Trials and Tales of Law and Love

By Grant Watson

Published on Jan 10, 2015


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any of the characters or occurrences in this story is completely coincidence. If you are offended by anything relating to gay behavior please exit this page. This story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed consent of the author.

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Chapter 8 - Support

Mitch and I walked into the house, each supporting the other as we walked. We made our way to the family room, and sat on the couch. Our sons were asleep in their bassinet. I stood up to go check on them. As I looked at their beautiful little faces, tears streamed down my cheeks. I loved these little guys so much. I didn't want them to go through anything they didn't have to. I want to shield them from all the pain that this crazy world has to offer. It's just not an option for me. Deep in thought while staring down at our sons, I felt a hand on the small of my back. Mitch had walked over to the bassinet and stood beside me. He wiped his face and said, "We can't lose them babe, we just can't." I looked at him and said, "Don't worry - we won't. If it's the last thing I do, those boys will not be taken away from us."

My mom walked into the room with coffee mugs for both of us. She said, "Sit, boys! We need to talk." We did as we were told and sat down on the love seat across from her. I started the conversation saying, "How did this happen?" My mom started: "Well I sent Mitch out to the store for me so I could cook my lasagna for dinner this evening. He'd been gone a little over an hour when I heard a car door slam." She paused and then continued, "I looked out the window and saw a woman standing by a car, looking at the house while talking on a cell phone. She eventually made her way to the door and rang the doorbell. I went to answer it, and asked who she was, as Mitch hadn't told me he was expecting anyone before he left. She said in a matter of fact way, `I'm Mitch's wife, and who are you?' I stated who I was, and she went off. I came outside and stood on the porch because I didn't want to wake the boys.

She was saying "So you're Tony's mom, huh? Why the hell are you here? Are you watching the boys for Mitch or something? And speaking of Mitch, where is he?" I wouldn't answer any more of her questions because I knew if I did, I would end up losing my composure because of her attitude, and might do something I would regret later. I finally just said if you want to know anything else, you'll have to wait for either Mitch or Tony to return." That really set her off, as she started saying. `This is my house. I'm coming in!' However, I quickly turned and closed the door before she could. She started banging on the door, and I guess about this time Mitch showed up. And you know the rest of the story from there Tony."

I sat back and thought about the scenario mama just told us, and then said, "But why now? Why does she want to come back here now? She said she never wanted to see you or the boys ever again. This just doesn't make any sense at all!" Mitch then said quietly, "It makes perfect sense..." We both looked at him. He continued, "She's out of money...that's the only reason she wants to come back home. She's spent all of the money she stole from me, and from the looks of it her inheritance from her parents estate as well. That's the only reason she would want to come back here." I said, "Well, there is nothing we can do about it now but fight her." Mitch said, "She can't take these boys. She can have the divorce, she can have all the money I have, but she can't take them away. The scary thing is, South Carolina is a pro-mother state, meaning in the event of a divorce the courts will favor children going with the mother rather than the father. And the fact that I'm in a relationship with a man, that's two strikes against me." I was overwhelmed by all of this, I started to cry. Mitch was no better, he was doing the same as me. My mother came across the room and embraced us in a hug, she said "Everything will work out. You just have to give it a chance to. I'm behind you two 100%. Just say the word and I'll do everything that I can to make sure it happens." She then kissed both of us on the forehead, and went to finish dinner. The boys started to wake up, so Mitch and I went to get them out of their bassinet.

As usual their faces lit up with excitement when they saw their daddies' faces. There was no way Rebecca was going to take my boys away from us. No way in hell! We changed the boys' diapers while mom prepared bottles for each grandson. Our greedy little boys finished their bottles in no time. We burped them, and just held on to them. We did it not because they wanted us to - I believe it was more so our fear of our not being able to do this whenever we wanted. With Rebecca back in the picture, there was no telling what antics she would bring out just to get what she wanted.

Dinner was delicious, but a rather silent affair. Mama tried to engage us in conversation, but finally gave up when she realized that both us were still too mentally exhausted to think clearly. We ate dinner, with each of us holding a baby - Alex in my arm, Aiden in Mitch's. We finished dinner and took the boys upstairs for their baths. Bath time was usually a fun time as the boys loved the water. There was usually lots of kicking and noise making as we bathed them in their infant tubs. We got them all dried off and dressed and sat down on the nursery couch, holding them until they fell asleep in our arms. I looked at Mitch who was looking down at Aiden and said, "We can't let her have anything to do with them. It would be different if it was about them, but it's not. If she actually wanted to genuinely be part of their lives, then by all means I would have no problem with it. She just wants a check. And we can't let her get them just for that." The only thing Mitch said was, "We won't."

We placed the boys into their cribs and walked out of the nursery. We walked downstairs to see mama cleaning the kitchen while talking on the phone. Apparently she was talking to my father. She hung up and told him she loved him, and then looked at us. She said, "I've decided that I'm going to stay down south until you two figure out what you're going to do about all of this. I wouldn't feel right leaving Friday knowing that you two are about to go through all of this." Mitch said, "Mom we can't ask you to do that. It's too much." She looked at him and said, "I know what I'm doing and it's not too much because I offered. Now of course I'm going to rent my own place while I'm here but..." I stepped in this time and said "No mom, you're not. As long as you are here, you're welcome to stay with us here, or at my apartment. No buts about it. And don't be stubborn about it."

I'd never talked to my mom like that. I thought about it afterwards as she put her hands on her hips. I almost shrank back in fear, because that was the pose she did before she disciplined my brothers and me when we were younger. She saw the look on my face and laughed. "No worries Papo. You're not going to get a spanking. That's Mitch's job now!" This made Mitch laugh, and it earned him an ample slug to the arm.

The rest of the evening consisted of us talking about what we planned to do. Apparently my mom had filled my dad in on a few things, and he was leaving tomorrow by plane to come down. They were then going to drive back up in my mom's car, so they could bring back some of my mom's clothes for her extended stay. My mom saw the look on my face at the thought of my dad coming down here and said, "Don't worry, Papo, I've filled him in some. He wasn't too happy at first, as to be expected, but I've already informed him that he is to be on his best behavior. If he isn't, well let's just say I mentioned the hammer." I laughed at this, and Mitch looked somewhat confused and shrugged it off.

My father would be arriving tomorrow around 2 PM. I was nervous, still, even though my mother said everything was under control. My father was a very imposing man who didn't take much nonsense. But at the same time, he's also one of the kindest, most compassionate men I know. I was excited to see him, but also nervous as all get out. Mitch decided that we were both too exhausted to stay up anymore, so he announced we were going to bed. My mom told us to have a good night and that she would lock up the house after she finished cleaning.

Before we went to our bedroom, we stopped in to look at the twins in the nursery. They both were sleeping so peacefully. I said, "Baby, these boys are my life, and I know the road is going to be tough, but we will have to do everything we can to make sure they don't leave us." Mitch pulled me close and said, "Don't worry, baby. We won't. As long as I'm able to fight, she won't win. And let's not forget that these two babies have both a lawyer and future lawyer as parents, not to mention a lawyer grandfather. And I'm not 100% sure, but I think their other set of grandparents have some Italian mafia connections with the way your mom was mentioning the hammer earlier! So needless to say, I think we are safe." I slugged Mitch in the arm again, and had to stifle my laughter at Mitch's mafia comment, as not to not wake the boys.

We left the nursery and went to our bedroom, baby monitor in tow. We got in the shower together, and just washed each other. Nothing sexual - just sensual washing each other's bodies. We dried off and climbed into bed. Mitch spooned up behind me and kissed my neck. I pushed further back into him and said "I love you, Daddy." And he said "I love you, too, Tiger." We lay there trying to go to sleep, but sleep eluded both of us for the most part. We were both too worried about what the future had in store for us.

Next: Chapter 9

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