to..." I cut him off with a kiss and said, "You're not going to hurt me baby...I need to feel your love inside of me, please...I need it." Mitch pulled me down for another passionate kiss suddenly flipping me over onto my back where he got between my legs and started to rim me like his life depended on it.

The times Mitch has rimmed me have always been mind boggling, and this time was no different. He was lapping away at my hole, alternating from swirling his tongue around it to suddenly sticking it in as far as he could, licking the walls of my chute. I was in complete ecstasy, writhing and gripping the sheets as my man made love to my hole with his tongue. Mitch then reached over to the night stand table, where he opened a drawer to reveal lube and magnum condoms. He placed some lube on my hole, and then some on his fingers. Mitch then took his index finger and worked it into my hole to open me up. I suddenly yelled out, "!" as his meaty finger found my prostate, almost causing me to shoot my load when he ran his finger across it. Eventually he had three fingers inside of me tickling and working my opening to accept my monster prize.

I had such lust in my eyes as Mitch looked at me while working my hole open. After he felt I was sufficiently opened up for him he stopped and placed a pillow up under my ass. He reached over to grab some more lube and a condom when I reached out to stop him from opening a condom. I said to him, "Baby, I need to feel all of you, skin on skin. You are my first...I've never slept with anyone. And I know the same is true with you only having one partner being her. Please I need to feel your cock inside me..." Mitch reached down to kiss me and said, "You got it, Tiger."

He then generously lubed up my hole again as well as his cock. He stuck his fingers in again to make sure I was good and open before placing his massive mushroom head against my hole. He bent over to look at me saying, "Baby, I want you to focus your beautiful face on me. I want you to promise me that you'll tell me if this hurts too much so I can stop." I kissed him and said, "I will, baby..." He began pushing his cock inside of me. I started to push out to accept his huge head inside of me. Mitch's eyes were focused on mine the entire time as he slowly worked his way in. He finally got his huge cock head in, which made me gasp loudly. Mitch had a look of terror on his face and asked, "Baby are you okay?! Do you need me to pull out?" I caught my breath and said, "No, baby...just give me some time to adjust and then you can continue."

After I felt that I was adjusted I gave Mitch the go-ahead to continue. He worked his way deeper inside of me, until finally I felt his balls against my ass. Mitch had sweat dripping from his forehead as he looked down at me and asked, "Are you okay baby?" I looked deeply into his eyes and said, "Yes baby. I'm not in pain, I just feel..full...complete." Mitch smiled at me and kissed my lips as he slowly started pulling his cock out of my ass, then reentering. His cock rubbed my prostate, which caused me to moan loudly, as I pulled his chest to mine. I wrapped my legs around his back. Mitch said huskily, "Damn, baby...your ass is so tight...I love it..." I kissed his lips and said, "Only for you, give me that cock."

Mitch needed no more encouragement as he started to pick up speed, making love to my ass. He kissed and sucked on my neck as he drove his cock deeper into my ass pounding my prostate. He sat up and took one of my legs in his hand, and he then brought my foot to his mouth where he began sucking on my toes. His tongue slid up and down the sole of my foot, driving me completely over the edge. Mitch had me to the point where I would start telling state secrets if I knew any. My man was showing me just how much he loved me, and I was loving every second of it. He put my legs over his shoulders and really started to speed up his assault. He took hold of my rock hard leaking cock and started jacking me off. I could feel my orgasm building as well as Mitch's as I felt his cock swelling in my ass. He suddenly moaned out loudly, "I'm going to cum, baby!" And he unloaded his seed deep into my ass. At least 8 shots of warm seed filled my hole. The feeling of his warm cum inside of was all it took, and I, too, began shooting the biggest load of my life. I didn't shoot as much as Mitch, but I still shot five streams all over my chest, some reaching my chin! My cock started to just dribble cum from the tip.

Mitch collapsed on top of me, causing my sticky mess to be trapped in between our chests. We were both breathing heavily as we lay there catching our breath. Mitch lifted his head and looked down at me smiling and exclaiming, "Thank you for that baby...that was the most intense orgasm I think I've ever had!" He then kissed me and I said back to him, "It's yours anytime you want it baby..." We lay there a bit, and then we decided that waking up sticky wouldn't be the best thing. So we hopped out of bed and started for the bathroom. Mitch laughed as he walked behind me as his seed dripped down my leg while I walked. We got in the shower and washed each other off, making out the entire time. By the time we got out of the shower and back into bed, we were both exhausted. As per his usual, Mitch spooned up behind me and pulled me close to his chest. I said, "I love you, daddy..." Mitch kissed the back of my neck and said, "I love you too baby." We both fell asleep shortly after, completely satisfied with the love we had made.

Next: Chapter 13

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