True Fond

By ten.epacsten@euXaD

Published on Jun 29, 2003


Obligatory warnings and legal disclaimers:

I don't know any of the celebrities in this story. This story does not imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction. A fantasy. This story is not meant to imply anything about Agim Kaba, Travis Fimmel or Jensen Ackles.

If you are under the age of 21 or the age of majority in your area, offended by male/male material, or it is illegal to view such materials in your country, state, county, or municipality, you should leave now.

If you are looking for a story with lots of sex, tough luck! This is a story of friendship, bonding, and love. Only time will tell which direction it will take.

There are no profits to be made here.

Do not archive, copy or email this story without permission of the author. You have been warned. This story has been copyrighted.

(Agim Kaba is associated with As The World Turns. As The World Turns belongs to Columbia Broadcasting System (Copyright MMIII, CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights Reserved) and Procter & Gamble.

Travis Fimmel is associated with New York Model Management.)

Main Characters: (Major characters will be added as the story unfolds.)

Brendan: 21, 5'10", light brown hair, green eyes. Swimmers build all American type. Becky (Beck): Typical hometown woman, 5'8. 25, blond hair, black pooling eyes. Agim: Albanian, 20, 6 foot, long brown hair, brown eyes, smooth soccer player build.

Minor Character: (Minor characters will be added as the story unfolds.)

A True Fond

Chapter One First Meeting

After closing the cafe I sat in my car waiting for it to heat up watching the falling snow. It wasn't late as I debated driving home or going to see if the only bar in Pockston was open. Mick's, the bar is owned by Mick Johnson. He also owns The Place where I work. I cook, keep the place clean and consider it my place. The bar, I decided was the best option. There I would had some company if it was only Becky. The snow was coming down harder as I pulled on the road. All ready eight inches had accumulated to top of the four all ready laid down the day before. It was predicted that before morning the snow storm would turn into a blizzard. For now the flakes were large and fluffy. The wind hadn't picked up. It would I thought as I drove slowly to Mick's.

Pulling into the empty parking lot the neon sign was still flashing Mick's. It was a rat hole. If I closed early this place shouldn't be open. It was, `Mick must really be hard up,' I thought.

Opening the door to the bar I noticed that most of the lights had been dimmed. Becky was behind the bar dusting the bottles of booze not paying attention. The place was empty. It was dead quite, not even the juke box playing out the usual Country Western drivel. Smiling I yelled, "Drinks are on me," watching her jump.

Turning towards the open door, she screamed, "Damn Brendan. What the fuck are you doing here? And closed that fucking door. You`re letting all the heat out!"

"Give me a beer babe," I said as I walked towards the bar. "While your at it, give yourself something." Knowing I wouldn't have to pay. I never did as long as Mick wasn`t around. Before I got there a Young's Double Chocolate was waiting along with three shots of Royal Crown. One was mine the other two hers.

"Come around here and sit, sweetheart."

Smiling at me, "Either you didn't have a busy night or your horny." She sat next to me placing her hand on my thigh.

"No trade and always horny," I said sighing.

"I know baby," her hand rubbing the top of my leg. "Wish I could help."

You have to understand about Beck and me. During high school we didn't run in the same crowd. I was the typical serious student and didn't fit into any group. Becky was into drugs. Our paths never crossed. Over time we both moved past that stage of our lives. She tried to put the past behind her while I wanted to dive head first into a future I had no understanding of. It wasn't until we both took on our present jobs that we really became close, to understand each other, to become friends. Knowing each other's dreams and desires. We fell into each other. But, she was a women and I was gay. If it hadn't been for that we'd be in each other's pants.

We sat there for hours just the two of us. Occasionally, one of us would go see how bad the weather was getting. It was still coming down and the wind was gusting. We where going to be snowed in. We weren't leaving the place tonight. Neither of us cared. Inside the bar it was warm and there was plenty to drink. If we got hungry Becky could fire up the grill. There was even a double bed in the office behind the bar. So we continued to talk, joked around, and drank. Heading slowly into a drunken haze that neither would share with the other. Lost in our own thoughts and regrets. Getting maudlin.

It was past one o'clock when a blast of cold air hit our backs. Beck scooted around the back of the bar thinking it was Mick. But when we both looked we could see that it wasn't. Mick was a short fat man with a rapidly balding head. Instead there was a young man shaking the snow from his long brown hair as he walked towards us. When he reached the bar he sat next to me and looked half frozen.

Actually I was the one that was frozen. I continued staring at him long after politeness and common sense had passed. My eyes drinking, taking in the strong jaw, his deep sparkling brown eyes, and those red perfect lips....Feeling a gentle shake on my hand that broke my trance, turning, looked up at Beck. Her head was cocked slightly with an expression on her face telling me to come back to Earth' or better take your hand out of your pants pocket.'

When I heard a slight giggle I turned to guy next to me, "Don't worry about it. I get that look all the time," he said. Smiling he placed his hand on my arm giving it a weak squeeze then removed it. Becky laughed breaking the silence in the room.

"Well now that that is over, I apologize for my him. We don't get many strangers in here. What can I get you? What's your name? And why the hell are you out in this weather?"

"I'll answer the last question first. I'm on my way to Jackson to catch a plane tomorrow. My name..." he paused like he was thinking. "J...Jim and I'll have bottled water. And when do you think I'll be able to get out of here?"

Placing the water in front of him, "'ll be a day or two with all this snow. The snowplows have to get here from Clinton and were about the last place to get plowed.

"Since there's no welcoming party let me say welcome to Pockston, the backwater of the state." We all shook hands.

While they continued to talk, I stayed quite. I knew that Beck ways putting the move on him. It seemed funny because it didn't look like she was having much luck. He looked like he was in another world, just not interested. Once in a while he would look at me. You couldn't read his face.

This went on for fifteen minutes or so when he said, "Since I'm going to be here for a while, I guess I'll have a scotch straight up...make it a double. And it looks like you two are far ahead of me so just line them up."

He looked only slightly at us. Still I couldn't tell who he was looking at or what. Beck put a bottle of Lagavulin in front of him. A bottle of Crown Royal in front of the stool next to him for her and a bottle of Jim Beam in front of me. I knew she was really putting that make on him giving him the best scotch Mick carried. She didn't have to. She was just about the best-looking woman around and could have any man she wanted, except for me. I couldn't. Not that I didn't turn heads once in awhile. Still I knew I was the only fag around. Shit I hate that word. Gay, yes, but I'm not a stack wood.

I heard him speak, "Brendan, you've been awfully quite. Tell me about you."

So I began to tell my story. I was very drunk but had enough sense to leave out that I was gay. Occasionally, Beck would add some funny anecdote. Each time she did I thought now would be a good time for her to die. She knew how to embarrass me.

"...Mom and dad were killed in a car accident. A dump truck rolled over on top of them. There's no family. Just me. They left me the farm and enough money to pay the taxes each year for a while. Everything paid for. I'm letting the land turn back to its natural state.

"So, I work at the cafe earning enough to eat and put cloths on my back. Guess I pretty much run the place. Do most of the cooking. The books. The cleaning which I'm fanatic at." I grew silent and began to sob. Becky came over rapping her arms around my waist. I could feel Jim's arm on my shoulders pulling me over to him and letting my head lay on his chest.

After gaining control, I lean up and told Beck that I needed to sleep.

"Sounds like a good idea. It's getting close to four in the morning. So Becky what should we do about it?" Jim stated.

"Back in the office there's a double bed. Mick uses it when his wife throws him out of the house. We'll use it `til we can get out of this place. And before you ask we have a small kitchen so we can cook. That's the only smart thing Mick has done."

Once in the office Beck sat on the edge of the bed. Jim took the chair at the desk leaving me standing between them. Beck sat there giving me am evil look. Even drunk I could read her thoughts. That look, telling me that I'd be better off outside in the snow.

"Guy's, I usually sleep naked. Since Brendan is here I'll sleep in my braw and panties."

"Thank God. I would hate to see those sagging tits," I replied.

Jim sat there watching us while we continued slinging bards at each other with an amused look on his face. Eventually he excused himself and headed for the restroom. I followed, as did Becky. When I returned Becky was in bed facing Jim. He was on his stomach and was already asleep. She watched me strip to my briefs and as I slipped into bed I saw that Jim was clad only in a pair of CK briefs defining his muscular backside.

I looked at Becky saying, "Don't even think about raping him."

"You either, pervert."

"Unlike you, I would never do that the first time I slept with a man." After hitting the light switch on the lamp next to the bed I turned away from them and fell to sleep.

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Constructive comments welcomed all other trashed.

Next: Chapter 2

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