
By Peder Pederson (D.V. Zomba)

Published on Mar 6, 2010


Chapter Three Surprise

It couldn't be said that the three were sex-aholics. Dick was the less active and certainly the least experienced. Not because his libido was turned down, but basically because he was a bit shyer than either Rick and Al and the opportunities in Brookings were limited. In addition, Dick knew his limitations and he needed to study in order to keep his football scholarship at the university. This dedication has now been translated into a certain measure of success in his profession. The single same sex contact in that basement john's glory hole was not necessarily an eye opener, but one which, upon reflection, he came to admit was thoroughly enjoyable. And the orgy at that club was not as repulsive as he initially thought it was going to be. As a matter of fact, he sprung a hard on soon after watching that guy dancing with the big cock that didn't diminish `til he flogged it down in the privacy of his apartment. Frequently, nowadays Dick would fantasize about one of his limited same sex experiences while he jacked off, generally, the glory hole episode. Furthermore, he was aware of Rick's and Al's bisexual nature, but that did not seem to affect their friendship.

Rick, on the other hand, had a wider range of experiences, although he was not what one would call promiscuous. His same sex life was initiated by Al who became his sex guru, not because of age difference, but because Al had a longer history of contacts with men. Rick did branch out from Al's competent ministrations and experimented, as it were, on his own and on a limited basis. He was assertive, sexually only when the initial contact was made. His first glory hole experience was less than totally satisfactory, however his second one was a huge turn on, only because it involved Dick. Anal sex, also initiated by Al, was a mixed bag. Fucking a guy was an absolute delight. However, having a cock stuck up his ass, the few times it happened, was initially uncomfortable, but as the session went on, it became more pleasing. The experience with Darrin, was frankly a bummer, and even though, due to his genetic condition, he was not affected, it dampened his sex drive considerably.

Of the three, Al was sexually the most assertive, even, at times, aggressive. But then his sexual history went back years including both male and female partners. His initiation into anal sex was of his own making with Rick. He had pounded a small number of asses before he allowed Rick to fuck him. This, he found was a delight. Partly because of the feeling his friend's cock engendered in his love tunnel and partly because Rick really turned him on.

The Three Musketeers were nearing their thirtieth birthdays. Al hadn't had a physical in a few years, so he decided that this was a good a time as any to have one. While sitting in the clinic's waiting room Al noticed a white coated physician with stethoscope around his neck walk past and glance at him. Actually it was more like a glance. It was a lingering glance. A few minutes later he walked past again in the opposite direction, smile slightly as he gazed at Al again. This time, Al winked! Then his name was called and he spent the next hour in an examining room being probbed and proded, the lab where his blood was drawn and the X-ray room. As masculine as Al was, he hated to have his blood taken. Ever since he was a child he feared the needle, even though after those ordeals he confessed to himself, "That wasn't so bad." By the time he was finished with the examination, he was anxious to leave that place. There was no thought of the physician in the white coat.

A week later Al stopped in a local bar for a quick beer and sandwich before heading home. He had worked late that night and didn't feel like cooking. Sitting at the bar rather than a booth, he was sipping his beer when someone slipped onto the stool next to him.

"Hi!" the guy greeted me.

"Hi!" I returned automatically the greeting. Then I focused on the guy's face and added. "Oh, hi! You're from the clinic?" as I recognized the white coated physician.

"That's me!" he returned with a smile.

"Didn't recognize you without your uniform."


"Yeah . . . your white coat and stethoscope," I chuckled.

"Oh, yeah . . . my disguise!" he said with a smile, then added, "Name's Bill, Bill Dandridge." He was aware that the introduction did not include the onerous title of "Doctor."

"Al Franklyn, here."

We shook hands and Bill placed his order.

Bill's appearance that night was totally different from what l remembered from the clinic. He was wearing a maroon polo shirt that didn't hide his firm torso. As I glanced down, furtively, I noticed that the khaki slacks clung to strong thighs and his basket appeared opulent as it pushed out from between his legs.

Bill Dandridge was handsome, but not in the traditional sense, six-one and one-hundred-ninety pounds. He was swarthy of complexion, black hair, heavy eyebrows that tapered towards the temples and dark brown eyes with lush lashes. His lips were full in a masculine way, setting off a square jaw and a mildly Aquiline nose. Bill always appeared to have a five o'clock shadow no matter how often he shaved as his beard was as dark and as thick as his hair. Exotic, mysterious were terms that came to my mind.

We chatted amiably about those things strangers always chat about, nothing important. But I couldn't help being drawn to his lustrous eyes, deep unfathomable pools. Bill's hands were amazing! I don't know why they drew my attention. They were large without being massive, long, tapered fingers resembling those of a pianist rather than a physician. I couldn't help notice the manner in which his fingers wrapped around the pilsner glass as he drank. No limp wrist or fluttery movement here.

I ordered a second draft, which I normally wouldn't do as we continued to talk. Bill, I found out was four years older than I was and came from Iowa where he went to school and received his M.D. degree. As we exchanged those kinds of information we relaxed in each other's company.

"Excuse me," he said after a while, "But, how do you spell your last name?"

"F R A N K L Y N," I answered.

"You any relation to Joshua Franklyn?"

"Yeah. He's my dad," then I added, "Why?"

"Read an article he wrote on herpes simplex II. Good article."

"Thanks, I'll tell him," then inquired, "Are you a virologist too?"

"No," he answered, "Nothing so . . . demanding. I'm an internist."

"Mmmm, That can be demanding too," I answered.

"Can be." Then he laid his hand on my thigh and said, "Al, hope to meet you again. This has been great."

"Yeah, that would be nice."

Then Bill reached into his pocket and handed me his business card with address and phone number.

"Sorry, man. Don't have any cards with me." Then taking my pen I hastily scribbled my phone number on a napkin and added, "This will have to do!"

Chuckling, he said, "Better than nothing!" Again he laid his hand on my thigh and I perceived a slight squeeze.

He got up and as he was leaving I said, "Give me a call."

"I will," and he left.

"Interesting guy," I said to myself as my eyes followed him out of the bar. I finished my beer and drove home.

A couple of days later, my phone rang.




"Bill Dandridge, here."

"Well, . . . Hi. This is a nice surprise."

"Thought I'd call and see if you were busy Saturday night.

"Saturday night . . . . Let me see . . . . No. My social calendar appears to be open," I said with a chuckle.

"Good, How about dinner?"

"Sure," then sarcastically, I asked, "Is this a date?"

"Only if you want it to be!" he quipped sardonically.

After inquiring as to my preference, Bill suggested the Taj, a small Indian restaurant near campus. Arrangements were made and we hung up.

To be perfectly frank, I was both surprised that he called and a little excited as well. Since my discussion with Rick about the Darrin incident, I had nearly become celibate . . . well, almost! And, Bill seemed to me, to be worth a romp in the hay. But, I had been excited before about a guy and after an hour or so that excitement turned sour. There's nothing wrong with gratuitous sex, but I had come to the point in my life that if there was going to be a one-night-stand, it better be worth it in a number of ways. Bill seemed to be one of those ways! We shall see.!

Met Bill that Saturday night at the Taj and we were ushered to a table for two. The Taj is one of those ethnic restaurants that you find around any University community. It is a transformed, older house, with three dining areas. None were large, but it was cozy and the aromas were to die for. The table was not to big and as we sat opposite each other, our long legs brushed up against one another, under the linen table cloth, uncomfortably at first.

Half way through the meal Bill moved a leg til it rested against mine. I didn't react except to become a little excited. A few minutes later, I shifted my other leg til it rested against his. He smiled and flexed his calf sending an undeniable message. Several times, during the rest of the meal, either Bill or I would move our leg against the other's. The result of that surreptitious motion caused my cock to swell and lengthen until I had a full blown erection.

As we were finishing our coffee, Bill asked, "How about coming to my place for a night cap?"

"Sure . . . But . . . can we wait . . . few minutes?"

"Of course, Is something wrong?" Actually, I think Bill knew what was my problem.

"Well, Yeah," I said with a grin, "As a physician . . . what would you prescribe for a roaring, embarrassing erection?"

He laughed. "Well, a cold shower might help . . . but barring that a folded coat held at your waist."

"No shower . . . no coat!" I laughed.

He drew back his legs, severing contact with mine and the erotic sensations that had been fueling my social pique. "This might help," he suggested.

After a few minutes the hard problem had diminished to acceptable limits, we left the Taj and I followed him to his condo.

Bill's condo was not luxurious but eminently comfortable in a subdued way. S we passed from the foyer into the living room he motioned to a sectional, "Have a seat. What would you like to drink?"

"Something light," I answered.

"How about a B & B?"

"That would be great."

He brought in two snifters with the aromatic amber liquor and handed me one.

Then the obligatory, "Cheers!"

"Cheers!" as he sat next to me.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," I said.

"Do you think I've been too forward?"

"No," I said with consideration, "You've been a perfect gentleman!"


"It's me who was . . . too . . . forward . . . or . . . whatever!" I chuckled.


"Well, it's not every day I get a hard on while eating dinner!" I laughed.

Bill laughed too. "Guess what? I did too!"

We both laughed.

That broke the ice. Bill leaned over and planted a light kiss on my lips. I set my partially consumed B & B on the table, placed my hand at the back of his neck and drew him to me for a long, passionate, tongue searching kiss.

"Oh! Damn!" he gasped, "You're good!"

"Man! So are you!"

And we fell into another long exploration of each other's mouth and tongue. Our hands moved over our bodies.

Bill stood up, "Come," he said as he led me to his bed room.

There, without invitation we both hastily stripped. We stood facing each other.

Two men with rampant, surging cocks pointing to the other. Two men who had been driven to primordial must by the other's sexuality. Two men whose breathing and lustrous eyes presaged a monumental union.

There in the middle of Bill's bed room they stepped together, wrapped their arms around the other, insinuated their thighs between the other's and kissed so passionately that when they broke, they were breathless, panting.

"OH! Gawd!" Bill breathed as his hands roamed over my back and down to my ass where he cupped those firm, muscular orbs.

"Mmmm!" was all I could utter. My hands cupped Bill's smooth, firm buns and I ground my rampant, super heated crotch against Bill's.

They kissed again, and as if motivated by some unseen force they side-stepped to the edge of the bed . . . their penultimate goal. Then falling onto the bed, they entwined, every square inch of their bodies sought that of the others. They were subconsciously driven. Primal beings seeking that illusive goal.

Bill pinned my arms over my head and dove with laving tongue into my pits.

"Oh! gawd," I groaned as I felt his tongue and lips in my hairy pits . . . licking, kissing sucking. My body writhed is lascivious delight and I shivered all over. He let loose of my arms and moved to my already erect nips and licked and sucked one.


Then Bill moved to the other and gave the same sensational, sensual attention . . . licking, sucking nibbling until I thought I'd scream with delight.

Then, with unerring aim, Bill slid down, clutched my hard, rampant skin pole and sucked my foreskin between his lips. Sticking his tongue into that loose, fluted skin opening he pushed it back revealing my swollen, satiny, pinkish-purple cock head and licked it all over.

"Ahhhh! Damn!" I yelled.

With one amazing swoop, he took the entire length of my cock into his throat. I could feel his throat muscles work the length of my cock as his tongue swirled over my balls. It was amazing. Bill's head began to bob up and down on my cock. I could have remained there for hours, it felt so damned good.

"Move around so I can suck you too." I gasped.

Bill rotated using my cock as his pivot point until I was faced with a perfect, hard, smooth, cut cock with a huge, bulbous, flared head! I took it into my mouth like a ravenous animal and rolled his pendulous ball sac in my hand.

"Ahhhh!" he groaned.

There we were, facing each other in the classic soixante-neuf, our beads bobbing off each other's suck poles.

Bill pulled off and leaned towards my pistoning head. "Al, I want you to fuck me!"

With that he reached for his bed side table. At the same time I scooted off the bed and fished in my pant's pocket for my condoms.

With a smirk, he stated, "You come prepared!"

"Yeah. I'm a Boy Scout . . . be prepared."

"Some Boy Scout!" he chuckled.

He took my condom packet.

"Mmmm! Large!" he exclaimed.

Regular size condoms are simply too tight for me. Make me loose all sensation in their rubbery grip. So I use large. Tried extra large recently, but the damned thing slipped off! Maybe extra large would be good for Rick's thick cock. Mine is not as thick.

Deftly, Bill slipped the latex case over my upright, saliva moistened cock and rolled it down. He squeezed a dollop of K-Y into his hand and anointed my waiting sheathed cock. Then he prepared his ass for my entry. Straddling my hips, he reached behind his hips, grasped my cock and aimed it towards his descending sphincter. He sat down a bit, took several deep breaths and then lowered himself some more.


"Ahhhh! Damn!" he groaned, "You are really big!" He sat on my partially inserted cock a while so his tight hole could become accustomed to my throbbing love muscle. Then ever so slowly he lowered his ass `til I was fully inserted.

"Mmmm! You feel good," I murmured.

"Not as good as you feel!" and with that he clenched his sphincter about my cock sending cosmic shocks through my being.

"Damn!" I gasped.

"Feel good?"

"Feels awesome!"

And he did it again before starting a slow ascent and descent on my rigid, ruddy shaft. Now, I am not a connoisseur of fucking ass, but what Bill was able to do with his sphincter, and heaven knows what other muscles defies description. It was phenomenal!

I grabbed the K-Y and slathered some of that slippery goo onto his cock and kept apace with his pistoning hips.

"Ahhhh! I love the feel of my cock in your hot ass!"

Bill concentrated as he ass fucked my pinioned cock.

"Oh! Yes! . . . your cock feels so good in me!"

We had reached a critical mass. All our muscular reflexes were totally involuntary. I arched off the mattress on planted heels and he slammed down on my adamantine cock which was rocketing upward into his nether regions. I clutched his ruddy, swollen cock and flogged it. My head whipped from side to side in lascivious, luxurious abandon. Bill's head was thrown backward as he neared the throes of release. His eyes were turned up `til only the whites showed. Both of our bodies were locked, connected, joined in tense anticipation of an erotic seizure that commanded every fiber of our being. Conscious volition disappeared just prior to the violent paroxysm of release.

One last time I slammed my cock up into him and deep into his being I began to shoot, to jet, to rocket my load. At the same time Bill's sphincter spasmed about my cock and he flooded my belly and chest with rope after rope of his pearly lustral fluid.

"ARRGGGHHHH!" we yelled in unison.

My hips dropped back to the mattress pulling Bill's impaled tunnel with me. We gasped and panted. Bill collapsed on my torso, his head next to mine and his arms framing my head. I wrapped my arms about his heaving chest.

Fifteen or twenty minutes later we roused out of our sated snooze. Bill pushed himself up, his hands bracketing my chest as he looked into my eyes.

"I'm sure you've heard this before, Al," he murmured, "But, that was the best!"

"No. I've not heard it before," I answered, "And, it was!"

A devilish smile spread across his face. "I wonder if we can take a shower like this?"

"Like this?"

"Yeah, With your cock buried in me. I don't want you to take it out!"

"Do you think we can crab-walk to the shower?" I said with a smirk.

"We could try!"

"Or we could get one of those crawlers auto mechanics use to scoot under a car and roll into the shower."

"Damn! Don't have one handy!"

"Guess we'll just have to disconnect like every ones else does and walk to the shower."

"You have no imagination!"

"Guess I lost it with that bellowing orgasm! . . . Besides you're the internist! Think of something!"

He reached over and tweaked my nipple.

"Sadist!" I said with a smirk.

Slowly Bill rose up and lifted off my imbedded cock. It flopped onto my belly and just stayed there. A casualty of our erotic combat.

We walked to the bathroom where I disposed of my cum filled rubber and stepped into the large, glass enclosed shower stall. Bill had one of the linear, three-hundred-sixty degree showers with vertical, pipe-like nozzles in the four corners that sprayed water from head to foot. It was marvelous.

Dick was at the Student Union having a beer when the urge to piss assaulted him. Thinking of his last time in the basement men's room he, without conscious volition, descended the stairs, turned and walked down the hallway to the basement john. The urinals were empty as he entered but he saw that one of the two stalls was occupied. In any other john Dick would have walked up to the urinal and relieved himself. Not today! His subconscious urged him into the empty stall where he locked the door, loosened his buckle, unzipped his pants, lowered his briefs, sat down and pissed. He reached between his legs to shake off the last drop of urine and in doing so, glanced through the hole into the next stall.

"I don't really understand why I am here," I said to myself, "Sure, I had to piss!"

As I quickly glanced through the hole into the neighboring stall. The guy had sat towards the front of the seat and leaned back . . . displaying a swarthy pair of muscular legs which were spread apart and a hard, dark cock which he was fondling. He had a mass of dense, black pubes and ping-pong sized balls.

Quickly, I sat back, but the sight of that guy playing with his cock had already worked its magic and my limp dick began to be come engorged and arch out in ever increasing length and rigidity. I debated with myself whether I should leave or stay. My cock won the argument! So, I slid forward on the seat a bit, leaned back, spread my legs and started to play with myself . . . mimicking the other guy's actions.

After a minute or two, I sat forward and peered through the hole. I could see that as I sat forward, my neighbor sat back. This time I took time to observe that sensuous sight. The guy might have been a Pacific Islander, at least his skin tone hinted at that. His thighs were remarkably smooth, almost as if they were shaved, but his calves were moderately covered in black hair. His cock was mahogany in color, fairly thick and long. He was cut and his cock head was light, almost pinkish and glistening and swollen and bulbous and ridged. Slowly his clasping hand moved up and down its length.

He started to sit up and immediately, I sat back and pounded my pud! My rigid cock was aching from the erotic show I had just been given through that hole.

Suddenly, I saw two fingers appear and they beckoned me. This time I didn't need a written invitation, even though the first was on a piece of toilet paper. I knew what the movement of the fingers presaged. I stood up, moved to the partition and slowly stuck half of my cock through the hole. Within a second or two I felt the unmistakable moist warmth of lips sliding over my cock head. I shoved the rest of my cock through.

"Ahhhh!" I gasped as I felt my hard, steamy cock covered and a laving tongue flicking over the surface of my throbbing shaft.

My other experience, my first in this same john was memorable indeed. Probably, because it was the first time a guy had sucked my cock. But if that was memorable, this fantastic! Now my experience does not make me a connoisseur in the judging of a cocksucker, but this guy was a sheer genius in what he was doing.

"Ahhhh!" again I gasped and slammed my groin against the partition.

Then he quit! He pulled off! He stopped sucking me!

I stood there. My cock lurched on his side of the partition and I could feel the cold air on my moist rod.

I pulled back and sat down!

"What did I do wrong?" I asked myself.

Then my answer came . . . I did nothing wrong! That hard, nut-brown cock suddenly appeared on my side of the partition.

I guess he wanted pay back. I wasn't up to that! So, I steeled myself and reached out and wrapped my fingers about that hot, pulsing, quaking muscle, squeezed it and started to jack it off.

"Suck it," came a whisper from the other stall.

I ignored him.

Again, but more insistent came, "Suck it!"

"Sorry," I whispered back, "I don't suck."

I continued to run my clasping hand back and forth the length of the rigid wonder, spiraling as I went in my best jack off technique.

"Ahhhh!" I heard.

Then I felt his cock swell and suddenly stream after stream of opalescent cum shot, jetted from his cock slit. I was amazed at the force of those pearly blasts. I was even more amazed at the quantity!

He pulled his cock back into his stall, reached down, pulled up his pants and briefs and unlocked the stall door.

"Thanks," he whispered as he left.

I took a length of toilet paper, tried to eradicate his pearly traces on the floor in my stall and left.

That night, images of my Pacific Islander and his great, mahogany cock in my hand fueled my nightly jackoff session. That was the first time since I was a kid that I had touched a guy's hard cock. I was somewhat amazed at my reaction. I rather liked it. It turned me on!

Got a call from Bill Wednesday.

"Hello. Bill here,"

"Well, Hi!" I said, pleased that he called.

"How are you, Al?"

"Fine, and you my sexy internist?"

"I'm OK, but I have a slight problem . . an internal problem!"


"I want to see you again!" he stated with a chuckle.

"Mmmm, what ever you got must be catchy `cause I want to see you again too."

"How about dinner and a movie Friday night. They're showing Bergman's "Virgin Spring" at the Mendota."

"Didn't know there were any left."

"Any what?"

"Virgins!" I laughed.

"Well this was set back in the days when there were some still around."

"Sounds good to me, What time?"

"Lets have dinner at seven and we can catch the 9:00 show."

"OK. It's a date."


We ate Chinese that Friday.

"Glad we have a booth tonight."

"Why? Bill asked.

"'Cause that table at the Taj was so small, your legs resting against mine gave me a hard on. Or did you forget?"

"I didn't forget," he said with a smirk, "But we can remedy that omission. . . "

Then I felt Bill's stockinged feet probe my crotch with unerring accuracy, hidden by the red table cloth!


We laughed.

The movie was interesting, very dark and depressing, but a real thought provoker. And, after Bill suggested a night cap at his condo.

"Just a night cap?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well, maybe we can find something else to do . . . maybe play Scrabble!"

"Mmmm. I'd rather play pocket pool!"

"Pocket pool?"

"Yeah," I said with a smirk, "I got the pocket. You have a stick?"

I followed Bill to his condo. Upon entering, he closed the door, turned around, grabbed me and planted one fantastic, probing kiss on my lips as our bodies ground together.

"Hey!" I asked breathless and with a grin, "Where's the night cap?"

"How about a fuck in the foyer instead?"

"I could be talked into that . . . but a comfy bed would be better than the hard floor."

"You got it . . . let's go!"

And, he led me to his bedroom where we quickly stripped.

I took in an unimpeded survey of his swarthy, smooth muscled body, the body of an athlete who was in shape but not ripped. Bill's chest was broad with dark, silver dollar-sized areolas and prominent nipples. His waist was in proportion to his narrow hips and muscled thighs. But, it was his cock that caught my undivided attention. Sure I had seen it the last time I was here, but fleetingly. Now, that glorious thing arched out from his dense black bush and pointed slightly upwards. The dark, oaken shaft was maybe one-and-a-half inches in diameter and the whole about seven-and-a-half inches long. An impressive tool! But, what was truly amazing about Bill's erotic equipment was his ruddy-pink, glistening, satin cock head! It was truly a helmet! A massive knob flaring out from his hardened shaft. A great mushroom!

Bill's wondrous cock was set off by his equally opulent, pendulous, dangling ball sac that held his prodigious balls, his sperm makers, his cum stores. His appearance as he stood there those brief seconds was of an eminently virile, sexual animal with the equipment that would bring awe to any beholder.

One other thing that really turned me own about Bill, besides his intelligence, sense of humor and his physical equipment is that he is a passionate, sensual person. Nearly every part of his body is an erogenous zone. No matter where I lick him or nibble or kiss or fondle him sends Bill into paroxysms of groaning or twitching in erotic delight. I had found out that my sexual pleasure and excitation is immensely heightened by the enjoyment I am able to give my partner.

We fell into a long, searching embrace before falling onto the bed for the main event. I maneuvered Bill onto his back and spread his massive thighs, crawled up between them and observed that beauteous treasure, lurching up before me. That cock was hypnotic to me as it waved in that charged atmosphere. Cupping his balls in one hand, grasping the base of his throbbing shaft, I opened my mouth, slipped my lips over that formidable knob and ran my tongue over its mouth-trapped surface!

"Ahhhh!" Bill gasped in delight.

Slowly, I pulled off allowing my lips to measure every dimension of that pulsing, extravagant protuberance and then re-encased it. Quickly I pulled off again with a wet popping sound and just as quickly dove back down and imprisoned it again in my hot, moist, tongue laving mouth.

"Oh! My gawd!"

I began to move further down that hard, velvety shaft, pulled off `til I reached the flare of the corona, and moved down farther. Soon my nose was buried in Bill's lush, black bush!

I pulled off, to Bill's surprise, reached over to his bed side table where I knew he kept his K-Y and retrieved it, along with a packaged condom. I wanted to feel that opulent cock in me tonight! I was so eroticized that I could think of nothing else. I squeezed a generous portion of that slippery substance on my fingers and anointed my quivering, puckered bud, slipping a finger past that sphinctered opening.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Bill asked, concerned.

"Yeah," was all I could say as I concentrated on the task before me.

"Have you been fucked before?"

"A few times."

"Be careful!"

"I will."

Then, I went back to the job at hand and swallowed Bill's entire cock in one gulp.


As I bobbed up and down on that erotic axis I slipped a second finger in my pliant hole and continued my preparation. I knew that I would need more than the average amount of ground work if I was going to comfortably accept that helmeted wonder. I torqued my two fingers in my love tunnel, scissored them in and out and then added the third finger. I gasped at that intrusion.

After several minutes, I could feel my sphincter relaxing. Quickly I opened the foil encased condom and rolled it over that knob, down the shaft, brought his thighs together and straddled his hips. Ever so carefully I brought that prodigious love tool to my prepared gate and bore down. Unconsciously, my sphincter rebelled, but I persisted. Suddenly that flared, mushroom head POPPED in!

"AHHHH!" I gasped.

"You alright?"

"Yeah," I lied . . a little white lie. That intrusion sent a sharp wave of pain through my body. I took deep breaths and concentrated on relaxing. After a minute or so the pain subsided to a dull presence. Lowering myself further, I grasped my cock only to find that it had become half erect in the process. A few passes of my lubed hand over its surface quickly restored its previous erect state. I bore down more `til I felt Bill's opulent bush tickle my balls. Then I sat all the way down, burying that helmeted wonder deep inside me.

Slowly I lifted up a bit then bore down again. It felt wonderful. In a short while I was painlessly moving up and down on that impaling, pulsing cock.

"Ahh! Ahhh! Ahhhh!" I gasped with each deep insertion.

"Ahh! Ahhh! Ahhhh!" Bill gasped in counterpoint.

I became a fucking machine, bouncing up and down, feeling my sphincter sliding up and down over that flaring, veined fuck tool. Bill began thrusting up into me on my downward movements. It was wonderful, but, after nearly ten minutes of that lascivious exertion, my thighs began to tire.

Slowly pulling off, I suggested, "Let's find another position."

Bill extricated himself from my straddling legs, took my hand, helped my quivering legs to stand and led me to an over-stuffed easy chair near his bed. I was a bit puzzled.

"Here, Al, sit on the edge of the cushion and lean back."

I did. Bill spread my legs, kneeled between them and cradled them in the crook of his arm. He moved forward on his knees and unerringly brought his throbbing cock to the brink of my quivering hole. He pushed and that great helmeted thing POPPED in.

"Oh! Yeah!" I gasped.

Slowly he pushed his cock all the way in!

"Oh! Yeah!" I gasped again.

Then Bill did the most amazing thing! He withdrew his cock and POPPED that knob in and out of my sphincter four or five times before pushing it all the way in.

"Oh! My gawd! Oh! my gawd!" I said, "What are you doing to me? That's marvelous!"

Two more times he performed this feat. I was a quivering mass of eroticized man flesh!

"Fuck me! Fuck me, Bill. Fuck me."

Bill started to pull nearly all the way out and then thrust all the way in. He grabbed my shoulders as my legs wrapped around his waist and continued this elemental dance. Way out . . . way in . . . way out . . . way in.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I yelled as at every insertion the ridge of his corona brushed over my G-spot.

Bill leaned to me and our lips locked and our tongues entwined in a glorious kiss. Then an explosion of elemental force gripped our bodies and we both rocketed into the wondrous abyss of cosmic glory.

"AAARRRGGGHHH!" we roared in unison.

I felt his great cock spasming deep in me as mine unloaded a mass of pearly fluid between our bellies. I was totally sated. Bill collapsed onto the floor at my feet, dragging his softening cock out of me with a dull pop.

In a couple of minutes Bill roused himself, stood, took my hand and said, "Let's take a shower."

We quietly showered together giving each other numerous, loving kisses in the process, dried off and crawled into bed. Bill didn't ask me if I wanted to stay with him that night. I guess there was some sort of nonverbal communication, some inner understanding.

We were spooned, Bill snuggled up against my back. I could feel his detumescent cock against my crack. I reached behind me, grabbed it, fondled it `til it started to swell.

"What are you doing?" Bill murmured, then added, "Don't think I can perform just yet!"

"No performance," I said, "Just want to feel your wonderful cock in me while I go to sleep."

With some effort, Bill became sufficiently erect so that with the help of our saliva, he was able to push his nearly unwilling cock back into my hole and we fell asleep.

Al and Dick were at my apartment chatting one evening when Al announced, "I've met someone interesting."

"How interesting?" Dick asked.

"Real interesting." came the answer.

Sarcastically, I interjected, "Male or female?"

Now the three of us never ventured into this area. Though we were all aware of Al's and my bisexual nature. Dick, who was always quite reticent about his sex life, never gave any indication of a bisexual nature. Yet, he never seemed to be too upset in the knowledge that Al and I swung both ways. That was the quality of our friendship. The one, semi-anonymous incident I had with Dick in the basement men's room of the Student Union might have been a mere abberation.

Smiling, Al admitted without any self consciousness, "An internist, a guy."

Dick's eyebrows arched at the confession, but, no more.

"An internest? Where did you meet him?"

"I had a physical at the clinic. That was where I first saw him. Then we actually met at Jimmy's Bar a week later and exchanged phone numbers. We had dinner a few days after that . . . and things sorta . . . progressed from there."

"So, is it serious?" I asked.

"I don't know at this point. But, I sure am attracted to him."

"Attracted to his dick?" I asked sarcastically.

"Geese!" Dick said, and added, "You're a fuckin pervert!"

Al merely smiled.

"Just be careful," Dick advised.

"Don't worry," Al returned, "I'm a big boy!"

"Yeah. I know," I said with a wink.

Dick's eyes darted over to me at that comment. I guess Dick might have suspected that Al and I had connected, but we never talked about it.

"Well," I said, "You'll have to introduce us to him some time."

"OK," was all Al said.

That was all that was said at that time. Dick and I just filed that information away for future reference.

Guess I wasn't too surprised or upset to hear of Al's new friend. But I found Rick's comments were a bit to personal. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against sex. As a matter of fact I have always enjoyed sex, even those two times when a guy sucked me off in that john. But, I'm not into broadcasting it around.

Next: Chapter 4

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