Trials and Tales of Law and Love

By Grant Watson

Published on Jan 8, 2015


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any of the characters or occurrences in this story is completely coincidence. If you are offended by anything relating to gay behavior please exit this page. This story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed consent of the author. If you have any questions, or even if you want to comment on the story feel free to e-mail me at Enjoy!

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I led Mitch up the stairs to our bedroom. I was very nervous, because tonight I was going to give Mitch something that I've never given anyone else...Me. When we got into the bedroom, Mitch grabbed me and kissed me deeply. It was as if he was trying to transfer part of his soul to me. The sensation of his kiss caused me to get weak in the knees. He slowly stripped me, while I did the same to him. Finally naked, I pulled myself away from him and said "Baby, if you keep kissing me like that, I'm going to shoot right here" he laughed and stroked my face, then said "Come on baby. Let's take a bath together."

Mitch went over to the large oversized garden tub and turned the water on. I watched the muscles in his back and ass work as he bent over the tub. I made a mental note to myself that I would definitely have to repay him for the tongue assault that he gave me in the kitchen yesterday. I subconsciously was licking my lips, and hadn't noticed Mitch was looking back over his shoulder at me. He chuckled and said, "You see something you like baby?" I blushed at him and said, "Yeah, I actually see a lot that like!" He gave me a flirty grin and said "Come here baby. Daddy's got something for you." I walked over to him, and he picked me up and set me in the tub. He climbed in behind me and I felt his massive cock slide down my spine, causing me to shiver.

As Mitch got settled into the tub, I lifted my ass up and snuggled his cock between my cheeks. He groaned as I sat back against his chest, trapping his cock between my ass cheeks. Mitch then wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer into his chest. I felt so at peace, so calm. We sat like that for about five minutes, just enjoying each other's company. I turned my head to Mitch, and puckered my lips up for a kiss. He obliged and gave me one. He pulled back and said "This just feels right, I've never felt like this before. But for some reason I just have this strong feeling in my heart and soul that I'm supposed to be here, by your side...forever." I was lost in his words, I was feeling the exact same way. I couldn't have put it any better. So I just turned myself around and gave Mitch a kiss that showed I completely agreed with everything he just said. Mitch and I then took turns washing each other - nothing overly sexual, just sensually washing each other's bodies.

We got out of the tub and dried each other off. We then walked out into the bedroom, with Mitch walking in front of me. I looked at the muscles in his ass and back working again as he walked. Mitch had one of the most beautiful asses I'd ever seen, it was perfectly sculpted. He climbed onto the bed, and started crawling to his side. His ass was perfectly exposed. I couldn't help myself, so I rushed onto the bed, got on my knees and spread his cheeks. Before he could protest I shoved my face between them. Mitch gasped for air, then grabbed onto bed for leverage as I relentlessly assaulted his rosebud with my tongue. I was like a man possessed, and Mitch was moaning and groaning with pleasure as I ate his ass. I loved what I was tasting - it tasted like Mitch. I was giving Mitch the same pleasures he gave me yesterday morning in the kitchen. Mitch was bucking against my face, while I stuck my tongue in as far as I could up his ass. I ran my tongue down his taint to his ball sack as I spread his ass as far as I could which made his asshole twitch.

I continued my assault on Mitch's ass until he finally pulled me up onto the bed and kissed me deeply. I gave him a taste of himself as I sucked his tongue into my mouth. Mitch then pushed me down onto the bed, and then climbed on top of me. He looked me deep in the eyes: his eyes were filled with lust and I instantly started leaking precum up under him. He started to grind his cock against mine, as he sucked on my neck. I was in a daze, as he licked his way down my chest. He stopped at each of my nipples and took them into his mouth. I pushed his head deeper into my chest as he teased my nipples with his tongue, causing me to moan. He then stopped his assault on my nipples and worked his way further down my body licking the length of my happy trail. He finally reached my throbbing cock. Before I knew it, he swallowed my cock into his mouth.

He slowly made love to cock with his mouth as I was writhing around the bed. I had never felt this sensation before in my body: it took everything I had not to shoot into his mouth. Mitch took his time, slowly bringing my cock in and out of his mouth, causing me to moan. He would reach the tip of my cock head, and would tease my slit with his tongue, collecting the precum that had gathered. I didn't want Mitch to have all the fun so I positioned a pillow behind my head and said, "Swing around baby, and let me taste that cock." Mitch then smiled on my cock as he did what he was told.

I turned to my side and looked at the monster that was staring back at me and opened my mouth, and guided it in with my hand. Mitch moaned as I took his cock into my mouth. I played with his cock head with my tongue, before I took as much as I could into my mouth. Mitch was moving his hips back and forth, fucking my mouth as he continued working my cock. We were both in a haze as we tried to do everything we could to make the other feel good with our mouths and tongues.

Mitch suddenly came off of my cock and said "It's time for daddy to return the favor from earlier..." He then lifted my legs up, exposing my hole and dove in attacking my rosebud with his tongue. I moaned deeply on his cock, which caused his cock to slide further down my throat. Mitch was eating my ass like it was his last meal. He swung himself away from me, so that I could only focus on the pleasures he was giving me. I was lost in the sensations as Mitch relentlessly licked from my rosebud to my taint and back, nibbling and sucking each along the way.

He then stopped his assault on my ass and laid down on the bed and said "Come here baby, and sit on my face..." I was so spent from the sensations he just gave me that I could barely move, but I did as my man told me. I crawled over and lifted myself over his face, he then put a hand on each hip, and he slammed my ass on his tongue. I gripped onto the sheets on either side of me as he attacked me with his tongue. I looked down at Mitch's cock, which was leaking copious amounts of precum. I leaned over and took as much of his cock into my mouth as I could, as he was holding my waist down. The way Mitch was rimming me, I knew I wouldn't last much longer. So I started to go in overdrive milking his cock with my mouth. I knew he was getting closer, because I could feel the veins of his cock growing in my mouth as I made love to his cock. I felt myself getting closer and I said "Daddy I'm about to cum..." He said "Me to baby...omg!" And he blasted his load deep into my throat it took everything I had to swallow his load, as some slipped out of the sides of my mouth. In the process of his cumming I exploded between us causing us to stick together.

We laid there for a couple of minutes completely spent as we basked in the afterglow of the sex we just had. I turned my self around and I got on Mitch's side and laid my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me to pull me closer. He then reached down and licked and kissed the rest of himself off of my face, and he then shared his treat with me. I moaned into his mouth as he sucked my tongue into his mouth. I said with a laugh, "Looks like we need another shower, Daddy" He looked down at me and said "Not right now baby, I want to enjoy this moment. That wasn't just sex we had, we just made love to each other and we only used our mouths and hands." I thought about what he said and responded, "I know! And you have worn me out with just that...I can't imagine what will happen when we go all the way...that actually was what I planned for you tonight before you took my ass to your all-you-can-eat-buffet!" Mitch laughed and said, "We have a lifetime to figure that out, but trust me I can't wait" We gave each other a long and deep kiss and we drifted off to sleep, with Mitch holding me tight. My head lay on Mitch's beating heart. I remember thinking to myself that this was definitely where I should be. It was as if his heart was telling me the same thing I was thinking, as I listened to it beat. I dozed off listening to Mitch's heart talk to me.

I woke up the next morning a little earlier than usual. Mitch was spooned up against me, holding me against his chest in a vice-like grip. His cock was nestled safely between my ass cheeks. I pushed back against his cock with my ass, and he let out a low moan. He slowly came awake, and pulled me closer to his chest. He said, "Good Morning, Baby. Did you sleep well?" I turned my head in for a kiss, which Mitch gave me. I then said "Yes babe, I did sleep well. It actually was the best sleep I've had in a while." He kissed the back of my neck, and then said, "Good, baby. I'm glad."

We lay in bed in silence for about 10 more minutes, when Mitch suddenly broke the silence. He said, "Tony, you are happy here with me right?" I was kind of thrown off by his statement, so I said, "Yes I am, I'm very happy. Why do you ask?" He said, "Well, I've been thinking about some things the past couple of days. I've been thinking about the future of the boys. I really want you to be a part of their lives permanently. Whenever I refer to you as their daddy, I'm serious about that babe. After this divorce is final, I'm going to attempt to get Rebecca to release her parental rights. When that is complete, I want you to adopt the boys, I want it to be official babe. I want you to be Daddy #2, hell Daddy #1 for all I care. As long as you will," he said with a chuckle.

I didn't know what to say, I was at such a complete loss for words. I knew that I wanted to be a part of the boys' lives. And Mitch wanted to make it official. I was overwhelmed with joy, and was afraid at the same time. My eyes started to water. True to form Mitch sensed something was wrong with me, and he turned me around to look at him in the eyes. I was shocked to see tears running down Mitch's face too. I said, "Baby...why are you crying?" He reached over and wiped my tears and said, "I know you're's happening all so quick...I know it's a big step. But please consider it for my sake...forget my sake, for the boys' sake. I see the look in your eyes as you interact with them, you literally glow. The sight of you taking care of them makes me fall in love with you even more."

I kissed Mitch deeply on the lips and said, "Mitch, I'm not going anywhere. I plan on being here for their first words, their first steps, their first day of school...everything baby...I'm going to be here for everything. The fact that you want to make this official means so much to me. I'm just overwhelmed. I'm in love with those two little boys, and I'm even more so in love with their father, deeply and dangerously in love with him." Mitch looked at me, then said with a chuckle "Lucky Guy!" I slugged him and the arm, and I rolled on top of him, pinning him under me.

Our already hard cocks were trapped between us. I looked into Mitch's beautiful eyes. I loved the way his eyes said everything that he was feeling. Right now, all I could see was love. Mitch put his hand behind my head and brought me down to his lips for a long and sensual kiss. We broke apart and I said, "I love you. I love those baby boys. And I love our new little family. So to answer your question: when the time comes, yes I will officially adopt the boys." We kissed again, this time a little more urgency than before. Mitch was cupping my ass with both hands, as I was grinding my cock against his massive meat. I finally broke the kiss and said, "Let's save the rest for later." Mitch moaned and then kissed me again.

We then got up to shower so we could start our day. Mitch and I walked hand in hand down the stairs. When we reached the bottom step, we were instantly hit with the aroma of something delicious. We walked into the kitchen to see that my mom had cooked us a full course breakfast. Our babies were in their bassinets wide awake. Mitch and I walked over to mama and we each gave her a big hug and kiss. I said, "Mama you didn't have to do all this. This is supposed to be your vacation." She shushed me, then said, "I know, Papo, but I wanted to make sure both of my sons had a nice hearty Italian breakfast." Mitch stepped in and said, "Well, thank you, Mama. It all looks delicious."

I walked over to the bassinet to look at my baby boys. They were both wide awake, and their eyes instantly started to light up when they saw me. My heart melted as I looked down at my beautiful baby boys. Mitch walked up bedside me and put his hand in the small of my back. He said, "I can't wait until they start walking and talking." My mom heard him and said, "Papo, remind him that when they do, I have a feeling that these two are going to be quite the handful." She laughed. I laughed, too, and said, "No doubt about that. I'll have to keep a strict watch over these two, because if they grow up to look anything like their daddy, the other girls or boys will definitely be in trouble!" Mitch playfully slugged my arm and said, "They will be perfect gentlemen just like me!" I laughed and said "I think they will be more so like me if we are talking about being a gentlemen, Mr. Shirtless." Mitch and I both laughed at that while my mom just shook her head.

We sat down to eat my mom's breakfast feast. Needless to say, it was beyond good. After eating, I got up to get Aiden, while Mitch got Alex. We gave them their morning kisses, hugs, and neck raspberries to their delight. Mom sat there looking at us with such pride. She said, "Tony, I'm so proud of you for putting yourself in this situation. Most young men your age would run away at that thought of a man with two newborn babies. But here you are making the best of the situation, and taking ownership of those babies." She then turned to Mitch and said, "And I'm so proud of you for opening yourself up to my son, and letting him help you. Those babies will need a lot of love, and you two have enough between the two of you to make sure they get it. This is a picture family. I'm so proud of you both!"

I looked at my mom and said, "Thank you mom! Mitch and I are in this for the long haul. We want the boys to have as normal as a life as possible. We love them both so much that we would do anything for them." She looked at me with her eyes watering and said, "I know, Papo, I raised you to always do what's right. So I know that in this situation, you are doing the right thing." I walked over to my mom to give her a one-armed hug as I was holding Aiden in my other arm. Mitch repeated my actions right after me.

I then said, "Well, mama. Now is a good time to tell you that I'm eventually going to adopt the boys. After the divorce proceedings, and if Rebecca relinquishes her parental right, these little boys will officially be your grandsons by law." She gave both Mitch and me a huge kiss on the cheek after hearing that news. We sat around and talked some more about the future, while Mitch and I fed our sons. It was soon time for me to go to the office to pick up some more case files. As usual, Mitch didn't want me to go, and I almost relented. But mom convinced me to go, so that I could hurry back instead of prolonging my inevitable leaving. I kissed my three men and my mom and I left.

I really didn't want to go in to the office, but I knew my mom would look after my boys. I got to the office, and was greeted by Lisa at the front as usual. She ran through a couple of things with me, and then I walked to my office to send off the case files I had taken home yesterday. In the middle of working on my case file delivery, my phone went off. I knew it was Mitch calling before I even answered, and sure enough I was right. "I miss you babe..." He said. I replied back, "I miss you too, Daddy, I hear noise in the background. Where are you?" He said, "Mama sent me to the grocery store to get a couple of things. She apparently wants to make her lasagna for us tonight." My mouth instantly started watering at the thought. He continued "I love your mom babe. And I'm so glad she accepted you, and us. She really seems genuinely happy for us. She adores the boys." I said, "I know, babe. It's a great thing that she's been so understanding of all of this." We talked for a little more, and I told Mitch that I had to go. He said "Hurry home, Tiger. I love you." I replied, "I love you too, Daddy, and I will." And then I hung up the phone.

It was about two hours later when I finished up the case file deliveries, and logged my time into the system. I gathered my new files and headed out of the office. I had this strange feeling that something was wrong or off but I just brushed the feeling off. I started on my trek home, and I decided to call Mitch. He didn't pick up the phone. I then called Mama, and she didn't pick up either. I instantly started to worry because it's not like either of them to not pick up their phones. I figured maybe they were both tied up with the twins. I sped a little bit on the way home, just so I could make sure everything was ok.

I rounded the car down Mitch's street, and headed toward his house. When I got there, a sliver S-Class Mercedes I'd never seen before was in the yard. I pulled in beside it, and I noticed Mitch standing on the porch arguing with a woman whose back was facing me. I got out of my car, and realized that woman was Rebecca! She heard the car door slam and said, "Well, well! If it isn't the faggot here to finish playing house!" I gave her a death-dealing stare, and was about to open my mouth to tell her off when Mitch said, "How dare you show your face back around here after what you did! After what you said! And you dare disrespect Tony in front of me?! That man over there has been here for me more then you have been in the entire 6 years we were together. You always cared about money, not me! Never again, we are finished Rebecca!"

She looked at him with the saddest face and said, "No Mitch, we are not. I'm coming back home, I need you. So dump the faggot and let's start over. Please, I need you, I messed up. I want to have a family again, I want to see my boys! I need you baby!" She then did something that made my blood boil: she suddenly threw herself at him and gave him a kiss. Mitch pushed her away and said, "What the fuck, Rebecca? After everything that you've done, you think you're going to waltz back into my life to control it again?! No. Never Again? We are finished!" She then looked daggers at him and said, "So the faggot has turned you completely gay, huh? Well, that's fine! It will give me more ammunition when I divorce your ass! And guess what? I'm taking those babies, too! I will have you on both spousal and child support! Remember baby, this is South Carolina, and the government doesn't take nicely to faggots! You're finished!" Apparently Rebecca's antics and shouting had developed quite the audience, as neighbors came out to see what all the commotion was.

Rebecca then turned her anger at me and said, "And you, you fuckin' faggot! Don't get too comfortable in my house. Neither you nor your new little boyfriend will be living in it too much longer! I'm taking everything, including my sons!" She then stormed off the porch towards her Mercedes. She got in the car, and slammed her door and she drove off. The neighbors who came out to see what all the noise was started going inside. I looked at Mitch who was shaking with anger as tears started running down his face. I ran to the porch and grabbed hold of him as he collapsed into my arms in tears. He said, "She's going to take them baby! She's going to take our sons!" Tears started to come to me as well and I said, "No she's not baby, not after everything she has done. We won't let her win this. We can't let her win this, for the sake of our sons." Mama opened the door and came took both of us inside. In less than a half hour, it seemed as if our perfect world was coming to an end.

Next: Chapter 8

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