Trouble with Twins

By Sam Smith

Published on Jan 21, 2021


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We get back from our beach trip and I've promised Tom he can cum tonight. This was the deal we made, he gave up his ass to some random dude we met on the beach and he'd get to have an orgasm tonight.

Will had sent me a box of toys to use on Tom and so far apart from a dildo and butt plug I hadn't used anything else. I thought why not experiment a little. I can have some fun and Tom gets off.

Tom as usual is naked apart from his cage and plug. I take him into my bedroom, get him to lie down on his back. He has a grin on his face, he knows I'm going to keep my promise. I get some rope, supplied kindly by Will, and tie his hands to the bed frame. He's a bit anxious now, he knows this ain't going to be a simple wank. I get 2 nipple clamps from the box and attach the to Tom's nipples. He squeals as I do this. The clamps are linked together with a chain, I tug on that and he squeals some more. I wonder if his nipples are sensitive like mine.

The clamps give me an idea, I go into the laundry room and get some clothe pegs. Tom see's them, shakes his head and squirms. This will be more fun if he couldn't see what's happening. I tie two of my dirty socks together and use them to make a blindfold and tie them around Tom's head, covering his eyes. I then start putting the pegs on down each side of his body. There's not much body fat to grab on to but enough to attach the pegs. I then start flicking the pegs, Tom's grunting and squealing and I think trying really hard not to scream.

I unlock his cock cage and carefully remove it. He goes hard almost immediately. I grab his balls give them a bit a squeeze then attach pegs to his ballsack. Once his sack is covered with the pegs I give his cock a few strokes, he moans in pleasure but is also struggling as I guess the pegs are causing him some discomfort.

The last thing I get from Will's box of goodies is a vibrator. It's got a remote with several settings. I put a pillow under Tom's lower back so his ass is a bit exposed and shove the vibrator up there. I turn it on to the lowest setting. Tom moans as soon as it starts up. I then increase setting and his cock leaks some pre-cum. I stroke it a little bit and randomly start flicking the pegs. He's moaning in pain and pleasure. I then put the vibrator on the highest setting and watch him squirm. For a few minutes I randomly tug on the nipple clamps or flick the pegs. His cock is leaking a lot.

My phone starts ringing, I take a look and it's my brother. I guess it's Sunday morning in the U.k now, we haven't spoken since I've been in Melbourne so I decide to answer it. I leave Tom with the vibrator still running, and close the bedroom door. I don't need my brother hearing Tom in the background, imagine trying to explain that.

We end up chatting for about 40 minutes. I'd forgotten about Tom, oops. I go back into the room and he's moaning and grunting like crazy. There's a lot of clear liquid on his stomach. He's cock is leaking a lot.

Tom looks up at me and says "Please. Let me cum. I can't take this much more."

I feel a bit sorry for him so grab his cock really tightly and give it a few strokes and he starts spewing. He screams as he cums. I don't let go of his cock and continue stroking.

"Please stop" Tom says, "it's too sensitive"

I know that feeling, right after you cum, you don't want to stroke anymore.

I stroke it a bit more just because I can. I wander how long it'll take him to get hard again and cum. I flick the pegs on his ball sack a few times, then leave the room with he vibrator still going. I made a promise to Tom that he'll cum tonight, I'm gonna keep that promise by draining his balls.

This time I keep the door open and can hear Tom moaning. I put on the tv, to drown out the sounds of him. I randomly adjust the setting on the vibrator to make sure Tom doesn't get bored. That remote is very useful. 30 minutes later I return to Tom and he's hard. I grab his cock, wank it and he cums again. I scoop up some of his cum, feed it to him and then leave him tied up with the vibrator still up his bum.

I repeat this 2 more times and after his 4th orgasm Tom is begging me to stop.

I take mercy on him and turn off the vibrator and remove the clothe pegs. I remove the vibrator and shove the butt plug up his ass. I then proceed to lock up his cock.

"Did you enjoy that boy" I ask him

"Yes sir, but it got too intense. Thank you for letting me cum so many times."

"No worries. You gave up your ass for those orgasms, you deserved it. As you got to cum multiple times I guess we don't need to unlock this for a long time now." I tap his cage as I say that.

He give me a shocked look but doesn't say anything.

We've both had a long day and as it's a work day tomorrow I send Tom to bed.

It's been a really busy week with work, both Tom and I had to put in some late nights. Out of work we've settled into a nice routine, being a compliant slave boy, taking care of the apartment and my needs. On Thursday night Tom asks when he'll be allowed to cum again. We're due to fly back home next Thursday so I suggest maybe he can wait until we get back. He complains that'll be too long but I remind him he did get to cum 4 times on Sunday night. I know I'm being unfair but it's fun to tease him like this.

The next day I've arranged to meet up with Lucy. She was my date when Tom got fucked up two weekends ago. As it's our last Friday in the office, we both go to the post work drinks. I have a beer and then leave to get ready for my date. I tell Tom to take it easy on the drinks and make sure he goes straight home, no going out. I don't need a repeat of last time. Tom agrees, but I notice he's been a bit sulky and off with me ever since I told him about Lucy. I wonder if he's jealous. As he's not allowed to go out I tell him tonight he doesn't have to be a dog boy, he can wear clothes and doesn't have to plug himself or put his collar on.

I go out and meet Lucy. We have a great evening, starting by having drinks then going for dinner. It's about 11; we're both a bit drunk when we head back to my place. We've both been struggling to keep our hands off each other and I'm so horny, I just wanna get into bed with her.

We walk into the apartment, Tom is sat on the sofa watching TV and is wearing only his black briefs. He looks stunning. He's hair has started growing back, it's not bald anymore, looks like a normal buzzcut and it actually suits him. Both Lucy and I just stand there for a moment staring at him.

"Hi" Tom says.

"Hey Tom" I mumble. "Lucy, this is Tom. My mate from London"

Lucy walks in and Tom gets up to greet her. Lucy is totally checking him out. Tom kisses her on the cheek and Lucy casually rubs his arm. I'm starting to get a bit annoyed. We stay in the living room for a few minutes as I pour some wine for us and Lucy and Tom make small talk. I suggest to Lucy we go to the bedroom, she agrees but seems a bit reluctant.

"It was lovely to meet you Lucy" says Tom putting on a charming smile. Then he says "have fun" and has a cheeky grin on his face.

I know Tom hasn't really done anything wrong, he's just being his charming self but maybe he was flirting a little bit after seeing how she was into him.

We make out on the bed for some time and we slowly undress each other. I have my face in her breasts but I can't get Tom out of my mind. I'm getting pissed off that she liked him.

We're both naked and I'm making out with her and slowly fingering her. I whisper in her ear "You liked Tom, didn't you"

"Yeh" she says in a whisper

Bit rude of her to admit it I thought. "He can join us if you want"

She pulls back for a moment and is considering it. "What?"

"I don't mind and he'll be happy to join us. You look like you're really into him"

"He is hot. Are you serious?" She asks

I nod, then shout for Tom to get in here.

Tom slowly opens the door and stands there staring at us.

"Hey buddy" I say a bit drunkenly and with a big smile on my face. "Join us man, Lucy likes you"

He slowly walks in gets on to the bed. I take his hand and put it onto her left boob while I'm playing with the other one. She goes up and kisses him and they make out. It's hot watching it so I let them go at it for a while. I then slowly put pressure on Tom's head and move him down and whisper in his ear to eat her pussy. He wastes no time and get between her legs and starts licking her out. She moans and I kiss her. I then put my cock at her lips and she tries to suck me. She's awful at it. Actually the blowjob is not that different to what many girls have done to me in the past. It's just that she can't compete with Tom. I try and get her to deepthroat me but she just chokes and coughs.

She keeps choking on my cock and gives up on sucking it. I pull Tom's head out of her legs and present him my cock and he takes it all the way down his throat with no trouble at all. Lucy just sits there and watches Tom sucks me and I gently finger her. I don't think she expected him to be a cocksucker never mind a better one then her. I tell Tom to lick it then bring Lucy's head to my cock and now they're both licking it. They kiss each other with my cock in the middle a bit like Tom and Ryan were doing at that gay club except Tom doesn't recoil when Lucy's lips make contact with his. For a few minutes they each alternate between sucking the tip of my cock and licking my dick up and down.

I then go down on Lucy while she and Tom make out. I love eating pussy so I dive right in. Tastes good but I'm comparing it to Tom's hole. Which do I prefer, honestly I'm not sure. Answer should be easy, the pussy in front of me but I think I'm obsessed with Tom's boy pussy.

Suddenly I feel Lucy Tense up and her moaning stops. She's almost like frozen. I look up and her hand is on Tom's crotch. I smile, she's obviously felt the metal cage. Tom's also frozen, he knew this would eventually happen. I slowly lower his briefs.

"What is that?" She almost shouts.

"Yeh mate what is that?" I ask

I think Tom might cry, he doesn't say anything just hangs his head in shame.

I grab the cage and his balls and tap on it. She also gets up to have a better look.

"I think it's a cage, like a chastity device" I say feigning innocence about these thing. A month ago that would've been true.

She holds it, tries to pull on it then eventually just laughs. She can't stop giggling. "What the fuck is that. What are you?"

There's silence from Tom but then he whispers "Maybe I should go"

"It's ok mate, don't be embarrassed" I say. "You can't fuck but you can watch us fuck. Come here and get my cock wet so I can show you how it's done."

He sucks and licks my cock and then watches intently as I put my cock into Lucy. That feels good but it's a bit loose, damn I miss the tightness of Tom. I start fucking her quite hard to compensate for her being looser than Tom, she's moaning and Tom watches.

We're at it for a while, I think she's getting tired but I'm struggling to cum. At this point Tom is making out with Lucy, I guess she's got over the locked cock. I see his ass and I want it. I start fingering his boy hole as I fuck Lucy. I then pull out of her, gets him on his hands and knees and shove my cock into his boy pussy. That feels so much better. Lucy gets up to have a closer look. I don't think she's seen this before. I finger her pussy as I fuck him. I then pull out of Tom and plunge into Lucy. I fuck her then switch back to Tom. Everyone's moaning as I alternate between them.

Eventually I can't hold back any longer, I thrust into Lucy a few times and cum in her. After I finish I pull out. I grab Tom by the back of his head and guide him to her pussy and tell him to eat out my cum from her. He gets to it. I kiss Lucy and we both look down at him trying to eat my cum. Tom looks up at us and has some cum on his lips. He licks it off and I ask Lucy "Do you still wanna kiss him?"

She shakes her head and mumbles god no. Girls can be such bitches I think. Tom's humiliation is complete.

Soon after that I'm getting tired, I tell Tom to get out of here. He wastes no time in leaving. I'm sure this is not how he expected tonight to be. He got some action with a girl just not the sort he wanted I guess.

I'm spooning Lucy as I fall asleep. I'm wandering which was better Lucy or Tom's pussy. There's an obvious winner, I'm just not sure I can admit it to myself yet.

The next morning Lucy leaves quite early. She was probably a bit freaked out about the impromptu threesome last night. I think both Tom and Lucy were glad they avoided each other this morning. I go for a run and an hour later come back to see Tom standing naked in the kitchen making himself breakfast.

"Morning" I say

"Hi" he replies a bit sullenly

"You ok? I ask

"Great" He says sarcastically.

"What's wrong?"


"Stop being like that and tell me what's going on with you?"


"Fine, be like that" I say, getting annoyed. I slap his ass as I walk past him. "I'm gonna take a shower, make me some breakfast"

I get into the shower and hope Tom's mood improves, it's pissing me off. Luckily I've got plans to meet some friends who live here in Melbourne so I'm going to be out for most of the day and not have to deal with him.

After showering I get back into the kitchen and sit at the dining table. Tom puts my plate on the table and walks off.

"Oi sit" I say in a stern voice.

He reluctantly sits at the dining table with me.

"What's wrong mate?"

Tom sighs, "It's nothing"

"Obviously something's bothering you"

"Its just last night was not cool"

"Oh how come? Lucy was practically drooling over you when we got in and you were flirting with her"

"Yeh but it was really embarrassing for me when she found out about the cage. And it was really humiliating having to suck you in front of her."

"You're embarrassed of your master?" I ask

"No it's not that. I'm embarrassed of being a cocksucker" He puts his head in his hands as he says that.

"Hey, look at me. You've go nothing to be embarrassed about. You suck better than her. And she was really turned on by watching you.


"Yeh, she told me so. Anyway who cares, you're never gonna see here again. And you must've enjoyed making out with her.

A smile appear across his face. "Yeh that was awesome. It's been forever since I got to taste some pussy"

"See some good came from it"

"Except..." He hesitates before continuing. "It's just made me even more horny. I could hardly sleep last night."

"Yeh I get it now. That must be tough"

"So, do you think I could cum today?" He asks expectantly.

I get an idea. "Let me ask you something. When was the last time you fucked someone?"

"It's been over 2 years since I've been with a girl"

"Ever fucked a guy?" I ask

He shakes his head.

"Do you want to?"

"Honestly, I'd fuck anything, I'm so desperate"

"Okaaayy" I say slowly, formulating a plan in my head. "How about this.. You don't cum today and tomorrow you get to fuck?"

"Really?" He asks as his eyes light up. "Who would I fuck"

"I'll see what I can arrange. You will have to do what I say"

"I'll do anything. I promise"

"Good boy" I pat his head as I say that.

Now that Tom's moods uplifted a bit we can carry on with our day.

"So are you still meeting your friends today?" He asks me

"Yeh, I'm gonna go in a bit. What are you doing today?"

"Just explore the city. Might go to St. Kilda's beach"

"It's a nice day for it but you're gonna be disappointed with the beach. It's nothing compared to the beaches we were at last week.

"Thanks for the warning, I'll think about it"

"Whatever you do, be back home by 8pm. I don't want you going out and getting in trouble"

"Yes sir" he says.

We then both get ready to go about our day. I've got to meet my friends and I need to arrange someone for Tom.

The next day Tom's in a much better mood. We go on a run together, then hit the gym for some weights. After that he makes me a cracking fry up to undo all the good work.

As we're eating Tom says "So..."

"So what?"

"Do I get to fuck and cum today"

"Yeh, I got someone lined up for you.


"Do you remember Ryan? Phil the barber's boy"

"Oh yeh, he tried to kiss me." Tom sounds a bit hesitant. "I guess he had a nice hole, it looked tight when we saw him getting fucked in the club"

"Remember he's not just a hole. He's a really nice boy and you have to to treat him good"

"What do you mean?" Tom asks looking a bit confused.

"Ryan's a gay boy. He's gonna want to kiss you, make out with you. You know, everything you'd do with a girl before fucking her"

Tom looks a bitt disgusted. "I don't know if I can do that"

"Ok, I'll cancel it then"

"Can't I just fuck him and go"

"Charming mate" I says feigning exasperation. "He's a good lad and deserves better than that. He really fancies you and it took a lot for him to persuade Phil to allow this. If you do this then you treat him like he's your boyfriend and you're making a love to him." I intentionally describe it like that knowing it'll make him uncomfortable.

"Ughhh" he groans. "Just let me cum and we forget about this"

"You really are an ungrateful shit sometimes" I say angrily. "I go to the trouble of arranging this, I'm gonna owe Phil, so will Ryan. And now you're backing out"

Tom doesn't say anything. I guess this is too much for him.

"I ain't touching that cock of yours, if you don't wanna go through with this then wait until we're back in London. Will can sort you out" I'm sure that'll change his mind.

Tom sits quietly for a minute thinking about it. He sighs and says "Ok, I'll do it"

"Don't say it like that. There's nothing in it for me. I tried to do this as a nice thing for you. I think I should cancel as you're not into it."

He's got a panicky look on his face. "No don't cancel. I wanna do this"

"You sure?"

"Yes, positive"

"Ok then. He's gonna come over tonight at about 9."

We then go about our day, Tom seems to be really nervous. It's amazing that this guy has been fucked maybe hundreds of times, is an expert cocksucker but is so nervous about getting intimate with another dude.

It's almost 9, Tom has gotten ready for his playdate. I allow him to be unplugged. He's dressed in nice chino shorts and a tight muscle t-shirt. I thought he should look nice for tonight.

"Ummm sir, are you going to unlock my cage" asks Tom.

"Obviously yes. But that's gonna be up to Ryan. You treat him well and he'll ask me to unlock you."

Tom groans, he now knows he's going to have to do his best to please Ryan.

Just then the intercom rings and it's Ryan. A few minutes later there's a knock on the door and I open it and let him in.

He's got a brand new look. He's long surfer hair's gone. Instead he's got a short buzzcut. It looks good on him. Obviously Phil has made him into his slave boy. Ryan also has a collar around his neck. It's thin and kind of elegant, not like the ugly dog collar Tom has to wear. I guess Ryan's collar is about ownership and not to humiliate him.

"Hi Ryan, come in" I say. "You look great"

"Hey Sam, good to see you again"

He then goes up to Tom and give him a quick kiss on the lips. Tom tenses up a bit, he's usually charming and this is really unlike him.

Ryan and I make small talk for a bit. He already knows the deal about the cock cage.

"Well Ryan, you're not here to chat with me. Why don't you take Tom into the master bedroom and you guys get to know each other a bit better"

Ryan smiles "Yeh, Tom shall we go in there"

Tom just nods.

"Ryan, I'll be out here, let me know when you want Tom unlocked"

"Will do" he says smiling. "Tom do you wanna show me the bedroom?" He grabs his hand as he says that.

"Have fun you two" I smack Tom's ass as they walk into the bedroom.

About 15 minutes later Ryan struts into the living room. He's completely naked, his hard cock bobbing up and down as he walks towards me. He has a big smile on his face.

"Can you unlock Tom please?

"Sure, you having fun?" I ask

"Oh yeh, he's so sexy"

I get up and go into the bedroom. Tom is lying on the bed on his back. Ryan goes up to him, kisses him on the lips and starts making out with him. Tom looks like he's into it but I can't be sure.

I get the key and remove the cock cage. Tom's cock get gets hard straight away. I smack it with my hand then get up off the bed.

"Enjoy!" I say, heading out the room.

"Wait" says Ryan. "Ummmm do you wanna stay and maybe watch"

I definitely do, but play it cool. I shrug my shoulder and say "sure". I sit in a chair and watch the show.

They're both kissing a lot, and gently stroke each others cocks. The do this for a few minutes before Ryan goes down on Tom and starts sucking on his cock. Tom is moaning a lot. Ryan must be good at sucking. Ryan then repositions himself so his cock is near Tom's mouth. Tom gets the hint and takes it into his mouth. They sixty-nine like that for a while and both seem to be really enjoying it.

Tom slowly pulls away from Ryan and gets Ryan to lie on his back. Tom lifts Ryan's legs and lubes up his cock and starts rubbing it on Ryan's eager hole. He then lines up his dick and is ready to push in.

"Wait a minute Tom" I say. "You're supposed to treat him good. When I fuck you I prepare your pussy, do the same for him"

He looks away from me, I think a bit embarrassed at having his ass referred to as a pussy. He then looks down at Ryan's smooth ass and makes a face. I guess his not keen on getting his face in another guys ass. He sighs and dives in. He licks around Ryan's crack then swipes the pink hole with his tongue. He seems to be getting into it properly. He tongue fucks him for a minute then looks up at me.

"Can I now?" He asks.

I nod my head.

Tom wastes no time, he lines up his cock to Ryan's hole and pushes in. He doesn't stop until he's bottomed out. Ryan squeals and Tom roars. I chuckle a bit at Tom's reaction. Tom fucks Ryan hard but then slows down and goes a bit gentler. I don't think he's doing it for Ryan's benefit, he just wants to make this last.

After a while Tom pulls out of Ryan and repositions him so he's on all fours, doggy style, at the edge of the bed. Tom stands behind and plunges in again.

He's fucking him really hard. Tom just wants to cum now. Watching them go at it has got me really hard and I pull my cock out and gently stroke it.

"I'm cumming" Tom shouts. He's embedded deep in Ryan and unloads his seed.

Tom's panting really hard as he comes down from his orgasm. I notice Ryan hasn't cummed. Tom hadn't even bothered to give him a reach around.

I walk up to Tom and whisper to him "keep your cock in there." I reach forward and tug Ryan's cock, he's hard and leaking. Crawling up to Ryan's ear, I whisper "Do you want round 2 with Tom?"

He nods his head.

"Squeeze your ass and get him hard again"

I stand up next to Tom. "How's that ass feel"

"Great" he says.

"You wanna go again? You getting hard?"

"Yeh" he whispers

"Ryan didn't get to Cum" I say in a louder voice. "You're not a very sensitive lover are you Tom? How could you leave your partner like that" I use words like lover and partner to embarrass Tom.

"Sorry sir"

"You've got a second chance to take care of him. And I need to make sure you do a good job this time boy." I poke Tom's ass with my finger as I say that.

Tom just nods his head telling me he understands what's gonna happen.

I get behind Tom, my cock's already hard and leaking a lot, I line at up at Tom's hole and enter him. "Ahhh that's a good pussy" I shout.

I start pounding him and he goes deeper into Ryan. I can hear the squishy sounds coming from Ryan's ass as it's fucked with a load up there already. We go like this for about 10 minutes. I see Tom still isn't touching Ryan's cock or trying to make sure he gets off.

I pull out of Tom and pull Tom out of Ryan. "You don't learn do you boy, all you had to do was reach around and make sure Tom came." I say looking at Tom. "Get on the bed, legs in the air"

Tom does as he's told and I plow him. "Ryan feed him your cock, let him take care of you" Ryan smiles, gets Tom's head between his legs and while looking at me feeds Tom his cock. I start fucking tom really hard and Ryan is fucking Tom's mouth. He's really giving it Tom, I guess Ryan's really horny.

We go at it like this for a few minutes then I start wanking Tom's cock, Ryan instinctively takes the cock into his mouth. I can't hold it any longer and start cumming inside Tom. That pushes him over the edge and he cums in Ryans mouth. Ryan can't hold it any longer either and he shoots straight down Tom's throat.

A few minutes later we calm down and pull out of each other. Tom has cum on his nose and forehead, I wander where it came from. Must've dribbled out of Tom's hole. I scoop up some of it and feed it to him.

I then go to lock up Tom.

"Can I put it on him?" Ryan asks.

"Sure thing" I say and hand him the cock cage.

"Ready to be locked up babe?" Ryan says grinning.

Tom doesn't say anything. I don't know what's worse for him, getting locked up or being called babe by a gay boy he's just fucked.

Ryan knows what he's doing with the cage and very quickly locks him up. "There you go baby, locked up like a good little boy". He then gives Tom a kiss on the lips. Ryan's rock hard, I think having that little bit of power turned him on. Maybe he's not a total sub after all.

We all put on our clothes and head into the living room. Ryan and I talk for a few minutes and Tom stays silent.

"Well I should get going" say Ryan

"Ok mate." I say. "Thanks for coming over this was fun" Then I notice his bulge, Ryan's obviously still hard. "Nice bulge dude. Sure you wanna go out like that"

Ryan blushes. I don't know why after what we've all just done.

"Tom can give you another blowjob and take care of that for you. Why don't you both go out on the balcony and have some more fun"

"Good idea" Ryan says smiling. "Let's go babe" He grabs Tom's hand and walks him to the balcony.

15 minutes later Ryan comes back in followed by Tom. He heads towards the door. "Thanks Sam I had so much fun." He looks at Tom "Hope we can do this again baby"

Tom just glares.

"Bye Ryan, take care" I say

The next few days go by really quickly. We're both really busy finishing up our project. I don't even have any time To use Tom apart from the morning blowjob.

Before we know it, it's Thursday and almost time to head back to London. Our flight is at 5pm. It's the direct to London flight which stops at Perth for 90 minutes for refuelling. That's lucky for Tom as we only need to go through airport security only once at Melbourne. I'm dreading this flight, the first leg to Perth is ok, it's only 4 hours but then from Perth to London is 17 hours, that's gonna be gruelling.

We leave the office just after lunch and go back to the apartment to get our bags and then get a taxi to the airport.

"Ummm Sam, sir" Tom says as soon as we enter the apartment. This is probably the first time he's not undressed as soon as he's got in. "Can you unlock me please?"

"Why?" I ask, looking a bit confused

"It's metal, it'll go off at security"

"Didn't we talk about this your first night here" I say sounding annoyed "You were given a plastic cage but decided you didn't want that"

"I know, I'm sorry sir. I fucked up big time then. But please I can't go like this"

He's right, he can't go like this. If we had more time I'd argue with him just to scare him.

"Alright, we'll take it off. You put it into your backpack"

"Can I put it into checked baggage. I don't want them finding it in my carry-on. I don't want to explain to them what it is"

"No" I say firmly. "You put it in your backpack. As soon as we're past security, you find the toilets and put it back on.

"Sir can't I just go unlocked."

"If you're gonna argue, you can go as you are"

"Ok sir. I'll put it on as soon as we get through security"

I throw him they. "Unlock yourself. I'm done touching your dick mate"

He gives me a weird look, almost like he's hurt by that.

He unlocks himself and puts the cage in his backpack.

We get to the airport and everything's uneventful as we go through security. Tom isn't stopped and no one asks why he has a cock cage in his bag. As soon as we're through security we find the closest toilets, Tom gets into a cubicle and locks himself up. I get him to show it to me, he looks arounds, he lucky there's no one else in here. He lowers his shorts and shows me. I give it a good tug to ensure it's secure.

I take the key from him and put it in my wallet. I'm in charge of his dick for 24 more hours. After that we're back in London and Tom's real master can take control of him again.

Thanks for reading. I'd appreciate any feedback good or bad

Next: Chapter 11

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