Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on Jun 16, 2014


Zack and Troy

Chapter 9

I want to thank all of you who have been patient with me as I have been going through some shit. I am hoping that I can get back to writing more often and keep the story going. I love writing it and enjoy getting your feedback!

This is a fictional story that contains sexual content between men. If this is illegal where you reside, please don't read this. Please donate to Nifty to keep this site free. Send emails to I am also on Twitter now! @cory4travis. I think it could be an easy way for me to keep people updated and for people to share pictures of what they think the guys look like.

I want to thank CO and Josh for helping me edit as I am not very good with that!

The alarm went off at 6 AM and I reached over to hit the snooze button. I rolled back to continue to spoon Troy. His soft, warm body felt like Heaven in my arms. As excited as I am to go to California, I'm both tired and in love with this moment and I don't want it to end. I gently started to rub his chest when he slowly started to wake up.

"Good morning, baby!" I whispered in a sexy voice.

"Good morning, sexy!" He whispered back. "This feels so good I am not sure that I want to get up!"

"I was thinking the same thing. Can't we just stay like this for the rest of our lives?" I questioned.

"OK!" Troy asserted. He then pretended to go back to sleep.

We kissed softly while I caressed his body until the snooze alarm went off. After the sharp interruption of the alarm, Troy sighed that it was time to get up and get showered or else we would miss our flight. Now that time was of the essence, it naturally made sense that we should shower together. I know what you're thinking, but for once we didn't mess around.

We grabbed our bags and headed downstairs to meet the guys, who had already been waiting for a few minutes for us. You could see that Jake looked exhausted as he sat on one of the couches in the lobby of our dorm. Travis, Brad, and Matt, on the other hand, were ready and raring to go.

Troy had arranged for a driver to transport us to the airport, with all expenses paid for. I can't speak for the other guys, but I've always felt slightly guilty each time Troy paid for everything. I guess I just felt as though I wasn't contributing anything. Within a minute or so, a bangin' hot SUV pulled up outside the dorm. I think it was a Lincoln Navigator. One would think that with the amount of time my jaw was on the floor and my eyes were staring at this beauty that I would know all of the vehicle's details. We tossed our bags in the back and climbed in. Troy sat in the front, while Brad and I sat in the middle row, followed by Travis, Matt, and Jake in the back row. As we drove to the airport, I imagined that we would look like one hell of an entourage if there were paparazzi.

We abruptly pulled off of the highway and seemed to be heading down a narrow road with jersey barriers on either side of us. To the front of us, we approached armed guards and a gate, with what looked to be the back entrance of the airport beyond. The driver stopped at the gate and handed the guard some paperwork.

"What is up with this?" Travis questioned, while the guard was reviewing the papers.

"Well, we are actually taking a private jet." Troy expressed whilst smiling.

The guys all seemed to flip their shit! I was really excited, too. Troy looked at me and said, "I thought it would be more fun if it was a surprise." We all agreed with him that it was.

The guard handed back the paperwork, the gate buzzed open, and we were on our way to the tarmac. We couldn't help but check out the plane as we got closer. This experience was incredible and ridiculous all at the same time.

We all hurried to unload our bags from the SUV. None of us could wait to check out the interior of the plane. If the exterior of the plane was any indication of how gorgeous the interior would be, surely we would not be disappointed. Troy was gracious and cool the whole time. He really seemed to enjoy letting the guys go first onto the plane and being able to share this part of his life with them. The guys were truly appreciative. As you might've guessed, we couldn't find anything to be disappointed about.

The plane was immaculate! A few minutes after we boarded, both the pilot and the co-pilot came into the cabin to greet us. Both seemed quite friendly. They pointed out the snacks and elaborated on the flight details. The pilot anticipated a smooth flight and before returning to the cockpit, he reminded us to let him know if there was anything we needed.

This was so cool and very different from flying commercial. As we taxied out to the runway, Jake commented, "Ok, I know we have not even gotten off the ground, but I could get use to this!"

We all laughed. Troy explained that he has it booked for his family and himself while he is in college so that if any of them need to get back and forth, it will be a lot easier. We all chatted for a while until the pilot turned off the fasten seatbelt sign. Jake then decided to move to a double chair where he could lay down and sleep. I dozed off shortly thereafter. I was sitting next to Troy, but had leaned against the window. I would've loved to have leaned over and lay my head on him, but I am not sure that we are totally ready for that public part yet. I know that we are in a private plane and we are with our friends, but what if one of the pilots saw or took a picture?

I awoke just as we had begun the descent from 30,000 feet. While everyone else was playing cards, Jake was still sleeping. I continued to sit in my seat and watch them. I began thinking to myself, "I am so lucky to have these guys in my life. Jake and Travis have been such amazing big brothers to Troy and I. I look up to them." I looked over at Brad. That got me thinking, "I am so proud to know him, as well. I know that we have just met, but from what I have learned about him and his personality thus far, I know that we were meant to be friends. I am excited to get to know him more." Then I turned to Matt and thought, "If anyone tries to fuck with us, we'll just have Matt and Brad kick their ass!" I smiled and chuckled to myself. Even though I have only known Matt for a little while, I could tell that he is a great guy who is really a big Teddy Bear.

The fasten seatbelt sign came back on. The co-pilot returned to the cabin and told us that we would be landing soon and that we would all have to buckle up. He also told us that there would be a limo waiting for us when we arrived, which should be able to get us out of the airport fairly quickly. I really love this treatment!

We woke up Jake to prepare for landing and I noticed that he was sporting a little morning wood! Damn, he is sexy! The landing was smooth and the weather looked amazing. Iwas so excited for a great trip. We grabbed our bags and hopped into the Limo and proceeded to Troy's house, or should I say hotel? His place was huge! The limo pulled up to the gate and it opened. As we drove in, the house seemed to go on forever. There was a nice size drive way with a four-stall garage to the left. On the face of the, ahem, house was two large doors, which resembled those of a large church.

All of the guys were commenting on Troy's house and whistling. Troy spoke, "Ok ... you guys have to promise me that you are going to remember that this is not a big deal and that I am just Troy from school. I don't want you to think that I brought you guys here to show off or anything."

Man, I love him. He is so humble and genuine. I know that he just wants to fit in and be a normal guy. Brad jumped in, "Yah dude, we are not impressed with your private plane, or you mansion, or that you are a hot movie star. Truth is that you are kinda pathetic and we feel sorry for you. That's why we are your friend, dude!" We all laughed and Troy pushed at Brad, causing them to wrestle a little.

As we exited the limo, Troy's parents came out of the house to great us. My lungs collapsed. My breath had escaped me. It took me a minute to pull myself together. I had to remind myself that they weren't going to know that Troy and I were a couple--we should have nothing to worry about. Even still, I wanted them to like me. I repeatedly thought to myself, "Don't try too hard!"

Troy's parents approached Troy and gave him a hug. Troy then introduced us all to his parents and shook hands.

"Zack, it is so nice to meet you. I am Vicky. Troy has told us so much about you and we are so grateful that he has such a great roommate." His mother said.

"And that you are willing to put up with him and keep him out of trouble! I am Kyle." Troy's dad interrupted.

His mom and dad were great! So welcoming and ushered us into the house and showed us to our rooms. There were so many rooms in the house that we each got our own.

"I am sure that you guys are all hungry? We were thinking that we could take you guys out to lunch!" Troy's mom exclaimed. "I was thinking that we could go to The Tasting Kitchen! Do you think everyone would like that Troy?" She questioned.

"Oh yah! You guys will love the food there. It is one of my favorite places!" Troy responded.

Everyone agreed lunch sounded like a great idea. Because we were such a big group, we split up and half of us went with Troy's mom and half went with Troy's dad. Troy, Jake, and Matt road with Troy's mom and Travis, Brad, and I road with Troy's dad. It was cool to get to talk to Troy's dad. He seemed like a super cool chill dad!

We arrived at the restaurant and pulled up to the valet parking. Troy's mom was right behind us. We all hopped out and the first thing that I noticed was the flashes from the paparazzi. Troy waved, but the rest of us were a little taken back by the photographers. Troy's parents just keep walking to the door, and we all followed. Troy got our attention and we all headed into the restaurant. We continued to a large table in the back corner. The staff was friendly and the décor was astounding.

The staff greeted Mr. and Mrs. Anthony as if they were old friends. They asked Troy about college and also seemed interested in meeting all of us. As we were checking over our menus, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony explained that they have been coming here for a long time and have become friends with the owner. They also gave us some ideas on some of their favorite entrees. We ordered and our meals were brought out shortly thereafter.

Everything was delicious and the presentation was amazing. We all shared, so it was great to get to taste a variety of dishes. I enjoyed being able to get to know Troy's parents more over dinner. We got to hear how they met, fell in love, and a bunch of stuff about Troy when he was little before he was famous.

I felt like a bowling ball rolling out of the restaurant. I didn't think we would be needing dinner that evening. We got back to Troy's place and he suggested that we go swimming. So we all headed to our rooms to get our suits on. I was just about to close the door when Troy came up and put his hand out and stopped the door. He asked if he could come in. I felt my heart skip a beat. My nerves piped up. He closed the door, grabbed me, and pulled me in for a kiss.

"Damn, I needed that!" He exclaimed as he smiled at me.

"So what do you think of my mom and dad? He questioned.

"They are amazing Troy! Do you think they like me?" I asked, not sure I wanted to hear the answer.

Troy laughed and replied, "Well, I think my dad really likes Matt and my mom asked if I would consider asking Brad if he would want to be my roommate instead."

I looked at him with what I am sure was the saddest look. He couldn't hold a straight face and started laughing and jumped on me and pushed me onto the bed and beckoned, "You are too easy. I can tell that they both think you are great! I can also tell that you seem nervous. Just relax and be yourself!"

He started to kiss me and I was trying to pout and pretend to be upset that he was being mean to me. But to no avail, I had to break and kiss him back. He pulled me up so that he could take my shirt off and then he laid me back down on the bed. He started to kiss my neck and then down my chest. Then he moved to my abs. As he worked his way down my body, he started to unbutton my pants. Then as he kissed and licked my belly button, he unzipped my pants and started to pull them down. He grabbed my hardening cock and started to squeeze it. He then pulled at the top of my boxer briefs.

My cock was so hard as it was released from my briefs. It was as free as an inmate released from prison. Troy worked his lips to it and started by kissing the tip and slowly licking it. He tilted his head from side to side as he licked the whole thing like a lollipop. I was leaking pre-cum like crazy! I was so horny and needed this. Troy took my cock in his hand and started to stroke it as he licked and sucked just the tip of my cock. After about 30 seconds, he started to take my head into his mouth as he stroked. Then he took more and more of my cock until he had the whole thing and was not just sucking me. I was so close, but didn't want it to end. I pushed Troy off and got him onto the bed. I quickly pulled his pants off and got into a 69 position and took his amazing hard cock in my mouth and started to give him the love and attention he had been giving me. Troy grabbed my cock and started slowly stroking again, but this time he was licking my balls and ass. He kept moving back and forth, covering every inch between.

I was licking his piss slit and stroking his cock, eventually taking his whole cock. We were both getting close. He took my cock back into his mouth and started to play with my hole. He rubbed his finger so gently over it, pushing me over the edge. I moaned and shot my load into his mouth. He keep sucking and swallowing until my cock grew to be too sensitive. He then shot his load into my mouth and I also made sure to get every drop. He tasted amazing, as always.

"You are absolutely amazing, Zack!" he gasped as he looked deep into my eyes. I felt all warm inside.

"We better hurry or everyone is going to wonder what happened to us." He added as he hoped up, pulled his pants on, and headed for the door.

"See you at the pool!" I voiced as he disappeared.

I love him. I quickly got on my suit and headed down to the pool. Jake, Travis, Matt, and Brad were all in the pool just floating and enjoying the sun! There was a cart with rolled up towels on it, so I grabbed one and went over to a lawn chair. I laid my towel out and took my shirt off. Brad whistled and hollered, "The stud is here! Look at that hottie!"

"Hop in the pool and cool off, Hot Stuff! Or are you going to sizzle too much?" Jake shouted.

I laughed as they teased me and splashed water my way. I ran and did a cannon ball into the pool. As I surfaced, the guys where swimming over to attack me. They all grabbed me and were tickling me and lifting me out of the water to throw me. Matt and Brad had me in the air while Jake chanted, "Throw Him!"

They threw me and I ended up going in head first on my back. I got water up my nose, but it was fun. When I came up again, everyone was laughing, but also checking to see if I was okay. I guess it looked like maybe it had hurt. I told everyone I was fine and we all just floated and swam around until Troy came down.

He looked so amazing. I wish it was just the two of us, naked, swimming, feeling each other up, making out, sucking each other, and fucking. Damn, now I have a boner! Troy put his towel down and went to the diving board. He went off the board and did a beautiful dive into the pool. Is there anything that he is bad at? Could there just be one thing, please!? If his parents were watching me, surely they would think something was up between us, as my eyes were glued to Troy and I couldn't stop smiling from joy.

We had a great day by the pool and after a while, Troy's mom brought out some drinks and snacks. We had a great time playing volleyball in the pool and catch and just swimming around and talking. Troy said he had to get out and go get ready for his meeting with the studio. I could tell that he was a little nervous. I wanted to get out to and go upstairs to talk with him, and well, maybe shower. I didn't, though, because I didn't want his parents to think that was weird.

"I will come back down and say goodbye before I go" Troy said as he wrapped the towel around his waist and headed off to get ready.

The rest of us hung out by the pool and swam, laid in the sun, and took a nap for a little while. It was a great feeling to just be able to hang out with these guys. In the short time that I have known them, they have become like brothers to me. I know that I have only known Brad and Matt for a short time, but they are amazing and I feel like I have known them forever!

Troy came down looking like a million dollar movie star. Oh wait, he is! Ha ha. He had these white cotton or something soft looking pants on, paired with a collared dress shirt and sandals. His tanned body, aviator sunglasses, and blond hair looked amazing. I was hard again. He took my breath away. I felt a little tear run down my cheek.

"Grab him and throw him in the pool!" Travis yelled!

Troy stopped in his tracks thinking we might actually do it. Then Travis said that he was just kidding and we all pointed out that he looked amazing and if he didn't get this film we would be shocked. True to form, Troy articulated that it is just a meeting and I am sure that there are like 50 guys that they are meeting with.

He came over and I asked if he was nervous. He said yes, a little. Not about the movie, but about giving them the script. I told him that it was going to be great and that he would be amazing and that I am sure they will cast you AND love that you gave them the script. He smiled and I felt like he was going to lean in and give me a kiss. I know that we are both not ready for that, but it did make my heart warm to feel like he was going to do that! We all wished him good luck and I couldn't take my eyes off him as he walked back into the house to leave for his meeting.

We all hung out by the pool for a few hours and Travis and Jake decided they were going to go in and take a nap before dinner. I stayed by the pool with Brad and Matt for a little while until I decided that a nap sounded like a great idea.

I walked into the house and as I passed Jake's room, I noticed that that the door was open a little and I could hear some noise. I looked around and made sure that no one was around. I was pretty sure that Troy's mom and dad were gone, but wanted to make sure. I moved closer to the cracked door and peeked inside. My cock jumped to attention.

Travis was on his knees bobbing up and down on Jake's huge cock! I could see that Travis was naked and stroking his cock slowly, but was turned just a little so I couldn't see his dick. Jake had his hands in Travis's hair and with his head tipped back was moaning softly as he enjoyed the slow, long sucking he was getting. As Travis continued, Jake started to pick up the pace and started to fuck Travis's face more and more. It was so hot. Jake pulled all the way out and had Travis lay back on to the bed. I could see that Travis was nice and hard too. There was a part of me that wanted to join in and help. Jake went down on Travis and returned the favor, as he bent over I could see his big dick hanging between his legs. Jake was using one hand to jack Travis as he sucked him off and the other to rub his chest!

I wanted to be in there so bad. After a few minutes, Travis pulled Jake off and I couldn't totally make out what he said, but I heard Jake spit in his hand and lube up his cock. He got into position to fuck Travis. Jake's ass looked amazing as he slide his cock into Travis. He pumped away and both of their bodies were glistening with sweat! After a few minutes, Jake let out a moan and must have shot his load deep into Travis. That must have pushed Travis over the edge, as he too moaned and I could see him shoot his load as Jake was jacking him off. The two collapsed and started to make out a little. That was all I could take, I had to rush to my room to jack off and take a nap!

As I lay in bed day dreaming, I felt a little breeze on my face. I opened my eyes to see Troy lying next to me smiling and blowing on me! He chuckled a little. I could just stare into his eyes forever! He is so beautiful! I was in a trance as he smiled at me. It took me what seemed like an eternity to snap out of it. "How did your meeting go?" I asked.

He smiled and responded, "It was great! I gave him the script too and he said he would take a look at it!"

I love that about Troy. He is so caring about other people. I wanted to know about what they said to him so I pushed a little more and asked how they liked him.

"I think they really want me to do the picture, but I told them that I was committed to school and that if we could work around that, then I would love to do it." Troy elaborated.

"So basically, you were giving Stephen Spielberg conditions?" I paraphrased.

"I guess so!" Troy nodded in agreement.

"What did Trent say?" I pushed further.

"He was trying hard to show them that we were interested and was also trying to speak for me, but made it clear that I was in school and that was my number one priority and if we couldn't work it out, then it wasn't meant to be." Troy discussed.

I faked a little pout. "What's wrong?" Troy asked.

"I thought that I was your number one priority?" I asserted with a smile spread across my face.

Troy climbed on me and started to tickle me and kiss me all over. I thought I was going to wet the bed, until I finally got him to calm down. We snuggled for a while. I told him about me spying on Jake and Travis. It only occurred to me after I had begun to tell him that maybe he would be upset like I was not being faithful to him. He pleasantly surprised me and said that he was jealous. He also told me that he had a dream where the four of us messed around. We all took turns and it was so fucking hot! I could feel that he was nice and hard as his cock pressed against my leg. I reached down and asked if we would like some help with it. He flashed that amazing smile at me again and gave me a little nod! That's all I needed as I slid down and grabbed his cock through his pants and started to squeeze it like I was trying to ring the cum right out of it. Troy let a little moan slip out and started to massage my hair.

I couldn't wait and reached in and pulled his cock out and started to jack it. I took the head in my mouth and sucked nice and hard. It was like I was out of control. I started to bob up and down on his cock and I couldn't get enough. I kept hold of his cock with my right hand and used my left hand to reach up and rub his abs and chest! He was still pulling and rubbing my hair. I wanted his cum in my mouth. I was jacking and sucking and could tell that he was getting close as he started to help by bucking his hips and fucking my mouth. Then I felt the first shot fire into the back of my mouth. I swallowed and kept going, as he unloaded every drop. Troy had to pull me off his cock as he got too sensitive. I crawled back up by him and kissed him. Our tongues danced as we held each other. I was in heaven.

"I was thinking we could grill out here tonight and then tomorrow it would be cool to go hang out at the beach. Do you think everyone would like that?" Troy asked.

"I think that is a great idea!" I replied.

We got cleaned up and went to find everyone and see if our plan was alright with them. As we were talking and planning, Troy got a call. It was Trent, who called to say he felt like the meeting went well. He also said that he wanted to throw a party for us all the next night. Troy seemed excited and I know we all were. Brad was talking about meeting a real celebrity and as each of us caught on, we made a big deal about it, until it was super obnoxious. Troy was standing there like we really meant it. Then Brad chimed in, "Aw, just kidding! You are the only celebrity we care about."

He started to overdo it with "Can we get your autograph and a picture?" Then everyone joined in. It was fun to tease Troy a little now and then! Troy laughed and thought it was funny too.

While we were getting everything ready to start grilling, we all asked him tons of questions and he shared all the details about the meeting that he could remember. Matt and Travis took on the grilling, while Brad and I took care of setting the table, getting the salad ready, and preparing the baked beans. Troy and Jake made some delicious margaritas. It was so cool to hang out like a family. Everyone was laughing and having a great time. We all got to talk and just relax. Life at its finest moment.

There was an amazing deck overlooking the pool and had a great view of the city. There was a huge table that looked like it could seat 10 or 12. As Brad and I set the table, we talked a little and I asked how Matt and he were getting along.

"Great! Matt is so kind and it is nice to have a roommate who is understanding and older like me. No offense, but Alan is so young and has not really experienced life and I think that having Matt as a roommate, he can relate." Brad explained.

"I get it! I think it is a big change to live on your own for the first time and you have seen so much!" I responded.

"Yah... More than I wish to." Brad divulged.

There was an overarching sense of sadness and regret in his voice. I wasn't sure if I should push the issue or wait for a more appropriate time in the future. I decided to take a chance after a brief pause and push further.

"What was it like? Being in the Marines?" I asked.

He didn't say anything at first. After a moment, he looked into the distance and spoke, "It was really hard, but I made some amazing friends. They are my brothers. We went through some tough shit together."

I could tell by the tone in his voice that there was a lot of pain in this subject. I didn't want to push any more than I already had. I felt like I maybe shouldn't have rekindled these harsh feelings in the first place. Maybe Brad was not ready to share that part of him with me, yet in a strange way I feel like it made us even closer.

"Do you think about it a lot? The hard times? Your ... brothers?" I probed.

"Everyday!" He croaked.

There was so much in that one word. I could hear the hurt in his voice. Just then, Jake came in and delivered margaritas to everyone. Brad took his and gave me a little smile. I read it as, "Thank you for asking and maybe we can talk more later." I smiled back and hoped that he could read that I wanted to talk with him more about it and hope that he felt like he could trust me.

"These are great!" Brad insisted.

We finished setting the table and enjoyed dinner. We laughed and had great conversation. If you would have told me this is what my life would look like a year ago, I would have laughed my head off. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

After cleaning up dinner, we continued talking late into the night. I think that maybe I had a few too many margaritas, because I was getting a little buzzed! I also get tired when I get drunk. I decided to head up to bed. As I got into the house, Troy came up and asked if I wanted him to come up to bed now, too. I told him to stay and hang out. He smiled and gave me a quick kiss and hug. At first I felt like nervous, wanting to make sure that his mom and dad weren't around, but then I felt all warm inside. "See you in the morning, sexy!" Troy whispered in his soft, sexy voice that makes my cock jump in my shorts!

As Troy went back outside and I headed for my room, Brad came up from behind and stopped me. "Thanks for asking me about my time in the Marines. It means a lot and I feel like people don't understand or even care." He mentioned.

"Are you kidding? I have a million questions. I am so proud of you for serving our country and I feel so lucky that you are my friend!" I assured him.

A tear rolled down his face and I could tell that there is so much more bottled up inside of him. I was going to ask if he wanted to talk for a little bit, but he jumped in and said "I know you are heading to bed, but I just wanted to tell you that it would be awesome to talk again sometime."

"I would love that, Brad." I smiled.

Then he turned and headed to his room. "See you in the morning." I said.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow. Get some good sleep!" He replied as he went into his room.

After the huge breakfast that Troy's mom had served, we went to Hermosa Beach. It was so beautiful. I think that Troy thought he might just blend into the group and that no one would recognize him, but he was wrong. It didn't happen right away, but after about an hour and a half, he was spotted by some girls. I think they were really checking all of us out, but then realized that they recognized Troy. They came over and talked to us. Troy was sweet, as always, and played with the girls a little, saying "I always get that when I come to the beach! People always think I am Troy Anthony!"

After the girls pushed more and said that they didn't believe him, he told them that he was, in fact, Troy Anthony. He took some pictures with them and the girls took pictures with the rest of us, too. Troy got a little more attention, but it wasn't too bad. We played in the water, lay in the sun, and played a little beach volleyball. After about an hour of volley ball, we ran into the ocean to cool off and headed home. I think we all had a great time at the beach.

Once we were back at Troy's home, Troy suggested that we head in and get ready for the party. I was really excited for the party tonight. As I was getting cleaned up, I took advantage of a little time to myself.

When I came downstairs, Brad was already waiting. We sat and talked to Troy's mom and dad for a little bit. The whole time, all I could think about was getting another chance to talk to Brad about his experience in the Marines. All the guys came down a few minutes later and we said goodbye. Trent has arranged for a limo to pick us up for the party. As we pulled up in a limo to his huge house for a Hollywood party, I rush of excitement and nervousness flooded my veins. I didn't want to seem like a hick.

"Holy Shit! That is one fucking big house!" Brad announced. We all agreed that Trent had a nice house.

"Wait `till you see the inside!" Troy added, as he started to describe the house and how amazing it is.

I was trying exceptionally hard not to be too attached or to come off as Troy's boyfriend so that he would not have to explain anything or think I was just a big headache. He would look at me funny, like I felt like he was thinking I was acting weird. Troy lead us to the front door and rang the bell then opened the door and we went in. Trent came down the hall and greeted us. He seemed very excited to see us. He greeted everyone with a hug and welcomed us to his house and told us that this was a party in our honor and wanted us all to have a great time. It really seemed like Trent was making a big effort to patch things up with Troy and make it up to him.

Trent asked Troy to show us around the house and to make sure to introduce us to all his friends. Trent said that he would catch up with us later and told us that he hoped that we would have a great time. Troy took us thought the elaborate dining room that had a table that could seat at least 12 people and it was full of food. Brad said, "We might want to grab some food. This looks like a big house and the tour could take a while." We agreed all grabbed a small plate and loaded it up as we continued on into the kitchen.

The kitchen was decked with marble counter tops and stainless-steel appliances. Everything seems to have its place and it looked like it was going to be photographed for a magazine. Each room was elaborately decorated and the house seemed to go on forever. There were at least 8 bedrooms. I asked how many people lived here. Troy explained that Trent was single, but had people here all the time. He does have other clients and is always throwing parties.

There were a few other people outside as we went out back. It was beautiful. The infinity pool looked as if it was a waterfall from the lower level. It was amazing and now I wanted to go swimming. Troy walked up and hugged a young woman, who was wearing glasses. I only realized after they hugged that it was Vanessa Hutchens. I was star struck and jealous all at the same time. Troy turned and introduced Vanessa to all of us. She seemed very nice and chatted with us for a little while. She was very pretty!

After a little while of telling Vanessa about college life and how we all met and stuff Troy said he was going to run off and get drinks for us. Travis asked if we could get our picture with her and as Troy was walking back, he yelled "They never ask to get their picture with me!"

We all laughed and Brad jumped in with, "Yah, but she is a famous star!"

This mad everyone laugh harder. Troy and Brad went into a fake slo-mo boxing match showdown and it was too funny to watch them play. Brad threw the perfect upper-cut and Troy went up in slow motion and fell back to the ground.

Vanessa saw some other people who came in that she said that she needed to go say hi to so she excused herself. Our group went into the billiards room to play some pool. Troy started to play a game with us when Trent came in and asked if he would be able to come meet a few of his friends. Of course, being the gentleman that he is, he excused himself and headed out with Trent. He said that he would be back in a few. We played pool for quite a while. Matt was great, but I think Brad was the best! We had to split them up and put them on separate teams. I think Travis, Jake and I were all about the same level.

Troy came back for a little bit and said that there are a few people that he wanted to introduce us to. As we came into the main room it was filling up and there were a number of famous people here now. I was playing it cool even though I wanted someone to pinch me to see if this was real. Troy introduced us to so many people that it was kind of crazy. Travis and Jake went off to find some more food leaving Matt, Brad and I standing at a tall round table chatting. We were people-watching professionals. We were trying to figure out who was who and what everyone's back story was. As the party went on, we split up into different groups.

Troy and I were walking around and Troy was introducing me to all sorts of people. Some were celebrities and some were Trent's friends. I think most of them were in the movie industry or aspired to be. Three people that work in Trent's office came up and introduced themselves. It was interesting to talk to them and hear about what they do, where they were from and how they came out here. They each told their story of how they met Troy and what they thought he would be like. It was funny to hear and you could tell that even though they meet tons of stars they were still a little star struck with Troy.

There were two guys and one girl and I couldn't remember their names because I had met so many people all the names were getting mixed up in my head. I got the feeling that this one guy didn't like me and I couldn't tell why or what I had done. I said that we were all really excited when Troy invited us to come with him to Cali. He gave me this look, and with a real asshole tone said, "No one calls it Cali. Only stoners and some surfers." The grouped laughed. Troy jumped in and said "Zack's not a stoner or a surfer!" Then he winked at me and gave me a little smile. The group laughed again like they wanted to impress Troy. We continued talking when Troy got pulled away to talk to someone. He said he would be right back.

The group asked where I was from and how we meet, but didn't really seem interested. After a few minutes Trent joined our group. He asked if we could chat a little bit and get to know each other. We excused ourselves from the group and I followed him to his office that was upstairs with an amazing view of the backyard and pool. I walked over to the window and could see a balcony that had a couple of lounge chairs and some tables.

"So what do you think?" Trent asked as he was pouring a couple of drinks.

"It's amazing!" I said and stared out the window. The view was incredible. It was like a scene from a movie.

"Here you go. Try a sip of this." He handed me a drink that was fruity looking and I took a sip.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"Wow that is awesome!" I replied. It was so sweet and smooth.

"Here, take a seat" Trent motioned.

I sat down in a nice chair off to the side of Trent's desk and he sat in the other chair. There was a small table in between for us to put our drinks on. I was nervous. I was wishing that Troy would be here with us.

"So how is school going?" He quizzed.

"Good! I like it. I like my classes and I feel really lucky to have Troy as my roommate. He is a great guy!" I uttered.

"Isn't he? I feel lucky that I get to work with him too. He is always so positive and a hard worker and everyone seems to like him." He continued.

We talked for a little while just getting to know each other. I asked some questions about how they met and where Trent was from and he asked me about my family and my thoughts about California. After a few minutes of chatting, Trent asked if I thought that Troy seemed happy at school. He asked if I thought that he seemed excited about his meeting with Mr. Spielberg. He told me that he was worried that Troy might be risking his career. That it is hard to watch a young actor with as much talent and ability like Troy making choices that might ruin his career. He told me that he thinks that because Troy has not really had a normal childhood, he is trying to make up for it by going to college. Trent went on to explain that he was also afraid that if Troy came out, he would be committing career suicide.

I said that there have been more and more actors coming out recently. Just look at Neil Patrick Harris. Trent kind of laughed and said that Troy has not been around long enough yet. We continued our discussion and Trent had me feeling really guilty that maybe Troy was making the wrong choice. Then it was like Trent stabbed me with a knife.

"Troy told me that you two are dating. It sounds like it all happened really fast and I am sure that it must be pretty unbelievable to be dating someone as famous as Troy? I mean, it would be pretty hard for you to meet someone like Troy any other way, right?" He insisted.

I didn't say anything. I just looked at the floor.

"Do you think there might be any chance that you are using Troy? Have you thought about what might happen if this whole thing does ruin his career and he looks back and blames you for it?" He roared.

I looked at Trent and began to stutter, "I am not using..."

He cut me off and added, "I am not saying that you are intentionally, I am just saying that maybe subconsciously you are and not thinking about the repercussions."

My eyes began to well up. My head was spinning. And now I was starting to feel sick to my stomach.

"I need to go. I am not feeling very well." I stood to leave and Trent reached out to help me up.

"I am sorry if I said something to upset you. I am just so concerned for Troy and can't understand where his head is at right now." Trent argued.

"Yeah, he's real sorry," I thought to myself.

I excused myself and went to find a bathroom. I went downstairs and looked around. I kept running into people and finally found one just off of the kitchen. I got in and locked the door. I was afraid that I was going to throw up. I fell down to my knees and my eyes let loose as my head was spinning. Was this my fault? Was Troy going to make a huge mistake and would he look back and blame me? I needed to get out of here. I wanted to go back home. I wanted to be at my house locked in my room.

I splashed my face with cold water, but I still looked like shit. I needed to find one of the guys and get them to help me get back to Troy's place. I could not let Troy see me like this. I didn't know what to say to him.

I came out of the bathroom and was going to head to the living room when I say Troy talking to a group of people with his back to me. I quickly turned and headed into the kitchen. It took me 10 minutes to find Brad, who was talking with a group of people. I came up behind him and asked if he would be willing to help me get back to Troy's. Brad took one look at me and asked what was wrong. I couldn't tell him here, so I just said that I didn't feel well and that I really needed to leave. Brad was amazing--my knight in shining armor. He excused himself from the group and said that it was really nice to meet them and hoped that he would run into them again.

"Let's see if we can find Troy," he said.

"No!" I shouted.

He turned to me in surprise. I told him that I would explain later, but I just needed to get out of here. As we headed to the door, Brad tried calling Jake. He had to leave a message. He told him that we were leaving because I was not feeling well. He also instructed them to stay and not say anything to Troy until the party was over, as he would take care of me.

When I heard Brad leaving the message, it felt amazing and awful all at the same time. I didn't want him to have to leave the party, but to see Brad be willing to leave and take me back was a feeling of friendship that I have not felt much before. As we were heading to the door, we ran into Trent. "FUCK!" I thought.

Trent asked if I was ok and Brad told him that I was not feeling well and that we were going to head back to Troy's house and wondered if he could help us find the driver. Trent said that we could use his driver and he would call and have him bring the car around. "Please don't say anything to Troy. I want him to stay and enjoy the party." I requested.

The driver pulled up and Brad and I got in the car. As soon as the door shut the tears started to run down my face as I watched the house disappear and fade in the distance as we drove off. Brad asked if I was okay. I didn't want him to see me crying, but there wasn't really any way to hide it. "I will be fine!" I cried. I was trying so hard to convince myself that what I was saying would be true. The whole time my mind was telling me something different.

Brad reached over and put his hand on my head and asked what happened. I whispered back that I would tell him when we got back to Troy's house. I didn't want the driver to hear. I didn't want him going back and telling Trent what I said. It seemed like the driver took the long way home, but I'm sure the trip would've seemed like an eternity to me at that moment on any route we could've taken. I couldn't get the tears to stop. Brad rubbed my back the whole way.

As the car stopped inside Troy's gated driveway, I tried to dry my eyes and face with my shirt. Brad hopped out and made small talk with the driver as he came around to my side. I slipped out and we thanked the driver and headed into the house. Now, I was glad that I had my own room and I was glad that no one else was home. Brad followed me in to my room and we sat on the bed. As I started to tell him what happened, Niagara Falls began to run down my face again. I wanted to be strong and not be such a wimp. Brad moved closer to me and put his arm around me.

"Trent is an asshole! Don't let him get to you. Troy is a big boy and I am sure he knows what he wants and can make his own decisions." Brad pleaded.

"Troy is such a great guy and he is so amazing and I am afraid that one day he will realize that I am just a plain guy and that his choice to go to college and be with me was a big mistake. I could never forgive myself if I was the reason he messed up his career." I rambled.

"Ok. You know Troy and you know that is not going to happen. He seems to be in love with you. I see the way he looks at you. I am telling you he loves you." He asserted.

I couldn't get myself to see it. I kept thinking about what Trent was saying and felt like I don't deserve someone like Troy. This was going to happen sooner or later, right?

"Why don't you try to go to sleep and we can sort this out in the morning?" Brad suggested.

"Will you lay with me? I don't want to be alone." I asked.

"For sure!" Brad affirmed.

My mind was racing in a million directions. The one clear thought I did have was what an amazing friend Brad is. He has become like another brother to me and I'm lucky to have him in my life. I drifted off to sleep with him lying behind me holding me and rubbing my arm.

Thank you again for reading my story! I hope that you enjoyed it and I would love to hear any feedback. You can email me or follow me on twitter and I will follow you back!!

Next: Chapter 10

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