Trials and Tales of Law and Love

By Grant Watson

Published on Dec 9, 2014


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any of the characters or occurrences in this story is completely coincidence. If you are offended by anything relating to gay behavior please exit this page. This story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed consent of the author. If you have any questions, or even if you want to comment on the story feel free to e-mail me at Enjoy!

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Chapter 3 - New Additions

I tossed and turned the whole night. I guess out of nervousness for my run with Mitch the next morning. The little bit of sleep that I did get happened right before my alarm went off. I laid there for a bit after I woke up, with a million questions and thoughts going through my mind. I don't know why I was so spent on this man. All throughout college I ran to many attractive guys, who definitely had potential. But none of them had invaded my mind like Mitch had. The sad thing is I have only known him for 3 days. Although when I'm around him I get nervous I feel as if I was meant to be in his company. He makes me feel safe in a way.

I decided to get up and get ready for my run. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and combed my hair. Although I was going for a run, I wanted to look somewhat presentable. I got my running gear on and headed to our designated meet up spot. I was a little early so I decided to do some stretches as I waited for Mitch. I was in the middle of squatting down stretching my legs when I looked up into the crotch of a shirtless man. A voice said "Looking good Tony." I looked further up and realized it was Mitch! Looking down at me smiling! I sputtered "Um...uh thanks. I was just doing some stretches." I realized I was still at eye level with Mitch's massive bulge. I got up quickly and he laughed. He said "I decided to wear my normal outfit, you know me being shirtless. I figured hell I might as well he's seen without a shirt more then with a shirt." He laughed, then said in a somewhat flirtatious but joking tone "I hope you like." Before I knew it I said "I sure do." He laughed and pulled me into his side and said "Good, let's get our run in".

We started out a brisk pace, which I was grateful for. I didn't want to get to winded at the very beginning of our run. It was actually nice, as we ran by certain places he would tell me a little about them. A brief history if you will. About 20 minutes into our workout, he slowed his pace to a light jog. He said "Tony I really want to apologize to you for my wife's behavior, it was completely unacceptable." I replied "No Mitch it's fine, I understand. She's pregnant and she's under a lot of stress and pressure with carrying two babies." He then said "Tony to be honest it's not fine. Although my wife is 8 months pregnant her attitude would be the same if she wasn't pregnant at all, she can be a very hateful person at times. Very spoiled." Before I knew it I found myself saying "Well why are you with her then? Wait Mitch that was way out of line, now it's my turn to apologize." At that point he just stopped and looked me in the eyes. He moved closer to my face and said "To be honest Tony, I am not sure. But there is no need to apologize. I've been asking myself this for the past 4 years of my life." He said. We then continued running, both of deep in thought not saying much more after that. We rounded the corner onto a street with some very nice updated colonial style homes. He said ".This is the street I live on. When we get around the curb I'll show you my house." As we got closer to the curb I started to see flashing lights. I said "Mitch do you see that?" He was fidgeting with his phone, and said "No, what?" Then he broke off into a run and I quickly followed.

Apparently the light that I saw was an ambulance, and it was in Mitch's front yard. When I finally caught up to him Rebecca was being wheeled out onto a stretcher. Apparently she had gone into labor. She had called 911 but not Mitch. I could see the look on Mitch's face, it was one of panic and fear as he talked to the EMS workers. I walked over to Mitch, but kept my distance not wanting to invade his space. The EMS workers said that Rebecca would be fine, but they would need him to drive behind the ambulance. As they would need room to work on her. They loaded Rebecca into the back of the ambulance, as Mitch walked over to her. He reached for her hand, and said "Everything will be alright, I'll be right behind you." She pulled her hand back almost in recoil and said "I'm fine, I'll see you there." Then they shut the doors.

Mitch looked as if he lost his puppy. I walked up to him and put my arm on his shoulder and said "Everything will be fine. Why don't you grab a shirt and I'll drive you to the hospital." He said "No I can't ask you to do that Tony." I replied back "No questions, I'm driving you. You are in no condition to drive. Now go inside and get a shirt so we can get to the hospital." He then took off Into the house to get a shirt. He was out in a flash, he tossed some keys to me and said "We'll take the Rover Rover, it already has the car seats in the back." So I walked over to the SUV and hopped into the driver side, while he walked to the passenger and got in. I backed out of the drive way and was on my way to the hospital. I had to get directions from Mitch as I wasn't familiar with the part of town we were going in yet.

As we were driving I had my hand on the arm rest in between the seats. I felt a hand on top of mind, which then in turned squeezed it. I looked down at it and then at Mitch, who then said "Thank You for doing this for me. I really don't know what to think right now, but I'm glad you are with me at this moment. For some reason, you are actually calming me down. I just can't put my finger on it. But thank you for being here, and and for being you. " I didn't know how to respond to what he just said, so I said "Anytime Mitch, that's what friends are for." Oddly, he left his hand on top of mind until we got to the hospital. When we arrived to the emergency room, Mitch hopped out before I could even stop the car. I found a park and headed on in.

When I got in Mitch was following one of the orderlies to the back. He spotted me and said "Tony call my dad and let him know where we are. He should be at the office by now." And then he disappeared behind two double swinging doors. I took out my iPhone to call the law firm office. After a couple rings Lisa picked up the phone "Schuster, Brown and Associates, this is Lisa speaking. How can I help you?" I replied "Lisa it's me Tony is Mr. Brown in?" She said "He just walked in Tony. Is everything alright?" I then told her what happened this morning, and she hurriedly went and informed Mr. Brown. She came back to the phone and asked what hospital we were at, and for me to stay there win Mitch until he got there. I told her I would and that I would see her later on in the day.

About 20 minutes later Mr. Brown walked into the emergency waiting room. He saw me and came over to where I was sitting. He sat beside me and said "Tony thank you for getting my son here safely. I know he was in no condition to drive." I told him "No problem Mr. Brown, I figured that those babies need their dad, and I figured he would be no use to them hurt or even worse dead because of a traffic accident." He chuckled and said "Right you are son, right you are." I then said "Well I guess I better head home to shower and change to get to the office. I drove Mitch's Range Rover up here, so I'll jut call a cab to get a lift back." As I handed him the keys. He then said "Nonsense son. You take Mitch's car home, shower and change and you come back up here to the hospital." I was slightly startled and he noticed it, chuckled and said " I want you to be the first to meet my new grandsons. That paperwork will be there when we get back. Now hurry back". I laughed and told him ok, and that I'd be right back.

I rushed out of the hospital and went straight home to shower and change. I was so happy for Mitch. He was about to become father to two beautiful baby boys. But at the same time I felt sorry for him, because he had to share parenting responsibilities with someone who cared about themselves more then anyone else. I pulled into my apartment and rushed in to shower and change. I was in and out in about 30 minutes and back on my way to the hospital. When I got back a nurse met me at the receptionist desk. She told me that she was to bring me back as soon as I got there. She told me to follow her, and I headed for the double doors with her right beside me, to show me where to go.

We got to the room and I saw through the window a kodak moment. Mitch was standing up holding one of his two baby boys, while his father was holding the other. He looked like he was so in love, and I thought to myself those are two lucky little boys. He looked up from his newborn son, and saw me looking in at them. He gave me what seemed like a longing look, smile and winked at me, and then looked back down at his son. I looked over at Rebecca, and she just seemed like she was in a daze. She was communicating with the doctor with her usual attitude but not really coherent. I figured it must be the drugs. I didn't want to intrude anymore, and started to walk away when Mr. Brown caught sight of me, and waved me in. Mitch walked in my direction, and said "Mitchell Alexander Brown V I would like you to meet your Uncle Tony." He said as he placed the baby boy into my arms. I looked down into his face and saw the most beautiful baby boy. He looked just like his father. At the same moment Mr. Brown walked up and placed his grandson in his fathers arms, and then Mitch said "and now Aiden Michael Brown I would like like for you to meet your Uncle Tony." He said as he brought his other new born son beside me. He was just as beautiful as his brother. Both of them the spitting image of there father. I looked up and Mitch was looking at me, I could see something different In those beautiful grey eyes of his that I hadn't seen before. I

I looked over at Rebecca and she had an obvious look of hatred and disgust on her face. So I decided to walk over and place her son into her arms. When I got over to do so, she look at me and said "No I'm fine, you keep him." I thought this was very odd, but held onto the baby. Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought it strange because after that and everybody's eyes were on Rebecca. I walked over to Mr. Brown and handed him his new grandson. He winked at me and told me to hold on before I left. I waited out in the hall for him until he came out. He walked up to me and said "Well son thank you for being here. I see your a new uncle. Which makes you one of my 2nd son." He laughed, I blushed and said "it looks like it, I was kind of shocked when Mitch introduced me the boys as there Uncle." He replied back "Don't be. Mitch was an only child, and he obviously has become quite close with you over these past couple of days. I'm just glad you were here for him this morning." I told him no problem, and that I was headed to the office. He told me it was no rush, but thanked me for being so diligent. He said that he would see me later on at the office. I waved bye to Mitch in the window, he had a look of sadness in his eyes for a plot second but forced a smile and waved at me. I left Mr. Brown with the keys and told him I was going to catch a cab, he said it wasn't necessary. But since I insisted that I want to leave Mitch with his car, he pulled a 50.00 bill out of his wallet and handed it to me. And said "it's for the cab." I started to refuse it but he shushed me, and put the folded note in my front shirt pocket and smiled. He told me would see me later this afternoon, and then he walked back into the room with his son and his new family.

I walked to the front of the hospital and hailed a cab. I told him where I was going and hopped in. My mind was running a million miles a minute. I really didn't know what to think at this point. From the conversation during the run, the one in the car, the look Mitch gave me when he was holding his son, the look he gave me when I was holding his son, the list goes on and on. But what stood out the most to me was Rebecca's behavior. I found it extremely odd, when I went to give her her newborn son that she refused to hold him. I didn't know what to think of that. Most mothers want to hold there child after birth if they are able. I tried to put all of these thoughts out of mind as The cab pulled up to my apartment, I paid him and headed upstairs to freshen up before I went into the office.

The rest of the week seemed to fly by. I thought about going up to the hospital a couple of times, but decided against it. I wanted to give Mitch and his new family space. I more so wanted to give Rebecca space. I came to the conclusion that her behavior in the room was because of my presence there. I mean she just gave birth, and a complete stranger was in her room holding one of her two sons not even an hour later. Although I did want to see Mitch and those beautiful boys again, I made myself focus on my work. With Mitch being gone, I was basically passed around among the partners. It didn't matter which lawyer I was placed with, I seemed to excel in my task given.

It had been three days since Rebecca gave birth to the boys. It was Friday, the end of my first week at the firm. I was getting prepared to leave the office, when Mr. Brown stopped me. "Headed home Uncle Tony?" He laughed. I chuckled, then replied back "Yes sir. It's been a long but great week." He put his hand on my shoulder, then said "Well I'm very appreciative the work you've been doing around here. The partners can't seem to stop saying good things about you. I knew I made the right choice about hiring you, when Peters called me. Keep up the good work." I said "Thank you sir. And how are those new grand babies of yours?" He said "they are doing great! They should be going home tomorrow. Rebecca was released yesterday, but they want to keep the boys a little longer just to make sure everything is ok before releasing them. Why don't you head up to see them?" I said "I've been thinking about it, but I didn't want to intrude." He squeezed my shoulder and said "Nonsense! Go see those boys. As a matter fact, I'm making that apart of your job this evening." He laughed and winked at me and then said "Make sure you go see them. I'll be away at Hilton Head this weekend at an golf tournament. But if you need anything just call." He then squeezed my shoulder and walked away.

I guess I'm going to the hospital this evening I thought to myself with a smile. I gathered my things and headed to the elevator. After getting in my car, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I looked at it and saw it was Mitch. I answered "Hey Mitch, how are the boys?" He said solemnly "Hey Tony, they are great. Um I was just curious, but where are you?" I was kind of startled by him asking where I was but I replied "I'm just leaving the office. What's up, do you need anything?" He then said, "I'm at my house, can you come by?" I said "Sure, when do you want me to come by?" He said " now if possible. But if your busy, it's fine. I don't want to take up your time." I said back "No it's fine, I'm going to go home and change, then I'll be right over. Do you need me to bring you anything?" He replied in a low voice " No, just bring yourself." I didn't know how to respond to that statement so I said "OK, I'll see you in a bit." I didn't know what to think as I made the drive to Mitch's house. I really didn't want to go there if Rebecca was going to be home. I hoped that she wasn't there, maybe she was visiting the boys at the hospital.

When I got there, I got out and went to the front door. I knocked but no one answered. I stood at the door for about 2-3 minutes and continued to knock. I decided to call Mitch, I thought maybe something happened at the hospital and he had to leave suddenly. I dialed his number and he answered "Are you here yet?" I said "Yeah I am, I've been knocking for a while now." He replied " Sorry, the door is open. Just come in, I'm upstairs in the twins nursery." I hung up and went in. I felt very awkward considering this was my first time entering Mitch's house. I went upstairs and called out Mitch's name. He said "In here!" I followed his voice to a room at the end of the hallway. I walked in to the sight of Mitch in a rocking chair between two cribs. He looked as if he'd been crying. I asked " Is everything ok Mitch?" He sniffled then said "No, no it's not. I brought Rebecca home yesterday. Everything seemed fine...I mean she was her usual moody self, but nothing out of the usual. She told me to go visit the boys, she wanted to get some rest. I told her to call me if she needed me, and she said ok. I left to visit the boys, and I just had this strange feeling that something was off, but I just brushed it off. I saw my boys, then decided to come back to check on Rebecca. This letter was on the armoire in our bedroom." He said as he handed me the letter. I read the letter and could not believe my eyes.

It read "I can't do this anymore. This is not the life I want to live. I'm not giving up anything else for anyone anymore. I refuse to be second to anyone. And I know with these babies here, you'll be more occupied with them. What about my needs?! Where does that leave me?! I gave you two sons, now I'm taking something for me. I've taken all the money in our joint account. Your a lawyer, you'll make more money. But as for seeing me again...forget it. I want nothing more to do with you, or them. I want a divorce."

Rebecca had left. She took his money and left him with two newborn boys. I just couldn't fathom someone being so selfish. How could a mother abandoned her two children like that? Two newborn babies at that! I just couldn't believe that someone could be so selfish. And I can only imagine how Mitch is feeling right now. I looked up from the letter and moved in his direction. I went and kneeled down in front of him and said "Mitch I know this is rough on you, I'm so sorry." He looked at me with tears streaming down his face and said "I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't do this alone...those beautiful boys deserve better then this. I..." I reached up and put my fingers to his lips and said "Don't do this Mitch, don't doubt yourself. I know it's scary, but you can do this." I looked into his eyes and said "You won't be alone. I'll help you out until you get on your feet with this." He put his hands on my shoulders and said "Tony, I can't ask you to do that, it's too much. I said back "You didn't ask, I offered. I love kids, and I can show you the ends and outs of everything you need to know. I'm here for you man." He hugged me and said "Thank you Tony. I really don't know what I would be doing with out you right now. I'm just afraid." I hugged him back and said "I know it's scary but you can do it.

I got up and told Mitch to call his dad. He needed his father to know about what was going on with Rebecca. While Mitch called his dad I started looking around the nursery to see if there was anything missing that might be needed. After doing a quick inventory, I saw that everything was pretty well stocked. As Mitch was telling his father of the events I could hear just about every word his father was saying and it wasn't pretty. Mitch then told his dad that I was there. I heard him say "Good. He's exactly what you need right now. You two call me if you need anything. I'm headed to Hilton Head. I love you son." Mitch said his goodbyes and got off the phone. He came beside me and said "I didn't realize how unprepared I was going to be for all of this." I hugged his side, smiled and said "Everything will be fine, Uncle Tony is here!" He laughed and hugged me back. He then looked into my eyes, and for a split second I felt he was going to kiss me. He nervously backed away and said "Thank you for being here for me Tony. I mean we have barely known each other a full week, but you have become one of my closest friends." I replied back "The feeling is mutual my friend. I feel the same way."

We headed downstairs, and he asked me "Would you like a drink Tony?". I told him "No, I'm about to head home. I want out of this monkey suit. He laughed, but looked sad at my statement at the same time. He then said "Well if it's not to much, I want you to come with me tomorrow to get the boys. The doctors should be releasing them at 9:30AM." I told him "No problem, I will be here bright and early." He then came up to me and pulled me into another hug, except this time his hand was above my waist instead of on my back and said "I want to thank you again for everything you've done for me. I know it's a lot, but I'm so thankful that you are the person you are. You truly have a beautiful soul." He said as he looked into my eyes. I blushed and "Well thank you Mitch, I just want to do the right thing. If I was in your shoes I'd want someone to help me out sometimes too." He smiled and said "Well I'm grateful for your character."

I headed out after that, promising Mitch that I'd be there at about 8:30. As I drove home, I couldn't believe everything that has happened since Monday. I couldn't believe Rebecca! How could someone be so selfish?! Those poor babies will never know their mother because of her selfishness. Another thing that was weighing heavy on my mind is Mitch. He is sending me so many signals right now, I Dont Know what to think. He hugged and touched me so many times tonight, my senses were on overload. It took everything I had not to pop a bone when he hugged me last. I finally pulled into my apartment. I went in and got ready for bed straight away. Tomorrow would be a long and tiresome day. I was ready for it though, if if meant helping Mitch.

Next: Chapter 4

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