Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on Nov 13, 2013


Zack and Troy

Chapter 4

This is a fictional story that contains sexual content between men. If this is illegal where you are please don't read this. Please donate to Nifty to keep this site free. I love any and all feedback. Send emails to

I woke up and realized I was alone in the bed. I stretched and rolled around a little bit but I didn't think much of it until my mind caught up. Where was Troy? Then I could smell the bacon cooking and realized he must be up to something. I adjusted my morning hardon and rolled over and closed my eyes again. I just laid there for a few minutes when I could hear Troy coming in to the bedroom. Troy slowly climbed on top of me and started kissing my shoulders and the back of my neck. I rolled over and there he was just looking in my eyes. It was so amazing. He leaned in and kissed me. He told me that he had a surprise for me and that I needed to get out of bed to have it. He reached down and grabbed my cock and gave it a squeeze and a tug.

"I can see that someone is up and ready to start the day!", he said.

I laughed and said that I had been thinking of him. Troy pulled the covers off and helped me out of bed and then pulled me in and kissed me again. I can't tell you how great this felt. I told Troy that I had to go to the bathroom and that I would get dressed and meet him in the kitchen. He smiled and squeezed my cock one more time and then went into the kitchen. I quickly put on a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt, went to the bathroom. When I walked into the kitchen the table was filled with this amazing spread, orange juice, pancakes, fresh fruit, sausage, and bacon.

"This is amazing!", I said.

"You are amazing!", Troy said.

"Where did you get all this?" I was in shock.

"I got up early and went to the store! It was kind of scary though, almost got mobbed by a bunch of crazy fans."

"Really?", I said with a sound of concern in my voice.

"No I was kidding!"

"I feel like this is a dream or a big joke. No one has ever been this interested in me before. Not even as a friend let alone in a romantic way. I think this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." I was a little choked up.

"Zack I feel so lucky! I was so nervous that you were not going to want to deal with all the baggage that comes along with hanging out with me. I was also afraid to tell you how I felt, that I was going to mess things up and lose you as a friend."

Troy was so sweet. I again made some crack about him having anyone he wanted. "Not everyone treats me like the girls on campus, trust me. Remember the guys at the rec center? There are plenty of people who treat me like that."

"Troy those guys are just jealous. They wish they could be you."

"Believe me there are plenty of days that I would trade places with them."

"I don't think so. You are so lucky. You get to be in movies and travel and see the world and have everyone know who you are. What is wrong with all that?"

Troy paused then he said. "Zack it's lonely. You don't really know who you can trust. People want to hang out with you because you are famous and they think you have money. They don't really want to get to know you and see who you are. They just want to be seen with you or use you. I feel like I have had to build up this wall around myself to keep myself from getting hurt. Besides I didn't get to have a normal childhood. I didn't get to go to high school, Prom, football games and all the other things that normal kids get to do."

"It's not all it's cracked up to be. You have seen it. Look how people treat me. They don't even know me, they just want something."

Troy said under his breath. "Zack when I watched you on the videos I felt like I started to know you. I could see the real you. Someone who cared about people and had a huge heart, you are cool Zack. I know that people hurt you and that you weren't popular, but I don't care. I know better than anyone that people can be cruel and shallow."

"Oh so you felt sorry for me, is that it?"

"Zack I have never had a relationship like this before, but I have never felt so happy. I know it won't be easy, but I have never wanted something so bad before in my life."

The room fell silent for a minute. "I think that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I feel like I am the lucky one. I feel like you could have the pick of the campus, every girl and most of the guys would do anything to spend one night with you, let alone go out with you... it seems like a dream. One day I am going to wake up and this will all be a dream."

Troy leaned in and kissed me and then he said, "Does that seem like a dream?"

I shook my head no. I felt so good inside. We finished the amazing breakfast and Troy said, "We better get ready if we are going to go to the beach with Jake and Travis."

We decided that it didn't make much sense to take a shower before we went to the beach, we could just take one when we got home. Which kind of bummed me out, cuz I wasn't sure that I could wait that long to get my hands all over him. As we were getting our suits on, I tackled Troy and started feeling him up. We wrestled for a little with some groping, but then Troy pinned me and I gave in.

We went to Jake and Travis's room and they were just finishing getting ready. I offered to drive my truck, but Travis insisted that he drive. He said that he had a full tank of gas and he liked to drive. I was cool with that. We hopped in to Travis car and headed for the beach the weather was great and we laughed a ton on the way there. Everyone was just so cool. It took like 20 minutes to get there and when we arrived there weren't that many people there.

We found a spot at the end of the beach and away from the other group. We set up our towels and everyone just wanted to just lie in the sun. I was cool with that. I thought it was great to just chill before classes started tomorrow. I couldn't help eyeing up Travis and Jake as they took their shirts off. They were both ripped and I felt like the ugly one of the bunch. I was definitely not as defined as any of the other guys. I am kinda skinny. I have a little definition, but I don't have the bulk and definition that the other guys have. We are all smooth, but I am by far the smallest in the group.

I lay down and closed my eyes. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. After a while I woke up and noticed that Jake and Travis were playing frisbee. It seemed like Troy was sleeping too. I got up very quietly and went over and started to play with them. We played for about 10 minutes and then Troy joined us too.

"Thanks for leaving me guys!", he joked.

We played for another 45 minutes and Jake said that he was getting hot and was going to go in the water. That sounded like a great idea so we all went down to the ocean. The water was perfect. The waves were not too big so we all could just float without getting tossed around.

"So are you guys ready for school tomorrow?", Travis asked.

"I am kinda nervous", I said. "Me too! ", echoed Troy.

Jake said, "There is nothing to be nervous about. It is so much better than high school. You don't have to be in classes all day and the teachers treat you like adults."

Travis said trying to reassure us. "I remember when I was a freshman I was nervous that I was going to get lost."

"At least we have most of the same classes", Troy said.

"Yeah, but I am a little nervous for Troy that the one we don't have he will get mauled and we will never see him again", I said and everyone laughed.

"Yeah, I don't know what I will ever do without Zack to help me find my way back to our dorm!" We all laughed some more and then we started with the splashing and the wrestling.

It wasn't long before I was being picked up and thrown into the water. It was so much fun to hang out with guys and goof around like this. I was loving life. I think all the rough housing started to draw attention to us and then I noticed that people were getting closer and I think Troy's cover was blown. There were these 3 guys and 5 girls that were working their way closer. They were throwing a ball or something back and forth.

We settled down and were all just floating the water when the ball that they were throwing came close to us. I think they missed it on purpose. One of the guys came closer and Travis threw it back to him. He thanked us and then asked if we went to Eastman. It was great to have Jake and Travis there also, one because they were upper classman and two because there were more of us to run interference for Troy. Travis said "Yeah, how about you guys?"

"Yeah, we do too. Are you guys freshman?", the kid asked.

"We are juniors, but these guys are freshman", Jake said.

"How about you all?"

"Yeah we are freshman! We thought we need one last day at the beach before we hit the classes! I am Brian!"

"I'm Jake, this is Travis, Troy, and Zack!"

"Nice to meet you!"

Brian had thrown the ball back to the group, but as we were talking the group floated closer and Brian started to introduce everyone (Trevor, Kent, Kerri, Jen, Maggie, Meg, and Heather). They seemed cool. I thought that they were going to be like everyone else and want to mob Troy, but they played it cool. I could tell that they knew who he was and didn't want to look stupid. There were plenty of chances for them to bring it up. Somebody asked what dorm we all lived in and we told them and somebody asked. "Do you all live there?"

"Yep!", Travis said.

Again it was like they were trying to bring it up without being annoying fans. I have to say it was cool meeting other freshman. We just talked and floated. Then it was like they couldn't wait any longer. I think it was Heather that finally said. "Ok I just have to ask cuz nobody else has the balls. You are Troy Anthony right?"


"I knew it, you own me $10 Brian."

"No, I said you were right."

She splashed him and he splashed her back and then she jumped on him and started to dunk him in the water. They wrestled in the water while we all watched and laughed at them. They still played it cool. Every once in a while they would ask Troy a question, but they also asked everyone else questions too. And we were asking them questions also. It wasn't like they were only talking to us to get close to Troy which was cool. I could tell that Troy was glad that he wasn't the center of attention.

After a while some of their group got out of the water and went back to their towels to lie down. I was thinking it would be cool to get a little more sun and lie down for a little while so I went up to my towel too. Kerri, Heather, and Trevor stayed in the water with Troy and Travis. Jake decided to come lie down with me.

"How are things going with you and Troy? He seems really cool!", Jake said as we walked up to our towels.

Yeah he is great! Not like you would think a big Hollywood star would be."

"I bet it isn't easy for him to have people always wanting to get his picture or an autograph?"

"Yeah, but he is so cool about it. He is so nice to everyone. I feel like I am so lucky to get to meet him, but also he is a great roommate."

"Yeah I have to admit I thought he was going to be this rich, stuck on himself, prick!" We both laughed.

We got to our towels and both cracked open a Coke. We sat and watched the others playing in the ocean while we finished our Cokes. I couldn't take my eyes off of Troy, he was so hot. It was fun to see him having fun with the group. I finished my Coke and closed my eyes. Istarted to drift off, the sun was so warm. I fell asleep for a little while.

Then I felt this cold dripping on me. I opened my eyes to see Troy standing over me dripping water on my body. Then he shook his hair out all over me. I couldn't believe it so I got up and started to chase him. He ran around and finally I caught him and jumped on him back which knocked him to the ground. I tried to get him full of sand. It was great. I was dry so it wasn't sticking to me as much as it was to him. He was full of sand.

Then he got up, picked me up, and started carrying me towards the water. I started to fight back but it was no use. As Troy got closer to the water he got up a little speed and then jumped into the water and tossed me in. It was great. We played a little and then we stopped and rinsed off. Jake and Travis were now up by the towels and I was getting hungry.

"I am starving, do you want to see if those guys are hungry?", I asked.

"That sounds great, I could use some lunch."

It was about two and we all were pretty hungry. We grabbed our stuff and walked down the beach a little ways to this food stand. They had hot dogs and snacks. We grabbed some food and found a table. After lunch we decided to head back home. As we were leaving, the group that we met earlier was walking up. They all said goodbye and asked if we wanted to meet up for dinner at the cafeteria at 6:30. We thought that was cool. We said that we would meet them there.

After we got in the car Jake said, "You know they are totally getting the better end of this friendship. I mean really they get to hang out with two upper classman and a celebrity."

"So I guess I am the guy that brings down the cool factor", I said just trying to be funny.

Troy jumped in and said, "Dude you're the coolest of us all."

When he said that, it made me feel awesome. On the ride home we were talking and laughing and out of the blue Jake said, "You guys are totally awesome. Travis and I have had a great time hanging with you and we feel that we can totally trust you and that you won't judge us for anything other than who we are."

There was a pause and then he said. "Travis and I are dating we have been together for two years. We are not really out to anyone but our closest friends."

I am sure that my jaw hit the ground. I couldn't believe it. Not that they were dating, but that he just came out and told us. We have only known then for a few days.

"That is totally cool guys. I am glad you are comfortable enough to trust us with that!" Troy jumped in right away to make sure they knew he was cool with it.

I looked at him and still didn't know what to say except WOW!

"Are you cool with everything Zack?", Travis asked.

"Yeah...that is awesome. I can't believe it!"

"What? That we're gay?", Jake asked.

"No, that you feel close enough to us to tell us that."

I looked at Troy again and he had this look like, can I tell them about us and I gave him the look like sure.

"Well as long as you guys are comfortable sharing about you, then I guess it is cool if we tell you that we have hit it off and haven't really talked too much about it, but I know I want to be going out with Zack if he is cool with it."

It was like he was telling them and asking me out all at the same time. I didn't know what to do. I smiled and said, "I feel like the luckiest guy in the whole world. Of course I want to go out with you."

Jake and Travis laughed. They thought it was funny and cute at the same time. They told us that they had a feeling that there might be something going on by the way we looked at each other. They said that they were really happy for us and that they would always be here for us. It was the greatest feeling ever.

Troy said, "We are so lucky! It feels kinda like you guys are our older brothers that will watch out for us and show us the ropes."

We all agreed. We got back to our rooms and decided to rest a little before meeting our friends from the beach. Jake and Travis said they would pick us up so we could go to the cafeteria together.

Wow, what a day! I was so tired. I went to the bathroom and then dropped onto my bed. I need to take a little nap. Troy went to the bathroom and then joined me for a nap. He came in behind me and spooned me. It felt so nice to be held. I feel asleep right away. I slept like a baby.

It was 5:30 and I was so comfortable, I didn't want to get out of bed. Troy was awake and just holding me. He started to kiss my neck and whispered

"Let's just stay here forever", I said.

"I am game for that, but eventually they will find out that we aren't going to classes and then we will get kicked out."

"That sucks!" We both laughed.

Troy's phone rang and he got up to get it. I wanted to wash up and so I hopped in the shower to quickly get cleaned up. Troy took his call into the living room. He was still on when I got out of the shower and he seemed intense. I walked into the living room and tried to get his attention, but he was too involved with his conversation to notice so I dropped my towel and walked around like I was looking for something. He finally noticed and smiled at me. Then he reached out as if I was too far for him to get. So I moved closer and a little closer, then he put his hand out like he wanted to have some. So I teased him and slowly walked towards him and then he reached out and gently grabbed my dick. I started to get hard.

Finally he said to whoever he was talking to, "I have to go I will call you later...No I am serious...This is important too. Bye!"

"You seemed like you were getting a little stressed so I thought you could use something to distract you!"

"Oh you have no idea."

Troy kept playing with my cock in his hands. He gently messaged my balls and then took one hand and slowly started to stroke my cock. It felt so good. Then he leaned in and started to breathe on my cock like it was a popsicle and he was trying to melt it. Then he started to lick my cock. I was totally not planning this, but it sure was fun. I put my hands on the back of his head and started to rub his hair. He licked my balls all around and under. It felt so good. He licked up my shaft and took my cock in his mouth and went all the way down. He started to really work it. Up and down faster and faster like it was a race and he wanted to win.

Then all of a sudden he pulled off and made a loud pop. He put my cock back in his mouth and licked the tip. I was losing control. He started sucking and taking it all the way down. He started off slowly and then picked up speed. I was helping by pumping in and out. It felt so good. I was getting so close. Then he took one of his hands and started gently rubbing my balls. It was like he was tickling, but it was sending shocks through my body.

"I am going to cum", I whispered.

He picked up his pace and he added a little more pressure to my balls and I started shooting.

"Oh yes...Oh yes...YES!"

He took every drop and then continued to slowly suck on my cock. I had to pull him off because my cock was getting to sensitive.

"I needed that", Troy said.

"Did I help relieve some of that tension?"

"Oh yes, that was awesome!"

"I suppose we should get ready or Jake and Travis are going to show up and we won't be ready", Troy said.

"I want to return the favor when we get home", I said.

Troy stood up and kissed me. It was so passionate. Then I went into the bedroom to get dressed and Troy went in to the bathroom to get ready to go. It was about ten minutes later when Travis and Jake were at our door. We all headed to the cafeteria.

As we came into the dining area, I saw the group from earlier in the day and they waved us over. We went over and got seats. It was great to be getting to know some new people, because it was a little hard being in the other dorm and having Troy as a roommate. Don't get me wrong, I loved it and felt so lucky, but it made it a little hard to meet people.

The group had pulled up another table for us and was saving the seats. We had a great dinner. Nobody was acting star struck and everyone was treating Jake, Travis and I like we were people at the table also. We had some great conversation and it was super fun. We all talked about our classes and realized that Troy and I had classes with Trevor, Kent, Kerri, Jen, and Meg. Trevor and Jen were in Freshman Comp with us and Kent was in Volleyball with us. Kerri was in our biology class and Meg and Trevor are in my psych class. It is nice to know that I will have somebody in the only class that I don't have with Troy.

As we laughed and chatted I could see that there were people that still wanted to come up to Troy and they were watching his every move, but with the large group around him they didn't come over. It was nice because we could actually have a conversation with people without being interrupted.

As dinner was wrapping up, Travis and Jake said they had to go back for a meeting. We all decided to go to the rec center to bowl. On the way out of the cafeteria, people wanted to approach us, well Troy, but with our big group they couldn't find their chance. I was having fun getting to know Heather and Meg. They were funny and outgoing! It seemed like they wanted to get to know me and were interested in what I had to say. They also seemed to think I was funny. I know that they wanted to get to know Troy too, but it didn't seem like they were fake.

It was like we were all new kids getting to know each other. They did ask some questions about what it was like to be Troy Anthony and be in movies. It was fun to see the interaction between them and Troy. Then came the question that really caught my attention. Jen said, "I heard you were going to be in that new Steven Spielberg movie with Tom Cruise? How are you going to be able to do school and the movie."

This caught Troy off guard. He looked at me and then he said, "What? Where did you hear that?"

Jen came back with, "I read it online today when we got home from the beach."

"Wow that would be so cool", Kent said.

"Yeah, um I know my agent was talking to Mr. Spielberg, but I haven't auditioned or anything like that."

Then Jen said, "It said that you were already cast and that the movie would be shooting in December and that your school career might be over before it even starts."

I was starting to think that maybe that this was why Troy was so frustrated on the phone. It seemed like he was getting frustrated and I jumped in and said, "Hey what are the teams going to be.

Brian said, "Let's play guys against the girls."

"We are going to kick your asses", Heather said.

"Ok, bring it on!", Trevor said.

"You want to bet another $10 big shot?"

That made him blush a little. We got set up and had so much fun, but I could tell that Troy still had stuff on him mind. He was having fun and trying not to let it show, but I could tell. We had fun teasing each other and talking smack and the best part was that guys won.

We decided to only play one game. As we wrapped up the game and said our goodbyes, Brian asked if we wanted to have dinner with them again tomorrow.

Troy said, "That sounds great, if that is cool with you Zack?"


"We have been eating around 6:00", Brian said.

We agreed that time would work out and that we would see them there. As we walked out I could tell that something was wrong, because Troy was kind of quiet.

"Those guys are really cool!", I said.

"Yeah it is nice to meet some more cool people", Troy said.

Then we walked for a while in silence. I couldn't take it I had to find out what was going on. "Are you ok? You know you can talk to me. Is this about the movie thing?"

Troy stopped he looked at me with those beautiful eyes. "I did get offered that movie and it would shoot over eight weeks in January and February. My manager wants me to take it and drop out of school. He told me this wasn't worth it. He keeps telling me that I am going to be blowing what could be the biggest movie offer I ever get. I told him that school was important to me and that I am not going to take it. Then he said that I should take the movie and start school next year. He is putting so much pressure on me. He said that I am making a huge mistake and that I will regret this."

Troy started walking again and I followed. My heart sank. I can't lose him. I didn't know what to say and then it just came out.

"Troy what do you want? I mean you can't let other people tell you what to do. If you want to take the movie then school will be here for you in a year, but if you don't want to take the movie than tell your manager that. You would think that Steven Spielberg would get that your education is important to you and that you don't want to wait a year and if he is half the guy we all think he is then he will appreciate your decision and respect you for that and want to work with you even more."

Troy didn't say anything right away. I could tell he was thinking and didn't want to speak before he had put all of his thoughts together.

"Zack you are so smart, you should be my manager. I am so lucky to have met you. I feel like I want to be in school, but there is a part of me that would be ok with waiting a year. Then there is you! I don't want to be without you. I don't want to wait a year to come back and pursue this. I just feel like everyone is putting this pressure on me to do this and it seems like I am letting them down."

I could tell that this was not going to be an easy decision for Troy and as much as I didn't want to lose him I couldn't just tell him that he had to stay. It would be so selfish. What if this was going to have a huge impact on his career? What if he would be blowing the chance of a lifetime? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I was the reason that he turned this down. He had to do what was best for him.

"Troy as much as I want to beg you to turn it down, I think that you need to take some time to really figure out what you want. Again, it ultimately needs to be your decision, because at the end of the day if you stay for me and you looked back and had regrets, I don't know how I could live with myself for holding you back. I feel so lucky to have you in my life and no movie deal is going to ruin that."

Troy was silent. I could tell that he was moved.

"Come on we need to get home, cuz I need to show you how crazy I am about you", Troy said and then it was like he picked up his pace to a run and I followed.

Once in our room and the door was shut he pulled me into the best kiss ever. "WOW! That was great!"

"No Zack, you are great! I want to be here with you. I don't even feel like doing this movie if it means that I won't be able to be with you." Troy started to kiss me again.

"I think we should get ready for bed and hit the sack early so we are ready for our first day of classes tomorrow. And by hit the sack, I mean get in bed and have some fun!"

I could see that look in his eyes. We got ready for bed and slipped off our clothes, got onto the bed, and the fun started. I started kissing Troy's neck. I rubbed my hands all over his chest. I started to grind my cock into his. Then I started making out with him. He is such a great kisser. I broke away from our make out session and started kissing down his neck, chest, abs, and then his cock. I kissed up and down his cock. Then I took it in my mouth and took it all the way to the base. His trimmed pubes were tickling my lips. I sucked and slowly slide up and down the shaft. I picked up speed. I sucked and licked and played with his perfectly shaped cock head until Troy started to moan. I pulled off his cock and made a loud pop. That made him moan, so I did it again. I could tell he loved the attention.

I then moved to his balls, licked them, and took them in my mouth one at a time. I rubbed them with my tongue. Then I licked my way back up to the head and I licked it like it was a melting ice cream cone. Troy had closed his eyes and was lying back enjoying the attention. I put his cock back in my mouth and really started to suck. It didn't take long and he was pumping his cock into my mouth and I knew that he was going to cum. With the sweetest moan he said, "I'm going to cum!"

Then he started shooting his load into my mouth. I swallowed it all down. I keep sucking softly until he had to pry my mouth off his sensitive cock. I worked my way up to his lips and we kissed. I lay on top of him and we snuggled.

"Thank you for that", Troy whispered softly.

"I owed you remember?"

"You're the best Zack!"

We kissed some more, then I rolled off of him and it didn't take long before we both fell asleep.

Thank you so much for reading this story! I love to hear your feedback. You can send thoughts to I also want to thank Mark for editing my story. Hope you enjoy!

Next: Chapter 5

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