True Love Will Survive

By T Storm

Published on Sep 9, 2007


Author's Note: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between two males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.

Chapter 5

"So were you lying?" I asked as I awkwardly rubbed my hands together.

There was silence and I dared to look up from the table.

Gray was looking at me intensely, his eyes dark and stormy. His hands were folded and resting on top of his AP Calc book.

"I wouldn't lie about that," Gray said honestly. He never broke eye contact with me and after a prolonged staring contest, I flushed and briefly glanced away.

"Calling me a liar," Gray muttered and I glanced at him, to see him shaking his head and smiling in amusement.

It helped take away some of my nerves, which was probably his intention, and I smiled.

Gray grinned wider and soon we were both laughing quietly.

We had opted to spend out study hall period in the library, because it was more quiet and students tended to not want to go there, although they were a few clusters of kids doing projects or whatever, but they weren't sitting beside us. So we had our share of privacy, which we needed. I was so anxious to talk to Gray all day about his letter.

"I consider us friends, Kevin," he said catching my eye again. "Are we friends, Kevin?" he asked.

"Yeah," I answered quickly. "Of course."

"All the time we've spent together, I think we've grown close and I consider you someone I can trust," he said. "So I know I cant trust you with my secret, and well, I hope you feel the same about me."

I nodded. "I do." I took a breath. "I trust you and you're a good friend, Gray, but sometimes my paranoia just takes over and I need some time to process everything and calm down and see things rationally," I rambled.

"You talk a lot," Gray said snorting.

"I'm glad you wrote me that note," I said.

"Me too, I figured it would ease your mind," Gray said. "I didn't want you to be worrying and agonizing all weekend or something."


"You're welcome."

We were silent and just stared at each other.

"Are you uncomfortable talking to me now?" Gray asked uncertainly.

I blinked. "No, why would I?"

"Usually we're able to talk more than this," he indicated, waving at us.

I smiled reassuringly. "I'm just, well, I have a lot of questions or I'm all curious."

Gray cocked his head and I leaned forward, to try to explain better.

"We're good enough friends where I can ask you questions about, you know, being gay, whereas, I can't have that talk with Bill or any of my other friends, since I'm not out to them. And Mark, well," I paused, taking note of Gray's disgruntled expression at the mention of Mark's name. "I could never talk with him about anything. Every time we were together, he'd deflect or we would just go in my car and have sex."

"So, I'm trying to sort out my thoughts," I said.

Gray nodded. "I get that. It's nice to have someone to talk to. My parents, especially my Dad, would never understand. And my friends, well, I can't even imagine telling them."

"Let's not talk about anything heavy right now," I said. "I'm still wrapping my head around this. I need to let it slowly sink in and get used to the idea of you being gay and having a gay friend. Up until now, I've always assumed you were straight. You don't seem gay at all."

Gray laughed. "Neither do you! I never suspected."

"Good to know. I don't go for girly men," I said.

"Me neither. If I wanted to date a woman, umm, I'd kinda be straight," Gray said, looking genuinely perplexed.

I laughed. "True. You definitely make a very valid point."

"Ah thank you," Gray said, very Austin Power-esque.

"Ok, fun talk," I suggested.

"Fun talk?" Gray asked looking perplexed.

"Yeah," I grinned. "So who do you think is cute? Any crushes?" I asked excitedly, with interest.

Gray threw his head back and laughed loudly. "Umm."

"Come on, spill! This is one of the perks of having another gay friend," I pleaded.

He smiled. "Umm, I guess some of my teammates."

"Oh yeah, who?"

Gray laughed again and blushed. "Sorry, this is a little weird and new for me too. Normally, I'd never tell anyone."

"I think Jesse Reese is really hot," I offered, referring to the lean and talented star soccer player.

"Oh he's cute," Gray said automatically. "The dark hair and eyes. That smile. That speed on the field. Ooh," he said.

I nodded in agreement. "You know who else? Pete Waters," I said. He was the artsy, yet preppy blond dude, with bright blue eyes and trendy glasses. I liked his style and was always curious as to whether or not he was gay.

"I don't like his glasses. It's like he tries too hard," Gray explained. "To look different- like his clothes and style. I don't know."

"What? You think he should be all girly or dark and gothic since he's artistic?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just think he's so, annoying. Ever talked to him?" Gray asked.


"Well, if you did, you'd know what I was talking about," Gray insisted. "He's fake and tries hard to be everyone's best friend, regardless of their group. I mean, that's cool and all, but it's the `trying too hard' factor that is annoying."

"How about Dieter Klimke?" Gray finally said. "He's on the gymnastics team. Those muscles."

"Oh hell yeah! I'd do him in two seconds," I said.

Gray smirked. "You'd only last two seconds? Dude!"

My mouth fell open while he crowed with laughter. The librarian shot us both a dirty look and I flicked his ear, which caused him to laugh even further.

"I'd last longer than two seconds, you tool!" I hissed back.

"Yeah, yeah, prove it bad boy," he shot back giggling again.

For the rest of our study hall period, we went through every hot guy in our school or guys we found attractive. We laughed; we argued; we agreed; we blushed.

It was the best time ever. I had never felt so free and open in my entire life.

"Oh, I don't feel special anymore," Bill pouted as he colored with Teddy.

"What?" I laughed.

"Well, it used to just be me who knew you were gay. Now, Gray knows. I'm not the only one. Special," he clarified.

I smiled. "I guess so. But it's good."


"Yeah," I said. "I can finally talk to someone. My Mom and you, you guys don't understand, but Gray does. I can talk to him about, you know, realizing I was gay and stuff. The stuff I went through. He'll get it."

"I'm jealous," Bill admitted.

"Of what?"

"I'm your best friend, but I can't share this part of you. You'll have to turn elsewhere, like Gray, to feel more comfortable or free expressing yourself. It's something I can't compete with."

"Bill, you'll always be my best friend. We're brothers; we do everything together. He can never replace you or reach your level, of whatever," I said.

Bill smiled. "I know," he stated confidently. "But still. Makes me wanna blow a poison dart at Gray."

I laughed loudly.

"Or become gay myself," he added.

"It doesn't exactly work that way," I said chuckling.

"I know," Bill giggled. "I'm just telling you how I feel."

"I'm glad," I said honestly.

"I'm so used to us being so tight, it's gonna be an adjustment when we're both in serious relationships," Bill commented.

"I know," I agreed. "I've thought about that before. It sucks at first, spending less time together and more time with our significant others, or one of us has someone while the other doesn't, or being the third wheel. But then I think, things will work out, and we'll always be best friends, and your wife, and my husband?" I asked curiously before continuing, "Can be best friends as well!"

"Indeed." Bill said smiling widely. "So is there anything going on between you two?"

"Huh? Between me and Gray?"

Bill nodded looking at me with interest.

I thought about it. "I don't know. I don't think so."

"You don't think so?" Bill mimicked. "Either there is or isn't."

"For his part, I don't think so," I said slowly. "As for me, well, I'm just getting my head around the fact that he's gay. I'm just used to all the other gay guys at school, who are so flaming gay, that I sometimes don't believe Gray is like me. But in terms of physical appearance, sure, he's hot."

"Would you go out with him?" Bill asked. "If he liked you back?"

"Yeah," I replied without thought.

"That was fast," Bill snorted.

I smiled and looked into my lap. "He's really hot."

Bill rolled his eyes.

"And he's smart and funny and kind and caring and considerate and honest and sincere," I said in one huge breath. "He's deep and I always enjoy talking with him."

Bill's eyes were wide. "That entire, whatever that was, was so, I don't know, like gushing. You like him, don't you? Like really like him?"

I shrugged. "I don't know yet. Ok, I had a crush on him, but that was when he was straight and out of reach. Now he's gay and we're pretty good friends, so now I have to reevaluate my feelings. Cause now, if I develop an actual crush on him, something could happen, being that he's gay. In the past, there was no such possibility, if he was straight and all that. Now, I have to really like him or know he likes me too, otherwise I'll risk getting hurt or our friendship being ruined," I said all in one breath.

Wow, I was breathless now.

Bill stared at me.

I stared at my best friend.

"Dude, you're hot for Gray," he said matter of fact.

"I am not!" I protested half-heartedly.

"You basically just told me you're in love with him, only in a lot more words, which is kinda your style," he pointed out.

"I am not in love with him!"

"Strong like then, but hugely in denial," Bill continued.

I folded my arms and frowned.

"Look, you just went on and on about how great he is and then said you don't want to get hurt, blah, blah, blah. That means you already have some sort of romantic feelings for him, but you're hiding behind your `confusion' or something. I know you- you can build mental walls sometimes," Bill said.

I shot him an annoyed look. "I'm not hiding behind my confusion, or whatever. I really am confused. It's a mental adjustment, you know, realizing your friend is gay; thinking he was straight and just like you all along. You wouldn't know."

He stared at me in disbelief. "I wouldn't know?" he demanded.

I blushed. "Oh, my bad."

"I know how it is. It was confusing and a little weird for me when you told me you were gay," Bill said. "But I got over it and here we are."

"I was scared to tell you."

"I know."

"You were, or are, the greatest friend alive, but I never know how people take news like this. I mean, you read horror stories," I said.

"I know," Bill said. "I'm glad you came through in the end and trusted me enough to let me in. I'll always have your back."

"I know."


I grabbed some crayons and began coloring with Teddy and Bill.

"So, when you have your first date with Gray, you'll call me right away and tell me all about it, right?" Bill asked.

I looked up into his grinning face and without a thought, I chucked my crayon at his face, eliciting a grunt from Bill and a giggle from Teddy.

"Give it to me!" I cried out, reaching over Gray's head, but he effectively held me back. "Gray!" I protested, reaching for my cell phone.

"No more text messaging for you!" Gray teased.

"Sorry, but one of my friends was telling me something important," I whined.

"It's rude!" Gray said.

"I promise not to do it anymore," I said, sticking out my bottom lip.

Gray smiled and there was a soft expression in his eyes as he looked at me.

Lately, between Gray and me, there was a lot of flirting going on, ever since we both came out to one another, two weeks ago. It was usually subtle, like double meanings, long stares, lots of smiles, some random touching that got my heart beating. And mostly, we just spent more time together, and we were doing less studying and more talking or goofing off. By God, I was really falling for him! I had never been that comfortable with another guy, besides Bill that is. I think we had both liked one another for a long time, or the attraction had been building up and now we both felt free to act on those attractions.

"Ok fine," Gray conceded, holding the phone to me. When I leaned forward to get it, he grinned and rolled backwards, away from me. "PSYCH!"

I had too much momentum going and nothing to support my weight, and I fell forward, into Gray. His legs were parted, and my lower half fell between his legs, and my hands came out to break my fall, landing on his firm chest.

I blinked, trying to register what had happened and suddenly, Gray had become serious, as he stared up at me.

I got lost in his eyes, his dark blue eyes.

Then I snapped myself out of my trance and made to get up, and out of this awkward position. However, as I shifted, Gray sat up and wrapped his legs around my back and butt, trapping me.

"Where you going?" he asked softly, his face close to mine, as he was in a sitting position.

I couldn't breathe. "Umm." I felt sweaty and red in the face and I couldn't form words. "Umm."

Gray's eyes drifted down my torso and my eyes followed his.

"You have a cute tummy," he said glancing up at me and that got my brain working again.

"Huh? A cute tummy? What does that mean?" I asked. Cute tummies were something little kids had; because they were all round and fat.

Gray smiled, his eyes sparkling and he started rubbing my stomach. I inhaled sharply; his touch felt so warm and electric. His eyes never left mine as he rubbed gentle circles across my stomach. I was growing increasingly hard and he was going to find out very soon if he continued.

I grabbed his hand and stopped his movements. I bit my lip and looked at him. I'm sure he could sense the desire and lust; it was emanating off of me!

Our eyes met again and while I was lost in his beauty, his hand started moving again, this time under my shirt.

I gasped and his full lips curved into a smile, before his fingers traced the ridges of my abdominal muscles.

"Mm, I guess your tummy isn't that cute. You have some muscle," he murmured.

"Some?" I asked, in mock anger. I lifted my shirt up higher, revealing my tight, lean, taunt body. "This is hard core gym work right here!"

Gray laughed as his hand moved up and down my stomach once again and I shivered.

"Gray," I finally whimpered. "Please stop."

"Why?" he whispered, his lips close to mine.

I was bright red at this point. "I'm," I paused. "I'm hard," I muttered.

Gray's arms wrapped around my hips and he shifted me closer onto his lap and I groaned as the friction from my clothes aroused me further.

His lips made their way to my ear. "Me too," he murmured. He took my hand and brought it to his stomach, beneath his shirt. "Do you think my tummy is cute?" he asked in a playful one and in spite of my lust and embarrassment, I giggled and sank into his embrace, my hand never leaving his muscular body.

"You're really buff," I said randomly.

Gray chuckled. "Thank you. Wanna see?" he asked and without waiting for an answer, lifted up his shirt, revealing his tan flesh, his popping six-pack. I wanted to lean down and kiss and lick his abs.

"I play a lot of sports and we have a lot of training and gym time," he said, as if reading my thoughts.

I hummed in agreement, mesmerized by his body.

"Like what you see?" Gray teased and I heard the laughter in his voice.

I narrowed my eyes and abruptly made to get up, but Gray was faster and locked his legs tighter around me, while gripping my arms.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked again, grinning childishly.

"Gray," I whined, clutching his firm and bulging biceps.

He laughed again and his lips moved towards my neck, as he ever so softly kissed my flesh and I gasped and arched my back, rubbing my erection against his stomach. I groaned and his breathing grew heavier.

"Can I kiss you Kevin?" he whispered, rubbing his nose against mine, as his breath washed over my lips.

"Uh-huh," I choked out and the next thing I knew, his hot lips were crushed against my mouth, and he kissed me hungrily, his lips moving over mine aggressively, prying them apart, his tongue surging forward.

My arms wrapped around his neck and into his curls as my tongue rolled and danced around his, his mouth feeling hot and warm; tasting delicious.

He hugged me tighter, until our chests were touching and his tongue dug deeper and deeper into my mouth, practically reaching my throat. After what seemed like hours, I had to forcefully push him away.

"No," Gray breathed, trying to capture my lips again.

"Can't breathe," I panted.

"Who needs air anyway?" Gray asked with amusement as he kissed me again and placed his hand on the back of my neck when I tried to pull away.

Soon I gave in. Who did need air anyway? Kissing someone as gorgeous as Gray, well, it was worth it, becoming brain dead and then dying, that is.

I sucked and pulled and nibbled on his lips before surging forward and caressing his tongue eagerly with mine. I felt myself falling forward, as Gray rolled himself onto his back. His hot hands went underneath my shirt, roaming along my back and I thrust against him, feeling him tense and jerk. Gray groaned loudly into my mouth, but never broke the kiss.

When I felt my shirt being pulled off, I pushed off of Gray and he blinked at me with confusion.

"Can't. Not here," I panted. "My mom and Teddy could come home at any moment."

I saw the realization reach his eyes and he slowly nodded, his chest moving up and down rapidly.

He sat up and rubbed his flush cheeks. "I should go then?" he asked. "Or we can hang out some more. You can make your famous sandwiches, my little chef."

I smiled when he called me his `little chef'.

"We can hang out some more. And make sandwiches," I grinned. "I love that you love my sandwiches."

"I love that you love that I love your sandwiches," Gray said and then frowned. "I'm very confused right now."

I laughed. "Don't hurt your pretty face thinking too hard," I pinched his nose.

Gray's mouth fell open. "I'm going to get you for that!"

In an instant, I jumped up and ran to the kitchen, with Gray at my heels.

He pinned me to the counter, his arms around my waist, and before I knew it, we were kissing again.

I laughed as he sucked on my neck. "I thought you wanted sandwiches!"

"This is your punishment for making fun of me," Gray whispered tugging on my ear with his lips.

"I didn't mean it!" I said squirming as he tickled my neck.

"Yeah right," Gray growled, kissing me again, bruising my lips, making them feel raw.

At some point, Gray lifted me up onto the counter and I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer.

"I really like kissing you," he said in between kisses.

"Oh yeah?" I asked.

Gray groaned. "We should have done this a long time ago."

I tried to answer but it came out muffled as his mouth covered mine.

"Can I kiss you from now on?" he asked, pecking my nose.

"Yeah sure, why not?" I laughed.

"You can kiss me from now on, too," he offered.

"Thanks," I said adding a hint of sarcasm.

"Hey now!" Gray chastised, biting my chin and I shook my head to shake him off.

"So I'm a selfish person," he stated. "I only kiss you and you only kiss me," he breathed.

"Is that so?" I asked. "Ordering me around already?"

"Absolutely," Gray said with a smile on his lips, leaning back to look into my eyes.

"If you're going to order me around, I'd better get a dinner out of it," I joked.

"Like a date?" Gray asked seriously.

I shrugged and he smiled. "Ok," he said softly. "Official date it is."


Gray nodded.

"So we're dating now?" I asked, slightly in awe. "Wow, that's a little fast, don't you think?"

"It's a first date. No promises," Gray said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Oh ok, we can kiss each other exclusively, but not date exclusively?" I asked.

"Jeez Kevin, you really know how to ruin the moment. I don't have the answer to these very difficult questions."

"But," I opened my mouth.

"Shut up and kiss me back," Gray ordered and I smiled before complying.

"Wait," I said pushing him back.

"What?" Gray asked trying to pull me forward again.

"I still wanna make sandwiches. I'm getting hungry," I said honestly.

Gray rolled his eyes and yanked my face forward, effectively shutting me up.

"This is your idea of a first date?" Gray asked as we sat at a diner, waiting for our server to take our drink orders.

I nodded. "Yeah. Why? Were you expecting something else? More romantic?"

Gray shrugged. "I don't know," he replied in a thoughtful tone. "I know girls always want to be taken somewhere a little better for dinner. A diner, well, it seems like such a friend place, you know?"

"I suppose. You'd know, you went out with girls before. I haven't," I said. "And secondly, I'm a guy. I don't always expect that romantic, lovey dovey crap. Hey, some guys perfect date is having pizza and beer! Me? I like diner junk food!"

"You and your junk food," Gray said shaking his head.

"Yummy," I said grinning.

"You're so cute," he murmured and I scrunched my nose at him, causing him to laugh at me.

When the waitress stopped by, we ordered our sodas and I eagerly ordered the salad bar and a grilled cheese sandwich with fries. Gray quickly ordered after me, going with his signature burger.

"What's so great about the salad bar?" Gray asked looking perplexed. "I thought you hated healthy foods."

"That's where you're wrong about this particular salad bar," I said grinning. I motioned for him to follow me to the salad bar. "This is my favorite part," I said and then I proceeded to put two baked potatoes on my plate, and then loaded it with spoonfuls and spoonfuls of sour cream, topped with bacon, and shredded cheese and chives.

"Oh my god," Gray said, his eyes wide. "You put so much shit there, where's the freaking potatoes?"

I laughed at his stunned reaction. "Yummy," I drawled out, licking my lips. "So yummy."

"And fattening."

"Oh and you think you're burger is all healthy?" I shot at him.

He looked sheepish. "No."

"HA!" I exclaimed. "Go get some salad," I ordered as I went down the line to fill a plate full of lettuce, cheese, eggs, and olives, then laden with ranch dressing. I waited patiently for Gray and took a seat at our booth when he finished getting his food. He stared at me as I dug into my potato concoction and I licked the sour cream off my fork. I smiled excitedly as the creamy taste washed over my taste buds.

"You are such a dork," Gray commented.

"Whatever. No kissing for you tonight," I said under my breath.

"What was that?" Gray asked cocking his head and I could tell by the playful smile on his face that he knew what I had said.


"Hm. That's what I thought," he smirked, pursing his lips at me.

"Don't get too cocky. It's not you," I advised jokingly.

"I'll keep that in mind," he mock saluted me.

I hungrily shoveled my baked potato and cream mess into my mouth and then gobbled up my drenched salad, before our entrees even made it to the table. Gray was eating his considerably slower.

"I'm going up again," I announced.

"How are you going to eat your sandwich?" Gray asked.

"I'll manage. Or just bring it home," I grinned. "Gotta get my money's worth," and then I made a beeline for my beloved potatoes.

I was halfway done with my second salad and potato creation when the waitress arrived with our food.

"Whoa," she said looking at my plate. "You're just eating sour cream and bacon? That's a new one," she said giving me a weird look.

Gray burst into loud laughter and I stuck my tongue at him.

"There's a potato under here," I protested. "Here, look!" I said, waving her closer and then I pushed the sour cream out of the way to reveal the wrinkly brown skin of the potato.

She stood up and smiled. "I see. Lucky bastard, if I ate like that, I'd never make it past my door frame," she grinned.

I smiled as she walked away.

"Cool waitress," Gray said.

"Don't get any ideas," I whispered. "This is our date."

"Don't worry," Gray said smiling. "I only have eyes for you, and your cute little mouth, even if is covered with white cream and bits of bacon."

"Oh sorry," I said, making no attempt to clean my mouth off. "Accept me as I am."

Gray shook his head. "Yes Sir."

"Ooh," I said narrowing my eyes. "That's right; I am your Sir."

Gray didn't answer and instead took a huge bite of his burger, but his dark blue eyes were twinkling with laughter and his face looked so soft and inviting.

I had trouble tearing my eyes off of him.

"Stop," I said without looking up from my textbook.

Gray brushed my forearm again and this time I looked up at him sternly, to find him smiling at me, his full lips looking so pink and inviting. I bit my lip and his eyes followed the action.

"We should take a break," Gray said.

I shook my head. "No. It's the middle of May. We have exactly one month to know all the material in order to get a four or higher on the AP exams."

"Oh come on," Gray whined. "We've been doing so much! We hardly get to have any fun together anymore," he pouted, giving me a puppy face.

"Stop," I ordered.

"Please?" he begged. "My eyes are tired. They're burning. They're dry. Look!" he said moving closer, opening his eyes widely.

When I still refused to give him my attention, Gray abruptly grabbed my book and slammed it shut. I looked up at him in surprise and before I could react, he stood up and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Gray, put me down!" I cried out, slapping his back lightly.

"I'm issuing a break!" he said loudly. "We earned it, you study-Nazi!"

"Gray, come on!" I said wiggling futilely. "Hey!" I shouted as Gray slapped my ass and he laughed before depositing me on my couch.

"You jerk!" I said as Gray stretched out on top of me, supporting his heavier frame with his strong arms and he looked down at me, smiling, very pleased with himself.

I put my hands on his chest to push him off, but of course he wouldn't budge.

"Damn you!" I cursed as Gray laughed, enjoying his position on top of me.

"We're taking a break," Gray said firmly and leaned down to kiss me softly. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. He kissed my neck and behind my ear. I groaned and arched my back. "I knew you'd see things my way," he murmured nibbling on my ear, kissing my jaw, my chin, and then back to my mouth, slipping his tongue past my lips.

After a few minutes, we were getting pretty hot and heavy and his hands were caressing my stomach and chest, while my hands were squeezing the muscles of his strong back. When my hands made their way to his ass and pushed past his jeans, touching his bare flesh, Gray grunted and thrust into me.

He pulled off of me and yanked on my shirt. I got his message and sat up and helped him. Now shirtless, Gray's hot mouth was everywhere- my chest, my abs, licking my nipples, before reaching my navel.

"Oh god," I moaned. "Gray," I whimpered.

His hands began fumbling with the button of my jeans and he unzipped me. After pushing my boxers aside, my hard cock slapped towards my abdomen and Gray's eyes were transfixed on it.

I looked down to my cock and saw that the tip was glistening with pre cum and his eyes were glued to it. Then he looked up at me.


I looked at him questioningly.

"Kevin," he hesitated. "I've never done this before. I don't know if I'll be good," he said.

"I don't care. Do what you want," I said. "You get me so hot; anything will feel incredible. I promise," I said pulling his head down so I could kiss him.

When we broke apart I looked at him as I undid his jeans and grabbed his erection. He kissed and closed his eyes. I took his hand and placed it over my cock. Slowly, I started stroking him, and he followed my lead, moving up and down my length gently, getting the feel of it.

Our breathing increased as we maintained eye contact. Occasionally our eyes would flutter and soon our hands were simultaneously moving faster and faster.

"Oh fuck," Gray sighed.

"I'm getting close," I whispered.

"Me too," Gray murmured. He groaned loudly. He squeezed my dick tighter and started pumping furiously. I cried out and arched my back, twisting my hand over his slippery rod.

"Gray, I'm cumming," I shouted as my cock started spewing a hot, creamy loud all over Gray's chest.

"Oh fuck," Gray growled as he came a second after I did. He tensed and stilled over me, but his hips were still pumping into my hand. His hot load smeared all over my hand as I continued to milk him, clutching him tightly as I was in the throes of my own pleasurable orgasm. I arched my back, my stomach muscles contracting, my toes curling.

By the time we both finished, there was quite a mess on Gray's chest and my abdomen, our cum pooling and mixing together.

I was panting and breathing hard; Gray was doing the same; his face flushed.

"I didn't know that could feel so good. It was just jerking off," he said.

"It's better when someone else is doing it to you," I said and he nodded.

"We made a mess," he said, tucking me back inside my pants. I did the same for him, groping his sensitive head slightly. He jerked and grunted. I smiled.

"I know. We have to clean up," I stated.

Gray took a minute to process that and then slowly got off of me, his dark blue shirt stained.

"Damn, I should have taken off my shirt too," he bit his lip.

"It won't matter if we clean it up fast. Here, let me get a towel," I said, moving to the bathroom. Gray followed me and I cleaned up my stomach and my jeans before rubbing his shirt clean.

Gray was smiling and looking at me the entire time.

"What?" I asked.

"I think we should do that every time we're together," he suggested.

I slapped his chest. "Horny pervert."

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "It was fun, right?"

"Of course," I said. "What guy doesn't like getting off?"

He shook his head. "It's only fun cumming with you." He kissed my hand again.

I met his eyes and his eyes were full of humor and I nudged him.


Gray laughed, his dark curls bouncing and his muscular arms wrapped around my waist and I turned so I could hug him back.

Taking my hand, we walked back into the living room and took a seat on the couch; our studying mood completely broken.

After a short comfortable pause, Gray spoke, "So how far did you get with Mark?"

My eyes widened and I looked at him. "What?"

He shrugged and looked uncomfortable. "I was just curious," he said in a defensive tone. "I told you I had been with other girls. I even went all the way with them."

"You never told me you went all the way with them," I said.

"I am now."

"Gross," I said.

Gray smiled. "It's not so bad."

"Are you sure you're all gay?" I asked.

"Kev, when you're kissing a girl and she's touching you, you get hard and then inevitably have sex. And it does feel good. But I'm definitely attracted to men. I like dicks better. I can get it up for a girl, if coaxed, but dicks are always on my mind."

I burst out laughing. "I guess so," I said slowly.

"So," Gray said again. "How far did you get with Mark? Home run?"

I smiled. "No."

"Ok, details!"

"He moved kinda fast for me," I admitted.

"Yeah?" Gray asked seriously. "How?" he asked.

"Our second date or whatever, we were making out and he went down on me and I jerked him off. Our third date, we did mutual blowjobs. I was ok with that, although it was kinda fast considering I didn't know him and he did tend to get jealous. He was the one calling me that time we had dinner with my brother," I explained, and Gray nodded. "Then he started telling me he wanted to get a hotel room and have sex with me, as in actual sex. Anal," I clarified.

"Don't get me wrong; I love sex," I quickly said. Gray chuckled and I shot him a dirty look and he bowed his head to let me continue. "But I hate being pressured and I didn't know him that well and the way he kept asking and hounding me. Like, he didn't care for my reasoning as to why I wanted to wait. I want to wait for someone special, someone I love, someone who will be good to me, and," I paused. "Well, Mark wasn't that guy. Deep down I knew that, but I guess I was too chicken to end it with him. I liked his attention and having a pseudo relationship. It kinda blew up in my face, though, but at least it had a happy ending, sorta," I said touching Gray's fingers.

Gray grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "I think it's a very happy ending. I was crushing on your for awhile now."

"Yeah?" I asked, my face lighting up.

"Yeah. Why did you think I asked you for help?" Gray said.

"You were pretending to have trouble?" I questioned.

He shook his head. "I was really having trouble, but I could have gone with a tutor or another student, but I chose you. We have so many classes together and I always thought you were kinda cute."

"Kinda?" I demanded.

"Sickeningly adorable," he corrected. "I liked your smile. It was so big and you always looked so happy. And when Frank hit your car, I kinda liked your personality. I never met anyone like you before. So smart, funny, confident, and you're such good person, with your Mom and little brother. I wanted to get to know you better and it was perfect, since we had so many classes with each other."

"Oh, my plotting boy," I murmured, kissing his lips gently.

He smiled. "Too bad you wasted your time with Mark. You could have been with me," he said, his eyes flashing.

I touched his cheek. "He can't compare to you Gray," I said sincerely, staring into his eyes. "It was just timing. He got to me first and suddenly we were together. But you're different. I always had a thing for you, some attraction or crush, even while I was with Mark. You were so different than I expected. There aren't many people like you Gray. A guy with such character and class. I was happy to be your friend, but now I'm honored you want to be with me."

Gray didn't answer, but I could see the emotion in his eyes. He kissed me again. He shifted and deepened the kiss, his tongue rolling tenderly over mine. I sighed and relaxed into his body. His lips moved to my ear and his breath felt hot.

"Kevin, I'll never pressure you. I promise," he stated, before his lips moved back to mine, kissing me hungrily and with renewed vigor that I didn't even get a chance to reply.

All I could do was moan and clutch Gray tightly, letting his hands caress my body.

Next: Chapter 6

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