Troy Finds Ryan

By Bryan

Published on Jul 7, 2009


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Troy finds Ryan Part 2

We got to school and walked in the front doors, and we told each other to meet here after school and walk home together. The first four classes of the day flew by, because before I knew it was time for lunch. I went to the cafeteria and took my seat at my usual table. My friends Byron and Chad joined me. Let me introduce them to you, Chad is about five foot eleven inches tall and at about 160 to 165 with short blonde hair along with gorgeous brown eyes. He's got one of those dark farmers tan on the most fit body anyone could imagine. Now Byron is five foot five and between 150 to 155 pounds, he has medium length brown hair that is accompanied by beautiful hazel green eyes. He has an athletic built body that has a medium tan.

Anyway back to lunch. We are all sitting there talking, you know shooting the shit. When Ryan walked into the cafeteria. The expression on my face must have changed because Byron and Chad turned around to see who I was looking at. They turned around with a smile on their faces. See Byron and Chad are the only two people , I hope, that know I'm gay and they accept that.

Byron: "Man you don't have a chance."

Chad: " Yeah Byron's Right, Ryan is definitely straight."

Me: " Yeah but who knows... he could be... anyway I was just... never mind.

Chad: " I think our mister Troy has a crush!"

Byron: " Yeah Chad I think your right!"

" Oh would you to stop, I do not !" I said and I felt my face start to get warm as a blushed, and the both of them laughed and said " Right!" We continued to bullshit and talk about class and other shit. I glanced over in Ryans direction. He smiled and winked at me. Byron must have seen what happened because he nudged Chad and I heard him whisper " Chad look." Then they both looked at me and said " Maybe just maybe". I smiled " I could only wish". They had know idea what was going on, but for right now that is a good thing. Of course I will tell them when Ryan and I are for sure going steady. Ryan is the one who I want to be with and in time he will know. If he doesn't already.

The bell rang now it's time for the last four classes of the day, oh man these classes are going by slow damn. I'm finally sitting in last class which is Math, and we are taking a test that is supposed to take all of class to complete. But me being me I'm done like halfway through class and I can't wait to get outta here. I lean back in my chair and close my eyes, and the next thing I know I am being woke up by the final bell of the day. I sit up and stretch collect my books and leave the class room. I stop at my locker to grab my back pack. I throw some books in it and head for the door. As I round the corner and make my way to the front door, I see Ryan standing there waiting. He looks up and smiles when he sees me and I smile back. We walk out the doors and start to walk home, starting a conversation right away.

Me: "Hello good-looking." I said in a whisper

Ryan: " How are ya sexy." He replied.

Me: "How was your biology class?"

Ryan: " Sucked!"

Me: "Why you don't like that subject?"

Ryan: "It's not that I hate it, it's just that I'm not good at it at all and that makes it hard."

Me: " Well bio is like one of my better subjects I could help if you wanted me to?"

Ryan: "You would do that?"

Me: " Yea I would, Hey you wanna come to my house and we can get started?"

Ryan: " Yea as long as I'm home before Eight."

Me: "Well its four now we have plenty of time."

We get to my house, and go inside. The living room is quiet, so I yell out " Is anybody home" and my mom yells from the kitchen. Which I should have known. We walk into the kitchen and mom says" Troy dinner will be done in thirty minutes."

Me: "Okay, Will we have extra for Ryan?"

Mom: "Yeah we should" she said as she turned around "Who's your friend again?"

At that time I properly introduced them.

Me: "Mom this is my friend Ryan McCloud, Ryan this is my mom Reba.

Mom: "Nice to meet ya Ryan!"

Ryan: "Nice to meet you to Mrs. Henry."

Mom: "Please it's Reba!"

Me: "I offered to Help Ryan with his homework."

Mom: " Thats Nice of you, like I said dinner will be ready in 30.

Me: "Okay"

Ryan and I head up to my room to get settled in. We get to my room and shut the door behind us. Ryan: "Nice Room"

Me: " Thanks"

We get started on homework, going through it question for question. I show him where to find answers in the text and explain it to him the best I can to better help him understand what he is reading. The whole time I am thinking to myself man I wish I could just see this jock with nothing on. Before I knew it mom was yelling up the stairs that dinner was done. We fly down the stairs because by now we are starving. All through dinner nobody talked at all which surprised me. After dinner Ryan and I head back up stairs for more homework. Trying to explain bio is a tuff thing but i can manage, anyway about an hour or so later I lay back on my bed. I need a break my brain is overworked.

Me: "Sorry Ryan I need a quick break."

Ryan: "Yeah me too."

I was laying there with my eyes closed, and when I opened them Ryan was standing right next to my bed, and leaned over the top of me and gets close to my face. As he does that I close my eyes and lifted my head and stopped when our lips met. I thought to myself 'Wow'. As we where kissing I felt his tongue pushing at my lips. So I opened my mouth ever so slightly, and his tongue started to explore the inside of my mouth. He pulled his tongue out insinuating the arrival of mine. So I acted an slowly let my tongue creep into his mouth. We let our tongues dance together for awhile. We were making out for about an hour and a half solid. Things started getting heated up and I reached for the buttons on his shirt and started to unbutton them. I had almost all the buttons on his shirt undone when there was a knock on the door, which scared the holy hell outta the both of us.

Mom: "Troy?"

Me: " Yeah mom?"

Mom: " Ryans' mom just called and said it was time to come home."

Ryan and I looked at the clock and said "Shit", because it was eight thirty.

Me: "Okay we will be right down."

Ryan looking disappointed, gathered his books and stuffed them into his book bag.

Ryan: " Hey since it's weekend do you wanna come over tomorrow?"

Me: "Yea sure but I will have to ask mom to make sure it is okay."

Ryan: " Okay."

Ryan and I walked down the stairs. I went into the office where mom was doing some paperwork.

Me: "Hey mom would it be alright if I stayed at Ryans' tomorrow night?"

Mom: " Yeah thats fine with me if its fine with his mom."

Ryan: " I will ask her when I get home."

Me: Thanks mom!"

We walked to the door and I opened it letting Ryan out. He went out the door and said goodbye, he stopped at the bottom of the stairs looked back, smiled and winked. He whispered " I enjoyed the hell out that thanks. I whispered back " Me too just text me when after you ask your mom." He nodded his head in acknowledgment. He turned away and headed for home.

Hey guys there's part two it progressed a little more. I know there's no well lets say good stuff but I don't wana rush it. Like I said before constructive critism and pointers are more than welcome. You can send all your messages to

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