Trials and Tales of Law and Love

By Grant Watson

Published on Apr 26, 2015


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any of the characters or occurrences in this story is completely coincidence. If you are offended by anything relating to gay behavior please exit this page. This story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed consent of the author.

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Chapter 13 - New Friends

The next morning I woke up to Mitch un-wrapping his arms from around me. I moaned out as I felt his body heat leave my back side. He chuckled and said "I'll be right back tiger, I've got to take a wicked leak, and I won't be long." I turned over and watched Mitch's cute ass as he walked off to the master bath. I thought to myself how lucky I was to have him in my life. The love we made last night solidified the love we both felt for each other. It amazed me how in such a short period of time, we had become so connected. I've never felt this way about anyone or anything before, it's both exhilarating and scary at the same time. The way I feel about Mitch and the boys is the best feeling in the world, and it's something that I hope I never have to give up.

Mitch walked back into the bedroom and climbed back into bed behind me. I pushed back into his chest and he wrapped his strong muscular arms around me. I moaned a little at the warmth of his body and said "I could definitely get used to waking up every morning wrapped in your arms. You make me feel so safe babe." Mitch then kissed the back of my neck and said "It's my job to make you feel safe Baby, both you and our sons. As long as I'm living you three will always be protected and well taken care of. I promise." I didn't even have to respond to his statement. He knew how i felt when I pushed further back into Mitch which caused him to moan out this time as a result of my ass pushing against his semi hard cock. I then said "And that's why I love you babe." I turned my head around and gave Mitch a long kiss, which turned into quite the make out session.

We finally came up for air, when we heard the sound of the boys cries. Mitch laughed and said "Duty calls babes...hold that spot until later." We then pulled apart and headed toward the nursery to check on our sons. My mom was heading up the stairs just as we made it to the boys door. She smiled at us and said "I see you boys are up finally, I'll let you take care of the munchkins while I finish up breakfast." I then walked over to her and gave her a good morning kiss on the cheek and said "Thank You", while Mitch followed suit doing the same.

We walked into the nursery to get our little guys ready for the day. I went to Aiden's crib, while Mitch went to Alex's crib. We each picked up our sons, and walked over to the couch to sit with them for a while. Our little guys just looked up at us with big smiles as they became fully awake. I leaned forward and gave Aiden a big kiss to his delight, and not to be outdone Alex cooed out when I did. Both Mitch and I chuckled at this, and I said "Oh you want a kiss too little guy! Here you go!" I then leaned over to Mitch's lap and gave Alex his share of kisses, which brought a big smile to his cute little face.

Mitch and I went about getting our boys ready for the day, and then brought them downstairs. Mama was busy at work making breakfast for her men. Both Mitch and I each walked over to let Mama give Alex and Aiden a good morning kiss. After thoroughly kissing each of her grandsons she said "You guys go on upstairs and get ready for the day, I'll take care of the boys and have breakfast ready when you come back down."

We both thanked her and headed to the stairs to our bedroom to get ready. I asked Mitch "What do you want to do today babe? Since I start school Monday I was thinking about maybe taking the boys to the park or something?" Mitch slapped my ass and then said "That sounds like a great idea babe! Let's get showered and dressed then tell Mama about our plans." I walked into the master bath to get our shower started, dropping my robe in the bedroom on the way in. I walked into the shower to turn on and adjust the water temperature. I leaned over to turn the knob and I felt Mitch wrap me up in his arms. I leaned back into him, as he tightened his grip on my body.

Mitch began kissing on my neck which caused me to throw my head back at the feelings he was giving my body. We stepped under one of the many shower heads in the shower. I turned around in Mitch's arms and kissed him deeply as the water from the shower cascaded down over our heads. Mitch ran his hands down my back, finally resting his hand on each of my ass cheeks as I pushed my tongue deeper into his mouth. Mitch grinded his cock into mine, causing both of us to moan even louder into each other's mouths. The sensual motions soon overtook both of us and we soon released our loads between our stomachs. I was so overcome with emotions that Mitch had to steady my body so that I wouldn't fall.

Mitch leaned forward and placed his forehead on mine. Neither one of us speaking, just expressing the love we just shared between us by getting lost in each other's eyes. I straightened my head after a while, and lightly kissed Mitch on the lips. I then proceeded to wash Mitch's body as he did the same for me. After thoroughly washing each other, we walked out of the shower where we then proceeded to dry each other's bodies off. After toweling me down, Mitch took me into his arms and said "I want to spend the rest of my life doing these things with you babe. I'm going to make sure that I do everything I possibly can to make sure you are never unhappy. In such a short period of time, you have become such an integral part of not only my life, but Alex and Aiden as well. All three of us love you to death." He then proceeded to lightly kiss my lips, and then reached up to wipe the tears that were falling from my eyes at the expression of love that he just said to me.

After I finally got myself together emotionally, we picked out each other's clothes for the day. We both ended up in khaki cargo shorts, muscle Abercrombie tees, and Brown Leather Rainbow Flip-Flops. Mitch grabbed a baseball cap to match his shirt, and then tossed me one to go with the one I was wearing. We walked past the full length body mirror, and stopped to look. I had to admit the reflection we saw looking back at us was quite hot. We looked like two teenage surfer boys. Mitch pulled me to his side and kissed my neck, and then we headed downstairs to eat breakfast with Mama and the boys.

The boy's faces lit up at the site of Mitch and me as we picked them up from their bassinet. We took them over to the table to feed them their bottles, as Mama plated our breakfast and brought them over to us. Our boys must have been hungry, because they finished their bottles in no time at all. Mama came over with her plate next and said "So what do you guys have planned today?" I pulled the bottle out of Aiden's mouth and sat him up to burp him, then said "Mitch and I were thinking about taking the boys to the park downtown for some fresh air." Mama said "That sounds like a great idea. I was actually going to stay around the house today and clean up some. Probably do you boy's laundry." Mitch sat Alex down after burping him and said "Mom you don't have to do that, Tony and I can take care of that." Mama shushed him and said "I'm fine; you boys enjoy your day out with your sons. Let Mama take care of the house, I have nothing else to do."

Mitch and I finished eating our food, and then took the boys upstairs and got the boys dressed and bathed to go out for the day. After dressing them, we took them downstairs. Mama had prepared a picnic lunch for us, and had bottles ready for the boys packed into their diaper bags. Mama knew how to care of her boys! Mitch handed Aiden to me, so that he could pack the basket, bags, and double stroller into the back of the Range Rover. After getting everything packed up Mama gave both boys ample amount of kisses, which brought squeals from both of the boys. I gave Mama a hug and so did Mitch. I then said "Thanks for packing all of this for us Mama. You didn't have to go through all of this trouble just for us. I don't know what we would do without you sometimes. You have been a big help to us, and I really want to tell you how much I love you for accepting all of these changes so quickly and lovingly. I love you!" Mama's eyes were glistening, she looked at me and said "Papo it's my job to love you for you. As long as you are happy, I'm happy. And as far as you Mitch, I look at you as my fourth son. I love him like he is my own. And don't get me started on those two bundles of joys in your arms. Now you guys have fun, and I'll see you when you get back to the house."

We loaded the boys into the Range Rover, and then I climbed into the front seat with Mitch. We pulled out of the driveway and headed downtown to Finley Park. Mitch put his hand in mine, as he drove. At a stop light he picked up my hand and kissed it. We both were excited as this would be our first outing as a family. We arrived to Finley and found a place to park. The park was somewhat crowded with other families taking advantage of the great weather that was out today. We loaded the boys into the double stroller, and took their diaper bag along with a blanket and placed them below the stroller. I put the stroller's sun visor over the boys so that they wouldn't get sunburned or too hot. I pushed the stroller while Mitch walked beside us.

Both Alex and Aiden's eyes were looking all over as we walked along the park pathway. This was only their second time being outside of the house, the other being the trip home from the hospital. It felt so good to be out with Mitch and our sons; Just being here with him and the boys walking around the park really hit home with me, as I looked around at the other families out enjoying their day. I realized that I had an actual family of my own. Something I thought that I as a gay man would never have. Tons of people walked by and stopped to speak to Mitch and me and to look at the boys. Everyone said how cute they were, and no one seemed to give us any side way looks as we said they were "our" sons as we introduced ourselves. It made both Mitch and feel pretty good, to see so many accepting people.

We found a shady spot, next to a large oak tree. There were two very attractive looking guys throwing a football back and forth to a little boy who had to be no more than 4 or 5. One of the guys waved to us as we walked over to the tree so that we could set out the blanket under the shade. I wanted to take the boys out of the stroller so that they didn't get too fussy being cooped up in the stroller the whole time during our walk. Mitch spread the blanket out as I got the twins out of their stroller. Mitch realized he forgot the picnic basket and said "Wait here babe, I forgot to get the picnic basket out of the Range, and I'll be right back." He then kissed me on the cheek and took off to get the basket out of the car.

I took the boys out of the stroller and I settled onto the blanket with a baby in each arm. I was watching the two guys and the little boy throw the football back and forth. It was the cutest thing to see the little boy try to throw the ball back to the older men. I imagined Mitch and me playing with our sons like that when they got older. At some point the ball came rolling in my direction. The little boy took off to come get it. As he got closer to the blanket where the boys and I sat I saw that he was quite the cute little guy. He had curly dirty blonde hair, with the greenest eyes I'd ever seen. He smiled at me as he picked up his ball at the edge of our blanket. He then said "Hi I'm Hunter. What's your name?" He then stepped closer to look at the boys, then looked up at me and smiled. I then smiled back at him and said "Well it's nice to meet you Hunter, I'm Tony. And these little guys are name Alex and Aiden." He smiled and then said "Can I hold one?"

At this point the two men who were playing football with the little walked up to our blanket. I got a better look at them as well. They both were quite the lookers, both extremely handsome. One of them who looked exactly like Hunter except his hair was shorter spoke to him and said "Hunt leave the nice man alone, he's enjoying his time out with his sons ok?" Hunter looked up and said "But Dad...Mr. Tony said I could hold a baby!" I chuckled and then stepped in and said "Its fine, he can hold one of them. I'm Tony by the way." The two guys sat down on the edge of the blanket and the man who spoke to Hunter said with a killer smile "Well it's nice to meet you Tony. I'm Troy and this is Trent my partner. It seems as if you've already met our son Hunter." I raised my eyes at Troy's statement that Trent was his "partner" and the fact that he indicated that Hunter was both of their sons. Trent and Troy just looked at each other and smiled at my reaction.

I looked both Troy and Trent over. Troy was about 6'3 with the same green eyes as little Hunter. His hair was also the same dirty blonde color but instead of being curly, it was cut short. You could tell from the tight t-shirt that he was wearing that he was definitely in shape. His chest and abs were clearly defined under his shirt. Trent on the other hand was a tad bit shorter then Troy at about 6'1. He had flaming red hair, with prettiest blue eyes and the fairest skin. From the looks of the way he filled out his clothes you could tell that Trent was in just as good shape as Troy.

By this time Mitch had arrived back at the tree where we were all seated with the picnic basket. He sat down and kissed me on the cheek and said "Hey guys how are you?" I then went on to introduce Mitch Troy, Trent, and Hunter who at this time was holding Alex with Troy steadying his head. Mitch invited them to stay for lunch after looking in the picnic basket to see that Mama had made extra Italian subs for us. They declined at first saying they didn't want to impose, but after I told them it was fine and we wanted the company they stayed.

Through the course of our lunch we each took turns telling each other about ourselves. We found out that Troy and Trent had been together for 3 years. Both worked in the medical field, with Troy being a general practitioner and Trent being a nurse at his clinic. They had always been close with each one having grown up in Charleston, SC. Apparently they grew up near each other and in the same circle of friends. Troy's wife died of a sudden heart attack right Hunter's first birthday. Trent was there to help Troy take care of Hunter as Troy's wife died. They soon fell in love with each other, and it's been history ever since. We relayed our story to them, and they were extremely disgusted of Rebecca's behavior. But applauded both Mitch and I for taking care of our sons the way we were. The boys were passed around between the five of us, and they loved all the attention they were getting from us.

It was soon time for us to pack up and head back to the house. We exchanged numbers with Troy and Trent, and were on our way back to the Range Rover. Troy, Trent, and Hunter were walking back with us, with Hunter trying to help push the stroller with his "new cousins" as he put it. All four of us adults smiled at his comment of the twins and his self being cousins. Before departing we gave each other a hug, and Trent then said "Why don't you guys come out to the house next weekend for a Bar-B-Q?" You can bring the boys and whomever else you'd like. Everything else would be handled." Both Mitch and I agreed to meet up the following weekend and then we said our goodbyes and we were off on our way to the house.

After getting the boys settled in the car, we were off. While driving down the road Mitch took my hand in his and said "Troy and Trent were very nice, and little Hunter was so cute. I can see us building a lasting friendship with them." I smiled and said "I know what you mean; I'm looking forward to meeting up with them next weekend. I'll have to tell mom so that she can come as well." Suddenly my phone started ringing, I looked to see who it was and it was mama. I answered it and said with a laugh "Hey Mama I was just talking about you, you must have been thinking about me as well." She then said "Tony, you and Mitch get home ASAP, there are two police officers here with a lady who said she was with DSS. They are asking where you and Mitch are at." I told her we would be there ASAP.

I hung up the phone and looked over at Mitch. We both had concerned looks on our faces, and I suddenly had a sinking feeling in my stomach. We drove in silence for the rest of the way not knowing what to think about what Mom just told us. I told Mitch to pull over into a gas station that was near the house. He said "What's wrong?" I said "Please baby just pull over, I need to look at the boys. I have a feeling that we are about to lose them to DSS." Mitch's eyes showed the same concern I had, and he pulled into the gas station. We got and looked in the backseat to see that our sons were fast asleep. I gave each of them a kiss, as tears were rolling down my cheek; Mitch did the same as me.

I didn't understand how such a perfect day was turning to such shit. I hoped and prayed that DSS wasn't there to take away our sons. We climbed back into the front seat of the truck, where Mitch immediately took my hand. He said to me "It's going to be ok babe, whatever happens when we get to the house, it will be ok. I promise you." We drove in silence all the way back to the house to see two police cruiser and a Lincoln town car parked in front of our house. We pulled into the garage and unloaded the boys, and headed into the house. We walked into the kitchen with me holding Aiden, and Mitch holding Alex who were both still fast asleep in our arms. Mama met us at the kitchen door, with two police officers and the social worker from before Amy Jones standing behind her. Ms. Jones stepped from behind Mama and said "Mr. Brown, I am here on the behalf of the Department of Social Services and the state of South Carolina to remove your young charges, Aiden Michael Brown and Mitchell Alexander Brown V from your custody to an unsafe living environment."

It seemed like my assumption would be correct. Social Services were going to try and remove the boys from our home. After Ms. Jones, made her statement my body went instantly numb. It was feeling that I never felt before in my entire life. Such utter pain, and sorrow. Part of me was saying to myself lets just get the kids and run, while the other was saying lets not make it any worse of the situation. My eyes were tearing up at the fact that I knew this might be the last time I held either of the boys for a while. I looked at Mitch, who was looking over at me. I could tell from the look in his eyes that we were both feeling the exact same way at this point.

The shrill voice of Ms. Jones broke our exchanged looks, she said with a slight hint of venom in her voice "OK gentlemen if you dont mind please hand the children over to me and one of the officers behind me. I will need you to pack up any minor necessities for the boys, and also I will need the car seats that I'm assuming you are transporting them in." Before either I nor Mitch could say anything, my mother stepped in and said very heatedly "Im not sure on what grounds you are insinuating that my sons have provided an unsafe environment for these two beautiful babies, but one thing I do know is that you are a guest...though unwelcome in this house. Being such, you will speak to each of us here with the same respect and dignity that we gave you, despite the unfound reasons you have barged into this home today!" My mother was heated! The italian accent was laid on thick with each word she directed towards both Ms. Jones, and the police officers hulking behind her. It gave me such a sense of pride to hear her refer to Mitch as her son. I thought to myself that there was no turning back now when it came to Mitch, my mother has officially claimed him.

Ms. Jones didn't know what to say at this point. From the look on her face I couldn't tell if she wanted to explode, or crawl into the nearest hole in the wall. She quickly regained her composure and said "Let's hurry up with this process please." I looked down at little Aiden who I was holding, who thankfully was fast asleep as was his brother. I gave him a kiss on the forehead, and then I walked over to Mitch so that he could do the same thing. He repeated my gestures on Aiden, while I did the same thing to Alex. We then both reluctantly walked passed Ms. Jones, who had a disgusted look on her face and handed our boys over to the police officers.

I made eye contact with one of them, as I placed Aiden in his arms. His eyes looked so sad, as if this was the last place he wanted to be right now. I immediately fell somewhat at ease as I saw the way he carefully held Aiden as if it was his life's mission to make sure that no harm was brought to him. He looked down at my son, and I saw a sparkle in his eye. I looked at the badge that he was wearing and saw that it said L. Hutchinson. I would have to keep that in mind as he might be able to shed some light on all of what was happening at some point. I didn't want to get my hopes up though.

Mitch did the same thing with handing over Alex to the other officer. Who I noticed didn't have quite the same sad look as Officer Hutchinson had, but he did look like this was the last place he wanted to be at this moment. He held onto Alex with the same care that Officer Hutchinson held onto Aiden. Mitch and I then begrudgingly began packing up some essentials for our sons.

When reaching the boys nursery, Mitch pulled me into his arms and said with tears sparkling in his eyes "Tony...I need you to be strong for me...I know I made a promise that I would always protect both they boys and you...but right now I feel as I'm failing...I'm just so..." I cut him off with my own set of tears welling up in my eyes by placing my index and middle finger on his lips and said "Baby you haven't failed neither I or the boys. This situation is something that cant be controlled. But you mark my words we will get our boys back if its the last thing that we do!" I then removed my fingers and replaced them with my lips. Both Mitch and I quivered as our lips touched but the warmth of our bodies soon calmed us down.

We each filled the boys respective diaper bags with more then a weeks amount of baby clothes, pacifiers, toys, etc. I pulled one of the boxes of diapers out of the walk in closet, while Mitch grabbed wipes, lotions, etc. and placed them in a separate bag. Some may feel that was a little much to give to DSS to care for our boys, but Mitch nor I wanted the boys to do without the comforts they were used to. Although them leaving us temporarily we hoped for the moment was out of our hands we still wanted them taken care of. Even if it was not by us.

Mitch walked down the stairs with two bags, while I followed behind with a bag and a economy size box of diapers. Both officers looked our way when they saw the amount of stuff that we were bringing down. Ms. Jones looked our way with a curt smile, and said with the same annoying venomous tone "No need to bring all of their things, they will be taken care of before they are placed." It was I who spoke before anyone else this time, I said "Now you listen here, this is not even 1% of what these boys own. Its an utter display of disrespect for you to make the assumption that we would just pack up all of our boys things, so that you all can reap the benefits of what we've lovingly and dutifully provided for our sons!" With each word I spoke, I could tell that the Italian was definitely coming out of me full force just as it had done with Mama earlier.

Once again Ms. Jones didn't know whether to explode or crawl into a corner. She just looked from Mitch, to my mother, to me, and then at the officers repeatedly. She finally spoke after a minute or so, but directed her words toward Mitch without even looking Mama or my direction. She said "A hearing for the boys will brought for a family court judge tomorrow afternoon at 3:30pm. The determination of where YOUR SONS will be place will be discussed." At her last statement she looked at me such smugness I wanted to smack her where she stood. The way she emphasized to Mitch with the words "YOUR SONS" was completely unnecessary. I could tell Mama was feeling the same way because she came up beside me with both fists balled.

Mitch looked angrier then I have ever seen him before and he said "That is fine, both Tony and I will be there to see what we can do to get OUR SONS back! Now if you would follow me we will get the rest of the boys stuff, so that you can be your way. You are no longer welcome in this home." Mitch then walked towards the front door, with me following, followed by Ms. Jones and the officers, with Mama bringing up the rear. She stopped both officers before they got out of the door and asked if she could give her grandsons a kiss before they left. Both officers looked at each other, and then obliged. Mama kissed each boy thoroughly, with tears running down her face. Thankfully both our boys were still asleep.

Mitch and I packed the boys items into the trunk of the Lincoln Town Car. Ms. Jones still had the same smug look of winning at the sight of the boys being taken away from us. I knew at that moment that I would do everything that I could no matter the cost to get our boys back home regardless of what it took. The car seats were placed in the back of Ms. Jones car. And the officers headed towards the car with our sons in tow.

The officer that I made eye contact stopped so that I could look at Aiden who was slowly stirring awake. I went to look at him with tears coming down my cheek. I kissed my son on his forehead, then I looked up at the officer and said "Please make sure that they take care of my babies..." He looked at me with eyes watering and said to me "Dont worry...I wont let any harm come their way." He then with free hand reached into his pocket and handed me a card with his contact information. He then looked around, I guess to make sure that Ms. Jones wasn't nearby and then said "Give me a call when you guys get settled." I nodded in the affirmative and then looked at the card containing his contact information.

Mitch then came over to kiss Aiden goodbye, as the other officer had stopped so that he could do the same as I did to Alex. I went over to kiss my other son goodbye who also was slowly stirring awake. I looked up at the other officers face to speak and he cut me off and said "We will make sure that they are taken well care of...dont worry." I could tell with his words that he meant what he said. I could only mouth the words "Thank You" at this point.

The evil woman Ms. Jones was standing at the drivers side door of the car, looking impatiently our direction. She blew her breath in annoyed tone and said "Officers if you would please put these children in their car seats, I have to get them to DSS so that we can get them processed and placed with a temporary family for the evening." The officers both shot her dirty looks but didn't say anything, as they both went to their respective sides to load the boys into the back of the town car.

Mitch and I at this point were standing back watching, not believing the scene that was unfolding before our eyes. Our sons...our baby boys...were being forcefully taken from us...and there was nothing that we could do about it right now. As soon as the boys were buckled in the officer each shut the back doors. The sound of the car doors shutting up must have startled our sons, because we immediately heard cries coming from the back of the car. I started to go to the cars to soothe my sons, but Mitch pulled me back towards him.

I watched as the town car drove away with our sons, with that bitch of a woman behind the wheel. Before pulling out of the driveway completely she smiled at us as she knew that she'd won for the moment. She fully pulled out, and the two police cars followed. The enormity of what had happened finally overcame me, and at the point I broke down in tears. Mitch wrapped his arms around me and he just let me cry, which at this time I felt not only my tears but also his tears falling down on me.

Mitch kissed the top of my head and then pulled my face up to look up into his and said "Tony...Baby...I promise we will do everything that to get our boys back. What has happened has been unjust and unfair, and I believe that our sexuality has played a big role in what has happened here. To make a decision based on a persons sex is not only wrong, but extremely hateful. I promise that I'll get our sons back, even if its the last thing that I do." He then put his face down and lightly brushed his lips across mine. Mitch then lifted me up and carried me into the house, where Mama closed the door behind us.

Next: Chapter 14

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