Tricked to Be Auctioned

By Jasper

Published on May 10, 2019


Chapter 14

Slowly I woke up and my mind was still in a haze. I was laying on the medical table and suddenly I remembered. My heart rate went up, I started to sweat and panic. I tried to look at my crotch, but there was a medical cloth over it. I tried to feel anything. No...., with panic and tears in my eyes, I don't feel a thing. I asked myself 'Is it the anesthesia or is everything cut off.' I couldn't say. I started crying. The last month went by in my mind and I kept asking myself `how did it get to this point'. I don't know how long I was in that state, but suddenly master stood next to me. I haven't seen him enter the room. He placed a hand on my forehead and leaned towards me. "It is alright boy. Everything went well. Don't cry in a couple of days you do not feel the cut anymore". I looked deep in his eyes and while I kept crying I said "But why you had to cut of my balls?". Master started to laugh and said "We did not cut of your balls. That was a sadistic joke of doc. I need those balls to punish you and to keep you under control silly boy." He moved his hand thru my hair. And I felt myself relax more and took some deep breaths. "I will let you stay here for a while until you get your feeling back. Then I will place the ball chastity back and you can go eat. After that we can continue our routine" Master said. Then he left. All kind of things went in my mind and after an hour master came back and released me off the table. The first thing I did was to remove the medical cloth. There I saw my circumcised dick. The head was out in the open and always was going to stay that way. I had to let it sink in for a while. Master let me and stood by the table. After a while he said "It is much more hygienic." I had a mixed feeling towards master. On one side the hate for what he did to me and on the other side I felt a safe fatherly figure love. Mostly fed by the way he approached me softly. Then he moved his arm toward the door in a sign that we had to go upstairs. After I eat and drank something it was time to relax and watch a movie. I had the mixed feeling again. I still had a kind of hate feeling, but I also noticed for the first time I liked to lay in his arms and spent time with him this way. The warmed of his body, the strong arms around me and the silk touch of his hairy arms on my chest. Somehow that all felt nice and safe.

In my free time I went back to my cage and started to use the dildo to get some punishment points of. When the first points went off I noticed the fifty points of the day were gone. I did not know if it was of the workout this morning of the medical procedure. While using the dildo the points went down slowly. After it increased size two times I had to stop. The size made it to painful and it felt my hole enormously stretched out. It became clear to me with just two days remaining, the dildo and the current morning sessions with master would not be enough to get away all the punishment points. I was wondering how that was going to work. Then it was time for diner and I did not had time to think of it anymore.

The next morning, at day nine, the routine was a bit off. In the kitchen master asked me to sit on his lap. When I sat down he said "How is the dildo working out?" I answered "In the beginning it is painful master, but when I continue and relax it is more pleasant. But when the dildo becomes too thick it is getting painful again master". It felt strange sitting there like a little boy on his lap. Master continued "And the punishment points. Can you get them away with the dildo?". "No, even if I push myself I can't get away enough points. Even today points are added". His hand slowly went from my leg to my ass and while he touched it he said "Maybe I should fuck you bareback and without lube to get more points off." He said it like a question, but I knew it was not mend like a question. I only turned my head away. "Go and stand boy" he said. I got up and stand in front of him. His hands touched my cheeks and pulled them aside a bit. My stomach cramped up a little. 'Was this really going to happen?' Fucking a dildo is one thing, but being fucked is another. Master hit my ass and said "Bend over boy and spread your cheeks". I did as I was ordered and heard master dropping his trousers. The thought of his big thick cock in my ass made me hold my breath. Suddenly I felt the head against the front door. He started to push and pain rushed through my body. "Relax boy and breath" master said. And slowly he started to make a pumping motion. Every time he got deeper, I was reminded of the fact he did not use lube and I felt pain with each thrust. After a while I got more relaxed and my ass lubed up itself. A few moments later I even heard myself moan and noticed that with every deep thrust I felt a nice sensation. Master increased speed and even tried to get deeper. His breathing got faster and he also started to moan. He was ready to cum. In one loud moan he stopped pumping and I could feel his hot manly juice shoot inside me. Then I felt a little shock at my balls. It was the chastity warning me. I looked down and saw I had a boner and it had got me aroused which was not allowed. I quickly tried to think of something else. It helped when master ordered me to turn around and get on my knees. "Start cleaning my dick with your mouth boy". I surprised myself how easy and quickly I took his dick in my mouth and started cleaning. A dick that was just a few second ago in my ass. After I cleaned master up he ordered me to go and use the dildo to get more points off. The rest of the morning I used several times the dildo. The first times it was easy. With masters cum still inside me I had a nice lube, but during the day it became harder and harder. It felt my ass started to get stretched out and raw.

That afternoon master laughed when he saw me walked in and said "A sore ass boy". I answered "Yes master, I can't take any more. My ass is raw and it got more painful." I placed myself in the arms of my master and we watched a movie. At the end of the movie it was time for me to service his dick again, but he stopped me and said "Turn around boy I want to fuck you again". I quickly said "Please no master, I am in pain already." and I quickly bent over to get with my mouth to his dick. He grabbed my head and said "I don't care. I want to fuck you. This morning you liked it so shut up." He quickly got up and pushed to on the couch. I tried to turn away, but his strong arm was against the back of my neck. How he so quickly got out of his trousers I still do not know. Then I felt his dickhead against my ass. "Please sir, no please stop." He shouted "shut the fuck up boy" and I felt him push his whole dick in one thrust up my ass. I screamed of the pain that rushed through my body. He is fucking raping me. I tried to keep up fighting him, but he was to strong. I slowly gave up the fight and let him have me. His breathing started to get heavy again and at the moment he game in me while I felt his teethe bite in my shoulder. He turned around and took me with him in his role. I was laying on his hairy chest with my head on his big pecs. His arm around me and he said "That was fucking great boy." With my free arm I tried to wipe a tear of my face and then I laid my arm on master his chest. While he violated me laying there on his warm chest with his arm around me it also felt nice and I did not want it to stop. Luckily we laid there for another half hour before master ordered me to clean him and go to my cage after that.

At day ten, the final day, I felt strange. Happy it would be ending and fear of what it would bring. The day went as the first days. Except for that late afternoon. We went outside and he bound me spread eagled between two wooden poles. I saw him get a whip and I stood there quiet. "These are you last hours boy and you still have some punishment points standing. So for each point left I will hit you with a bullwhip." He hit me and I felt the pain in my back. Hit after hit it became more painful. After about thirty hits I lost count. When he finally was done he got my down and leaded me to the outside cage so I could get my last shower here. Strangely enough the cold water brought relieve after the bullwhip. After the shower I dosed off. When I came by I heard master talking to Mike and suddenly they came around the corner. Master let me out of the cage and removed the ball chastity. "Mike here has your cloths boy and he will bring you back home." he said. I looked at him and had a strange feeling. However I had a harsh time I also felt somehow save and with my own surprise I said "Thank you master for everything". Master smiled and got his hand thru my hair. He walked away and Mike gave me my cloths. I got dressed and felt my shirt stick to my back. Probably from some blood. Together with Mike we walked to the car. Mike asked me all kinds of questions, but I didn't feel like conversation and didn't respond.I was kind off angry at Mike for getting me in this mess. Mike dropped me of at my place and I went in. Happy to be free and get back to my normal live. I ordered pizza and after that I would go to sleep in a soft warm bed in what felt like ages. The strange thing was that I couldn't fall asleep. I felt empty and lonely. The next morning without really thinking I left for Mike's place. I still had a key and entered. When I came in I immediately undressed and placed the collar on. On that moment I realized what I did and paused for a moment. If I went thru with this I probably would be a slave boy for the rest of my live. But I continued. When Mike woke up I first saw some surprise on his face. But soon he ordered me around. Two days later John came over and they agreed that they would share me. John placed the ball chastity back and also handed a remote to Mike. One week a month I would go to John and for the rest I was Mike's. Some how it felt sick, but also nice.

The End.

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