Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on Oct 25, 2013


Zack and Troy

Chapter 2

This is a fictional story that contains sexual content between men. If this is illegal where you are please don't read this. Please donate to Nifty to keep this site free. I am still new to this and would love any and all feedback. Send emails to

Troy and I went to the recreation center to play some pool! I wish I could say that nobody even noticed him, but that is not true. It is so funny to stand by and watch how silly people act when they see someone famous. I am sure that I would act the same way, but lucky for me I got to have my star struck moment in private.

As we approached the rec center I could see that people were noticing Troy and I and it was like there was this buzz or wave that must be sweeping the campus letting everyone know that yes indeed Troy Anthony was here on campus. We were able to make it to the rec center undisturbed. I could see that there were a few people who followed us into the rec center and didn't quite know what to do. You could tell that they wanted to come up to Troy, but they didn't know just how to do it. Some figure that maybe if they came in and played pool too they would get the chance.

As we approached the counter the kids behind the counter were talking and not really paying too much attention until we walked up. They looked over with no big deal at first, then they froze.

"Hi can we help you?" The first guy said.

"We would like to play some pool!" I said.

"Ok, can I get your ID?"

You could totally tell that he wanted to have Troy's, but I quickly pulled out mine and handed it to the guy.

"Thanks and it will be 2 bucks an hour and you can pay when you are done!"

"Cool, thanks! That way the loser can pay!" Troy said.

He laughed and so did the guys behind the counter. It was funny, the other guy who wasn't helping us seemed like he was frozen and didn't really move until Troy made his little joke and then it was like it was the funniest thing in the world.

We took the rack of balls and found a table in the back corner. As we were walking to the back, Troy said "You know I realize that I am not that funny. You see how that makes it hard to make friends and trust people. They are so fake.

"Sorry dude! If I do that you can just kick my ass", I said. That made Troy laugh.

We had just started into our first game when these 4 guys that came over to the table next to us and started setting up to play. It was weird, because originally they were set up at a different table. They seemed like they were a little older. I don't think they were freshman. Two of the guys were a little bigger like defensive football players and the other two were about our size.

I noticed them looking at Troy and I, but mostly at Troy and whispering. It was funny, but again it was like Troy didn't even seem to notice. He was so ultra focused on our game and talking with me that it was like the guys were invisible.

The other guys started playing and then it started. One of the guys started talking really loudly.

"Hey John, did you hear that actor guy Troy Antonio something or other is suppose to be going to school here this year?"

"Are you serious dude?"

"Yeah, I guess the acting thing must not be working out that well!"

They all laughed. I looked at Troy and he just kept playing again as if he was not hearing these assholes.

"Yeah, it is probably cuz he isn't that good of an actor anyway"

There was more laughing.

"I bet he thinks he will have all the girls chasing after him."

"Yeah dude, that is going to suck for us guys."

"It's ok Jeff, I heard all those actors are really gay!"

They all laughed again! I could feel my face getting red. I looked at Troy and it was like he was in his own world.

"It's your turn Zack", Troy said to me.

I couldn't believe that he wasn't going to say anything or do anything. Just then there as a camera flash. I looked up and there was a group of girls that were standing by the far wall and one of them took a picture. This only pissed the guys off even more.

"I bet he won't last two weeks at this school. Once everyone gets to know that he is just a Hollywood prick and that he is gay no one is going to even care that he is here and then he will just pack up his shit and be gone."

I was getting super pissed. I asked him if he wanted to go.

And he said "Why?"

"These guys are being pricks, let's get out of here."

"We came here to play pool." He said. "You just have to ignore them, it isn't worth it."

I couldn't believe it. He just went on playing and pretending that it was just us. The guys kept being rude and would comment on every thing we were saying. The group of girls kept getting bigger and finale two of them came over like they were so cool and not afraid, but I could totally see right through that.

"Excuse me are you Troy Anthony?"


"Oh my god, I told you it was him" the blond said to her friend. "Can we have your autograph please?" the brunette said.

"Oh I would love to, but the college made me sign an agreement to come here that I wouldn't be a disturbance and wouldn't be signing autographs and taking pictures with people. I told them that I really didn't think that many of the college kids would want my autograph so it wouldn't be a problem. I kind of think they want to kick me out, so I need to be really careful. Sorry girls!"

"Oh come on we won't tell anyone!" the blond said.

"I would love too, but I really need to be careful."

"Can we at least stand over there and watch you play?"

"I am sure that you have more interesting thing to do."

"No, not really." The girls said at the same time and then giggled all the way back.

Troy went back to the game and one of the guys at the other table started in again.

"Wow what an arrogant prick, won't even let a couple of girls have an autograph."

"I told you he was gay!"

CRASH!!!!! I slammed my pool cue on their table.

"Alright assholes, I have been trying to play a nice game of pool with my friend here and it has been really difficult with you idiots yapping away over there. I am pretty sure that you don't know what you are talking about. It sounds like you're just jealous. I don't know, maybe you all have a crush on my friend here and that is why you had to come over so close when you already had a table over there. Then you tried to get his attention which is obviously not going to work. So I would just suggest that you find somewhere else to exist or shut the fuck up. Are we clear?"

There was a huge roar of applause. I don't know what came over me, but I was sick of listening to these guys. Troy came over and pulled me away and was telling me it isn't worth it. I was so pissed off. Troy said. "Let's just go."

I yelled "No, we have every right to be here. They can shut up or find a different table to play on."

The guys moved across the room and looked like a bunch of little kids who had been spanked. We played for an hour and then decided to go back to our room and order some pizza. Troy had to pay because he lost and the guy at the counter said. "So it looks like you lost?"

"Yeah, Zack is just too good I guess!" This time we all laughed and it was real.

"Thanks guys we will see you around!" Troy said.

"Yeah, better luck next time", the guy said.


As we left, the crowd of people who were watching us slowly followed. A couple of kids came over and tried to talk to us. Again Troy is so kind to everyone. I am always so impressed with how he reacts to all this. It is all so weird. I have never experienced anything like this. In high school most of the kids would have walked right through me before they would have even noticed that I was there. I know these people weren't interested in me, but it still felt like it.

When we got to our building, we went in and the crowd kind of stopped outside. There were a couple of girls who tried to come into the dorm to see Troy. They were quickly escorted out. When we got back to the room, Troy seemed like nothing happened. I was so mad and shocked that I couldn't put it all into words. I was looking at him like aren't you going to say anything?

"Should we order some pizza?"

"Are you kidding me?", I said.

"What you don't want pizza?"

"Are you serious?"


"Doesn't that bother you? How can you just pretend that they don't exist? I am so pissed!"

"Why? They aren't talking about you. I am used to it. You think this is the first time that I have heard any of that. If I react then someone will take a picture of me freaking out or record me doing something stupid and then it's in the paper or on TV or on the internet. I just have to block it out."

I was speechless.

"You are going to have to get used to it too or it will eat you up."

"Still, doesn't it hurt your feelings?"

"Sometimes I guess."

"It's kind of hard to explain. I have really never had a chance to have friends my own age, because I was always working. I didn't go to regular school. I had tutors and stuff like that. The only kids I hung out with were kids in the shows I was in or kids of the cast and crew. Then when I got a little older I hung out with the adults. That's where I learned that it isn't worth it. I know that I can't turn my feelings off completely, but I just have to realize that some people are jealous and there are always going to be people who don't like you, so what can you do?"

"Wow. I don't know what to say. It seems kinda sad and lonely?"

"Yeah, I guess." He said in a sad realization.

"But thanks for sticking up for me. That was really cool. You were so pissed. I know I am not going to ever fuck with you when you are mad!"

We didn't really talk about it much more. I just decided I would have to be as strong as he was. I was now finding that I was more impressed with how strong he was. I was also developing a huge crush. I wanted to be there as a friend, but it was so confusing to have these romantic feelings too, but I can't let my feelings get in the way of our friendship. I don't want to lose that.

We decided to order pizza and watch a movie. After that Troy wanted to get to know each other and he asked if I have played the question game. I hadn't heard of it, but tell he told me how to play.

"Well there are a couple of ways to play. One way is to drink if don't want to answer a question or you could play were you have to take off a piece of clothing if you don't want to answer a question or you could do some sort of dare."

He said this like he had played a hundred times and it was no big deal. I was a little unsure of what to say.

"I am not a big drinker and I don't have any alcohol."

"I am not a big drinker either, but I do have a little, a bottle of schnapps' that was a gift from George Clooney as a going to college present, but we don't have to do that."

My mind got stuck on the gift from George Clooney part.

"Oh yeah he gave me a bottle too, but I drank it before you got here", I said.

"Really, that's cool. George is so nice that way." He mocked.

"When did you work with George Clooney?"

"When I was younger, he directed me in a movie."

"Wow, that is cool", was all I could say.

"Ok, so back to the game. The idea is that sometimes after you get a little tipsy the questions get better and it gets a little funny", Troy said.

"Ok, I am in."

Troy ran and grabbed his bottle of Peppermint Schnapps from George Clooney.

"The rules are that whatever is said here stays here, you can only repeat one question that is asked by the other person, and no question is off limits you just have to drink if you don't want to answer. Ok?"

"I am cool with that!", I said.

"This will be a great way for us to get to know each other and bond. You can go first." Troy said.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to ask a really lame question, but I also didn't want to ask a question that would be out of line.

"When your birthday?" I asked

"Really? That's your question."

"Ok well I have never played this game before. Ummmmmmm, Ok I got one. What is the best part about being a famous actor?"

"Ah that is an easy one. I think that the best part about being a FAMOUS actor (he laughed) is that you get to see a lot of cool places and meet great people. It's also a ton of fun."

There was a pause. I looked at him and said, "Great your turn."

Let me just tell you that Troy has played this game before and he wasn't going to mess around.

"How many people have you had sex with?"

Really that was his first question?

"Wow that is going right for it."

"You can take a drink if you want?" He smiled

"No, I will answer. I've never had sex with anyone."

"Really?" Troy said.

"I was a shy kid and didn't really have lots of friends let alone any girl friends."

"You didn't have ANY girl friends?"

"That is a second question you only get one", I said.

I was going to try to get him back.

"When was the last time you jacked off?"

"Now you are getting the hang of it. Last night! I thought it might be a while if I couldn't get any alone time." We both laughed.

"Ok my turn. Have you ever been caught jacking off?" I laughed.

"Almost. My mom walked into my bedroom and I had left the door to my bathroom open while I was doing it and she yelled in. I said that I was going to the bathroom and I would be out in a minute. It was really close though."

We laughed.

"Have you ever had a three some?" Troy laughed.

"No!" Again he was silent.

I am not sure if he really wanted me to get to know him or just him to get to know me. I seem to give too much information. He keeps his answers nice and short.

"Ok since no one is drinking maybe we should take a drink before each round of questions and then also if we don't want to answer." Troy said.

I was a little nervous, but it was cool. Troy asked the next question and I was really caught off guard. I knew this was going to come up sooner or later.

"Have you ever messed around with a guy before?"

I was sweating. Should I just take a drink? No because then he would know the answer anyway. I was starting to realize how powerful this game really could be. Should I lie? No, cuz if he found out later then he might not think he can trust me. Or should I just tell him the truth and hope that he doesn't beat the crap out of me. Things were going so well with our friendship that I didn't want things to change.

"Ahhhh... Yes I have!"

"What! YOU HAVE?"

It was like he yelled it.

"What happened? Who was it? How old were you?"

"Ok you just asked like 20 questions. That isn't fair!" I said as I was starting to regret telling him the truth. "It is my turn remember?"

"Ok but I want to hear all the details", he said.

My mind seemed to freeze things for just a moment to reassess the situation. Did he just say that he wanted to hear all of the details. He seemed like he was getting into the fact that I have messed around with a guy before. I realized that this was the question that I would ask him also. I would use it as my repeat question. So I asked him and then there was a long pause. The look on his face changed, l could tell he wasn't expecting me to ask this. Then he started.

"I didn't expect that you would re-ask me that one."

There was a pause and then he started. "It is only fair I guess!" He said with a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"When I was younger like 13 or 14, I had a manager that was super fun and seemed really cool. My parents loved him because he was very nice and polite and seemed to always have my best interests in mind. I think there was this movie that was very inappropriate that I auditioned for before we knew what it was all about. He made a big stink about it and that made my parents trust him completely. They started letting me travel with him alone."

There was another pause and Troy took a deep breath and then he continued.

"Well I had this movie in London and my parents went with me to get me settled, but they couldn't stay for the whole month that I had to be there so they let me stay with Greg, my manager. I practically begged them to let me do this movie and stay with him. He started acting weird. He would let me do whatever I wanted and take me where ever I wanted to go. He let me try margaritas and let me get drunk. He told me this was just between us and that if I told anyone that we would both get into big trouble. I guess I trusted him. It was fun. Then one night we were hanging out and drinking and we were going to watch a movie and he put this movie in and when it started he acted like he made a big mistake. It was a gay porn. He made it seem like he didn't mean to put that in and then said that I was too young to watch that and if my parents found out he would get into trouble. Well, of course that was all he needed to say to make me want to watch it. It was something I wasn't supposed to do. I kind of begged him to let me watch it. So he made me promise that I wouldn't tell. After the movie started I didn't know what to say. These two guys started kissing and one was a lot younger. I am sure that they were all legal, but the age difference was obvious. During the movie I could feel myself getting hard. I was so confused. Then he moved closer and put his hand on my dick. I was shocked at first and then he started rubbing it and asked if it felt good. He told me it was ok and that it could be our secret. It was ok because adults did this kind of stuff all the time. Then he took my pants off and put my penis in his mouth. It felt so good, but my head was spinning with thoughts. Then he took his pants off and asked me to do it to him. I thought he was so cool and good looking and I wanted him to like me and I didn't want to make him mad and I wanted to make him feel good."

He stopped again and there was a tear rolling down his face.

"Troy, you don't have to do this", I said. "I am so sorry I didn't mean..."

Then he cut me off.

"I was so confused. He was a great guy and was always so nice to me. I know that a part of me was attracted to him, but I also didn't feel like I had a choice. I put his penis in my mouth and he went very slowly. I didn't really know what I was doing, but he kept giving me directions. Lick it! Yeah, that feels so good, you are awesome, now suck on it. Yeah that feels great! I liked it in a weird way. As he got close he had me stop and he lay down and had me kneel just above his head and he leaned his head back and started to suck my penis again. He started to stroke his dick and really sucked hard on mine. He was moaning like crazy and then he shot his load all over his chest. It was so hot that I shot my load in his mouth and he swallowed every drop. I had never felt like that before. We messed around some more and then I started to feel really guilty about it and things got weird. I stopped doing stuff and told him that I was not comfortable and it felt wrong and that made him really mad. I think he was afraid that I was going to say something so he got in this huge fight with my parents over a movie deal and he ended up dropping me. He told me that it wasn't my fault and begged me not to tell anyone... You are the first person I have ever told about this."

And then he took a huge drink from the bottle and tears just kept rolling down his face.

"Troy, I am so sorry!"

I went over and put my arms around him.

"I hope you know that you can trust me and I will NEVER tell anyone!"

He started to cry harder and he put his arms around me and then he said very softly, "Thanks."

I just held him for a few minutes.

"Troy, I have never had any close friend. I feel like I have known you forever and we were meant to be roommates."

Troy looked at me again like I had said something that he wasn't expected. And then he told me something that I wasn't expecting.

"I know that we have only known each other for a very short time, but I feel like I have known you for much longer. I have to tell you something, but first you have to promise that you won't get mad at me. I feel like we are becoming great friends and I don't want to lose that. And you need to know that this wasn't my idea."

I looked at him with a super confused look on my face.

"When I made the decision to come to school here my manager Jeremy and my parents decided that I would need to have some special arrangements if they were going to let me come. So that is why we get to live in this dorm. None of the students knew that I was coming until I got here. The RAs weren't going to be told about me until the day before I got here. They were going to be told why I got to have this dorm and that security would be a little bit tighter in the dorm this year. I also was told that I would have to pick a roommate."

There was a pause and I didn't say anything, but I am sure that the look on my face just keep getting more and more confused.

"I was able to look at all of the students' information online. Not private information, but information that would help me make a choice. My manager and parents also had to agree on my roommate choice. They wanted someone who they could trust. He made the quotes sign with his fingers "Someone who wasn't going to take advantage of me", is how they put it. When I read your application essay I knew it was you that I wanted as my roommate. I just felt this connection. So I picked you. The day you visited the campus for orientation, set up your schedule and met with the campus freshman coordinator, you actually met my manager. Then my parents and manager had you followed and videotaped to make sure that you were ok. They had me watch the video of you to make sure that you were who I thought you were. I think they were hoping that I would change my mind and not want to come to school. I felt like I was doing something wrong, but I felt like I was getting to know you and that we were becoming friends. I started to look forward to watching you because it was like we were hanging out."

He paused and looked at the floor. There were still tears running down his face.

"I know that sounds really creepy. I am so sorry." I didn't know what to say.

He looked down like he was ashamed of what he was telling me.

"How...where...I mean what was I doing when they taped me."

I was feeling a little violated.

"Around your school and at your job and whenever you were in public. They wanted to see what kind of a kid you were. Who you hung out with, did you drink; get into trouble, all that kind of stuff. I didn't want to do it and like I said, I knew you from your essay and I didn't want to watch first. Then it was like I couldn't get enough. I couldn't wait to meet you."

There was a pause and then Troy said something that made me think I had lost my mind.

"I feel like...I was developing a ...I don't a little crush on you Zack!"

What? Was all that I could think. Did he just say what I think he said? Troy Anthony just said he had a little crush on me and he told me he has given head before? This can't be real. I was dumbfounded. I just sat there and didn't say anything. Troy was looking at the floor and then he looked at me with these amazingly sad eyes.

"Please say something. Please don't hate me. I am so sorry! I know that it is creepy, but I don't want to lose you!"

"I...I...I" was all I could get out.

"I am sorry Zack, if you want to switch roommates I totally understand. I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted to talk to me again, but I didn't ..."

The next thing I know I grabbed his face and started to kiss him. I think it took him by surprise and then he started to kiss me back. I didn't want to pull away, but I needed to see what he was thinking. I couldn't look at him.

"So you are not mad at me?", he said.

I laughed and said. "No! I have been trying to figure out how I got so lucky to have you as my roommate and when it would all come to an end with someone telling me that it was just a big joke and that it was all going to be on TV and I was going to look like a big idiot."

Troy laughed.

"I have felt so guilty and wanted you to know, but wasn't sure how to tell you without you hating me."

"I could never hate you Troy."

This time he leaned in and started kissing me. We sat there making out for a few minutes and we slowly moved into a more comfortable position where he was laying on top of me and we had taken off each other's shirts. He was much more defined than I and I was feeling every inch. My hands were exploring his chest and back and he was massaging me as well. He reached down and started to unbutton my pants, so I started to take his off too. We were both in our boxer briefs. Troy got back on top of me and we were grinding our crotches together and making out. I was so hard and could feel that he was too.

Troy flipped around, pulled me into a sitting up position and got onto the floor between my legs and he pulled my boxers off. My 7.5 inch cock jumped out of my underwear and the head of my cock was shining with pre-cum.

"WOW! What a nice dick!" Troy said as he started licking his lips.

He slowly leaned in to kiss my stomach. He went lower and lower until he got to the head of my cock. He licked the tip a couple of times and then he put the head of my cock in his mouth and started to lick the tip with his tongue. It felt so good my head fell back and I closed my eyes. Troy slid my cock deeper and deeper into his mouth. Boy could this kid suck a cock. He picked up the pace a little and then pulled off. He grabbed my dick and then licked from my balls all the way up to the tip.

I ran my hands through his hair and down his back a little. I didn't what him to stop, but I also wanted to get my hands and mouth on his meat. I had to pull him off my cock and up so that I could kiss him again. Then we switched positions. I pulled his boxers off. I was staring at Troy Anthony's perfect cock. It was at least 7 inches with a thick vein running up the side and a perfectly cut head.

I pulled his underwear off his feet and tossed it to the side. I started at his feet and kissed and sucked my way up to his balls. He was a little ticklish when I was kissing his inner thigh and licked his balls. I licked and sucked on his big balls, taking one in my mouth and then the other. Then I licked up his cock until I got to the head. I grabbed his cock and then took his dick in my mouth and went all the way down. I swallowed all 7 inches. He let out this soft moan. It was so sexy it made my cock jump. I went to work on his cock like I was never going to get to do this again. I couldn't believe that I was sucking off Troy Anthony.

After a couple of minutes of me working him over he pushed me onto the floor and we got into a 69 position with him on top. We both sucked and licked and jacked each other like crazy. It wasn't long and he was really thrusting away and moaning and then he said, "I am going to cum!"

I just sucked harder and faster and pumped him with my hand. I felt his cock pulse and tasted his juice. He must have shot 7 times. He went back to work on my dick like a maniac and I started shooting in his mouth. He kept sucking until he got every drop. I had to pry him off my cock. We both collapsed and tried to catch our breath.

"That was amazing!", Troy said.

"Yeah that was the best blow job I've ever gotten."

He flipped around and we laid there for about 5 minutes and then we decided to get ready for bed. We didn't really say much as we were getting ready for bed or after we crawled into bed. Troy turned off the lights and then my mind started to race. What if Troy was regretting what happened? What if he felt like I pushed him? What if he gets mad that I started that and then he doesn't want to be my roommate anymore? Ok I realize this was going a little over board, but with it being so quiet I couldn't help it.

"Are you sleeping yet?"

That totally scared me, because it was so quiet.

"No. You scared me."

"Sorry! I just can't fall asleep", Troy said.

"Me mind is racing." Why did I say that?

"Me too. Are you ok..I mean with what happened?"

"Yes! Are you ok?"

"Yes! It was great. Would you want to push your bed over here and we could sleep together?"

"YES!" I screamed. Or at least it felt like it.

So we put the beds together and spooned. I was in the back and I am sure he could feel my dick getting harder.

"Thanks for being so awesome Zack!", Troy said so softly.

"Are you kidding, you are pretty amazing yourself. Thank you for picking me. I think it is going to be a great year."

And we both fell asleep.

Thanks again for reading this story. Hope you like it. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback if you want to send it to

Also thanks to Mark for editing for me.

Next: Chapter 3

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