True Love

By Ryan Cotey

Published on Oct 8, 2000


----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the next part of my story, thanx for the nice comments, I really appreciate them. Keep sending them to -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

True love, part 4 -----------------

He moved his hand over my back and whispered in my ear that this night would be special. He caressed my back and kissed me, moving down my neck. I was in heaven.

I pulled him back up so I could kiss him too. I never felt this urge of having to kiss someone before, so it was a little strange. But I hadn't got the time to think; my lust for him had taken control of my brains.

I kissed him with all the passion I had inside my body, I wanted him so badly and I could feel that I wasn't the only one with these feelings, I felt it in his sweet, tender but oh so passionate kiss. I moved down his neck now, just like he did to me, I let my tongue travel along his neck, kissing his nice chest.

He was so sexy, I started working one nipple first, licking it, sucking it... he started to moan louder, so I guess he didn't have anything against it. I moved my head to his other nipple, again letting my tongue do all the work.

Again, the moaning got harder and suddenly he moved my head away and kissed me with more lust than I had ever felt before. He threw me on my back and kissed my whole body, with every kiss he moved down. When he kissed my belly, I raised my hips, so he could slip my boxers off. He took the invitation, my 8" cock slapped against my belly.

The next thing that happened was heavenly; he moved to my cock and took the head in his mouth. This made me moan so hard, I thought the other students in the dorm would immediately check on us, but thank god, they didn't.

He moved down my cock until his nose rested on my pubes, I never had a blowjob before, but this was great. This was feeling so good and he just started! He moved up again and with only the head inside his mouth, he sucked it and licked it so good, I had to stop him because I was gonna cum. I took his head in my hands and kissed him on the lips, he got the hint and laid down on the bed, giving me complete access to the tent in his boxers. I wanted to do it slow but we both were so horny that I moved directly to his boxers, I almost threw them apart, taking his 8" cock in my hands. It was the first time I saw another guy's hard on and now I was touching it and about to suck it. I tried to copy him as I put the head in my mouth, causing him to moan harder then he did before. I took this as good sign and continued sucking his cock. God, I wanted him so bad and before I knew it I asked him to fuck me.

"You sure?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah, I want you to be my first." I said.

Matthew smiled at me and kissed me on the lips, I returned the kiss. He moved down to my ass, he inserted first one, then two and finally three fingers. I hurted, but I wanted him to fuck me so I bit my lip and tried not to let him see how much it hurted.

"You ok? We don't have to do this, you know." Matthew said.

"No, I'm fine. It's just difficult in the beginning, it'll pass."

"And, how do you know? You've been practicing with someone else already?" Matthew joked.

I smiled and the pain slowly went away, Matthew noticed I was ready and moved the head of his cock at my ass. He pushed forward and soon the head was inside, I tried to get over the pain, but it was difficult. It took me 5 minutes, but after that I was in heaven. I never felt so much pleasure before. He moved slowly at first, but when I began meeting his thrusts, he took this as a sign to go a little quicker. I wouldn't last much longer and I knew Matthew wouldn't hold much longer then me. One more thrust and my cum sprayed all over my stomach, sending Matthew over the edge and I soon felt spurt after spurt streaming in my ass. Matthew kissed me again, leaving his cock inside me. I liked him so much, maybe I even loved him...

I fell asleep with my head on Matthews chest, I never felt closer to anyone before. Unfortunately the morning came quicker then I hoped and since Matthew had to leave again I knew we were gonna be separated for a while. After he returned it would already be 8.30 and before he returned Matthew always ate something together with his friends. So I was gonna be alone, for almost 4 hours and I wasn't looking forward to it! But these things happen and there was nothing I could do, Matthew said he couldn't skip this thing because it would effect his grades, he said he would like to be with me, but couldn't. I tried to sleep some more after he left, but I just couldn't. I wanted to be with him, I wanted to feel him close to me, I wanted to lay my head on his chest and then he would wrap his arms around me... But I just smiled, Matthew and I were together now and I just had to wait a little and we would be back together!

I got out of bed and headed towards the shower, I had to get up because I had a test coming up and had to be on time so I could ask something to our professor, Matthew had this test next week, so I didn't have to wait for him. I quickly took my shower and dressed myself, I knew Kyle also had the test this morning, so I knocked his door to ask him if he wanted to come with me.

"Just a moment!" I heard a voice saying. "Here I am, oh hi Josh. What's up?" Kyle said when he opened the door.

"Well, you know. We've got the test in half an hour and I'm leaving. So I thought maybe you wanted to come with me."

"Sure, I'll just need another moment. Come in." Kyle said.

I entered his room, I immediately saw all the posters of half-naked men on his walls that Matthew told me about. Jeez, will I have to act like this now, I thought to myself...

"Hey, I'm ready. So we can go now." Kyle said.

"Huh? What did you say?" I asked.

"Someone had a hard night yesterday. I said I'm ready and we can leave now." Kyle said.

"Sure." I said.

And off we went, we talked about the stuff we had to learn for the test. We both did well on the test and we decided to go to lunch together.

"So what was wrong this morning?" Kyle asked.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"Well, it looked like you were off in dreams. You must have had a special night." Kyle said.

"Actually I did," I didn't want to say anything about me and Matthew so I just said, "I met someone last night and we had kind of a really hot night." I smiled.

"Must have been someone special, you've just met her and you've already slept together!" Kyle said.

"I think it was love at first sight!" I smiled and thought about Matthew again and how much I liked him.

"You're lucky! I wished I knew somebody like that." Kyle said.

"I'm sure you will!"

Me and Kyle walked to the dorm together, he talked and talked but I didn't listen all the time because my mind was elsewhere, I don't have to tell you with who, do I? So we said goodbye and I knocked on Matthews door.


I entered the room and made my way towards Matthew to kiss him, but he got up first and walked in my direction.

"I think we have to talk." Matthew said.

This wasn't sounding very good and I hoped I was wrong but I wasn't...

"What happened last night was great Josh, but..."

"There's a but?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think it all went a bit to fast, don't you?" He looked at me and when you saw I wasn't reacting at all, he said "Well, it's not that I didn't like it, but just, we have to take it a little slower. I think it's for the best that we just stay friends for the moment and maybe ... we'll see what happen. You haven't told anyone yet, did you?" Matthew asked.

"No, I didn't." My heart was broken, just when I was looking forward to see Matthew, I now wished I had never entered his room, all I could say was: "I understand, uhm I have to catch my train now, so..."

"Yeah ok, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked.

We said goodbye and I left the dorm with mixed feelings, it was here where I had the most beautiful night of my life, but I also got my heart broken in the same place. I hurried and just made it to catch my train, luckily I didn't recognize anyone so I hadn't to talk and pretend everything was going great, because it wasn't! What if Matthew just wanted me for the sex, was it just that? A so called one night stand... I had feelings for him, so why didn't he? Oh god, I feel so miserable, what do you do if the guy you love, doesn't love you? Tears were filling my eyes...

To be continued...

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll do my best to get the next part ready as soon as possible. Meanwhile, keep sending your comments to I love reading them! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 5

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