Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on May 21, 2016


Zack and Troy

Chapter 18

Thank you again for reading my story. Thank you for being patient as it has taken me longer than I would like to get chapters out. I love writing it and have really enjoyed getting emails from those of you who have read this story! Please know that I will keep challenging myself to get the next chapters out as soon as I can. I want to thank Joe, Michael, and Rob for helping with editing this chapter!

This is a fictional story that contains sexual content between men. If this is illegal where you reside, please don't read this. Please donate to Nifty to keep this site free. Send emails to I am also on Twitter now! @cory4travis.

I pretty much spent the rest of the day in my room with Troy. We watched tv and worked on homework. I went to the kitchen to make us a pizza and my mom had already warmed up some leftover turkey, potatoes and stuffing. She had dinner rolls, butter, milk and 2 pieces of Pumpkin Pie all ready on a tray to bring up. As soon as she stopped what she was doing to look at me, tears started to run down my face. She walked over to me and just gave me a big hug. I hugged her back and said I am so sorry! She stepped back from the hug and said "No Zack, I am sorry. I love you so very much and I am so proud of you. It was just a lot to take in. I always wondered and was a little afraid. I like it is hard road for gay men and I don't want you to get hurt." I wiped my tears and told my mom that I loved her too. That I felt free to be able to be honest with my family. Then I said "I hope dad will be able to accept me?" My mother gave me another hug and said "It might just take some time." Her smile helped put me at ease. Then as she was helping me take the dinner up to my room she said "Troy really seems like he is an amazing young man!" I smiled and told her that he was and that I feel like I am in a dream. She smiled and we carried the dinner up to my room.

Troy was so sweet he had put a blanket on the floor so that we could have a picnic. My mom helped deliver the food and then told us to enjoy our dinner. She left us alone. We had a nice dinner and talked and my mind kept coming back to my dad and when he would come home and if he would ever talk to me again. Troy could tell that I was preoccupied and would crack jokes or ask me questions to bring me back to our dinner. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

We finished dinner and brought everything down stairs. We rinsed the dishes and then loaded them into the dishwasher. My sister came into the kitchen to talk with us and I asked if Dad had come home yet. She just shook her head no. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful and Troy and I kind of stayed in my room. My sister came to chat for a little bit and my mom came in to tell us she was going to bed. I wanted to ask if dad was home, but figured it might upset her.

Troy and I got ready for bed and I was going to sleep on the floor and he asked if I would come up and sleep with him. It was exactly what I needed after the day I had. I crawled into bed with him and I took the little spoon spot. Troy pulled the covers over us and then put his arm around me and started to lightly rub my chest. He told me how proud of me he was. He said that he believed that everything was going to be ok and that my dad would come around. He said that he could tell that my dad loved me very much and that it would just take some time. This was probably a big change for him. I felt that in my heart, but it was still hard and with things the way they are right now I was still unsure of how things were going to turn out between us. I fell asleep with my amazing boyfriend rubbing my chest.

I woke up around 1:30 am and I heard something in the hall. I got up to see if I could hear what it was and realized that it was my dad. It sounded like he was drunk and my mom was helping him get into bed. I am not sure if he drove home like this or what, but I could he my mom say "You can talk to him in the morning, he is sleeping." I was a little nervous and glad that my mom didn't let him talk to me when he was drunk. I am not sure I am ready for a drunken conversation about me being gay with my father. Who knows what kind of horrible things he would say, or what kind of names he would call me. I went into my bathroom and got a drink of water and then crawled back into bed. This time I was the big spoon and held onto Troy. He woke up a little bit and asked if I was ok. I kissed his back and said "Yes as long as I am next to you I am." He rubbed my arm and we both fell back asleep.

We both slept in till 10 am. I felt Troy's hard cock pressing into my ass and I wanted to roll over and suck it for him, but figured that might not be the best idea under the circumstances. I lay in bed for a little while just enjoying his cock up against my ass and being lazy, but then I had to pee so bad that I had to get up and go to the bathroom. As I was taking a piss, Troy walked in and whipped out his big dick and started to pee right next to me. I love it when he does that. I am usually a little shy peeing next to someone, but for some reason he puts me at ease and I don't have any problem.

We brushed our teeth and got dressed and headed down stairs. My dad was still sleeping and my mom was in the kitchen making scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. She seemed like everything was normal and was almost a little giddy. She struck up conversation and asked how we slept and if we had any plans for the day. When we thought we would be heading back on Sunday. It was nice, but also seemed a little weird.

Troy thought it might be a good idea to get out of the house for a little bit so he suggested that we go to a movie this afternoon. I thought that would be a good idea to get my mind off of everything. We showered and got dressed and asked my sister if she wanted to go with us, but she was going to do a little shopping with her friends.

We got to the movie theater and it was kind of busy. I noticed a group of girls checking Troy out and I knew that they recognized him. He didn't seem to notice and just kept talking to me about the movie. He was really excited because we were going to see Left Behind and he was friends with a few of the actors in the movie including Matt Damon. All I could think was "Yah, you know, I was hanging out with matt Damon the other day and he said the funniest thing??!"

We got to the counter and Troy insisted on paying for the tickets. "Two for Left Behind please!" He said in a cheerful voice and then looked in his wallet to start pulling out money when there was this total silence. I noticed the girl behind the counter staring at Troy and not moving. Like he had cast some kind of spell on her and she had frozen in place. I smiled and then he looked up at her. She was a thin, pretty girl, but my guess is that she was not very popular and that she was also very smart. She had braces and glasses and I think was going to grow into a beautiful woman, but right now was in a very awkward phase. She stammered and said "Aaaaahhhhaare you Troy Anthony?" He smiled and very sweetly said "Yes. Are you Sara?" She was shocked to think that Troy somehow magically knew her name. "Yes! How did you know?" He totally played it up and said "I am a huge fan. Can I get my picture with you?" She was so confused and just sat there looking at Troy. "I am just messing with you. I saw it on your name tag." She smile and then you could tell that she felt really stupid. "I am sorry that was not very nice. I was just messing with you." She smiled and you could tell that she didn't feel bad about it, just that she should have figured out how he knew her name. Troy did take a picture with her on her phone and signed a movie rewards flyer for her and she got us our tickets.

Troy had to run to the bathroom and he gave me some cash to buy snacks. I went over to the counter and didn't use his money. I had paid and was waiting for my food when this group of jocks from my old high school who were seniors came up behind me and started talking so I could hear them.

"Yah wasn't he gay or something?"

"Yah I think I heard that and he graduated last year."

"His sister is Emily Johnson right?"

"Yah, that's his sister."

"Wonder if she knows her brother is a fag?"

They laughed. I wanted to run; I didn't turn around because I didn't want to let them know that I heard them.

"I just saw him buying tickets with some guy."

"Wonder if that is his new boyfriend."

"It is his boyfriend! I am Troy Anthony, Zack's roommate and boyfriend. Sorry to eavesdrop, but I heard you guys talking?"

I turned around and saw Troy stood there with a smile on his face looking at the guys, who all recognized who he was and stood there with their mouths open. None of them said anything. Troy was so quick on his feet; he let the silence hang in the air for a few minutes and then said.

"I am sure you guys don't have a problem with someone being gay? And to pick on someone for that, or to use the word faggot is such a douchebag thing to do. Besides I have amazing gaydar and I am can guaranty that 2 of you guys are gay and I would be willing to bet that you have already fooled around together and don't want the others to know about it."

I noticed one of the guys quickly look at the other and I would have laughed out loud if I wasn't still a little nervous about what was happening.

"It's funny how straight guys act like they are getting so much action when if you think about it, guys are so much more horny than girls and I can tell you that they are so much better at giving head and have tighter holes. I am pretty sure that most girls won't let a guy near her ass and a pussy gets so loose. Pretty sure that the guys who are messing around with guys in your group here are getting way more action then the rest of the guys they are just not talking about it. I am sure you guys have all heard the saying Karma is a bitch?"

No one said anything they still stood there looking stupid.

"I would hate for this choice that your group has made to harass a guy come back to bite you all in the ass!" I was afraid that the guys were going to get pissed off and start a fight, but they just stood still looking like they had just been slapped. The only movement was the guy who looked at his buddy, looked at him again totally giving away the fact that the two of them must have messed around. Then Troy said "Looks like our food is ready babe, Hope you guys enjoy your movie."

I was so proud of my boyfriend I could have kissed him right there in front of everyone, but I didn't. We walked into our theater and took our seats in the back of the theater and then Troy turned to me and said "You want to make out?" I smiled and said "I want to do a lot more then that!" He smiled. I told him I was so impressed with how he put those guys in their place and I asked him if he noticed how the one guy in the group totally gave away the fact that he and this other guy had totally fucked around. He said that he had noticed it and we both thought that was very funny. Even with all the talking about what had happened and talking about the movie, I still found my mind drifting back to my father.

The theater was over half full, but there were not too many people sitting close to us. When the previews started, Troy reached over and took a hold of my hand. It felt amazing. He made me feel so loved and everything seemed to melt away in my mind and I was able to just be in the moment and enjoy him holding my hand and watching the movie. There was a part in the movie where I had to close my eyes as Matt Damon performed surgery on himself. It was too much for me. Troy noticed and picked my hand up and kissed it. We both loved the movie and I was a little sad to have to come back to reality.

When we got home went up to my room and started to do some homework. After about an hour of working there was a knock on my door. I got up to see who it was and it was my dad. He asked if I could go for a ride with him and we could talk at some point today. I told him we could go now. He said he would get his coat and meet me down stairs. I closed the door and looked at Troy. I asked if he would be ok while we went and he stood up and gave me a hug and a kiss and said that he would be here waiting for me when I got back. He said that he thought this was a good sign. I told me that everything was going to be ok and that he loved me! I almost started to cry right then. I am so lucky.

I got my coat and my dad was waiting for me at the door. I followed him to his truck and went around to the passenger's side. I got in and swallowed hard. I didn't know what to expect. Before he started the car he cleared his throat and said "First of all I want to tell you that I love you and I am sorry that I reacted the way I did." I didn't know what to say so I sat there and looked down at the floor. I realized that tears were running down my face already! My dad started the truck and pulled out of the drive way. As he pulled out of our street he cleared his throat again and I could tell that this was going to be very hard for him.

"Zack, I did a lot of thinking yesterday. I also did a lot of drinking." He said trying to ease the mood."I needed to have a friend drive me home and bring my truck home. I know that I will be able to work through this, but it will take time. I know that I did not react the way I wish I would have and I am sorry for hurting you. I think I realized that your mom and I just had so many thoughts and dreams for you and how your life would be. I thought back to the day before you were born, your mother and I went out for dinner and we talked about the future and how it was going to change forever. We were both scared, but so excited. We knew you were going to be a boy. I was excited to teach you about everything. I wanted to be the best dad and your mother was so nervous she would do everything wrong. We talked about what you would be like. We wondered if you would want to play sports, or if you would play an instrument, or if you would be a good student or if you would struggle. We talked about how time would fly and that someday you would ?" He paused and swallowed and then continued. "Get married and have kids. Start your own family." There was a silence, because I didn't know what to say. I kind of wanted to tell him that I could still have kids and have my own family, but I didn't think this was the right time. He was opening up on his thoughts and I didn't want to stop that.

"As you grew up and we could see what an amazing kid you were and how everyone loved you. Your teachers always said what a great person you were and that you were a little shy, but that very caring and kind to the other kids. How when you were younger you would help other kids if they were struggling with their work. The teachers said that you always picked up the material fast."

It was like we were taking a trip down memory lane from my father's perspective. I could tell how much he cared about me and that he had done a lot of thinking. He talked for about 20 minutes with me just listening and at least 5 different times had tears running down my face.

"I am not sure that I will be able to be a father who marches in a parade or wears a gay pride shirt, but I realized that I love you more than anything and that I will stand by you and support you the best that I can. It will take some getting used to, but the truth is that Troy seems like a great guy and if he makes you happy then that is all that matters. I hope you can forgive me for what a jerk I was yesterday?"

I didn't answer right away. My dad looked at me sitting in the passenger seat with tears streaming. Then I realized that he was waiting for me to answer and I said "Yes I forgive you. I was afraid that you would not be able to accept me and that you would be disappointed in me."

"I was not disappointed in you. I was afraid of what I thought being gay would mean for your life and that life would be hard and that people would judge you."

"I am not afraid as long as my family and friends can accept me."

"Have you thought about how hard it might be when the press finds out about you and Troy?"

"Yes! That scared me that someone would find out and Troy's career would be ruined, but he has decided to go public. He just wanted to wait until I was ready and I told my family."

My dad didn't say anything right away and then he asked "Do you love him?"

"Yes! I love him more than I ever thought was possible. Dad he picked me to be his roommate."

I explained the whole story and how I was afraid that he was too good for me and that I would lose him and how I finally got to the place in my mind that I need to enjoy the time we have instead of worrying the whole time that I am going to lose him. I told him that he is constantly showing me that he loves me and that I have nothing to fear.

My dad smiled and told me that he was happy for me. Then he said "Will you be patient with us we get to use to this?"

"Of course! I love you!"

"I love you too son."

We drove around for another half an hour talking about school and moving to the house and my new friends. It turned out to be a pretty amazing ride. I was feeling so much better and when I got back everyone had this concerned look on their faces wondering how it when since we were gone for a little over an hour. I walked it and my dad was right behind me. I think that he picked up on the vibe in the room as well and he put his hand on my shoulder and said "I think we should go out for dinner tonight to celebrate what an amazing family we have!" Everyone smiled and agreed.

We talked in the kitchen for a little bit and then everyone went their separate ways for a little while. Troy and went to my room to do a little homework and I could tell him about the car ride. He was so excited at how things had go with my dad and he kept telling me how great it was and that he knew it was going to be ok. He also kept saying what great parents I had. He asked a couple of times for me to tell him again everything my dad said about him. I could tell that he was nervous to see if my parents would like him, just like I was about his parents. I think he hid it better though!

My sister came in to talk with me after she had cleaned her room and wanted to hear everything. It was very sweet to see how interested both Troy and my sister were and they told me that the whole time we were gone, they were wondering how it was going and that my mom would come in and tell them it was going to be fine. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I feel so loved in a way that I can't describe is different than before! I feel so authentic!

Both Troy and I finished up all the homework we had and played some cards with my sister before we headed out to dinner. My sister kicked both our asses and loved the fact that she beat Troy. Troy was a good sport and played along giving her the pout face and sad puppy dog eyes. Then after that didn't work he told her he was going to practice and that she was going to get her butt kicked when we came back for Christmas. It made me so happy to hear him say that.

Dinner was great and it was like everything was back to normal. My parents asked both Troy and I a bunch of questions about school and our classes and they both really want to come and visit and see our house. My mom was nervous that we might miss out on some things since we moved off campus. We told her that is would be ok and that we have made a bunch of friends and make sure that we are getting involved in a bunch of activities. We also told them about Brad and Rick. I could see that both my parents were interested to hear about them, but got a little quiet when we told them that they have been dating since they were younger. Troy and I picked up on it and didn't really go into too much detail. I knew that when my Mom and Dad met Brad, Ricky, Drew and the rest of the guys they would love them! I also know that my mom will be more at ease once she gets to see our place and that we are not missing out on the college life! I know that my sister is going to totally love the guys and will want to visit all the time!

Dinner was great and I felt like my parents were getting more comfortable with things. I know that it will take time before they are totally comfortable, but I feel really good with where they are at now. When we got back to the house my mom suggested that we all play cards as a group. We played 500 and this time Troy won. I told him that everyone let him win because he was the guest, but he didn't believe me. It was fun to see him fitting in with the family. We had a great night and after saying goodnight to everyone we headed to bed.

Troy and I had decided to head back to school after breakfast to give us a chance to get ready for the week. My mom wanted to make breakfast and insisted that we stay until after breakfast. Troy loved that she wanted to make breakfast for us! We got back to my room and I started to gather my things and pack them up. Troy came up behind me and put his arms under my arms and gave me a hug. He kissed the side of my neck and then whispered in my ear. "You are so incredibly sexy and I am so horny!" I could feel his cock getting hard as it pressed against my ass. I smiled and then said "Well what are we going to do about that?" He slowly started to grind his cock on my ass as he reached up under my shirt and rubbed my chest. We had a rhythm going and started almost to dance and now I was getting horny too. My cock was starting to get hard and then Tory worked his way into my pants. I love it when he does that. He teased me by rubbing all around my cock, but would only brush up against it, but not grab it. My head dropped to the side and my arms were long at my sides. I finally wanted him so bad that I reached behind me and grabbed his hard dick! He kind of jumped and pulled back a little. He wanted to be in control of what was happening and he was not ready for me to be working on his cock yet. He liked that he could tease me and pushed me to a point where I was so horny!

Then he slowly worked my sweatpants down and then pulled my shirt up over my head. Troy moved me to the bed, where I was laying on my back and then pulled my underwear off and started at my feet and kissed and rubbed all the way up my body until he was laying on top of me and kissing my nose. I could feel his hard cock pressed against mine and it felt so good. Then he kissed me and I opened my mouth so that we were making out. Then he sat up and started to rub my chest and grind his ass on my cock. I wanted to have him ride me and after a few minutes of this Troy lean in and whisper in my ear "I want to ride that big cock baby!" Then he kissed me and spit into his hand and rubbed in on my cock. Then he did it again and rubbed it on his hole and then he aimed my cock at his hole and slowly sat on my cock! I could feel his tight ass swallowing my cock as he slowly worked up and down on my dick! He sweet ass is so tight and it felt so good! I let Troy do all the work at first, but once he got my cock all the way in his amazing ass, I started to pick up the pace and fucked him. I started off slowly and when I did he let out the sweetest soft moan. Troy leaned down and kissed me as I was fucking him and then when he stopped kissing me he said "I love you so much Zack Johnson!" I smiled and then picked up the pace to fuck him even harder. He loved it and started to ride me harder too. He put his hands on my chest to brace himself and I grabbed on to his arms for balance.

I love the feeling of Troy's tight hole and I could tell that Troy was loving my cock. He tipped his head back and let out a soft "FUCK YAH!" as he bounced up and down on my cock. I slowed my pace and he leaned back so I spit in my hand and grabbed his cock to stroke it while he continue to ride me. We were both so horny I knew we were not going to last too long. Troy leaned down and kissed me again and I keep fucking his ass, but stopped jacking him off. Then he stopped kissing me and said "I want to make you cum and I want you to make me come! Then he got on his back and put his legs on my shoulders. I aimed my dick at his hole and slowly pushed in. He is so tight and I didn't want to hurt him. Once I was in and slowly fucking his hot ass I grabbed his cock and started jacking him again. We our eyes locked on each other. I was jacking him at the same pace I was fucking him and I could tell that we were both getting close. Troy was biting his bottom lip and looked so sexy. Then he said "Oh Fuck Yah, cum for me baby!" That is all it took to send me over the edge. I picked up the pace and fucked him harder and jacked him harder and just as I was about to shoot my load, Troy let out a soft grunt and shot his load all over his chest and hit his face. As he did this, his ass tightened and I shot my load deep in his ass. We both convulsed for a minute and then I let go of his cock, pulled my cock out and then collapsed next to him. Troy hit his cheek and chin with his load so I leaned in and licked it off for him and then kissed him. Our tongues shared his sweet man juice. We lay there for a few minutes making out and then we both got cleaned up and ready for bed. I got into bed first and Troy crawled in and asked if I would hold him! I smiled and said "I will hold you forever!" He kissed me and said "Good!"

I slept great! It felt like I held on to Troy all night! I must have flipped at some point in the night because I woke up to Troy softly rubbing my chest. I love that. It feels so good and always makes me hard. Once I was awake Troy worked his hand down my chest and grabbed wrapped his hand around my cock and then he cupped my balls and softly rubbed them. I never want this to end, but I know that we have to get going and head home. I flipped over and started making out with Troy and grinding my cock into his until he said we should get ready to go! "I don't want to!" I said pouting trying to get my way. Troy smile and knew just how to get my ass moving, "If we hurry and get home early enough we can spend the whole night in bed!" I hopped out of bed and ran into the bathroom and starred brushing my teeth and then I hopped in the shower. Troy came in and was laughing, "I guess I know how to get you to do what I want you to do!" I smiled and raised my eyebrows letting him know that we will just have to see. I finished in the shower and as he was getting in I was getting out. I gave him a huge hug and then let him have the shower. I got dressed and headed downstairs to see who was up.

Of course my mom was up and she had breakfast almost finished. "How did you sleep?" She asked. "I slept pretty well for being on the floor." I figured I would lie and see if my mom said anything about us sleeping in the same room or in the same bed. She didn't say anything and so I left it at that. It wasn't long before Troy came down and my sister was right behind him. Finally my dad came down and we all had breakfast together. It was nice to eat all together and I could tell that my parents were working on trying to be more supportive and comfortable with me being gay. We all cleared the table and my mom said that she would clean up the dishes after we left. Troy and I loaded the truck and gave everyone hugs and said our goodbyes and hit the road. It turned out to be a great break, but emotionally exhausting. I had a sense of relief that I had told my parents that I was gay and I felt a little more authentic. I was kind of looking forward to getting back to school and see our friends.

The drive seemed to go pretty fast since Troy and I talked most of the way back. We recapped the vacation and Troy talked about how much he loved my family and that I was so lucky to have my sister. We also talked about school and how quick the rest of the semester was going to go. We talked about how much work we had to do before the end of the semester and also how we had to make sure that we kept in contact with Mr. Frank. We wondered how his break was and hoped that he was able to spend it with his family.

When we arrived home Brad, Ricky and Drew were home and suggested that we all go out and grab some pizza for dinner. We heard all about their holiday. Brad and Ricky went home to be with their mom's and Drew went home to be with his family. They all said it was great and wished it was just a little longer. Everyone had managed to finish all the homework they had during break so we were able to relax and not stress out about classes starting the next day. We had a great pizza dinner then came home sat in the hot tub and watched some T.V.

Troy suggested that we head to bed somewhat early and smiled at me when he said it. I picked up on his plan and we said goodnight to the gang and headed to our room. Troy pulled me on to the bed and flipped me over and crawled on top of me. I could feel that he was hard as he kissed me and pressed his crotch into mine. He said "I am so proud of you! I want to give you a massage and show you how much I love you." He got up and grabbed some massage oil out of the night stand and then slowly undressed me, then he took off his clothes. He flipped me over and started with my back. He rubbed my back and arms and ass and legs and head. As he worked my body he would he would lay on me and press his body to mine and I could feel his cock rubbing my ass. I wanted him to fuck me, but he took his time. After he had covered most of my back he started to give me hole some extra attention. He started my massaging it with his thumbs and then he spread my cheeks and rimmed my ass. He was driving me wild. Finally he flipped me over and worked my chest and the front of my body. He rubbed his fingers softly over my face. And it felt so amazing, but not as amazing as when he took a hold of my cock and worked it over in his hands and then started to lick it and finally put it in his mouth. He sucked my cock nice and slow and jacked it at the same time until I couldn't hold off any more. I shot my load in his mouth and he swallowed every drop. I wasn't sure if I would still be able to take him, but I want him to fuck me so bad that I asked if he would. He was so gentle and it felt amazing. He started by rimming me again for a little bit until I was begging him to fuck me. He went slowly at first and then when he had been in for a little while he started to pick up the pace and fucked me so good. I was lying on my stomach and he was lying on top of me and kissing the back of my neck and behind my ears. It was making me so horny and I was moaning to let him know how good it felt. I think that pushed him over the edge, because he picked up the pace even more and let loose in my ass. It felt so good to have him cum in my ass. I am totally in love!

Next: Chapter 19

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