Trials and Tales of Law and Love

By Grant Watson

Published on Dec 13, 2014


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any of the characters or occurrences in this story is completely coincidence. If you are offended by anything relating to gay behavior please exit this page. This story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed consent of the author. If you have any questions, or even if you want to comment on the story feel free to e-mail me at Enjoy!

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Chapter 5 - Surprise!

I woke up to the sounds of cries from a distance. It took me a minute to realize where I was. All I knew was that I felt at peace, and very safe with someone's arms wrapped around me. The cries of one of the boys got louder over the monitor as I started to get up, but realized that I was trapped in Mitch's grasp. I slipped out of his vice grip and he moaned as in protest, and then he turned on his stomach. I quickly made my way to the nursery to check on the boys. When I got inside, I walked over to Aiden's crib as he was the one awake making the noise. I checked his diaper and realized that was the problem. I heard Alex stir as well and did the same thing. A diaper change was in order for both. I quickly changed Aiden who was still crying, then did Alex. I took the boys out of their cribs and sat in the rocker with them both in my arms.

I looked down at these two beautiful boys, who were looking sleepily at me. Never would I have thought on my way to South Carolina that I would be sitting here holding two beautiful boys at 4:00 in the morning. My heart was beginning to be filled with such love for these little guys. I made a resolution to myself that I would always be there for them, no matter what, even if things did not work between their father and me. I slowly rocked them to sleep, and in the process I went to sleep myself.

I woke up to a kiss on my lips, it was Mitch. He said quietly as to not wake the boys "I woke up alone and freaked out. I thought I had scared you off and you left. I jumped out of bed and ran here to check on the boys and was met with the amazing sight of you and the boys sleeping together in the rocker." I said "I'm sorry I scared you, they both woke up early this morning for diaper changes. You were dead to the world, so I didn't try to wake you. I changed them, and then rocked them to sleep. And I guess I rocked myself to sleep in the process." He took Aiden out of my arms, kissed him, and then said "Let's put them back to bed while we can, and then head back to bed."

We put the boys to bed, and then made our way back to Mitch's bedroom. We both climbed into bed, he lay on his back and I laid my head on his chest. All was quiet for a while; I guess we were enjoying each other's company. When Mitch broke the silence, he said "Where do you want to go from here babe?" I really hadn't thought about it up until he brought it up so I really wasn't sure. I didn't know what to say to be honest. I guess Mitch sensed that I was conflicted, so he said "You don't have to answer now but I don't want to be without you. I want us to build a life together. I want us to raise the boys as partners, as their fathers." He paused then said "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm in it for the long haul. And if this isn't something you want to do, I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to make you want me." By this point I was just about in tears. I've never had someone say anything like that to me, and actually mean it. Mitch was pouring his soul out to me; he really wanted to build on us. I finally said to him "Mitch I want the same things, but we have a big problem." I felt him tense up under my head. I rubbed his stomach and then said "It's nothing like that babe, it's just what are we going to do about work? Who's going to watch the boys? And also I start USC in a week."

Mitch reached up and rubbed his head and then said "I hadn't thought about that. I really don't want to trust the boys to just anyone. But I guess we could hire a nanny to watch them until one of us leave the office or you get out of school." I said "I don't want to hire a nanny Mitch, but we don't have a choice right now." Mitch then said "Well what if you quit the firm, then you could stay home with the boys while I'm at work." I didn't like that idea, so I said "Mitch I still have an apartment I have to pay for. I just moved in. Plus I need money still; I cannot and will not rely on you for money." Mitch blew really hard and then said "But baby I don't want you to go back to your apartment. I want you here with the boys and me. You are my responsibility now, just like they are. I'm going to take care of, and provide for the three of you the best I can. Will you at least think about it?" I responded "I'll think about it, but what about school Mitch? I want to get my law degree, so I can become a lawyer. That is the main reason I came to South Carolina. I don't want to give up my dreams." He pulled me close to him, and said "I know baby, I would never ask you to give up your dreams for me. How many classes are you taking?" I told him the work load I would have this semester and he said "Well campus is not too far from here, on the days you have classes we can bring the boys to the office. I sure we can find a willing intern to watch them if I'm busy. And I'm sure dad won't mind." I guess he could sense my stress, so he pulled me close to him and said "Baby it will be fine, I told you I will take care of you now. You are my family, I won't let you fall." This seemed to soothe me somewhat, but in the back of my mind I was still feeling skeptical.

We laid there for about 15 more minutes, and then I suggested we get up to start the day. I knew the boys would be waking up soon. We got in the shower and washed each other, no playing just a quick wash. We got out just as we heard the boys stirring on the monitor. Mitch put a robe on and he tossed me a spare one. He then said "We'll have to keep some clothes over here if you're going to start staying over" and then he winked at me. I couldn't do anything but laugh. We both hurried to the nursery to our boys. They were cooing and making noises as we picked each one up out of their crib.

We took them downstairs where I started to prepare their breakfast. As I warmed the bottles up, Mitch was holding both boys at the table. The breakfast nook tabletop was made of glass. I walked over to give the boys their bottles and just so happened to look down at the table. Mitch's robe had fell open when he sat down, and his cock was out just laying on the seat of the cushion. It took everything I had not to go under that table and give him the blowjob of his life. Mitch happened to catch my eyes as I was looking down at the table; he looked down at what I was looking at, then smiled at me and said "Later Tiger". I blushed then took baby Alex out of Mitch's arms.

We started feeding our growing boys. They finished their bottles at about the same time, so of course a burping was in order after we got them settled. We then took and put both boys in their bassinet while I went about preparing breakfast for Mitch. I was getting all the breakfast fixings out, bacon, eggs, etc. Mitch was sitting at the table still looking at the boys in their bassinet, so I started cracking eggs into a mixing bowl. My back was turned to Mitch and the boys.

I was just about to crack my third egg into the bowl when I felt the back of my robe lift up. Before I knew it Mitch's face was buried deep in between my ass cheeks. I gasped for air as I dropped the egg into the bowl. I had never felt such sensations before; it was as if I was floating on a cloud. I managed to gasp out "Mitch...what are me?" I felt him smile on my hole, he then said "Oh I just wanted a little dessert before breakfast." He then continued his assault on my rosebud. He suddenly without warning spread my cheeks wider, which caused my hole to wink at him. He said "Oooh Daddy likes that!" and he dove right on my hole, sticking his tongue as far as he could inside. I yelled and moaned in complete ecstasy. My head was spinning out of control because of the sensation that I was feeling in my ass. I started pushing my ass back against his unshaven face, which was tickling and prickling my taint. I was to the point of no return, and I suddenly blasted my load on the cabinets in front me. My knees buckled against the counter tops, Mitch quickly balanced me with his hands. I was completely and entirely spent. Mitch pulled me back up straight, and into him. He whispered in my ear "I'm sorry if I startled you but I couldn't resist. I've wanted to do that ever since our first run. You have the sweetest looking ass, and I just had to have a taste." I pushed further back into him and said "Never apologize for what you just did. Next time just give me some warning so I won't moan so loud with the boys in the kitchen." I looked up at him; his face was still moist from his "Dessert". He leaned down and kissed me, I tasted myself on his tongue. I then said, "Let me finish breakfast baby, and no more dessert" I laughed. He winked at me then said, "You got it Tiger!"

I went about making breakfast, when all of a sudden the doorbell rung. I looked at Mitch with a panicked look; he just smiled at me and said "It's OK". He got up and went to answer the door, about two minutes later Mr. Brown walked in the door. He walked in and looked at me, then smiled. I blushed because I was in the kitchen in my robe, and so was Mitch. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two together. He just smiled at me, then walked up and hugged me. He then said "Welcome to the family son. It's about time I might add. It took you two long enough to get things sorted". I was floored, I looked over at Mitch and he was just beaming. I smiled back and asked "Will you be joining us for breakfast?" He said that he would, and then he went over to see his grandchildren.

Breakfast was a hearty one. Mitch and his dad were so cute, going back and forth with each other. He also took the time to get to know me a little better as well. He asked about my family, and I filled him in on my parents and my siblings, and also on our family restaurant. He had also been to my family's restaurants several times as well. He then asked a question that I hadn't had a chance to think about yet, if my family knew about my orientation. They both saw the panicked look on my face. Mitch grabbed one hand, while his dad grabbed the other. Mitch's father said "It's ok son. We will work through that on a different day. For now I am just happy that my son has finally found someone who makes him happy." Mitch smiled at me then, and leaned over to kiss me, I of course blushed.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful; Mitch's dad gave both boys a bath and even fed them both. Mitch and I told him of our concerns about work for both of us, the boys childcare, and my schooling. He assured us that he supported us in whatever we decided to do. He told me that I had done such a great job at the office that it would be possible for me to work from home if I wanted. I would just have to pick up case files, and just have them back by the end of the day. That was one weight lifted off of our shoulders. He did say that some days I would have to come in, but my salary wouldn't change. He had apparently already been planning this for me, with the start of school approaching.

That night after getting the boys settled in, we both just lay there holding each other. My thoughts had returned from our conversation earlier about my family. I didn't know what I was going to do. My family is very traditional. I don't know how they are going to handle it. I knew my mom would support me in everything. But my dad, brothers, and uncle would be another story. Mitch could sense that something was on my mind, so he just pulled me closer. We eventually drifted asleep with both of our minds wandering. I got up little earlier with some protest from Mitch. I squeezed out of his vice grip and went about getting myself ready. I needed to go to my place to get some clothes, considering I only had the clothes I came over in on Saturday. I took a quick shower, got my old clothes on and then went to kiss Mitch bye. He stirred awake as I kissed his lips and said "Baby where are you going? You don't have to go to work, please just stay here in bed with me." He gave me a puppy dog face. I couldn't do anything but smile and laugh, I replied back "Baby I would love to stay here in bed with you all day, but I have to take care of some things today. I need to get some clothes, and check on my place for one. Then I need to run to campus to make sure things are straight with my enrollment. And finally I have to go to the office. I really don't want to seem like I'm taking advantage of the firm."

Mitch then pulled me down on the bed on top of him. He wrapped his strong arms around me, and reached down into the back of 501s. He squeezed my ass cheeks tight, and pushed my crotch into his, which caused me to let out a low moan. He then said " you really want to go?" he then leaned up and took my bottom lip into his mouth, and sucked on it. Mitch knew how to get what he wanted but I had to be strong. Although the only thing I wanted to do at this point was to strip naked and give him the ride of his life. But I had to show will power. I pulled my lipped from him, and then gave him a long hard kiss. I then got up and said, "I promise we will finish tonight where we left off at." He gave me his sad puppy dog face again, and then said "Okay..."

I told Mitch to go ahead and get a shower while I was here, so he wouldn't have to worry about it when the boys woke up. He said "Yes Mother..." in a mocking tone, which gained him an ample slap on the ass check when he got up. He then rubbed his ass cheek and said "Ooooh Daddy likes!" I couldn't do anything but laugh. I decided to go downstairs and cook Mitch breakfast, and prepare bottles for the boys for the day. I went into the kitchen and was instantly reminded of what happened yesterday morning. I boned up pretty quick because of the scene that was replaying in my head, and also the fact that Mitch was upstairs in the shower completely naked right now. I pushed those thoughts out and set about finishing up breakfast for my men.

Mitch came down in his robe just as I was setting his breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and bacon on the table. He looked at it and said "Baby you didn't have to do that." And then he came over and gave me a long thank you kiss. He reached down in the middle of our kiss and grabbed my crotch, then said "I would have rather had this sausage this morning though. I gave him another kiss and then said "Later Daddy. I promise." Which earned me a huge grin, and fist pump from Mitch. As he sat down to eat, I went to another one of my thinking phases. As usual Mitch sensed that something was wrong. He said "Sit down baby, let's talk." I sat down across from him, and he said "Something is bothering you. I don't want you to ever hold back your feelings from me. Nothing is going to scare me away from you. Now tell me what's on your mind?"

I took a deep breath, and said "Mitch I'm just afraid. I've never felt this way about anyone before, ever. You and the boys are all I have been thinking about for the past week. I've given myself completely over to you. That's something I have never done before. Do you realize that I've never been in a relationship before, ever? I was technically a virgin before you made love to me with your hands the other night. No person has ever touched me in that way. And when you kiss me, I just feel myself being bent completely to your will. I want to make you happy in every way possible. I want to give you and the boys the best life possible. But I'm afraid of what my parents and family will say. I don't know what I would if they don't accept me, which in turn means you and those babies upstairs. You all just mean so much to me, I'm afraid that I'm going to wake up and this is all going to be a dream. I just can't lose you or those boys. I love all three of you with everything that I am." At this point I'm in tears. Mitch sat there and let me get it out.

He got up and moved his chair closer to me. He then patted his lap. I reluctantly got up and went to sit on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me tight. It was as if he was trying to squeeze all of the doubt out of mind. He then turned my head to him, and pulled my forehead against his. We stayed that way for about 2-3 minutes just looking into each other's eyes. I was lost in Mitch's grey eyes, they were so beautiful. It was as if he was reassuring me that everything was going to be ok. I lost myself in his eyes and suddenly felt calm, and safe.

Mitch then said "Listen to me, I'm never going to let anything, or anyone hurt you. As far as I'm concerned, without you and our boys, I wouldn't be able to exist. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm completely in love with you. We have barely known each other a week. And believe me I'm afraid of losing you too. I'm afraid you're going to wake up one day and realize that I'm almost 10 years older then you, with two little boys. You have so much life left to live, and although I'm not old by a long shot I'm a lot older then you. I mean who's to say some hot guy doesn't come and take you away from me? No one can predict the future baby, and it's very scary. But I know that I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that I do everything I can to make you and our sons happy. I need you just like I need those beautiful sons of ours upstairs. I'm in it for the long haul. I'm not going anywhere, and I hope you aren't either. Now please let the thoughts of me going anywhere out of your mind, because you're stuck with me." He then reached his mouth up for me to kiss him, which I did.

He then continued "Now when it comes to the subject of your family, we will have to face that together. I just want to put it out there that not all families are open and supportive of alternative lifestyles. But regardless of how they feel, just remember that I love you. Nothing will ever change that. I'm going to stand beside you regardless of how they may react, negative or positive. But I do hope it's the latter. Although I don't want to rush, I do think you should let them know what is going on. I don't think you should do it now, because I want you to make sure that this is what you want before you take such a major step in your life and..." I interrupted him and said "Mitch I do want this, I do want you." He smiled then kissed me again, and then said "Well good, I'm glad. I want you too. But I have to make sure. There is more than one heart involved in this equation, there are two." I nodded my head in agreement, and said "I know Mitch; it's just a scary feeling." He then said "Welcome to being in love."

He hugged me close again, and said "I Love you baby. Never ever forget that." I replied back "I love you too babe." And then I got up off of his lap. I had ended up staying longer than I expected to, because the next thing I heard was the boys waking up on the monitor. Mitch smiled at me then said "I guess your sons want to see their daddy before he goes off for the day." I couldn't help but smile at his statement. Although the boys weren't my blood, I looked at them as my babies. The more and more I hold either of them the more I become attached to them.

We went up stairs to get our boys and bring them down for breakfast. I looked down in the crib at Aiden. His eyes lit up with excitement when he saw me. My heart instantly melted at my little boy. I was filled with so much love for both him and his brother. I picked him up and gave him a kiss, and then raspberries on the side of his neck which he loved. Mitch was doing the same thing with Alex at the other crib. We took our sons downstairs to the kitchen to get them fed. I got their bottles ready, and tossed one to Mitch. We got them both fed and burped. A diaper change was in order, so we went about changing their diapers before I left. We placed both boys in the double bassinet. I kissed both of them on their forehead, and then looked at their cute little faces. I really didn't want to leave them. I then looked up at their handsome father, and gave him a kiss of his own. He said to me "You really don't have to go babe, Dad and the others will survive without you." I then told him "I know babe, I won't be gone long; I just need to get some things squared away. I promise I will be back as soon as I can. And do not hesitate to call me, I will be here in 10 minutes flat if needed.

He kissed me again then said "Ok baby, just hurry back ok? Your three men will be here waiting for you with bells on." I laughed then headed for the front door. I didn't want to look back as I left because I knew that I would give in and just stay there. So I didn't, I just said "I love you guys" to them as I left. I hopped in my car and headed to my apartment. I wasn't even 5 minutes down the road when I heard my phone ring. I didn't look to see who it was, so I just answered "Hello". The voice said "I miss you already baby..." It was Mitch! "I said "I miss you too baby." He then said "Hurry back home baby." Then he hung up. I don't know what I'm going to do with him I thought to myself.

I finally made it to my apartment. I decided to change into something more work appropriate. I got dressed then decided to pack some clothes since I knew Mitch was going to want me to stay over until he went back to work, maybe even longer than that. I decided to push those thoughts out of my mind; we would cross that bridge when it got here. I grabbed my paperwork for school, and then left the apartment and headed toward USC's campus. As usual there was always a lot of traffic around the administration building, so it took me a while to find a park. I finally found one, and headed toward the admissions office.

When I got there I signed myself in and started looking over my course load for this semester. The bulk of my classes were going to be taken at night from 6:30-7:50. I would be in class for 4 nights a week, with Fridays off. The main reason I was the campus was to enquire about online classes. I was hoping that some or all of my classes would be offered online. This would help both Mitch and I out a lot. I finally got to meet with the counselor, and three out of my four classes had online components that I could take. So we got that switched over, the fourth class was lecture only so I couldn't get that online. I was fine with that, and I was sure that Mitch would be too. I signed off on the changes, and then made my way to the office.

It was already 3:00 in the afternoon, when I got to the office. I got into the elevator and headed to the firm's main floor, I needed to go by my office before I went up to see Mitch's dad. As I stepped off the elevator, Lisa spotted me and immediately started waving at me. I waved back at her, and made my way to her desk. As soon I got there she said "OK, spill! What did you do? How are you going to be working from home now?" I was kind of taken aback that she already knew, so I said "With school starting, Mr. Brown told me that I could start working from home." Which wasn't a complete untruth, but it wasn't the real reason why I would be working at home. I just didn't want to spread Mitch and my business around just yet. I think she could sense my nervousness.

She looked at me and smiled, then said "OK, well I've given you remote access to the firm's case files. Here's your login information. You still have to log your hours just as if you were here at the office." She then handed me stack of case files, and said "Mr. Brown has already filled me in. So don't worry about me. I know about you and Mitch, and I am completely happy for you. Quite Jealous that your getting that fine specimen of a man, but happy nonetheless." She smiled at, and I couldn't do anything but blush. She then said "In all seriousness, it's ok. Please don't worry about anything, your secret is safe until you and Mitch feels fit to tell it. Now Mr. Brown wants to see you before you head out. "

I thanked her, and then headed up to see Mr. Brown. I knocked on his door, and I heard him say "Come In". I walked in and he said "I've been expecting you my second son! I'm hoping that Lisa got you all sorted." I told him "Yes", and then he said "Well good. I've filled her in a little bit about what was going on between you and Mitch. I apologize if I've overstepped my bounds but I told her in confidence, just so I could explain the new arrangement that was going on with you and your work here." I told him it was no problem, and that I understood. He gave me a one armed hug, and he then started filling me in on what I was to be doing from home in addition to the normal tasks I had here at the office. It seemed as if my work load would be more, but I wasn't too concerned. Any experience will be good experience.

As Mr. Brown was finishing up, we heard a knock at the door. Mr. Brown said "Come In.", and Lisa poked her head in the door. She said "Sorry to interrupt, but Tony you have a visitor here to see you on the main office floor." I was somewhat confused because I didn't know who it could be. I looked at Mr. Brown, who shrugged his shoulders. I then asked Lisa "Who is it?", and Lisa replied back "I don't know, she wouldn't say." So Mr. Brown then said "Well lets go down together and see who it is."

As the three of us walked to the elevator, I was racking my brain as to who could be coming to my place of work to see me. I knew no one in the area except for the people I worked with. As we got in the elevator, my heart stopped. I knew exactly who it was. But I didn't think she would be coming down to see me so quick. As the elevator doors opened, my assumption was correct. There standing at Lisa's desk was my Mother. I stepped out and she turned around and ran up to me and said "Surprise Papo! It's so good to see you!" as she hugged my neck, with me looking dumbstruck. I guess I will have to explain my relationship with Mitch a little sooner.

I would like to give a special thanks to my editor Tony. I know my first four chapters are a bit rough in the English department, so from here on out hopefully things will be better. As always I would love to hear what you thought about this installment of Trials and Tales of Law and Love. Stay Tuned, there is more to come!


Next: Chapter 6

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