True Campus Stories

By Midw Stud

Published on Nov 20, 2012


Frat Boy 2

I laid around the rest of the afternoon thinking about how awesome it was to have discovered that not only was Cameron open to some dude on dude fun, but that he was a horny devil. None of the shyness or hesitation you usually see with young guys who have little or no experience with other guys. Yeah, Cameron was the real deal. I just hoped he didn't freak out when he thought about what he had done, and never want to do it again. I also realized I really liked spending time with him. Even before I had a glimmer of hope he might be up for sex, I always thought of him as a really fun, charming, smart, down-to-earth guy. Very genuine, and not a bit of sarcasm or cynicism. While people in the Midwest will always say they are so sarcastic, they only do so because they see it on TV and think that its hip. I always appreciated the genuineness and enthusiasm that most people here have.

Sure enough, the very next day I got a facebook message from Cameron asking if I was around, and telling me to text him. I punched the number in and sent him a text. It was a Friday, and I didn't have class, so I told him I was free. He had a class, but said he'd be over right after. I immediately boned up and got excited thinking about what would happen when he arrived. I tidied up a bit, and tried to do some homework, but it was all excited with butterflies in my stomach, I felt like a nervous teenager waiting for a date!

My phone rang about an hour later. It was Cameron who said he was almost to my apartment. He wanted me to look out for his buddies. I went out and checked, their place seemed quiet, and no one was outside in the courtyard. I gave him the all clear and he bounded up the stairs a minute later and straight in my door. He looked right out of a magazine. His blond hair was stylishly messy, his cheeks rosy as always. He looked a bit peaked from the warm afternoon. He wore a fitted T that showed off his toned body perfectly, and some hot butt hugger skater shorts that were in style that summer. As soon as I got the door closed, he grabbed me and started kissing me. My small fear that he was coming to tell me he couldn't hook up with guys was allayed. As he pressed up against me, I could feel his fat cock, hard as a nail through his shorts. I got his shorts off immediately and started working his nuts and prick through his boxer briefs. He pushed my thin workout shorts down and laughed when he saw I was going commando. He dropped to his knees and took my hard dick all the way in his mouth.

I luxuriated in his slurping mouth for a few minutes, and actually worried I was going to squirt for a second. This guy had me so horny. He was hot as hell yes, but there was something about having my dick in this frat god, who everyone else thought was a big player with the ladies, and who had a hot girlfriend. I pulled him back up and kissed him again. He was grinding his dick into me, just so horny he was about to burst. I told him that we should chill. I knew after that opening that we couldn't exactly sit on the sofa and shoot the breeze, we were both way too horny. But, I wanted to get that shower I had missed the day before with him. I pulled him into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He peeled off his T and got in with me following. He looked so good with the water hitting him. I was almost over come with lust.

Now, I love showering with another dude. I think it is from all the times after PE or practice in school when I was showering with up to a dozen or two hot guys, and all those feelings I couldn't act on were there. Now, when I get a guy in the shower, I can touch as well as look, and certainly don't have to worry about getting a boner! I have found that with the proper shower fun, even a dude who says he doesn't want to bottom can get so horny that he is begging for it. I didn't think Cameron was unwilling in that regard, but it was a big step for a dude who had never so much as jerked off with another guy the day before.

Cameron was loving the water hitting him, and we started to kiss again. After I while, I broke off and got the soap off the shelf. I started washing his chest, pits and arms. Then I turned him around and washed his back, before reaching around him to wash his abs and dick. I spent a long time soaping and tugging on his gigantic nutsac. He was moaning, and leaning into the wall away from the shower head. I soaped up his ass, and his legs. I worked his cock and balls more reaching between his legs from behind. Every time I pulled my hand back, I pulled it slowly through his crack, lingering on his hole for a moment, causing him to push back and wiggle his butt a little.

Finally, I just began to focus on his hole. Rubbing my soapy fingers around it, poking it a bit. As his opening relaxed, I worked the tip of a finger in there. I waited for his response, and felt him kind of push back on the finger. I worked it in further, probing the silky inside of his never-entered chute. I finger fucked him with the single finger for quite some time, giving him a reach-around with my free hand every once in a while. He was hard as hell and still leaking a ton. I pulled the finger out finally and thought I heard a little sad sigh from him. I replaced it with my thumb, making him moan. My thumb quickly found his prostate, which made him jump a little but, before relaxing down onto my digit. I began to work his hole pretty good with my thumb, and then replaced it with two fingers. I was really pushing them in hard, lifting him up with my hand as hard as I could. Now there was no way I could lift Cameron with one hand, but it made for some pretty intense pressure and feelings in and around his hole.

I pulled my fingers out and soaped up his crack some more. Putting my hands on his sides, I kind of pulled him down a little bit so his knees were bent. Cameron was a few inches taller than me, and I needed him a bit shorter than me. Now at the right height, I began to slide my dick back and forth in his soapy crevice. Sometimes from his hole up, and sometimes bent down so my cock was rubbing on his hole with the head hitting the back of his balls. He was moaning. After a few minutes, I positioned my dick so it was pointing straight into his hole, and applied a little pressure. As I began to feel it yield, I stopped and started rubbing it in his crack again. I heard the same little sigh of disappointment come out of him, and a minute later did it again. This time as I put pressure on his hole, he sort of pushed back into me, and the head of my dick leapt through his tight passage. I quickly pulled out, and moved so the water hit him again and we rinsed off.

When dry we went to my bed and flopped onto it. I got on top of him and started kissing him and grinding on his hard dick. I nibbled his ears, his nips. Licked his abs for a bit, and then tried to get his dick in my mouth, which didn't work at all. It was so thick, I could only get my mouth around the head. Never mind, I prefer the balls anyway, and worked them over before heading lower to his soapy- smelling big old red butthole. I licked all around it, eliciting the same desperate moans as yesterday. It was a bit looser from my shower work, and I got my tongue in quickly. I was trying to get as much saliva on there as possible, and was alternating between eating his butt and fingering it. I thought he was going to shoot his load he was twitching around so much. Finally, I couldn't stand it and just said:

"You want me to put it in you bro?"

"Hell yea!" he replied.

I grabbed his ankles and lifted them up, revealing his spit-glistening hole, already open a quarter inch or so. I spat a nice bit right onto his hole, and spread it around with my dick. His eyes were wide as he felt the head of my dick touch his opening, and then with a bit of gyration and increasing pressure, part his anal muscles and enter him. I left it in him just an inch or two for a few minutes. His chest was heaving, and I couldn't imagine what was going through his mind. I pushed on a bit, but there was some resistance, so I pulled out and put a nice big dollop of lube from my nightstand onto the head of my dick. When I reentered him, there was not nearly so much resistance, until I hit my depth from before. This kid was tight! It was going to be a battle all the way in. I asked him if he wanted me to use a rubber, and he asked if I was clean. I told him yes, and that I had actually just been tested at the start of the semester and hadn't fucked anyone since then. With that out of the way, I began my cock's journey up him.

Using my tested method of tiny gentle thrusts, I worked it a millimeter at a time deeper into his hot tight passage. Finally, when I was about halfway in, it kind of opened up and Cameron shifted himself in a lurch down the bed a few inches, impaling himself on the remainder of my dick. With my pubes firmly smashed against his hanging nutsac, I was all the way in. I gave him another minute to adjust, and then took a long slow stroke out and back in. "Fuck me," he said under his breath but plenty loud. That was more invitation than I needed. Realizing this was his first time, I didn't want to overdo it, but I could tell he didn't want a little 5 minute debutante's fuck either. I kept on with long slow in and out strokes, almost pulling my dick out of him before plunging it slowly but insistently back in till my pelvis hit his nuts. I was actually kind of worried about his nuts since they were in his way. His sac was so big and loose it hung down over his hole, and his nuts were constantly in the impact zone when I bottomed out in him. Oh well, he could pull them out of the way if it hurt.

There's not too much to report from the rest of the fuck. I just gave it to him long and hard missionary style, looking into his eyes or kissing him the whole time. I picked up the pace a bit, and was going kind of hard on him, but he was loving every minute of it. I knew it wouldn't be a record breaking fuck because I can't last too long without a rubber. With a rubber I can fuck for an hour sometimes, but without, the urge to cum happens almost immediately, and it takes all my will power to hold out for 20 minutes. After about 10 minutes, Cameron let out a little squeak, and I felt his ass clamp down on my rod as he shot a big load all over his washboard stomach. He had already covered himself in pre, so the sperm just added to the mess on him. Remembering his cum-loving ways from the day before, I did my favorite thing and scooped up some of his cum and fed it to him, leaving a few fingers in his mouth to suck like little dicks.

I knew I wasn't going to last much longer after his orgasm and I was furiously pumping it into him as fast and hard as I could. I didn't want to hurt his ass or scare him off, but this was one epic fuck. Cameron's eyes were rolled up in his head, and he was just letting one long moan go as I hammered his freshly deflowered bunghole for all it was worth. I felt my nuts pull up, and knew it was close. I usually shoot a good distance, and was going to cover him in cum, but I misjudged and shot a few pumps deep inside him before I could pull out and shoot the rest on his chest and tummy. I collapsed on top of him, our two loads gluing me to him. After a minute, I suggested a shower. Before we got in, I made him bend over so I could check on his hole. It was open a bit, but looked fine. I immediately boned up when I saw some of my goo coming out of his hole. I wiped it with my finger and off onto my leg. We were both too spent to fool around much in the shower, although we were both hard again.

Once we dried off and got dressed, we hung out for a bit and talked and had a couple of gin and tonics. I asked him about how he felt about all this. He said he was confused by it all. He found it totally thrilling and hot, he had never been so horny in his life, but that he didn't know about the rest of it, and could never date a guy, and felt bad about cheating on his girlfriend.

"Its OK dude, you don't have to have it all figured out now. I am still figuring it all out," I told him. "But, if something excites you, and makes you as horny as you were when you got here today, you can't just ignore it."

"I know man," Cameron said, "but it just is too much. I mean, no one knows about this, and they can't, but all I can think about is sex with you. I feel bad about my girlfriend, I mean I have cheated on her before, but not like this, it was always just some drunk hookup with some girl from the bar."

"But sex with guys is a different ballgame, shit a different sport," I told him. "I don't consider them the same thing at all. You can enjoy the company of women, I do, date women, I do, love sex with women, but still love having sex with a dude. Its totally different things. "

He mulled this over for a minute and we had more drinks. We talked about sports and other general stuff. He was sitting in his boxers and T, and had a hard and leaking dick the whole time, but we didn't bother. Finally, after a silent pause in the conversation, he put his hand on my dick, which was semi hard, but instantly fully hard. He fondled it for a second and then pulled it out of my boxers and put his mouth on it. "Do I suck good?" he asked.

"You sure do bro!" I said. "Especially if you've never done it before. I'd show you some things if your dick wasn't so damn big!" He smiled at the compliment. "Just do what you think would feel good, and believe me it does."

He went back down on my dick, slowly working it up and down. He was obviously thinking of things, and trying them. At first his lips were super tight, giving incredible feeling as his mouth traveled up and down my shaft. Then he tried a lot of tongue action, his smooth tongue working all around the head and down the bottom of my dick as he went up and down. I laid back on the sofa, enjoying this improved bj. After just a few minutes, I felt my nuts stirring, he was really working it good. He cupped my nuts and rolled them around in his hand. My nuts are super sensitive and I love any attention they get. At one point he even threw my legs up and gave my ass a couple quick tentative licks before going back to my dick. Usually I can last a long time with a bj, resist cumming and enjoy it for a good while. But something about the sight of this blond stud earnestly and eagerly practicing his oral skills on me really got me charged up. I didn't even try to warn him this time, but he probably sensed me tense up and my dick grow even harder before it spit four or five good squirts of sperm into his still- suckling mouth. He swallowed theatrically and leaned back on the sofa.

I scooted up next to him and put my arm around him and finished off my latest drink. I put my hand around his cock and asked if he wanted to get off again, but he said no, he was probably too buzzed anyway. We chatted a bit more and he said he had to be going. They were having a party at the house and he needed to help organize the pledges to set up. I said so long, and we had a very nice and tender hug by the door. I gave him a kiss and a little spank. I checked to make sure his buddies weren't in the stairwell, and he left quickly. I was happy it had been such a hot time. I always consider popping a dude's cherry a big deal, and tend to ponder it a bit. This sudden relationship with Cameron had been so out of the blue and he was such an awesome guy it was almost too good to believe. I thought about him feeling bad about cheating on his girlfriend, and worried that this might be trouble. The issue came up a few times over the school year, but never put much of a dent in our busy sex life.

There are a few more stories of note about Cameron, I will come back to him in a future chapter. He became such a horny devil, it was hard to believe it was the same na‹ve frat boy who had never touched another guy's dick. For the most part, our sex was always super hot. Cameron had this way of seeming so horny and desperate he was about to explode, which always got me revved up and led to hot athletic sex until we were both exhausted and covered in sweat and cum. I got worried when he didn't call or come over the next day, but the day after that....

Next: Chapter 5: My Partner in Crime

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