Trials and Tales of Law and Love

By Grant Watson

Published on Jan 12, 2015


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Chapter 9 - A Fathers Love

The morning came all too soon. I know Mitch nor I slept much during the night. The events of the previous day had worn us out both mentally and physically, but for some reason neither of our bodies found sleep last night. I turned my body around to face Mitch who I knew was awake. My eyes met his beautiful grey ones. I placed my hand on the side of his cheek and pulled my head closer to kiss him on the lips. I pulled back and said, "Good morning, baby. How are you feeling this morning?" He kissed me again and said, "I'm feeling ok, but I'm still a little spent from yesterday with Rebecca. But I'll be fine, as long as you stay by my side." I rubbed the side of his face and said with a smile, "Try to make me go away." Mitch smiled back at me. We lay in bed for about another hour or so, just staring at each other. Nothing had to be said, we were talking to each other through our eyes.

We prepared ourselves for the day. My father would be flying into Columbia at 2:00. I offered my mom to go and pick him up. I wanted the chance to talk to my father before I introduced him to Mitch and my sons. I hoped there would be no bad blood between us over all of this. My father had always been harder on me then my older brothers. I knew he loved me, but I guess he just had a hard time expressing it. He was always closer to my brothers, while mom was closer to me. It's just the way the dynamics of our family worked.

Mitch and I walked downstairs to the smell and sounds of mama cooking. Our boys were down as well, both in their bassinet. I walked over to say good morning to my baby boys. I leaned down and kissed both of my little guys. Mitch did the same. I then walked over to give my mom a good morning hug. She asked, "How are my boys feeling this morning?" Mitch said, "Tired, but a little better, Mom. Seeing our little guys' faces makes everything worth it." My mom went and kissed him on the cheek and said, "That's what it's all about."

We ate mom's breakfast and fed our little guys. They were quite animated this morning, babbling and talking up a storm. It was so cute to see them look at each of us and making noises. Mom said, "I guess they are telling their daddies how much they love them." I reached down and gave Aiden, who I was holding at the time, a big kiss on the forehead accompanied by raspberries to the neck. His laughter filled the room. Mitch followed suit with Alex. I decided that i would run into the office to get a couple of things done before I headed out to get dad. I got up and got dressed for the office. I came back down and kissed my three men and my mom goodbye, then left. Back at that the house, Mitch and my mom were discussing my dad's impending arrival. Mitch said to my mom, "Tony is really nervous about his father's arrival. I'm really worried about him." My mom replied, "Mitch, Tony and his father have always had a different type of relationship. Tony had always felt as if his father felt he wasn't good enough. So the fact that he's coming out to father has him really stressing out. He feels as if his father won't accept him because of his deep Italian roots. But I know otherwise. I've spoken with Greg several times since last night, and he's going to accept Tony regardless. Even if he doesn't agree with the lifestyle choices that Tony has made. He will love Tony, you, and his new grandsons just the same. I guarantee it, my son." She got up and kissed Mitch on the cheek and went about cleaning up the remnants of breakfast. Mitch sat back and thought about everything that was going on in his life. He didn't know what he had done to deserve these beautiful boys. He didn't know what he had done to deserve Tony, who was so selfless, and full of love. He also, in turn, gained an entire new family that came with Tony. Mitch thought to himself that he had to do everything he could to make sure that his new family wasn't torn apart. Mitch got up to go into his home office to start preparing things for his case with Rebecca.

Meanwhile, I had gotten to the office to get things situated before I had to leave to get my dad from the airport. While I was logging my case files into the system, Mitch's dad walked in and sat in the chairs in front of my desk. He said "I heard about the Rebecca incident yesterday. Excuse me for saying this, but that is one crazy bitch." I laughed at his comment. He continued, "She has always been a selfish, self-absorbed woman. I don't know what my son ever saw in her. My late wife Margaret nor I ever cared for her. We could see right through her initial sweet facade. She was a woman on a mission, a mission to have a kept lifestyle. I'm going to put the full force of our firm behind these divorce proceedings to make sure she doesn't get my grandsons or a dime of my son's hard earned money!" I said to him, "Mitch and I have both made up our minds that we cannot and will not let Rebecca win this. It's just not an option, Dad." Mr. Brown smiled at me addressing him as Dad and said, "Well I'm glad, Son. There is nothing I wouldn't do to ensure my sons' and grandsons' happiness. You guys are all I have left now that Margaret is gone." I teared up at his statement and went around my desk to give him a hug. He hugged me back and rubbed my back. I said "I love you, Dad." And he said, "I love you, too."

I told him about my dad flying in today, and he reassured me that everything was going to be okay. I don't know what it is about the Brown men, but they are always able to sense when something is wrong with someone. He told me that he would stop by after work to meet my father, and that he would talk with me later on. I started back on my work, and before I knew it, the clock on my computer screen read 1:00. I decided to head to the airport just in case my dad's flight was early.

Traffic was kind of heavy on the way to the airport, but I got there about 1:30. I went to the gate my dad was supposed to be coming in and saw that the plane was still scheduled for a 2:00 landing. I started to get nervous as I sat down to wait for my father's arrival. All the thoughts of what I would say to him ran through my head as I waited. Finally, I heard over the loud speaker, "Flight 3242, Washington, D.C. To CAE, has arrived at gate 9." The plane was about 15 minutes early. I walked over to the gate entrance to wait for my dad to get off the plane. I finally saw him followed by a little boy who looked oddly familiar. It was my little nephew Bryson!

They walked toward the exit and Bryson spotted me before my dad did. He tore off towards me and lunged at my arms as I picked him up and gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. "Unca Tony! I missed you so much! Papa said that I could fly in the plane with him to come see you. I was scared but I knew that I would see you soon, so I just sat by Papa and held his hand. I was a big boy!" I hugged him again and said, "Yes, you were a little man! Uncle Tony is very proud of you. I'm so glad you were a big boy so that I could see you! I missed you the most out of anyone, little man!" He looked at me in amazement and said "You did?" I said, "Yup, sure did, little guy." He looked at my dad and said, "Unca Tony missed me more!" And he stuck out his tongue and laughed. My dad came over and mussed his hair and said, "Yeah, Yeah, whatever. Now move over so I can give my son a hug." He gave me a nice long hug, and then said "I know it's barely been a couple of weeks, Son, but I missed you." I said, "I missed you too, Dad! I'm so glad you're here." They only brought one bag each as they would be leaving the next morning, so we made the trek to the garage to get the car.

Bryson was going a mile a minute as we drove to Mitch's house. He was full of questions. I did my best to answer them enough to satisfy his little inquisitive mind. I wanted to talk more to dad, but I knew we would have our time to talk at some point before they left the next morning. We finally made it to Mitch's house, and Bryson said "Is this where you live, Unca Tony?" I said "Yep it sure is, little man." I looked over at my dad on the passenger's side and he gave me an uneasy smile. We got out of the car and headed into the house. I opened up the front door and said "Mitch, Mama - we are home!" Mom came around the corner from the kitchen and Bryson ran to her screaming "Nana!" He gave her almost as big of a hug as he gave me. Dad went over to mama to give her a kiss as Bryson was going a mile a minute telling her about his flight.

Mitch came from down the hall just as I was wondering where he was. I said, "Dad, I would like you to Mitchell Alexander Brown IV, my partner. And Mitch, this is Gregorio Anthony Marchese, my father." Mitch extended his hand out to dad, while dad looked Mitch in the eye as if he were sizing him up. Finally dad broke the stare and shook Mitch's hand and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you." Mitch said, "Likewise, Mr. Marchese." I looked at this exchange and knew I would have to visit it again later. I didn't appreciate the way dad stared Mitch down before he shook his hand. The introduction didn't go unnoticed by my mother either, although Bryson was talking her ear off. She was giving dad one of her looks, and he was trying to avoid eye contact with her. I had a feeling that the proverbial hammer was about to make an appearance so I decided to break the ice and said, "Dad I have two little guys who are very excited to meet you." I grabbed his arm and took him into the family room where the boys were in their bassinet. Mitch followed us in.

I looked down at my sons, and their eyes lit up with excitement when they saw me. I picked up Alex first and said, "Dad, I would like to introduce you to Mitchell Alexander Brown V, who we call Alex." I handed him Alex, and then I picked up Aiden and said, "And this is Aiden Michael Brown. These are your two newest grandsons." My dad looked down at the two beautiful boys, one in his arms and the other in mine and I could tell he was falling in love with them.

By this time, mom and Bryson had come in the room. Bryson saw the two baby boys and said "Who are those babies, Unca Tony?" I looked at him and said, "Come here, little man." He walked over to where Mitch and I were standing and I said. "First I would like to introduce you to your new uncle Mitch. Mitch kneeled down and held his hand out. Bryson gave him a high five. Mitch laughed. Bryson then said, "Papa, Nana I gots another Unca! Unca Mitch!" My mom said, "You sure do baby!" My dad who was still looking at the boys, was noticeably quiet. I then continued "And Bryson these are your new cousins, Alex and Aiden. They are your Uncle Mitch's and my sons." Bryson looked at me, and then at Mitch. I could see the wheels in his mind turning. I was hoping he didn't go into a barrage of questions of how they were both mine and Mitch's sons, but he didn't. He just said, "Cool! Can I hold one of them?" I laughed and said, "Sure! Come sit on the couch and I'll let you hold your cousin Aiden." Bryson bolted to the nearest couch and sat patiently as I brought Aiden to him. Mom came over and sat beside Bryson as I sat Aiden in his arms. Mom held onto Aiden just in case Bryson didn't hold onto him properly. He said "Hey little cousin! I'm Bryson your big cousin! I'm going to teach how to run, and play, and build castles out of dirt, and play hide go seek, and..." He continued to run down his list of things he was going to teach his new cousins. I told dad to give Alex to Mitch as I needed to talk to him in person. He handed Alex to Mitch and followed me to the office.

I closed the door and said, "Dad, I know this is fast, and I know you might not approve of the relationship Mitch and I have but there is nothing you can do to change my mind about it. I saw the way you had a look of disdain when Mitch stretched his hand out to you when I introduced you. I didn't appreciate that at all." He looked at me and then put his head down. I continued, "And furthermore, I love that man and those baby boys in the family room just as much as I love you and mom. They have become my new family, and I will do anything to keep them in my life, even if that means distancing myself from you. I love you, Dad, and I want you to be a part of my life. I want you to give Mitch your blessing so that you can be a part of his. I want my sons to have another grandfather in their life. I already know you've fallen in love with them, Dad. I saw the look in your eyes." He looked up at me and said "Guilty as charged." I then said "So what's it going to be dad? Are you going to be there for my new family and me?"

He looked at me and said, "Just tell me one thing Tony...are you happy?" I looked at him said, "Happy can't describe the way I feel right now. I'm beyond happy. I can't put into the words how I feel right now. The only thing I can say is that I owe my feelings to three people - Mitch, Aiden, and Alex." He said, "That's all I needed to know, Tony. I may not agree with two men having a romantic relationship, but I will have to accept it now that my son is in one. Just know that I love you, Son. I always have. I know I may not have been as close to you as you were to your mom, but I've always loved you just as much as your brothers if not more. Just know that you will always be my baby boy, and that I'm proud of you. Always have and always will be." He then came over to hug me, as I, by now as usual when it came to emotional conversations such as these, had tears rolling down my cheeks. He hugged me for a good minute or so and then he said, "Now, let's go out so I can see my new grandsons!" We walked out into the family room and dad made a beeline for Mitch. He said as he walked up to him, "Mitchell I would like to apologize to you for my behavior earlier. I just want to let you know that I approve of your relationship with my son." Mitch said, "Apology accepted, Mr. Marchese." My dad then said "No more of that mister crap. My grandson is already calling you Uncle Mitch. I guess you need to start calling me Dad. Mitch smiled and then said, "OK, Dad." Bryson interrupted the moment with, "I'm hungry. When are we going to eat? I could eat a whole pizza, Nana!" We all laughed at him, and decided that we would go out for dinner. I called Dad (Mitch's Dad) and told him to meet us at Carrabas' Italian Restaurant off of Two Notch. He said he's glad we called, as he was on his way over to the house. He said he would reserve a table for us.

We drove two cars to the Restaurant - Mitch, the boys, me and Bryson, who was insistent that he ride with his new cousins in the Range Rover, and Mom and Dad following behind us. Dinner was great. It had nothing on Marchese's, but, it was good nonetheless. Both our dads got along to both Mitch's and my delight. Bryson asked Dad Brown a million and one questions and had even convinced him to take him golfing next time he came down. The waitresses kept coming by and were ogling at the boys, who were enjoying all the attention they were getting from the pretty ladies. I knew I would have a time on my hands when they got older, I thought to myself with a laugh. Mitch apparently was thinking the same thing.

We rounded up everyone and drove back to the house where everyone got settled in. Dad and mom got the boys ready for bed with a bath and final bottle. While I got Bryson ready. He decided that he wanted to sleep in the nursery with his cousins, so I pulled the couch out to the let out bed. The babies and Bryson settled into sleep pretty quickly. The adults all decided it was time for bed as well as tomorrow would be an early day. Mitch and I said our good nights to my parents and went to our room to get ready for bed. We showered together and climbed in bed with Mitch spooned up behind me. We did a little petting and kissing but nothing too heavy. Mitch pulled me tight against his chest, and said "Thank you, baby, for another good day." And I said, "Likewise, baby. But every day is a good day as long as I'm with you and our sons." Mitch humped his cock against my ass a couple of times and we both dozed off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 10

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