Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on Mar 1, 2015


Troy and Zack

Chapter 12

Thank you again for reading my story. I love writing it and enjoy getting your feedback!

This is a fictional story that contains sexual content between men. If this is illegal where you reside, please don't read this. Please donate to Nifty to keep this site free. Send emails to I am also on Twitter now! @cory4travis. I think it could be an easy way for me to keep people updated and for people to share pictures of what they think the guys look like.

The first couple of days back at school I was a little nervous for Ricky. He seemed like he was not adjusting very well. I mean he put on a good face, but I am really good at observing people and I noticed little things where he would let his guard down. Brad was so cute making sure that he took care of Ricky and included him in everything and introduced him to everyone. It was awesome to see this side of Brad. After about 3 days though Ricky seemed to brighten up and there were some other big changes.

I was studying and had my stuff spread out all over the coffee table. Troy came walking into our room, sat down on the couch and looked at me with a huge smile on his face. Of course I stopped my studying the minute the door opened and the boy of my dreams walked in, but I didn't say anything and he didn't say anything. Just walked in and sat down. "What?" I said wondering why he was looking at me with this kind of weird smile. "Do I have something on my face or in my hair or something?" I said and he just shook his head no. "Are you horny?" I said in a sexy little voice, but he shook his head no again. Then I pouted. He smiled and said "Well now you are making me horny a little, but that is not why I am smiling."

"Ok I am out of ideas." I said giving up sooner than Troy would have liked.

"What would you say if I told you I bought a house off campus?" I am sure that my jaw dropped open.

"You what?"

He went on to tell me that he didn't get it yet because he wanted to talk to me about it first, but he looked at a house off campus that was for sale and he called the realtor and got the details and asked if we could come check it out.

"So can you take a break from studying and go check it out with me?"



"Holly Shit! That is so crazy!"

He just sat there and looked at me waiting for an answer.

"YES! That would be so cool!"

So as we headed out he told me that he was thinking that if we moved and had Ricky and Brad come live with us and maybe Drew would like to also if we can convince him to move here. I guess Troy's head has been spinning this plan since we headed home from getting Ricky and he was telling me that it made more sense, that way Brad and Ricky can live together and we could move in and have a bigger place. I was so surprised, what a great idea. We got in my truck and headed over to check out this house. On the way I was asking him what it was like and wanted him to tell me about it. I was asking a bunch of questions he didn't know and when he was telling me what he did know let's just say he was down playing the size of the house and the things that he did know.

When we pulled up I realized it was HUGE "Are you kidding?" I asked him. He looked at me and had a huge smile. I didn't say anything I just sat there looking at the house.

"You don't like it?" He said looking at me a little concerned.

"I love it! It beats the dorms any day! AND we have a great dorm for freshman anyway!" I said with so much excitement it snapped Troy back into excitement also.

"Should we go take a look?" Troy asked. All I could do was nod yes.

We hopped out of the truck and walked over to meet the realtor. I could tell that she recognized Troy right away. I am guessing that he did not tell her his last name when he made the appointment.

"Hello gentlemen my name is Linda!" She said with a ton of energy. I don't think that it was because of Troy, I think this is just how she is. Very friendly and upbeat!

"I am Troy and this is Zack."

"Well come on in and let me show you guys around." Linda said as she headed to the door. !! It was a really big house and with 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and a 4 stall garage. There was a huge deck that over looked a pool and hot tub. With a huge back yard. I am sure if it weren't for the fact that she recognized Troy she might have thought there is no way in hell these two punks can afford to buy this house. My guess is that she would have still been as nice, but maybe given the speedy tour. We definitely got the full tour of the house and she was great to answer all the questions we had, Ok all the questions Troy had.

I couldn't believe this place, it was so amazing. After Linda showed us around she let us just walk through the house and check everything out. It was also so fun to watch Troy as we looked around. He was so excited to see the place and to tell me the ideas that he had for the place and where everyone would stay. Then he took me up to the master bedroom and told me it would be so amazing to share this room with me. I smiled and he pulled me into him and kissed me so sweetly.

"What do you think babe? Troy said as he held onto me.

"I love it!" I said as I smiled at him.

"Let's go chat with Linda and see about putting in an offer." He said as he pulled me by the hand and as we walked out of the bedroom he squeezed my hand and then let go. I wanted to pull him back into the room and rip his clothes off and get him on the bed and attack him.

We got down to the living room and Linda asked what we thought. Troy said that he was interested and that he would call her tomorrow and thinks that he would like to put in an offer. You could tell that she thought that was great and she said that she would look forward to hearing from Troy.

As we drove back to the dorm Troy said that once he got everything pulled together we should take Brad, and Ricky over to show them and ask if they would like to live with us! This was so exciting to think about us all getting to live together. As we pulled up to the dorms and parked the truck Matt and Hunter were walking up.

"Hey! What are you guys up to?" Matt asked.

"We were just out running some errands!" Troy said quickly.

"What are you guys up too?" I asked quickly checking the subject.

"We just ran into each other getting breakfast." Matt said. They both looked a little guilty.

Hunter jumped in and said "We were going to see if Brad and Rick wanted to go play some pool or bowling or to a movie or something? You guys interested?"

I looked at Troy and he said that he wanted to make a couple of phone calls and then he would join us. I asked if he wanted me to wait for him and he said that I should go with the guys and that he would catch up!

Matt, Hunter and I went up to get Brad, Ricky and Drew and headed over to the Union to have some fun. Drew had decided to stay for a week to help with Ricky's transition and to get to spend some time with Brad. I think it has been hard with them not seeing each other since they both got out of the Marines. We were debating to play pool or to bowl, by the time we got to the Union it seemed like the consensus was to bowl! I love to play pool, but with this large of a group I think it would be better to bowl instead. We got our shoes and a lane and headed over to it. As everyone put on their shoes and picked out their balls, I had to give everyone's a squeeze to see which ones I would like to play with, just kidding, I wish, Matt put everyone's name into the computer.

It was fun to watch the guys go up one by one and take their turn bowling. It was one hot ass after another. Drew was killing us and Brad was trying very hard not to be shown up by his buddy. Ricky was giving Brad a little bit of a hard time that Drew was winning and seemed to be having a good time. It was also fun to watch Matt and Hunter together. I can tell that something is going on.

We bowled almost a whole game before Troy caught up with us. He smiled and whispered to me, things are looking good! I whispered back "No I am bowling like shit!" He laughed and said he meant with the house. I smiled and gave him a wink! Troy got a pair of shoes and joined us for the second game. It was fun to have him join and even more fun that I was beating him. I whispered in his ear "If I beat you do I get to fuck you later?" He smiled back and said "What makes you think you are going to beat me?" So the challenge was on. We agreed that the winner would get to fuck the loser. Now I can't decide if I want to win or lose.

I am glad that Drew decided to stay for a few weeks. We are getting to know him so much better and he is an amazing guy. Since he returned home he has been working for his dad's construction company. There is something about him that I can't read. He is totally a stud. He is outgoing, but he has these moments where he is a little quiet and withdrawn. He has warmed up to us, but still stays kind of close to Rick and Brad. I think that could just be that he is more comfortable with them and wants to make sure Ricky is ok with this new transition.

We bowled 2 more games and ordered some pizzas and pop. I was noticing that Hunter and Matt were getting along really well and I really think they would make a cute couple. I want to go on record to say that I noticed that one from the start! When we first met Hunter, Matt seemed to be really interested! Matt is a great bowler and so is Drew. You could see that Brad really wanted to beat Drew but it just didn't happen. Brad was a good sport about it, but you could tell that the two of them like to one up the other. After bowling we headed back to the dorms and Matt invited Hunter to come over. He agreed to come over and they kind of walked behind the group as we walked home. I being the most perceptive one suggested to Brad that Drew, Ricky and he come over to our place for a little bit. Brad did not pick up on what I was suggesting until I got close to him and whispered in his ear. So as we got close to the dorm Brad said, "Hey Matt, Ricky, Drew and I are going to go hang at Troy and Zack's room for a little bit. We will come up later." "Ok that's cool!" Matt said.

As we got into our room I announced "I would just like to say that I called that! I totally noticed Matt digging on Hunter from the first time they met!" Brad and Troy did not see it. Then when they thought back to that day they started to put the pieces together.

It was really fun to hang out with those guys! We made some popcorn and put in a movie. We all cuddled on our couch. Troy and I were on one end with Drew, Ricky and Brad on the other. Brad and I were in the middle and it felt nice to be by him. There was nothing sexual it was just nice. We watched Delivery Man. It was brainless and middle school boy funny.

After the movie we all just stayed on the couch and talked. It was just stupid stuff and then all of a sudden things got real serious. Drew started it off by saying that we were so lucky. Brad and Ricky to have each other and Troy and I. I could hear sadness in his voice. Troy jumped in right away with "I am sure that you have a million girls totally wanting that hot body. Not to mention a million guys as well!" Drew smiled, but I could see there was something much deeper weighing on his mind. Brad said "Everything is going to be ok man. You will find someone you just need to give it some time." Drew's head dropped and a few tears rolled down his face. The room went quiet and Ricky adjusted to put his arms around Drew and hug him. Drew buried his face into Ricky and he was overcome with emotion. "Did I say something wrong?" Troy asked. Brad jumped in and explained that just before they had finished their tour Drew's fiancée Morgan was killed in a car accident. They have dated since they were in high school and got engaged and were going to be married within the next year and a half.

I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. What a horrible thing to have to go through. We all got up and moved around Drew and put our arms around him and tried our best to comfort him. As he regained his composure he apologized for bringing the mood down. We all reassured him that he didn't do anything wrong. Brad kind of explains a little more about Drew's fiancé and we could see that Drew was being incredible strong.

"Drew I don't know what to say, but I am so sorry that you are going through this. I hope you know that even though we don't know each other very well the fact that you are willing to be open with your feelings with us makes me feel closer to you. I want you to know that we would do anything for you." I said before I had even thought about what I should say. It all just sort of came out of my mouth.

Drew looked at us and said that he felt like he had known us for much longer. That ever since we meet Brad, he has heard all about us and that Brad keeps saying he is lucky to have found us. Drew apologized again and said "I don't know what came over me. I think seeing you guys cuddled up made me miss my girl." Brad jumped in and told him that he never needs to apologize again for having feeling like that and that if we ever made him feel uncomfortable he should let us know. Man I love how Brad can be so strong and tough and yet have this heart the size of Texas!!

"You guys didn't do anything wrong. It just sometimes hits me when I am not expecting it." Drew wiped his face and it seemed like he was starting to feel a little better. Troy looked at me and I could tell that he wanted to share the news. I smiled and he got the ok he was looking for.

"So I was going to save this as a surprise for later, but this seems like it might be better to share now. Zack and I looked at a house today! We are going to buy it and wanted to know if you guys would like to move in with us. Ricky needs a place to stay and I know if I were Brad I would want to live with Ricky and we were thinking that maybe Drew would like to come live out here for a little while, so he doesn't miss all the fun." Troy said with a little sexy smile.

They all went nuts. "Are you kidding?" "That is fucking AWESOME!" "Oh FUCK YEAH!" I am not sure who said what, but I know that they all seemed really excited.

"I talked to my parents and they seem cool with the idea. It took a little convincing, but after some discussion they agreed that it could make a lot of sense. They are worried about security, but I said that we would keep the dorm and if things got out of control that I would move back into the dorm until we could hire a security guard and put in a ton of security on the house. They relaxed and agreed that I should go ahead and make an offer so I did."

This news was a surprise to me. My mouth must have dropped open, because Troy looked at me and said "Oh sorry I was going to tell you that tonight!"

"It's ok I am just surprised that things are moving so fast."

The guys were super excited and both Brad and Ricky started to put the pressure on Drew to get him to agree to move here. Drew said that he would need to think about it and that he was not sure what his parents would think.

"I am sure that your parents would understand if you needed some time to just be around friends. It would give you some time to figure out what you wanted to do and maybe even take a few classes or something." Brad said.

"Give me a little time to think about it and talk to my parents." Drew said, but the smile on his face told me that he was thinking it might be a great idea.

I joked by saying "Maybe you could hire Drew to be our body guard and he could make sure that we were all safe. I mean who would want to fuck with a stud like that!"

Brad played up that he was offended that I didn't pick him to be the body guard so that opened the gates for a ton of teasing and then a little wrestling between Drew and Brad. I wanted to just join in so that I could feel both of their amazing bodies. In my head it turned into a huge doggy pile where we all started taking off the other guys clothes until we were all naked and having a 5 guy orgy, but that didn't happen. The guys stayed for a little while and we talked about the house and how cool that would be. Then Ricky said that he was getting tired and they all went back to Brad's room.

After the guys left I reminded Troy that I beat him in bowling and that I think it was time that I claimed my prize. Troy stood up and reached out to grab my hands. I helped him and he pulled me up and led me to the bedroom. As we approached the bed Troy turned around and put his arms around me. "I hope you are not mad that I didn't tell you that I put in an offer on the house?" Troy said seeming a little sad. "Of course I am not mad. I could never be mad at you." I said as I leaned in to kiss him. We stood by the bed and made out for a few minutes. He is such an amazing kisser. Our mouths opened and closed with our tongues touching and rolling around each other. Then Troy took my shirt off and started to rub my chest. I normally love to do that to him, but I let him take the lead and it felt so good to have his hands on my chest and abs and then he started to rub my back.

He slowly reached down and unbuttoned my pants as he kissed my neck. I was in heaven. He lowered my pants and got down on his knees as he kissed his way down to my hardening cock.

He kissed the end of my dick and licked it up and down. He grabbed my balls and pulled a little as he put my whole cock in his mouth. It felt so good and I let out a slow low moan.

He looked up and me and smiled at me with those amazing eyes. He was going slow and using his tongue to massage the underside of my cock. I was thinking I was not going to last too long and would need to pull him off, but he must have read my mind as he pulled off my cock and made a loud pop with his lips. He stood up and kissed me again and then leaned into my ear and whispered "I love you Zack!" I melted right there. He turned me around and put me on the bed. I was laying on my back watching him strip off his cloths. He was so sexy as he slowly stripped for me. He made it quite a production. When he was completely naked he reached over and grabbed the lube and a condom from the table by our bed. He lubed up his ass and put the condom on me. He crawled on top of me and rubbed my chest as he was grinding his ass on by cock. He leaned down and kissed me. It was so sweet! It was soft and gentle and he tasted so good. After teasing me he reached around and took my cock and guided it to his hole. He positioned my cock and sat on it. It took a little to get used to and then once I was all the way in, he took a few deep breaths and then leaned down and kissed me again. Then he slowly started to ride me. He would pull up and then sit back down and it felt so good. He was riding my cock nice and slow as he was rubbing my chest. We did this for a good five minutes and then he asked if we could flip over.

He pulled off and got on his back and I got up and pulled his legs up. I placed my cock at his hole and slide it in. He was nice and open and moaned when I was all the way in. "OOOOOhhhYeees" I picked up the pace and started to slide in and out faster. "OOOOhhhhhh FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKK!" Troy moaned. This made me want to go even faster, so I picked up the pace and also grabbed his throbbing cock and started to jack him off. I stopped for a second to spit in my hand and then grabbed his dick again and started jacking him as fast as I could and fuck him as fast as I could. I felt so good and I could tell that we were both getting close. I looked down to see my cock disappearing in and out of Troy's beautiful ass and the sight of his cock and balls bouncing as I jacked him sent me over the edge. "Oh my god I am going to cum!" I said as I fucked him even harder. "Me tooooo!" Troy said as he shot his load all over his chest. All it took was for the first two ropes of cum to fly out of his dick for his ass to clamp down a little on my cock and I was shooting my load in his hot ass. We were hitting our climax at the same time and it was so fucking amazing! I pulled out and collapsed on to Troy's cum covered chest. I couldn't help it. He put his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"You are pretty amazing Zack!"

The next day was Wednesday and Troy and I were heading to the cafeteria grabbing a quick breakfast before we were getting ready to head off to our classes. We ran into Trevor, Jen, Kyle, Brian, Meg and Heather. It had been a little while since we had seen Heather and Meg so it was fun to catch up with them. Brian wanted to know if we wanted to meet around 6 to play volleyball, both Troy and I thought that could be fun. We didn't have too much time to chat, but caught up a little and then Jen and Trevor head to class with us. On the way Jen said "Did you guys notice that something seems to be up with Mr. Frank lately? I mean he seems to be really distracted." Trevor jumped in and said "Well if I had a big famous movie star in my class I would be a little distracted too!" We all laughed except for Troy who said "Very funny!" I jumped in and said "That's funny Jen I noticed the same thing the other day. It seems like he is distracted or almost a little sad." Both Troy and Trevor did not seem to notice. As we got closer to the building I noticed one of the girls from our class walking out and heading the other direction. Then as we went in and up the stairs there was a guy from our class coming down the steps. He said "Class is canceled for today and Friday. There is a note on the door."

Trevor jumped in with "Really that is awesome!" We decided to go up and check out the note to be sure. The kid was right... on the door was a note that said "Mr. Frank's Freshman Comp Class will be canceled for Wednesday and Friday due to a family emergency."

"I wonder if that is why he has seemed distracted the last couple of classes?" Jen said, which is exactly what I was thinking. I had this pit in my stomach that felt weird about the whole thing. Two days canceled didn't seem like that was a good thing. I won't mind sleeping in, but hope everything is ok with Mr. Frank. I was growing to like him even though he seemed to be a little star struck by Troy!

We headed back to the cafeteria to see if we would run into anyone we knew, which we didn't except for a few girls who wanted to talk with Troy. After Geometry we headed back to our room and I did a little studying. We hit biology and then hung out until we meet the gang to play volleyball.

I was really enjoying playing volleyball. I was getting better and better. It was a big group and we had 4 different teams that were all playing. We rotated and all played each other. Everyone we pretty cool about not being too competitive. There was a group of frat guys and they were a little intense, but not bad. I had played really well and had some nice serves. Brian had given me a number of compliments and the team was giving me some love which felt really great! After we finished a lot of people were just hanging out chatting and I was talking to Brian, Trevor, Kent, Kyle, Jen and Kerri. Troy was talking to Heather, Kim, Brad and Matt. Our groups were close, but had kind of circled up to chat and catch up and revel in the 2 wins that we had that night. I noticed that the frat guys were also chatting in a group and keep looking over at us. We beat them so I was wondering if that had pissed them off or if they were just talking about Troy.

People started to take off and our group was down to Brian, Brad, Matt, Heather, Kim, Trevor, Troy and I. The rest of the gang headed out and that is when the Frat guys came over and cleared up what they were talking about. "Great game you guys! I am Spencer." the tall blond guy said. He was a great looking guy that looked like he was s surfer. "So I am not sure if you guys know anything about the way the Frat's and Sororities work here at Eastman, but we have a Rush Olympics. I just wanted to let you guys know that you should consider checking out Omega Alpha Phi. Brian and Troy both seemed to get excited and started asking a bunch of questions. Spencer was happy to answer and asked them a few questions back. It sounded like the process here was a little different than at other schools. The Frats and Sororities send out invites people they are considering and after a week of pledging and initiation the frats pick their new members and then there is the Greek Olympics. The new members compete in different challenges throughout the week and then the Frat and Sorority with the most points at the end of the Olympics get awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze metals.

I asked "What happens if you get invited by two different Fraternities?" Spencer looked at me like I was stupid and he didn't think I would have to worry about that situation. Then he said that you would have to make a choice as to which Frat you wanted to rush. "You can't all be freshman right?" Matt explained that he was not and then Brad explained that he had just finished up in the Marines and was a freshman. The more the guys chatted the more it seemed like they were interested in Brian, Troy and Brad. Trevor didn't seem interested and was kind of half listening and having a side conversation with the girls in between questions from the guys and Spencer. I had the feeling that Spencer was not really interested in me joining his Frat. I couldn't put my finger on it be he really wasn't directing any questions toward me and would kind of give me a blow off answer to any questions that I had.

It sounded like the invitations would be going out soon and the guys all seemed to be excited about it. As we said goodbye and headed home, Troy and Brad were talking about meeting Spencer and the idea of being in a Frat. They asked Matt a few questions about what he thought and also if he had thought about joining and why he didn't. He played if very cool, but said that it really wasn't his thing. Brad asked me what I thought and I faked that it sounded cool and wondered what the Olympics would be like and what the pledging would be like. Matt told us a little about the Olympics, because that is something that all the students get to see, but the Pledging is secretive.

Brad and Troy were so excited that they were walking a little faster and got a little ahead of Matt and me. After my input on the subject I must have gotten really quiet. "Are you ok?" Matt said very quiet so that the other two couldn't hear. "What? Why do you ask that?" I came back with rather unconvincing. "I just noticed that ever since Spencer came over to talk about the Frats, you have been kind of quiet." I guess I didn't think I was that noticeable. I told him that I was pretty sure that Spencer was not interested in inviting me to join. Matt started by trying to tell me that he didn't think that was true. When he realized that he was not convincing me he told me that it wasn't all that it was cracked up to be anyway. I shared that it would suck to have Troy and Brad get invited and not to be invited. Also that they were both pretty excited about it and I wouldn't want them to feel bad or to not do it because I wasn't asked. Matt said that I should just talk to them and tell them how I was feeling. I told him that I couldn't. I said "I don't want to hold Troy back from getting the full college experience. I also don't want to rain on the fun and be a downer." Matt was really cool and said well if they get in and you don't then you and I can hang out more when they have stuff to do!" It made me feel good to have him say that, but at the same time it brought me back to that feeling in high school where I didn't fit in. I didn't want Troy or Brad to pick up on the way I was feeling. When we got back to our room Troy and I showered and that definitely gave me something else to focus my attention on.

Friday after classes Troy got a call from the realtor and everything was worked out. She said that his offer was accepted on the house and that they were going to expedite the paperwork so that he could get into the house in two weeks. It all seemed so crazy. He wanted to take everyone out for dinner to celebrate. The whole gang all headed to SaVoy's for pizza. Brad, Ricky, Drew, Matt, Hunter, Jake, Travis, Troy and I all were able to make it. Only Brad, Ricky and Drew knew about the house so it was a surprise to the other guys. Travis, Jake, Matt and Hunter gave Troy a hard time that he didn't ask them to move in, but were just teasing. We told them that they could come and stay any time they wanted. Part way through the evening, Matt asked Hunter if he would want to move in and be his new roommate. Hunter blushed and was not sure what to say. We couldn't figure out what was going on, until Matt said "Ok can we just tell them now?" Hunter then told us that Matt had asked him out and that they were now dating! We were all so excited for them and it was so cute the way Matt grabbed Hunter's hand. Hunter asked Matt if he thought it would be a good idea for them to be roommates since it was so new and Matt said that he thought it was a great idea. He said "My place is much better than yours and your roommate is a slob so it is a total win, win!" We all laughed.

We had a great evening and everyone seemed really happy. Things were going great until Troy brought up the subject of the Frat and he and Brad were telling everyone about it. I tried really hard to not show any sign that it made me sad. I didn't want to bring the evening down. It was funny, because both Brad and Troy made reference to the three of us getting asked. I don't think that either of them has thought about what happens if I don't get an invitation. Maybe I am the one who will be wrong.

The evening wrapped up and we all headed back to campus. I was kind of quiet and Troy of course noticed. "You ok?" I didn't want to talk about the Frat so I said "I am just tired. I also keep thinking about Mr. Frank and hope he is ok." Troy and I talked about Mr. Frank a little bit and what could be happening. We both hoped that he was ok and that everything would be ok for him. We both admitted that we had both grown to like him. When we got home I said that I was going to get ready for bed. Troy gave me a little bit of a hard time about heading to bed so early on a Friday night? "See I told you I was lame. Now you finally have to believe me." Troy laughed and said "You are not lame. I am just giving you a hard time. I think I am going to watch a movie."

I got ready for bed and hopped into bed. I fell asleep and must have slept for an hour or so, but woke up and needed to pee so I got up and went to the bathroom. I went out to see how the studying was coming, but Troy was gone. It wasn't a big deal, but I wondered where he might have gone this late at night. I went back to bed and tried to sleep, but I couldn't. My mind was racing and I just wondered where he went. It is funny how your mind can go to places you never thought it would. My mind raced and time seemed to stand still. I lay there tossing and turning for an hour before I heard our door open and close. I wanted to go out and ask him where he went, but at the same time it was not that big of deal. I rolled over and finally fell back asleep although I did not sleep very well. Troy finally crawled into bed about 2am. He crawled in and snuggled in behind me wrapping his arms around me and kissing the back of my neck. "Good night sweet boy!" he whispered. I pretended I was still asleep. It felt so good to have him holding me.

On Saturday I woke up early and decided to go for a run to kind of clear my brain! As I was heading down stairs I ran into Brad and Ricky who were also heading out for a run. They asked if I wanted to join them. I told them it was cool that they could use the time to catch up, but they insisted. We all headed out and hit the trails. We talked and they were both really excited about the house and moving in. Brad keep giving Ricky a hard time and telling me that he was super messy and that I was going to get sick of him really quick. I laughed and Ricky didn't seem to let it get to him much. It was nice to just hang with them and run. I love them so much! I was also getting excited about moving into the new house.

As we were finishing up our run we decided that we would shower and then grab something to eat. I told them I would see if Troy was up and maybe sometime later today we could see if he would want to go take a look at the house or at least drive by. This got them very excited. We split up and headed to our rooms to get ready. Drew and Ricky were crashing with Matt and Brad. It sounded like Drew was staying in Brad's bed and Ricky and Brad were sleeping in the living room on roll up mattresses. Brad would joke and say it was like being in the Marines again and that if he could do it then Ricky could too. It sounds like they use to camp a lot when they were younger. Damn 2 hot studs sleeping together in a tent! I want to go camping!!

When I got to the room Troy had left a note that said "Morning Sunshine! Not sure where you headed off to this morning, but I am going to head to the Cafe to grab something to eat with Jake and Travis if you want to come join us." I hopped in the shower and headed over to the Cafeteria to see if I could find the guys.

I grabbed a banana and some yogurt and headed toward the gang. There was a group that had pulled two tables together, we always do that, and they seemed to be kind of loud and excited. I walked up and everyone greeted me. There was a pretty big group and since we are not open about our relationship we there was not a seat by Troy which was totally ok. The guys were all talking and then Troy said "Did anyone find you and give you anything today?" I was confused?

"No I don't think so." I said sounding very confused.

"Really? Cuz a bunch of us got invitations to pledge Omega Alpha Phi. Spencer found me on my way here and handed me this envelop. It was an invitation to be one of the Pledges. One of the guys caught Brian on his way here and a different guy went to Trevor's dorm."

"Oh! That's cool." I didn't know what to say. I felt really stupid, because I am sure that if they wanted to find me they could have and it seems like everyone else got one. I was trying to sound excited. Troy looked at me with a confused look as well. It was a cross between a little sad and a littledisappointed.

Before it could become a big deal Trevor said "I am sure that it will take them a while to get all the invitations out." Try to reassure me, which I thought was sweet! That lasted for about 15 seconds as Brad walked in and held up his invitation. "Did any of you guys get one of these?" This was all it took for the excitement to erupt again.I was trying so hard to keep it together. I realized that I was the only one it the group that was not invited besides Jake and Travis and they are too old to get asked. I just wanted to disappear. I knew in my heart that I was not going to get asked. I was totally in my head when I hear Brad ask "Dude! What about you Zack?" It hit me like a kick to the stomach. I froze and didn't know what to say. That's when Trevor jumped in again and said "I am sure he just hasn't got his yet. I am guessing that it will take them a little while to track down all the guys." Brad agreed with him and so did everyone else. I just wanted it to stop. It is fine I am a big boy; I just wanted them to go back to being excited and talking about the next steps and what they thought the tasks would be during the pledge process. Everyone kept eating and talking and I tried my best to turn invisible. I was trying not to make eye contact with anyone when I heard "Troy! Did you get an invitation to pledge Omega Alpha Phi?" "NO WAY! You go one too? That is so awesome bro!!!" I looked up to see the guy that Troy was talking to a few weeks back in the food line. He had blond hair down to his ears and was at least 6' tall and looked like a fucking model. You could see his amazing body through his shirt that seemed to be stretched over his muscles. Of course he got invited to pledge. "Hey everybody this is Gabe! He is one of the quarterbacks for the football team! He is also from California!" We all greeted Gabe and I was starting to feel like I was going to be sick! "Troy, guess what? I am going to get to start in this weekend's game, because Jason sprained his ankle in practice yesterday!" "That is awesome dude!" Troy said and then turned to us and said "We should all go to the game." Everyone was super excited. Jake jumped in with the questions that I was thinking. "Hey Troy, how did you two meet?" "Gabe is in my History class!" Of course the one class that we don't have together, there has to be this fucking model in it who is the Quarterback for the football team! Troy asked Gabe to join us, but he said that he couldn't. He had to head to class. Gabe said good bye and headed out. I am not going to lie; he seemed like a pretty cool kid.

I kept eating andlooking around as the group went back to talking about the Frat and the parties and the pledging process talking. I noticed Jake looking at me. It was like he was reading my thoughts. I could tell that he knew I was uncomfortable. Then he said "Hey Zack would you be willing to drive me to the store after breakfast?"

"Yah that's cool!" He winked at me and said "Awesome! Whenever you are ready no hurry!"

"We can go now if you want?" I asked. He said that he was ready and we got up and headed out. "See you guys later!" I said and Jake leaned over and said something to Travis.

We got outside and he asked "Are you ok?" I tried really hard not to cry, but I couldn't help it, tears started to run down my face. I tried to convince him that I was ok, but my emotions betray me. He said that the Frat thing is not a big deal and I should not worry about it! "It's not the fact that I am not getting in, because I would not want to do it anyway, it's the fact that everyone else did. I was the loser in high school and just when I am starting to feel like I am fitting in and that things are going well and I can't believe my life, this happens." The tears keep rolling down my face and I find that I was walking faster and faster to get away from the group. Jake tries again to console me, but it doesn't help. The emotions are pouring out of me like a bucket of water spilling all over the floor. "The best part of the whole thing is the fucking Quarterback comes over and lets everyone know that he got in too. I mean not a big surprise, but really? The only other people who did not get in at that table besides me was you and Travis and that is because you are both upper classmen!" "Zack! Can we slow down a little please?" I realize that I had picked up the pace so much that Jake was practically running to keep up. "Look! You are an amazing guy and Troy loves you very much! You don't have anything to worry about! My guess is that those guys are not going to do this if you don't get invited." I turn around in a circle and put my hands on my head! "That is going to suck even worse. Hey we can't do this really fun thing and try to get into this awesome Frat, because we have a loser in our group of friends who isn't frat worthy and that would kind of suck for him so we shouldn't do it! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" I just want to get in my truck and drive. I didn't want to hold them back. I needed to get away. It is one thing when you are a loser and don't get invited to the cool kid's parties or included in the fun things, but when you are a part of a group and then get excluded it sucks even more.

"ZACK!" I looked up at Jake's face and there was this half pissed half concerned look that he was giving me. "This is not high school! These guys are your REAL friends! I don't think that they are going to want to be a part of something that doesn't recognize how cool one of their friends is and once they see that, they are going to see some of the other things that make a Frat like that shitty. There are some great Frats and Sororities, but with these guys and this one, it is like they have never left high school and walk around like they are the captain of the all mighty sports team that every one worships. The only thing is that it is a small percent of people who care. The guys don't know shit about this Frat and I think that once they find out what these guys are like they are going to be turned off. If they do go through with the pledging, it won't be long before they realize what a mistake this fucked up group of guys are!"

I think I was standing there with my mouth open feeling a little like a kid who was getting yelled at. I didn't know what to say! I was feeling very confused.

"Zack trust me you don't want to be a part of that Frat! I dated one of the guys that is on the leadership team or whatever you call it! He is an asshole and so where a bunch of his brothers!"


"Yah! Just trust me you are not missing out and I think that the guys will surprise you!"

"They just all seem so exited! And who ever that Gabe is seemed to have gotten Troy really excited too!"

"Zack, Dude! You have to remember that this is all new for Troy! He has not been through high school and has not had any kind of relationships like us. He has never had friends that treat him like he is just a normal guy, friends that will just like him for just who he is. I have no idea what this Gabe guy's story is, but when I see Troy look at you, I see the love in his eyes. You have got to stop seeing yourself as the guy from high school. None of us know that Zack! We see you as this amazing guy who is in college now. Who is fucking incredible! I know that Troy has what he wants! You need to trust in that too!" Jake made me feel a little better. As we approached my truck I asked if Jake wanted to drive! He smiled and I tossed him the keys! I asked what it was that he need to get again and he said "Nothing really! I could just see that your mind was going into over drive and you needed to get out of there, so let's go get a coffee." This almost made me cry again! To have a friend who could see that I was hurting and came in like a super hero and took me away and helped me get my head on straight was such an incredible feeling.

Jake took me to this adorable little cottage like coffee shop! A friend of his worked there so he has been there a ton before and they had great coffee. I am not a coffee drinker, but this was fantastic. Of course I put a ton of cream and sugar in mine, but still the flavor of the coffee was great! We sat and talked for a long time and I was feeling a lot better. I think that I started to feel stupid for thinking the way I was, but Jake also made me realize that we all do that sometimes. I also realized that no matter how hard things might seem you never know when something or someone is going to come into your life and change everything!

We finished up and stopped at the grocery store to grab a few things and I decided to grab stuff to make guacamole and margaritas. My mom had this great recipe that was super simple and I thought that would be a nice thing to make for us later!

On the way home I thanked Jake and told him I felt very lucky to have him looking out for me. He said "It is nice to have a little brother to look out for!" Man he knew just what to say!

I headed up to the room and was dreading seeing Troy as I didn't want to talk about the Frat. I didn't want him to ask if I had received my invitation or want to talk about how excited he was about getting his and what it would be like. I got to the door and paused for s second and took a deep breath! My biggest fear was that I would lose it and start to cry. I turned the key and went in. I didn't say anything as I was apprehensive. It was very quiet, so I checked around and found that Troy wasn't home. I was a little relieved. I decided to grab my stuff and head to the library for a little while to study! I was going to leave Troy a note, but then thought that maybe I just needed sometime alone to clear my head. I found a spot out of the way in the back corner of the library. I unpacked my bag, got my computer out and pulled up my paper for Freshman Comp. I started to think about Mr. Frank and found myself drifting off to figure out what was going on. I wondered if maybe he had found out that he had cancer or something. How awful that would be and that he was so young.

"Hi, Zack Johnson right?" I snapped out of my daydream as this upper classman jock was standing there. Before I could confirm that yes that is who I was my brain took off thinking OH MY GOD this was my invitation from the Omega Alpha Phi. I couldn't believe it!

"Yes that's me!" I answered as the handsome jock reached in his back pocket and pulled out an envelope. "You are Troy Anthony's roommate right?" He asked seeming very nervous. "Yes I am." I answered now very confused. "I have had the biggest crush on him and have watched you two from a far and I know this seems really weird, but I was wondering if you would be willing to give this to him and not tell him who it was from? I have heard rumors that he is gay and I just thought... Well If he was interested in knowing who gave him the letter then you could give him this one and if he is not then you can just throw this one away."

I just sat there not knowing what to say. I slowly reached up and took the letters from the guy and said "Ok." I wasn't sure whether to cry or yell at the guy. I mean he didn't know about the invitations that had gone out today and that I was the only guy not to get one and he also didn't know that Troy and I were dating.

"Thank you so much!! I really appreciate you doing this for me. I am super shy and don't think that I could ever give these to him myself, plus I don't even know if he is into guys. I mean I hope he is and there are all these rumors and stuff, but ...yah! Well thanks again."

I think because I didn't really say anything he didn't know what to do so he turned and walked away. I put the letters in my bag feeling like total shit! It was almost 3:30 and I realized I couldn't concentrate any more. I started to pack up my stuff and my phone buzzed. It was Troy texting me to see where I was. I felt the tears running down my face. I felt like such a loser! I wasn't sure about texting him back, but I did and told him that I was at the library studying, but was getting a headache and was thinking about heading back to the room to take a nap. Troy was concerned for me and how I was feeling and said that he was at the apartment and asked if there was anything that he could do for me. I told him that I think I just needed to take a nap. I told him that I would see him in just a little bit.

I finished packing up my stuff and headed to the room. The whole walk back to the room I was trying to think of what I was going to say to Troy! I did want to talk about the Frat and answer questions about not getting an invitation. I got to the door and took a deep breath and went in.

I looked around and I didn't see Troy. I put my backpack down and went into our room and Troy was under the covers waiting for me. "I thought that a little cuddling might help with your headache!" He said with a smile. I undressed and turned off the light and got into bed next to him. I turned onto my side and Troy spooned me. He felt so nice and warm next to my body. He reached his hand over and started to rub my chest. It felt amazing! He would run his hands softly in circles on my chest and stomach. I was in heaven. The tears ran down my face.

"Is everything ok?" He asked after about 5 minutes of silence. Tears started to stream down my face as my brain processed the question. I wanted to pretend I was asleep, but I knew that it would seem to fake. I knew if I said anything he would know that I was crying. I was so mad at myself for not being able to control it. I tried to get out a quick response with a Yeah, but he could hear it in my voice. "Babe, what's wrong?" He said with a huge amount of concern in his voice. I couldn't tell him. I didn't know what to say so I just kept quit. "Please tell me. I want to help."

I knew if I told him he would not want to accept the invitation to pledge and I knew he was excited. I didn't move. The tears were still running down my face and finally he sat up and said "I am here for you and I can't help you if you don't talk to me. Please Zack, don't push me out. Did I do something?" Hearing Troy ask that broke my heart, because it wasn't anything he did. "No! It is nothing that you did."

"Then what is it? Please can't you tell me?"

He finally figured it out and realized that I had not gotten an invitation. At first he tried to tell me that the day wasn't over and that there was still time. I told him that I am sure that all of the guys go their invitations around the same time and that if they wanted to find me they could have. Then I told Troy about the guy in the library and that of all the day to have someone come up to me with an envelope for you today was the absolute worst. I told him that I didn't think that being in a Frat was for me, but after everyone else got an invitations and when this guy come up to me I got excited to think that I was cool enough to get invited and then when he told me that it was a note for you it was like a cruel joke where I was being filmed and it was being broadcast for everyone to see the look on my face go from excitement to disappointment. Troy was so sweet, he said maybe if we talk to the guys at Omega Alpha Phi they would invite you to pledge too. Maybe they didn't realize that you are one of the guys in our group and we would want to have you be a part of it too. I actually laughed out loud and then Troy realized how absurd that was. I know that he was trying to make me feel better, but that was just ridicules.

After a little bit of silence Troy said "Well then I am not going to do it." "NO!" I said right away almost scaring him I think. "That is exactly why I didn't want to tell you about this. I could see how excited you were and all the rest of the guys too. The last thing that I would want it for you guys not to do it because of me. Just because I am a loser doesn't mean that you guys should all have to suffer." That struck a nerve with Troy, because he sat up in the bed and said "Please don't ever call yourself a loser again." Troy explained that he was excited to get selected, but only because he thought that he would be doing it with all of us. The more that he thought about it he realized that Ricky wouldn't be able to do it and that Jake and Travis wouldn't and if I wasn't there he couldn't see the point. He told me that he was not going to make a decision for anyone else, but himself and that he was going to tell them that he declines the offer. I felt bad, but somehow Troy made me understand and I felt that I would do the same thing if the situation was reversed. I know that is easy to think when I am the one not getting in, but it meant a lot that this was him plan.

"Can I ask you one more thing?" I said not sounding very confident. "Absolutely, you can ask me anything." "How do you know Gabe?" "Troy laughed and told me that Gabe was in his History class. Gabe had recognized who he was and sat by him in class. He told me that his sister had a huge crush on me and had my pictures up in her room so after the first class he called her and he told her that I was in his class. It was funny because she didn't believe him and so he handed me the phone and I talked with her. She screamed in the phone and then I chatted with her a little bit. Gabe is a nice guy!"

"Yah he is super hot too and from the way he looks at you I would think that he has a crush on you too."

"Come on! Gabe has a girlfriend, besides I have a crush on someone else!" he said as he reached his arms around me and gave me a nice big squeeze. Troy knew how to make me feel so much better. We talked for a little bit more and then we both feel asleep. I love falling asleep in his arms!

Well there you go! I hope you like this chapter. I love to hear the feedback. Email me at

Next: Chapter 13

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