Tricked to Be Auctioned

By Jasper

Published on May 7, 2019


Chapter 11

The next morning I jump up. I had heard a door and it woke me up immediately. I sat on my knees when I saw master walk in. He saw me and said "Good boy, you are a quick learner". He grabbed the food bowl and threw the same wet stuff in it. The moist looked white and yellow. Then he grabbed my water bowl, which was almost empty. He got his dick out and started to piss in the bowl. After he placed it back on the floor he said "Eat and drink all up boy you need your strength" and he walked away. I crawled to the bowls. The food bowl smelled strange as usual and I still didn't know what it was. And I also could not define the taste, but as the day before I ate it. Then I turned to the water bowl with the dark yellow morning piss from master. I thought it was wrong to eat first and drink later. Probably the food tasted better than the piss. I tried to hold my breath hanging above the bowl, so I would not smell the piss. Of course it didn't work. I finally pushed myself to drink it all. After a while master came back to get me and led me to the basement. When entering he said "As normal we first going to test things, then work out, lunch, relax, shower, free time, diner and sleep." He pushed me to the right far corner where I saw al kind of strange devices. "Go stand on those blocks boy and put your wrist in the restraints". Afraid of being shocked again I did as I was ordered. He inspected the wrist restraints and then put them on hooks from the ceiling. Then he put chains around my ankles so that they were connected to the blocks. Finally he raised the ceiling hook and chain so I was standing there on blocks arms not able to move and my legs spread. "Today we are going to test a game and specially to see if the percentage of difficulty is right." He walked to me with a strange key and removed the ball chastity and placed a parachute around my balls. The chains from the parachute where still moving when he said "you have three piles of cards here on the table. First, the green cards. The green cards have a value of 2 ounce weight and on each card there is a question. When answered right a weight will get of your parachute chain. A wrong answer will put another weight on your chain. Is that clear so far?" I replied "yes sir". He continued "the second pile contains yellow cards. They are almost the same as the green cards but stand for a weight of a pound. And then you have the red pile. That is the interesting pile. When you answer the question right you get 3 spankings with a leather strap on your bum." I raised my eyebrow thinking 'that is for a right answer'. He looked at me and continued without responding to my questioned face "When you answer it wrong the parachute chain may three times puled and swing around. And while that sounds easy, don't forget there are weights on the parachute chain boy". So I realized that with a right answer I had the possibility of not moving and so not swinging the parachute.

"Now choose which color you want boy" he said. I asked for green. The first question I had wrong and master hang one weight on the chain. After playing six green cards of which I had two right answers, I thought to myself that it was not smart to ask for green cards in the beginning. So I asked a red one. I had the answer incorrect and master puled the chain a let it swing and repeated that two times. While there were not a lot of weights hanging on the chain I definitely could feel some pressure. Then I started asking for some yellow ones. Most of them I got wrong so with the weights the pressure on my balls started to get uncomfortable. I got a red question card. I was happy that I had the answer right. John got the leather trap and placed himself behind me. He fully swung and whack. I felt my bum sting and by the third hit I had trouble to stand still. While moving around, the chain with the weights started moving around as well and I felt the pressure on my balls. After I got some green and yellow cards again slowly more weights were added. I definitely felt the pain in my balls and I had started to sweat. I tried to stand as still as possible. John more and more got a smile on his face. After another wrong answer of a yellow card I asked "please sir stop, it is too much" and tears where forming in my eyes. "No boy, we play on. You should get some answers right. Some questions aren't that hard." He was right, but I noticed that because of the pain it was hard to focus so even the easy questions I answered wrong. "Please sir I can't anymore" I pleaded and he placed the weight on the chain. "Next question boy" And he grabbed the last yellow card. Not even waiting the color I would pick. And again I had the question wrong. I was breathing heavily and only looked at John with tears in my eyes. He smiled and winked at me while he picked up another weight and hang it on. It was hard and painful. It felt like my balls were pulled of my body. "You only have three more red cards to go boy" he said. "No sir, please no more, please" and I started to cry. "No boy, for the test results we have to play the game all the way." And he picked one red card. "But in any way I always lose with a red card master, so please master." I said. He only smiled and asked the question. I knew the answer and had it right and as reward he hit me three times with a leather strap on my ass. I was whining and tears rang down my face. My leg muscles where all trembling from pain and tension of trying to stand still. I did not want to move the chain with the weights. The next question I got wrong and that cost me three times a swing of the chain. The most pain it gave me when the chain was all the way in front of the back. At those points I felt the most pressure on my balls. I was exhausted and didn't even hear the last question. So John counted that as wrong and said "not answering is not allowed and gives you five swings". He rubbed his boner which was showing in his pants. The five swings where horrible. I couldn't even kept standing on my legs and hang on my arms. Finally John got the weights of and got me down. He brought me to the front right corner where he secured me to the medical bed. "Lay down and rest for a while boy." While he removed the parachute and inspected my balls. I really was exhausted and soon was asleep.

When I woke up I heard John in the gym area. After a while he noticed I was awake. He walked towards me and said "Finally you are wake boy. You did well and your balls are fine. Because you were out I had to start my training alone. But don't worry I have a nice workout for you in mind". If testing was not enough workout? He released me of the table and led me to the gym area. There he bound my arm behind my back and then put me in kind of a harness which he hooked up and lifted me of the ground. Now I was hanging there. "Yesterday we got your upper abs training. Today we do a workout for your lower abs and legs." When I heard it I only could think 'Why he says we? I am the one who do the most work and he only watches.' But I kept quiet, because till now each time I spoke up I got punished. He then placed leather straps on each of my balls, so that they were pulled away from each other in my sack. I started to wonder what this will lead up to and thinking that my balls had have enough beatings today. "Lift your leg boy" he said. While I lifted one of my legs he grabbed it and made the other end of the leather strap tight on my big toe. Then he did the same with my other leg. I had to keep my feet up so that they would not pull my balls. "So now you are ready for your workout. I am ready myself and go take a shower boy. So you keep hanging." and John left. In the beginning it wasn't that hard but after a while my legs where slowly started to get heavy and started to pull my balls down. The longer I hanged there the more pain I felt. Again sweating and trembling when finally John game back. My balls were painfully pulled down and then master tapped me also four times on the balls and said "Nice workout is it boy?". All my muscles where in pain, but I responded "yes, master." He smiled and released me out of that predicament. Then he places the ball chastity back on. After that it went the same as the day before. Making lunch, eating and relaxing while watching porn. I could not get hard that after noon. My balls were still sore of that morning. But I helped master to cum in my mouth, cleaned him up, showered cold in the outside cage, free time, made dinner, cleaned up, ate and got to sleep. I didn't even watch to monitor.

The next days we repeated the same testing game until master was happy with it. So my balls had been taken a lot assault. And since that second morning I always woke up with fear thinking of what kind of test and workout was in store for me. The workouts were always a lot more intense than my workouts at the gym and my whole body was in pain. The fourth day my workout was in a bath. Master first fastened my arms behind my back. After that he fastened my ankles. With a small chain he connected my arms to my ankles and finally raised them up until I only lay with my shoulders on the bottom of the tub. "You probably are questioning what kind of workout this is, do you boy?" master said. I indeed had questioned that but until now I have not said something. The last days the shock collar and the ball chastity gave me enough shocks to teach me not to say anything. Master slapped me in the face "I asked you a question boy". I quickly responded "Yes, master I did questioned that sir". Master continued "With all that protein we do not want you to get fat, so we going to train your abs again". Fear ran thru my mind. The pain in my abs of last beating was not gone yet. Master saw the fear in my eyes and smiled. He said "You will do fine boy" and winked at me. Then he turned on the water. When the cold water touched my body I tried to move to the side. But it was after a few minutes the cold water also reached me there. I decided to accept the cold water and still had no idea how this was training my abs. Master then sat down on a chair next to the tub and only watched. Minute by minute the water level was rising. I slowly got the idea how the training was going to work. By now my ears were under the water level. I never was a good swimmer and panic overcame me. I started to breath heavy and move around. Master first only watched, but then said "Calm down boy. There is no need to move around that much. The water is not that high and I know you can handle it." Because master was sitting there I could calm myself. The water level was still rising. After a while I had to lift my head to breath. And more and more I had to use my abs to get above the water level to breath. In the beginning I tried to rest under water, but as the water level was rising I noticed It took longer and longer to get my breath. Not long after that it became a constant struggle to keep breathing. I tried to look at master, but.... where is he. The chair was empty. While fighting to keep up I could not see him. I really was in panic. Suddenly I felt his strong muscular hand behind my head. He lifted my head up so I could breathe. "Breathe slow and deep boy" he said. And suddenly he let me go and the fight began again. My abs burned like hell and it became will power to stay above the water. I didn't want to drown. By the time I thought I would not make it any more masters hand was there to lift me, but always let go when he thought I had enough rest. While I had to use every strength I got, I felt masters hand slowly touching my abs. It seemed like making love, so gentle he touch them. I kept fighting and suddenly master placed his hand on my chest and pushed me down. I could not get my head above the water anymore. Exhausted and in fear I still tried to get myself lifted out of the water. Without any result. Then I felt master strong hands again while he pulled my head out of the water and I noticed the water level was going down. Now I started to cry. I saw on the clock in the room I had been fighting for air for 45 minutes. When the water level was low enough master released me and helped me out of the tub. I still was crying and fell in his arms. He hold me for some time "It is alright boy, you did great. I came two times. You can rest now." In my mind it was strange to feel save and warm with the man who made me suffer so much, but I kept holding him until he ordered me to let go.

He brought me back to my cage and said "I am going to get your food now. Because of such a heavy workout I thought you would like fresh protein so I use which I just collected during your workout." He saw me lift my eyebrows as a sign I did not understand. "See you still don't know what you have been eating boy. It is dogfood mixed with my old cum and piss I collected over the last month." I stopped breathing and felt my stomach turn over. Master smiled and walked away. It was already horrible to drink his morning piss and to have daily swallowed his thick cum. Now I knew I also ate his old waste. Master came back and placed the bowl in the cage. "Eat now boy, you need it" he said and walked away. A horrible thing happened. I was hungry and my mouth started to water. My mind went crazy. The disgusting thought of old cum and piss against the hunger and knowing the taste. Finally I gave in and got to eat. I sunk so low that I was disgusted of myself.

Next: Chapter 12

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