True Love

By Ryan Cotey

Published on Oct 8, 2000


----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the next part of my story, thanx for the nice comments, I really appreciate them. Keep sending them to -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

True love, part 3 -----------------

That morning I woke up much earlier then usual, it was 7 o' clock when I first opened my eyes. The whole night I dreamed about Matthew, about how he would hold me tight against his chest, how he would kiss me, how he would... well, we'll see if anything happens today. I got up and walked to the bathroom, I got undressed and went into the shower. There was only one thing I could think about, Matthew! What was happening to me? Is this normal, I keep thinking about him...

"Josh!!!" I heard my mother yelling, "There's a phone call for you."

Someone called me? So early in the morning! Maybe it's Matthew, I thought to myself. I ran to my room, with just a towel wrapped around me.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi Josh, it's Kyle. I'm not disturbing you?"

"No, just a bit surprised to get a phone call this early" I said.

"Sorry about that, but I had to talk to you. I made a real fool of myself in front of you and I kinda wanna like to apologize. You see..." Kyle continued.

"That's ok, it's not your fault you like me, damn who wouldn't like a hot stud like me?" I joked. "Anyway, I mean, if you feel like that, you can't change it. Hey, just because I don't like you in that way, doesn't mean we can't stay friends. You know, if you ever want someone to talk to, you got my number."

"That's really sweet of you. I couldn't hope for a better reaction. You really are a very nice guy." Kyle said.

"I am, thanks..." I tried to continue but got interrupted.

"I have to ask you something Josh, the other night you told me you weren't gay. But..." Kyle said.

"Yes, but what?" I asked.

"Well, it's just when I saw you in the pool with Matthew, you kinda looked like you two were sort of a couple and then when yesterday Matthew told me..." Kyle tried to complete his sentence but I got so curious that I had to ask it.

"What did Matthew tell you?"

"Nothing really, he just came to talk to me and said that it was better for me trying to forget you. Jeez, you both are so weird, you sure there isn't anything more between you two? The moment I mention Matthews name, you become crazy!" Kyle joked.

"Yeah, well... Listen Kyle, I was kinda in the middle of a shower, so if you would like to excuse me." I said.

"Oh sorry, didn't know that. You should have told me, I guess I'll see you later?" Kyle said.

"Of course, see you." I said.

Ok, that wasn't my Matthew. My Matthew? Oh god, what am I thinking! I already consider him as mine and we haven't even talked about it. I better continue my shower and hurry up so I can get ready to see him. So I jumped back into the shower and quickly grabbed something to eat on the way to the train station. I sat down and began thinking about Matthew again, when someone interrupted my beautiful daydream...

"Hey sexy, you mind giving you some company?" Kathryn said.

"Oh, hi there. Haven't seen you for a while. So how are you?" I asked her, a bit surprised to see her.

"Great, university is so cool. I've been so busy lately and I met someone..." she continued. "You did? Who is it? Do I know him? How long are you and him...?" I was so enthusiastic.

"Calm down tiger, we just met. He's ok, his name is Jason. He's in the same class as me. You know, he's so damn handsome..." she was really happy, I could see it very clearly. Oh I wished I could be happy like that too!

"Hey Josh, you still there?" she said.

"Huh, what? Oh yeah, I just was thinking about something..." I answered.

"Something or someone? Haven't you met someone yet? There are so many people around here and the way you look..."

"All right, enough already. No I haven't been lucky yet like you did, but maybe after today..."

"Wow, you've got someone you like! I knew it, I knew it the second I saw you today. There was something different about you... Well, tell me, who's the lucky girl?" she asked.

"Actually..." I was actually planning to say that I liked Matthew, but then I stopped. Perhaps it's better for me to wait a little longer. It would be quiet a shock to her me being gay and stuff, so I just said, "it's a surprise. I'll tell you later, I've got to arrange some things first."

"You sound really serious, I bet she's a very special girl." she said.

"You could say that." I joked.

The train stopped, the moment of truth was coming closer. I said goodbye to Kathryn and made my way to our classroom. I hoped I wasn't going to say anything stupid to Matthew, I knew myself and on these moments I always was really nervous and my mind stopped working. Let's hope, everything goes well!

I entered the classroom and looked for Matthew, but the place where he normally sat, was empty. I was a little disappointed, I really looked forward to this moment and he wasn't even here! I moved to the back of the room and sat down, when I saw Kyle entering. He sat down next to me and class started, I really couldn't focus, I only thought of one thing! That stupid class was so boring without Matthew sitting next to me, it looked like it just wouldn't stop.

At last, class was over. Me and Kyle went to the cafeteria to get some lunch, but I didn't wanna eat, I just wanted to be with Matthew. I wasn't the best company to Kyle, but he thought it was just the boring class we had, that bothered me. Lunch was almost over and still Matthew hadn't shown up, this was a lousy day so far.

The day went bye so slowly without Matthew by my side, but luckily my last class had just ended and I could go home. I was really sad not seeing Matthew today, but I was not going to look him up. We agreed seeing each other in class, he even promised me to keep me a seat next to him, so it was his fault. Maybe I just was seeing things, maybe I only hoped he liked me, but in fact he just wanted to be friends, but he kissed me... I was so confused. When I got home, everything was quiet, I knew my parents and my brother were out tonight and wouldn't be back until the day after tomorrow. It was just me for the next two days, well maybe it was better that no one was around. Otherwise they'd notice there was something wrong. I sat down in front of the TV and just watched some music show that was on.

Nine o'clock! I guess I must have fell asleep. I was hungry so I went to the kitchen looking for something to eat when I heard the doorbell. Who could that be? I thought to myself... I slowly got to the door, but when I opened it, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Hi..." Matthew said.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Look, I'm sorry, but..." Matthew said.

"You don't have apologize, you probably had something else to do." I said a bit angry.

"No, it's just. Last night, after you called me, my parents told me they were throwing a surprise party for my sister and wanted me to be there. When I said that I had to go to class this morning, they just said that one day wouldn't make a difference and so, here I am. I just got of the train and came to see you."

"That's sweet, I thought you forgot about me." I said.

"Now, how could I do that. Look I brought you something, there was some cake left and I took it, especially for you."

"Cool, I just was hungry. Come in." I said and closed the door after him.

The cake was really good and the company was too!

"You know Josh, I really missed you these two days. I hated my parents for not letting me to go to class today." Matthew said.

"Well, it was your sisters birthday, so you had to be there!" I said.

"Yeah I know, but I wanted to be with you!" he said.

"That's sweet, I really missed you to. My whole day was miserable without you."

"Sorry, but I wanted..." Matthew said.

"Yeah I know, it wasn't your fault! It's ok."

"Well, I'll make it up to you..." Matthew continued.

"And how are you gonna do that?" I asked.

"Well first I'm gonna move a little closer to you..." he said.

Matthew came to sit next to me and looked me deeply in the eyes. He moved closer and kissed me gently. This was what I needed, just this one kiss was enough to make my miserable day disappear. We kissed for about 15 minutes and it was so sweet. He tasted so good and I didn't want it to end.

"Josh... I've got to go, otherwise I'll never make it back in time to the dorm. You know I still have to watch my friends room." Matthew said.

"But, you can't go now." I said, "Can't you stay here tonight?"

"Well, you know there's nothing in the world I'd like to do more, but he's gonna call me tonight to arrange some stuff and if I'm not there, well you know what he's like..." Matthew tried to explain.

"But I can't miss you tonight. I've waited so long to see you..." I said disappointed.

"I know, but there is one thing we can do!" Matthew said.


"You could come with me to the dorm, that way we'll be together all night and I can get the phone call."

"Ok, I'm going. I couldn't let you go alone now could I?"

That way, we both got to his dorm room and we entered it. We didn't say much on the way over and we didn't kiss at all, because we weren't alone on the train and we weren't, you know, "out" yet to the world. So we decided to wait until we were in his room, after all the night was young and so were we... We immediately start kissing when we entered, almost ripping each other's clothes off. Stripped to our boxers we laid down on the bed, he was so hot!!! He moved his hand over my back and whispered in my ear that this night would be special. He caressed my back and kissed me, moving down my neck. I was in heaven.

To be continued...

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll do my best to get the next part ready as soon as possible. Meanwhile, keep sending your comments to I love reading them! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 4

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