Truckr Treat

Published on Oct 5, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`TRUCk'r TReaT' o1 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Historically, Duke has been around since the upstart of the annual `Truck'r Treat' event. Part-originator of the yearly happening, commencing on Hallow's Eve and ending the day after Hallowe'en, it started out as three individuals, looking for a cheap thrill on Hallowe'en night, 22 years ago.

At the time, with parental pressure, Duke had started college, but knew english, math and science were not his thing. Fact is, his first two years at the university, he fooled around with boys more than going to classes. Not which he was bad at english and math, but couldn't keep it in his head those element symbols. Though, he had no problem with the human anatomy!

Fortunately, his science prof had taken a liking to sucking it up and after several sessions of `tutoring', it enabled Duke to pull a higher average, without hitting the books.

It was quite by accident the student found his real calling. Leaving the student center one day, Duke spotted a worker unloading a truck at the rear of the commons, housing the university cafeteria. Knowing a lot of pickup lines, as he walked over to the truck, parked up against a clump of bushes, he began to sort through the catalog of fancy phrases. As it came to him, he straightened up, composed himself and then let loose.

"Need a hand?" he stood there, eyeing up the guy, which looked to be around his age.

"Nah. I got it, thanks."

A box, pocketed in the delivery guy's chest, arms clinging to it, remained still, as the trucker looked over the top, chin faced forward, in a staring position.

There was a way of touching, which if executed properly could be overlooked as `sexual harassing' a dude.

Dropping his backpack on the pavement, Duke took the initiative to walk over, lift the box out of the delivery man's clutches. By not taking it by the sides, rather an arm over top after Duke tucked it in, the back of his hand dove down against the man's chest, wedged in behind the box.

"I've got a few minutes before my next class," Duke pulls it away and walks inside the back door of the building.

One side of the double doors closed, the window panel reflected the guy rubbing his company polo shirt at chest level, then eyes darting down, targeting his zipper.


Duke saw the rest of closing in on the kill, a cinch. Dropping the box inside, he returns to the back of the truck, "got any more?"

The driver was quick to set the record straight, "I've got a girlfriend. I'm not gay."

Duke mentally stroke-counting, it was another mark on his checklist.

Taking it upon himself to act dumb "oh, you're not? I'm terribly sorry for ever thinking of such a thing. You're married then? Hm," he stands there, tight-lipped, waiting for `Mr. Quik-service' to make his move.

A few impending scenarios ran through Duke's mind. Either he could wind up with his back to the pavement and a sore gut, or the driver would totally ignore the whole thing, jump in his truck and be off, or with wishful thinking, pick up on where he hoped this would go.

"I've got a girlfriend," the driver placed right shoulder against a back corner of his truck. Leaning against it with folded arms across his chest, it was like settling in for a long-winded conversation.

`Cool,' Duke was thinking, making it to base one of his intentions, he kinda had the opinion this wasn't the first time he chatted with a gay guy, "like, when's the last time you got laid?"

He wasn't making a move, speaking in a cool, calm and collective manner, "a few nights ago...yourself?"

Things moved pretty fast after that, slowly working up to a sex-driven approach.

Duke didn't need to coax anything along, the driver inviting him into the back of the truck. Probably he figured on Duke falling rapidly to his knees, unbuckling his belt, fishing out his dick and getting on it. Didn't go like that, Duke's hands on the driver's shoulders, and with pressure, sandwiched him in between parcels on both sides of the truck.

At first there was a hesitation, "I never done that before."

In all of his 22 years, neither had Duke, sucked a dude's cock, except for taking a curious lick off his science prof. Not to completion, tasting the full force of the blast, Duke figured some day he would probably find the right man, which would have him guzzling!

"You look like a smart man." Duke didn't let up on the shoulder pressure, "I'm sure you'll get it after the first lick, `Jack'!"

"How do you know who I am?"

Whether Jack got a tickle out of it, Duke pummels the embroidered name tag on the uniform, "this?" He could swear he felt a nip through the fabric.

Immaterial at this point.

Strangely, after Duke got the driver's knees to buckle, he was ready to instruct on opening his belt and getting to it, but with the first word, which was to be `now', his mouth was left open without saying!

"Just like I thought, Jack!"

"What?" Jack looks up, then back at opening Duke's pants, splitting the flaps after unzipping.

"Not your first blow job, eh?"

Shrugging his shoulders, there was a sense of embarrassed fibbing projecting upwards, of which Jack explains, "my second. I'm just not used to being down here. That's all."

Duke could have proceeded, but thought of something more fun, "then why don't you lock your truck and come up to my dorm room?"

Jack wasn't sure, but Duke can be very persuasive, especially when it comes to working with another hot top!

When they hit the lobby of the dorm, Duke came up with yet another brilliant idea, seeing one of the security guards on his way out. It wouldn't be the first time he's propositioned the 30-year old guard. It also made it easier, rather than trying to make a fellow student keep his mouth shut...not regarding an oral workout, but with the possibility having the meet up, all over social media.

Quick, simple, to the point, all Duke had to say is, "Eric, this is Jack. Jack, Eric. On your way home, Eric?"

As Eric and Duke have already made a connection, no less than 6 or 8 times, on your way home, Eric' really meant, going to your house to have sex, Eric'.

"Sure," Eric was obliging, "he coming too?"

Like a parent, Duke stands there, arms folded, head tilted, reprimanding, "if he meets with your approval, Eric?" Cupping a hand to his mouth, but Duke not making the effort to keep it secretative, "but he's got a girlfriend, if you know what I mean?"

"Oh sure," Eric replies. "I haven't a problem with that."

The way it went, the trio hit Eric's apartment. Eric and Duke, well-knowing the way to the bedroom, sandwiched Jack in between, attacking his uniform.

Jack could swear he heard buttons popping off his shirt. Right now though he didn't care if it was being torn to shambles. Such was the force of hands, backs of them swiping over his pecs, stomach, or the intentional, occasional finger and thumb tweaking up a nip, it was all good and he wasn't into checking who did what, going with the flow of the moment.

Except, when his naked butt was on the bed, Duke climbing on top of him, knees straddling his stomach, lips on his lips, Jack knew it was Eric's mouth on his cock!

Like leaving his mark, it wasn't the first time Duke had mounted a sworn-alleged straight man's bod. It would've been nice to do his butt, but Duke knew, a blow job, with another man on a third man's cock, the hums only served to stimulate. He wasn't wrong. And too, since Jack's shaft was already being tantalized, there was no fight slipping his stiff wood between Jack's lips.

It did muse him to say, feeling Jack's lips covering his teeth, a shield against serrated sides of the shaft, "right, you never sucked cock, Jack!"

With Duke in him, up to the balls, Jack couldn't utter a word. That is, not until Duke shot his load. Then, Jack gurgled out something about having to swallow, which also made him choke.

"You alright?"

Soon as Jack could swallow, some dribbling from his chin, he was able to signal Duke with a thumb's up.

"It's been real."

Dismounting, one leg on the floor, Duke took, careful not to mistake the Fedex shirt with `college security', the navy blue shirt and wiped the gooey residue off his quickly diminishing cock.

Duke also called this one, Jack not asking where he was going, nor biding him goodbye, but rather gave Eric all his attention.

Of course, tomorrow Duke would find out from Eric how it all ended up!

This incident would be the precursor to how it all started, the `truck'r treat' events, which became a side business for Duke and a few select others.

The next day Jack did find out from Eric, it was the best fuck he had ever had and his oral skills so impressed Jack, it wasn't the last time they were seeing each other!

So obliged was Jack, claiming Duke not only helped him out of the closet, but it's very possible he and Eric could become soulmates, the duo often included Duke in their romps between the sheets.

It was Jack's joking, Duke so inclined to matching guys up, should start a dating service.

That didn't strike Duke as a thing he'd like to make a livelong career out of, but did get him to thinking of how his skill was really a gift.

"You think?"

Both Eric and Jack, lying in bed with Duke, one of those times when he was invited for dinner and more, put the pressure on.

Eric was more laid back, Jack saying, "from experience, it gets kind of boring, or even dangerous when I've got to deliver packages during a `monsoon.'"

It's then conversation more turned to personal. Eric knew the details, but so far, time spent with the pair, it's been mostly sex. His first dinner engagement with them, Duke finds out Jack has a business degree.

"You haven't found anything that suits your desires?"

Duke should've known better than to pop a question like that, but his mind wouldn't be on sex until after dessert!

Before saying, "other than `Eric', nothing yet," he smiles.

Throwing a piece of a breadstick, like a stab to the heart, Duke says, "you know what I mean?"

When they gathered at Eric's apartment, soon as they entered, Eric went for the blinds while Jack and Duke stripped. Reason why, when Jack went to catch the breadstick, it crumbled, crumbly crumbs dirtying up Jack's hairy chest and stomach!

"Leave it," Duke jokes. "Eric'll get it later!"

On it, Eric says, "yeah, but I might need some `liquid' to get it down!"

Sure, Jack would've liked to have chimed in with something matching the building scene in there minds, but since the conversation was about him, he didn't want to derail his train of thought, "what I was about to say, since you've already communicated you're not so crazy about college, why don't we find a like interest and go into business together?"

Being funny, Eric says, "yeah and I could be the security guard who watches over that business."

"Aha, Eric," Jack jokes, "wandering about at night, waiting for a robber to stop by and plug your hole?"

Having chatted about the past and present, hoping for a promising future, Eric again states, "I swear it on my mother's grave, Jack, other than Duke, there hasn't been anyone else, `in there.'"

Turning to Duke, Jack says, "you know I'm kidding, right?"

Duke did and since the first time he met Jack, from almost falling to his knees in the back of the delivery truck, he's liked Jack, "I do, but junior here, it seems it takes a slap to get him to realize something!"

In bed they liked to gang up on Eric. Sometimes Eric didn't know if he was coming or going, Jack telling him to get on his cock, while licking Duke's ass. The pair would lay in bed, Jack and Duke with their heads on the pillows, leaning together to kiss, while Eric licked and gobbled them up. It hasn't been the case, yet, where he's worked both cocks with mouth, none of them thinking of it. But there has been a `war' at times, Jack taking Eric by the scalp, tearing his mouth away from Duke's tall stalk and shoving poor Eric down on his shaft till he gagged, only to have Duke retrieve the cocksucker's mouth!

Only because if it wasn't for Duke, Jack wouldn't have been there, does he put up with it.

This particular night though, Duke drinking a little more red wine than he should, when they hit the bedroom, he gets really jealous of Jack's manipulating hand, "do me a favor and get on my cock, Jack."

It wasn't a question at all, Jack well seeing this, "come again?"

"I would," Duke jokes, "except I haven't come the first time!"

Being a little tipsy, plus laughing at his own humor, he didn't see Jack and Eric looking at each other.

However, drunkenness being the case, Jack decided to take advantage of the situation, in a nice way.

"Maybe we should do something about that," Jack says.

It was the first time Eric saw a `dark side' of Jack, but it wasn't like he was ready to kill anyone. Proof he was joking, in between the stern attitude, he grinned.

Curious, Eric says, "like, what are you going to do?"

Like a dictator, Jack says, "you just get back on his cock and leave the rest to me."

Getting off the bed, Jack goes to Eric's closet and scoops up a handful of neckties, saying, "how can you afford Armani on your salary, I don't know!"

Eric pops off Duke's shaft, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, "birthday and Christmas gifts from the folks. They don't know what else to..."

"Did I tell you, you could stop?"

The tone of Jack's voice made Eric's balls pulse, "right away, sir!"

It made Jack smile. While working on a bachelor's degree, he had his roommates more than eating out of his hand!

Approaching the bed, Jack saw that Duke had lost some of the fire he had a few moments ago. The vino was taking effect.

Making a quick effort of it, Jack tied a necktie to each of Duke's limbs, wrists and ankles stretched out until his bod formed `x'.

Eric was proud of himself, "looks like I picked out the right kind of bed at the furniture store," and a habit he picked up in youth, says as he does it, "give the man a pat on the back!"

"I'll do more than that, if you don't get your lips back on that cock, boy!"

Rather than looking at this as something scary, not really knowing Jack all that well, Eric is driven, "cool!"

"You think so, do you?" the 25-year old dictates, standing there for a moment, admiring Duke's stretched out bod, courtesy of Armani and Jack's rope-tying.

At the time, Jack had no clue how earning a boy scout `rope' merit badge would come handy!

Thinking of a certain type of behavior, Eric doesn't hold back, "would be cooler if I was the focus of this scene?"

"Hm," Jack was actually thinking of freeing up Duke, making a trade off.

"How about we leave Duke here to sleep it off and hike over to my place?"

Imagine Duke, waking up the next morning, needing to piss and not being able to get out of bed!

A milestone to all this coming about, was right around Hallowe'en. They did celebrate the holiday, but it was Jack and Duke playing masters to their lowly slave, Eric. Eric's turn, tied to the bed and needing to piss so bad, he was made to go in a bottle.

It got Duke and Jack, in a disagreement, a friendly one at that, Jack admitting he had taken a sip once.

"Oh? Show me?" Duke proposes.

"You first."

It had led to a throw of the dice, winner being the low roller. Unfortunately for Duke, he got snake eyes!

With the mason jar poured into a shot glass, the smaller vessel makes lip contact.

Hugging his new-found-friend's lip, Jack taunts, "bottom's up!"

However, he was ready to hurl when Jack manhandles the shot glass out of Duke's hand and chugs it down as if whiskey.

"Ewe-e-e-e! Gross!"

"You're turn," Jack smiles.

"We're rolling the die, remember?"

As luck has it, Duke's lucky streak, Jack drank down two more shot glasses.

However, on the next throw, Duke's sole response was low-toned, "ugh. Do I have to?"

Pouring on the pressure, Jack picks up the jar, "probably not a whole shot glass left, so you might as well chug it!"

"Right," Duke wasn't enthused, "but get the garbage can ready, just in case!"

With ulterior motive, Jack stood next to him, badgering him. About ready to tip the jar to his lips, Jack steals it out of his hand, downing it himself.

Like after a cool refresher, Jack says, "ah-h, can't get enough of that stuff!"

"You're gross," Duke replies, "but thanks for letting me off the hook!"

"I guess you can say I'm a piss-aholic!"

Other than that, and except the time he's pumped his load down Jack's throat, Duke labels Jack a total top.

Not which, at 22-years old, was Duke interested in having the seal of his virgin ass broken. Slowly Jack and Eric were more into each other, squeezing Duke out. Jack and Eric became more amorous. Duke began to lose interest in the number `3'.

Not which it wasn't a trip', waking up to find his limbs attached to all four corners of the bed, but glad silk had a way of, with gentle pushing, coming undone. Duke couldn't believe he could hold it' for so long, but surely learned how fast he could run, once the neckties were loosened. It was amazing, with one silk tie still looped around an ankle, running, he didn't stumble. However, walking back to the bedroom, he almost fell and broke his crotch!

Getting dressed, it was on his mind, a devious idea coming to light, getting even with not necessarily Eric, but `Mr. Quik-service'!

Duke didn't get the chance...yet!

Jack and Eric going off on their own, there was a sense of cheating Duke out of a hot romp with sex-in-the-sheets.

Doing most of the talking, Jack had tried naming people they could set Duke up with, Eric combing through his slate of single guys. Neither could come up with a name, so they made it their business to seek and find.


What didn't come to an end, 22-years later, Jack and Eric are still together. In searching for a mate for Duke, they found him a tough man to please.

Duke did leave college after growing increasingly bored over having to study for things he didn't think he would ever use in life. One thing he got from Jack, that being a driver, when on the road it felt free. Even though deliveries had to be made, there were times when you were your own man. If spotting a guy a truck'r liked, he might take time out for a quickie!

Hallowe'en became the target date, after that first party with Jack and Eric. Duke arrived as a spectator, but by the end of the night had hooked up with a guy of his choice.

Like clockwork, every anniversary of a `Jack and Eric meet', Duke showed up single. Fortunately, they covered themselves, having some friends in, hoping Duke would approve of at least one of the attendees.

From sharing an apartment, Jack and Eric bought a house. Having plenty of storage space, converted the basement to a playroom.

Duke had visions of it, getting cozy in an oversized armchair, in front of a fireplace. The rest of furnishings were immaterial. Running hands up and down his own furry forearms, it replicated sitting in front of a raging fire, naked, making out and if it led to that, stoking that fire up a couple of degrees!

Walking into Jack and Eric's man-pad it looked normal, like any other home with a double-income setup.

It tickled Duke into saying, "who's the fashion expert?"

True, he knew much about personal stuff, like Eric a bottom, Jack a top, Eric loves having his tongue anywhere on the human bod, Jack loving his pits wet down, Eric taking Jack's roaming hands, pinching nips or strangling balls, and when it was three in the bed, Eric being challenged by stuffing two hard shafts in his mouth at once.

Other than things to do with man-sex, or how the guys liked their morning coffee and a few food discrepancies, Duke didn't have a clue to what they preferred beyond the scope of hopping into bed.

"Well, whomever is responsible for creating such a `lovely' atmosphere, um, they sure have some talent there!"

What was on Duke's mind, was sex. Glancing around at everything, he spots something sitting on a sofa side table. Walking over, he picks it up.

"Really, Jack, Leaving your toys out like this?" he holds up a dangling pair of handcuffs. "Now, what would happen if some guy, like the cable repair man, showed up before me?"

Smartly, Jack, who had had Eric plant it there, just knowing their friend would zoom in on it, steals off Duke's finger, "don't worry. We would have left him in good condition for when you arrived!"

"Well, you know fellas, I don't need hands bound behind the back to captivate my captive?"

Long as they've known each other, Duke has always come up with a line that at least got himself giggling. Most of the time it was stoopid, Jack and Eric going along, like it was winning comedy routine from the show, `America's Funniest Joke'. This was good thought, because what was to follow, Jack and Eric knew wasn't exactly Duke's cup of tea.

Prompting the crowd of an odd assortment of friends, with being quiet until the lights were switched on, Duke wondered why they were stepping down to the basement in darkness.

"Y'know, I think it would be much safer if I could see where I were putting my feet, guys?"

Eric laughs, "more safe than a blindfold."

Behind Jack, Eric earned a warning not to give any more of the surprise away, elbow sucker-punch to the balls, which phased him more with pleasure than pain!

Then, with secret precision, Eric backed up the stairs and upon hearing Jack snap his finger, flicks the light switch up.


Instead of a Hallowe'en party, it seemed more a birthday greeting, including the tossing of orange and black confetti into the air to make it more festive.

Right off, Duke, viewing from west to east, one naked dude, north to south, lingering a few seconds at the south pole, says, "oh, you know this isn't my scene, Jack?"

A soft hand to the shoulder, adding a warming rub, Jack tries bending opinion, "I know, but couldn't you get along and make our playmates your friends for one night?"

His eyes kept returning to the naked fellow, stretched eagle-spread on an `X' looking bondage thingee, which sway Duke's outlook, "I suppose I could try?"

Even if he wanted to, Duke would not be able to about face, run up the stairs, hightailing it out of there, latecomers arriving. Though it was their scene, not his, Duke thought he could find some amusement, yet felt out of place, dressed in a buttoned down dress shirt, dress slacks, sneakers, making his wardrobe a little tame, when all the others were decked out in leather furnishings clinging to their bods. Or less.

Weird, he thought, seeing one of those tardy guests enter, holding a leash, a `guy' attached, wearing a doggie collar.

Nervously, Duke joked with one, a chubby guy, with full frontal hair assault, leather framed-in beefy pecs, "does he play fetch?"

Thinking himself a smart alec, the leash-holder whips out a black rubber ball, "sure. Here," he unsnaps the leash, "go play fetch with him, while I grab a drink."

Suddenly, from behind the `doggie' mask, Duke hears a whimper, responding, "seriously?"

`Oh well,' he tossed the ball, watching the pup make a go for it.

Second giggle to escape his lips, resulted from seeing the pup have a `tail'!

Duke expected the ball to be brought back to him, but instead the dog' returned it to his... owner'?

Another giggle!

"Hey," Jack comes over to Duke, "glad you could make it," they bro-hug.

"You didn't tell me this was a costume party?"

"Right," Jack says, tugging at Duke's shirt, making it pull out of his pants, leading him through the crowd, "and since I `know' you didn't bring a costume with you."

Led through a door, into which he found it, the laundry room, "um, got something for me in the spin cycle?"

"Not really, but I do have your Christmas present, 2 months early!"

There, up in the exposed ceiling, hanging from a pipe was a hanger. On it were some flashy, leathery threads clinging to it.

"Uh, something you picked up at the Armani shop?"

"Why?" Jack responds, "you'd prefer it?"

It struck a note, both thinking of the incident 22-years ago, in Eric's apartment, regarding some `silk ties,' of which Jack says, "you never did get even, Duke?"

"Not yet!"

Now, revenge had become a joke. Maybe if they didn't see each other too often, but nowadays, the three saw each other on a daily basis.

Jack leaving `Quick-Service Delivery', Eric giving up the security job at the college and the trio of friends pooling resources, Duke's idea of setting up their own delivery service, has developed into a lucrative business.

"Need some help getting into it?"

Jack figured so, Duke turning the leather harness every which way, to figure out how it went.

"Never mind," he decides, "just strip and I'll do the rest."

Duke salutes, "yes, commandant!"

Even if Jack had never seen him naked, Duke had no problem wanting to get out of his clothes. In a way, he was an exhibitionist at heart, loved showing off his bod, chest, tiny little nubs, small patch of hair in the middle and call it his own brand of fetish, often found himself with a finger in his bellybutton; probably how it got so deep!

Right. Not the first time Duke's been to Jack and Eric's house, often, when coming over for a BBQ-swim party, Duke could be seen standing around, chatting, a drink one hand, other hand on his stomach, tip of the finger in his bellyhole. For what reason? If asked, Duke would simply say, it felt good.' Once, the atmosphere turning to some hard' boozing, Duke lay in a lounge chair, dudes taking shots out of his navel!

"Do I need to instruct you on where to put the foot?" Jack held the chaps for Duke to step into.

"I think I can do that part."

Duke did have a little problem, of which Jack does regain control of the hooped waistline, mocking, "didn't I tell you, you needed help?"

"Yeah, you did," Dukes says, placing both hands, one each on Jack's shoulders.

"No. Don't force it on. Just let the legs naturally glide on."

"Why? I love forcing it!"

Jack just shook his head and smiled, complaining, "do you think we can get to the party, before the party is over?"

Moving around, Jack finds it better, behind Duke, like he was ready to pull the chaps on himself. Didn't work, so he comes around front, "you're such a bother, you know?"

"I know," Duke replies, thinking maybe this might be a `little' attempt at getting even for the silk tie bondage!

Like assisting a little kid, "first one foot...then the other."

Being he had squatted down to help, Duke jokes, "while down there, you wanna give my balls a bath?"

"There's plenty of ball-bathers at the party...if we ever get there."

Pouting, as if two teens doing battle, "I'm trying, I'm trying already!"

Then it dawns on Jack, "you're going to love your first leather party."

"Hm," being facetious, Duke says, "why do they call it a leather party?"

Two seconds later, Duke is in pain, Jack fastening the chaps around the waist.

"Ugh...what's in there...a ball-crusher?"

"It's just a little tight. If it gets too cramped in there, take ahold of the codpiece and rip it off. The snaps are there to keep it lightly in place.

"Oh," Duke looks down his own bod at his new leather pants, "you mean if I it gets too big, it'll burst at the seams?"

Smiling, Jack says, "there are always unknown variables!"

With the bottom half taken care of, Jack grabs the harness and starts working it over Duke's pecs. He smiles, knowing he's scraped past sensitive nips.

"You're doing that to see if the codpiece pops off, aren't you?"

"Maybe," Jack smiles in Duke's face.

"Figured so," Duke says, not steamed enough to punch his buddy out!

"There. All set. How does it feel?"

Natural to any man, feeling a little cramped, Duke hand-juggles his crotch, "a little scratchy."

"You need to let it soften up. Get used to your skin and vice versa."

"Like top and bottom?"

"Oh, which reminds me," Jack snaps a finger, cluing Duke in, "you're a top, you know that, right?"

"You better believe, why? You need me to prove it, Jack!"

"Don't even go there, Duke. And oh! Almost forgot! The finishing touches," he brings out a pair of boots. These you can put on yourself...that is," he smiles, "if you don't pop a snap when you bend down to put them on!"

Matter of fact, new to leather, but not everything that goes on during a leather scene, the canine thing, "like, what's up with the dogs?"

"If you want to be cool, you'll call them pups. They are what they look like and act like they've graduated from obedience school."

"One of `em isn't going to like, lift their leg on my leather pants?"

Coming back with a black shopping bag, Jack says, "they might and in case they do, you'll have these little implements to correct their misdoing."

"What's that?" Duke says of the square case.

"Handcuffs. Turn around."

Holding up both hands, Duke says, "oh no you don't. I had enough of that, tied to Eric's bed with his Armani ties!"

"They're not for you dummy!"

Duke did twirl around, Jack doing his magic affixing at the rear.

"Hey, watch that," Duke complains, feeling a finger work its way down his ass-crack!

"Sorry. Me bad."

"You don't know how bad," Duke doesn't let an incident die, "being tied down and having to pee so bad..."

That does strike note, Jack saying, "oh, by the way, don't mention anything about the piss-drinking contest we had."

"Hmm," Duke's head swells, "no one knows but me, I take it?"

"And Eric."

Duke gloats, "hmm, a pawn in my back pocket, waiting for the right moment to let it out!"

Not doubting Duke will keep his silence over downing almost a quart of piss, he still threatens, "because if I do, I'll have to give your ass a whooping, which will make you want to stand for the coming week!"

Like his tongue was bloated, no room to keep in his mouth, Duke goes, "yeah. Right. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, your royal hiney-ess!"

"Some of those top guys out there, the `masters'?"

"What of `em?"

"They don't all, might think you're joking, so play it cool for awhile, Duke."

"No problem. I'll just hang around you, until I get the hang of it."

"Good idea," Jack stare Duke up and down, ending with face to face.

"How do I measure up?" 
"That remains to be seen."

Leaning forward, Jack kisses Duke on the lips, "a kiss for luck and we're on our way."

More dumfounded than his balls packed up in the chaps, Duke feels his lips. Sure, they've kissed during sex, but it was the first time he felt some sort of affection, which has him saying, "wow...I think I'm in love!"

"Are you coming, Duke, or are you going to spend the whole night in the closet?"

Truthfully, Duke was a little scared walking out of the laundry room. However, when he did, he got a lot of stares and even compliments. Not so much about what his pecs, abs, nor what packed his pants, but the leather ensemble getting more ooh's, ahh's and `you look cool!'

Next, walking over to Duke, Jack places a leash in his hand, "here, the other half of your early Christmas present."

Looking down at one of the `pups', Duke says, "what am I supposed to do with this?"

Half-disappearing into the sea of leather, Jack calls back, "you'll figure it out."

What Duke wasn't told, Jack had prepped the crowd. Even though warned, no one was going to haul off and punch Duke's lights out for saying something which could be construed as stoopid', out of place', or `nasty'.

Duke didn't know Jack was highly respected among the group, if not the most popular dude at the party.

In a short amount of time Jack has organized monthly functions, banding together loose groups in the area and setting up these timely bashes. Even though petty, one of the rules he's responsible for is anyone at the party must be in leather attire, the reason he hurried Duke to the laundry room, lest he break his own rule. If Jack intended on clothing Duke, he knew he had to break into his piggy bank. By now though, due to pooling monetary and mental resources, it's not like Jack's vault didn't hold enough clout to make a trip to the leather store.

Looking down at the pup on his leash, Duke says, "now, what do I do with you?"

Seconds later, "I don't even know what to call you, fella."

More seconds pass, "too bad dogs can't talk!"

With that, from under the black doggy mask he hears, "I could, if given permission to do so, master?"

Tickled, first thing to strike Duke was, "master?"

Then he laughed his ass off!

All eyes in his space turn and stare, Duke with an `oops' attitude, "oh, did I say something wrong?"

One kind soul, not there to criticize, walks over, "you're new to all this, aren't you?"

"How can you tell?" Duke smiles.

"Intuition, I suppose."

Duke knew something of football, all decked out in the fancy lycra, padding, helmet, the ins and outs of daily business, how to make an egg and cheese omelet, but this scene was like going back to kindergarten, "where do I start?"

"We can start by getting to know each other."

He expected a name, a handshake, but not a hug, "I'm Gregory," he kisses Duke on the cheek.

It kind of felt awesome, this hairy bear, with a stout belly, rubbing his fur on Duke's almost hairless bod, which gave him something akin to a goosebumps moment, "Oh my!"

"Now, you having a problem with your pup?"

"Not really. I didn't know what to do with him and..."



"No gender. An `it'."

"Hm," Duke simply says, telling, "well, it' said it could talk, if I gave him...I mean it', permission? Like how does that go?"

"First, he's not allowed to talk under any circumstance, only making dog sounds. However, Jack has instructed us, if we hear `his' dog talking human, to overlook it. We all know you're a novice."

Duke says sarcastically, "how nice of Jack!"

It's then, Duke learns from Gregory, "Jack is very well respected, if not of the utmost rank here."

"There's ranks?"

"Unofficially. You've got different men with different ideas on how we should behave, react, how to responds, etc. But Jack, he is an expert at everything, kind, but firm and holds high standards."

Duke jokes, "are we talking about the same Jack?" He was also thinking about the piss-drinking contest and how he's not supposed to say.

"So," Duke gets back to his pup, "the dog talked. What do I do next?"

"You either give him permission to speak, or not."

Turning down to the pup, Duke says, "okay dog, you can talk and ple-e-e-ase, take that mask off, so I can get a look of what you look like!"

Apparently, Duke wasn't the only novice in the room, the `pup' jumping up from all-fours, standing on two feet, "great, because I started getting cramps in my legs and oh, will you look at that," they all look down at it's knees, "wow, my knees are like, all chapped."

"Yeah," Duke says, looking at more than the pup's knees, "they sure are!"

For Gregory, eyeing up the bulging cock and balls, firmly compressed around the base, having been threaded through cinched leather, was the norm.

However, novice to novice, Duke says, "say, does that... `thing', strangling you," he meant the leather loop around the pup's shaft, "um, does it like hurt?"

"A little, but... kind of feels good. If you want, you can feel it?"

Gregory, had gained, by reputation, a teacher' of sorts among men at the party. He was a good friend of Jack's. Without having been asked, he had taken it upon himself to monitor Duke's activity. All he said to Jack was, he'd keep an eye'. However, when he happens upon Duke, doing okay for himself, Gregory wanders away and lets nature take its course, thinking there's got to be at least one guy at the party needing his expertise.

"Wow," Duke reports, after gently feeling the pup's ball sacs, "firm."

Smiling, the pup says, "and getting firmer by the minute!"

Realizing he's the cause and not wishing to cause any explosions, Duke stops the massage action. Like, Duke knew, some guys can have several eruptions, producing massive amounts of lava, but maybe this pup wasn't like every one else. It could have implications, causing complications. For himself, Duke knew, once he blew his load, the feeling comes to closure, until the next buildup.

One thing he was happy with, is his pup being honest. Unlike the other tail-waggers, standing there without being on all fours, "you know, this is my first time here and..."

"Really?" Duke says sarcastically, after perusing the room, 5 minutes ago noticing `his' pup the only one standing, gabbing and just not into it.

"Listen," his pup reprimands, tapping the back of a paw' against Duke's chest, "I thought I could get into it, but truthfully, I don't think this is me', if you can get that around your head?"

All Duke knew, he was getting dizzy with thought, looking upon this pup and feeling delight in the bubbly way he was acting. From the neck down, he looked more than nice.

"Me neither. I mean, it's more for my friends I showed up, to see what their new house looked like," Duke looks around, "but I had no idea."

The chaps and leather straps crisscrossing his pecs, over the shoulder and down around the waist were enough to incriminate, make him guilty of anyone thinking he was a full-fledged `leather-head'.

"I'm sure you're wondering what I look like, underneath the mask?"

`A mind-reader!'

"Uh, it did occur to me," Duke smiles.

"If I could get the paws off, I'd show you?"

Duke knew, in other words, he was asking for him to help get those bulky mittens, resembling actual dog paws, separated from his hands... `oops!' he meant it's hands! Well, what someone doesn't hear, only Duke knew the difference. So, forgetting he was at a Hallowe'en leather party and most likely this pup had been set on him, to bump a head into his leg, "truthfully, I'm not into all this myself," he removes one of the pup's mitts.

It took all of a couple of minutes to shuck the paws and go at the pup's mask. When indeed, the mask had been removed, Duke was enthralled with what he found, "wow, you are a hot pup!"

Then, a hand to his shoulder, Duke hears Jack's voice, "what's up with this, Elvis?"

"Um, uh," the pup, now named `Elvis' stumbles over his words, "you wanna help me here, Duke?"

The master and his pup disguises were now in shambles. One thing which hit him right off, Duke never mentioned his own name, so like, how did pup-Elvis know it, "uh, right, um, look Jack, me, I'm not really feeling it, and the pup, I mean, `Elvis'," he gets uppity, throwing his weight around, "we really want to be ourselves."

At least that's how Duke felt, after spending the past 15 minutes with loving the view from the neck down...and now, the neck up, for certain he didn't wish to have all that beauty covered up!

"I see," Jack either wasn't happy about the arrangement, or faked being pissed, "well, Elvis, don't think I'm paying you what we agreed on, now?" He immerses himself in the crowd once more.

Jack didn't wait around for an answer, but Duke surely stepped in, "you were getting paid?"

A very smart college boy, he says, "Uh, yeah, for playing the pup, but not being `Elvis', if that makes a difference?"

Surely, Duke was grateful Elvis sought to be himself, unattached to the animal behind the mask, "big difference," Duke replies, adding, "almost as big as them balls!"

"Uh yeah, about that...the balls, do you think you can relieve the pressure some. Kind of getting strangled down there, if you can wrap your head around that!"

"I'd rather wrap it around something else!"

Smart college guy, but the freshman wasn't getting this.

Perhaps the more intelligent one right now, Duke reveals, "I meant head', like in giving head'?"

"Right," Elvis exclaims, "that's what I thought you meant...not!"

Duke admired the honesty. When it comes to trust, a little can go a long way.

Strangely, when they went back to the laundry room, to get Elvis' balls out of the leather looping, they wouldn't budge, not with his shaft at full mast and that too, was being strangled at the base.

"Hm," Duke thinks on it, "I would venture to guess, in order to solve this predicament, those balls are going to have be emptied!"

"Well," Elvis shrugs a shoulder, "empty them!"

Shaking his head, like `no', Duke says, "I can't believe you were a pup."

"I know, but it's the only way I could get a few bucks off of Jack and...and now, he's probably going to go back on his promise and not follow through on paying me. Not which I blame him, being I was supposed to submit to you tonight."

"Oh really?" Duke finds that almost `appetizing', "well, what makes you think you're not?!"

A few feet between them, Elvis closes up the gap, "if you can get your head around this, I thought maybe the pup thing would wear off and kind of turned out how I things are going now."

Solving all their problems, at least Elvis' money dilemma, "and all that would remain is, it gets back to Jack, how well you performed?"

"Uh.Yeah.Something like that."

Duke had a different take, "or, instead of bleeding you dry here, in order to let up on the strangling, if you did it in front of Jack, then I wouldn't have to mention a word?!"

"That's gonna be a problem."

"Oh?" Duke leans an elbow on the washing machine, "humor me, why don't you?"

Taking a sip of his own saliva, Elvis gulps, "y'see, some of those pups out there are from the college. If they see me in public, sucking you off, it could ruin my clout."

`Clout,' Duke had already summed that up in his mind, "hm, exactly what is the pay scale with sucking, versus fucking?"

Whereas Duke saw it as a joke, Elvis says in all sincerity, "25 for a blow job, and depending how long it takes me to unload, could be anywhere from 50 to 100-bucks." He also reveals a tidbit, "you know, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, if you can wrap your head around that?"

At first it was a novelty, but now it was funny, Duke finding it humorous, wrapping his head around...

"Yep. I'm wrapped!"

Duke formulated a plan. Together they would rule the room, going out there as a double top-tag-team. He informed Elvis he wouldn't be collecting on the blowjobs, but certainly he could find release from that strangling feeling.

Of the college dorm fees, Elvis says, "hey, tonight I'm working for Jack."

A matter of what Duke was doing for Elvis, he says, "well, get your head around this, after we leave the party, you're working for me!"

Strangely, as Duke was counting, Elvis' balls did not fall through the leather loop keeping them snagged up, but certainly the pair, browsing over the pups available to them, they had masters stroking themselves, which probably gave a number of the pups sore throats before leaving the party.

Not only did Elvis get what's due from Jack, but Duke talked him into a tip. Too, by the time the clock struck 1am, Elvis' balls came un-looped without force.

From that night forward, Elvis got a legit job, working for Duke, a 22-year old tired of college and with Jack's help, investing money in `World Wide Web Delivery Systems,' the job prospectus was more than putting durable goods on a truck and getting them to a destination.

Elvis became quite an asset to the newly formed business, convincing the dean of the college to put it on the table, switch from Quik-Service' to 'World Wide Web Delivery Systems,' or as shop talk went, WWWDS'.

Of course, by now Jack didn't give two hoots. As part owner, it freed him up to pursue other matters. Eric, he quit his security job and took on security with the business.

After graduating college, Elvis had more money than he dreamed of and after re-enrolling in courses for sports fitness, didn't wait to achieve that second degree to open his own gym. Even though separate from the delivery business, if Duke or Jack needed an extra hand, or cock, Elvis would oblige. With the annual Hallowe'en event, he made sure Duke included him on the roster of invited guests!


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`TRUCk'r TReaT' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 2

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